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Federal Reserve bank OF DALLAS WILLIAM H. WALLACE DALLAS, TEXAS 75222 F IR S T V IC E P R E S ID E N T August 2, 1985 Circular 85-107 TO: All financial institutions in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District SUBJECT Transfer of insured deposits of Riverside National Bank, Houston, Texas, to Peoples Bank, N.A., Houston, Texas DETAILS Riverside National Bank, Houston, Texas, was closed at the conclusion of business on Thursday, August 1, 1985. Peoples Bank, N.A., will act as transfer agent for the insured deposits of Riverside National Bank, and opened for business on Friday, August 2, 1985, at the same location. We have been informed that all cash items drawn on the now closed Riverside National Bank may be presented for payment to Peoples Bank, N.A.. The ABA number for the new bank remains 1130-0124-2. MORE INFORMATION For further information, please contact Jack A. Clymer at (214) 651-6337. Sincerely yours, For additional copies of any circular please contact the Public Affairs Department at (214) 651-6289. Banks.and others are encouraged to use the following incoming WATS numbers in contacting this Bank (800) 442-7140 (intrastate) and (800) 527-9200 (interstate). This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (