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The Impact of CRR: Evidence
and Analysis
The hypothesis that CRR should have
had no impact on monetary control and
federal funds rate volatility under
borrowed reserve targeting is, in fact,
supported by evidence drawn from the
1984 implementation experience.!" In
terms of absolute average percent
change, there was no significant difference in the weekly variability of
either the M1 growth rate or the federal
funds rate between pre-CRR and
post-CRR sample periods.
On the other hand, there was a significant reduction in funds rate variability
observed following the 1982 shift in
operating procedures, confirming that
the switch to a borrowed reserve
operating procedure had an important
impact on reserve market dynamics.
It has been suggested that the failure
of CRR to dampen money and interest
rate variability might be attributed
either to the change in operating procedures or to the failure of CRR to alter

10. The findings cited in this section are presented
in Daniel Thornton, "An Early Look at the Volatility
of Money and Interest Rates Under CRR:' Review.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (October 1984),

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Departmen t
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Cleveland, OH 44101

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the reserve management practices of
banks. 11But these two explanations
are actually the same. In managing their
reserves, banks do not react to the
volume of reserves available, nor can
they even be fully aware of that availability except through some market
signal, the most important of which is
provided by the federal funds rate.
To the extent that the federal funds
rate is stabilized by the Federal Reserve's
operating procedures, the banking
system will not be induced to make
timely reserve adjustments in response
to deviations of money from target.
The advantage of a non borrowed reserve
control operating procedure under
CRR is that it can allow automatic
offsetting movements in interest rates
in response to short-run deviations of
monetary growth from target, thus
providing banks with the necessary
signal to make timely adjustments.
However, under the current borrowed
reserves operating procedure, the
Federal Reserve manipulates the supply
of nonborrowed reserves to accommodate
unexpected demand changes so that
the level of borrowing is maintained.
Consequently, automatic funds rate
movements in response to money shocks

do not materialize, and the reaction
of the federal funds rate to monetary
deviations is largely dependent on
discretionary adjustment of the borrowing target by the FOMe.

Conclusion: The Outlook
CRR is important not because it has
improved the Federal Reserve's shortterm monetary control, but because it
makes possible a wider range of operating
procedure choices in the future that
may improve that control. Whether
the potential of CRR is ever fully realized
depends upon whether the Federal
Reserve returns to a reserve-oriented
operating procedure.
A return to non borrowed reserve
operating procedures would include
a role for CRR in speeding up the automatic funds rate response to monetary
shocks as compared with the experience
of 1979-82. Moreover, CRR would be
an important element of a total reserve
operating procedure. As long as policy
is conducted as it is now, however, the
advantages of CRR will be unrealized.

11. See "Lagged and Contemporaneous
Accounting: An Alternative
View"; and "An Early
Look at the Volatility .. "

Permit No. 385

u.s. Postage


Reserve Bank of Cleveland

May 15, 1985
ISSN 0428-1276

All depository institutions are required
by law to hold reserves in proportion
to certain deposit liabilities, to be kept
either as cash in their vaults, or on
deposit with Federal Reserve Banks.
Because these required reserves comprise the bulk of all reserves held by
the banking system, the demand for
reserves in the federal funds market
is closely linked to the volume of deposits.
The reserve needs of an individual
bank rise or fall daily, reflecting deposit
and loan activity, and as the institution
manages its reserve position by buying
or selling reserves in the federal funds
market. The Federal Reserve System
has effective control of the total supply
of reserves through its open-market
operations and can manipulate reserve
market conditions to affect bank deposits
and portfolio adjustment decisions.
Therefore, reserve requirements play
an important role in the money supply
process. They influence the reserve
demand that interacts with the Federal
Reserve's open market supply operations
to affect the course of deposit expansion
and money stock growth.
In February 1984, the Federal Reserve
implemented a regulatory change
affecting the timing of reserve requirements. Since 1968, the average level
of reserves to be held during a one-week
'maintenance period' had been based
on a bank's average level of deposits
during a one-week 'computation period'
two weeks earlier.

Michael R. Pakko is a research assistant with the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
The views expressed herein are those of the author
and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland or of the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System.

CRR and Monetary
by Michael R. Pakko

Opponents of LRR suggested that a
return to a CRR arrangement, similar
to that which existed before 1968,
would improve the efficiency of the
Federal Reserve's procedures by
tightening the link between reserve
supply growth and money stock growth,
facilitating tighter monetary control.
But these expectations have not been

This arrangement, known as lagged
reserve requirements (LRR), was
replaced in February 1984 by a form
of contemporaneous reserve requirements
(CRR), in which both the computation
and maintenance periods were lengthened
to two weeks, and the lag between
them was reduced to two days (see
figure 1).1
Figure 1

The Timing of Lagged and Contemporaneous



Reserve Accounting



Reserve Requirements

since February








Computation period









Criticism of the LRR system surfaced
soon after it was implemented in 1968,
but became more intense after the
Federal Reserve adopted a reserveoriented monetary control strategy in
October 1979. The early criticism of
LRR focused on the observed increase
in federal funds market variability after
1968. But after the 1979 change in
operating procedures, the focus of
criticism involved the problems that
LRR creates under a reserve control
operating procedure.

realized since the implementation of
CRR because of changes made in the
Federal Reserve's operating procedures
in late 1982.
This Economic Commentary reviews
the history of the LRR-CRR controversy
and discusses the relative importance
of reserve timing under various operating
procedures. The purpose of this discussion is to explain why the expectations
of CRR proponents have not yet been
realized and to suggest how the Federal
Reserve might make better use of the
advantages offered by the new CRR
arrangement. 2

1. For a complete and concise description of the
details of the new CRR arrangement,
see Alton R.
Gilbert and Michael E. Trebing, "The New System
of Contemporaneous
Reserve Requirements:'
Review, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
(December 1982), pp. 3-7.

2. An important premise of this Economic Commentary
is that improved short-term monetary control is, in
fact, desirable. There is some disagreement
economists about the importance of short-term
control, but it is beyond the scope of this essay to
discuss the issues involved in this broader topic.

Early Criticism of LRR: Reserve
Market Instability
When the Federal Reserve adopted
LRR in 1968, the intent was to provide
banks with better information about
their required reserves. This, in turn,
was expected to reduce end-of-week
reserve adjustment pressures and related
federal funds rate variability.' However,
subsequent studies found that end-ofweek adjustment pressures increased
after the implementation of LRR.4
In analyzing this effect, economists
generally agreed that the increase in
intra-weekly instability resulted from
the untethering of required reserves
from deposit flows. Under CRR, a change
in a bank's deposit liabilities resulted
in automatic and equal changes in its
actual reserve assets, and a partial
offsetting change in its required reserves.
But under LRR, the change in deposits
and actual reserves did not give rise
to an offsetting change in req uired
reserves until two weeks later. Thus,
the reserve adjustment necessary in
.the current week became larger, and
reserve adjustment became necessary
two weeks later.
This need for greater reserve adjustment, combined with the tendency of
banks to delay adjustments until near
the end of the reserve accounting period,
caused greater fluctuations in demand
than under CRR. These fluctuations
required either more end-of-week federal
funds rate variability or more active
manipulation of reserve supplies by
the Federal Reserve to smooth interest
rate movements toward the end of a
week. In fact, after the implementation
of LRR in 1968, increases in end-of-week
variability were found to exist both for
the federal funds rate and for the volume
of Federal Reserve defensive openmarket operations."

3. The "week" referred to here is the reserve
maintenance week ending on Wednesday. See Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 55th
Annual Report, 1968 (1969).

But despite the increased intra-weekly
reserve market instability, LRR caused
no serious problems for the implementation of monetary policy at the time.
Throughout most of the 1970s, the
Federal Reserve System used an
operating procedure that involved
selecting a narrow range for the federal
funds rate that was expected to be
consistent with targeted money stock
growth. The System then supplied and
absorbed reserves to keep the rate
within that band. Under this procedure
the Federal Reserve accommodated
short-term fluctuations in reserve
demand, so it did not matter if those
fluctuations originated from deposit
growth changes in the current week or
from two weeks earlier.

The October 1979 Operating
Procedures: New Considerations
By the end of the 1970s, it was widely
recognized that the federal funds rate
operating procedure was not well-suited
to short-term monetary control. Nontransitory deviations of money from
target were difficult to identify, and
once they were recognized, it was difficult
to decide on an appropriate funds rate
movement in response.
In October 1979, the Federal Reserve
announced that it was replacing the
funds rate operating procedure with a
non borrowed reserve control strategy.
The intermediate target of monetary
policy - the growth rate of monetary
aggregates - was unchanged; the new
procedure was intended to make monetary targeting more precise by providing
a mechanism in which the federal funds
rate would adjust automatically to
reflect, and eventually to counteract,
unexpected changes in money growth.

4. See, for example, Albert Burger, "Lagged Reserve
Requirements: Their Effects on Federal Reserve
Operations, Money Market Stability, Member Banks,
and the Money Supply Process" (unpublished
paper of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis,
1971); and Warren L. Coats.Ir., "The September
1968 Changes in 'Regulation D' and Their Implications
for Money Supply Control;' Ph.D. Dissertation,
University of Chicago (June 1972).

The new procedures called for
supplying reserves to maintain a growth
path for nonborrowed reserves, allowing
above-path demand for reserves to be
met only through discount-window
borrowing. Because banks are generally
reluctant to borrow from the Federal
Reserve, increases in reserve demand
are linked with federal funds rate
increases as banks bid more vigorously
in the funds market rather than borrow.
Thus, the non borrowed operating
procedures provided a mechanism by
which money growth excesses were
automatically met by federal funds
rate movements in the appropriate
Although the new procedures provided
a degree of automaticity in the Federal
Reserve's reaction to monetary growth
deviations, the existence of LRR
delayed the funds rate response, causing
deviations of money from target to be
accommodated until reserve demand
caught Up.6 To the extent that the
deviation was non transitory, the delay
allowed it to accumulate over time so
that the federal funds rate response
necessary to bring the quantity of money
demanded back on target was greater
than it might be with a quicker response.
Therefore, it was argued that the
variability of money supply growth,
and possibly the volatility of interest
rates as well, would be lower with CRR
than with LRR under a non borrowed
reserve operating procedure.'
Other critics of LRR suggested that
a total reserve operating procedure
might be more effective for monetary
control than the nonborrowed reserve
technique, and that the adoption of
CRR was a necessary prerequisite to
the implementation of such an approach,"
Proponents of a total reserve (or total
monetary base) operating procedure
argued that the non borrowed reserve
procedure suffered from two important

5. See, for example, "Lagged Reserve Requirements:
Their Effects .. "; Warren L. Coats, Ir., "Lagged
Reserve Accounting and the Money Supply
Mechanism;' Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
(May 1976), pp. 167-80; and Edgar L. Feige and
Robert McGee, "Money Supply Control and Lagged
Reserve Accounting;' Journal of Money, Credit
and Banking (November 1977), pp. 536-51.

flaws. First, because increases in
reserve demand were accommodated
through discount-window borrowing,
the banking system was able to extend
above-path deposit expansion and meet
reserve requirements through borrowing.
In addition, the relationship between
changes in discount-window borrowing
and federal funds rate movements is
far from exact. Thus, total reserve
advocates have argued that the role of
borrowed reserves under the nonborrowed reserve operating procedure
introduced an element of instability
and unpredictability to the Federal
Reserve's policy responses. By eliminating the discount window as a temporary
source of reserve supplies, they contended, the banking system would be
forced to make short-term portfolio
adjustments that would tend to affect
deposit growth and to bring required
reserve demand in line with reserve
But a total reserve operating procedure
could not be implemented under LRR
without causing excessively volatile
conditions in reserve and money markets.
Under LRR, the immediate response
of required reserves to deposit changes
is absent, because required reserves
are predetermined in any given week.
If the discount window were eliminated
and banks needing reserves sought to
bid them away from banks with excess
reserves, any change in excess demand
or excess supply in the reserve market
would generate wide swings in the federal
funds rate. The more contemporaneous
reserve requirements are, the more
smoothly federal funds rate adjustments
are likely to be under a total reserve
operating procedure.

The Adoption of CRR and the 1982
Operating Procedures

to implement a form of CRR, noting
the monetary control advantages that
it offered:
It is expected that contemporaneous reserve
requirements will improve the implementation of monetary policy to a degree by
strengthening the linkage between reserves
held by depository institutions and the
money supply. (Federal Reserve Press
Release, October 5, 1982, p. 1)

While noting that the relationship
between money and reserves would
still be subject to a degree of uncertainty,
the Board's statement was an encouraging
indication that reserve-oriented operating procedures were to be improved
by the change.
But in the same month that the Board
announced the details of the switch
to CRR, the Federal Open Market
Committee (FOMC) announced that it
would no longer place as much emphasis
on the behavior of the narrow monetary
aggregate M1 as it had in the past.
Financial deregulation had resulted in
the proliferation of new types of deposit
accounts, and as the public began to
take advantage of these accounts, the
monetary aggregates (M1 in particular)
became subject to large deviations
from their typical growth patterns.
Reducing emphasis on M1 implied
that the potential impact of CRR was of
less value. The CRR plan adopted by
the Board was particularly suited to
improve control over M1 rather than
over the broader aggregates, because
only reserves on demand deposits and
other checkable deposits were moved
to a contemporaneous basis. Other
reserve requirements were left to be
met on a lagged basis.
More importantly, the impact of CRR
was mitigated by a change in operating
procedures in late 1982. Shortly after
weight given to M1 was reduced, it

became apparent that all of the aggregates would behave uncharacteristically
for a time, so that monetary policy
would have to be conducted in a more
judgmental manner than it had since
1979. Therefore, the FOMC revised
the 1979 operating procedures to allow
a "flexible" non borrowed reserve path.
This strategy essentially amounted
to setting an objective for borrowed
reserves in order to achieve a "degree
of reserve restraint" rather than aiming
toward specific behavior of non borrowed
or total reserves."
By maintaining a target for borrowed
reserves, the FOMC is following a
policy that tends to smooth interest rate
movements. Because of administrative
regulation of discount-window borrowing, and many banks' general
reluctance to borrow from the Federal
Reserve, there is a connection between
the volume of borrowing and the spread
between the federal funds and discount
rates. A larger spread between those
rates is required to induce the banks
to borrow at the discount window rather
than pay the higher price in the federal
funds market.
While this relationship is not exact,
the Federal Reserve's maintenance
of a borrowing target does tend to confine federal funds rate movements, so
that the borrowed reserve operating
procedure is somewhat reminiscent of
the pre-1979 federal funds rate regime.
Because this procedure provides no
automatic mechanism to respond to
unexpected monetary deviations, the
timing of reserve demand responses
to monetary growth variations is no
longer a practical consideration; money
demand fluctuations are being accommodated with total reserves adjusting
to demand in the short-run.

In October 1982, the Federal Reserve
System's Board of Governors voted

6. Because of the way the Federal Reserve averaged
its non borrowed reserve paths over the period
between FOMC meetings, the delay was reduced
from two weeks to one. See Fred]. Levin and Paul
Meek, "Implementing the New Operating Procedures:
The View from the Trading Desk;' New Monetary
Control Procedures: Volume I, Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System, February 1981.

7. See Daniel L. Thornton, "Simple Analytics of
the Money Supply Process and Monetary Control;'
Review, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
(October 1982), pp. 22·39.
8. See Marvin Goodfriend, "The Promises and Pitfalls
of Contemporaneous Reserve Requirements for
the Implementation of Monetary Control;' Economic
Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
(May/June 1984), pp. 3·12.

9. A description of the borrowed reserve operating
procedures, as well as an analysis of their significance,
is contained in Henry C. Wallich,"Recent Techniques
in Monetary Policy" (remarks to the Midwest Finance
Association, April 5, 1984).

