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M I S C L . 1 4 -8 -2 8 -1 8 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF D A L L A S Circular No. 25 Series of 1918 Dallas, Texas, May 20, 1918, TO THE CHAIRMEN, SUB-CHAIRMEN AND ORGANIZERS CF THE LIBERTY LOAN COMMITTEES OF THE ELEVENTH DISTRICT* I know that you, and a l l members of your committee, w i l l f e e l person ally in te re s te d in reading the fo llo w in g telegram which I Ijave just received from the Hon. Yif. G. McAdoo, Secretary o f the Treasury. Ae the organizer and d i re c to r of th is most successful L ib e rty Loan campaign, Secretary McAdoo appre cia te s how much your work had to d6 w ith that success, and desires you to ac cept th is as a personal message from him* S in cerely yours, R. L* VAN ZANDT, Governor * ,? R* L, Van Zandt, Governor, Federal Reserve Bank, Dallas, Texas. Please accept m warmest congratulations on the magnificent success of y the Third L ib e rty Loan. I t is a triumph o f sound war financing and is highly c re d ita b le to the in t e l l i g e n c e and p a trio tis m o f the American people, I hope that every purchaser of bonds w i l l keep them fo r his own good and for his country’ s sake, I am proud o f the great work the o f f i c e r s and employees of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas have done, To the p a t r i o t i c men and women of the L ib erty Loan Committees and organizations throughout the country who have served with such extraordinary unselfishness and enthusiam too much praise cannot be giv^n. I wish I could express to each one of them p ersonally m y g r a t e fu l appreciation, but as t h is is impossible w i l l you kindly send th is message from m to a l l L ib erty Loan organizations in your d i s t r i c t . Great e are the resources o f America, but g rea ter are the unconquerabIs soul and s p i r i t o f her p e o p le ,, V G. McADOO /. This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (