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federal Re se r v e b a n k o f Dalla s FISC A L AGENT O F TH E UNITED STATES DALLAS. TEXAS 7 5 2 2 2 Circular No. 69-265 October 29, 19^9 SERIES F & J SAVINGS BONDS NO LONGER ELIGIBLE FOR EXCHANGE FOR SERIES H BONDS To All Banking Institutions and Others Concerned in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District: Under the provisions of Treasury Department Circular No. IO36, dated December 31* 1959* certain Series E, F and J savings bonds are eligible for exchange for Series H savings bonds. The Series F and J bonds are eligible for exchange only if they are received not later than six months after the month of maturity by an agency authorized to accept subscriptions. Since the last issue of Series J bonds matured in April 1969, and the period of their eligibility expires this month, paying agents should not accept Series J bonds submitted for exchange for Series H bonds after October 31* 19^9* The eligibility of Series F bonds expired November 1, 1964. Currently, only Series E bonds are eligible to be exchanged for Series H bonds when submitted on application Form PD 3253FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF DALLAS Fiscal Agent of the United States This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (