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April 1, 2001

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Why is the Dividend Yield So Low?
by John B. Carlson


ividends play a central role in traditional models of stock valuation. In such
models, stocks have value because they
hold the promise of future cash payouts.
Dividends constitute the primary cash payment to stockholders—the greater the
expected future stream of dividends, the
greater the value of the stockholder’s share.
The dividend yield equals a stock’s total
dividends per share over the most recent
four quarters, divided by the current
price of the stock. The resulting number
is represented as a percentage and thus is
comparable to an interest rate. Figure 1,
showing the dividend yield on equities
since 1871, reveals a striking decline in
this measure over the past decade. The
dividend yield now stands at around 1¼
percent, a near-record low. What
explains this 10-year decline?
To address this question, it is important
to understand that the dividend yield is
only one part of a stock’s return. Another
element of return derives from appreciation in the price of a stock. Price appreciation is typically realized when firms
reinvest earnings and achieve higher
earnings growth that allows higher
future payouts. Stock prices can also rise
when a firm repurchases its shares.
Share repurchases reduce the number of
shares outstanding, increasing each
remaining share’s claim on earnings. If
shares are repurchased in lieu of dividends, the per share value (the price)

■ A Historical Perspective
Viewed over the recorded history of dividend yields, the recent decline appears to
ISSN 0428-1276

be part of a longer-term trend. Since
1945, the dividend yield has averaged
4.1 percent, more than a full percentage
point below its 1871–1945 average. This
downward shift is mirrored by the decline
in the average dividend payout, which is
the ratio of dividends to earnings (see figure 2). The postwar dividend payout was
lower because corporate managers
retained a greater share of earnings and
reinvested them for shareholders.
These retained earnings seem to have
been well invested. Table 1 shows that the
decline in the dividend yield was more
than offset by increased growth in earnings per share (all rates adjusted for inflation). Greater earnings growth permitted
greater dividend growth, and this was
reflected in higher stock appreciation.
Indeed, the postwar increase in the annual
rate of stock appreciation more than offset the decline in average dividend yield.
The sum of dividend yield and annual
stock price appreciation approximates the
historical average of total real equity
returns (about 7 percent).
But the current dividend yield is well
below its postwar average, and if this
recent level becomes a new central tendency, trend earnings growth (per share
basis) would have to rise substantially in
order to produce total returns comparable to historical rates. To the extent that
share repurchases have replaced dividends as a form of payout, one would
want to account for them in assessing
share valuation.

■ Share Repurchases
Traditionally, firms have raised dividends
only when they are confident that they

The dividend yield on stocks has
dropped sharply over the last decade.
Is its drop reflective of irrational exuberance, as some have claimed? This
Commentary assesses alternative
explanations for the diminished
dividend yield.

can sustain them. Investors thus view an
increase in dividends as a sign that earnings prospects have improved permanently. Hence, firms are reluctant to raise
dividends in response to what may be
merely transitory increases in earnings.
Because share repurchases are not viewed
as a permanent policy, they provide
greater flexibility for temporarily high
payouts. Another advantage of repurchases is that, unlike dividends, they are
exempt from personal income taxation.
Although they contribute to capital gains,
which are eventually taxable, capital
gains tax rates are lower than rates on
personal dividends.
For these and other reasons, share repurchases have become a very popular form
of shareholder payout in recent years.
Figure 3 illustrates the level of share
repurchases relative to dividends for the
nonbank component of the S&P 500.
Since 1995, repurchases have exceeded
dividends. Of course, while some firms
are repurchasing shares, others are issuing
them. When assessing the impact on earnings per share, one would want to use net
retirements, calculated as shares repurchased minus new shares issued. Cole,

Table 1: Dividend Yield,
Earnings, Dividend Growth,
and Stock Appreciation


Dividend yield



Earnings per share



Dividend per share



Capital appreciation



SOURCE: Robert J. Shiller,

Helwege, and Laster (1996) find that
while firms issued more shares than they
repurchased in the early 1990s, net repurchases turned positive in 1994.1 Thus,
taken alone, share repurchases provide
little information about net payouts.

■ Employee Stock Options
A large number of the shares issued in
recent years reflect widespread exercise
of employee stock options. These contracts give employees the right to buy a
certain number of stock shares at a specified price (the strike price) over a designated future period. If a firm’s stock
price rises above its strike price during
that period, the contract holder has the
right to purchase the stock from the firm
(exercise the option) at the strike price,
which is essentially at a discount. If a
stock’s price falls below the strike price
and remains there until the option
expires, the option is worthless and will
not be exercised.
Stock options thus give employees a
vested interest in a firm’s value. This
helps to explain their popularity as a
form of employee compensation, particularly for top executives. But they have
also become more widely applied, particularly in the technology sector, as a
means of attracting skilled workers.
When a firm increases the number of its
shares, it reduces the proportion of earnings to which each share is entitled, an
effect known as dilution. Liang and
Sharpe (1999) find that firms often repurchase shares that would offset the dilution
that could arise from option-related
issuance.2 Using a sample of 177 of the
largest firms in the S&P 500 over a fiveyear period, Liang and Sharpe calculate
that retirements resulting from share
repurchases have risen substantially in
recent years. Increased share issuance
related to employee stock options offsets
much of the effect of share repurchases.

Specifically, they find that within their
sample, share repurchases have reduced
shares outstanding at an annual pace of
about 2 percent; because of the sharp rise
in options exercised, however, only about
half the shares were actually retired.
But the story does not end there. Liang and
Sharpe note that employee stock options
involve a transfer of wealth from shareholders to the employees who exercise
options. The value of this wealth transfer
equals the market value of the shares at the
time of issuance minus the proceeds from
selling options. The proceeds equal the
strike price times the number of options
exercised. Because the employee stockoption payout does not accrue to other
shareholders, it is not a source of shareholder value, unlike dividends or straightup repurchases. In fact, as Liang and
Sharpe note, such a payout comes at the
expense of retained earnings.
To see this, consider figure 4, which shows
these alternative payouts as a share of
earnings over the sample period. Net
retirements did amount to a substantial
substitute for dividends, and their payout
was about half as much as dividends; it
produced a “net retirement yield” of about
1 percent of market value. What’s more,
the stock-option payout grew substantially.
This is no surprise, since the commensurately sharp rise in stock prices induced
many employees to exercise their stock
options. Liang and Sharpe stress, however,
that the sum of all payouts accounted for
80 percent of earnings in 1998, leaving
only 20 percent for reinvestment. Thus,
they argue, such high payouts are unsustainable if earnings are to continue growing at postwar rates.
Based on the recent pace of option
grants in their sample, Liang and Sharpe
project sustainable payouts in the long
term, maintaining a total payout ratio of
50 to 60 percent. Their analysis suggests
that once stock-option payouts are taken
into account, payments to shareholders
are limited to around 40 to 50 percent of
earnings (the sum of the bottom two
components in figure 4). 3 This implies
that net retirement payouts must be
lower than they were in past years if dividend yields are to remain near recent
levels. Liang and Sharpe recognize that
employee-option payouts may be associated with lower salaries and hence
higher earnings.4 If the wealth effect
from the exercise of stock options were
completely offset by lower costs, stock
option payouts would be associated with

higher accounting earnings. This would
allow for a greater total payout but still
maintain historical reinvestment rates.
Nevertheless, their analysis suggests that
total shareholder payouts are unlikely to
exceed 2 percent as a share of market
value. Thus, total shareholder payout
(dividend yield plus net retirement yield)
is likely to be at least 2 percentage points
below the postwar average for the dividend yield of 4.1 percent. One reason the
dividend yield is so low going forward is
that current market valuation is so high.
Recall that the dividend yield is the dividend divided by the price per share.

■ Expected Stock Returns
Table 1 shows that the postwar decline in
the dividend yield was offset by a comparable increase in dividend growth and an even
greater increase in the growth rate of earnings. Stock prices appreciated at an even
faster rate than earnings growth. One might
well ask how stock values could appreciate
faster than earnings. Let’s consider two
explanations. The first is that stock prices
reflect irrational exuberance.5 In this view,
the dividend yield will eventually rise as
stock prices decline to rational levels.
A second explanation is that declining
shareholder costs and greater diversification have made shareholder claims more
valuable, reducing the required return on
stocks (that is, the discount rate).6 Carlson
and Pelz (2000) show how such a decline
leads to a one-time capital gain, simulating the change in a simple valuation
framework.7 Fama and French (2001)
make a similar case and conclude that
stock price appreciation—hence stock
returns—were higher than expected in
the postwar period.8 Thus, historical
returns are not a good predictor of
expected returns.
Fama and French argue that either of
two simple models can approximate
expected stock returns reasonably well.
One model uses the sum of the average
dividend (read payout) yield and the
average dividend growth rate. The other
uses the sum of the average dividend
(read payout) yield and the average rate
of earnings growth. If we take current
stock valuations as rational, then we
might expect future shareholder payouts
to average around 2 percent, about half
the postwar average for dividend yields.
On the basis of postwar average growth
for dividends and earnings, these models
suggest real stock returns of between 4.3
percent and 5.6 percent, far below historical averages.



