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FEDERAL. RESERVE BANK OF DALU\S FISCAL. A G E N T O F T H E U N IT E D S T A T E S Dallas, Texas, July 5,1957 To all Savings Bond Issuing Agents in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District: You previously have been informed that the Treasury Department, beginning next October, will supply Series E savings bonds in punch card form. The punch card bond is to be used beginning with bonds carrying the issue date of October 1957. Under no circumstances may the bonds be dated earlier than October 1957. Also, issuing agents will not be permitted to do any key punching in either the bond or original registration stub. The card bond will be furnished in assembly types identified as A, B, C, D-1, D-2, F, and G. Each of the assemblies is described in “Attachment No. 1,’’ a copy of which is enclosed. Types A and D-1 will be furnished interleaved with one-time black carbon paper. It will be observed that types A, B, C, D-1, and D-2 are more or less identical in design to assemblies in use at the present time. (Most issuing agents now use type A bonds and probably will wish to use type A in the new card bond.) Types F and G are continuous form assemblies and are intended for use primarily on electrical accounting machines. Type F is designed for use with I.B.M. machines types 402, 403, 404, and 405. Type G is for use with machines types 407 and 408. Issuing agents requisitioning the continuous assemblies are informed that such assemblies must be separated either manually or by machine specially made for the purpose. Separation by cutting will not be permitted. This request is necessary in order to guard against either the bonds or original registration stubs being cut shorter or longer than standard length tabulating cards. Information concerning a new size penalty envelope for mailing the punch card bond will be furnished later in the month. It should not be necessary for any issuing agent to make substantial changes in either equip ment or procedures because of the adoption of the card bond. It would insure greater legibility of registration stubs, however, if issuing agents inscribing assembly types A and D-1 on Addressograph machines would observe the points outlined in the enclosed “Attachment No. 2.” In order that the Treasury Department may be in a better position to plan its printing program for the card bond, it is requested that you indicate on the detachable stub the assembly type of card bond you plan to use and your estimate of the number of bonds needed to meet your requirements for the three-month period beginning October 1, 1957. Please forward the completed stub by return mail so the information may be furnished the Treasury Department immediately. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF DALLAS Fiscal Agent of the United States Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Fiscal Agent of the United States Dallas, Texas There is shown below the number of bonds, by denominations, and the assembly type of punch card savings bond we will require for the three-month period beginning October 1, 1957: Assembly Type B_ C_ D-L D-2. F_ G_ Denomination 25_______ 50_______ 100. .. 200________ 500_______ 1,000.. 10,000,. (Name of Issuing Agent) (Address) This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (