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The Congressional Budget Office
(CBO), on the other hand, has made
budget projections under the assumption of no further government action
to reduce the primary deficit. The CBO
also assumes that interest rates, after
adjusting for taxes, would remain
below the growth rate of GNP. Even
if the primary deficit and the interest
rate on Treasury debt were to stabilize relative to GNP at the average
levels projected by CBO, however,
federal debt would continue to grow
until it was about 133 percent of GNp'8
It would take many years for the debtto-GNP ratio to reach such a level;
40 years from now, debt would "only"
be 90 percent of GNP.
The possible scenarios are virtually
limitless. Generally, the higher the
annual primary deficit, and the higher
assumed interest rates are relative
to the assumed rate of GNP growth,
the higher will be the projected debt-toGNP ratio. In evaluating such projections, however, one should keep two
things in mind.
First, even small differences in the
basic budget assumptions can make
large differences in the results. A
$20 billion difference in the assumed
initial level of the primary deficit,
followed by proportional changes in
future years, would alter the projected
debt-to-GNP ratio by almost 20 percent after 40 years. A $20 billion difference is smaller than differences between current forecasts of 1986 budget
8. This is based on averages of CBO projections
over a six- year horizon for: primary deficit (2 percent of GNP), 90-day Treasury bill rate (8.3 per-

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department
P.O. Box 6387
Cleveland, OR 44101

cuts. Similarly, the small 0.6 percentage point difference between the OMB
and CBO projections of real economic
growth might produce a 13 percentage point difference in their projected
debt-to-GNP ratios.
One should also remember that
reliable projections of the debt-toGNP ratio would have to recognize
the interdependence among the values
assumed for the primary deficit, interest rates, and GNP growth rate. A
lower primary deficit could, as a byproduct, reduce interest rates and
raise the long-term growth rate of the
economy. The debt-to-GNP ratio resulting from a lower primary deficit,
including these by-products, could
be lower than the ratio that would
result if a reduction in the primary
deficit were assumed, but the byproducts ignored.
Nevertheless, it appears that under
some fairly reasonable assumptions
about the behavior of the primary deficit, interest rates, and the growth of
GNP, the federal debt-to-GNP ratio
could climb beyond levels reached at
the end of World War II.
The major uncertainty, therefore, is
whether we can accommodate wartime debt ratios under peacetime
conditions. In contrast to a wartime
economy, a growing peacetime economy might only accommodate high
levels of federal borrowing at the
expense of private investment that is
needed to foster continued growth
and price stability. So far in the cur-

rent recovery, record net inflows of
private foreign capital have helped to
finance growing public as well as
private credit demands in the United
States, but we cannot count on net
inflows of foreign savings indefinitely.
Moreover, net foreign capital inflows
tend to be associated with an appreciating dollar in exchange markets.
This weakens our competitive position
in world markets and slows growth
and employment in trade-related
Persistently high levels of federal
debt relative to GNP portend high real
interest rates, lower private investment, and slower real growth. These
effects could increase the pressure
on the Federal Reserve System to expand the money supply in an effort
to resist higher interest rates and to
stimulate more rapid economic growth.
Expanding the money suppy to reduce the debt-to-GNP ratio through
faster economic growth, lower interest rates, and seigniorage eventually
would rekindle inflation and ultimately could prove unsuccessful.
Cutting the primary deficit remains
the surest method of reducing the
growth of federal debt. The difficult
challenge is to look beyond the relatively small annual increases in the
debt to the large cumulative advance
those increases eventually will produce, and to realize that we must take
the budgetary initiatives necessary
to reverse the process.

cent), and nominal GNP growth (7.7 percent). It
also assumes an average marginal tax rate of
25 percent.

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Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

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Interest payments on the federal debt
have grown faster than the economy
since 1974. If this trend were to continue unchecked, by the year 2013 the
government would need the nation's
entire gross national product (GNP)
just to pay interest on the federal debt.
This alarming possibility is not
likely to happen, because Congress
and the Reagan administration
working to reduce the federal deficit,'
However, the national debt-and
cost of paying interest on it-is still
a threatening problem. The federal
government often has to borrow all of
the money needed to pay the interest
it owes, plus more.·
Even without new programs that
add to the deficit, the national debt
could still grow faster than the economy, and the federal government would
require larger and larger amounts of
funds relative to GNP.
In this Economic Commentary, we
look at what makes the federal debt
grow or decline. We examine the history of the debt since World War II and
the implications of some plausible alternative assumptions for its future.

Debt Dynamics
The growth of the federal debt has
four sources: 1) the size of the federal
budget deficit or surplus, 2) the average level of interest rates on Treasury securities, 3) the average marginal tax rate for interest income, and
4) revenues that the Federal Reserve

Address Correction Requested: Please send
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Bank of Cleveland, Research Department,
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July 1, 1985

John B. Carlson is an economist and E.j. Stevens
is an assistant vice president at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. The authors would like
to thank Owen Humpage and Gary Wyckoff for
their comments.
The views expressed herein are those of the
authors and not necessarily those of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the Governors of
the Federal Reserve System.

The Dynamics of
Federal Debt
by John B. Carlson
and E.]. Stevens

System earns from holding Treasury
securities. We examine each of these
factors in turn.
Chart 1 Primary and Total Deficit
Relative to nominal GNP

Primary deficit/GNP




-10 L.....::-:!'=-:~':-:-~-::-:'=~::-::-+-:--:-:~....I
1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980
SOURCE: Office of Management and Budget.

Discussions about the growth of
the national debt usually focus on the
federal deficit, which is the negative
difference between what the government spends and what it takes in
through taxes and other revenues?
To understand how the federal
debt changes, however, it is useful
to break the budget deficit into two
parts: a) the primary deficit, which is
the difference between non-interest
spending by the government and what
it takes in, and b) interest payments
on the debt (see chart 1).
In any fiscal year, Congress can

1. The issue of explosive deficits is addressed in
John B. Carlson, "The Debt Burden: What You
Don't See;' Economic Commentary, May 1, 1985.
The current Commentary examines unique secular elements of debt dynamics and their implications for the long-term consequence of debt
relative to output.

make significant changes in the primary deficit by either increasing or
decreasing spending and taxes. In
any given year, deficit spending adds
to interest payments in current and
future years by increasing the size of
the federal debt. A surplus, of course,
would have the opposite effect and
would shrink the federal debt.
Interest payments on the national
debt, however, are largely predetermined by the size of the debt in
the current year and by the level of
interest rates in the current and
past years:'
Therefore, a second important factor
in changing federal debt is the average level of interest rates on Treasury securities. An increase in interest
rates can increase the federal deficit by forcing the government to borrow more money to make larger interest payments. A situation in which
the average rate of interest on Treasury debt persistently exceeds the
rate of GNP growth is of particular
To understand why, assume that the
primary deficit were eliminated and
that the maturity structure on the
outstanding debt were constant. In
this case, both interest payments and
the outstanding federal debt would
grow at a rate equal to the average
interest rate on Treasury debt. That
is, each year the government would
refinance maturing notes and bills at
unchanged interest rates and would
take on enough additional debt to
finance interest payments.
2. Year-to-year changes in the federal debt do
not precisely equal the corresponding annual federal budget deficits. The inequality results because Congress borrows to finance net spending
on certain off-budget programs, and because the
Treasury finances a small portion of the deficit
through changes in various assets such as its cash

if, in this case, the interest rate were
to exceed the GNP growth rate, the
federal debt-to-GNP ratio would continue to grow, implying that the government would require an increasing
share of the nation's output simply
to service the federal debt. The debtto-GNP ratio would grow even faster
if the primary deficit were not zero,
especially if the initial level of the
outstanding debt were large.
The relevant interest rate for
debt dynamics is not the stated rate
on bonds, notes, and bills, but the
stated rate adjusted for federal taxes
on interest earnings. These taxes enable the federal government to regain
a portion of the money it pays as interest. Many economists estimate the
average marginal tax rate for interest earnings to be about 25 percent.
A less obvious factor influencing
the growth rate of the federal debt is
seigniorage. This refers to revenue
that the government gets as a result
of the Federal Reserve System's ability
to create money. The process works
like this. The Federal Reserve usually
adds money to the economy by purchasing Treasury securities. When
the System buys a Treasury security,
it pays for it with a check and thereby
injects money into the banking system.
The Federal Reserve System earns
income from holding these Treasury
securities, but does not pay interest
on the money it creates. A small portion of the income is used to pay the
operating expenses of the System, and
the remainder is returned to the Treasury, which uses the funds to finance
the government budgets Seigniorage thus helps reduce debt by lowering the deficit.
Because seigniorage is a by-product
of monetary policy, it links growth of
the federal debt to the monetary policy activities of the Federal Reserve
System. In addition to its effects
on interest rates, a restrictive monetary policy that reduces growth of the
money stock tends to restrict seigniorage, while an expansionary monetary policy that increases growth of
the money stock tends to increase
balances. In this Economic Commentary, we use
the term deficit to refer both to on-budget and
off-budget items; we ignore the small changes
in Treasury assets.
3. One might argue that Congress, through its
power to tax and to apportion funds, is able to
eliminate the primary budget deficit. Economic

