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May 15, 2000

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Economic Policy for Our Era:
The Ohio Experience
by Roger W. Ferguson, Jr.

What Makes an Economy
World Class?

A world-class economy, as I understand
the term, is an economy that successfully
competes at the international level. I
doubt whether many places in this nation
have as clear a perspective on the world
economy as northeast Ohio. One-quarter
of the nation’s manufacturing output is
produced within a half-day’s drive from
Cleveland. The region generates more
than 40 percent of the nation’s transportation equipment, 30 percent of its
industrial machinery, and 40 percent of
its metals—industries that make up an
important part of the nation’s re-energized trade sector. Consider that about
one in four dollars’ worth of metalworking machinery, of which this region is a
major producer, was exported. Ohio’s
steel producers—another of the state’s
revitalized industries—have more than
doubled their export volumes since the
mid-1980s. And in the transportation
equipment industry, the foreign-owned
Honda assembly plant in Marysville,
Ohio, which produced roughly half a
million cars in 1999, is the largest automobile assembly plant in North America.
I would like to offer some observations,
from a policymaker’s perspective, on
events that have already transformed
national and regional economies and
continue to reshape business around the
globe. Specifically, I want to reflect on
the changing role of economic policy in
our current environment of rapidly
improving communications and expanding markets. To sustain the progress that
this region and other regions have made
in the past decade and to best ensure our
continued global competitiveness, we
need to fashion economic policy that,
ISSN 0428-1276

above all else, facilitates communication
through efficient and effective markets.

■ Recent Economic
The national economy is enjoying an
impressive period of prosperity. U.S.
income, after adjusting for inflation, has
grown about one-third since 1991—or
about 3½ percent annually. U.S. joblessness has fallen to a level not seen in 30
years, and wealth is being created at a
pace rarely achieved.
Growth in this region has been even
more impressive. On a per capita basis,
northeast Ohioans saw 5 percent more
income growth than the nation during the
five-year period that ended in 1997. Economic strength is also reflected in local
labor market indicators. After many years
of subpar performance, and occasional
periods of outright decline, the net
growth of jobs in the region has kept
pace with the exceptional U.S. average.
Even more telling is the remarkable pattern of the local unemployment rate.
After averaging more than 1 percentage
point above the national average in the
1980s, joblessness in the Cleveland area
fell below the U.S. average in 1990 and
has remained at or below the national
benchmark every year since.
The recent prosperity of the region dramatically reverses the previous 12-year
period of economic decline relative to
the nation. This decline, not so flatteringly referred to by some as the “RustBowl Era,” took its toll on labor and
business alike. After peaking in the early
1970s, the population of the six-county
area surrounding and including Cuyahoga County declined annually for

Northeastern Ohioans can give much
of the credit for their revitalized
economy to the revolution in communications technology, or more precisely, to the globalization of business
that the revolution has allowed. This
revolution has also helped to reshape
the way economic policy is being conducted here and around the world. In
a recent speech in Cleveland, Roger
W. Ferguson, Jr., vice chairman of
the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, discussed Ohio’s economic
recovery and the role of economic
policy in a communications era. This
Economic Commentary is adapted
from his talk at the City Club of
Cleveland’s Ameritech Power of
Ideas 2000 Millenium Conference
series on May 11.

nearly two straight decades. But since
1990, more families have been arriving
than leaving, which can be due only to
this area’s rejuvenated economy.
What accounts for this remarkable reversal in economic fortune? On the national
level, and in this region as well, the dominant force of late appears to be a significant upshift in the rate of productivity
growth. Having increased 1.6 percent
annually from 1990 to 1995, output per
hour in the nonfarm business sector—a
conventional measure of productivity—
has risen at a yearly pace of about 2.6
percent since 1995. Cyclical forces—
such as businesses’ inability to add to
their payrolls as rapidly as they would
have liked in response to the rise in
demand—have probably played some
role in these efficiency gains. But I suspect that longer-term structural changes,
reflecting the boom in capital spending
and the revolution in information technology, have been more important.
Through this increase in productivity, our
national economy has successfully prepared itself to take advantage of the rapid
globalization that marks the current economic expansion.
Private decisions, while they rightly
deserve primacy in any discussion of the
current economic climate, were taken
against the backdrop of important policy
decisions. I believe that this productivity
increase might not have occurred were it
not for the policy adjustments that began
in the late 1970s and continue even to
this day. Furthermore, the opening of
many nations’ economies to our goods
and services reflects, in my judgment,
the fact that the world’s policymakers
have largely abandoned economic policies that were found to be counterproductive. In the end, free trade, deregulation, sound fiscal policy, and sound
monetary policy have all played a role in
strengthening the U.S. economy. These
same factors are emerging as equally
important in other economies.

