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Goodfriend Memorial Lecture: The U.S. Current Account
De cit and the Global Capital Market Revisited
By Maurice Obstfeld

Economic Brief
November 2024, No. 24-37

Introduced in 2023, the Goodfriend Memorial Lecture series honors the legacy
of Marvin Goodfriend, long-time Richmond Fed economist, research director
and senior policy advisor. The lecture was delivered as part of the Richmond
Fed's Collaboration of Research Economists (CORE) Week model, which brings
together Richmond Fed economists and visiting economists from a range of
disciplines for seminars, conferences, networking and collaboration.
On Sept. 26, 2024, Maurice Obstfeld delivered the Marvin Goodfriend Memorial Lecture with a
presentation of his paper "The U.S. Current Account De cit and the Global Capital Market
Revisited." Obstfeld is a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics and
professor of economics emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley.
The following is a lightly edited transcript of the lecture.


When I was invited to give the Marvin Goodfriend Lecture, I really couldn't say no. Marvin
and I were more or less the same age. I think he got out of graduate school one year
before I did, and we overlapped at the Bank of Japan as honorary advisers to the Institute
of Monetary and Economic Studies.
T he Bank of Japan always has two of these honorary advisors, and the rst two were
Milton Friedman and James T obin. T he idea was that they were going to get this one
monetarist guy and this one Keynesian guy. Actually, unfortunately, now that I think of it,
they've all been guys, which is does not re ect well on the Bank of Japan, but the idea was
to have these two contrasting views and let them ght it out. And they tried to continue
this tradition of a saltwater and a freshwater person. And I guess I was the freshwater
person, and Marvin was the saltwater person, although you're pretty close to saltwater
here. So we overlapped, and Marvin succeeded Ben McCallum in that role, who is also a
terri c partner.
For me, it was a great experience. Every year, the Bank of Japan would have a conference, a
research conference, which they still have. And Marvin and I would give them advice about
who to invite and what the topics should be. But a highlight for us was the keynotes. Every
year, either Marvin would give a keynote, or I would give a keynote, and we alternated. And
I always learned so much from these interactions with Marvin and from his keynotes and
the one he published at my last conference — I had to resign to go to the Council of
Economic Advisers — was this one on monetary policy as a carry trade. What Marvin was
concerned about was the e ects of QE on the Fed's scal position vis-a-vis the T reasury.
T he idea is if the Fed is holding high-interest-rate, long-term bonds as a result of QE and
issuing interest paying reserves at a very low rate, and it's making money, it's a carry trade.
And he argued that the Fed should actually not be turning this all over to the T reasury. It
should be keeping it because there would come a day when interest rates would rise and
the value of this portfolio would fall, and it would look as if the T reasury was, as if the Fed
was booking losses. And if it had this store of cash, its political position would be stronger.
T his is very characteristic of Marvin, the ability to talk about these very nitty gritty issues
of Fed policymaking and Fed credibility and the institutional structure of the Fed, but also
do theory at the highest levels. I mean, I think of the paper with Bob King and the
neoclassical synthesis, which I rst heard when Marvin and I coincided at the Bank of
England in 1997. And Marvin presented that paper in a seminar. T hese Bank of Japan
papers have the attributes that nobody ever read them, as far as I know. And I think that's
a shame, because I think some of them were actually quite good. Ben McCallum had some