Early Criticism of LRR: Reserve
Market Instability
When the Federal Reserve adopted
LRR in 1968, the intent was to provide
banks with better information about
their required reserves. This, in turn,
was expected to reduce end-of-week
reserve adjustment pressures and related
federal funds rate variability.' However,
subsequent studies found that end-ofweek adjustment pressures increased
after the implementation of LRR.4
In analyzing this effect, economists
generally agreed that the increase in
intra-weekly instability resulted from
the untethering of required reserves
from deposit flows. Under CRR, a change
in a bank's deposit liabilities resulted
in automatic and equal changes in its
actual reserve assets, and a partial
offsetting change in its required reserves.
But under LRR, the change in deposits
and actual reserves did not give rise
to an offsetting change in req uired
reserves until two weeks later. Thus,
the reserve adjustment necessary in
.the current week became larger, and
reserve adjustment became necessary
two weeks later.
This need for greater reserve adjustment, combined with the tendency of
banks to delay adjustments until near
the end of the reserve accounting period,
caused greater fluctuations in demand
than under CRR. These fluctuations
required either more end-of-week federal
funds rate variability or more active
manipulation of reserve supplies by
the Federal Reserve to smooth interest
rate movements toward the end of a
week. In fact, after the implementation
of LRR in 1968, increases in end-of-week
variability were found to exist both for
the federal funds rate and for the volume
of Federal Reserve defensive openmarket operations."

3. The "week" referred to here is the reserve
maintenance week ending on Wednesday. See Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 55th
Annual Report, 1968 (1969).

But despite the increased intra-weekly
reserve market instability, LRR caused
no serious problems for the implementation of monetary policy at the time.
Throughout most of the 1970s, the
Federal Reserve System used an
operating procedure that involved
selecting a narrow range for the federal
funds rate that was expected to be
consistent with targeted money stock
growth. The System then supplied and
absorbed reserves to keep the rate
within that band. Under this procedure
the Federal Reserve accommodated
short-term fluctuations in reserve
demand, so it did not matter if those
fluctuations originated from deposit
growth changes in the current week or
from two weeks earlier.

The October 1979 Operating
Procedures: New Considerations
By the end of the 1970s, it was widely
recognized that the federal funds rate
operating procedure was not well-suited
to short-term monetary control. Nontransitory deviations of money from
target were difficult to identify, and
once they were recognized, it was difficult
to decide on an appropriate funds rate
movement in response.
In October 1979, the Federal Reserve
announced that it was replacing the
funds rate operating procedure with a
non borrowed reserve control strategy.
The intermediate target of monetary
policy - the growth rate of monetary
aggregates - was unchanged; the new
procedure was intended to make monetary targeting more precise by providing
a mechanism in which the federal funds
rate would adjust automatically to
reflect, and eventually to counteract,
unexpected changes in money growth.

4. See, for example, Albert Burger, "Lagged Reserve
Requirements: Their Effects on Federal Reserve
Operations, Money Market Stability, Member Banks,
and the Money Supply Process" (unpublished
paper of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis,
1971); and Warren L. Coats.Ir., "The September
1968 Changes in 'Regulation D' and Their Implications
for Money Supply Control;' Ph.D. Dissertation,
University of Chicago (June 1972).

The new procedures called for
supplying reserves to maintain a growth
path for nonborrowed reserves, allowing
above-path demand for reserves to be
met only through discount-window
borrowing. Because banks are generally
reluctant to borrow from the Federal
Reserve, increases in reserve demand
are linked with federal funds rate
increases as banks bid more vigorously
in the funds market rather than borrow.
Thus, the non borrowed operating
procedures provided a mechanism by
which money growth excesses were
automatically met by federal funds
rate movements in the appropriate
Although the new procedures provided
a degree of automaticity in the Federal
Reserve's reaction to monetary growth
deviations, the existence of LRR
delayed the funds rate response, causing
deviations of money from target to be
accommodated until reserve demand
caught Up.6 To the extent that the
deviation was non transitory, the delay
allowed it to accumulate over time so
that the federal funds rate response
necessary to bring the quantity of money
demanded back on target was greater
than it might be with a quicker response.
Therefore, it was argued that the
variability of money supply growth,
and possibly the volatility of interest
rates as well, would be lower with CRR
than with LRR under a non borrowed
reserve operating procedure.'
Other critics of LRR suggested that
a total reserve operating procedure
might be more effective for monetary
control than the nonborrowed reserve
technique, and that the adoption of
CRR was a necessary prerequisite to
the implementation of such an approach,"
Proponents of a total reserve (or total
monetary base) operating procedure
argued that the non borrowed reserve
procedure suffered from two important

