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Circular No. 76-139
October 19, 1976

American Revolution Bicentennial


It h a s b e e n o b s e r v e d t h a t c h e c k p r o c e s s i n g e q u i p m e n t in u s e b y som e
p a y i n g b a n k s p l a c e s a n e n d o r s e m e n t o r o t h e r i d e n t i f y i n g s ta m p of t h e p a y i n g b a n k
o n t h e r e v e r s e s i d e of item s p r e s e n t e d to it f o r p a y m e n t in lieu of t h e t r a d i t i o n a l
" p a i d " s ta m p on t h e face of t h e it e m s . If s u c h item s a r e r e t u r n e d u n p a i d w ith o u t
c a n c e l l a t i o n of t h e p a y i n g b a n k ' s e n d o r s e m e n t , t h e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e m ay r o u t e t h e
item s b a c k to t h e p a y i n g b a n k on t h e a s s u m p t i o n th a t t h e e n d o r s e m e n t s a r e t h a t of
a p r i o r c o l l e c t i n g b a n k . In o r d e r to m a k e c o l le c t in g a n d p a y i n g b a n k s a w a r e of
t h e p o s s i b l e l i a b il it y a s s o c i a t e d w ith t h i s p r a c t i c e , t h i s B a n k ' s B u lle tin 8, S e c tio n
11, P a r a g r a p h 1 1 .0 0 , a n d B u ll e ti n 11, S e c tio n 7 , P a r a g r a p h 7 . 0 0 , a r e b e i n g a p ­
p r o p r i a t e l y r e v i s e d e f f e c tiv e N o v e m b e r 1, 1976. T h e r e v i s i o n s p r o v i d e th a t:
(1) P a y in g b a n k s s h o u l d n o t r e t u r n items b e a r i n g t h e i r
uncancelled e n d o rse m e n ts, and
(2) R e s e r v e B a n k s w ill a s s u m e no r e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r a n y
d e l a y c a u s e d b y m i s r o u t i n g of s u c h r e t u r n items b y a
Federal R eserv e Bank.
C o p ie s of t h e r e v i s e d p a g e s of B u l l e t i n s 8 a n d 11 a r e e n c l o s e d . M em b e r
b a n k s a n d o t h e r s w h o m a in ta in R e g u l a t i o n s B i n d e r s s h o u l d file t h e p a g e s in t h e i r
b i n d e r s a n d t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g p a g e s s h o u l d b e r e m o v e d a n d d e s t r o y e d . If y o u
h a v e a n y q u e s t i o n s o r c o m m en ts w ith r e s p e c t to t h e r e v i s i o n of t h e s e b u l l e t i n s ,
p l e a s e c o n t a c t J . A . C l y m e r , A s s i s t a n t V ic e P r e s i d e n t a t t h i s B a n k , a t (214)
651-6337, o r t h e a p p r o p r i a t e o f f ic e r a t o u r El P a s o , H o u s t o n , o r S a n A n to n io
B ranch.
A d d iti o n a l p a g e s of t h e r e v i s e d p a g e s o f B u l l e t i n s 8 a n d 11 w ill b e
f u r n i s h e d u p o n r e q u e s t to t h e S e c r e t a r y ' s Office of t h i s B a n k (214) 651-6267.

Sincerely yours,
T . W. Plant
First Vice President

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (


item s payable in any other Federal Reserve dis­
trict to justify direct sending and this Bank au­
thorizes such sender to send such item s direct
to the Federal Reserve Bank of such other
Federal Reserve district, we reserve the right
to decline to accept any such items from such
10.10 Direct sending o f cash item s to other
offices o f this Bank

M em ber banks and other senders m aintaining
or using accounts w ith one office of this Bank
w hich have a substantial volume or dollar
am ount of cash item s payable in the territory of
any other office of this Bank w hich they w ish to
collect through this Bank are required to apply
to us for authority to send such item s direct to
such other office; provided, how ever, th at w e
may, in our discretion, w ithdraw such authority
at any time. A ppropriate instructions will be
transm itted to the m em ber banks and other
senders w hich are authorized to send direct.
10.15 Right to refuse intradistrict item s autho­
rized for direct sending

In the event that any sender m aintaining or using
ah account w ith one office of this Bank has, in
our judgment, a sufficient volume or dollar
am ount of cash item s payable in the territory
of another office of this Bank to justify direct
sending and this Bank authorizes such sender to
send such item s direct to such other office of
this Bank, w e reserve the right to decline to
accept any such item s from such sender.
10.20 Reim bursem ent o f transportation costs for
member banks

Each m em ber bank w hich sends cash items di­
rect to other Federal Reserve Banks will be
reim bursed by us at First Class Airmail or com­
m on carrier rates, w hichever is usually lower,
but not for insurance, on all such item s sent
direct under our authority. Reim bursem ent also
is allowable under sim ilar conditions for cash
item s sent direct to other offices of this Bank.
In the interest of expeditious and economical
handling, those direct-sending m em ber banks
th at by arrangem ent deliver cash item s payable
in other Federal Reserve territories to this Bank
for consolidated shipm ent should not deviate
from the arrangem ent except upon prior ap­
proval of this Bank. T ransportation costs of such
consolidated shipm ents will be paid by us. A
direct-sending m em ber bank that has m ade an
arrangem ent w ith this Bank for consolidated


shipm ent from an office of this Bank located in
the same city as the m em ber bank will not
normally be reim bursed by us w hen cash items
are sent direct outside of the consolidated ship­
ment, except on Saturdays, Sundays, and holi­
10.25 Claims for reim bursem ent

Claims for reim bursem ent of transportation
costs of direct sendings should be filed w ith us
by the tenth day of the m onth following the
m onth in w hich such costs were incurred, using
Form TR-115, a supply of w hich will be fu r­
nished upon request.
10.30 M ethods o f shipm ent

Each direct-sending m em ber bank should give
constant attention to m ethods of shipm ent and
should change the m ethod in any case in which
shipm ent can be m ade by another m ethod at a
low er cost and w ithout loss of time in present­
ment. In cases in w hich we pay the transporta­
tion costs, w e reserve the right to require a
change in m ethod of shipm ent in any situation
where, by the use of another m ethod, a m ore
efficient handling by the receiving Federal Re­
serve office will result, or presentm ent can con­
sistently be m ade m ore promptly, or at a lower
cost and w ithout loss of time.

1 1 .0 0 S ta n d a r d iza tio n , so r tin g , r o u tin g , and
m echanized processing

To facilitate the sorting, routing, and m echan­
ized processing of cash items, and thereby pro­
mote earlier presentm ent and earlier return of
unpaid items, it is urged that:
(1] In conform ity w ith the ABA M agnetic Ink
Character Recognition Program, the routing
symbol and the suffix of the transit num ber be
encoded on all cash item s in m agnetic ink in
E-13B type in the m anner prescribed, and at the
location assigned, by the ABA.
(2) The appropriate transit num ber-routing sym ­
bol in fractional form be clearly im printed in
the upper right corner of all cash item s payable
by or through all par rem itting banks, preferably
in Gothic type, the face of which m easures at
least 8 points vertically or 1 /9 of an inch from
the top to the bottom of the individual char­



(3) Cash item s be otherw ise conform ed to the
standards prescribed by the ABA, including a
m inimum w idth of 23/4 inches, a m axim um w idth
of 32/s inches, a minimum length of 6 inches, and
a m axim um length of 8s/4 inches, and be re­
stricted to a single thickness of card or paper.
(4) The attention of senders is called to our
operating letter entitled “Instructions to Collect­
ing Banks and Paying Banks” to the effect that:
Cash items returned by collecting banks and
paying banks should not bear on the back the
endorsem ent, paid or other identifying stam p of
the paying bank unless that stam p has been can­
celled. This Bank or another Reserve Bank w hich
has handled an item, shall not assume any re­
sponsibility to the sender, to any other ow ner or
holder of the item, or to any other person, for
any delay resulting from action taken by a Re­
serve Bank in returing an item on the basis of
the uncancelled endorsem ent, paid or other iden­
tifying stam p of the paying bank on the back of
the item.
11.05 Right to encode, assum ption o f risk by

If, in our judgement, the processing of any cash
item by us requires the inscription thereon in
m agnetic ink, or otherwise, of the ABA transit
num ber, the routing symbol, or both, of the pay­
ing bank (or nonbank payor) or requires the
inscription thereon in m agnetic ink of the
am ount of such item, w e m ay so inscribe the
item and present, send, or forw ard it accord­
ingly; and the sender of such item shall be
deem ed to assum e the risk of loss resulting from
delay caused by the act of inscribing such
am ount or such num ber, symbol, or both.
11.10 D esignation o f paying bank or nonbank

This Bank m ay present, send, or forw ard any
cash item, in accordance w ith the provisions of
Section 210.6 of Regulation J, on the basis of:
(1) Any ABA transit num ber or routing symbol
appearing thereon at the time of its receipt by
us, w hether inscribed by magnetic ink or by
other means, and w hether or not such transit
num ber or routing symbol is consistent with
each other form of designation of the paying
b a n k (or n o n b a n k p a y o r) th e n a p p e a rin g
thereon; or
(2) A ny other form of designation of the paying
bank (or nonbank payor) then appearing thereon,

w hether or not consistent w ith any ABA transit
num ber or routing symbol then appearing
11.15 N onm achinable item s

A ny cash item w hich cannot be processed on
our MICR high-speed check-processing equip­
m ent and w hich is received by this Bank on
Friday or, if that day be a nonbanking day, on
Thursday, m ay be held over and processed on
the following Monday, or, if th at day be a non­
banking day, on the next succeeding banking

In the event w e receive, as a cash item, a prop­
erly prepared photographic copy of a lost or
destroyed item w hich w as eligible for handling
as a cash item, w hich copy bears a current en­
dorsem ent of the sender and the following
legend, or one of equivalent effect, signed by or
in behalf of the sender:
“This is a photographic facismile of the original
check w hich w as endorsed by the undersigned
and reported lost, stolen, or destroyed while in
the regular course of bank collection. All prior
and any m issing endorsem ents and the validity
of this facsimile are hereby guaranteed, and
upon paym ent hereof in lieu of the original
check, the undersigned will hold each collecting
bank and the payor bank harm less from any loss
suffered, provided the original check is unpaid
and paym ent is stopped thereon.”
W e will handle the copy as follows:
(1) We will present or send the copy as a cash
item to the paying bank (or nonbank payor),
subject to all the rules as to rem ittance for, and
return of, cash items; or
(2) If such paying bank (or nonbank payor)
declines to handle the copy as a cash item but
is willing to handle it as a noncash item, w e will
charge back to the sender the am ount of the copy
and will present or send the copy to the paying
bank (or nonbank payor) as a noncash item
under the term s of our current bulletin relating
to the collection of noncash items; or
(3) If such paying bank (or nonbank payor)
refuses to handle the copy, w e will charge back
the am ount of the copy and return the copy to
the sender.



Supplem ent A
A -1.00 Term s o f handling

Government checks drawn on the United States
Treasury will be handled by us as cash items in
accordance with, and subject to, the provisions of
Treasury Department Circular 21 (31 CFR 360).
Copies of that Circular will be furnished upon
request. With respect to matters not covered
by that Circular, the terms and conditons of
Regulation J applicable to cash items, of this
bulletin, and of our time schedules shall be ap­
plicable to all such Government checks.
A-2.00 Immediate credit

We will give immediate credit, subject to pay­
ment in actually and finally collected funds, for
Government checks as provided in our time
schedules. Such checks will be forwarded by us
to the United States Treasury and shall be sub­
ject in all cases to examination and payment by
the United States Treasury. Under Treasury
Circular 21, the United States Treasury has re­
served the right to examine and to refuse pay­
ment of all Government checks handled by the
Federal Reserve Banks.
A-3.00 Returns

Section 210.12 of Regulation J, relating to the
return of cash items by paying banks, is not
applicable to Government checks. In the event
that the United States Treasury refuses payment
of any Government check upon first examina­
tion and such check, or photographic copy there­
of, is returned to this Bank as outlined in Treas­
ury Circular 21, the amount of such check will
be charged back to the account of the sender
and simultaneously credited to the account of
the United States Treasury. This Bank shall have
no responsibility to the sender of any Govern­
ment check, or any other owner or holder there­
of, with respect to the nonpayment of any such
check and return by the United States Treasury
of any such check or photographic copy thereof.
A-4.00 Claims and actions

The attention of senders is directed to 31 U.S.C.
122 and 129, to the effect that (1) claims on a
Government check which appears of record to
have been paid, must be made within six years
after the date of issuance of the check and (2) an

action to enforce liability upon a forged or un­
authorized signature or endorsement or altera­
tion of any Government check must be com­
menced within six years after the presentment
of the check, or w ritten notice of such a claim
given within that period, provided that, if a
claim given within that period, provided that, if
a claim is made upon an apparently paid check,
the six-year period with respect to the com­
mencement of an action or the giving of written
notice will be extended an additional 180 days.

Supplem ent B
B-1.00 Term s o f handling

Postal money orders (United States postal
money orders; United States international postal
money orders; domestic-international postal
money orders) will be handled by us as cash
items in accordance w ith an agreement made
by the United States Postal Service, and by the
Federal Reserve Banks as depositaries and fiscal
agents of the United States pursuant to author­
ization of the Secretary of the Treasury. With
respect to matters not covered by that agree­
ment, the terms and conditions of Regulation )
applicable to cash items, of this bulletin, and of
our time schedules shall be applicable to all
such postal money orders.
B-2.00 Im m ediate credit

We will give immediate credit for postal money
orders received from a sender maintaining or
using an account with us as provided in our time
schedules. Simultaneously with such credit, we
will debit the amount of such money orders
against the general account of the United States
Treasury under such symbol numbers as may be
assigned by the United States Treasury; and
such credit to the account of the sender shall
then become final as between us and the sender.
B-3.00 Claims, returns

The agreement between the United States Postal
Service and the Federal Reserve Banks provides,
in effect, that no claim for refund or otherwise
with respect to any postal money order debited
against the general account of the United States
Treasury and delivered to the representative of
the United States Postal Service as provided in
said agreement (other than a claim based upon
the negligence of a Federal Reserve Bank) shall
be made against or through any Federal Reserve



separate cash letter. The sending bank’s trans­
mittal letter should be clearly stamped or marked
“ FOOD COUPON S ." The tra n sm itta l le tte r
should show the total number of, and the total
amount of, each denomination of coupons en­
closed. Food coupons should be forwarded to us
by the means ordinarily used by the sender for
checks and other cash items; such shipments
will be at the risk of the Department of Agricul­
ture, only to the extent and under the conditions
stated in 7 CFR 272.5(c). Sending banks should
retain customers’ deposit slips and any other
pertinent records which would assist in substan­
tiating reimbursement claims against the Depart­
ment of Agriculture for coupons lost in transit.

Bank; that, if the U nited States Postal Service
m akes any such claim w ith respect to any such
m oney order such m oney order will n o t be re­
turned or sent to a Federal Reserve Bank, but
the U nited States Postal Service will deal di­
rectly w ith the bank or the party against w hich
such claim is m ade; and th at the Federal Reserve
Banks will assist the U nited States Postal Service
in asserting such claim, including m aking their
records and any relevant evidence in their pos­
session available to the United States Postal
Service. Section 210.12 of Regulation J, relating
to the return of cash item s by the paying banks
is not applicable to postal m oney orders.

Supplem ent C

(3) In accordance w ith the regulations of the
United States Department of Agriculture (7 CFR
2), a portion of a food coupon consisting of
less than three-fifths of a whole coupon shall
not be accepted for redemption. Any coupon
accepted for redemption shall show on its back
either the AUTHORIZATION NUMBER or the
name of the authorized retail food store and, if
involved, the authorized wholesale food con­
cern. Each coupon shall also be cancelled by
the first bank which receives it by indelibly
marking "PAID” or " C A N C E L L E D together
with the name of the bank or its ABA transit
number, on the face of the coupon by means of
an appropriate stamp. No coupon should be en­
dorsed by any bank.

G-1.00 General
Food coupons will be handled by us as cash
item s in accordance w ith an agreem ent made
by the Secretary of Agriculture, in behalf of
the U nited States, and by the Federal Reserve
Banks as depositaries and fiscal agents of the
United States pursuant to authorization of the
Secretary of the Treasury. W ith respect to m at­
ters n o t covered by such agreement, the term s
and conditions of Regulation J applicable to cash
item s, of this bulletin, and of our time schedules
shall be applicable to such coupons. W e will re­
ceive food coupons only from m em ber banks
and nonm em ber banks w hich have arranged
w ith us to send coupons to us for collection
for credit to the account of a m em ber bank
on our books. All such banks sending coupons
to us should follow the instructions set forth in
an outline of procedures for commercial banks
in handling such coupons under the current Food
Stamp Program, prepared by the United States
D epartm ent of Agriculture.
C-2.00 Terms and conditions
W e will accept food coupons received by us in
accordance w ith the following term s and condi­
(1) Redeemed food coupons should be forw arded
to the office of this Bank m aintaining the reserve
account to w hich the proceeds of the coupons
are to be credited. W e will give im m ediate credit
for deposits of redeem ed food coupons as pro­
vided in our time schedules. Such credit will
not be final and will be subject to reclam ation
and adjustm ent.
(2) Food coupons should be separately sorted
by denom inations and should be deposited in a

(4) Additional information concerning the col­
lection of food coupons will be furnished by us
upon request.
C-3.00 Nonmember banks
Nonmember banks which have not arranged
with us to deposit food coupons for collection
for credit to an account of a member bank on our
books should forward redeemed food coupons
through ordinary collection channels.

Supplem ent D
D-1.00 General
Food certificates will be handled by us on the
same basis as food coupons. Senders should con­
sult 7 CFR 265.11(b) for information regarding
the extent to which, and the conditions under
which, the Department of Agriculture assumes
the risk of loss of certificates while in the course
of shipment.





of any clearing house through which the item
was presented or by agreement between this
Bank and the paying bank.
6.15 R esponsibility o f this Bank

This Bank shall have no responsibility for deter­
mining whether any other bank responsible
therefor has [a] made or provided for the protest
of any cash item protestable hereunder, or (b)
given any wire advice of nonpayment required

7.00 Standardization, sorting, routing and m e­
chanized processing

To facilitate the sorting, routing, and mechanized
processing of cash items, and thereby promote
earlier presentment and return of unpaid items,
paying banks are urged:
(1) In conformity with the ABA Magnetic Ink
Character Recognition Program, to preprint the
routing symbol and the suffix of the transit num­
ber on all cash items in magnetic ink in E-13B
type in the manner prescribed, and at the loca­
tion assigned, by the ABA.
(2) To clearly imprint the appropriate transit
number-routing symbol in fractional form in the
upper right corner of all cash items payable by
or through such paying banks, preferably in
Gothic type, and the face of which measures
at least 8 points vertically or 1/9 of an inch
from the top to the bottom of the individual
(3) To conform cash items to the standards pre­
scribed by the ABA, including a minimum width
of 23/i inches, a maximum width of 32h inches,
a minimum length of 6 inches, and a maximum
length of 83/4 inches, and to restrict cash items
to a single thickness of card or paper.
(4) Cash items returned by collecting banks and
paying banks should not bear on the back of the
endorsement, paid or other identifying stamp of
the paying bank unless that stamp has been
cancelled. This Bank or another Reserve Bank
which has handled an item, shall not assume
any responsibility to the sender, to any other
owner or holder of the item, or to any other per­
son, for any delay resulting from action taken
by a Reserve Bank in returning an item on the
basis of the uncancelled endorsement, paid or
other identifying stamp of the paying bank on
the back of the item.

7.05 R eference to Bulletin 8

The attention of paying banks and collecting
banks is called to our Bulletin 8, to the effect that:
(1] This Bank may present, send, or forward any
cash item, in accordance with section 210.6 of
Regulation J, on the basis of:
(a) Any ABA transit number or routing symbol
appearing thereon at the time of its receipt by us,
whether inscribed by magnetic ink or by any
other means, and whether or not such transit
number or routing symbol is consistent with each
other form of designation of the paying bank
(or nonbank payor) then appearing thereon; or
(b) Any other form of designation of the paying
bank (or nonbank payor) then appearing thereon,
whether or not consistent with any ABA transit
number or routing symbol then appearing there­
on; and
(2) If, in our judgment, the processing of any
cash item by us requires the inscription there­
on in magnetic ink, or otherwise, of the ABA
transit number, the routing symbol, or both, of
the paying bank (or nonbank payor) or requires
the inscription thereon in magnetic ink of the
amount of such item, we may so inscribe the
item and present, send, or forward it accord­
ingly; and the sender of such item shall be
deemed to assume the risk of loss resulting from
delay caused by the act of inscribing such
amount or such number, symbol, or both.
7.10 Cash letters received in m utilated condition

In the event that our cash letter is received in
a mutilated condition, please telephone this Bank
before attempting to function any portion there­
of. Under certain conditions when the cash
letter is returned intact, tracing and identification
of mutilated or destroyed cash items is expedited.
7.15 Photographic copies

In the event we receive, as a cash item, a prop­
erly prepared photographic copy of a lost or
destroyed item which was eligible for handling
as a cash item, which copy bears a current en­
dorsement of the sender and the following leg­
end, or one of equivalent effect, signed by or
in behalf of the sender:
“This is a photographic facsimile of the
original check which was endorsed by the
undersigned and reported lost, stolen, or de­



stroyed while in the regular course of bank
collection. All prior and any missing en­
dorsements and the validity of this fac­
simile are hereby guaranteed, and upon
payment hereof in lieu of the original check,
the undersigned will hold each collecting
bank and the payor bank harmless from any
loss suffered, provided the original check is
unpaid and payment is stopped thereon.”



ing day next following the banking day of re­
ceipt or takes such other action to recover such
payment or remittance within such time and by
such means as may be provided by applicable
State law: Provided, that the foregoing pro­
visions shall not extend, nor shall the time
herein provided for return be extended by, the
time for return of unpaid items fixed by the
ru les and p ractice s of any clearing h o u se
through which the item was presented or fixed
by the provisions of any special collection
agreement pursuant to which it was presented.

we will present or send the copy as a cash item
to the paying bank (or nonbank payor) subject
to all the rules as to payment or remittance for,
and return of, cash items; and we urge paying
banks (and nonbank payors) to accept such pho­
tocopies for handling as cash items. However,
if a paying bank (or nonbank payor] declines to
handle the copy as a cash item but is willing to
handle it as a noncash item, we will charge back
to the sender the amount of the copy and will
present or send the copy to the paying bank (or
nonbank payor) as a noncash item under the
terms of our current bulletin relating to the col­
lection of noncash items; or, if such paying bank
(or nonbank payor) refuses to handle the copy,
we will charge back the amount of the copy and
return the copy to the sender.

(b) Any paying bank which takes or receives
a credit or obtains a refund for the amount of
any payment or remittance made by it in respect
of a cash item received by it from or through a
Federal Reserve Bank shall be deemed (1) to
w arrant to such Federal Reserve Bank, to a
subsequent collecting bank, and to the sender
and all prior parties that it took all action nec­
essary to entitle it to recover such payment or
remittance within the time or times limited there­
for by the provisions of this part, by the appli­
cable rules and practices of any clearing house
through which the item was presented, by the
applicable provisions of any special collection
agreement pursuant to which it was presented,
and, except as a longer time may be afforded
by the provisions of this part, by applicable
State law; and (2) to agree to indemnify such
Federal Reserve Bank for any loss or expense
sustained (including but not limited to attorneys’
fees and expenses of litigation) resulting from
its action in giving such credit or making such
refund, or in making any charge to, or obtaining
any refund from, the sender. No Federal Reserve
Bank shall have any responsibility to such pay­
ing bank or any subsequent collecting bank or to
the sender of the item or any other prior party
thereon for determining whether the action
hereinabove referred to was timely."

Supplem ent A
Section 210.12 of Regulation J, captioned “Return
of Cash Items,” provides as follows:
“ (a) A paying bank that receives a cash item
from or through a Federal Reserve Bank, other­
wise than for immediate payment over the
counter, and that pays or remits for such item
as provided in § 210.9(a) of this Part shall have
the right to recover any payment or remittance
so made if, before it has finally paid the item,
it returns the item before midnight of its bank­
