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September 15, 1997

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

The Dark Side of Liquidity
by Joseph G. Haubrich and João Cabral dos Santos


ord Byron once wrote that “ready
money is Aladdin’s lamp.” And who can
deny that liquidity—having enough
ready cash to pay your debts when they
come due—is a good thing? But even at
a simple level, people recognize the sacrifices that must be made for liquidity
and will often trade, for example, an
extremely liquid nest egg for a quite
illiquid house, and consider that they
have gotten the better of the deal.

In a broader context, the advantages of
liquidity—the ability to quickly and
easily sell or trade an asset, be it house,
car, stock, or bond—are readily apparent; however, a less obvious downside
exists as well.1 This Economic Commentary may be thought of as a tour of
the dark side of liquidity, an area populated by watered stock, acid tests, ugly
princesses, and other denizens of the
economic landscape.

ISSN 0428-1276

U.S. Treasury securities, for instance,
are more liquid than an office building in
Manhattan, which in turn is more liquid
than a bond issued by a newly created
firm. In the case of Treasury securities,
their value is easily determined, there is
an organized market where they can be
traded, and many traders stand ready to
acquire them. These features are not
common to the other two assets. In the
case of the bond issued by the fledgling
firm, its value may be extremely difficult
to determine, and because the company
is unknown, a market where the bond
can be transacted may not exist. Hence,
it is a very illiquid asset.

■ What Is Liquidity?

In one sense, liquidity measures the
trade-off between speed and value. You
can get full price for a U.S. T-bill within
a day. You can also find a buyer for the
Manhattan office building in a day, but
chances are you would get a better price
by waiting. For illiquid assets, the search
for a buyer (or seller) takes longer.

The liquidity of an asset means the ease
with which it can be traded. An easily
traded asset, in turn, is one with other
traders willing to participate in the market. Liquidity is thus a property of the
market in which an asset is traded. The
“Arrow–Debreu” world, a standard
benchmark for theoretical economists,
assumes a market for each commodity
and no trading frictions, so that all assets
are fully liquid. That is not the world in
which most people live.

Differences in liquidity are often quantifiable.2 For example, consider the difference between Treasury bills and
Treasury notes. Both are obligations of
the U.S. government and so face no risk
of default. Both are traded in an active
market that has dealers (firms buying and
selling for their own account) and brokers (firms helping to match buyers and
sellers). Notes, however—those obligations with maturities between two and 10

The liquidity of a firm’s assets—that
is, the ease with which they can be
traded or sold—is generally thought
to enhance the company’s value.
Clearly, having enough ready cash to
meet the payroll or pay the interest
on outstanding loans is a good thing.
But liquidity also has a dark side. A
company with too much of its worth
tied up in liquid assets instead of productive equipment, for example, not
only pays the price of lost opportunities, but also has a harder time
attracting investors, who must be
convinced that the firm’s managers
will not “take the money and run.”

years—are less liquid, because many
were acquired by longer-term investors
who have since locked them away in
portfolios, making them unavailable for
trade. The brokerage fee for notes runs
about $78 per $1 million sold, but for
bills, that fee drops to between $12 and
$25. This market segmentation has a particularly striking result. Treasury notes
usually pay a semiannual coupon, but
when they have less than six months to
go, with no more coupon payments, they
look just like six-month T-bills. Except
for the liquidity difference, that is. Notes
nearing maturity pay a noticeably higher
return than do bills of the same maturity,
in the range of one-quarter to threequarters of a percent. In late 1987, notes
were yielding 6.5 percent, while otherwise identical bills were paying only 6.1
percent. It’s hard to imagine a clearer
example of the importance of liquidity.

■ Why Is Liquidity
Important for Firms?
Liquidity is generally perceived as beneficial to firms. All else equal, the more
liquid a firm’s assets, the higher the
value of that firm tends to be. Liquidity
contributes to the value of a firm in
many ways. On one level, it helps if the
firm has enough liquid assets to meet its
payroll, pay its taxes, or pay the interest
due on any bank loans. Traditionally,
analysts have looked at two financial
ratios to assess a firm’s liquidity.3 The
current ratio divides current assets by
current liabilities, where “current”
means something expected to be converted into cash within a year— assets
such as accounts receivable or liabilities
such as accounts payable. The quick
ratio, or acid test, subtracts inventories
from current assets before dividing.
This is because inventories may be liquid, but reducing them too far can hurt
production. The box above shows how
each of these ratios is calculated.

Current assets: $800,000
Current liabilities: $300,000
Inventory: $350,000
Current ratio =

Current assets
= 2.67
Current liabilities

Quick ratio or acid test =

Current assets – inventory
= 1.5
Current liabilities

On another level, the more liquid a
firm’s assets, the easier it is to determine
their worth and use them as collateral.
It’s also simpler for the firm’s creditors
to transact such assets in case seizure becomes necessary. As a result, it is generally believed that firms with liquid assets
are easier to evaluate and can raise funding more readily and under better terms.

■ The Dark Side
But liquidity also has its limits. Except
for, say, mutual funds, corporations need
to invest in illiquid assets that will produce a profit, be they drill presses, bulldozers, mainframe computers, or factories. A successful firm uses these assets
to make money. The result is that nineteenth century bugaboo, watered stock.
A stock is said to be watered if its market value (the amount it sells for) exceeds its book value (the value of the
original investment). According to one
economic historian, nineteenth century
terminology simply meant that if a stock
was watered, “it was expected that the
company would be able to earn more by
using those assets than would a typical
manager elsewhere in the economy.” 4
In this sense, if a stock is not watered,
the firm is not justified in issuing it.

Watered stock provides another perspective on liquidity. Separately selling off
the assets of a successful firm generally
lowers their value. The going concern
value, or goodwill, or economic value
added, or, yes, water, adds some illiquidity to the assets, because they lose value
when separated from the company. If
much of an asset’s value lies in its association with a particular firm, determining this value may be difficult. This is
the flip side of the liquidity coin: By
gaining value, an asset can become illiquid. Modern terminology refers to this as
the “fire sale” effect, in which the Manhattan office building must be underpriced if it is to be sold quickly, whereas
negotiable securities without a going
concern value will take less of a hit.
This is the stage where we encounter the
dark side of liquidity, a phenomenon
related to the problem of corporate control. Once a firm has pocketed investors’
funds, it may not want to follow through
on its original plans. Changing policies in
this way may increase management’s
wealth at the expense of investors. A
posh, architecturally significant corporate
headquarters hung with old masters
might richly satisfy management, yet
provide a poor return to investors. Likewise, the two groups may disagree about
the size of the CEO’s bonus.

A firm can also change its investment
policy. When a business funds itself via
debt contracts—loans, for example—it
has an incentive to increase the risk of
its assets. If the firm performs poorly,
the owners get nothing because all
available money goes to pay off the
loan. If the firm does well, the owners
receive the profits after paying off the
loan. Owners prefer a risky chance at
higher profits, while lenders prefer a
safer choice that guarantees they will
get their money back.
Because they are aware of the firm’s
incentives, creditors try to take them into
account before entering into a contract.
One way they do this is by introducing
covenants into the contract, that is,
restrictions on the actions and policies
that firms can adopt during the period
the agreement is in force. For example,
covenants often restrict dividend payments or mandate maintenance schedules for equipment. However, because it
is difficult and expensive to document
and verify every possible action the firm
can take, managers will always have
room to choose actions aimed at expropriating value from creditors.
This is where the liquidity of a firm’s
assets becomes important. The more liquid these assets are, the easier it will be
for managers to change the pool of
assets. Exaggerating to make the point,
consider which firm’s managers would
have an easier time expropriating the
company’s assets and running off to
Tahiti—one whose assets consisted of
T-bills, or one whose only asset was a
marble quarry? Now take the analysis
back one step: Who would have an easier time raising money from suspicious
lenders—a company whose asset was a
quarry, or one that proposed keeping the
money as cash? It’s easy to see how too
much liquidity can make it difficult for a
firm to raise funding. Liquidity keeps a
company’s options open, but some of
those options are not very palatable from
the standpoint of lenders.

Economists sometimes refer to this
problem as “the fairy tale of the ugly
princess.”5 A king, wishing to make
peace with his neighbor, will send one
of his daughters to the other kingdom,
where she will be forfeit if her father
breaks the peace. If the king cares for
both of his daughters equally, he will do
best to send the ugly daughter, lest the
neighbor create a pretext for keeping the
lovely one. The king is the investor; the
neighbor the firm; and peace, like profits, is best preserved by avoiding temptation—using the illiquid asset, or ransoming the ugly princess.
In sum, liquidity has both a positive and
a negative impact on a firm’s fundraising
abilities. On the positive side, it allows
managers to raise money under better
conditions, since creditors can more easily evaluate the company and trade its
assets should seizure become the only
recourse. On the negative side, liquidity
makes it harder to raise investment dollars because the company has more trouble committing to avoid practices aimed
at expropriating value from creditors.
Understanding the dark side of liquidity
provides a fresh perspective on some
important economic questions. For
example, it helps explain why banks
evolved as a combination of very liquid
deposits and very illiquid loans. By
making illiquid loans, banks ensure that
they won’t expropriate depositors’
money. Note the balance between the
light and the dark sides of the liquidity
force: A totally illiquid bank would
have trouble cashing customers’ checks.
This balance also reinforces questions
raised by increased financial liquidity.
At one time, a bank would hold onto the
loans it made. Now, it’s not unusual for
bankers to sell their mortgages into a
collateralized mortgage obligation
(CMO) pool, sell their commercial
loans to a foreign bank, and securitize
their auto loans.6 Where once the bank
loan stood as the very model of illiquidity, with its complicated covenants and
detailed clauses, it now stands as a monument to increased liquidity.

Behind banks’ increasing liquidity is a
powerful trend: the ever-growing ability
to transmit, store, and collate information. The same forces that make it easy
for people to transact at a distance via an
ATM have simplified the process of
tracking the title, payment, and covenant
violations of distant borrowers. The
increased liquidity caused by this simplification portends large, but uncertain,
changes for banks, as old relationships
break down. Some of these changes will
take the form of new financial instruments, such as banks’ providing loan
guarantees rather than loans. Others will
involve increased competition from nonbank institutions, including money market mutual funds and finance companies.
These liquidity-driven changes in the
functions and market position of banks
will be counteracted somewhat by the
increased value of reputations—a phenomenon spurred by the same information revolution that liquefied loans.
Actions—and rumors—are now instantaneously transmitted around the country
and even around the globe. A bank’s
reputation can thus serve as a check on
expropriating behavior, since depositors
will now stake their investment on evidence of virtuous lending behavior
rather than on the constraints provided
by an illiquid loan portfolio.

■ Conclusion
In the natural world, the right amount of
liquidity is a soothing rain; too much is a
flood. In the financial world, the right
amount of liquidity enables a firm to pay
its workers and retire its debt; too much
renders it unable to borrow. The dark
side of liquidity arises not merely from
lost opportunities—money tied up in
T-bills rather than in productive machinery—but from lenders’ fear of expropriation. Lenders are less inclined to lend to
a liquid borrower who can, figuratively
at least, take the money and run.

■ Footnotes
1. A more technical and complete description of many of these ideas can be found in
Stewart C. Myers and Raghuram G. Rajan,
“The Paradox of Liquidity,” National Bureau
of Economic Research, Working Paper No.
5143, June 1995.
2. The numbers that follow are taken from
Yakov Amihud and Haim Mendelson, “Liquidity, Maturity, and the Yields on U.S. Treasury Securities,” Journal of Finance, vol. 46,
no. 4 (September 1991), pp. 1411–425.
3. For a more detailed look at financial ratios,
see J. Fred Weston and Thomas E. Copeland,
Financial Management, 8th ed., Philadelphia:
Dryden Press, 1986.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
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4. See Gerald Gunderson, A New Economic
History of America, New York: McGraw–
Hill, 1976, p. 330.
5. Though perhaps not politically correct, this
is the example given in Oliver E. Williamson,
The Economic Institutions of Capitalism,
New York: The Free Press, 1985, p. 177.
6. For details on these possibilities, see
Joseph G. Haubrich, “Derivative Mechanics:
The CMO,” Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Economic Commentary, September 1,
1995; and Joseph G. Haubrich and James B.
Thomson, “The Evolving Loan Sales Market,” Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland,
Economic Commentary, July 15, 1993.

Joseph G. Haubrich is a consultant and
economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland, and João Cabral dos Santos is
an economist at the Bank for International
Settlements, Basle.
The views stated herein are those of the
authors and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
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