Dividend/earnings, percent

Dividend/price per share, percent




1871–1945 average = 5.3%



1946–2000 average = 51%

1946–2000 average = 4.1%



1871–1945 average = 72%


1871 1881 1891 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001

1871 1881 1891 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001

SOURCE: Robert J. Shiller,

SOURCE: Robert J. Shiller,

Billions of dollars

■ Conclusion


Share repurchases










SOURCE: Liang and Sharpe (note 2).


Retained earnings
Stock option payout
Net retirement payout
Dividend payout






SOURCE: Liang and Sharpe (note 2).


Why is the dividend yield so low?
One possible explanation is that
shareholder repurchases have
become increasingly popular as an
alternative form of shareholder
payout. But some repurchases are
made to avoid dilution related to the
exercise of employee stock options.
In 1998, for example, option-related
issuance amounted to about onehalf the level of share repurchases.
On net, less than 1 percent of shares
were retired in that year. We thus
conclude that the recent increase in
the pace of stock repurchases
explains only a small part of the
recent decline in dividend yield.
The decline may also reflect a continuation of the postwar trend in dividend policy, in which an increasing
share of earnings is retained and
invested productively. In the postwar
period, lower dividend yields have
been more than offset by higher earnings growth and hence higher stockprice appreciation; indeed, total stock
returns increased. The analysis above,
however, suggests that the share of
earnings retained declined substantially in the late 1990s. Thus, it is not
clear that total stock returns can be
sustained at historical rates.
A third reason why the dividend
yield is so low is that stock prices are
so high. The dividend yield is simply

the ratio between the dividend and
the stock price. Thus, the question
becomes, why are stock prices so
high? One answer is that stocks are
overpriced. The other is that they are
considered more valuable now than
they previously were. Lower transactions costs and greater diversification
provide one fundamental explanation
for higher prices relative to dividends.
But the second answer suggests that
future stock returns will be lower than
their historical average.

■ Footnotes
1. Kevin Cole, Jean Helwege, and
David Laster, “Stock Market Valuation
Indicators: Is This Time Different?”
Financial Analyst Journal (May/June
1996), pp. 56–64.
2. J. Nellie Liang and Steven A.
Sharpe, “Share Repurchases and
Employee Stock Options and their
Implications for S&P 500 Share
Retirements and Expected Returns,”
Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System, Finance and
Economics Discussion Paper Series,
no. 99/59 (November 1999).
3. Liang and Sharpe (see note 2)
abstract from tax benefits that corporations would gain if options were
accounted like other compensation.
Such benefits would boost the range
by about 2½ percentage points.

4. Liang and Sharpe (see note 2) also
recognize another possible benefit of
stock options—that they create stronger
incentives for corporate managers to
generate more rapid earnings growth.
Fenn and Liang find that the growth in
option plans has not led to greater longrun payouts (George W. Fenn and J.
Nellie Liang, “Corporate Payout Policy
and Managerial Stock Incentives,”
Journal of Financial Economics,
vol. 60, no. 1 (April 2001), pp. 45–72.
5. For evidence concerning this view, see
John Y. Campbell and Robert J. Shiller,
“Valuation Ratios and the Long-Run
Stock Market Outlook: An Update,”
NBER Working Paper Series, no. 8221,
April 2001.

6. See Jeremy J. Siegel, “The Shrinking
Equity Premium,” Journal of Portfolio
Management, vol. 26, no. 1 (Fall 1999),
pp. 10–17; and Eugene F. Fama and
Kenneth R. French, “Disappearing
Dividends: Changing Firm Characteristics
or Lower Propensity to Pay?” Journal of
Financial Economics, vol. 60, no. 1
(April 2001), pp. 3–43.
7. John B. Carlson and Eduard A. Pelz,
“Investor Expectations and Fundamentals:
Disappointment Ahead?” Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland, Economic Commentary (May 1, 2000).
8. See Fama and French (2001), note 5.

John B. Carlson is an economic advisor at
the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
He thanks J. Nellie Liang for her helpful
The views expressed here are those of the
author and not necessarily those of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, or its staff.
This Commentary was printed on
July 17.
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