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September 2019, EB19-09

Economic Brief

Projecting Unemployment and Demographic Trends
By Andreas Hornstein, Marianna Kudlyak, and John Mullin

Demographic forces have profoundly shaped the dynamics of U.S. labor force
participation and unemployment over the past forty years. Recognizing the
importance of these employment indicators for the conduct of monetary
policy, this Economic Brief explores how they have been influenced by the
U.S. population’s changing gender, educational, and age profile. Based on
the authors’ estimates, the trend U.S. unemployment rate will decline to 4.3
percent over the next ten years as the population continues to age and increase its educational attainment.
There is a fundamental asymmetry in the Federal
Reserve’s interpretation of its “dual mandate” of
price stability and full employment. Whereas the
Fed has adopted a simple, time-invariant inflation target of 2 percent, it has no fixed employment target. Full employment, according to the
Fed, “is largely determined by nonmonetary
factors that affect the structure and dynamics of
the labor market. These factors may change over
time and may not be directly measurable. Consequently, it would not be appropriate to specify a
fixed goal for employment.”1
In monetary policy discussions, “full employment” is commonly identified as the level consistent with the “natural rate of unemployment.”
Conceptually, a rate of unemployment below the
natural rate is associated with excess aggregate
demand and accelerating inflation, while unemployment above the natural rate is associated
with insufficient aggregate demand and decelerating inflation. Thus, the natural rate of unemployment not only provides an indicator for the
Fed’s full employment mandate, it also provides

EB19-09 – Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

a guidepost for the Fed’s price stability mandate.
Unfortunately, the relationship between unemployment and inflation has varied over time and
appears to have weakened in recent years, limiting its usefulness as a policy guidepost.2
The Fed publishes what are, in essence, its policymakers’ natural rate estimates on a regular
basis. They are labeled “longer-run” unemployment rate projections, and they are defined
as the rates to which policymakers expect the
economy to converge over time in the absence
of further shocks and under appropriate monetary policy. In June 2019, the longer-run unemployment projections ranged from 3.6 percent to
4.5 percent. In contrast, the published projections
for longer-run inflation show no variation. Every
policymaker’s projection is reported as 2.0 percent because it is assumed that the Fed’s inflation target is achievable in the absence of shocks
and with appropriate monetary policy.3
Based on these considerations, it is no surprise
that researchers and policymakers have devoted

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a great deal of effort to decomposing the unemployment rate into its trend (a notion of the natural rate)
and its more transitory cyclical component (the deviation from the natural rate). Among the wide variety of
modeling strategies that economists have deployed,
a particularly interesting approach is to model the
unemployment trends for various demographic
groups defined by gender, education, and age. The
estimated group trends are then combined with estimates of the demographic groups’ labor force participation (LFP) rates and population shares to calculate
an aggregate, economy-wide unemployment trend.
This research approach is purely statistical and does
not presuppose any relationship between inflation
and deviations of unemployment from trend.
Two authors of this brief, Hornstein of the Richmond
Fed and Kudlyak of the San Francisco Fed, build on
this research in a recent working paper.4 According
to their estimates, the trend U.S. unemployment
rate declined steadily from 7.0 percent in 1976 to 4.7
percent in 2018. Moreover, they find that the decline
in the aggregate trend rate has been driven almost
exclusively by demographic changes — in particular,
shifts to an older and more educated population as
opposed to the changes in the trend unemployment
rates of different demographic groups. They forecast
that the trend unemployment rate will further decline to 4.6 percent this year and to 4.3 percent over
the next ten years.
Demographics of the Labor Market:
1979 and 2018
Hornstein and Kudlyak first discuss some of the
major labor market changes that have taken place
over the past forty years. Using microdata from the
Current Population Survey, they calculate unemployment rates, labor force participation rates, and
population shares for various demographic groups in
1979 and 2018. The resulting statistics are shown in
Table 1 on the following page, where the population
is split into eight different groups based on divisions
by age (twenty-five through fifty-four versus fiftyfive and older), gender (men versus women), and
education (high school or less versus more than
high school).

