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Looking Ahead
Difficulties in measuring the seasonal
pattern of Ml are likely to persist,
because banking and financial institutions' laws, and financial instruments
will continue to change. Although
existing statutes prohibit commercial
banks from paying interest on demand
deposits, interest-rate ceilings on time
and savings accounts, including
negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW)
accounts, are scheduled to be eliminated
by March 31, 1986. In the immediate
term, the minimum deposits on SuperNOW accounts and MMDAs are
scheduled for reduction to $1,000 on
January 1, 1985. How much such
changes might affect Ml seasonality is
not known, but uncertainty might
continue to plague seasonal adjustment
efforts until a more static financial
environment emerges, free of the complications that have developed in
recent years.
Because seasonally varying patterns
of transactions cause movements in
raw monetary data that obscure underlying trends and cyclical changes, the
Federal Reserve seasonally adjusts raw
money -stock data to identify temporary
seasonal fluctuations. These variations

can then be accommodated as policymakers aim at a desirable level
of money growth. While it might be
appealing to abandon seasonal adjustment because of its inherent
shortcomings in pursuing monetary
targets, policymakers find it useful to
distinguish seasonal from fundamental
variations in money demand. Since a
model that explains all of the variations
in raw data cannot exist, economists
will continue to attempt to perfect
techniques for approximating seasonal
variations. The Federal Reserve
System has maintained an ongoing
interest in the area of seasonal adjustment of monetary data and research
to improve seasonal factor estimation''
Carlson, John B. "The Problem of Seasonally
Adjusting Money;' Economic Commentary, Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland, May 31, 1982.
, Paulette M. Maclin, and Mark
S. Sniderman. "Interpreting Seasonally Adjusted
Money-Supply Data;' Economic Review, Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland, July 1980, pp. 1·6.
Cook, Timothy Q. "The 1983 M1 Seasonal Factor
Revisions: An Illustration of Problems that May
Arise in Using Seasonally Adjusted Data for Policy
Purposes;' Economic Review, Federal Reserve
Bank of Richmond, vol.70, no. 3 (March/ April 1984),

Hein, Scott E., and Mack Ott. "Seasonally Adjusting
Money: Procedures, Problems, Proposals;' Review,
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, vol. 65, no. 9
(November 1983), pp. 16·25.

Judd, John P. "Seasonal Revisions;' Weekly Letter,
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco,
June 22, 1984.
Lawler, Thomas A. "Seasonal Adjustment of the
Money Stock: Problems and Policy Implications;'
Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of
Richmond, vol. 63, no. 6 (November/December
1977), pp. 19·27.
Moore, Geoffrey H. "Seasonal Adjustment of the
Monetary Aggregates: Report of the Committee of
Experts on Seasonal Adjustment Techniques;'
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,
October 1981.
Pierce, David A., Neva Van Peski, and Edward R. Fry.
"Seasonal Adjustment of the Monetary Aggregates;'
Improving the Monetary Aggregates, Staff Papers
of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, November 1978, pp. 71-90.
, and William P. Cleveland.
"Seasonal Adjustment Methods for the Monetary
Aggregates;' Federal Reserve Bulletin, vol. 67,
no. 12 (December 1981), pp. 875·87.
Simpson, Thomas D., and Wayne Smith. "Annual
Revisions to the Money Stock;' Federal Reserve
Bulletin, vol. 70, no. 4 (April 1984), pp. 279·85.

8. For a brief summary, see Pierce and Cleveland
(1981) and Moore (1981).


Address Correction
Please send
corrected mailing label to the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland, Research Department,
P.O. Box 6387, Cleveland. OH 44101.

ISSN 0428·1276

November 5,1984

Krieger, Sandra C. "NOW Accounts and the Seasonal
Adjustment of M·1;' Quarterly Review, Federal
Reserve Bank of New York, vol. 8, no. 4 (Winter
1983·84), pp. 67·68.

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A Problem of
Seasonal Adjustment
by Richard L. Mugel
Typically, the public's demand for
money fluctuates with changes in the
calendar. As a result, money stock
data are highly variable and exhibit
regular movements within a given year.
For example, the money stock typically
expands around the year-end holidays
and tax-payment time in April.
Economists consider these variations
to be seasonal; i.e., the variations do not
indicate changes in money demand
associated with interest rates or with
the underlying pace of economic
activity. Since Federal Reserve policymakers wish to concentrate on
fundamental movements in money
demand that are consistent with longerrun objectives, seasonal variation is
eliminated from the money-supply
series by a process known as seasonal
adjustment. Thus, policymakers state
both long- and short-run targets in
seasonally adjusted terms. Accurate
seasonal adjustment enables policymakers to accommodate the needs of
commerce and to make informed
decisions about monetary policy.
Accurate seasonal adjustment also
helps market participants interpret
monetary policy.


Research assistant Richard L. Mugel analyzes financial
markets and monetary policyfor the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland.
The views stated herein are those of the author and
not necessarily those of the Federal Reseve Bank of
Cleveland or the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System.

Policymakers, academics, and
financial professionals recognize that
accurate seasonal adjustment of
monetary data is an inherently troublesome process. However, because of
recent changes in the banking and
financial services industry, accurate
seasonal adjustment has become
even more difficult.' This Economic
Commentary focuses on financial
developments since 1980 - the
advent of new deposit instruments, the
Depository Institutions Deregulation
and Monetary Control Act of 1980,
and the Garn-St Germain Act of 1982.
This new financial environment seems
even further to have increased the
uncertainty about the meaning of
seasonally adjusted monetary data.
This uncertainty raises many questions
about the merits of techniques currently
used to adjust data, the reliability of
estimated seasonal factors, even the
future of seasonal adjustment itself.

Chart 1 Typical Seasonal


in Ml

Nonseasonally adjusted M1
SOURCE: Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System.

Current Estimating Techniques
Ideally, an economic model of money
supply and demand would estimate
variations in money that are a result of
seasonal events. Unfortunately, in our
less-than-perfect world, no such model
is possible; instead, statistical methods
are used to approximate seasonality.
These methods identify regular movements in the history of an economic
series and produce a set of seasonal
factorsf Application of seasonal factors
to raw data results in a less variable,
or smoother, series (see chart 1). A


1. A good summary of the chronic problems of
seasonally adjusting money stock data is provided
by Carlson (1982); see also Hein and Ott (1983), Cook
(1984), and Moore (1981).


2. The official procedure used to adjust M1 data - the
Xvl l ARIMA model- involves dividing the series
by an estimated trend, thereby isolating seasonal and
irregular components. We then evaluate the resulting
quotient series and arrive at seasonal factors by taking
a weighted moving average of monthly values for
different years. For a concise description of this
procedure, see Pierce and Cleveland (1981).

Table 1 Seasonal Factor Revisions in
Checkable Deposits
First revisions to monthly seasonal factor









SOURCE: Board of Governors
Reserve System.

impact on
deposit growth,
percent (ar)

Chart 2 Growth of New Instruments
Billions of dollars


Other checkable deposits


Overnight RPs and


of the Federal

given year's seasonal factors are
calculated early in the year and thus
cannot incorporate actual movements
that year in the series; they are then
re-estimated in subsequent years when
complete data for that year are available. Seasonal factors are calculated
separately for transactions deposits
(demand deposits and other checkable
deposits) and currency - the two major
components of the Ml aggregate. Since
the true seasonal pattern cannot be
determined, one standard to assess the
accuracy of the first reported (preliminary) seasonal factors is the size
of subsequent revisions. Within a given
year, however, re-estimations are
not usually available as yardsticks of
accuracy. There are other clues,
however: because current adjustment
methods generally smooth the raw data,
highly volatile monthly (or weekly)
seasonally adjusted data might indicate
inaccurately identified seasonal
Seasonal Adjustment in a
New Environment
The new and changing menu of financial assets seems to have increased
the probability of errors in seasonal
adjustment. As measured by the size
of first revisions to preliminary seasonal
factors, the average revision to monthly
growth of demand deposits was less
than 1 percent (ar) between 1971 and
1974 (see table 1).After 1974,traditional
money demand models consistently

SOURCE: Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System.