very good papers. Alan Meltzer before him, who I overlapped with, Marvin's papers. And I
actually even think that a couple of mine were pretty good. I mean, I put a lot of work into
them for apparently a low return.
But there's one I want to focus on a little bit today, which is from 2005, and this is called
"America's De cit, T he World's Problem." And the reason I focus on it is that's going to be
the theme of my talk today, revisiting the de cit of the rst decade of this millennium.
I'll explain why I think this is relevant today and why it's worth doing. I think there's policy
relevance, and I think there's theoretical relevance. But the basic backdrop for those of you
who may be too young to remember is that in the mid-2000s, the U.S. current account
de cit rate reached an unprecedented level of around 6 percent relative to U.S. GDP. T here
was actually a lot of discussion at the time about the sustainability of this de cit, the
consequences of this de cit, the causes of this de cit. And in fact, the Brookings Papers on
Economic Activity in the spring of 2005 did an issue in which there are no less than four or
ve Brookings papers on the U.S. current account de cit.
In my paper, I talked about various theories of the de cit culled from work at the time. One
view is that of Chairman [Alan] Greenspan, who basically said world nancial markets have
become so e cient, so deep that there's no problem with the U.S. running a big de cit. We
just shouldn't think of it as something that requires urgent policy intervention.
Another view came from Ben Bernanke, who a couple of months before my paper had
given his Sandridge lecture in March of 2005. And this is the famous global savings glut
speech. Oh, he did. I did not know it. It was right at the Federal Reserve Bank. Okay, so,
some of you may have heard it.
Basically, this was the idea — and I'll talk much more about this because I'm going to push
back on it today — is that there was a glut of global savings. T his was pushing down global
interest rates. T he U.S. basically had no choice but to accommodate this. And we shouldn't
think of this as really an e ciency of U.S. saving because it would have a globally
de ationary e ect to try to raise U.S. saving.
T his was occurring against the backdrop of a recovery from the crash that was
rather jobless. You know, there wasn't very job intensive and worries about what was
going on in Japan. And whether that could happen in the U.S. and know — bringing me
back to — what Marvin and I were doing with the Bank of Japan, which, by the way, was
also Ben and also Alan Meltzer giving advice about monetary policy that they did not seem
inclined to take my take on this — which I would argue was somewhat right, but probably
for the wrong reasons — was that the current account de cit was associated with huge
risks in capital markets and that the structure of regulation, the organized structure of
global regulation, made it a dangerous situation in which there was the possibility of a

nancial meltdown. Now, in this quote, I tie it to a precipitous fall in the dollar. T hat turned
out to be totally wrong, because we had a nancial meltdown coupled with a precipitous
rise in the dollar. But, we can come back to that later, perhaps over the drinks.
T he big U.S. de cit didn't escape notice from the public sector at all. T here was commentary
from the ECB, from nancial o cials abroad and also from the Bush White House: T he
2006 report, economic report of the president, addresses this issue. And I should mention
that 2006 was the one year — when Ben Bernanke chaired the Council of Economic
Advisers — the senior trade economist on the CEA, the member in charge of international
trade and international nance was Matt Slaughter from Dartmouth. And the lore at the
Council of Economic Advisers has it that Ben and Matt wanted to do a chapter on the U.S.
current account de cit, and the communications department and the White House said,
well, we don't really want to talk about the de cit, so don't call it that.
So they did this chapter, the U.S. capital account surplus, but it basically covered the same
sets of issues. And the argument that I would make is that the attitude toward the current
account de cit or capital account surplus at the time was far too complacent given what
else was going on in nancial markets. And so I think this bird was probably a more
appropriate bird than the one they put on the cover of the economic report of the
Now, why should we care about this 20 years later? I would argue that these narratives
that come out of the 2000s experience are very in uential today. T his experience was
associated with the China shock, which has been written about by David Autor and coauthors and many other people. It's very much on people's minds today because it drives
proposals from presidential candidate [Donald] T rump. It drives narratives that have
become prevalent in the Democratic Party as well. And, it drives narratives coming from
other sources that I think would be pretty injurious in terms of economic growth and
Are we worried about unfair trade and China's policies? And the solution that people
propose is tari s and decoupling from China. Do we think the dollar is too strong now and
that we are therefore running big trade de cits for that reason? T he answer some give is
more presidential guidance on monetary policy. I'm not going to try to argue against that
in this building.
Is foreign saving excessive? Do we still have a savings glut? Well, some say, "Well, yes." And
therefore, we should tax capital in ows into the United States. So, these are all elements of
the current government debate. Now, I think all of these views are erroneous and lead to
erroneous policy approaches. T rade policy — as theory indicates, as I think experience
shows — has a small and at best indirect e ect on external imbalance, which are
macroeconomic in nature.

In fact, some of the biggest increases in the de cit in 2000 occurred when U.S. monetary
policy and nancial conditions were loose and the dollar was falling. And those point to me
— and I'll try to make the case — to domestic U.S sources of the de cit during those
periods. Capital wasn't so much pushing in as being pulled in.
And I'm going to argue that Bernanke went too far when he wrote in the lecture he gave
here, quote, that you can locate the principal causes of the U.S. current account de cit
outside the U.S. borders. And that's a direct quote from his speech. But this narrative
remains compelling to many today. And I would say it's the prevailing narrative in the
January issue of Foreign A airs this year, which is not one of the leading economics
journals, but sometimes has very interesting stu in it.
Gordon Hanson wrote a review of a book by Robert Lighthizer from last year. Lighthizer
was the trade representative in the T rump administration. If T rump is reelected, he'll likely
be Secretary of Commerce. And he makes a very strong case — although I think a
misguided case — that the U.S. de cit problem over many decades is due to unfair trade
Gordon Hanson — who was one of the co-authors of the original China shock paper, by
the way — says no, no, trade de cits are macroeconomic in nature. T hat's the part I agree
with. But he basically ties them to lots of foreign saving, which strengthen the dollar and,
through that mechanism, lead to trade de cits. So I think that's something that is partially
true but is inadequate as a full explanation and also leads to misleading policy conclusions.
So let me talk about the savings glut model in a nutshell. T his is well-known sort of
undergraduate stu . T he model originates with a paper of Lloyd Metzler in 1960, never
published in a journal. But the basic idea is that we can think of an integrated global capital
market where in two regions or the two parts of this market — the home region and the
foreign region — there are savings and investment schedules that depend on the real
interest rate.
Global capital mobility equalizes real interest rates. If the home country were forced to live
in autarky, then its savings and investment schedules would intersect at home autarky rate
of interest, which is above the hypothetical autarky rate of interest in the foreign country,
which is either richer in savings or more impoverished in terms of demand for investment.
If you allow these countries to borrow and lend in an integrated market, the home country
will run a de cit. T he foreign country will run a surplus. T he world interest rate will be
intermediate between the two autarky rates and, in particular, in the Bernanke scenario. If
you imagine that in the surplus region, saving rises. In other words, there's a rightward
shift of the savings schedule. T hen global interest rates come down. T he surplus of the
foreign country rises. T he de cit of the home country increases. And that, in a nutshell, is
what Bernanke argued.

T his model is incomplete in some serious ways. And I'll talk about some of those. First of
all, real interest rates are not the same internationally. T his can be because of deviations
from purchasing power parity, risk premia, liquidity premia of the sort. We just talked
about balance sheet constraints. I'm not even going to put in here barriers to capital
movement, but these are actually important in practice as well. And I believe that over a
signi cant horizon, central bank policies a ect real interest rates.
T hese frictions in the global capital market give room for central bank policies to do so if,
like, exchange rates or exible general nancial conditions also matter. Saving and
investment are not governed entirely by the real rate of interest, and e ecting the latter
are not just the net capital ows that I showed you in the nutshell diagram but also gross
capital ows.
Just to look at one of these sources of friction dispersions in advanced economy, long-term
real interest rates are plotted here. It's the maximum less the minimum in a sample of 12
advanced economies. And you can see that the deviations are actually pretty big and pretty
persistent. Now these rates do tend to trend together.
All advanced country interest rates have tended to fall over the last few decades. But the
di erences can be very big. Also, nancial conditions matter. And if we go back to this
period of the 2000s, they were very, very weak, notably weak in that period. T hat's not the
only period in which they were weak, but that is a period of notable looseness in nancial
So what is the global saving narrative? In a nutshell, the Asian nancial crisis — which
occurred in over 1997-1998 — set o precautionary saving and reserve accumulation in
emerging markets, especially in East Asia. China was also involved in this, but not because
it was hit by the crisis, for its own reasons.
Saving by energy exporters added to the world glut. Global interest rates fell, igniting
housing bubbles around the world, and global portfolio funds owed to the U.S., causing
the dollar to appreciate and leading to a large and growing U.S. trade de cit and current
account de cit.
What about China? Well, there's a whole strand of literature from the 2000s that I don't
want to review here on what China was doing. Prominent in this was work by Mike Dooley,
David Folkerts-Landau and Peter Garber on what they called the revived Bretton Woods
system. Bretton Woods 2.0, I don't know if they called it that. I think that was too early in
the computer age for them to talk about Bretton Woods 2.0, but, you know, China had
been liberalizing its external sector.
It was admitted to permanent normalized trading relations status with the U.S. and to the
WT O at the beginning of this decade. T here were Chinese exports supposedly ooding
into the U.S., causing this China shock that I referred to. T here was talk of a negative e ect

on U.S. in ation, which may have driven the Fed to keep policy interest rates lower for
According to the idea that China was critical to this, this helped drive the housing boom,
which in turn worsened the external de cit. You can view it as either part of the GSG
narrative in which China's surpluses is a main driver or is a complement to that narrative.
So I want to ask, how well does the theory of the global savings glut actually t the data?
So I'm going to look at a few di erent sorts of pieces of evidence. First of all, I want to look
at reserves of international, of central banks, foreign exchange reserves, but mainly the
pattern of global imbalances broadly. I also want to look at interest rates. And I'll point out
that there's no sharp fall in global interest rates immediately after the Asian crisis. It just
doesn't happen. Real rates do fall starting in 2000, in 2002, but then they stall before
reversing. And one interesting factoid in evaluating to what extent was the external de cit
foisted on the U.S. — in the sense of the Metzler/Bernanke model — is that U.S. policy rates
actually, in this period, at least up until the Fed began to tighten in 2004, were much lower
than rates abroad by a lot, real policy rates and even by more so than the dispersions I
showed you for long-term real rates would indicate.
And if everyone in the advanced economies is responding to a global saving glut, why are
U.S. interest rates so particularly low? Maybe something else is going on. Another big piece
of evidence to my mind is the dollar's behavior. T he dollar strengthens up until 2002 or so,
and then it drops precipitously. So all during a long part of the period when the U.S. de cit
is rising, when manufacturing employment is plummeting throughout the United States,
supposedly due to the strong dollar, actually, the dollar is dropping like a stone.
And that seems like a puzzling fact. And I'll present some hypotheses and a little model for
how we might understand that. Reserve accumulation is often pointed to as a key part of
the narrative of the saving glut. And I just want to get you to look at this picture of global
reserve growth. Blue is advanced economy reserves. Brown is emerging and developing
economy reserves in 2005, is when Ben comes to this building and gives the talk. Some of
what we think about reserve growth is clearly retrospective, because it really took o later
and, in particular, after the global nancial crisis. It's certainly a factor leading up to it, but
hard to say. It's really a dominant factor in what's happening to interest rates. And the,
Krishnamurthy, the Vincent Jorgensen work that was referred to earlier somewhat
addresses the interest rate e ects of foreign reserve purchases, but they're just not as
big, nearly as big as they became.
What about world saving? Well, this is a breakdown of world saving, and I want to not
spend a lot of time on the breakdown, but look at the totals. So it's true that it rises a bit in
the early 2000, but there's also a fall in world saving as the collapse happens and
investment falls throughout the world. T he biggest increases actually occur later, toward
the later 2000s. And in connection with the global nancial crisis, just the extent of the

increase in world saving is just not that impressive to me. But of course, what we need to
look at is saving relative to investment. And for that, we need to look at global current
account imbalances, which do equal saving minus investment in principle.
So this chart is one that we like to use at the IMF quite a bit because it encapsulates the
entire pattern of global imbalances, and the dark blue lines down here are the U.S. So I
want you to keep those in focus. T hen up here is Japan. China is yellow, and oil-exporting
developing countries are in green.
And unfortunately, the data are imperfect. So ideally, the sum of global current account
surpluses would equal the sum of de cits, which is the same as saying that global saving
equals global investment. But there are serious gaps in the data. And in this early period,
these black bars — which measure that discrepancy — suggests that there's a signi cant
missing surplus in the world. In other words, the counterparts of the de cits that we can
measure in terms of surpluses are not fully known. T his switches around the mid-2000s to
become a missing current account de cit. In other words, the sum of surpluses is greater
than the sum of de cits that we can actually measure. And unfortunately, we don't have a
great idea for why these discrepancies appear, why they switch from surplus to de cit. But
they're big.
So any attempt to look at this period in the early 2000s is bedeviled by the fact that for
some of that time, there are these big black bars which indicate that we don't even know
where the surpluses are that are behind or that are counterparts of the U.S. de cits.
With that being said, in terms of what we can measure, you can see the enormous growth
in the U.S. de cit. You can see that the China surpluses don't really become that great as a
proportion of global GDP. And these numbers are, by the way, all percentage of global
GDP just don't become that great until around the global nancial crisis. T he oil-exporting
countries' surpluses grow quicker. But this is in a context where world interest rates and
liquidity are driving, helping to drive, commodity prices higher.
T here's pretty buoyant global growth, particularly in emerging markets. And the East
Asian crisis countries other than China, other East Asia are these light blue bars, which are
kind of not that big. So it could be that really all these unmeasured holes in our current
account data are due to developing countries saving, global saving glut.
But we can't really say that. We can't really say much, given that the data are so imperfect.
So the way we should approach the data is to say, this makes me a little bit skeptical about
saying, oh boy, it's all emerging market saving when we don't really have the direct
smoking gun evidence.
T he evidence on real interest rates is kind of mixed. Here, I'm showing the U.S. long-term
real rate and the average real rate for a sample of 12 industrial countries in this period.
You know, what this sort of shows is immediately after the Asian crisis, global rates rise,