The top panel illustrates that unemployment rates
tend to be substantially lower for more educated
workers and somewhat lower for older workers.
Over time, the unemployment rate has increased for
all categories of men but has declined for younger
women. The middle panel shows that LFP rates are
lower for less educated workers, for older workers,
and for women. Between 1979 and 2018, LFP rates
decreased for men and increased for women, independent of education and age, and the changes
have been relatively large. The bottom panel shows
that the population grew older between 1979 and
2018, with the share of those fifty-five and older increasing by about 7 percentage points. The population also has become more educated, with the share
of those with more than a high school education
increasing by about 30 percentage points.
Based on these data, the researchers address the
question: What would have been the aggregate
impact of the population’s changing demographic
composition on the trend unemployment rate and
trend LFP rate, assuming no changes within each
group? They find that the shift toward an older and
more educated population tended to lower the aggregate unemployment rate. However, these demographic shifts had opposing effects on the aggregate LFP rate. The shift toward an older population
tended to lower the aggregate LFP rate, while the
shift toward a more educated population tended to
increase the LFP rate.
The Empirical Framework
The authors contribute to an existing literature
that has used age-cohort models of demographic
groups to estimate aggregate trends for labor force
participation and unemployment. One challenge
for these models is that age-specific effects tend to
shift over time. For example, older workers participate at higher rates in the labor market now than
two decades ago; and young workers (sixteen to
twenty-four) participate at a much lower rate than
in the 1990s. To capture the evolution of these age
effects, some researchers have used additional explanatory variables, such as school enrollment and
Social Security payouts.5

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gender-education group assumes smooth local
trends for the age and cohort effects. Each model
also includes a common cyclical effect that impacts
all age subgroups; however, the model allows the
amplitude of the cyclical effect to vary across age
subgroups. After estimating these models, the authors calculate the LFP and unemployment trends
for various demographic groups defined by gender,
education, and age.

Hornstein and Kudlyak, however, take an alternative
approach that allows for time variation in age effects
while being explicit about the stochastic processes
that drive age and cohort effects. Moreover, they use
educational attainment to define the demographic
groups that they model, rather than including educational attainment as an additional explanatory
The authors estimate separate models for different demographic groups defined by gender and
education. For example, they estimate one model
for male high school graduates and another model
for female college graduates. The model for each

To construct the projections of the aggregate unemployment and LFP trends, the authors’ approach
requires information on the projections of the size of
demographic groups. For this purpose, the authors

Table 1: Unemployment, Labor Force Participation, and Demographics

Level of Education





1979 Unemployment Rates
High School or Less
More than High School





2018 Unemployment Rates
High School or Less
More than High School





1979 Labor Force Participation Rates
High School or Less
More than High School





2018 Labor Force Participation Rates
High School or Less
More than High School





1979 Population Shares
High School or Less
More than High School





2018 Population Shares
High School or Less
More than High School





Source: Andreas Hornstein and Marianna Kudlyak, “Aggregate Labor Force Participation and Unemployment and
Demographic Trends,” Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Working Paper No. 19-08, March 2019.
Note: The years 1979 and 2018 were chosen because their unemployment rates are the lowest points near the
beginning and end of the sample.

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use Census Bureau (2018) population projections
based on its “middle” assumptions for fertility, life
expectancy, and net immigration levels. But this is
not enough — it is also necessary to forecast the
population’s educational profile. For this purpose, the
authors estimate a cohort-age model of educational
attainment that they use to construct forecasts of the
population’s age-gender shares by education.
LFP and Unemployment Trends:
Estimates and Forecasts
Figure 1 shows actual, trend, and projected rates for
LFP and unemployment. Focusing first on LFP, there
is a hump-shaped pattern: the LFP rate increased
from 1976 until 2000 and declined thereafter. Moreover, the LFP rate did not deviate much from the
estimated trend — although LFP did decline relative
to trend following the recessions of the early 1980s
and in the aftermath of the financial crisis.

Trend LFP dynamics reflected a variety of underlying
Prior to 1990, the economy’s overall LFP trend was
boosted by an upward trend in the LFP rate of
women. But this trend has since been reversed.
Changes in the age distribution had a limited effect
on the LFP rate prior to 2005, but since then, the
aging population has lowered the aggregate LFP
rate substantially.
The population’s increasing educational attainment tended to raise the trend aggregate LFP rate
throughout the past forty years, but this tendency
has been more than offset in recent years by the
declining LFP rate of women and the impact of an
aging population.

In 2018, the aggregate LFP rate was 62.9 percent —
only 0.2 percentage points above the authors’ trend

Figure 1: Unemployment Rate (Left Axis) and LFP Rate (Right Axis): Actual, Trend, and Projected




Unemployment Rate (Percent)



LFP Rate (Percent)













Actual Unemployment Rate

Actual LFP Rate

Trend Unemployment Rate

Trend LFP Rate

Actual Unemployment Rate
Actual LFP





Trend Unemployment Rate
Trend LFP

Source: Andreas Hornstein and Marianna Kudlyak, “Aggregate Labor Force Participation and Unemployment and Demographic Trends,”
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Working Paper No. 19-08, March 2019.
Notes: LFP stands for labor force participation. Gray shaded areas indicate recessions. The orange shaded area indicates projected values.

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estimate. The LFP rate is forecast to decline to 61.1
percent over the next ten years. The decline is largely
due to Census Bureau forecasts of an increasingly
aged population. This negative effect is forecast to
be offset only partially by the positive impact of
further increases in the population’s educational
The aggregate unemployment trend is a weighted
average of the various demographic groups’ unemployment trends. In this calculation, the groups are
weighted by their labor force shares, which in turn
are determined by group population shares and
group LFP rates.
Figure 1 shows a steady decline of the trend unemployment rate from 7.0 percent in 1976 to 4.7 percent
in 2018.7 The authors find that the declining trend in
the aggregate unemployment rate has been mostly
attributable to an aging and more educated population. The average 2018 unemployment rate was 4.0
percent, about 0.7 percentage points below the authors’ estimated trend. Their model projects that the
trend unemployment rate will decline to 4.3 percent
over the next ten years as the population continues
to age and increase its educational attainment.
The authors’ forecasts imply a lower rate of U.S. employment growth over the next ten years. Employment growth will be negatively impacted by lower
forecast rates of population growth and LFP, and
these negative effects will be offset only partially by
the positive impact of a lower forecast unemployment rate. Assuming that productivity growth does
not change, the decline in employment growth
means a decline in GDP growth.

Marianna Kudlyak is a research advisor in the Research Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of
San Francisco. Andreas Hornstein is a senior advisor
and John Mullin is an economics writer in the Research Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of

 oard of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, “Federal
Reserve Issues FOMC Statement of Longer-Run Goals and
Monetary Policy Strategy,” press release, January 25, 2012.


S ee Michael T. Kiley, “Low Inflation in the United States: A
Summary of Recent Research,” Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System FEDS Notes, November 23, 2015.


 oard of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, “Economic
Projections of Federal Reserve Board Members and Federal
Reserve Bank Presidents under their Individual Assessments
of Projected Appropriate Monetary Policy,” June 19, 2019.


S ee Andreas Hornstein and Marianna Kudlyak, “Aggregate
Labor Force Participation and Unemployment and Demographic Trends,” Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Working
Paper No. 19-08, March 2019.


F or example, see Daniel Aaronson and Daniel Sullivan, “Growth
in Worker Quality,” Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Economic
Perspectives, Fourth Quarter 2001, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 53–74.


T his approach was taken by Joshua Montes in “CBO’s Projection of Labor Force Participation Rates,” Congressional
Budget Office Working Paper 2018-04, March 2018.


T he CBO puts its estimate of the natural rate of unemployment at 4.6 percent for 2018.

This article may be photocopied or reprinted in its
entirety. Please credit the authors, source, and the
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond and include the
italicized statement below.
Views expressed in this article are those of the authors
and not necessarily those of their respective Reserve
Banks or the Federal Reserve System.

Richmond Baltimore Charlotte

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