Ml and the New Financial Menu
Changes in the nation's financial environment that
began in the mid-1970s accelerated after passage
of the Depository Institutions Deregulation and
Monetary Control Act of 1980. Many new assets
with a variety of transactions features have been
made available to the public in the last several
years. The negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW)
account, introduced in New England during the
early 1970s and authorized nationwide in late
1980, is similar to the traditional demand deposit
account, but pays an explicit rate of interest. The
yield on NOW accounts is fixed by regulation.
Super- NOW accounts (introduced January 5, 1983)

overpredicted the growth of Ml and
demand deposits. Economists have
attributed much of this aberrent Ml
behavior to increased use of cashmanagement techniques and to the
emergence of new deposit instruments.
Between 1974 and 1980, the average
revision to monthly growth of demand
deposits increased to a little more than
2 percent (ar).
First revisions to demand deposit
seasonal factors grew still larger after
1980 with the nationwide introduction
of interest -bearing checking accounts
(see chart 2). The growing importance
of other checkable deposits (OCDs)
prompted definitional changes, which,

have a $2,500 minimum deposit requirement
($1,000 as of January 1, 1985) and offer a marketrelated yield- These accounts, along with interestbearing automatic transfer service (ATS) and
credit union share draft accounts, make up other
checkable deposits (OCDs), which, combined with
demand deposits, form the transactions deposit
component of the monetary aggregate Ml. Explicit
rates of return and unlimited checking privileges
made OCDs extremely popular. They increased
more than 500 percent between December 1980
and the middle of 1984, and currently account
for about one-quarter of the Ml aggregate ..
In the mid-1970s money market mutual fund
(MMMF) shares began to grow as small savers
(individuals and businesses with small balances)
sought high rates of return in the face of rising
nominal interest rates and inflation. MMMFs are
highly liquid instruments that generally offer
checking privileges and carry no minimum
maturity requirement. Most require a minimum
balance, usually about $1,000, which varies among
funds. Growth of MMMFs accelerated in the late
1970s and early 1980s, but tapered off after
December 1982, when depository institutions were
permitted to offer money market deposit accounts
(MMDAs). These accounts have attractive savings
and transactions features, pay a market-related
rate of interest, require a minimum deposit of
$2,500 ($1,000 as of January 1, 1985), and offer
limited checking privileges. They have attracted
almost $400 billion in deposits since their introduction, most of which accumulated in the first
six months. Because they are used primarily for
savings, both MMDAs and MMMFs fall outside
the Ml definition of money, but are included in the
M2 aggregate.
a. Because of the high minimum-deposit requirement and prohibitive fee structures at many
depository institutions, Super- NOW accounts
have not been as popular as regular NOW accounts.

in 1982, resulted in these interestbearing instruments being included in
Ml;3At about the same time, seasonal
adjustment was applied to all transactions accounts (the sum of demand
deposits and OCDs) to adjust the checkable deposit portion of MH Seasonal
factors for currency are still calculated
separately. Although there are only
two years of data available for seasonal
factor revisions to all transactions
deposits, these data indicate significant
changes. Between 1982 and 1984,
seasonal factor revisions to transactions
deposits were roughly twice those for
demand deposits from 1975 to 1980,
and over six times greater than for
demand deposits between 1971
and 1974.


3. In early 1982, the MIA measure of money, which
consisted primarily of currency and demand deposits,
was dropped, and the MIB measure of money
became Ml.
4. A similar procedure was used for seasonal adjustment of MIB in 1981.

There are two principal ways that
innovation and deregulation seem to
have affected the accuracy of seasonal
factor estimates for Ml. First, unusual
and sometimes substantial flows of
funds caused by the growth of new
instruments confounded attempts to
separate trend and irregular components from seasonal components.
At the same time, the growth of new
instruments altered the way individuals
managed their monetary assets,
including how they met their seasonal
needs. This caused the seasonal pattern
of money to change and had a detrimental impact on the accuracy of Ml
seasonal factor estimation. The
deficiency of standard methods of approximating seasonality is its
assumption that all information about
seasonal variation in a given series
is contained in the history of that series.
Such a backward -looking estimation
technique, necessary because of
insufficient information about the
determinants of seasonality, might not
be able to capture a changing pattern,
unless it is changing slowly and
predictablyf Even after a new seasonal
pattern has evolved, several years of
historical data might be needed to
capture the new seasonalityf
The growth of interest -bearing
transactions accounts, both within and
outside Ml, probably affected the seasonal pattern of Ml by reducing the
intensity of seasonal increases in money
balances. The behavior of money
balances around April illustrates this
point. Transactions balances and Ml
typically swell as people fund their
checking accounts to pay the nonwithheld portion of their income taxes.
Also, money balances increase when
funds are parked temporarily in transactions accounts until investment and
spending decisions are made. This
swelling usually subsides in late April

5. If the seasonal trend is judged to be changing.
the user of the X-ll procedure can exercise some
discretion in deciding which parameters to use and
which years to weight most heavily in the adjustment
6. See Simpson (1984).

and early May, as tax returns are
received and processed by the U.S.
Treasury. Seasonal factors, which
correct for these temporary distortions,
reduced Ml growth in April by about
35 percent (ar) on average in the last
five years.
Because OCDs pay an explicit rate
of interest, holders of these funds incur
a lower opportunity cost (foregone
earnings on alternative investments)
than do holders of demand deposits.
Consequently, economists estimate that
a significant portion of OCDs are
managed more like savings deposits
than transactions accounts. That is,
many OCDs are intended for future
consumption rather than for immediate
purchases. They are, therefore, less
responsive to fluctuations in immediate
transactions needs than ordinary
demand deposits. The seasonal pattern
of the aggregate was probably altered
as OCDs came to represent a larger
share of Ml. For example, individuals
who once accumulated balances in
savings accounts, then transferred
them to demand accounts just before
paying taxes, may now find it advantageous to build up balances slowly in
NOW accounts and make transactions
without transferring any funds.
Non-Ml innovations, such as money
market deposit accounts (MMDAs),
might have also affected the seasonal
pattern of the Ml aggregate. Because
of the limited transactions features of
MMDAs, many payments, including
tax payments, can be made directly
through MMDAs. Thus, individuals can
earn a market-related rate of interest
until the payment is debited from their
accounts and can avoid the cost of
transferring funds as well. Similarly,
individuals can deposit a refund check
into an MMDA and earn a higher rate
of return without sacrificing much of
the liquidity advantages of a demand
or other checkable deposit. In other
words, seasonal needs can be met
through MMDAs, without affecting Ml
at all.

Chart 3 MMDAs and Transactions
Deposits in 1984
Billions of dollars
















SOURCE: Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System.

Since 1981, growth of Ml in April
that is attributed to seasonal influences
declined by more than 3 percent.
Furthermore, volatile growth of Ml
around April 1984 suggests that 1984
preliminary factors might have overstated the intensity of the seasonal
increases? In addition, raw data on
MMDAs reveal a bulge around April
similar to that seen in transactions
deposits (see chart 3). With MMDAs
accommodating some of the seasonal
need, the seasonal bulge in Ml during
times of large payments is reduced.
Unfortunately, techniques for estimating seasonality that consider only
the historical variation of the Ml
aggregate are unlikely to capture very
quickly such changes in Ml behavior.
In fact, first revisions indicate that
these techniques overestimated the
April surge in transactions accounts in
1982 and 1983.


7. As first reported, Ml growth slowed appreciably
in April 1984, but surged dramatically in the following
two months. This pattern is similar to that of Ml
first reported in 1983, when seasonal factor revisions
substantially increased the April growth as first

Table 1 Seasonal Factor Revisions in
Checkable Deposits
First revisions to monthly seasonal factor









SOURCE: Board of Governors
Reserve System.

impact on
deposit growth,
percent (ar)

Chart 2 Growth of New Instruments
Billions of dollars


Other checkable deposits


Overnight RPs and


of the Federal

given year's seasonal factors are
calculated early in the year and thus
cannot incorporate actual movements
that year in the series; they are then
re-estimated in subsequent years when
complete data for that year are available. Seasonal factors are calculated
separately for transactions deposits
(demand deposits and other checkable
deposits) and currency - the two major
components of the Ml aggregate. Since
the true seasonal pattern cannot be
determined, one standard to assess the
accuracy of the first reported (preliminary) seasonal factors is the size
of subsequent revisions. Within a given
year, however, re-estimations are
not usually available as yardsticks of
accuracy. There are other clues,
however: because current adjustment
methods generally smooth the raw data,
highly volatile monthly (or weekly)
seasonally adjusted data might indicate
inaccurately identified seasonal
Seasonal Adjustment in a
New Environment
The new and changing menu of financial assets seems to have increased
the probability of errors in seasonal
adjustment. As measured by the size
of first revisions to preliminary seasonal
factors, the average revision to monthly
growth of demand deposits was less
than 1 percent (ar) between 1971 and
1974 (see table 1).After 1974,traditional
money demand models consistently

SOURCE: Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System.

Ml and the New Financial Menu
Changes in the nation's financial environment that
began in the mid-1970s accelerated after passage
of the Depository Institutions Deregulation and
Monetary Control Act of 1980. Many new assets
with a variety of transactions features have been
made available to the public in the last several
years. The negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW)
account, introduced in New England during the
early 1970s and authorized nationwide in late
1980, is similar to the traditional demand deposit
account, but pays an explicit rate of interest. The
yield on NOW accounts is fixed by regulation.
Super- NOW accounts (introduced January 5, 1983)

overpredicted the growth of Ml and
demand deposits. Economists have
attributed much of this aberrent Ml
behavior to increased use of cashmanagement techniques and to the
emergence of new deposit instruments.
Between 1974 and 1980, the average
revision to monthly growth of demand
deposits increased to a little more than
2 percent (ar).
First revisions to demand deposit
seasonal factors grew still larger after
1980 with the nationwide introduction
of interest -bearing checking accounts
(see chart 2). The growing importance
of other checkable deposits (OCDs)
prompted definitional changes, which,

have a $2,500 minimum deposit requirement
($1,000 as of January 1, 1985) and offer a marketrelated yield- These accounts, along with interestbearing automatic transfer service (ATS) and
credit union share draft accounts, make up other
checkable deposits (OCDs), which, combined with
demand deposits, form the transactions deposit
component of the monetary aggregate Ml. Explicit
rates of return and unlimited checking privileges
made OCDs extremely popular. They increased
more than 500 percent between December 1980
and the middle of 1984, and currently account
for about one-quarter of the Ml aggregate ..
In the mid-1970s money market mutual fund
(MMMF) shares began to grow as small savers
(individuals and businesses with small balances)
sought high rates of return in the face of rising
nominal interest rates and inflation. MMMFs are
highly liquid instruments that generally offer
checking privileges and carry no minimum
maturity requirement. Most require a minimum
balance, usually about $1,000, which varies among
funds. Growth of MMMFs accelerated in the late
1970s and early 1980s, but tapered off after
December 1982, when depository institutions were
permitted to offer money market deposit accounts
(MMDAs). These accounts have attractive savings
and transactions features, pay a market-related
rate of interest, require a minimum deposit of
$2,500 ($1,000 as of January 1, 1985), and offer
limited checking privileges. They have attracted
almost $400 billion in deposits since their introduction, most of which accumulated in the first
six months. Because they are used primarily for
savings, both MMDAs and MMMFs fall outside
the Ml definition of money, but are included in the
M2 aggregate.
a. Because of the high minimum-deposit requirement and prohibitive fee structures at many
depository institutions, Super- NOW accounts
have not been as popular as regular NOW accounts.

in 1982, resulted in these interestbearing instruments being included in
Ml;3At about the same time, seasonal
adjustment was applied to all transactions accounts (the sum of demand
deposits and OCDs) to adjust the checkable deposit portion of MH Seasonal
factors for currency are still calculated
separately. Although there are only
two years of data available for seasonal
factor revisions to all transactions
deposits, these data indicate significant
changes. Between 1982 and 1984,
seasonal factor revisions to transactions
deposits were roughly twice those for
demand deposits from 1975 to 1980,
and over six times greater than for
demand deposits between 1971
and 1974.


3. In early 1982, the MIA measure of money, which
consisted primarily of currency and demand deposits,
was dropped, and the MIB measure of money
became Ml.
4. A similar procedure was used for seasonal adjustment of MIB in 1981.

There are two principal ways that
innovation and deregulation seem to
have affected the accuracy of seasonal
factor estimates for Ml. First, unusual
and sometimes substantial flows of
funds caused by the growth of new
instruments confounded attempts to
separate trend and irregular components from seasonal components.
At the same time, the growth of new
instruments altered the way individuals
managed their monetary assets,
including how they met their seasonal
needs. This caused the seasonal pattern
of money to change and had a detrimental impact on the accuracy of Ml
seasonal factor estimation. The
deficiency of standard methods of approximating seasonality is its
assumption that all information about
seasonal variation in a given series
is contained in the history of that series.
Such a backward -looking estimation
technique, necessary because of
insufficient information about the
determinants of seasonality, might not
be able to capture a changing pattern,
unless it is changing slowly and
predictablyf Even after a new seasonal
pattern has evolved, several years of
historical data might be needed to
capture the new seasonalityf
The growth of interest -bearing
transactions accounts, both within and
outside Ml, probably affected the seasonal pattern of Ml by reducing the
intensity of seasonal increases in money
balances. The behavior of money
balances around April illustrates this
point. Transactions balances and Ml
typically swell as people fund their
checking accounts to pay the nonwithheld portion of their income taxes.
Also, money balances increase when
funds are parked temporarily in transactions accounts until investment and
spending decisions are made. This
swelling usually subsides in late April

5. If the seasonal trend is judged to be changing.
the user of the X-ll procedure can exercise some
discretion in deciding which parameters to use and
which years to weight most heavily in the adjustment
6. See Simpson (1984).

and early May, as tax returns are
received and processed by the U.S.
Treasury. Seasonal factors, which
correct for these temporary distortions,
reduced Ml growth in April by about
35 percent (ar) on average in the last
five years.
Because OCDs pay an explicit rate
of interest, holders of these funds incur
a lower opportunity cost (foregone
earnings on alternative investments)
than do holders of demand deposits.
Consequently, economists estimate that
a significant portion of OCDs are
managed more like savings deposits
than transactions accounts. That is,
many OCDs are intended for future
consumption rather than for immediate
purchases. They are, therefore, less
responsive to fluctuations in immediate
transactions needs than ordinary
demand deposits. The seasonal pattern
of the aggregate was probably altered
as OCDs came to represent a larger
share of Ml. For example, individuals
who once accumulated balances in
savings accounts, then transferred
them to demand accounts just before
paying taxes, may now find it advantageous to build up balances slowly in
NOW accounts and make transactions
without transferring any funds.
Non-Ml innovations, such as money
market deposit accounts (MMDAs),
might have also affected the seasonal
pattern of the Ml aggregate. Because
of the limited transactions features of
MMDAs, many payments, including
tax payments, can be made directly
through MMDAs. Thus, individuals can
earn a market-related rate of interest
until the payment is debited from their
accounts and can avoid the cost of
transferring funds as well. Similarly,
individuals can deposit a refund check
into an MMDA and earn a higher rate
of return without sacrificing much of
the liquidity advantages of a demand
or other checkable deposit. In other
words, seasonal needs can be met
through MMDAs, without affecting Ml
at all.

Chart 3 MMDAs and Transactions
Deposits in 1984
Billions of dollars
















SOURCE: Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System.

Since 1981, growth of Ml in April
that is attributed to seasonal influences
declined by more than 3 percent.
Furthermore, volatile growth of Ml
around April 1984 suggests that 1984
preliminary factors might have overstated the intensity of the seasonal
increases? In addition, raw data on
MMDAs reveal a bulge around April
similar to that seen in transactions
deposits (see chart 3). With MMDAs
accommodating some of the seasonal
need, the seasonal bulge in Ml during
times of large payments is reduced.
Unfortunately, techniques for estimating seasonality that consider only
the historical variation of the Ml
aggregate are unlikely to capture very
quickly such changes in Ml behavior.
In fact, first revisions indicate that
these techniques overestimated the
April surge in transactions accounts in
1982 and 1983.


7. As first reported, Ml growth slowed appreciably
in April 1984, but surged dramatically in the following
two months. This pattern is similar to that of Ml
first reported in 1983, when seasonal factor revisions
substantially increased the April growth as first

Looking Ahead
Difficulties in measuring the seasonal
pattern of Ml are likely to persist,
because banking and financial institutions' laws, and financial instruments
will continue to change. Although
existing statutes prohibit commercial
banks from paying interest on demand
deposits, interest-rate ceilings on time
and savings accounts, including
negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW)
accounts, are scheduled to be eliminated
by March 31, 1986. In the immediate
term, the minimum deposits on SuperNOW accounts and MMDAs are
scheduled for reduction to $1,000 on
January 1, 1985. How much such
changes might affect Ml seasonality is
not known, but uncertainty might
continue to plague seasonal adjustment
efforts until a more static financial
environment emerges, free of the complications that have developed in
recent years.
Because seasonally varying patterns
of transactions cause movements in
raw monetary data that obscure underlying trends and cyclical changes, the
Federal Reserve seasonally adjusts raw
money -stock data to identify temporary
seasonal fluctuations. These variations

can then be accommodated as policymakers aim at a desirable level
of money growth. While it might be
appealing to abandon seasonal adjustment because of its inherent
shortcomings in pursuing monetary
targets, policymakers find it useful to
distinguish seasonal from fundamental
variations in money demand. Since a
model that explains all of the variations
in raw data cannot exist, economists
will continue to attempt to perfect
techniques for approximating seasonal
variations. The Federal Reserve
System has maintained an ongoing
interest in the area of seasonal adjustment of monetary data and research
to improve seasonal factor estimation''
Carlson, John B. "The Problem of Seasonally
Adjusting Money;' Economic Commentary, Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland, May 31, 1982.
, Paulette M. Maclin, and Mark
S. Sniderman. "Interpreting Seasonally Adjusted
Money-Supply Data;' Economic Review, Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland, July 1980, pp. 1·6.
Cook, Timothy Q. "The 1983 M1 Seasonal Factor
Revisions: An Illustration of Problems that May
Arise in Using Seasonally Adjusted Data for Policy
Purposes;' Economic Review, Federal Reserve
Bank of Richmond, vol.70, no. 3 (March/ April 1984),

Hein, Scott E., and Mack Ott. "Seasonally Adjusting
Money: Procedures, Problems, Proposals;' Review,
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, vol. 65, no. 9
(November 1983), pp. 16·25.

Judd, John P. "Seasonal Revisions;' Weekly Letter,
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco,
June 22, 1984.
Lawler, Thomas A. "Seasonal Adjustment of the
Money Stock: Problems and Policy Implications;'
Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of
Richmond, vol. 63, no. 6 (November/December
1977), pp. 19·27.
Moore, Geoffrey H. "Seasonal Adjustment of the
Monetary Aggregates: Report of the Committee of
Experts on Seasonal Adjustment Techniques;'
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,
October 1981.
Pierce, David A., Neva Van Peski, and Edward R. Fry.
"Seasonal Adjustment of the Monetary Aggregates;'
Improving the Monetary Aggregates, Staff Papers
of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, November 1978, pp. 71-90.
, and William P. Cleveland.
"Seasonal Adjustment Methods for the Monetary
Aggregates;' Federal Reserve Bulletin, vol. 67,
no. 12 (December 1981), pp. 875·87.
Simpson, Thomas D., and Wayne Smith. "Annual
Revisions to the Money Stock;' Federal Reserve
Bulletin, vol. 70, no. 4 (April 1984), pp. 279·85.

8. For a brief summary, see Pierce and Cleveland
(1981) and Moore (1981).


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November 5,1984

Krieger, Sandra C. "NOW Accounts and the Seasonal
Adjustment of M·1;' Quarterly Review, Federal
Reserve Bank of New York, vol. 8, no. 4 (Winter
1983·84), pp. 67·68.

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A Problem of
Seasonal Adjustment
by Richard L. Mugel
Typically, the public's demand for
money fluctuates with changes in the
calendar. As a result, money stock
data are highly variable and exhibit
regular movements within a given year.
For example, the money stock typically
expands around the year-end holidays
and tax-payment time in April.
Economists consider these variations
to be seasonal; i.e., the variations do not
indicate changes in money demand
associated with interest rates or with
the underlying pace of economic
activity. Since Federal Reserve policymakers wish to concentrate on
fundamental movements in money
demand that are consistent with longerrun objectives, seasonal variation is
eliminated from the money-supply
series by a process known as seasonal
adjustment. Thus, policymakers state
both long- and short-run targets in
seasonally adjusted terms. Accurate
seasonal adjustment enables policymakers to accommodate the needs of
commerce and to make informed
decisions about monetary policy.
Accurate seasonal adjustment also
helps market participants interpret
monetary policy.


Research assistant Richard L. Mugel analyzes financial
markets and monetary policyfor the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland.
The views stated herein are those of the author and
not necessarily those of the Federal Reseve Bank of
Cleveland or the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System.

Policymakers, academics, and
financial professionals recognize that
accurate seasonal adjustment of
monetary data is an inherently troublesome process. However, because of
recent changes in the banking and
financial services industry, accurate
seasonal adjustment has become
even more difficult.' This Economic
Commentary focuses on financial
developments since 1980 - the
advent of new deposit instruments, the
Depository Institutions Deregulation
and Monetary Control Act of 1980,
and the Garn-St Germain Act of 1982.
This new financial environment seems
even further to have increased the
uncertainty about the meaning of
seasonally adjusted monetary data.
This uncertainty raises many questions
about the merits of techniques currently
used to adjust data, the reliability of
estimated seasonal factors, even the
future of seasonal adjustment itself.

Chart 1 Typical Seasonal


in Ml

Nonseasonally adjusted M1
SOURCE: Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System.

Current Estimating Techniques
Ideally, an economic model of money
supply and demand would estimate
variations in money that are a result of
seasonal events. Unfortunately, in our
less-than-perfect world, no such model
is possible; instead, statistical methods
are used to approximate seasonality.
These methods identify regular movements in the history of an economic
series and produce a set of seasonal
factorsf Application of seasonal factors
to raw data results in a less variable,
or smoother, series (see chart 1). A


1. A good summary of the chronic problems of
seasonally adjusting money stock data is provided
by Carlson (1982); see also Hein and Ott (1983), Cook
(1984), and Moore (1981).


2. The official procedure used to adjust M1 data - the
Xvl l ARIMA model- involves dividing the series
by an estimated trend, thereby isolating seasonal and
irregular components. We then evaluate the resulting
quotient series and arrive at seasonal factors by taking
a weighted moving average of monthly values for
different years. For a concise description of this
procedure, see Pierce and Cleveland (1981).