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Federal Reserve b a n k of Dallas F IS C A L A G E N T O F T H E U N IT E D S T A T E S DA LLAS, TEXAS 75222 December 27, 1966 To the Issuing Agent Addressed in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District: An issuing agent of Series E Savings Bonds is required by Treasury Regulations to maintain for at least one year a detailed record of bonds issued. The type "A" savings bonds, which you issue, are assembled with a duplicate registration stub to provide for this record. Consideration is being given to discontinuing the requirement for such a detailed record. Present procedures have developed to the point where the Treasury Department can establish this record within 30 days after the receipt of original registration stubs. The vise of type "A" assemblies is quite expensive to the Treasury Department. It is estimated that savings in excess of $100,000 a year in bond production costs would accrue to the Treasury Department if the users of the type "A" assembly were willing to switch to another type not providing a duplicate registration stub. As a matter of inforĀ mation, duplicate stubs are not prepared for 75 percent of Series E bonds now issued. There would be no objection to microfilming of bonds or registration stubs for internal record purposes. The Treasury Department does not propose to discontinue arbiĀ trarily the availability of type "A" assemblies if there is a need for them. Your views in this matter are earnestly solicited. Please furnish the information called for below and return it to this bank at your earliest convenience. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF DALLAS Fiscal Agent of the United States Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Fiscal Agency Department Station K Dallas, Texas 75222 I I I Willing to discontinue use of type "A" assemblies I Prefer to continue use of type "A" assemblies because Approximate number of pieces issued annually Issuing Agent This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (