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Second Opinions
To the best of our knowledge, ours
is the only analysis that has considered the VER impacts over the
first full three years of the program.
Moreover, it is difficult to compare
our results with those in other
studies because of differences in
methodologies. Studies by Feenstra
(1982) and Gomez-Ibanez, Leone,
and O'Connell (1983) provide some
useful comparisons to our results?
Feenstra observed that, after
adjusting for inflation and quality
upgrading, the average import price
of new Japanese cars rose 3.1 percent in 1981. Assuming a price elasticity of 2 for new Japanese cars,
Feenstra estimated that 1981 sales
of Japanese cars fell 220,000 units,
resulting in gains in US. autoworker employment of 5,600.
Feenstra calculated that the consumers' surplus loss was $322 million in 1981. He also examines the
effects of VERs under the assumption of a 0.9 elasticity for Japanese automobile services. In this
case, sales of Japanese cars would
have fallen 123,000 units, but total
revenues spent on Japanese cars
would have risen. Consequently,
US. new-car sales would have
declined 5,300 units, and US.

autoworker employment would
have fallen by 600 workers. The
total loss in consumers' surplus in
this case equaled $314 million.
Gomez-Ibanez, Leone, and
O'Connell constructed an annual
model of the US. automobile market to measure the effects of the
VERs that did not include a qualityadjustment allowance or an inventory influence. Instead, they divided
the US. market into basic small
cars (Japanese and all others), luxury small cars (Japanese and all
others), and traditional cars. The
researchers simulated their model,
which was not specific to a particular year, under alternative assumptions about the overall strength of
the US. new-car market and different price/quantity reactions to
the VER program from domestic
car producers. In the case that
most resembled actual 1981 and
1982 market conditions, the VER
program raised Japanese new-car
prices 2.6 percent and reduced Japanese new-car sales in the United
States 6.7 percent per year. US.
car production rose 0.5 percent,
and US. autoworker employment
increased 6,500 workers. GomezIbanez, Leone, and O'Connell estimated that the loss to consumers in
all segments of the market associated with their model simulation
was $566 million per year.

International trade theory demonstrates that artificial barriers
against imports raise prices of
traded goods, transfer income from
consumers to producers, and create
production and consumption inefficiencies. This article has illustrated these effects for the case of
the Japanese voluntary restraints
on new cars exported to the United
States. The results suggest that in
its initial year the VER program
had little effect on the US. market
for Japanese cars and did not appreciably create new auto-industry
employment in the United States.
At the time, inventories of new
Japanese cars were overstocked
because of weakening new-car
demand and high inventory-carrying costs. With economic recovery
under way in the United States
in 1983, inventory shortages at the
dealers' level became extreme. In
such an environment, the VERs
had a substantial impact on the US.
new-car market. According to our
partial equilibrium estimates,
the VER program thus far cost
approximately $2.7 billion in lost
consumers' surplus. The program's
subsequent impact on US. autoworker employment, however temporary, probably was very small.
It thus would seem that the VER
program is an expensive way to treat
the auto industry's malaise.

7. See Robert C. Feenstra, "Voluntary Export
Restraints in U.S. Autos, 1980-1981: Quality,
Employment and Welfare Effects:' International

Economics Research Center Paper no. 17, 1982,
and Jose A. Gomez-Ibanez, Robert A. Leone, and
Stephen A. O'Connell, "Restraining Auto

Imports: Does Anyone Win?" Journal of Policy
Analysis and Management, vol. 2, no. 2 (Winter 1983), pp. 196-219.

relative intensity of labor in the production process of these industries.


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Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

The Costs of a
Protectionist Cure
by Michael E Bryan
and Owen E Humpage
In recent years, many ailing US.
industries have blamed their ill
health on foreign competition and
have sought a cure in limiting the
flow of imports. While proponents
of protectionist legislation argue
that trade restrictions are necessary to protect US. jobs, economic
theory indicates that protectionism
may secure jobs at a substantial
cost to consumers and economic
efficiency. In capitalism, unlike in
medicine, isolating the patient can
cause the disease to spread. The
Japanese Voluntary Export Restraint
(VER) program, which restricts exports of Japanese cars to the United
States, provides a useful example
of such a costly cure.
The Auto Industry's Malaise
Until the mid-1970s, sales of intermediate and full-sized cars dominated the US. auto market. Confronted with rapidly rising gasoline prices and economic recession,
American consumers dramatically
altered their automobile preferences in favor of more economical,
fuel-efficient models. By 1980, subcompacts represented the largest


This article summarizes the results found in
Michael F Bryan and Owen F Humpage, "Voluntary Export Restraints: The Cost of Building
Walls," Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank
of Cleveland, forthcoming.
The authors are economists with the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland. Diane Mogren provided research assistance for this article.

ISSN 0428-1276
July 30, 1984

share of the US. new-car marketBoth the Carter and the Reagan
42 percent, compared with 31 peradministrations, while favoring neicent in 1975 and 12 percent in 1965. ther legislated quotas nor tariffs,
Foreign producers, especially the
encouraged the Japanese to limit volJapanese, had an apparent advanuntarily their new-car exports to
tage in the production of small, fuel- the United States. In May 1981, the
efficient cars and gained a subJapanese government finally agreed
stantial share of the US. new-car
to "voluntary" limits on their car
market during the 1970s.1 The Japshipments to the United States.
anese share of the new-car market
Japan's initial agreement to limit
rose from 6 percent in 1972 to 12 per- car exports extended from April 1981
cent in 1978. As the decade closed,
through March 1984; in Novemdomestic new-car sales contracted,
ber 1983, the Japanese government
falling 29 percent between 1978 and extended the agreement through
1980. Sales of new Japanese cars,
March 1985. During its first three
however, continued to expand,
years, the agreement limited Japaincreasing sharply to 21 percent
nese car exports to the United
of the market by 1980.
States to 1.68 million units, conAs declining domestic car sales
trasting with sales of 1.91 million
idled US. labor and capacity, the
units in 1980 and 1.75 million units
United Auto Workers (UAW) and
in 1979.2 Under the current fourthsome of the large domestic car proyear extension of the program,
ducers aggressively sought protecthe limitations on Japanese newtion from their foreign competicar exports have increased to
tors, especially the Japanese auto1.85 million units.
makers. In June 1980, the UAW
petitioned the International Trade
VER Side Effects
Commission (ITC), alleging that
By limiting the flow of new Japaimports were a substantial cause of nese cars into the United States,
serious injury to the domestic indus- the VER program creates an artifitry and seeking both higher tariffs
cial scarcity that drives up newand quantity restrictions against
car prices. As the prices of new
car imports. Ford Motor ComJapanese cars rise, some potential
pany filed a similar petition in
buyers will purchase new domestic
August 1980. The lTC, however,
cars, other imported cars, or used
rejected the petitions. Failing to
cars, thus placing upward presenlist the lTC's support, lobbyists
sure on the prices of these vehicles.
aimed their efforts more directly
Because of the VERs, consumers
toward the Japanese government.
now purchase fewer cars in total
The views stated herein are those of the authors
and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland or of the Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System.


1. For a review of the issues concerning Japanese
production advantages, see Susan A. Loos, "The
Japanese Cost Advantage in Automobile Production:' Economic Commentary, Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland, July 2, 1984.
2. In subsequent years of the program, the VER
limitations were to rise by 16.5 percent of the
growth experienced in U.S. new-car sales during
the previous year. The recession in the United

and pay more for them. Economists can measure this loss and
refer to it as a reduction in
The reduction in consumers'
surplus consists of two important
components. The first component
is a transfer of real income away
from US. car buyers to domestic
and foreign producers of new cars.
After the imposition of VERs, each
Japanese car and any closely substituting model were sold at higher
prices} The income transferred
from US. consumers to US. car
manufacturers does not represent
a net loss to the US. economy, as
some individuals gain at the expense
of others. The income transferred
to foreign producers, however, does
represent a loss to the United
States, especially in the short run.
Although most of the income transferred from US. consumers to Japanese producers eventually returns
to the United States as foreigners
buy US. exports or invest in US.
assets, such transactions could take
many years to complete. Moreover,
even in the long run, the United
States could incur a loss if the prices
of U.S. imports rose relative to the
prices of US. exports because of
the VERso
In addition to these income transfers, the reduction in consumers'
surplus associated with trade
restraints reflects production inefficiencies and foregone consumption opportunities. Part of the
VER-induced reduction in Japanese car sales is replaced by additional domestic car sales. Hence,
the VERs result in more cars being
produced by less efficient manufacturers-real
resources are wasted.
Part of the VER-induced reduction in Japanese car sales will not
be replaced. Overall, fewer cars
(domestic plus Japanese) will be sold
as prices rise. The VERs deny consumers the privilege of buying
these additional units at their preStates, however, continued to hamper domestic
sales. U.S. new-car sales actually declined from
8.9 million units in the year preceding the VERs
to nearly 8.1 million units in each of the first
two years of the program. Because the U.S.
market failed to grow over the period, Japanese
car limitations remained at 1.68 million units
throughout the first three years of the program.

VER lower prices. This foregone
consumption opportunity is a net
efficiency loss to consumers. Both
the production inefficiency and
foregone consumption opportunities resulting from the VER program represent a loss to the world
economy that initially is borne
by US. consumers.
Before explaining our attempts
to measure the effects of the VER
program, we should point out the
tendency of VERs to alter the quality of imported goods:' Import restraints based on quantities, such
as quotas, specific tariffs, and
VERs, tend to encourage an improvement in the quality of the restricted good. The effect has been
observed in the markets for imported textiles, footwear, dairy
products, steel, and Japanese cars.
To understand this phenomenon,
consider an imported car as consisting of a bundle of appealing
characteristics such as transportation, comfort, and aesthetic qualities. In limiting imports, the VERs
restrict the amount of transportation that Japanese producers can
sell in the United States, but not
the amounts of other qualities (comfort and aesthetic appeal) that
their cars can provide. Foreign producers will tend to upgrade the
unrestricted aspects of the product in an attempt to maintain
their profits. When measuring
the effects of the VER program,
one should exclude price increases
attributable solely to quality
improvements, as these do not
reduce consumers' economic
Cost of the Treatment
We constructed an econometric
model of the US. market for new
Japanese cars to measure the price
and quantity impacts of the VER
program. In building the model, we
wanted to incorporate the role of
new-car dealers and inventories in
The quota figures cited do not include certain
car-like vehicles (that is, some four-wheel-drive
vehicles) that, when included, raise the lirnitations to 1.76 million units per year in the 1981-83
period and 1.95 million units currently.

the market-clearing process. VERs
restrict imports, but sales can be
accommodated from inventories
over the near term. The existence
of inventories dampens the effects
of import restraints; as inventories
become tight relative to dealers'
desired inventory positions, dealers
raise pnces.
While it is appropriate to measure
the effects of VERs using transactions (or retail) price data, such
data are not readily available. Consequently, we estimated transactions prices using wholesale prices
and a dealer's price markup that
fluctuates in response to inventory
positions. We also adjusted prices
for upgrading new-car options.
The model was estimated using
quarterly data from 1976 through
1983. In many ways, our results
were similar to previous studies of
the new-car market.' We found that
real permanent income is the primary determinant of Japanese newcar sales and that sales of new Japanese cars rise with car operating
costs (gasoline, insurance, and
repairs). We also found a price elasticity for new Japanese cars of 1.3,
which is to say that a 1 percent
increase in new Japanese car
prices tends to decrease unit Japanese new-car sales by 1.3 percent.
This elasticity estimate is a crucial
link between the quota and its ability to transfer sales to the US.
new-car market.
We next simulated the model
under a set of assumptions that we
believe to be consistent with no
VERso From the price and quantity
measures, we approximated the
income transfers and losses associated with the VERso In reviewing
the model simulation results, two
caveats need be emphasized. First,
our empirical analysis, like most
empirical analyses, produced tentative approximations resulting from
the small size of our sample and
the unavoidable difficulties associ-