5. See, for example, "Lagged Reserve Requirements:
Their Effects .. "; Warren L. Coats, Ir., "Lagged
Reserve Accounting and the Money Supply
Mechanism;' Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
(May 1976), pp. 167-80; and Edgar L. Feige and
Robert McGee, "Money Supply Control and Lagged
Reserve Accounting;' Journal of Money, Credit
and Banking (November 1977), pp. 536-51.

flaws. First, because increases in
reserve demand were accommodated
through discount-window borrowing,
the banking system was able to extend
above-path deposit expansion and meet
reserve requirements through borrowing.
In addition, the relationship between
changes in discount-window borrowing
and federal funds rate movements is
far from exact. Thus, total reserve
advocates have argued that the role of
borrowed reserves under the nonborrowed reserve operating procedure
introduced an element of instability
and unpredictability to the Federal
Reserve's policy responses. By eliminating the discount window as a temporary
source of reserve supplies, they contended, the banking system would be
forced to make short-term portfolio
adjustments that would tend to affect
deposit growth and to bring required
reserve demand in line with reserve
But a total reserve operating procedure
could not be implemented under LRR
without causing excessively volatile
conditions in reserve and money markets.
Under LRR, the immediate response
of required reserves to deposit changes
is absent, because required reserves
are predetermined in any given week.
If the discount window were eliminated
and banks needing reserves sought to
bid them away from banks with excess
reserves, any change in excess demand
or excess supply in the reserve market
would generate wide swings in the federal
funds rate. The more contemporaneous
reserve requirements are, the more
smoothly federal funds rate adjustments
are likely to be under a total reserve
operating procedure.

The Adoption of CRR and the 1982
Operating Procedures

to implement a form of CRR, noting
the monetary control advantages that
it offered:
It is expected that contemporaneous reserve
requirements will improve the implementation of monetary policy to a degree by
strengthening the linkage between reserves
held by depository institutions and the
money supply. (Federal Reserve Press
Release, October 5, 1982, p. 1)

While noting that the relationship
between money and reserves would
still be subject to a degree of uncertainty,
the Board's statement was an encouraging
indication that reserve-oriented operating procedures were to be improved
by the change.
But in the same month that the Board
announced the details of the switch
to CRR, the Federal Open Market
Committee (FOMC) announced that it
would no longer place as much emphasis
on the behavior of the narrow monetary
aggregate M1 as it had in the past.
Financial deregulation had resulted in
the proliferation of new types of deposit
accounts, and as the public began to
take advantage of these accounts, the
monetary aggregates (M1 in particular)
became subject to large deviations
from their typical growth patterns.
Reducing emphasis on M1 implied
that the potential impact of CRR was of
less value. The CRR plan adopted by
the Board was particularly suited to
improve control over M1 rather than
over the broader aggregates, because
only reserves on demand deposits and
other checkable deposits were moved
to a contemporaneous basis. Other
reserve requirements were left to be
met on a lagged basis.
More importantly, the impact of CRR
was mitigated by a change in operating
procedures in late 1982. Shortly after
weight given to M1 was reduced, it

became apparent that all of the aggregates would behave uncharacteristically
for a time, so that monetary policy
would have to be conducted in a more
judgmental manner than it had since
1979. Therefore, the FOMC revised
the 1979 operating procedures to allow
a "flexible" non borrowed reserve path.
This strategy essentially amounted
to setting an objective for borrowed
reserves in order to achieve a "degree
of reserve restraint" rather than aiming
toward specific behavior of non borrowed
or total reserves."
By maintaining a target for borrowed
reserves, the FOMC is following a
policy that tends to smooth interest rate
movements. Because of administrative
regulation of discount-window borrowing, and many banks' general
reluctance to borrow from the Federal
Reserve, there is a connection between
the volume of borrowing and the spread
between the federal funds and discount
rates. A larger spread between those
rates is required to induce the banks
to borrow at the discount window rather
than pay the higher price in the federal
funds market.
While this relationship is not exact,
the Federal Reserve's maintenance
of a borrowing target does tend to confine federal funds rate movements, so
that the borrowed reserve operating
procedure is somewhat reminiscent of
the pre-1979 federal funds rate regime.
Because this procedure provides no
automatic mechanism to respond to
unexpected monetary deviations, the
timing of reserve demand responses
to monetary growth variations is no
longer a practical consideration; money
demand fluctuations are being accommodated with total reserves adjusting
to demand in the short-run.

In October 1982, the Federal Reserve
System's Board of Governors voted

6. Because of the way the Federal Reserve averaged
its non borrowed reserve paths over the period
between FOMC meetings, the delay was reduced
from two weeks to one. See Fred]. Levin and Paul
Meek, "Implementing the New Operating Procedures:
The View from the Trading Desk;' New Monetary
Control Procedures: Volume I, Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System, February 1981.

7. See Daniel L. Thornton, "Simple Analytics of
the Money Supply Process and Monetary Control;'
Review, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
(October 1982), pp. 22·39.
8. See Marvin Goodfriend, "The Promises and Pitfalls
of Contemporaneous Reserve Requirements for
the Implementation of Monetary Control;' Economic
Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
(May/June 1984), pp. 3·12.

9. A description of the borrowed reserve operating
procedures, as well as an analysis of their significance,
is contained in Henry C. Wallich,"Recent Techniques
in Monetary Policy" (remarks to the Midwest Finance
Association, April 5, 1984).

The Impact of CRR: Evidence
and Analysis
The hypothesis that CRR should have
had no impact on monetary control and
federal funds rate volatility under
borrowed reserve targeting is, in fact,
supported by evidence drawn from the
1984 implementation experience.!" In
terms of absolute average percent
change, there was no significant difference in the weekly variability of
either the M1 growth rate or the federal
funds rate between pre-CRR and
post-CRR sample periods.
On the other hand, there was a significant reduction in funds rate variability
observed following the 1982 shift in
operating procedures, confirming that
the switch to a borrowed reserve
operating procedure had an important
impact on reserve market dynamics.
It has been suggested that the failure
of CRR to dampen money and interest
rate variability might be attributed
either to the change in operating procedures or to the failure of CRR to alter

10. The findings cited in this section are presented
in Daniel Thornton, "An Early Look at the Volatility
of Money and Interest Rates Under CRR:' Review.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (October 1984),

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Departmen t
P.O. Box 6387
Cleveland, OH 44101

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the reserve management practices of
banks. 11But these two explanations
are actually the same. In managing their
reserves, banks do not react to the
volume of reserves available, nor can
they even be fully aware of that availability except through some market
signal, the most important of which is
provided by the federal funds rate.
To the extent that the federal funds
rate is stabilized by the Federal Reserve's
operating procedures, the banking
system will not be induced to make
timely reserve adjustments in response
to deviations of money from target.
The advantage of a non borrowed reserve
control operating procedure under
CRR is that it can allow automatic
offsetting movements in interest rates
in response to short-run deviations of
monetary growth from target, thus
providing banks with the necessary
signal to make timely adjustments.
However, under the current borrowed
reserves operating procedure, the
Federal Reserve manipulates the supply
of nonborrowed reserves to accommodate
unexpected demand changes so that
the level of borrowing is maintained.
Consequently, automatic funds rate
movements in response to money shocks

do not materialize, and the reaction
of the federal funds rate to monetary
deviations is largely dependent on
discretionary adjustment of the borrowing target by the FOMe.