History of the Deficit
Since World War II

deficits mostly reflected the effects of
the business cycle-growing
economic slowdowns and diminishing
as the economy improved. The cumulative balanced primary budget contributed significantly to the decline
in the debt-to-GNP ratio between 1946
and 1974.

Until the 1980s, the United States
ran persistently large federal deficits
only in wartime. During World War II,
for example, deficits averaged 25 percent of GNP, resulting in a five-fold
increase in the federal debt. Heavy
wartime government credit demands,
however, did not conflict with private
credit demands because of the unique
economic conditions prevailing during the war.
The government, by rationing, by
imposing price controls, and by directly
controlling production, shifted economic resources from the manufacture of consumer goods to the manufacture of military goods. Civilians
typically worked long hours, but had
few consumer goods on which to spend
their extra income. Private credit
demands for products like houses,
cars, and appliances declined because
these items were simply unavailable
to most people.
Consequently, between 1941 and
1945, savings rates skyrocketed to
about 25 percent, compared with the
postwar average of only 6 percent.
Thus, the federal government had little difficulty in finding individuals
willing to finance the five-fold increase
in the federal debt. Moreover, the Federal Reserve was committed to supporting the market for Treasury securities during the war in order to maintain a level of interest rates as low
as 0.375 percent on Treasury bills.
Immediately after World War II,
the federal government trimmed the
large primary deficits by reducing military expenditures, and the growth rate
of the federal debt slowed. As chart 2
indicates, although the federal debt
grew in absolute terms, the ratio of
debt to GNP began a long decline that
persisted through the Kennedy tax
cuts and the Vietnam military buildup,
until the mid-1970s.
Between 1946 and 1974, the federal
government actually had no primary
deficit on a cumulative basis. Although
the government often incurred annual total budget deficits, primary

Many factors accounted for this
cyclically balanced primary budget,
but the way the budget responded to
inflation was particularly important.
The GNP deflator, a broad measure
of price trends, rose at an annual average rate of 5.5 percent from 1946 to
1974. Until 1972, lawmakers indexed
few federal spending programs against
inflation. Consequently, benefits from
large entitlement programs, like Social Security, did not rise automatically with the price level. Congress
tried to maintain the real value of entitlement programs by making periodic changes in benefit formulas, but
these adjustments occurred with a
considerable lag.
Rising prices automatically increased
federal revenues, which rose even
faster than inflation, as expanding
incomes automatically pushed people
into progressively higher tax brackets. Congress offered periodic income
tax cuts, but only with a lag. Rising

conditions, however, do not always favor sharp
increases in taxes, and a sizable portion of federal expenditures in any given year result from
implicit contracts from previous years, such as
social welfare and cyclical entitlement programs.

4. See Congressional Budget Office, The Economic
and Budget Outlook: Fiscal Years 1986-1990, A
Report to the Senate and House Committees on the
Budget-Part I. Washington, DC: Congressional
Budget Office, February 1985.

