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F ederal Reserve Bank




Circular No. Jk-2h8
September 11, 197^


To All Member Banks in the
Eleventh Federal Reserve District:

Reference is made to Circular No. 7h-2h3 dated September 6, 197^
regarding the announcement by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System of an amendment to Regulation D removing the marginal reserve require­
ments on large denomination time deposits and related domestic instruments
with a maturity of four months or longer.
In summary, effective for the reserve computation week beginning
September 5, (with reserves maintained during the week beginning September
19), this amendment will provide for the removal of the 3 per cent marginal
reserve requirement on large denomination time deposits and related domestic
instruments with an initial maturity of four months (120 days) or longer.
This amendment does not apply to deposits of these types totaling less than
$10 million.
The revised Supplement to Regulation D reflecting these decreases
is attached. This new Supplement effective September 5, 197^ should be
substituted for the Supplement (effective December 13, 1973) now filed with
your copy of Regulation D.
Yours very truly,
P. E. Coldwell

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (


A s am ended effective Septem ber 5 ,1 9 7 4


R eserve percentages. Pursuant to the provi­
sions of section 19 of the Federal Reserve Act and
§ 204.2(a) and subject to paragraph (c) of this
section, the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System hereby prescribes the following
reserve balances that each member bank of the
Federal Reserve System is required to maintain
on deposit with the Federal Reserve Bank of its
(1) If no t in a reserve city—
(i) 3 per cent of (A ) its savings deposits and
(B) its time deposits, open account, that constitute
deposits of individuals, such as Christmas club ac­
counts and vacation club accounts, that are made
under written contracts providing that no with­
drawal shall be made until a certain number of
periodic deposits have been made during a period
of not less than 3 months; and
(ii) 3 per cent of its other time deposits up to
$5 million, plus 5 per cent of such deposits in
excess of $5 million: Provided, however, That a
member bank shall maintain a reserve balance
equal to 8 per cent of the amount by which the
daily average amount of time deposits and such
other obligations of the types hereinafter specified
exceeds either the daily average amount of such
obligations outstanding during the computation
period ending May 16, 1973, or $10 million,
whichever is greater, and such 8 per cent reserve
percentage shall apply only with respect to the
following types of obligations which on September
5, 1974, have a remaining maturity of less than
120 days or which are issued on or after that date
with initial maturities of less than 120 days:
(a) time deposits of $100,000 or more; and
(b) time deposits represented by promissory
notes; acknowledgments of advance, due bills,
or similar obligations issued by a member bank’s
affiliate, as provided in § 204.1(f); and

(c) time deposits represented by bank ac­
ceptances, as provided in § 204.1(f); and
Provided further, that in no event shall the
reserves required on its aggregate amount of time
and savings deposits exceed 10 per cent; and
(a) 8 per cent of its net demand deposits if
its aggregate net demand deposits are $2 million
or less, (b) $160,000 plus IOV2 per cent of its net
demand deposits in excess of $2 million if its
aggregate net demand deposits are in excess of $2
million but less than $10 million, (c) $1,000,000
plus HV 2 per cent of its net demand deposits in
excess of $10 million if its aggregate net demand
deposits are in excess of $10 million but less than
$100 million, or (d) $12,250,000 plus 13V4 per
cent of its net demand deposits in excess of $100
If in a reserve city (except as to any bank
located in such a city that is permitted by the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Sys­
tem, pursuant to § 204.2(a) (2 ), to maintain the
reserve specified in subparagraph (1) of this
paragraph) —
(i) 3 per cent of (A ) its savings deposits and
(B) its time deposits, open account, that constitute
deposits of individuals, such as Christmas club
accounts and vacation club accounts, that are
made under written contracts providing that no
withdrawal shall be made until a certain number
of periodic deposits have been made during a
period of not less than 3 months; and
(ii) 3 per cent of its other time deposits up to
$5 million, plus 5 per cent of such deposits in
excess of $5 million: Provided, however, That a
member bank shall maintain a reserve balance
equal to 8 per cent of the amount by which the
daily average amount of time deposits and such
other obligations of the types hereinafter specified
exceeds either the daily average amount of such
obligations outstanding during the computation

period ending May 16, 1973, or $10 million,
whichever is greater, and such 8 per cent reserve
percentage shall apply only with respect to the
following types of obligations which on September
5, 1974, have a remaining maturity of less than
120 days or which are issued on or after that date
with initial maturities of less than 120 days:
(a) time deposits of $100,000 or more; and
(b) time deposits represented by promissory
notes; acknowledgments of advance, due bills,
or similar obligations issued by a member
bank’s affiliate, as provided in § 204.1(f); and

and during each successive four-week ( “main­
tenance” ) period, a member bank shall maintain
with the Reserve Bank of its district a daily aver­
age balance equal to 8 per cent of the daily aver­
age amount of such deposits during the four-week
computation period ending on the Wednesday
fifteen days before the beginning of the main­
tenance period. An excess or deficiency in reserves
in any week of a maintenance period under this
paragraph shall be subject to § 204.3(a) (3 ), as if
computed under § 2 0 4 .3 (a )(2 ), and deficiencies
u n d e r this p a ra g ra p h shall be subjected to
§ 2 0 4 .3 (b ):9

Provided, That any bank that, under the terms of
§ 204.5(c) of Regulation D as in effect prior to
June 21, 1973,10 was deducting for the com­
Provided further, that in no event shall the
putation period ending on May 9, 1973, an earlier
reserves required on its aggregate amount of time
period’s corresponding daily average total of such
and savings deposits exceed 10 per cent; and
deposits (hereinafter called “reserve-free base” )
$52,750,000 plus 18 per cent of its net in calculating its reserve requirements shall con­
tinue to be entitled to do so in accordance with
demand deposits in excess of $400 million.
the terms of such former section, but such reserve(b) C urrency and coin. The amount of a mem­
free base shall not exceed progressively lower ceil­
ings established hereunder by reducing the amount
ber bank’s currency and coin shall be counted as
of its reserve-free base for the computation period
reserves in determining compliance with the re­
ending on May 9, 1973, in ten increments, each
serve requirements of paragraph (a) of this section.
equal to 10 per cent of its base in such computa­
(c) Reserve percentages against certain deposits
tion period ending on May 9, 1973, applied con­
by foreign banking offices. Deposits represented
secutively in each succeeding computation period
by promissory notes, acknowledgments of ad­
beginning with the period ending on August 1,
vance, due bills, or similar obligations described
1973, until such reserve-free base is exhausted.
in § 204.1(f) to foreign offices of other banks,8 or
to institutions the time deposits of which are
exempt from the rate limitations of Regulation Q
8A n y bank ing office located ou tside the States o f the U n ited
States and the D istrict o f C olu m b ia o f a bank organ ized under
pursuant to § 217.3(g) thereof, shall not be sub­
d om estic or foreign law.
ject to p a ra g ra p h (a) of this section or to
0T h e term “ com p u tation p eriod ” in § 2 0 4 .3 ( a ) ( 3 ) and
( b ) shall, for th is purpose, be deem ed to refer to ea c h w eek
§ 20 4 .3 (a)(1 ) and (2 ); but during each week of
o f a m ain ten an ce period under this paragraph.
the four-week period beginning June 21, 1973,
1035 F ederal R egister 18658.
(c) time deposits represented by bank ac­
ceptances, as provided in § 204.1(f); and