■ Economic Prosperity, Trade,
and Global Integration
In economics, nothing is more fundamental than trade. Trade allows individuals and nations to devote their scarce
resources to the most advantageous uses
and then exchange their products with
others to satisfy diverse preferences.
This process allows specialization and
gives rise to markets. The lifeblood of
trade is communication, which allows us

to find the most profitable outlets for our
products and suppliers for our needs and
wants. The greater our capacity to communicate, the better our ability to specialize, the broader our markets, and the
more prosperous we become. These are
not new ideas. They have shaped our
understanding of how nations become
wealthy since Adam Smith described
them more than two hundred years ago.

of Development estimates that 851 foreign-owned corporations provided only
slightly less than one in 20 jobs in the
state last year. Almost 75 percent of the
foreign establishments were in the manufacturing sector, where trade opportunities have been greatest. And the single
largest regional concentration of foreignowned businesses was in Cuyahoga
County, with 145 establishments.

Today, we are experiencing a great technological revolution—a communications revolution. The proliferation of
microprocessors and other innovations
in the past several decades has dramatically lowered the costs of getting and
transmitting information. Predictably,
the new communications technology has
brought with it a growth of new markets.
This great market expansion has allowed
the U.S. economy to improve its allocation of resources by shifting them to
their most internationally competitive
uses. It also seems probable that these
new communications technologies have
brought greater openness in global markets by helping us break down the complex, unproductive network of artificial
trade barriers that characterized much of
the previous century.

What has this investment wrought?
Today, output per hour in the region’s
manufacturing sector hardly resembles
the economy of 15 years ago. In industrial machinery manufacturing, for
example, new capital expenditures
almost doubled between 1987 and 1996,
well in excess of the national average. At
the same time, the productivity of Ohio’s
industrial machinery workers jumped—
from more than 10 percent below the
national average to more than 10 percent
above the national average. This story
could be repeated for a number of industries throughout the region.

The role of international trade and finance in renewing Ohio’s prosperity in
the past decade is noteworthy. From
1987 to 1997, Ohio’s exports grew 60
percent faster than exports overall in the
United States—and U.S. export growth
was very strong indeed. By 1997, Ohio
had jumped from being the eleventhhighest export state to being the seventh. And in 1996, the Cleveland area
ranked twenty-third in the nation’s top
70 export communities.
This region’s influence in the world
economy continues to grow as its capital
base expands. Data from the U.S. Bureau
of the Census indicate that, between
1982 and 1996, the amount of new capital added in Ohio industry grew as a
share of all U.S. capital additions. Specifically, while U.S. industry was adding
about 4¼ percent annually to its stock of
industrial capital, Ohio was adding capital to its industry at a 5 percent clip.
In 1998 and 1999, slightly more than
2,100 major new projects were begun in
Ohio, which ranks among the top five
states in attracting and expanding business. Moreover, about 6 percent of these
business expansions were financed by
foreign investors. The Ohio Department


The Cost of Growth

Economic transformation has its cost.
Between 1977 and 1987, U.S. industry
reduced production jobs in manufacturing by 1.4 million workers. More than
200,000—or 15 percent—of those jobs
were in Ohio. More than half of Ohio’s
job losses were concentrated in two industries—primary metals manufacturing
and industrial machinery manufacturing
—each of which lost upwards of 50,000
jobs over the decade.
In fact, the region could not have
achieved this new competitiveness without the dramatic changes of the 1980s. Is
there any economic progress that does
not make obsolete the methods and practices of the earlier, less efficient economy? In his 1950 book, Capitalism,
Socialism, and Democracy, economist
Joseph Schumpeter described capitalism
as a system “that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within,
incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one.” Schumpeter
saw that economies continually bounce
from one growth path to another, all the
time remaking themselves. He coined the
phrase “creative destruction” to describe
this process.

Simply put, economies are under constant competitive pressure to reinvent
themselves. As they move toward higher
levels of productivity, they necessarily
make some production technologies
obsolete. Schumpeter cautioned that
economic policymakers who fail to appreciate the relationship between the
relentless churning of the competitive
environment and wealth creation will
end up focusing their efforts on methods
and skills that are in decline. In so doing,
they establish policies that are aimed at
protecting weak, outdated technologies,
and in the end, they slow the economy’s
march forward.
In retrospect, we can see that some economic policies of the past century inadvertently, or in some cases intentionally,
did just that. They directed or misdirected economic growth either by substituting policymakers’ judgment regarding
the distribution of an economy’s assets
for the combined wisdom of individuals
or by allowing markets to send false signals. In the long run, such policies were
destined to fail.


The Economic Policies
of the Last Century

A very broad reading of economic history reveals that policymakers in many
countries during the last century
attempted to manipulate trade and other
forms of economic activity by artificially
altering the measures of value, that is,
prices. One such policy, known as “beggar thy neighbor,” involved manipulating
the exchange rate in order to boost a
country’s exports. Trade restrictions also
were often used to protect domestic
industries from imports. A final example
from the international sphere is the system of global fixed exchange rates that
emerged following World War II. To
blunt market forces, fixed exchange rates
were usually accompanied by capital
controls that tried to manage the
inflows—and, more importantly, the
outflows—of a nation’s investment
funds. Ultimately, this system of global
fixed exchange rates worked poorly and
could not withstand the market forces
that emerged in the 1970s.
In a similar spirit, some economies used
taxes or other incentives to promote one
industrial activity or discourage another.
The most egregious form of this policy
was in planned economies. But many
democratic economies, as they recovered
from wars and other traumas, national-

ized entire industries. Our society never
found that degree of government intervention appropriate, but we did regulate
some business decisions for certain
industries, such as electric power distributors and airlines, attempting to overcome the “natural monopoly” or “excessive competition” characteristics
perceived to exist in these industries.
Finally, in an effort to regulate their business cycles, some central banks engaged
in policies that artificially altered the path
of domestic prices. If the monetary
authority wanted more growth above
trend, it lowered money-market interest
rates by expanding the stock of money.
Such policies were expected to bolster
demand and accelerate growth. They
were based on the misunderstanding that
accepting higher inflation could produce
lower unemployment in the long run. But
it gradually was recognized that inflation
eroded investor and consumer confidence
and distorted behavior, both because the
average of prices gave a constantly depreciating reading of the values it was
supposed to represent and because relative prices provided an inaccurate reflection of comparative worth. Monetary
policies that intended to create growth by
inflating prices ended up impeding markets and reducing economic prosperity.
We now know that there is no long-run
trade-off between inflation and unemployment. The U.S. experience of the last
several years has also taught us that low,
stable inflation is the underpinning for
sustainable growth and that such growth
fosters the maximum creation of jobs
over time.


Emergence of the
Communications Era

In recent decades, trade restrictions,
“beggar thy neighbor” policies, and the
pursuit of a supposed long-run trade-off
between inflation and unemployment
have all been called into question and
generally rejected. In part because of the
communications revolution and the substantially reduced costs of long-distance
transactions, businesses have sought
more globally integrated production
processes, and investors have required
the development of financial instruments
to satisfy their demand for international
portfolio diversification. Such developments have put enormous pressure on
policymakers to loosen their grip or abandon policies that misallocated resources.
Tariffs have been reduced, and restrictions on the flow of goods have been

eased. Controls on the flow of investment
capital have been eliminated in most
industrialized countries, and they are
rapidly coming down in many developing nations as well. In some cases, these
changes were more or less forced upon
the nations that adopted them. But in
many instances, policies have been liberalized because of the realization that markets allocate resources more effectively
than governments can.
Trade is flourishing, gaining great
momentum in the 10 years since the
Berlin Wall fell. Total trade with foreigners now accounts for about one-quarter
of total U.S. national output—more than
twice the share of the period between
1920 and 1970 and the largest trade
share for the U.S. economy in more than
a century. Not coincidentally, the economy has been expanding at a strong and
steady rate.
In addition, our economy has benefited
from the government’s past efforts to
deregulate industries. The removal of
unnecessary government regulation
started more than 20 years ago, during
the administration of President Ford, and
gathered momentum during the Carter
years. It has altered the business landscape. Deregulation allowed, indeed
forced, businesses to focus clearly on a
marketplace that has become more competitive, with fewer constraints and
increased flexibility.
If economic policy is to play a constructive role in building a new world economy, policymakers must increasingly
focus on policies that eliminate barriers
to communication and allow the market
to work most efficiently and effectively.
They must develop approaches that do
not hinder “creative destruction” but
appropriately cushion its impact on
workers and communities. They can
encourage the information revolution by
fostering policies and approaches conducive to giving investors and consumers the information they require to
make informed decisions. For example,
the Federal Reserve and the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision have
strongly supported initiatives to improve
the quality of national and international
disclosure practices. Credible financial
statements and other disclosures are key
means for communicating a company’s
operating results and its overall health,
as well as for making its operating activities more transparent.

Regarding monetary policy, central
banks around the world are now endeavoring to stabilize their domestic price
levels. In some cases, this focus on price
stability was designed to restore the central bank’s credibility after a period of
unacceptable inflationary pressures.
The Federal Reserve too should facilitate transmission of the information that
the price level is meant to convey. When
a stable purchasing power for money is
maintained, workers and firms see more
clearly the values being attached to their
opportunities and allocate their resources
more effectively. Ours is a monetary
policy that does not attempt to alter the
information transmitted by the marketplace but rather to increase its clarity
and consistency.
The increased openness of Federal Reserve decisions—reflected in more rapid
and transparent dissemination of Federal
Open Market Committee decisions—
also should be appreciated as a way of
facilitating the communication to and
within the marketplace to promote the
most effective policy possible.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
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■ Conclusion
As an economic policymaker, I believe
that “building a world-class economy”
isn’t about trying to manufacture various economic outcomes. Fortunately,
most policymakers now recognize that
their role in the process is to help
develop the infrastructure through
which people communicate. We need to
provide the public with tools that allow
it to judge value accurately and to see
opportunities with the greatest clarity.
Economic policy, including monetary
policy, must be an integral part of the
communications revolution that is
sweeping the world.

Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., is Vice Chairman of
the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System.
The views stated here are those of the
author and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
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