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BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM E.3.3 (For Immediate Release) March 12, 1951 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF MEMBER BANCS ON DECEMBER 30, 1950 COMPARED WITH OCTOBER 1*, 1950 AND DECEMBER 31, 191*9 (Amounts in thousands of dollars) December 30, 1950 Change since— December 31, Octobsr li) 1950 191*9 A S S E T S LOAMS AMD INVESTMENTS Loans (including overdrafts) United states Government direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by United States Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks (including federal Reserve Bank stock) 107,1)21*,138 ♦3 ,057,107 ♦5,896,1*86 U), 701*,923 ♦3,093,199 - 255,889 ♦ 2,11*6 ♦ 128,007 ♦ 91,037 1,393 ♦8,l*7l*,li61t -1»,522,383 ♦ 3,811 ♦1,366,519 ♦ 562,030 + 12,01*5 ♦5,1*13,519 ♦ 923,1*1*6 1*3,058 +1*,207,008 17,1*59,016 1,61*2,670 6,81*0,520 27,331* 11*1,531* 9,1)13,232 ♦1,11.9,573 66 571 +3,381*,195 ♦ 673,207 ♦ 911* ♦ 100,227 +2,280,656 ♦ ♦ ♦ 52,356,668 8,011 6,61)0,201* 3,1*13,279 301,053 35,521*,306 RESERVES, CASH, AND BANE BALANCES Reserve with Federal Reserve Banks Cash in vault Demand balances with banks in United States (except private banks and American branches of foreign banks) Other balances with banks in United states Balances with banks in foreign countries Cash items in process of collection Due from own foreign branches Bank premises owned and furniture and fixtures Other real estate owned Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers* liability on acceptances Income accrued but not yet collected Other assets 62,015 956,861 16,578 2,1*78 11,068 931* 83,221 ♦ 1,917 208,500 21*,221 263,1*58 ♦ 1*3,01*1 ♦ 19,888 121,133 11*1*,660,210 ♦8,1*81*,087 TOTAL ASSETS ♦1 ,0 30 ,511 ♦ 121,1*93 ♦ ♦ 13,891 1*9,1*71* 1,61*6 U*,51*0 ♦ 38,776 2,961 ♦ l*,5 oo ♦ ♦10,229,282 L I A B I L I T I E S B O U N D DEPOSITS Individuals, partnerships, and corporations United States Government States and political subdivisions Banks in United States Banks in foreign countries Certified and officers* checks, cash letters of credit, and travelers* checks, etc* 103,1*12,011* ♦8,1*06,91*8 78,659,1*63 ♦5,1*69,1*1*6 ♦ la , 001 ♦ 351,569 ♦1,551*, 125 ♦ 38,995 +8,851,117 ♦7,070,870 - 311*, 995 ♦ 382,618 ♦1,01*6,101* ♦ 127,1*98 2,723,582 ♦ 951,812 ♦ 539,022 ♦ ♦ 353,185 97,1*01* It,61*6 2,969 70,591. 61.5 178,217 2,522,592 6,399,988 11,669,291* 1,1*37,095 TIME DEPOSITS Individuals, partnerships, and corporations Uhited States Government Postal savings States and political subdivisions Banks in United States Banks in foreign countries 29,676,886 ♦ 205,013 28,031,61*9 ♦ ♦ 7,221* 1,121,117 ♦ 110,1*1*0 2,797 207 U*,076 1,989 107,631* 175,569 317,611 133,088,900 TOTAL DEPOSITS Due to own foreign branches Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances outstanding Dividends declared but not yet payable Income collected but not yet earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities 552,032 78,997 21*0,037 58,900 260,531 1*51*,338 231,757 131*,965,1*92 TOTAL LIABILITIES C A P I T A L - 23,716 ♦ ♦8,611,961 ♦ ♦ + ♦ 27,31*5 162,132 21*,063 30,151* 17,906 9,202 19,901* ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦9,201), 302 ♦ ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ 160,909 67,967 la, 271* 658 57,181 103,957 73,531* ♦8,1*9U,1*65 ♦9,708,1*66 + ♦ - 18,336 161,539 11*6,632 1.3,621 + ♦ ♦ - 103,350 31.5,503 101*,033 32,070 - 10,378 ♦ 520,816 A C C O U N T S 2,990,319 1»,560,620 1,751,580 392,199 Capital Surplus Uhdivided profits Other capital accounts 9,691*, 718 11*1*,660,210 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ♦8,1*81*,087 ♦10,229,282 ♦3,873,282 ♦3,388,632 12 ♦5,897,387 ♦5,711,851* 19 M E M O R A N D A Net demand deposits subject to reserve Demand deposits adjusted Number of banks 87,159,995 78,369,801 6,873 1 - (over) ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF MEMBER BANKS ON DECEMBER 30, 1950, BY CLASS OF BANK (Amounts in thousands of dollars) All member banks Central reserve city member banks New York Chicago Reserve city member banks Country member banks A S S E T S LOANS AND INVESTMENTS Loans (including overdrafts) United States Government direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by United States Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks (including Federal Reserve Bank stock) RESERVES, CASH, AND BANK BALANCES Reserve with Federal Reserve Banks Cash in vault Demand balances with banks in United States (except private banks and American branches of foreign banks) Other balances with banks in United States Balances with banks in foreign countries Cash items in process of collection Due from own foreign branches Bank premises owned and furniture and fixtures Other real estate owned Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers* liability on acceptances Income accrued but not yet collected Other asset8 TOTAL ASSETS 107,1)21),138 20,612,072 5,569,1)79 1)0,681),891 1)0,557,696 l»U,70l»,923 52,356,668 8,011 6,61)0,201) 3,1j13,279 301,053 9,728,61)2 8,991,1)59 1,671) 1,123,063 673,182 91),052 2,082,638 2,910,688 — 331),501) 229,681 11,968 17,905,725 19,082,792 1,01)8 2,181), 271) l , a o ,256 100,796 11),987,918 21,371,729 5,289 2,998,363 1,100,160 91),237 35,521,306 7,921,509 2,033,990 13,998,201 11,570,606 17,1)59,016 1,61)2,670 1),692,999 117,827 1,215,568 29,777 6,805,705 518,879 l),7l)l),7l)l) 976,187 6,81t0,520 27,331) 111,531) 9,1)13,232 75,861) 2,563 93,723 2,938,533 132,006 1,1)79 U,657 650,503 2,191,368 11),262 1)0,065 It,1)27,922 l),lia,282 9,030 3,089 1,396,271) 62,015 956,861 16,578 59,792 152,808 311 15,996 — 2,223 355,01)3 8,268 1)33,011) 7,999 83,221 208,500 263,1)58 121,133 li*2*,660,210 3,065 121),851) 61,077 18,281) 325 5,751 18,671 1),382 67,1)01 71,197 126,291 55,150 12,1)30 6,698 57,a 9 1)3,317 28,953,772 7,61)8,591) 55,368,665 52,689,179 10 3 ,lil2,01 i* 23,656,560 6,002,872 39,732,561) 78,659,1)63 2,522,592 6,399,988 11,669,291) 1,1)37,095 17,1)90,1)72 1)50,71)3 258,1)06 3,207,1)93 1,162,191 1),21)9,825 173,591 281),320 1,177,083 1)8,075 28,938,761) 975,839 2,575,329 6,173,589 217,272 31),020,018 27,980,1)02 922,a 9 3,281,933 1,111,129 9,557 — — L I A B I L I T I E S DEMAND IE POSITS Individuals, partnerships, and corporations United States Government States and political subdivisions Banks in United States Banks in foreign countries Certified and officers* checks, cash letters of credit, and travelers* checks, etc. TIME DEPOSITS Individuals, partnerships, and corporations United States Government Postal savings States and political subdivisions Banks in United States Banks in foreign countries TOTAL DEPOSITS Due to own foreign branches Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances outstanding Dividends declared but not yet payable Income collected but not yet earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES C A P I T A L 1,087,255 69,978 851,771 711),578 1,989,818 1,61*7,Wilt 37,320 — 36,81*3 600 267,611 1,105,896 1,088,81*6 3,1*50 — 10,250 350 3,000 11,701), 088 10,956,150 57,883 1,817 630,929 10,309 1)7,000 U), 877,081) 11),339,209 76,916 5,1)07 1)1)3,095 12,1)57 — 133,088,900 25,61,6,378 7,108,768 51,1)36,652 1)8,897,102 552,032 1)39,779 78,997 21)0,037 58,900 260,531 1)51),338 231,757 131), 965,1)92 70,150 11)3,902 22,671 28,136 102,800 11)9,215 26,603,031 — 6,361 2,025 6,288 27,272 8,288 186 82,195 16,666 125,1)07 &7,350 55,U81) 8,661 7,579 17,538 100,700 106,916 18,770 7 ,159,002 52,01)6,193 1)9,157,266 2,990,319 L,560,620 1,751,580 392,199 651i,1)78 1,2a, 557 1)31,832 22,871) 165,750 231,375 1)3,186 1)9,2 a 1,050,938 1,556,930 579,356 135,21)8 1,119,153 1,530,758 697,206 181),796 — 112,253 — A C C O U N T S Capital Surplus Undivided profits Other capital accounts TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS M E M O R A N D A Net demand deposits subject to reserve Demand deposits adjusted Number of banks 2,723,582 29,676,886 28,031,61)9 175,569 7,221) 1,121,117 23,716 317,611 9,691), 718 2,350,7a 1)89,592 3,322,1)72 3,531,913 lbb,660,210 28,953,772 7,61)8,591) 55,368,665 52,689,179 87,159,995 78,369,801 6,873 20,61*2,163 15,897,600 23 5,220,363 3,953,620 13 33 ,113 ,7 5 0 27,937,91)2 336 28,183,719 30,580,639 6,501 2 - (over) BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTBf 1.3.3 (For Immediate Release) March 12, 1951 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF MEMBER BANCS ON DECEMBER 30, 1950 COMPARED WITH OCTOBER h, 1950 AND DECEMBER 31, 19b9 (Amounts in thousands of dollars) December 30, 1950 Change since— October 2i| December 31, 1950 191*9 A S S E T S LOAMS AMD INVESTMENTS 107,lt21i,138 Loans (including overdrafts) United States Government direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by United States Government Obligations of states and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks (including federal Reserve Bank stock) ♦3,057,107 ♦5,896,1486 ♦3,093,199 - 255,889 ♦ 2,1146 ♦ 128,007 ♦ 91,037 1,393 ♦8,l*7l*,l*61t -J*,522,383 ♦ 3,811 ♦1,366,519 ♦ 562,030 ♦ 12,01*5 ♦5,lil3,5l9 ♦ 923,1*1*6 1*3,058 ♦1,030,511 ♦ 121,1*93 ♦1,11*9,573 66 571 ♦3,381*,195 ♦ 673,207 ♦ 911* ♦ 100,227 +2,280,656 62,015 956,861 ♦ + 2,1*78 11,068 931* ♦ ♦ ♦ 13,891 1*9,1*71* 1,61*6 83,221 208,500 263,1*58 121,133 U*li,660,210 ♦ + - 1,917 2l*,221 1*3,Old 19,888 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 11*,51*0 38,776 2,961 l*,5oo ♦8,14814,087 ♦10,229,282 103,102,011* ♦8,1406, 9148 +8,851,117 78,659,1*63 2,522,592 6,399,988 11,669,291* 1,1*37,095 ♦5,1*69,1*1*6 ♦ Id, 001 ♦ 351,569 ♦1,551*, 125 ♦ 38,995 +7,070,870 - 311.,995 ♦ 382,618 ♦1,0*6,101* + 127,1*98 1*1*,701*,923 52,356,668 8,011 6,61i0,20ti 3,1*13,279 301,053 RESERVES, CASH, AND BANK BALANCES 35,521*,306 Reserve with Federal Reserve Banks Cash in vault Demand balances with banks in United States (except private banks and American branches of foreign banks) Other balances with banks in United States Balances with banks in foreign countries Cash items in process of collection 17,1*59,016 1,61*2,670 Due from own foreign branches Bank premises owned and furniture and fixtures Other real estate owned Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers* liability on acceptances Income accrued but not yet collected Other assets TOTAL ASSETS 6,81*0,520 27,331* U*l,53l* 9,1*13,232 16,578 +1*,207,008 L I A B I L I T I E S DEMAND DEPOSITS Individuals, partnerships, and corporations United States Government States and political subdivisions Banks in United States Banks in foreign countries Certified and officers* checks, cash letters of credit, and travelers* checks, etc* TIME DEPOSITS Individuals, partnerships, and corporations United States Government Postal savings States and political subdivisions Banks in United States Banks in foreign countries 2,723,582 ♦ 951,812 ♦ 539,022 29,676,886 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ - 205,013 110,1*1*0 2,797 207 U*,076 1,989 107,631. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + 353,165 97,1*01* It,61.6 2,969 70,591* 6US 178,217 28,031,61*9 175,569 7,221* 1,121,117 23,716 317,611 133,088,900 TOTAL DEPOSITS Due to own foreign branches Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances outstanding Dividends declared but not yet payable Income collected but not yet earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES 552,032 78,997 21*0,037 56,900 260,531 1*51*,338 231,757 131*,965,1*92 C A P I T A L ♦ ♦ ♦8,611,961 ♦9,20*, 302 + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 27,31*5 162,132 21*,063 30,151* 17,906 9,202 19,901* ♦ ♦ ♦ 160,909 67,967 Id,271* 658 57,181 103,957 73,531. ♦8 5U9l4,l465 ♦9,708,1.66 ♦ ♦ - 18,336 161,539 11*6,632 1*3,621 + ♦ ♦ - 103,350 31*5,503 lO*, 033 32,070 - 10,378 ♦ 520,816 A C C O U N T S Capital Surplus Undivided profits Other capital accounts 2,990,319 1,560,620 1,751,580 392,199 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 9,691*, 718 11414,660,210 ♦8,14814,087 ♦10,229,282 87,159,995 78,369,801 6,873 ♦3,873,282 ♦3,388,632 12 ♦5,897,387 ♦5,711,851* 19 M E M O R A N D A Net demand deposits subject to reserve Demand deposits adjusted Number of banks 1 - (orer) ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF MEMBER BANKS ON DECEMBER 30, 1950, BY CLASS OF BANK (Amounts in thousands of dollars) All member banks Central reserve city member banks New York Chicago Reserve city member banks Country member banks A S S E T S LOANS AND INVESTMENTS Loans (including overdrafts) United States Government direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by United States Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks (including Federal Reserve Bank stock) 107,k2k,138 20,612,072 5,569,k79 1*0,681*,891 ko,557,696 kk,70k,923 52,356,668 8,QU 6,6bO,2Qlt 3,lil3,279 301,053 9,728,6k2 8,991,k59 1,67k 1,123,063 673,182 9k,052 2,082,638 2,910,688 1 7 ,905,725 331*,501* 229,681 11,968 19,082,792 l,0k8 2,18k,27k l,kl0,256 100,796 11*,987,918 21,371,729 5,289 2,998,363 1,100,160 91*,237 35,521i,306 7,921,509 2,033,990 13,998,201 11,570,606 Reserve with Federal Reserve Banks Cash in vault Demand balances with banks in United States (except private