Conclusion: The Outlook
CRR is important not because it has
improved the Federal Reserve's shortterm monetary control, but because it
makes possible a wider range of operating
procedure choices in the future that
may improve that control. Whether
the potential of CRR is ever fully realized
depends upon whether the Federal
Reserve returns to a reserve-oriented
operating procedure.
A return to non borrowed reserve
operating procedures would include
a role for CRR in speeding up the automatic funds rate response to monetary
shocks as compared with the experience
of 1979-82. Moreover, CRR would be
an important element of a total reserve
operating procedure. As long as policy
is conducted as it is now, however, the
advantages of CRR will be unrealized.

11. See "Lagged and Contemporaneous
Accounting: An Alternative
View"; and "An Early
Look at the Volatility .. "

Permit No. 385

u.s. Postage


Reserve Bank of Cleveland

May 15, 1985
ISSN 0428-1276

All depository institutions are required
by law to hold reserves in proportion
to certain deposit liabilities, to be kept
either as cash in their vaults, or on
deposit with Federal Reserve Banks.
Because these required reserves comprise the bulk of all reserves held by
the banking system, the demand for
reserves in the federal funds market
is closely linked to the volume of deposits.
The reserve needs of an individual
bank rise or fall daily, reflecting deposit
and loan activity, and as the institution
manages its reserve position by buying
or selling reserves in the federal funds
market. The Federal Reserve System
has effective control of the total supply
of reserves through its open-market
operations and can manipulate reserve
market conditions to affect bank deposits
and portfolio adjustment decisions.
Therefore, reserve requirements play
an important role in the money supply
process. They influence the reserve
demand that interacts with the Federal
Reserve's open market supply operations
to affect the course of deposit expansion
and money stock growth.
In February 1984, the Federal Reserve
implemented a regulatory change
affecting the timing of reserve requirements. Since 1968, the average level
of reserves to be held during a one-week
'maintenance period' had been based
on a bank's average level of deposits
during a one-week 'computation period'
two weeks earlier.

Michael R. Pakko is a research assistant with the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
The views expressed herein are those of the author
and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland or of the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System.

CRR and Monetary
by Michael R. Pakko

Opponents of LRR suggested that a
return to a CRR arrangement, similar
to that which existed before 1968,
would improve the efficiency of the
Federal Reserve's procedures by
tightening the link between reserve
supply growth and money stock growth,
facilitating tighter monetary control.
But these expectations have not been

This arrangement, known as lagged
reserve requirements (LRR), was
replaced in February 1984 by a form
of contemporaneous reserve requirements
(CRR), in which both the computation
and maintenance periods were lengthened
to two weeks, and the lag between
them was reduced to two days (see
figure 1).1
Figure 1

The Timing of Lagged and Contemporaneous



Reserve Accounting



Reserve Requirements

since February








Computation period









Criticism of the LRR system surfaced
soon after it was implemented in 1968,
but became more intense after the
Federal Reserve adopted a reserveoriented monetary control strategy in
October 1979. The early criticism of
LRR focused on the observed increase
in federal funds market variability after
1968. But after the 1979 change in
operating procedures, the focus of
criticism involved the problems that
LRR creates under a reserve control
operating procedure.

realized since the implementation of
CRR because of changes made in the
Federal Reserve's operating procedures
in late 1982.
This Economic Commentary reviews
the history of the LRR-CRR controversy
and discusses the relative importance
of reserve timing under various operating
procedures. The purpose of this discussion is to explain why the expectations
of CRR proponents have not yet been
realized and to suggest how the Federal
Reserve might make better use of the
advantages offered by the new CRR
arrangement. 2

1. For a complete and concise description of the
details of the new CRR arrangement,
see Alton R.
Gilbert and Michael E. Trebing, "The New System
of Contemporaneous
Reserve Requirements:'
Review, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
(December 1982), pp. 3-7.

2. An important premise of this Economic Commentary
is that improved short-term monetary control is, in
fact, desirable. There is some disagreement
economists about the importance of short-term
control, but it is beyond the scope of this essay to
discuss the issues involved in this broader topic.