and they fall. And to my mind, a large part of the fall is the collapse of the boom.
T hen they drift down somewhat before rising later in the 2000s, just before the global
nancial crisis. But it's not a super impressive drop to my mind.
What about short-term rates? T he pattern is similar, but here I want to point to something
I alluded to before which is notable, which is the U.S. short-term real rate. T hese are threemonth T reasury bill rates just so much lower than the average of other industrial
countries. It's kind of remarkably, remarkably lower, and it's low relative to other
Well, I'm not going to linger on the T IPS, but another benchmark is the estimates of r*. So
here I'm showing the local home team Lubik-Matthes estimates in gray but also estimates
derived from the term structure of index bonds, from some Fed researchers and also
Holston, Laubach and Williams. And these are all saying — if you believe them — that r*
was at worst around 1 percent yet. Going back to this, real policy rates are really, really low.
Now that, I think, was not something that had obvious consequences for in ation right
away but could have had consequences for nancial stability.
U.S. dollar, this is something I'm going to put a lot of weight on. You can see that in the late
90s, the U.S. dollar became very strong. And then around 2002, it started to fall, and it falls
all the way through just before the global nancial crisis, and the global nancial crisis is a
sharp depreciation. But then with the onset of various rounds of QE and zero policy rates,
the dollar falls. And in fact, that reaches a what's basically an — in real terms — all time
post-Bretton Woods low, and around 2011. So if we think that what's going on in the 2000s
leading to a larger U.S. de cit is a global savings glut, which pushes up the value of the
How do we reconcile that with the fact that, in the period when the dollar is falling the
most, the de cit rises the most, you could say lags, but this occurs over a period of several
years. And I don't think the lag explanation is really plausible for that period. So part of
what I want to do is try to build a narrative where we can understand what is going on with
the current account and what is going on with the dollar.
It's helpful in thinking about this narrative and how conditions change over the course of
the 2000s to actually look kind of forensically at the U.S. trade balance and how that
behaves. So I just want to stay a little bit mindful of the time. I mean, I thankfully have been
given more time, but I don't want to abuse you because of that fact. So I'm not going to
talk about the current account. T hat's actually a fascinating topic in itself, because the
current account, of course, is you take these net exports — which is exports of goods and
services minus imports of goods and services and net transfers, which are small — and
then add the net investment income from the U.S. as external portfolio and you get the
current account. T he current account net exports are pretty close to each other for most
of the period I'm talking about. After the nancial crisis, the U.S. net investment income
ow becomes very, very positive, even though the U.S. is a debtor.


And that in itself is fascinating. T hat's another talk someday. I'm not going to go into that.
So I'm going to just focus on the trade balance. And I'm going to do a decomposition of the
trade balance in a particular way. And this is the trade balance relative to nominal GDP. So
that's basically nominal exports over nominal GDP minus nominal imports over nominal
And if I take the rst di erence here, I can represent the change in net exports in terms of
the change in four quantities. One is the ratio of the export price de ator to the GDP
de ator and the ratio of the real export volume to real output. T he same for the ratio of
the import price de ator to GDP de ator and then real imports relative to real output.
T hese are weighted by initial ratio levels. And there's a bunch of interaction terms, which
are a second order that I'll show you but that are very small. One thing I want to caution
you about in interpreting what I'm going to show you is that the results on imports are a
little counterintuitive if you don't listen closely about what this decomposition means. So in
this decomposition, when import prices rise relative to the GDP de ator, the trade balance
worsens, and your intuition might say, "Wait, I thought that when import prices rise,
imports go down, and that should improve the trade balance." Well, it does if the elasticity
of demand for imports is greater than 1.
But for this decomposition, I'm assuming it's zero, because I'm not taking into account the
behavioral response of imports. So this is like purely mechanical accounting for what
makes the data add up to what the data are. Okay, so here's what you get when you look at
the numbers, and I nd this interesting because there are all these narratives about what
happened in this decade, and people don't actually look at what the data did in the decades.
So just to give you two examples import prices, ood of cheap imports the Fed had to keep
monetary policy loose to keep in ation on target because the ood of imports was coming
in, if I look at the data. So let me focus on the period, this period here, which is sort of right
after the Asian crisis to around 2002, import prices are contributing to a larger surplus.
T hat means import prices are falling. Okay. Because I'm not looking at the behavioral
response. I'm just looking at the valuation e ect. But once we get to 2002, import prices
are actually rising in total for the rest of the of the decade. We actually have rising import
prices, which is sensible because the dollar is depreciating a lot.
Okay. So import prices were rising. So this whole ood of cheap imports is true up until
around 2002. But then it's it stops. Also, you would think that if the dollar's depreciating
exports will do well and that would help the trade de cit. Well, you know, coming to this
period when the dollar starts depreciating, which is about 2002, you see that exports —
this is the blue bars — exports begin to contribute very positively to the trade balance.
So we're exporting a lot. We're pretty competitive in global markets. T he problem is that
imports rise so much more than exports. So why is that happening? Well, it can happen if
we spend a lot. And if we spend a lot on imports, imports will rise. And that's what's going


on in the U.S. It's not that there's a foreign saving glut; it's that there's a shortage of U.S.
savings. And the U.S. is importing a lot, and we're getting a big de cit. So this is basically,
you know, conclusions that you can get from this story.
So I have four takeaways. I've given you two of them. But rather than looking at that chart,
let's just look at the behavior of import prices relative to GDP de ator. Well, sure enough,
they're falling until around 2002. In other words, import prices are falling, though, again,
it's not monotonic, but generally, this is the case. And that's partially because the dollar's
strengthening. And then afterwards we get rising import prices. And what happens here,
this spike comes from the fact that in 2008 there's a global spike in commodity prices,
particularly food prices.
And that drives up in ation in the U.S. and, in fact, globally. T his is actually sort of a mini
version of what we saw after COVID. But it is this immediately followed by the global
nancial crisis. So, it's de nitely a transitory shock because we had a much bigger shock in
the other direction. Now, notwithstanding this, if you break out Chinese import prices, so
you say, "Well, if import prices are rising, why is there a China shock?"
It's because Chinese import prices are falling like the prices of Chinese goods are falling,
even though other import prices are rising. T his is enough to harm industries that
compete directly with Chinese imports. You can see that on the left-hand side. But on the
other hand, even in 2003, Chinese imports were only 10 percent of all U.S. imports.
So, and here you can see the path again, it's after the mid-2000s that Chinese imports
really grow, either as a share of total Chinese imports or U.S. imports. And it's kind of
notable what has happened to Chinese imports since the onset of the T rump
administration. T hey fall really remarkably, but that's a topic for another day.
So let me try to persuade you of a di erent narrative. And that's going to be this: If you
look at the years 1998 to 2002 — which is the immediate aftermath of the Asian crisis —
you can make a case that the global saving glut story has some legs. Again, it's not
completely consistent with the data to my mind. But of course, it's three years later that
Ben Bernanke gives this speech. And by that point, the current account de cit has grown
even bigger. Unfortunately, we have these big data gaps and inconsistencies that make it
impossible to be fully con dent of what's going on. But I would argue that, starting in
2002, foreign capital gets mostly pulled in and not pushed in.
And this is the reason for the dollar's depreciation. If the world is demanding dollar assets
and capital is pushing in, then the dollar's going to strengthen. If instead the U.S. is
throwing debt onto world markets and trying to borrow abroad, the dollar's going to
depreciate. T his is not independent of monetary policy, but I think it's related to monetary
policy. T here's a lot of U.S. consumption, a lot of U.S debt issuance. T here's strong
residential investment. T his is fueled by low U.S. interest rates and loose nancial
conditions. And the loose nancial conditions notably include innovations in housing


nance, which also fueled gross capital in ows. T his is consistent with a paper that Ken
Rogo and I wrote in 2009 looking at this issue from a much closer perspective. But I think
we have a lot more data and theory now to think about these issues. You know, why
in ation didn't rear its head before it did, before the Fed felt compelled to tighten in mid2004 is a good question to which I don't have an answer.
I don't think blaming it on China really holds water, given the quantitative importance of
Chinese imports in the U.S. CPI at the time. So that's a topic for research. It's instructive to
my mind to look at the U.S. current account through the lens of saving and investment.
Now, again, even within our national income and product accounts, there's a discrepancy.
And NIPA's measure of the trade balance di ers from the Census measure. But generally,
the di erence between saving and investment is closely correlated, at least with the
current account balance and the mix closely correlated enough to make it sensible to look
at saving and investment. And if you look at what the counterparts are of these variables
for the period of interest, here, what you can see is that U.S saving fell a lot through 2005
or so.
Now, part of this is the government. Part of this is George W. Bush coming in and deciding
that the proper response to his predecessor having obtained budget balance was to give
money back to people. So we do see that as a factor. T hen we see a fall in net private
saving, and that's part of the story.
And the other story is the behavior of investment. Now, what I'll draw your attention here
to is that there is a period of rising investment up until around 2000, which helps fuel the
U.S. de cit. T hat's no doubt somewhat related to the boom and the appreciation in
the U.S. equity market. And investment falls for a while after the collapse.
But then later in the 2000, it rises: private nonresidential investment. Residential
investment is the biggest driver of investment and, therefore, the current account de cit.
And one point that others have made is that it's really what's going on. And in this period
here is global saving glut. Why did investment fall? I mean what's, you know, if there's a
global saving glut lowers global interest rates. It raises world investment. What's going on?
So there are some inconsistencies with the story. So part of what's inspired me to revisit
this is, as I said, some more recent academic work post what Ken Rogo and I did many,
many years ago. And, there's some very good studies, but they're not actually very many
studies, surprisingly.
So, one that I think has been undernoticed is a story by Jane, Daco, et al, in economic policy
and a large team of resources of researchers from the Board of Governors. And I think
part of the purpose of this paper was to say, well, you know, that policy in the early 2000s
wasn't really that expansionary. And they tried to make that case, but they also — which
doesn't totally convince me — but they do conclude that the federal funds rate entered
previously rarely navigated waters and was at the low end of the historical range of the


previous ve decades. And that's kind of an understatement to my mind. But they also
conclude that low interest rates may not have been the biggest driver of the housing
market compared to loose nancial conditions. And I think that's an important conclusion.
T here's a paper by Jack Favilukis and some co-authors — including one of Mindy's coauthors — that, as far as I know, has gotten very little notice. T hey had a related JEP paper
that got more notice, but this is an NBER volume edited by Glaeser and Sinai.
And it's a really interesting analysis. T hey point out that capital in ows to the U.S., such as
foreign o cial purchases of T reasury securities, may not have had a big e ect on the
housing market. And the reason is because while they lowered risk-free interest rates,
boosting the housing market by changing the available supply to U.S. residents of very
low-risk T reasury securities and pushing them into riskier securities, they may have raised
the risk premium on home prices, on housing assets.
And they conclude that, capital ows. And then they have a battery of empirical estimates
did not have much of an e ect that you can detect on housing prices, capital in ows
themselves. T here's also a paper by Andrea Ferrero in the JMCB, an excellent paper which
has some similar conclusions about the importance of nancial innovation in driving the
events in the mid-2000s.
And then more recently there's a paper in the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control by
Peter Lihn Jorgensen, where he actually builds a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium
model with frictions in the housing market. And he basically shows that you can explain
housing appreciation in 2000 to 2002. It's a product of a global saving glut within that
But, the subsequent I appreciation would have to be attributed to lower nancial
constraints in the housing sector to liberalization. And he identi es the dollar's behavior as
part of that pattern. So reading his paper, it wasn't transparent to me how this was all
working, although it made sense. I tried to put together a very small toy model of how this
might work.
So this is very partial equilibrium. It's work in progress, but it'll give you an idea of what I
think would be a model that might work. So, imagine a model with three categories of
agents. T here is a nancial sector of nanciers. Or you can think of these as nonliquidity
constrained people who play in the nancial markets. T here's also households, and there
are also foreign investors who invest in the home economy. And they hold home bonds,
and they lend in foreign currency home households. All they do is they issue domestic
currency mortgages, debt. MH, they hold a housing stock H valued at FX, where P is the
price of housing assets, and they hold some other assets, Ah.
And basically, there's some very crude portfolio balance relationships. T hese, I think, can
be justi ed in a model of nancial frictions, such as have become popular now in the
exchange rate literature pretty easily. But basically the household derives some fraction of


its wealth Wh to housing wealth. T hat depends on the interest rate available on bonds,
domestic currency, bonds and π, which is the rate of housing appreciation.
Now here I'm basically not going to endogenous expectations. I think that can be done, but
I don't think it adds that much. And I'm assuming that central banks stabilize the price level
and peg nominal interest rates. T he household also has some level of desired mortgage
debt that's related to its wealth. And it's mortgage debt is related to its housing equity by
the housing collateral constraints, which is getting very messed up here, which is this last
equation. Basically, there's a fraction Θ of your housing wealth that you can borrow
against. It's the loan to value ratio, and it's less than 1. And then two years, they hold home
in foreign bonds, subject to the constraints that I have below. It's basically a wealth
constraint. So there's some demand for foreign bonds. Some demand for domestic bonds
is the exchange rate, which is the domestic currency price of foreign exchange. So that's
obviously going to play a key role in this analysis.
Finally, foreign investors issue foreign currency debt to the home nance nanciers. T hey
hold home currency bonds subject to portfolio demand function, which looks kind of like
what I had for the other agents. T here's some fraction, foreign wealth w* that they want
to hold in foreign bonds. T otal wealth w* is basically the amount of bonds, basically b* is
they're foreigners holdings of domestic bonds valued in domestic currency. So if I divide
that by the exchange rate, I get the foreign value of the claims of foreigners on the home
Finally, dg is the outstanding stock of home government debt. I'm assuming this is all
outside debt. So forget about Ricardian equivalence. And nally if we assume that housing
collateral constraint is absolutely binding and there's a global equilibrium condition for
domestic currency bonds, which is that basically the stock of government debt issued by
the home country has to equal the domestic currency bonds held by domestic nanciers,
less the borrowing of the households in the home country that issue mortgages plus the
holdings of foreigners.
And, there's also a relationship determining the price of housing, which looks like this one,
taking into account of the fact that the homeowners, the household sector is actually
constrained. So what we want to think about is what happens when data goes up. In other
words, when we increase the loan to value ratio — which I would view as a stand in for
nancial liberalization — well, you can see that basically the world has to absorb this
higher stock of bonds because the households in the U.S., say, are issuing dollar securities.
T hese are getting securitized. T hese bonds are going out into the world and in order for
that to happen, it has to rise. For example, if he rises, it means that foreign wealth is worth
more in terms of domestic bonds, and that increases the foreign demand for these bonds.
It's also the case that if you raise Θ1 - Θ gets closer to 1, and that pushes up the value of
the housing stock at home.

So this is a basic framework that I think can justify — and it needs more work — but can
justify this idea that, in this period after 2002, when we have all this nancial innovation in
the U.S., a lot of debt in dollars is getting issued and that is helping the dollar to depreciate
again, with an assist from very low interest rates from the Fed.
What about the evidence, direct evidence on nancial conditions and the dollar? T here are
two things I want to show you. In some earlier work with Haonan Zhou — who's now at
Hongkong University and the business school in Brookings — we demonstrated that one
correlate of the dollar's strength is the Gilchrist and zero excess bond premium, which is
related to the tightness of nancial conditions.
It's actually a very good recession predictor for the United States. And it's also a good
predictor of certain developments globally, such as stress and global sovereign debt
markets. Basically, when this indicator indicates tight nancial conditions, the dollar is
strong. T hat's the correlation. And when I look at that correlation without any other
controls, it's positive. It's 0.14, which is not super impressive. But you can see in the picture
the positive correlation.
Another indicator — which is one that is used by in the Favilukas et al. work — is the results
of the senior loan o cer opinion survey that the Federal Reserve carries out. It measures
the percentage of banks tightening standards on industrial loans. And here the correlation
is 0.39, much higher. So basically a tightening of nancial conditions is associated with a
stronger dollar.
Let me conclude, because I want to leave some time for questions at least. T he U.S.
discourse on trade de cits is very much a "blame the foreigners" narrative of American
victimhood. And I would argue that it's very much in uenced by events in the 2000s, which
are associated with the China shock. T hey're associated with a very dramatic global
nancial crisis. And some of the current recommendations for tari s, capital in ow taxes,
targeting trade de cits, I think, draw on that experience. In fact, there is a there's an active
discussion now of China shock 2.0: the fear that Chinese exports driven by subsidies and
industrial policy — for example, in electric vehicles — will, with overcapacity, have similar
e ects to what happened in the in the 2000s.
But these discussions rarely acknowledge that U.S. macro conditions play a leading role in
U.S. trade de cits. And you certainly can't argue today that low global interest rates are the
cause of U.S. de cits, which remain considerable. My opinion would be that if we want to
counter trade abuses, we should use trade policy, not macro policy. And macro problems
require macro remedies.
And the biggest obvious macro remedy for our trade de cit would be for the U.S. to get its
scal house in better order. I just have extended to the present one of the earlier charts I
showed you on saving and investment to kind of drive this point home. But if you come to

the right-hand side of the chart, you can see that U.S. total net saving — which had risen
after the global nancial crisis — is now in negative territory.
Private saving has fallen, but net government saving is also becoming very negative again
after the big shocks of COVID. And until that situation is recti ed, we're going to continue
to see large U.S. de cits irrespective of what happens with tari s.
Maurice Obstfeld is a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics
and professor of economics emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley.
To cite this Economic Brief, please use the following format: Obstfeld, Maurice. (November

2024) "Goodfriend Memorial Lecture: T he U.S. Current Account De cit and the Global
Capital Market Revisited." Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Brief, No. 24-37.

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