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F e d er a l Re s e r v e Ba n k




C irc u la r No. 75-115
August 8, 1975

American Revolution Bicentennial

(T ru th -in -L e n d in g )
Fair C red it B illing Amendments

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System has
made public the full text of its revised proposals for regulations to imple­
ment the Fair C re d it B illing Amendments to the T r u th -in -L e n d in g Act.
On July 22, 1975, the Board published the substance of the r e ­
vised proposals and announced that it would hold an informal hearing on
August 5 and 6. The Board's original proposals w ere made public May 5.
Tim e for comment on the revised proposals, o rig in a lly scheduled to end
August 12, has been extended through August 18.
Interested persons a re invited to submit relevant data, view s,
or arguments concerning this proposal, including possible effects on the
cost and the a v a ila b ility of consumer c re d it. A n y such material should be
submitted in w ritin g to the S ecretary, Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System, Washington, D . C . 20551, to be received not later than
August 18, 1975.
Printed on the attached pages is a copy of the revised propos­
als as they appeared in the FEDERAL REGISTER on August 1, 1975. A d d i­
tional copies w ill be furnished upon request to the Secretary's Office of
this Bank.

S incerely y o u rs,
T . W. P l a n t
F i r s t V ic e P r e s i d e n t

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (

Extract From
VO L. 40, NO. 149,
F rid a y , August 1, 1975,
pp. 32350 - 32360


[ 12 CFR Part 226 ]
[Reg. Z]

Fair Credit Billing Amendments

On May 5, 1975, the Board of Gover­
nors published for comment In the Fed­
eral Register (40 F.R. 19489) proposed
regulations implementing the Fair Credit
Billing Act (Title m of Pub. L. 93-495).
The comment period on this proposal
was initially set to terminate on May 30

and was subsequently extended through
June 20, 1975 (40 F.R. 23896). Following
the receipt of approximately 300 com­
ments the Board on July 24, 1975, an­
nounced in the Federal Register (40 F.R.
30986) its intent to publish revised regu­
lations implementing the Fair Credit
Billing Act (Title HI of Pub. L. 93-495)
for comment and to hold informal hear­
ings August 5 and 6, 1975, on these re­
vised proposals. The comment period on
these revised regulations, initially set to
terminate on August 12, has been ex­
tended to August 18,1975.
The changes made in revised regula­
tory proposals contained herein are re­
sponsive to comments received. Many of
the changes are minor adjustments in
drafting to eliminate ambiguities. The
more significant alterations in the pro­
posed regulations which result in sub­
stantive revisions include:
(1) The definition of a billing error
(§ 226.2 (j) (1)) has been refined to spe­
cifically include:
(a) A misdescription or insufficient
description of the transaction,
(b) A reflection of a transaction which
was not made to the customer or to
someone authorized to use his account
and from which use the customer receives
no benefit, or
(c) A misstatement as to the amount
of the transaction or as to the date that
the transaction took place.
(2) The definition of billing error
(§ 226.2(j) (3)) has also been adjusted to
reflect goods or services not accepted
because they differ from what was speci­
fied by agreement in that they were de­
livered in the wrong quantity, to the
wrong location, or were delivered late.
However, any dispute with respect to
the quality of goods or services in the
physical possession of the customer is
expressly excluded from this particular
definition of billing error.
(3) Section 226.4(i) relating to price
differentials offered by sellers for pay­
ment in cash has been amended to in­
clude surcharges of up to five per cent.
Such surcharges under the amended pro­
posal may be imposed without the need to
disclose them as part of the finance
(4) Draft language has been included
in § 226.6(b) (2) to set forth proposed
rules regarding the treatment of incon­
sistent State laws under section 171 (a^
of the Act.
Particular difficulty has been experi­
enced in drafting these provisions in light
of (1) the need to carry out the Con­
gressional direction that State law shall
be preempted only to the extent incon­
sistent with Federal law and shall be pre­
served to the extent it gives “greater
protection” to consumers; and (2) the
difficulty of wending through the diver­
sity of State provisions, of ascertaining
which items can be considered in isola­
tion or should be considered as steps in
procedure and, in many instances, of
deciding what constitutes “greater pro­
Comment is invited (especially from
persons with experience with State law)






on the sufficiency and clarity of the pro­ have been adjusted to remove the refer­
posed rules, as well as on any other as­ ence to standing authorizations for re­
pects of the Implementation of section funds to customers. However, overpay­
ments must be credited in the same
(5) The statement of fair credit bill­ manner as are regular payments, and re­
ing rights required to be given to new funds must be made within 5 business
customers Initially and semiannually days of receipt of a specific refund re­
thereafter (§ 226.7(a) (9) and § 226.7(d)) quest.
may be printed on both sides of one page
(10) The provision relating to the as­
and only those rights applicable to a sertion of claims and defenses against a
given creditor’s plan need be included.
card issuer when the merchant fails to
(6) The required disclosure on the pe­ satisfactorily resolve disputes as to goods
riodic statement of the outstanding bal­ or services (§ 26.13 ( i) ) has been adjusted
ance at the beginning and close of the to exclude cash advance check transac­
billing cycle in § 226.7(b) (1) (1) and (ix) tions which are unrelated to any specific
has been expanded to include a specific purchase of goods or services. The regula­
indication when the outstanding balance tion has been clarified to indicate that
is a credit balance.
the mere honoring of a credit card does
(7) The provisions dealing with the not remove the distance and dollar
Identification of transactions on a pe­ amount limitations set forth in the statu­
riodic statement (§ 226.7(b) (1) (ii)) have tory section. A new provision has been
been amended to cover cash advance added prohibiting the issuance of an ad­
transactions. In addition, the footnoted verse credit report merely because the
definition of related persons has been customer asserts his statutory rights.
adjusted to include franchised or licensed The footnote discussing tort claims has
sellers of the creditor’s product, sellers been deleted as unnecessary, because of
who assign or sell open end customer the statutory limitations on recovery to
sales accounts, and sellers who arrange the amount outstanding in the cus­
for open end credit. These provisions tomer’s account.
Implement section 4 ll of Title IV of
(11) The provision relating to prompt
Pub. L. 93-495 and were initially pub­ notification of returns (§ 226.13(k)) has
lished in the F e d e r a l R e g i s t e r on June been amended to require that the seller,
24, 1975 (40 P.R. 26571).
within 5 business days of any return,
(8) The rules regarding prompt cred­ transmit notice thereof into the normal
iting of payments (§ 226.7(g)) have been channels through which charges are
adjusted as follows:
handled and that the customer’s card
Each creditor must specify atIssuer credit the customer’s account
least one location at which payments within 3 business days of receipt of such
received will be credited as of the date notice.
of receipt.
(12) The provisions prohibiting cer­
(b) Payments received at such loca­ tain acts by card issuers (§ 226.13(1))
tions must be credited as of the date of have been amended to require card is­
receipt, except that during a transitional suers to notify participating merchants
period, partial payments on accounts of the invalidity of any contract provi­
where finance charges are computed on sions prohibiting merchants from offer­
the basis of daily balances or average ing discounts for cash payments in lieu
dally balances received at such address of use of a credit card or from imposing
must be credited promptly (but in no surcharges on credit card purchases. In
event later than 3 business days follow­ addition, the provision prohibiting tie-in
ing the date of receipt). Delayed credit­ services has been clarified to the effect
ing in these cases is allowed to provide that a card issuer may not require a
a transition period for creditors to over­ participating merchant to open a deposit
come operational problems. The length account or to procure any other service
of this transition period has yet to be n o t essential to th e operation of a credit
card plan. The term “device” has been
(c) If the creditor accepts payments omitted from this provision.
at locations other than that specified in
(13) The provision relating to the cor­
paragraph (a) above, crediting of such rection of billing errors (§ 226.14(a)) has
payments may be delayed up to 3 busi­ been amended to permit the creditor to
ness days, provided the customer is noti­ rely on a customer’s oral agreement that
fied of the possibility of such delay.
any alleged error has been resolved to his
(d) Payments need not be credited as satisfaction; the requirement of written
of the date of receipt, if a delay in notification by the customer indicating
crediting does not result in the imposi­ that the dispute has been resolved has
tion of finance charges or later payment been omitted.
charges. In any event, the crediting date
(14) The provision relating to the ad­
of payments would be disclosed on the justment of finance charges on disputed
customer’s periodic statement under the amounts (§ 226.14(b)) has been amended
proposed amendment to § 226.7(b) (iii). to clarify that the creditor need adjust
(e) If the creditor fails to credit pay­ the customer’s account only where the
ments in accordance with the timing investigation of a billing dispute indi­
provisions of (b), (c), or (d), he must cates that an error has been made, in­
adjust the customer’s account during the cluding any error in the amount, descrip­
next billing cycle for any finance charges tion, or date of the transaction, failure
that were imposed as a result of the de­ to mail the statement to the customer’s
current address, in billing for goods or
(9) The provisions relating to prompt services not delivered or accepted by the
refund of overpayments (§ 226.7(h)) customer in accordance with any agree­

ment, or any accounting error in the im­
position of charges to the account. How­
ever, if the creditor has made no error,
then he may collect finance charges as
usual. In addition, this section has been
clarified to the effect that a creditor need
not remove from a customer’s account
and place into a suspense or other ac­
count any disputed amounts as well as
finance charges on the disputed amounts
during the error resolution period. How­
ever, the creditor must clearly disclose on
the periodic statement that the customer
need not pay any amount in dispute.
A specific amount in dispute need not be
identified or disclosed on the periodic
periodic statement.
(15) The provisions dealing with pro­
hibited offsets (§ 226.14(c)) have been
clarified to the effect that they only re­
late to accounts maintained by the
creditor. In addition, these provisions
have been amended to provide that the
creditor must reverse any automatic
debiting of a customer’s account if he re­
ceives written notice of a billing error
within 16 days of mailing the periodic
(16) The provisions relating to credit
reports on amounts in dispute (§ 226.14
(e )) have been amended to require cred­
itors, in the case where notification of a
billing error has been received subse­
quent to the issuance of a delinquent
credit report, to give notice of the billing
dispute to only those parties who re­
ceived the report of delinquency and who
are in the business of collecting and dis­
seminating information about the credit­
worthiness of customers. Notification to
such parties must occur within one bill­
ing cycle.
Pursuant to the authority granted in
15 U.S.C. 1604 (1970) the Board proposes
to amend Regulation Z, 12 CFR Part 226,
as follows:
1. To implement section 302, § 226.1
(a) would be amended as follows:
a. Section 226.1(a) (1) is revised as set
forth below.
b. Section 226.1(a)(2) is amended by
inserting the following sentence immedi­
ately before the last sentence to read as
set forth below.
§ 2 2 6 .1 A uthority, scop e, and purpose,

A uthority, scope, and purpose. (1)
This Part comprises the regulations is­
sued by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System pursuant to
Title I (Truth in Lending Act) and Title
V (General Provisions) of the Consumer
Credit Protection Act, as amended (15
U.S.C. 1601 et seq.). Except as otherwise
provided herein, this Part, within the
context of its related provisions, applies
to all persons who are creditors, as de­
fined in paragraph(s) of § 226.2.
• * • In addition, this part is de­
signed to assist the customer to resolve
credit billing disputes in a fair and
timely manner, to regulate certain bill­
ing and credit card practices, and t
strengthen the legal rights of con­
sumers. • * •

§§ 226.2, 226.13 [Amended]
2. C ertain p aragraph s of §§ 226.2 an d
226.13 would be redesignated as shown
Old section. No.
New section No.
2 2 6 .1 3 (a)(1 )-------------------------- 226.2(a)
2 2 6 .1 3 (a )(2 )-------------------------- 226.2(C)
2 2 6 .1 3 (a )(3 )-------------------------- 226.2(1)
2 2 6 .1 3 (a)(4 )--------------------- 226.2 (m )
2 2 6 .1 3 (a)(6 )-------------------------- 226.2(r)
2 2 6 .1 3 (a)(7 )---------------- -------- 226.2(11)
22 6 .2 (a)-------------------------------- 226.2(b)
2 26.2(b)-------------------------------- 226.2(d)
226.2(c)--------------------------- 226.2(e)
2 26.2(d)-------------------------------- 226.2(f)
226.2(e)-------------------------------- 226.2(g)
226.2(f) ---------- ---------------------- 226.2(h)
2 26.2(g)-------------------------------- 226.2(1)
2 26 .2(h )-------------------------------- 226.2 (k)
226.2(1)--------------------------------- 226.2 (n)
226.2 ( j ) --------------------------------- 226.2(0)
226.2 ( k ) -------------------------------- 226.2(p)
226.2(1)--------------------------------- 226.2(q)
226.2 (m )------------------------------- 226.2 (s)
226.2 ( n ) -------------------------------- 226.2 (t)
226 .2 ( 0 ) -------------------------------226.2 (u )
2 26.2(p)-------------------------------- 226.2(v)
226.2 ( q ) -------------------------------- 226.2(w)
226.2 ( r ) -------------------------------- 226.2(x)
226.2 ( s ) -------------------------------- 226.2(y)
226.2 ( t ) -------------------------------- 226.2 (z)
2 2 6.2 (u)-------------------------------- 226.2 (aa)
226.2 ( v ) -------------------------------- 226.2 (bb)
226.2(w )_______ ____________ 226.2 (dd)
226.2(x)-------------------------------- 226.2 (ee)
226.2 ( y ) ----------------------------- 226.2 (ff)
226.2(z)-------------------------------- 226.2(gg)
226.2 ( a a ) ____________________ 226.2(hh)
2 26.2(bb)------------------------------ 226.2(j])
226.2 (c c )____________________ 226.2 (kk)
22 6.2 (d d)___________________

(2) A reflection on a periodic statement
of an extension of credit or indebtedness
for which the customer requests explana­
tion or clarification, including requests
for copies of documentary evidence of
the indebtedness reflected therein, or
(3) A reflection on a periodic state­
ment of an extension of credit for prop­
erty or services not accepted by the cus­
tomer or his designee, or not delivered
to the customer or his designee in accord­
ance with any agreement made in con­
nection with the transaction,1 or
(4) Any failure to properly reflect on a
periodic statement, a payment or other
credit to the customer’s account, or
(5) A computation error or similar
error of an accounting nature made by
the creditor on a periodic statement, in­
cluding errors in computing finance
charges or late payment charges, or
(6) A failure to mail or deliver a cus­
tomer’s periodic statement to his current
designated address, if the creditor has
received notification of the change of
address at least 10 days prior to the
closing date of a billing cycle for which a
finance charge, late payment charge, or
an additional minimum payment is im­

“Customer” means (1) a card­
holder or (2) a natural person to Whom
consumer credit is offered or to whom it
is or will be extended, and includes a
comaker, endorser, guarantor, or surety
for such natural person who is or may
be obligated to repay the extension of
consumer credit.





(x) “Open end credit” means con­
sumer credit extended on an account
pursuant to a plan under which (1) the
creditor may permit the customer to
make purchases or obtain loans, from
time to time, directly from the creditor
or indirectly by use of a credit card,
check, or other device, as the plan may
provide; (2) the customer has the pri­
vilege of paying the balance in full or in
instalments; and (3) a finance charge
may be computed by the creditor from
time to time on an outstanding unpaid
balance. For purposes of the require­
ments of §§ 226.7(a) (6), (7), (8), and
(9); 226.7(b) (1) (i), (ii), (iii), (ix), and
(x ) ; 226.7(b) (2); 226.7 (c), (d ), (f), (g),
(h ), and ( i) ; 226.13 (i), ( j ) , and (k ); and
226.14, the term includes consumer credit
extended on an account by use of a credit
card, whether or not a finance charge
may be imposed. The term does not in­
(p) “Consumer credit” means credit clude negotiated advances under an open
offered or extended to a natural person, end real estate mortgage or a letter of
in which the money, property, or service credit.
which is the subject of the transaction is
(cc) “Proper written notification of a
primarily for personal, family, household,
or agricultural purposes. “Consumer billing error” is any written notification
3. To im plem ent sections 103 and 161, loan” is one type of “consumer credit.” (other than notice on a payment medium
(q) “Credit” means the right granted or other material accompanying the pe­
in § 226.2, redesignated parag rap h s ( h ) ,
(p ), (q), (s), (u ), an d (x) would be re­ by a creditor to a customer to defer pay­ riodic statement if the creditor so stip­
vised and new parag rap h s (j) and (cc) ment of debt, incur debt and defer its ulates in the disclosure required by
payment, or purchase property or serv­ § 226.7(a) (9), (d), and (i)), received at
would be added as set fo rth below:
ices and defer payment therefor. (See the address disclosed under § 226.7
§ 2 2 6 .2 D efin ition s and rules o f con ­ also paragraph (jj) of this section.)
(b) (1) (x) within 60 days of the first
mailing or delivering to the customer’s
current designated address (as required
“Arrange for the extension of (s) “Creditor” means a person who in in § 226.7(b)) of the periodic statement
the ordinary course of business regularly on which the disputed item(s) or
credit” means to provide or offer to pro­
extends or arranges
extension of
vide consumer credit^ which is or will be consumer credit, or for the to extend or amount(s) is reflected in which the cus­
extended by another person under a busi­ arrange for the extension of such credit, tomer
(1) Sets forth or otherwise enables the
ness or other relationship pursuant to
which is
which the person arranging such credit than fourpayable by agreement in more creditor to identify the name and ac­
instalments, or for which the count number (if any) of the customer,
(1) Receives or will receive a fee, com­ payment of a finance charge is or may
(2) Indicates the customer’s belief
pensation, or other consideration for be required, whether in connection with
such service, or
loans, sales of property or services, or that the periodic statement contains a
(2) Has knowledge of the credit terms otherwise. For purposes of the require­ billing error and the suspected amount
and participates in the preparation of the ments of §§ 226.7(a) (6), (7), (8), and of such error, and
(3) Sets forth the reasons for such
contract documents required in connec­ (9); 226.7(b) (1) (i), (ii), (iii), (ix),and
tion with the extension of credit.
(x) ; 226.7(b) (2); 226.7 (c), (d ), (f), (g ), belief, to the extent applicable or known
It does not include honoring a credit card (h), and ( i) ; 226.13; and 226.14, the by the customer.
or similar device where no finance charge term “creditor” shall also include card
is imposed at the time of that trans­ issuers, whether or not the payment of § 2 2 6 .3 [A m e n d ed ].
a finance charge is or may be required.
Footnote in § 226.3 would be redes­
For purposes of the requirements of
§ 226.4(i) and 226.13(k), the term “credi­ ignated as follows: Footnote 1 is redesig­
(j) “Billing error” means:
tor” shall include any person who honors nated la, footnote la is redesignated lb,
A reflection on or with a periodic credit card.
and new footnote 1 is added to read as
statement of an extension of credit which
was not made to the customer or to a
person who had actual, implied, or ap­
1 The delivery of property or services differ­
1 The delivery of property or services differ­
parent authority of the customer to use en t from th a t described In any agreement, ent from th at described in any agreement,
the delivery of the wrong quantity, late deliv­
the account and from which use the cus­ the delivery of th e wrong quantity, lateshall ery, or delivery to the wrong location shall
livery, or delivery to th e wrong location
tomer received no benefit, or, if made, be considered to be a billing error subject to be considered to be a billing error subject to
was misidentified, insufficiently identi­ th is paragraph, bu t any dispute with respect th is paragraph, bu t any dispute w ith respect
of property in the physical
property in the physical
fied, or was not in the amount indicated to th e qualitythof customer or services per­ to the qualitythe custom er or services per­
possession of
possession of
or on the date specified on or with the formed for the custom er shall not be con­ formed for the custom er shall not be consid­
sidered a billing error under this paragraph. ered a billing error under this paragraph.
periodic statement, or

To Implement section 167, § 226.4(1)
this Part, State law is inconsistent with
would be added as follows:
the requirements of the Act and this Part,
within the meaning of section 111(a) of
§ 2 2 6 .4 D eterm in ation o f fin an ce charge.
the Act to the extent that it:
(1) Requires a creditor to make dis­
Price differentials lor payments inclosures or take actions different from the
cash. (1) Notwithstanding any other pro­ requirements of this Part with respect to
vision of this section, any price differen­ form, content, terminology, or time of
tial which a person offers, allows, or delivery;
otherwise makes available for the pur­
pose of inducing payment for a purchase
(2) (1) To the extent that any State
by cash, check, or similar means rather law with respect to credit billing prac­
than by use of a credit card account, tices is inconsistent with Chapter 4 of
whether or not a credit card is physically the Act and the implementing provisions
used, is not a finance charge: Provided, of this Part, such State law is preempted,
but no such State law is inconsistent if
(1) Such price differential does not ex­ it gives greater protection to the con­
ceed 5 per cent when computed or ex­ sumer that does this Part. The fact that
pressed as a percentage of the tag, posted, a creditor must comply with a State law
or advertised price of the property or which is inconsistent with this Part does
services which are the subject of the not excuse the creditor from the obliga­
tion to comply with this Part. The Board
(ii) Such price differential is available hereby determines that certain State
to all prospective buyers, and that fact is laws are inconsistent and certain State
clearly and conspicuously disclosed by a laws are not, within the meaning of sec­
sign or display posted at or near each tions 171(a) and 111(a) of the Act, as
public entrance to the place of business set forth below.
wherein such price differential is offered,
(ii) Subject to the following provisions
and at all locations within the place of of § 226.6(b) (2), the Issue of whether a
business where a purchase may be paid State law is inconsistent with this Part,
for, and
as contemplated by the preceding para­
(iii) If an offer of property or services graph, depends upon whether or not a
is advertised In any medium or if offers creditor can comply with the State law
are invited or accepted through the mail, without violating this Part; if the credi­
over the telephone, or by means other tor can comply with the State law with­
than personal contact between the cus­ out violating this Part, the State law is
tomer and the person offering such a not inconsistent with this Part, but, if
price differential, and if customers are the creditor cannot comply with the
allowed to pay by use of a credit card or State law without violating this Part, the
Its underlying account and such fact is State law is inconsistent with this Part.
disclosed in the advertisement, telephone
(iii) With respect to any State law
contact, or in other correspondence, the which is similar to section 161 of the Act
availability of a price differential for pay­ in specifying particular actions to be
ments in cash must be clearly and con­ taken by the customer and the creditor
spicuously disclosed in any advertisement in the process of resolving billing errors,
for such offerings and, in any case, be­ if compliance by the customer with such
fore the transaction has been completed State law as to any stage of the process
by use of the credit card or its underlying would constitute noncompliance with this
Part, and, hence, cause the customer to
(2) With respect to any price differen­ lose any rights under this Part, then the
tial to cash purchasers in excess of 5 per State law as to that portion of the proc­
cent, the total amount of any such price ess is inconsistent with this Part: Pro­
differential shall constitute a finance vided, That a State law Is not inconsist­
charge under § 226.4(a) to be disclosed in ent with this Part to the extent that it
accordance with § 226.7(e).
permits a customer to set in motion the
(3) The availability of any price differ­ State procedure for resolving billing
ential for payments in cash may be lim­ errors after the time allowed for setting
ited by the person offering such price dif­ in motion the comparable procedure un­
ferentials to certain types of property or der this Part has expired, and in such
services or to certain outlets maintained circumstances (when the time limit im­
by the person, provided that such limita­ posed by this Part has expired) the entire
tions are clearly and conspicuously dis­ State law shall have full force and effect.
closed, as applicable, in conjunction with
(iv) With respect to any State law
any notice as prescribed by paragraphs which requires a creditor to notify a cus­
(ii) and (iii) of this section.
tomer of the customer’s rights or
creditor’s responsibilities under State
To implement section 171 (a) and to
provide a transition period to obtain new law, similar to those under sections 161,
forms, § 226.6 would be amended by re­ 162, or 170 of the Act, such State law Is
vising paragraps (b) (1) (1) and (2) (1) inconsistent with this Part to the extent
that it would require the creditor to no­
thru (v) and paragraph (k ).
tify the customer of any provision of
§ 2 2 6 .6 G eneral
disclosu re
req u ire­ State law duplicative of or inconsistent
m en ts.
with this Part, and the creditor shall not
notify the customer of any such pro­
(b) Inconsistent State requirements. vision. When a creditor gives written
(1) With respect to the requirements of notice to any customer of the customer’s

rights under any provision of State law
which would permit a customer to set in
motion the State procedure for resolving
billing errors after the time allowed for
setting in motion the comparable proce­
dure under this Part has expired, the
creditor shall clearly and conspicuously
set forth in the notice that reliance upon
the longer time period available under
the State law may cause the customer to
lose important rights which could be pre­
served by acting more promptly under
the Federal law.
(v) To the extent that any State law
applies to any case not clearly covered
by the above determinations, the Board
hereby determines that the State law is
inconsistent, as contemplated by § 226.6
(b) (2) ( i ) ; but the Governor, Attorney
General or any official of the State hav­
ing responsibilities under such State law
may apply to the Board for a contrary





(k) Transition period. Any creditor
who can demonstrate that he has taken
bona fide steps, prior to October 28,1975,
to obtain printed forms which are neces­
sary to comply with the requirements of
this Part may, until such forms are re­
ceived but in no event later than April 30,
1976, utilize existing supplies of printed
forms for the purpose of complying with
the disclosure requirements of this Part:
Provided, That such forms are altered or
supplemented as necessary to assure that
all of the items of information the
creditor is required to disclose to the cus­
tomer are set forth clearly and con­





To implement sections 127(a)(8),
127(b)(1 1 ),127(c),163, 164, 165, and 167,
§ 226.7 would be amended as follows:
a. Paragraph (a) (9) is added as set
forth below.
b. The text following the heading of
paragraph (b) is redesignated as para­
graph (b )(1).
c. Paragraphs (b) (1) through (9) are
redesignated as paragraphs (b) (1) (i)
through (ix).
d. Paragraph (b) (1) (x) is set
forth below.
e. Redesignated paragraphs (b) (1) (i),
(ii), (iii), (v), and (ix) are revised as
set forth below.
f. Paragraph b) (2) Is added as set
forth below.
g. Paragraph (c) (1) and (2) are re­
vised, paragraph (c) (3) is amended by
adding a last sentence, and (c) (4) is
added to read as set forth below.
h. Paragraphs (d) and (e) are redesig­
nated as paragraphs (e) and ( f ) ; new
paragraphs (d), (g), (h), and (1) are
added, and redesignated paragraph (e)
is revised as set forth below.
§ 2 2 6 .7 O pen en d crcdit accou nts— sp e­
cific disclosu res.

(a) • • *
(9) The following notice: "N O T IC E :
See accompanying statement for impor­
tant information regarding your rights


to dispute billing errors” and a separate
statement containing substantially the
following text,8 as applicable, written
clearly and conspicuously, shall accom­
pany such a statement; or the following
text without the preceding notice may be
included on the statement required by
paragraph (a) of this section if disclosed
clearly and conspicuously; or the follow­
ing text may be included on the reverse
side of the statement required by para­
graph (a) of this section with the follow­
ing notice on the face of the statement:
“N O T IC E : See reverse side for impor­
tant information regarding your rights
to dispute billing errors.”:
I n C a se o f E r r o r s o n Y o u r B il l

T he Federal T r u th in L ending Act requires
p ro m p t correction of billing m istakes.
1. I f you w ant to preserve your rig h ts u n ­
d er th e Act, h e re ’s w h a t to do if you th in k
your bill is wrong or if you need m ore in ­
fo rm atio n a b o u t a n ite m on your b ill:
a. Do n o t w rite on th e bill. On a separate
sh e e t of pap er w rite [A ltern ate : W rite on th e
bill o r o th e r sheet of paper] (you m ay tele ­
p h o ne y our in q u iry b u t doing so w ill not
■preserve yo ur rights un de r this law) th e fol­
lowing :
1. Your nam e a n d a cco u nt n u m b er (if a n y ) .
ii. Describe th e erro r an d w hy (to th e ex­
t e n t you can) you believe it is a n error.
I f you need only m ore in fo rm atio n , explain
th e ite m you are n o t sure ab o ut, a n d if you
wish, ask for evidence of th e charge su ch as
a copy of th e charge slip. Do n o t send in your
copy of a sales slip or o th er d o cum ent unless
you have a d u p licate copy for your records.
iii. T he dollar a m o u n t of th e suspected
iv. Any o th e r in fo rm a tio n (such as your
address) w hich you th in k will help th e
cred ito r to id entify you or th e reason for your
co m p la in t or inquiry.
b. Send y our billing error notice to th e
address on your bill w hich is listed afte r th e
words: “Send In q u irie s t o : ” \ A ltern ate:
Send your billing error notice to: (creditor’s
name an d address) ].
Mail i t as soon as you can, b u t in any case
early enough to reach th e creditor w ith in 60
days a fte r th e bill was m ailed to you. If you
have a u th o rized your b an k to a u to m atically
pay from your checking or savings a ccou n t
a ny cred it card bills from t h a t bank, you can
stop or reverse p aym ent on any a m o u n t you
th in k is wrong by m ailing your notice w ith in
16 days a fte r th e bill was se n t to you. You do
n o t have to m eet th is 16 day deadline,
th o u g h , to get your bill corrected.
2. T he cred ito r m u st acknowledge all le t­
ters p o in tin g o u t possible errors w ith in 30
days of receipt, unless th e creditor is able to
c o rrect your bill d u rin g t h a t 30 days. W ithin
90 days a fte r receiving your letter, the
c reditor m u st e ith e r correct th e error or show
why th e creditor believes th e bill was correct.
Once th e creditor has explained th e bill, th e
c reditor h as no f u rth e r obligation to you
even th o u g h you still believe t h a t th ere is an
error, except as provided in p arag rap h 5
3. A fter th e creditor has been notified,
n e ith e r th e creditor nor a n atto rn e y n or a
collection agency m ay send you letters or
take o th e r collection actio n w ith respect to
th e a m o u n t in dispute; b u t periodic sta te «'• W herever th e word “cred ito r” appears or
is referred to in th e sta te m en t, th e creditor
m ay s u b s titu te app ro p riate references, such
as “com pany,” “b a n k ,” “we” or a specific
nam e.

m ents may be sent to you, and th e disputed
am ount can be applied against your credit
lim it. You cannot be threatened w ith damage
to your credit rating or sued for th e am ount
in question, nor can th e disputed am ount
be reported to a credit bureau or to other
creditors as delinquent untU the creditor has
answered your inquiry.
4. I f i t is d eterm in ed t h a t th e cred ito r h as
m ade a m istake o n your bill, you will n o t
have to pay any finance charges on any dis­
p u te d am o u n t. If it tu r n s o u t t h a t th e credi­
to r h as n o t m ade a n error, you m ay have to
pay finance charges on th e a m o u n t in dis­
p u te, and you will have to m ake u p any
m issed m in im u m or req u ired p aym en ts on
th e d isp u ted a m o u nt. T he creditor m u st send
you a s ta te m e n t of w h a t you owe, a n d you
m u st be given th e tim e to pay w hich you
norm ally are given to pay u n d isp u ted
a m o u n ts before any more finance charges or
late p ay m en t charges can be charged to you.
5. If th e cred ito r’s exp lan atio n does n o t
satisfy you an d you n o tify th e cred ito r in
w ritin g w ith in 10 days t h a t you still refuse
to pay th e d isp u ted a m o u n t, th e creditor m ay
re p o rt you to credit b u re au s an d o th e r credi­
to rs a n d m ay p u rsu e reg ular collection p ro ­
cedures. B u t th e cred ito r m u st tell th e m
t h a t you do n o t th in k you owe th e money,
a n d th e creditor m u st le t you know to w hom
su ch repo rts were m ade. Once th e m a tte r has
been se ttle d betw een you a n d th e creditor,
th e creditor m u s t send follow -up notices to
tho se to w hom th e creditor rep o rted you as
d e lin q u e n t.
6. If th e creditor does n o t follow th ese
rules, th e creditor is n o t allowed to collect
th e first $50 of a d isp u ted a m ou n t, even if
th e bill tu r n s o u t to be correct.
7. If you have a problem w ith goods or
services p u rchased w ith a cred it card, you
m ay have th e rig h t n o t to pay th e rem ainin g
a m o u n t due on th em , if you first try in good
f a ith to re tu r n th e m or give th e m e rc h a n t a
chance to correct th e problem . T here are two
lim itatio n s on th is rig h t:
a. You m u st have b o u g h t th em in your
hom e sta te or w ith in 100 m iles of your c u r­
re n t m ailing address (w hichever is f a r th e r ) ;
b. T he purchase price m u st have been
m ore th a n $50.
However, these lim itatio n s do n o t apply if
th e m e rc h a n t is owned or operated by th e
creditor, or if th e cred ito r m ailed you the
a d v ertisem ent for th e goods or services.

(A) In cases in which an actual
copy of the document evidencing the
credit transaction accompanies the pe­
riodic statement, the amount of the
transaction and either the date of the
transaction or the date the transaction is
debited to the customer’s account; or
(B) In cases in which an actual copy
of the document evidencing the credit
transaction does not accompany the pe­
riodic statement, is least:
( 1) The date on which the transacaction took place7 and the amount of the
transaction; provided that, with respect
to transactions in which the creditor and
the seller are not the same person or
related persons,7 the creditor may rely
upon and disclose the information sup­
plied by the seller with respect to the
date and amount of the transaction;
(2) A brief identification7 of the
property or services purchased in cases
in which the creditor and the seller are
the same person or related persons, or
the seller’s name and address (city and
state or foreign country, using under­
standable and generally accepted abbre­
viations if the creditor so desires) where
the transaction took place in cases in
which the creditor and the seller are
not the same person or related persons.
(C) Notwithstanding the provisions
of paragraphs (A) and (B), in cases in
which a transaction involving a cash
advance or overdraft checking plan is
reflected on the periodic statement, at
An actual copy of the document
evidencing the transaction which shows
the amount of the transaction and
either the date of the transaction, the
date the transaction was debited to the
customer’s account, or the date placed
on the document or instrument by the
customer (if the customer signed the
document or instrument); or

7 W ith respect to tran sac tio n s w hich are
n o t billed in fu ll on any single s ta te m e n t
b u t for which preco m p u ted in stallm e n ts are
Periodic statements required, < 1 billed periodically, th e d a te th e tra n sa c tio n
place for
th is
Except in the case of an account which tak es be deem ed purposes of te on p aragrap h
to be th d a
w hich th e
the creditor deems to be uncollectible or shallu n t is debited to th e ecu sto m e r’s account.
am o
with respect to which delinqueny collec­
7* For purposes of th is parag rap h, a person
tion procedures have been instituted, the is n o t related to th e creditor sim ply because
creditor of any open end credit account h e a n d th e creditor have a n ag reem ent or
shall mail or deliver to the customer’s co n tra c t p u rs u a n t to w hich h e is a u tho rized
o r th e cred r’s credit card n d e r th e
current designated address (if the credi­ to h onspecified in itoe agreem ent oruco n tract.
term s
tor has received notice of the customer’s F ran chised or licensed sellers of a c red ito r’s
change of address 10 days prior to the p ro d u c t shall be considered to be re la ted to
for purposes of th is p
closing date of the previous billing cycle) th e creditor assign or sell open end aragraph.
Sellers who
custom er
for each billing cycle at the end of which sales accou n ts to a creditor or arrang e for
su c h cred it u n d e r a n open end c red it p lan
there is an outstanding undisputed debit
w hich allows th e custom er to use th e cred it
or credit balance in excess of $1 in that only in tran sac tio n s w ith t h a t seller shall be
account or with respect to which a fi­ considered related to th e creditor for p u r ­
nance charge is imposed, a statement or poses of th is p aragraph.
7b For purposes of th is parag rap h , designa­
statements which the customer may re­
tio n s su c h as “m erch and ise” or “m iscel­
tain, setting forth in accordance with lan e o u s” shall n o t be considered sufficient
paragraph (c) of this section each of the id entification of goods or services, b u t a re f­
e p a rtm e n in a sales
following items to the extent applicable: m e n t wto a daccurately t conveys th ee stab lish ­
id en tifi­
The outstanding balance in thec atio n of th e ty pe(s) of p roperty or services
account at the beginning of the billing w hich are available in su c h d e p a rtm e n t shall
be sufficient u n e th
cycle, using the term “previous balance,” catio n m ay be dmrade is p aragraph. Id e n tifi­
on a n accom panying
and in the case of a credit balance, an slip or by symbol, re la tin g to a n id en tifica­
tio n list p rin te d on th e sta te m en t.
appropriate identification as such.


A description of the transaction, (ix) The closing date of the billing for important information” or “NOTICE:
which characterizes it as a cash advance, cycle and the outstanding balance in the See accompany statement(s) for impor­
loan, overdraft loan, or other designa­ account on that date, using the term tant information” or “NOTICE: See re­
tion as appropriate, and which includes “new balance,” and in the case of a credit verse side and accompanying state­
the date of the transactionT or the date balance, appropriately identified as such, m en ts) for important information,”
which appears on the document evi­ accompanied by the statement of the and the disclosures shall not be sepa­
dencing the transaction (if the cus­ date by which, or the period, if any, rated so as to confuse or mislead the
tomer signed the document or instru­ within which, payment must be made to customer or obscure or detract attention
avoid additional finance charges, except from the information required to be
ment) .
This paragraph shall apply to any that the creditor may, at his option and disclosed.
(d) Semiannual statement required.
case in which a transaction involving without disclosure, impose no such ad­
the use of a cash advance check issued ditional finance charges if payment is (1) The creditor shall mail or deliver
by the creditor for use with the open end received after such date or termination of during two billing cycles per year to each
customer entitled to receive a periodic
credit account is reflected on a periodic such period.
(x) An address to be used by the credi­ statement under § 226.7 (b) for such bill­
In a case in which any of the in­ tor, for the purpose of receiving billing ing cycle, the statement required by
formation with regard to the date of the inquiries from customers. Such address 5 226.7(a)(9), written clearly and con­
transaction, the description of the goods shall be preceded by the caption: “Send spicuously either on the face and reverse
and services purchased, or the seller’s Inquiries To:”, or other similar langauge of a separate page or included with the
name and address as required by para­ indicating that the address is the proper disclosures required by paragraph (b) of
this section.
graph (B) is not available to the creditor, location to send such inquiries.
If the terms of the open end credit (2) The semiannual statement shall be
an identifying number or symbol which
appears on the document evidencing the plan provide a time period within which mailed or delivered not less than 5 nor
credit transaction given to the customer the customer may repay any portion of more than 7 months after the month in
at the time of the transaction must be the new balance without incurring an which the last preceding such notice was
disclosed. The provisions of the first additional finance charge or a late pay­ mailed or delivered, provided that,
(1) In any case the creditor shall mail
sentence of this paragraph shall not ment charge, no such charge may be im­
relieve the creditor of responsibility for posed with respect to any portion of such or deliver such statements at least twice
reasonably new balance unless the periodic state­ In any 12 month calendar period, and
ment disclosing such new balance is
The first semiannual statement to
adapted to procure such information.
The amounts and dates of credit­ mailed or delivered to the customer’s cur­ any new customer may be mailed or de­
ing to the account during the billing cycle rent designated address (if the creditor livered to that customer during the next
for payments, using the term “pay­ has received notice of the customer’s regularly scheduled mailing or delivery
ments,” and for other credits including change or address 10 days prior to the of semiannual statements in which he is
returns, rebates of finance charges, and closing date of the previous billing cycle) entitled to receive a semiannual notice
adjustments, using the term “credits,” at least 14 days prior to the date specified under paragraph (d) (1) of this section.
(3) If the creditor chooses to alter the
and unless previously furnished a brief in the statement as being the date by
identification of each of the items in­ which payment of the new balance must cycle of mailing or delivering semiannual
be made in order to avoid the imposition statements, the creditor may mail or de­
cluded in such other credits.
of that finance charge or late payment liver the semiannual statement less than
charge, except that such time limitation 5 months after the last preceding such
*(v) Each periodic rate, using the shall not apply in any case where the
term “periodic rate” (or “rates”), that creditor has been prevented, delayed, statement was mailed or delivered, pro­
vided that the
or delivers
may be used to compute the finance or hindered in mailing or delivering such at least 3 suchcreditor mailsin the next
charge (whether or not applied during periodic statement within such time limit twelve months computed from the month
the billing cycle), the range of balances because of an act of God, war, civil dis­ in which the last preceding semiannual
to which it is applicable, and the cor­ order, natural disaster, or strike.
statement was mailed or delivered.
responding annual percentage rate de­
(c) * * *
t4) Nothing in this section shall be
termined by multiplying the periodic
(1) The information required to be
rate by the number of periods in a year. disclosed under paragraph (b) (1) (ii) of construed to prohibit a creditor from
The words "corresponding annual per­ this section and itemization of the mailing or delivering the statement re­
centage rate,” “corresponding nominal amount of “credits” disclosed under quired by this section more frequently
annual percentage rate,” “nominal an­ paragraph (b)(1) (iii) of this section than semiannually.
(e) Finance charge imposed at the
nual percentage rate,” or “annual per­ and of the amount of any finance charge
centage rate” (or "rates”) may be used required to be disclosed under paragraph time of transaction. (1) Any creditor,
to describe the corresponding annual (b) (1) (iv) of this section, may be made other than the creditor of the open end
percentage rate. The requirements of on the reverse side of the periodic state­ credit account, who imposes a finance
§ 226.6(a) of this Part with respect to ment or on a separate accompanying charge not excepted by § 226.4(i) Price
disclosing the term “annual percentage statem ent(s), provided that the totals of differentials for payments in cash, at the
rate” more conspicuously than other re­ such respective amounts are disclosed on time of honoring a customer's credit
quired terminology shall not be appli­ the face of the periodic statement; and card, shall make the disclosures required
under paragraphs (b) (2) and (d) of
cable to the disclosure made under this
(2) The disclosures required under
paragraph, although such term (or words paragraph (b) (1) (v) and (b) (1) (viii) of § 226.8 Credit other than open end—
incorporating such term) may, at the this section, except the balance on which specific disclosures, at the time of that
creditor’s option, be shown as con­ the finance charge was computed, may transaction, and the annual percentage
rate to be disclosed shall be determined
spicuously as the terminology required
under (b)(1) (vi) of this paragraph. be made on theor on theside of thesingle by dividing the amount of the finance
odic statement
face of a
Where a minimum charge may be ap­ supplemental statement which shall ac­ charge by the amount financed and mul­
tiplying the quotient (expressed as a per­
plicable to the account, the amount of company the periodic statement.
centage) by 12.
such minimum charge shall be dis­
(3) The disclosure required by para­
(2) The creditor of the open end credit
graph (b)(1) (x) of this section may account shall disregard any charge im­
be made on the reverse side of the peri­ posed under this paragraph for purposes
odic statement.
T In cases In which an am ount is debited
(4) If the creditor exercises any of the of the disclosure requirements of para­
to a custom er’s open end credit account u n ­ options provided under this paragraph, graphs (a) and (b) of this section.
der an overdraft checking plan, th e date
of debiting the open end credit account shaU the face of the periodic statement shall
Prompt crediting of payments. Re­
be considered th e date of th e transaction contain one of the following notices, as
applicable: “NOTICE: See reverse side gardless of the date of actual posting of
for purposes of th is paragraph.