banks and American branches of foreign banks) Other balances with banks in United States Balances with banks in foreign countries Cash items in process of collection 17,lt59,016 1,61(2,670 k,692,999 117,827 1,215,568 29,777 6,805,705 518,879 k,7kk,7kk 976,187 6,81(0,520 27,33k lkl,53k 9,kl3,232 75,86k 2,563 93,723 2,938,533 132,006 l»k79 k»6S7 650,503 2,191,368 lk,262 k0,065 k,k27,922 k,kkl,282 9,030 3,089 1,396,27k Due from own foreign branches Bank premises owned and furniture and fixtures Other real estate owned Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers* liability on acceptances Income accrued but not yet collected Other asset8 62,015 956,861 16,578 59,792 152,808 311 15,996 2,223 355,Qk3 8,268 k33,01k 7,999 83,221 208,500 263, k58 121,133 ll*l*,660,210 3,065 12k,85k 61,077 18,28k 325 5,751 18,671 k,382 67,k01 71,197 126,291 55,150 12,k30 6,698 57,kl9 k3,317 28,953,772 7,6k8,59k 55,368,665 52,689,179 10 3 ,1*1 2 ,011* 23,656,560 6,002,872 39,732,56k 31*,020,018 78,659,k63 2,522,592 6,399,988 11,669,29k l,k37,095 17,k90,k72 k50,7k3 258,k06 3,207,k93 1,162,191 k,2k9,825 173,591 28k,320 1,177,083 k8,075 28,938,76k 975,839 2,575,329 6,173,589 217,272 27,980,k02 922,kl9 3,281,933 1,111,129 9,557 RESERVES, CASH, AND BANK BALANCES TOTAL ASSETS — — — L I A B I L I T I E S DEMAND IE POSITS Individuals, partnerships, and corporations United States Government States and political subdivisions Banks in United States Banks in foreign countries Certified and officers' checks, cash letters of credit, and travelers' checks, etc. TIME DEPOSITS Individuals, partnerships, and corporations United States Government Postal savings States and political subdivisions Banks in United States Banks in foreign countries TOTAL DEPOSITS Due to own foreign branches Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances outstanding Dividends declared but not yet payable Income collected but not yet earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES C A P I T A L 1,087,255 69,978 851,771 71k,578 1,989,818 26,031,6k9 175,569 7,22k 1,121,117 23,716 317,611 1,61*7»W*U 37,320 — 36,81*3 600 267,611 1,105,896 1,088,81*6 3,1*50 — 10,250 350 3,000 11,70k,088 10,956,150 57,883 1,817 630,929 10,309 hi,000 lk,877.08k lk,339,209 76,916 S,k07 kk3,095 12,k57 — 133,088,900 2S,6k6,378 7,108,768 51,k36,6S2 k8,897,102 552,032 k39,779 78,997 2k0,037 58,900 260,531 k5k,338 231,757 13k,965,k92 70,150 lk3,902 22,671 28,136 102,800 Ik9,2l5 26,603,031 6,361 2,025 6,288 27,272 8,288 7,159,002 2,990,319 1*,560,620 1,751,580 392,199 65k,k78 l,2kl,557 k31,832 22,87k 165,750 231,375 k3,186 k9,281 — — 112,253 — 186 82,195 16,666 125,1*07 217,350 55,1*81* 8,661 7,579 17,538 100,700 106,916 18,770 52,0k6,193 k9,157,266 1,050,938 1,556,930 579,356 135,2k8 1,119,153 1,530,758 697,206 18k,796 A C C O U N T S Capital Surplus Undivided profits Other capital accounts TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS M E M O R A N D A Net demand deposits subject to reserve Demand deposits adjusted Number of banks 2,723,582 29,676,886 9,69k,718 2,350,7kl k89,592 3,322,k72 3,531,913 lI*l*,660,21Q 28,953,772 7,6k8,59k 55,368,665 52,689,179 87,159,995 78,369,801 6,873 20,61*2,163 15,897,600 23 5,220,363 3,953,620 13 33,113,750 27,937,9k2 336 28,183,719 30,580,639 6,501 2 - (over)