Chart 2 Federal Debt Held by the Public
and Debt-to-GNP Ratio
Relative to 1946 levels

a. Both the dollar level ofthe debt and the debt-to-GNP
ratio are expressed on an index with 1946 = 100.
SOURCE: Office of Management and Budget.

prices, therefore, tended to increase
revenues faster than expenditures
over this period and helped produce
the cyclically balanced primary budget.
The decline in the debt-to-GNP ratio
ended in the mid-1970s and was followed by a decade-long increase. Initially, the rise in the debt-to-GNP ratio
reflected sharp increases in the primary deficit resulting from the severe
1973-75 recession. Economic contraction dampened tax revenues and stimulated social program spending. A
one-time tax rebate added to the deficit. Attempts to reduce the deficit in
the 1970s proceeded slowly and were
In the early 1980s, the Reagan administration achieved both large tax
cuts and large increases in military
spending programs, assuming that it
could cut nonmilitary spending and
develop a sufficiently rapid pace of
economic growth to eliminate the budget deficit. Since initiating those fiscal programs, however, the assumptions about real economic growth have
proved unrealistic and Congress has
not accepted all of the nonmilitary
budget cuts.
Interest rates also influenced debt
dynamics over the post-World War II
period. One can think of interest rates
as including a premium that prevents
expected inflation from eroding the
lender's purchasing power. The relative price stability of the 1950s and the
early 1960s resulted in very small inflation premiums. The market apparently did not fully anticipate the subsequent acceleration of inflation or did
not expect it to persist. Consequently,
neither the inflation premium in interest rates nor the cost of servicing the
federal debt rose enough to completely
reflect the subsequent higher rate of
Interest costs of the federal debt,
adjusted for the taxes on interest income, were even lower than market
rates. The annual interest cost, adjusted for taxes, never exceeded the
five-year-average growth rate of GNP,
even though short-term interest rates
occasionally exceeded 20 percent in

5. In 1984, the System earned $18.1 billion and
returned $16.1 billion to the Treasury as "interest
on federal reserve notes." Since its founding in
1913, The Federal Reserve System has returned
87 percent of its earnings to the Treasury. See
7lst Annual Report-1983, Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System, pp. 234-35.

the early 1980s (see chart 3). Although
interest costs of newly issued debt
were high in the early 1980s, the large
proportion of long-term debt issued
prior to 1980 kept the overall average
interest cost of government debt relatively low" Thus, low interest costs
prevented the federal debt from growing faster than the economy.
Chart 3 GNP and Various Measures of
Interest Payments of the Federal Debt

the post-World War II period was constrained by primary surpluses, by low
interest rates, and by relatively high
returns from seigniorage. However,
these conditions have not prevailed
since the mid-1970s and are not likely
to return in the foreseeable future.
At best, we can hope that the federal
debt will stay within the limits that
have proven manageable in the past.
Chart 4 Federal Debt Held by the
Federal Reserve System, 1940-1984



1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980

SOURCE: Office of Management and Budget.


1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980

SOURCE: Office of Management and Budget.

Seigniorage also played a role in limiting the growth of federal debt during much of the post-World-WarII
period. Between the late 1940s and the
mid-1970s, the Federal Reserve System increased its holdings of federal
debt from roughly 8 percent of the total
to nearly 19 percent (see chart 4). By
the early 1970s, seigniorage paid
approximately one-fifth of the interest cost of all publicly held debt.
Because of the rapid expansion of
the primary deficit since the mid-1970s,
in conjunction with the Federal Reserve's disinflationary
monetary policy since 1979, the share of the public
debt held by the Federal Reserve fell
to about 10 percent by 1984. This
reduced the share of the total interest
cost on the public debt paid through
seigniorage by roughly the same
Federal debt growth for much of

6_ In contrast to the situation of the early 1980s,
the interest cost of federal debt recently has
continued to grow despite lower interest rates,
because in the last five years, the Treasury has
refinanced an increasing amount of debt at higher
interest rates.

Looking Ahead
We do not intend to make predictions about the federal debt-there
are too many uncertainties.
We can,
however, present some reasonable
alternatives about economic events
and outline their implications for
debt growth.
The Office of Management and
Budget (OMB), in its Fiscal Year 1986
Budget, provided one set of assumptions on which to base projections?
OMB assumed that government actions would reduce the primary deficit, that real economic growth would
average 4 percent, and that interest
rates would decline further as inflation continues to abate. On the basis of
these assumptions, OMB projected
the elimination of the primary budget
deficit by 1990 and predicted a continuing decline in the ratios of interest
payments and of total debt to GNP.

7. Executive Office of the President, Office of
Management and Budget, Budget of the United
States Government, Fiscal Year 1986.

if, in this case, the interest rate were
to exceed the GNP growth rate, the
federal debt-to-GNP ratio would continue to grow, implying that the government would require an increasing
share of the nation's output simply
to service the federal debt. The debtto-GNP ratio would grow even faster
if the primary deficit were not zero,
especially if the initial level of the
outstanding debt were large.
The relevant interest rate for
debt dynamics is not the stated rate
on bonds, notes, and bills, but the
stated rate adjusted for federal taxes
on interest earnings. These taxes enable the federal government to regain
a portion of the money it pays as interest. Many economists estimate the
average marginal tax rate for interest earnings to be about 25 percent.
A less obvious factor influencing
the growth rate of the federal debt is
seigniorage. This refers to revenue
that the government gets as a result
of the Federal Reserve System's ability
to create money. The process works
like this. The Federal Reserve usually
adds money to the economy by purchasing Treasury securities. When
the System buys a Treasury security,
it pays for it with a check and thereby
injects money into the banking system.
The Federal Reserve System earns
income from holding these Treasury
securities, but does not pay interest
on the money it creates. A small portion of the income is used to pay the
operating expenses of the System, and
the remainder is returned to the Treasury, which uses the funds to finance
the government budgets Seigniorage thus helps reduce debt by lowering the deficit.
Because seigniorage is a by-product
of monetary policy, it links growth of
the federal debt to the monetary policy activities of the Federal Reserve
System. In addition to its effects
on interest rates, a restrictive monetary policy that reduces growth of the
money stock tends to restrict seigniorage, while an expansionary monetary policy that increases growth of
the money stock tends to increase
balances. In this Economic Commentary, we use
the term deficit to refer both to on-budget and
off-budget items; we ignore the small changes
in Treasury assets.
3. One might argue that Congress, through its
power to tax and to apportion funds, is able to
eliminate the primary budget deficit. Economic

History of the Deficit
Since World War II

deficits mostly reflected the effects of
the business cycle-growing
economic slowdowns and diminishing
as the economy improved. The cumulative balanced primary budget contributed significantly to the decline
in the debt-to-GNP ratio between 1946
and 1974.

Until the 1980s, the United States
ran persistently large federal deficits
only in wartime. During World War II,
for example, deficits averaged 25 percent of GNP, resulting in a five-fold
increase in the federal debt. Heavy
wartime government credit demands,
however, did not conflict with private
credit demands because of the unique
economic conditions prevailing during the war.
The government, by rationing, by
imposing price controls, and by directly
controlling production, shifted economic resources from the manufacture of consumer goods to the manufacture of military goods. Civilians
typically worked long hours, but had
few consumer goods on which to spend
their extra income. Private credit
demands for products like houses,
cars, and appliances declined because
these items were simply unavailable
to most people.
Consequently, between 1941 and
1945, savings rates skyrocketed to
about 25 percent, compared with the
postwar average of only 6 percent.
Thus, the federal government had little difficulty in finding individuals
willing to finance the five-fold increase
in the federal debt. Moreover, the Federal Reserve was committed to supporting the market for Treasury securities during the war in order to maintain a level of interest rates as low
as 0.375 percent on Treasury bills.
Immediately after World War II,
the federal government trimmed the
large primary deficits by reducing military expenditures, and the growth rate
of the federal debt slowed. As chart 2
indicates, although the federal debt
grew in absolute terms, the ratio of
debt to GNP began a long decline that
persisted through the Kennedy tax
cuts and the Vietnam military buildup,
until the mid-1970s.
Between 1946 and 1974, the federal
government actually had no primary
deficit on a cumulative basis. Although
the government often incurred annual total budget deficits, primary

Many factors accounted for this
cyclically balanced primary budget,
but the way the budget responded to
inflation was particularly important.
The GNP deflator, a broad measure
of price trends, rose at an annual average rate of 5.5 percent from 1946 to
1974. Until 1972, lawmakers indexed
few federal spending programs against
inflation. Consequently, benefits from
large entitlement programs, like Social Security, did not rise automatically with the price level. Congress
tried to maintain the real value of entitlement programs by making periodic changes in benefit formulas, but
these adjustments occurred with a
considerable lag.
Rising prices automatically increased
federal revenues, which rose even
faster than inflation, as expanding
incomes automatically pushed people
into progressively higher tax brackets. Congress offered periodic income
tax cuts, but only with a lag. Rising

conditions, however, do not always favor sharp
increases in taxes, and a sizable portion of federal expenditures in any given year result from
implicit contracts from previous years, such as
social welfare and cyclical entitlement programs.

4. See Congressional Budget Office, The Economic
and Budget Outlook: Fiscal Years 1986-1990, A
Report to the Senate and House Committees on the
Budget-Part I. Washington, DC: Congressional
Budget Office, February 1985.

Chart 2 Federal Debt Held by the Public
and Debt-to-GNP Ratio
Relative to 1946 levels

a. Both the dollar level ofthe debt and the debt-to-GNP
ratio are expressed on an index with 1946 = 100.
SOURCE: Office of Management and Budget.

prices, therefore, tended to increase
revenues faster than expenditures
over this period and helped produce
the cyclically balanced primary budget.
The decline in the debt-to-GNP ratio
ended in the mid-1970s and was followed by a decade-long increase. Initially, the rise in the debt-to-GNP ratio
reflected sharp increases in the primary deficit resulting from the severe
1973-75 recession. Economic contraction dampened tax revenues and stimulated social program spending. A
one-time tax rebate added to the deficit. Attempts to reduce the deficit in
the 1970s proceeded slowly and were
In the early 1980s, the Reagan administration achieved both large tax
cuts and large increases in military
spending programs, assuming that it
could cut nonmilitary spending and
develop a sufficiently rapid pace of
economic growth to eliminate the budget deficit. Since initiating those fiscal programs, however, the assumptions about real economic growth have
proved unrealistic and Congress has
not accepted all of the nonmilitary
budget cuts.
Interest rates also influenced debt
dynamics over the post-World War II
period. One can think of interest rates
as including a premium that prevents
expected inflation from eroding the
lender's purchasing power. The relative price stability of the 1950s and the
early 1960s resulted in very small inflation premiums. The market apparently did not fully anticipate the subsequent acceleration of inflation or did
not expect it to persist. Consequently,
neither the inflation premium in interest rates nor the cost of servicing the
federal debt rose enough to completely
reflect the subsequent higher rate of
Interest costs of the federal debt,
adjusted for the taxes on interest income, were even lower than market
rates. The annual interest cost, adjusted for taxes, never exceeded the
five-year-average growth rate of GNP,
even though short-term interest rates
occasionally exceeded 20 percent in

5. In 1984, the System earned $18.1 billion and
returned $16.1 billion to the Treasury as "interest
on federal reserve notes." Since its founding in
1913, The Federal Reserve System has returned
87 percent of its earnings to the Treasury. See
7lst Annual Report-1983, Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System, pp. 234-35.

the early 1980s (see chart 3). Although
interest costs of newly issued debt
were high in the early 1980s, the large
proportion of long-term debt issued
prior to 1980 kept the overall average
interest cost of government debt relatively low" Thus, low interest costs
prevented the federal debt from growing faster than the economy.
Chart 3 GNP and Various Measures of
Interest Payments of the Federal Debt

the post-World War II period was constrained by primary surpluses, by low
interest rates, and by relatively high
returns from seigniorage. However,
these conditions have not prevailed
since the mid-1970s and are not likely
to return in the foreseeable future.
At best, we can hope that the federal
debt will stay within the limits that
have proven manageable in the past.
Chart 4 Federal Debt Held by the
Federal Reserve System, 1940-1984



1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980

SOURCE: Office of Management and Budget.


1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980

SOURCE: Office of Management and Budget.

Seigniorage also played a role in limiting the growth of federal debt during much of the post-World-WarII
period. Between the late 1940s and the
mid-1970s, the Federal Reserve System increased its holdings of federal
debt from roughly 8 percent of the total
to nearly 19 percent (see chart 4). By
the early 1970s, seigniorage paid
approximately one-fifth of the interest cost of all publicly held debt.
Because of the rapid expansion of
the primary deficit since the mid-1970s,
in conjunction with the Federal Reserve's disinflationary
monetary policy since 1979, the share of the public
debt held by the Federal Reserve fell
to about 10 percent by 1984. This
reduced the share of the total interest
cost on the public debt paid through
seigniorage by roughly the same
Federal debt growth for much of

6_ In contrast to the situation of the early 1980s,
the interest cost of federal debt recently has
continued to grow despite lower interest rates,
because in the last five years, the Treasury has
refinanced an increasing amount of debt at higher
interest rates.

Looking Ahead
We do not intend to make predictions about the federal debt-there
are too many uncertainties.
We can,
however, present some reasonable
alternatives about economic events
and outline their implications for
debt growth.
The Office of Management and
Budget (OMB), in its Fiscal Year 1986
Budget, provided one set of assumptions on which to base projections?
OMB assumed that government actions would reduce the primary deficit, that real economic growth would
average 4 percent, and that interest
rates would decline further as inflation continues to abate. On the basis of
these assumptions, OMB projected
the elimination of the primary budget
deficit by 1990 and predicted a continuing decline in the ratios of interest
payments and of total debt to GNP.

7. Executive Office of the President, Office of
Management and Budget, Budget of the United
States Government, Fiscal Year 1986.

The Congressional Budget Office
(CBO), on the other hand, has made
budget projections under the assumption of no further government action
to reduce the primary deficit. The CBO
also assumes that interest rates, after
adjusting for taxes, would remain
below the growth rate of GNP. Even
if the primary deficit and the interest
rate on Treasury debt were to stabilize relative to GNP at the average
levels projected by CBO, however,
federal debt would continue to grow
until it was about 133 percent of GNp'8
It would take many years for the debtto-GNP ratio to reach such a level;
40 years from now, debt would "only"
be 90 percent of GNP.
The possible scenarios are virtually
limitless. Generally, the higher the
annual primary deficit, and the higher
assumed interest rates are relative
to the assumed rate of GNP growth,
the higher will be the projected debt-toGNP ratio. In evaluating such projections, however, one should keep two
things in mind.
First, even small differences in the
basic budget assumptions can make
large differences in the results. A
$20 billion difference in the assumed
initial level of the primary deficit,
followed by proportional changes in
future years, would alter the projected
debt-to-GNP ratio by almost 20 percent after 40 years. A $20 billion difference is smaller than differences between current forecasts of 1986 budget
8. This is based on averages of CBO projections
over a six- year horizon for: primary deficit (2 percent of GNP), 90-day Treasury bill rate (8.3 per-

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department
P.O. Box 6387
Cleveland, OR 44101

cuts. Similarly, the small 0.6 percentage point difference between the OMB
and CBO projections of real economic
growth might produce a 13 percentage point difference in their projected
debt-to-GNP ratios.
One should also remember that
reliable projections of the debt-toGNP ratio would have to recognize
the interdependence among the values
assumed for the primary deficit, interest rates, and GNP growth rate. A
lower primary deficit could, as a byproduct, reduce interest rates and
raise the long-term growth rate of the
economy. The debt-to-GNP ratio resulting from a lower primary deficit,
including these by-products, could
be lower than the ratio that would
result if a reduction in the primary
deficit were assumed, but the byproducts ignored.
Nevertheless, it appears that under
some fairly reasonable assumptions
about the behavior of the primary deficit, interest rates, and the growth of
GNP, the federal debt-to-GNP ratio
could climb beyond levels reached at
the end of World War II.
The major uncertainty, therefore, is
whether we can accommodate wartime debt ratios under peacetime
conditions. In contrast to a wartime
economy, a growing peacetime economy might only accommodate high
levels of federal borrowing at the
expense of private investment that is
needed to foster continued growth
and price stability. So far in the cur-

rent recovery, record net inflows of
private foreign capital have helped to
finance growing public as well as
private credit demands in the United
States, but we cannot count on net
inflows of foreign savings indefinitely.
Moreover, net foreign capital inflows
tend to be associated with an appreciating dollar in exchange markets.
This weakens our competitive position
in world markets and slows growth
and employment in trade-related
Persistently high levels of federal
debt relative to GNP portend high real
interest rates, lower private investment, and slower real growth. These
effects could increase the pressure
on the Federal Reserve System to expand the money supply in an effort
to resist higher interest rates and to
stimulate more rapid economic growth.
Expanding the money suppy to reduce the debt-to-GNP ratio through
faster economic growth, lower interest rates, and seigniorage eventually
would rekindle inflation and ultimately could prove unsuccessful.
Cutting the primary deficit remains
the surest method of reducing the
growth of federal debt. The difficult
challenge is to look beyond the relatively small annual increases in the
debt to the large cumulative advance
those increases eventually will produce, and to realize that we must take
the budgetary initiatives necessary
to reverse the process.

cent), and nominal GNP growth (7.7 percent). It
also assumes an average marginal tax rate of
25 percent.

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Interest payments on the federal debt
have grown faster than the economy
since 1974. If this trend were to continue unchecked, by the year 2013 the
government would need the nation's
entire gross national product (GNP)
just to pay interest on the federal debt.
This alarming possibility is not
likely to happen, because Congress
and the Reagan administration
working to reduce the federal deficit,'
However, the national debt-and
cost of paying interest on it-is still
a threatening problem. The federal
government often has to borrow all of
the money needed to pay the interest
it owes, plus more.·
Even without new programs that
add to the deficit, the national debt
could still grow faster than the economy, and the federal government would
require larger and larger amounts of
funds relative to GNP.
In this Economic Commentary, we
look at what makes the federal debt
grow or decline. We examine the history of the debt since World War II and
the implications of some plausible alternative assumptions for its future.

Debt Dynamics
The growth of the federal debt has
four sources: 1) the size of the federal
budget deficit or surplus, 2) the average level of interest rates on Treasury securities, 3) the average marginal tax rate for interest income, and
4) revenues that the Federal Reserve

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July 1, 1985

John B. Carlson is an economist and E.j. Stevens
is an assistant vice president at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. The authors would like
to thank Owen Humpage and Gary Wyckoff for
their comments.
The views expressed herein are those of the
authors and not necessarily those of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the Governors of
the Federal Reserve System.

The Dynamics of
Federal Debt
by John B. Carlson
and E.]. Stevens

System earns from holding Treasury
securities. We examine each of these
factors in turn.
Chart 1 Primary and Total Deficit
Relative to nominal GNP

Primary deficit/GNP




-10 L.....::-:!'=-:~':-:-~-::-:'=~::-::-+-:--:-:~....I
1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980
SOURCE: Office of Management and Budget.

Discussions about the growth of
the national debt usually focus on the
federal deficit, which is the negative
difference between what the government spends and what it takes in
through taxes and other revenues?
To understand how the federal
debt changes, however, it is useful
to break the budget deficit into two
parts: a) the primary deficit, which is
the difference between non-interest
spending by the government and what
it takes in, and b) interest payments
on the debt (see chart 1).
In any fiscal year, Congress can

1. The issue of explosive deficits is addressed in
John B. Carlson, "The Debt Burden: What You
Don't See;' Economic Commentary, May 1, 1985.
The current Commentary examines unique secular elements of debt dynamics and their implications for the long-term consequence of debt
relative to output.

make significant changes in the primary deficit by either increasing or
decreasing spending and taxes. In
any given year, deficit spending adds
to interest payments in current and
future years by increasing the size of
the federal debt. A surplus, of course,
would have the opposite effect and
would shrink the federal debt.
Interest payments on the national
debt, however, are largely predetermined by the size of the debt in
the current year and by the level of
interest rates in the current and
past years:'
Therefore, a second important factor
in changing federal debt is the average level of interest rates on Treasury securities. An increase in interest
rates can increase the federal deficit by forcing the government to borrow more money to make larger interest payments. A situation in which
the average rate of interest on Treasury debt persistently exceeds the
rate of GNP growth is of particular
To understand why, assume that the
primary deficit were eliminated and
that the maturity structure on the
outstanding debt were constant. In
this case, both interest payments and
the outstanding federal debt would
grow at a rate equal to the average
interest rate on Treasury debt. That
is, each year the government would
refinance maturing notes and bills at
unchanged interest rates and would
take on enough additional debt to
finance interest payments.
2. Year-to-year changes in the federal debt do
not precisely equal the corresponding annual federal budget deficits. The inequality results because Congress borrows to finance net spending
on certain off-budget programs, and because the
Treasury finances a small portion of the deficit
through changes in various assets such as its cash