ated with estimating structural
models. Second, we made assumptions that would produce the
largest possible price and quantity impacts for new Japanese cars.
However, our measures of income
transfers and efficiency losses
did not include those associated
with VER-induced price increases
for other cars sold in the United
States; consequently, they understated the total consumer cost
of the program.
According to the results of
the model simulations (shown in
table 1), during the first year of the
VERs, there was virtually no net
price pressure in the Japanese newcar market. The options-adjusted
transactions price of new Japanese
cars increased $11 per unit because
of the VERs, primarily reflecting a
rise in wholesale prices. Dealers did
not increase their markups, as they
experienced an overstocked inventory position prior to the VER program that lasted halfway through
the program's first year. The effect
of VERs was to lower sales by only
4,000 units during the first year, a
negligible amount for a market
in which sales averaged approximately 1.8 million units in the previous two years. As dealers experienced more sizable inventory
shortages during the second year
of the VERs, average transactions
prices increased $273; most of this
increase reflected dealers' markups,
as the wholesale price of new Japanese cars rose $51. Unit sales fell
78,000 during the VERs' second
year. With the U.S. economic recovery under way in 1983, the VERs'
impact on prices intensified. Transactions prices rose $1,114. Again,
most of the options-adjusted price
increases reflected dealers' markups
($956), compared with an optionsadjusted wholesale price increase
of $158. As a result, unit sales
fell 299,000 units between 1983:IIQ
and 1984:IQ.

3. Although Japanese producers earn more revenue on the units they sell, they lose revenue
from the units they no longer export to the United
States. The net effect on revenue depends on
how sensitive U.S. consumers are to price
increases on Japanese cars.

5. See, for example, Michael F. Bryan, "Issues
in the 1983 Auto-Sales Outlook;' Economic Commentary, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland,
March 7, 1983.


4. We use the term quality rather loosely, referring to changes in the physical characteristics of
the automobile.


The total three-year loss in consumers' surplus resulting from
the VER-induced increase in Japanese new-car prices was approximately $2.7 billion. Most of the loss
occurred in 1983, when the program was most binding on the US.
market. Of this total amount,
$2.6 billion represents a transfer
of purchasing power to producers
and dealers of Japanese cars from
consumers who continued to buy
Japanese cars at artificially high
prices. Approximately 80 percent of
this income transfer accrued to
US. dealers of Japanese cars and
does not represent a net loss to the
US. economy. Japanese producers
received the remaining $400 million. Of the total reduction in consumers' surplus, we attribute a
$l77-million loss to increased inefficiencies in production and foregone consumption opportunities.
Using the estimates obtained
from the Japanese auto supply and
demand model, we can speculate
about the effects of the VER program on the amount of US. cars
produced and the amount of US.
automobile employment "protected:' We determined that the
VER program increased US. car
production by 399 units in 1981,
3,444 units in 1982, and 16,768
units in 1983 (see table 1). Having
estimated the units produced, we
determined the associated employment effects. Adopting a Congressional Budget Office (1982)
estimate that it takes 200 manhours to produce one subcompact
car in the United States, we calculated that the VERs induced an
additional 79,800 production manhours during its first year, 688,800
hours in 1982, and 3.4 million
hours last yearf We further estimated that VERs had little employment impact during the first year
of the program (38), and rather
minor impacts during the next two
years-328 and 1,492 jobs in 1982


6. U.S. Congress, U.S. House of Representatives,
Subcommittee on Trade of the Committee on
Ways and Means. Domestic Content Legislation
and the U.S. Automobile Industry: Analyses
of H.R. 5133. August 1982.







Unit sales decline




Japanese revenue
lost, millions
of dollars




U.S. production
increases, units




U.S. employment
gains, persons







Efficiency loss,
millions of dollars




Total consumers'
surplus loss,
millions of dollars




Transactions price
increase, dollars

Total wealth
transfers from
consumers, millions
of dollars

NOTE: The years correspond to the VER periods,
beginning in the second quarter of the current year
and running through the first quarter of the subsequent year.

and 1983, respectively. These
employment gains seem negligible
when contrasted with indefinite
layoffs of US. autoworkers-over
250,000 workers at the industry's
1982 employment trough.
Moreover, these employment
gains do not necessarily represent
net benefits to the United States.
As discussed earlier, the US. revenue gains represent a transfer
from consumers to domestic producers and workers. These funds
now remain in the United States
and increase jobs in the automobile
industry, but this does not necessarily imply a long-run net increase
in US. jobs. Most of the funds
sent abroad to pay for Japanese
imports eventually will return to
the United States as foreigners buy
US. exports. Any gains in auto
industry employment because of
the VERs must be compared with
potential losses in US. employment
among export-oriented industries.
The net employment result depends
on the decline in exports and the

and pay more for them. Economists can measure this loss and
refer to it as a reduction in
The reduction in consumers'
surplus consists of two important
components. The first component
is a transfer of real income away
from US. car buyers to domestic
and foreign producers of new cars.
After the imposition of VERs, each
Japanese car and any closely substituting model were sold at higher
prices} The income transferred
from US. consumers to US. car
manufacturers does not represent
a net loss to the US. economy, as
some individuals gain at the expense
of others. The income transferred
to foreign producers, however, does
represent a loss to the United
States, especially in the short run.
Although most of the income transferred from US. consumers to Japanese producers eventually returns
to the United States as foreigners
buy US. exports or invest in US.
assets, such transactions could take
many years to complete. Moreover,
even in the long run, the United
States could incur a loss if the prices
of U.S. imports rose relative to the
prices of US. exports because of
the VERso
In addition to these income transfers, the reduction in consumers'
surplus associated with trade
restraints reflects production inefficiencies and foregone consumption opportunities. Part of the
VER-induced reduction in Japanese car sales is replaced by additional domestic car sales. Hence,
the VERs result in more cars being
produced by less efficient manufacturers-real
resources are wasted.
Part of the VER-induced reduction in Japanese car sales will not
be replaced. Overall, fewer cars
(domestic plus Japanese) will be sold
as prices rise. The VERs deny consumers the privilege of buying
these additional units at their preStates, however, continued to hamper domestic
sales. U.S. new-car sales actually declined from
8.9 million units in the year preceding the VERs
to nearly 8.1 million units in each of the first
two years of the program. Because the U.S.
market failed to grow over the period, Japanese
car limitations remained at 1.68 million units
throughout the first three years of the program.

VER lower prices. This foregone
consumption opportunity is a net
efficiency loss to consumers. Both
the production inefficiency and
foregone consumption opportunities resulting from the VER program represent a loss to the world
economy that initially is borne
by US. consumers.
Before explaining our attempts
to measure the effects of the VER
program, we should point out the
tendency of VERs to alter the quality of imported goods:' Import restraints based on quantities, such
as quotas, specific tariffs, and
VERs, tend to encourage an improvement in the quality of the restricted good. The effect has been
observed in the markets for imported textiles, footwear, dairy
products, steel, and Japanese cars.
To understand this phenomenon,
consider an imported car as consisting of a bundle of appealing
characteristics such as transportation, comfort, and aesthetic qualities. In limiting imports, the VERs
restrict the amount of transportation that Japanese producers can
sell in the United States, but not
the amounts of other qualities (comfort and aesthetic appeal) that
their cars can provide. Foreign producers will tend to upgrade the
unrestricted aspects of the product in an attempt to maintain
their profits. When measuring
the effects of the VER program,
one should exclude price increases
attributable solely to quality
improvements, as these do not
reduce consumers' economic
Cost of the Treatment
We constructed an econometric
model of the US. market for new
Japanese cars to measure the price
and quantity impacts of the VER
program. In building the model, we
wanted to incorporate the role of
new-car dealers and inventories in
The quota figures cited do not include certain
car-like vehicles (that is, some four-wheel-drive
vehicles) that, when included, raise the lirnitations to 1.76 million units per year in the 1981-83
period and 1.95 million units currently.

the market-clearing process. VERs
restrict imports, but sales can be
accommodated from inventories
over the near term. The existence
of inventories dampens the effects
of import restraints; as inventories
become tight relative to dealers'
desired inventory positions, dealers
raise pnces.
While it is appropriate to measure
the effects of VERs using transactions (or retail) price data, such
data are not readily available. Consequently, we estimated transactions prices using wholesale prices
and a dealer's price markup that
fluctuates in response to inventory
positions. We also adjusted prices
for upgrading new-car options.
The model was estimated using
quarterly data from 1976 through
1983. In many ways, our results
were similar to previous studies of
the new-car market.' We found that
real permanent income is the primary determinant of Japanese newcar sales and that sales of new Japanese cars rise with car operating
costs (gasoline, insurance, and
repairs). We also found a price elasticity for new Japanese cars of 1.3,
which is to say that a 1 percent
increase in new Japanese car
prices tends to decrease unit Japanese new-car sales by 1.3 percent.
This elasticity estimate is a crucial
link between the quota and its ability to transfer sales to the US.
new-car market.
We next simulated the model
under a set of assumptions that we
believe to be consistent with no
VERso From the price and quantity
measures, we approximated the
income transfers and losses associated with the VERso In reviewing
the model simulation results, two
caveats need be emphasized. First,
our empirical analysis, like most
empirical analyses, produced tentative approximations resulting from
the small size of our sample and
the unavoidable difficulties associ-

ated with estimating structural
models. Second, we made assumptions that would produce the
largest possible price and quantity impacts for new Japanese cars.
However, our measures of income
transfers and efficiency losses
did not include those associated
with VER-induced price increases
for other cars sold in the United
States; consequently, they understated the total consumer cost
of the program.
According to the results of
the model simulations (shown in
table 1), during the first year of the
VERs, there was virtually no net
price pressure in the Japanese newcar market. The options-adjusted
transactions price of new Japanese
cars increased $11 per unit because
of the VERs, primarily reflecting a
rise in wholesale prices. Dealers did
not increase their markups, as they
experienced an overstocked inventory position prior to the VER program that lasted halfway through
the program's first year. The effect
of VERs was to lower sales by only
4,000 units during the first year, a
negligible amount for a market
in which sales averaged approximately 1.8 million units in the previous two years. As dealers experienced more sizable inventory
shortages during the second year
of the VERs, average transactions
prices increased $273; most of this
increase reflected dealers' markups,
as the wholesale price of new Japanese cars rose $51. Unit sales fell
78,000 during the VERs' second
year. With the U.S. economic recovery under way in 1983, the VERs'
impact on prices intensified. Transactions prices rose $1,114. Again,
most of the options-adjusted price
increases reflected dealers' markups
($956), compared with an optionsadjusted wholesale price increase
of $158. As a result, unit sales
fell 299,000 units between 1983:IIQ
and 1984:IQ.

3. Although Japanese producers earn more revenue on the units they sell, they lose revenue
from the units they no longer export to the United
States. The net effect on revenue depends on
how sensitive U.S. consumers are to price
increases on Japanese cars.

5. See, for example, Michael F. Bryan, "Issues
in the 1983 Auto-Sales Outlook;' Economic Commentary, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland,
March 7, 1983.


4. We use the term quality rather loosely, referring to changes in the physical characteristics of
the automobile.


The total three-year loss in consumers' surplus resulting from
the VER-induced increase in Japanese new-car prices was approximately $2.7 billion. Most of the loss
occurred in 1983, when the program was most binding on the US.
market. Of this total amount,
$2.6 billion represents a transfer
of purchasing power to producers
and dealers of Japanese cars from
consumers who continued to buy
Japanese cars at artificially high
prices. Approximately 80 percent of
this income transfer accrued to
US. dealers of Japanese cars and
does not represent a net loss to the
US. economy. Japanese producers
received the remaining $400 million. Of the total reduction in consumers' surplus, we attribute a
$l77-million loss to increased inefficiencies in production and foregone consumption opportunities.
Using the estimates obtained
from the Japanese auto supply and
demand model, we can speculate
about the effects of the VER program on the amount of US. cars
produced and the amount of US.
automobile employment "protected:' We determined that the
VER program increased US. car
production by 399 units in 1981,
3,444 units in 1982, and 16,768
units in 1983 (see table 1). Having
estimated the units produced, we
determined the associated employment effects. Adopting a Congressional Budget Office (1982)
estimate that it takes 200 manhours to produce one subcompact
car in the United States, we calculated that the VERs induced an
additional 79,800 production manhours during its first year, 688,800
hours in 1982, and 3.4 million
hours last yearf We further estimated that VERs had little employment impact during the first year
of the program (38), and rather
minor impacts during the next two
years-328 and 1,492 jobs in 1982


6. U.S. Congress, U.S. House of Representatives,
Subcommittee on Trade of the Committee on
Ways and Means. Domestic Content Legislation
and the U.S. Automobile Industry: Analyses
of H.R. 5133. August 1982.







Unit sales decline




Japanese revenue
lost, millions
of dollars




U.S. production
increases, units




U.S. employment
gains, persons







Efficiency loss,
millions of dollars




Total consumers'
surplus loss,
millions of dollars




Transactions price
increase, dollars

Total wealth
transfers from
consumers, millions
of dollars

NOTE: The years correspond to the VER periods,
beginning in the second quarter of the current year
and running through the first quarter of the subsequent year.

and 1983, respectively. These
employment gains seem negligible
when contrasted with indefinite
layoffs of US. autoworkers-over
250,000 workers at the industry's
1982 employment trough.
Moreover, these employment
gains do not necessarily represent
net benefits to the United States.
As discussed earlier, the US. revenue gains represent a transfer
from consumers to domestic producers and workers. These funds
now remain in the United States
and increase jobs in the automobile
industry, but this does not necessarily imply a long-run net increase
in US. jobs. Most of the funds
sent abroad to pay for Japanese
imports eventually will return to
the United States as foreigners buy
US. exports. Any gains in auto
industry employment because of
the VERs must be compared with
potential losses in US. employment
among export-oriented industries.
The net employment result depends
on the decline in exports and the

Second Opinions
To the best of our knowledge, ours
is the only analysis that has considered the VER impacts over the
first full three years of the program.
Moreover, it is difficult to compare
our results with those in other
studies because of differences in
methodologies. Studies by Feenstra
(1982) and Gomez-Ibanez, Leone,
and O'Connell (1983) provide some
useful comparisons to our results?
Feenstra observed that, after
adjusting for inflation and quality
upgrading, the average import price
of new Japanese cars rose 3.1 percent in 1981. Assuming a price elasticity of 2 for new Japanese cars,
Feenstra estimated that 1981 sales
of Japanese cars fell 220,000 units,
resulting in gains in US. autoworker employment of 5,600.
Feenstra calculated that the consumers' surplus loss was $322 million in 1981. He also examines the
effects of VERs under the assumption of a 0.9 elasticity for Japanese automobile services. In this
case, sales of Japanese cars would
have fallen 123,000 units, but total
revenues spent on Japanese cars
would have risen. Consequently,
US. new-car sales would have
declined 5,300 units, and US.

autoworker employment would
have fallen by 600 workers. The
total loss in consumers' surplus in
this case equaled $314 million.
Gomez-Ibanez, Leone, and
O'Connell constructed an annual
model of the US. automobile market to measure the effects of the
VERs that did not include a qualityadjustment allowance or an inventory influence. Instead, they divided
the US. market into basic small
cars (Japanese and all others), luxury small cars (Japanese and all
others), and traditional cars. The
researchers simulated their model,
which was not specific to a particular year, under alternative assumptions about the overall strength of
the US. new-car market and different price/quantity reactions to
the VER program from domestic
car producers. In the case that
most resembled actual 1981 and
1982 market conditions, the VER
program raised Japanese new-car
prices 2.6 percent and reduced Japanese new-car sales in the United
States 6.7 percent per year. US.
car production rose 0.5 percent,
and US. autoworker employment
increased 6,500 workers. GomezIbanez, Leone, and O'Connell estimated that the loss to consumers in
all segments of the market associated with their model simulation
was $566 million per year.

International trade theory demonstrates that artificial barriers
against imports raise prices of
traded goods, transfer income from
consumers to producers, and create
production and consumption inefficiencies. This article has illustrated these effects for the case of
the Japanese voluntary restraints
on new cars exported to the United
States. The results suggest that in
its initial year the VER program
had little effect on the US. market
for Japanese cars and did not appreciably create new auto-industry
employment in the United States.
At the time, inventories of new
Japanese cars were overstocked
because of weakening new-car
demand and high inventory-carrying costs. With economic recovery
under way in the United States
in 1983, inventory shortages at the
dealers' level became extreme. In
such an environment, the VERs
had a substantial impact on the US.
new-car market. According to our
partial equilibrium estimates,
the VER program thus far cost
approximately $2.7 billion in lost
consumers' surplus. The program's
subsequent impact on US. autoworker employment, however temporary, probably was very small.
It thus would seem that the VER
program is an expensive way to treat
the auto industry's malaise.

7. See Robert C. Feenstra, "Voluntary Export
Restraints in U.S. Autos, 1980-1981: Quality,
Employment and Welfare Effects:' International

Economics Research Center Paper no. 17, 1982,
and Jose A. Gomez-Ibanez, Robert A. Leone, and
Stephen A. O'Connell, "Restraining Auto

Imports: Does Anyone Win?" Journal of Policy
Analysis and Management, vol. 2, no. 2 (Winter 1983), pp. 196-219.

relative intensity of labor in the production process of these industries.


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The Costs of a
Protectionist Cure
by Michael E Bryan
and Owen E Humpage
In recent years, many ailing US.
industries have blamed their ill
health on foreign competition and
have sought a cure in limiting the
flow of imports. While proponents
of protectionist legislation argue
that trade restrictions are necessary to protect US. jobs, economic
theory indicates that protectionism
may secure jobs at a substantial
cost to consumers and economic
efficiency. In capitalism, unlike in
medicine, isolating the patient can
cause the disease to spread. The
Japanese Voluntary Export Restraint
(VER) program, which restricts exports of Japanese cars to the United
States, provides a useful example
of such a costly cure.
The Auto Industry's Malaise
Until the mid-1970s, sales of intermediate and full-sized cars dominated the US. auto market. Confronted with rapidly rising gasoline prices and economic recession,
American consumers dramatically
altered their automobile preferences in favor of more economical,
fuel-efficient models. By 1980, subcompacts represented the largest


This article summarizes the results found in
Michael F Bryan and Owen F Humpage, "Voluntary Export Restraints: The Cost of Building
Walls," Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank
of Cleveland, forthcoming.
The authors are economists with the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland. Diane Mogren provided research assistance for this article.

ISSN 0428-1276
July 30, 1984

share of the US. new-car marketBoth the Carter and the Reagan
42 percent, compared with 31 peradministrations, while favoring neicent in 1975 and 12 percent in 1965. ther legislated quotas nor tariffs,
Foreign producers, especially the
encouraged the Japanese to limit volJapanese, had an apparent advanuntarily their new-car exports to
tage in the production of small, fuel- the United States. In May 1981, the
efficient cars and gained a subJapanese government finally agreed
stantial share of the US. new-car
to "voluntary" limits on their car
market during the 1970s.1 The Japshipments to the United States.
anese share of the new-car market
Japan's initial agreement to limit
rose from 6 percent in 1972 to 12 per- car exports extended from April 1981
cent in 1978. As the decade closed,
through March 1984; in Novemdomestic new-car sales contracted,
ber 1983, the Japanese government
falling 29 percent between 1978 and extended the agreement through
1980. Sales of new Japanese cars,
March 1985. During its first three
however, continued to expand,
years, the agreement limited Japaincreasing sharply to 21 percent
nese car exports to the United
of the market by 1980.
States to 1.68 million units, conAs declining domestic car sales
trasting with sales of 1.91 million
idled US. labor and capacity, the
units in 1980 and 1.75 million units
United Auto Workers (UAW) and
in 1979.2 Under the current fourthsome of the large domestic car proyear extension of the program,
ducers aggressively sought protecthe limitations on Japanese newtion from their foreign competicar exports have increased to
tors, especially the Japanese auto1.85 million units.
makers. In June 1980, the UAW
petitioned the International Trade
VER Side Effects
Commission (ITC), alleging that
By limiting the flow of new Japaimports were a substantial cause of nese cars into the United States,
serious injury to the domestic indus- the VER program creates an artifitry and seeking both higher tariffs
cial scarcity that drives up newand quantity restrictions against
car prices. As the prices of new
car imports. Ford Motor ComJapanese cars rise, some potential
pany filed a similar petition in
buyers will purchase new domestic
August 1980. The lTC, however,
cars, other imported cars, or used
rejected the petitions. Failing to
cars, thus placing upward presenlist the lTC's support, lobbyists
sure on the prices of these vehicles.
aimed their efforts more directly
Because of the VERs, consumers
toward the Japanese government.
now purchase fewer cars in total
The views stated herein are those of the authors
and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland or of the Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System.


1. For a review of the issues concerning Japanese
production advantages, see Susan A. Loos, "The
Japanese Cost Advantage in Automobile Production:' Economic Commentary, Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland, July 2, 1984.
2. In subsequent years of the program, the VER
limitations were to rise by 16.5 percent of the
growth experienced in U.S. new-car sales during
the previous year. The recession in the United