a payment to an account, such payment in excess of the new 'balance (as pro­
The date by which, or the period,
shall be credited to the customer’s ac­ vided in § 226.7(b) (1) (ix )) to which the
count as of the date such payment Is payment is to be applied, the creditor if any, within which payment must be
made in order to avoid late payment or
received by the creditor and no finance shall:
delinqency charges.
charge or late payment charge shall be
(1) Credit the customer’s account with
If the creditor is required to send
imposed with respect to the amount of the total amount of the payment as of
such payment which is properly received the date of receipt as specified in para­ a periodic statement under paragraph(q)
of this section, the requirements of
by the creditor on or before the time graph (g) of this section, or
§§ 226.7(b) (1) (i), (ii), (iii), (ix) and (x ),
indicated by the creditor as necessary to
Credit the customer’s account and § 226.7(b) (2) shall be met, as ap­
avoid imposition thereof: Provided, with an amount equal to the total new
plicable, in addition to the disclosures
balance in the manner prescribed by
this paragraph.
(1) If a creditor fails to post the cus­ paragraph (g) of this section and required* by *
tomer’s payment in time to avoid the promptly (in no case more than 5 busi­
imposition of finance charges or late ness days from the creditor’s receipt of
payment charges (except those charges the payment) refund the excess amount.
(6) If a transaction subject to § 226.8
resulting from the delays allowed in par­
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of (o) is debited to an open end credit ac­
agraphs (g) (3) and (5) of this section), paragraph (g)(1) of this section, a count, disclosures shall be made as speci­
the creditor shall adjust the customer’s creditor shall refund any excess pay­ fied in paragraph (1) of this section and
account so that the finance charges or ments of $1 or more promptly (in no case also as specified in § 226.7. The full
late payment charges are credited to the more than 5 business days from receipt amount of the obligation including the
account during the customer’s next bill­ of the customer’s request) if the custom­ amount of the discount may be debited
to the open end credit account, under
ing cycle.
er requests such a refund in writing.
(2) For the purpose of this paragraph,
(3) A creditor may refund any excess § 226.7(b) (1) (ii), and the amount of any
the creditor may specify reasonable re­ payment of any amount, whether or not finance charge representing the discount
need not be added to any other finance
quirements with respect to the form, requested by the customer.
amount, manner, location, and time for
Open and credit accounts existingcharge for the purpose of computing and
the crediting of payments, except that: on October 28, 1975. In the case of any disclosing the total amount of finance
(i) If no particular hour of the day open end credit account in existence and charge and the annual percentage rate
has been clearly indicated to the cus­ in which a balance of more than $1 re­ under § 226.5(a) and § 226.7.1 4
tomer on the periodic statement as the mains unpaid at or after the closing date
time by which payment must be received of the creditor’s first full billing cycle
(q) Credit card accounts. In addition
by the creditor in order to obtain credit­ after October 28,1975, and which balance to the requirements of this section, con­
ing to the customer’s account on such is deemed to be collectible and with re­ sumer credit other than open end which
date, payments made prior to the close spect to which delinquency collection is extended on an account by use of a
of business on that day must be credited procedures have not been instituted, the credit card shall also be subject to the
items described in paragraph (a) of’this requirements of §§ 226.7(a) (6), (7), (8)
as of that date, and
(ii) If no location(s) has been clearly section, to the extent applicable and not and (9); 226.7(b) (1) (1), (11), (ill), (iX) ,
indicated on the periodic statement or on previously required to be disclosed to the and (x ) ; 226.7(c), (d), (g ), (h ), and ( i) ;
a return envelope accompanying the pe­ customer, shall be disclosed in the form 226.13(i), (j), and (k ); and 226.14, to the
riodic statement as the location(s) at prescribed in paragraph (a) of this sec­ extent not required by other portions of
which payment may be made, then pay­ tion, and mailed or delivered to the cus­ this section.
ment at any location where the creditor tomer not later than the time of mailing
9. Section 226.11(a) (2) and (3) would
conducts business shall be credited as of or delivery of the periodic statement re­ be revised as follows:
the date such payment is presented, and quired under paragraph (b) of this sec­
§ 2 2 6 .1 1
Com parative ind ex o f credit
(iii) If no particular manner of pay­ tion for that billing cycle.
cost for op en end credit.
ment has been clearly indicated on the
To implement section 103(f) and to (a) * * *
periodic statement, then payment by clarify certain disclosure requirements
check, cash, money order, bank draft, or with respect to credit other than open
other similar instrument in properly ne­ end which is extended on an account by
(2) Shall recompute the Comparative
gotiable form shall constitute proper use of a credit card, § 226.8 (n) and (o)
manner of payment.
(6) would be revised and (q) would be Index of Credit Cost in accordance with
paragraph (b) of this section based upon
(3) If the creditor accepts payment at added as follows:
locations other than those specified un­
any new open end credit account terms
§ 2 2 6 .8 Credit other than op en end—
der paragraph (g) (2) (ii) of this section,
to be adopted and shall disclose the new
sp ecific disclosures.
the creditor shall credit the customer’s
Comparative Index of Credit Cost in ac­
account promptly (in no case later than
cordance with paragraph (c) (2) of this
3 business days), provided that the possi­
(n) Periodic statements. (1) If a
bility of such delay is clearly disclosed creditor transmits a periodic billing section concurrently with the notice re­
to the customer on the periodic state­ statem ent1 other than a delinquency quired under paragraph (f) of § 226.7.
(3) Shall, when making such disclo­
notice, payment coupon book, or payment
(4) Payments need not be credited as passbook, or a statement, billing, or ad­ sure under the provisions of paragraphs
of the date of receipt (but in any case vice relating exclusively to amounts to (a) (5) and (b) (1) (vii) of § 226.7, make
must be credited promptly) if a delay in be paid by the customer as escrows for
crediting does not result in the imposi­ payment of taxes, insurance, and water, the disclosure to all open end credit ac­
tion of any finance charges or late pay­ sewer, and land rents, it shall be in a count customers; and
ment charges for that billing cycle or a form which the customer may retain and
later billing cycle.
shall set forth:
10. To implement section 171, § 226.12
(5) If, because of operational limita­
The annual percentage rate or(a) and (b) would be revised as follows:
tions, the creditor is unable to credit a
partial payment made on an average and unless exempted by § 226.8(b) (2); § 2 2 6 .1 2 E x em p tio n o f certain State
daily balance or daily balance account
regulated transactions.
as of the date of receipt, a creditor may
Exemption for State regulated
credit such payment promptly (in no
13 Any statem ent, notice, or reminder of
case more than 3 business days) until paym ent due on any transaction payable In transactions. In accordance with the
Instalm ents which is mailed or delivered provisions of Supplements II, IV, and V
Crediting and refunding excessperiodically to th e custom er in advance of to Regulation Z, any State may make ap­
payments. ( ) Whenever a customer th e due date of th e Instalm ent shall be a
periodic billing statem ent for the purpose of plication to the Board for exemption of
mails or delivers payment to the creditor th is paragraph.
any class of transactions within the State

from the requirements of Chapters 2 and two years preceding the unauthorized dinarily required for transmission,
whichever is earlier.
4 of the Act and the corresponding provi­ use; and
The card issuer has provided the (f) Action to enforce liability. In any
sions of this Part: Provided, That:
(1) The Board determines that, under cardholder with an addressed notifica­ action by a card issuer to enforce liability
the law of that State, that class of trans­ tion requiring no postage to be paid by for the use of a credit card, the burden
actions is subject to requirements sub­ the cardholder which may be mailed of proof is upon the card issuer to show
stantially similar to those imposed under by the cardholder in the event of the that the use was authorized or, if the use
Chapter 2 or Chapter 4 of the Act or loss, theft, or possible unauthorized use was unauthorized, then the burden of
proof is upon the card issuer to show
both and the corresponding provisions of of the credit card.
(c) Other conditions of liability. In ad­ that the conditions of liability for the un­
this Part; or in the case of Chapter 4,
the consumer is afforded greater protec­ dition to the conditions of liability in authorized use of a credit card, as set
tion than is afforded under Chapter 4 of paragraph (b) of this section, no card­ forth in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this
holder shall be liable for the unauthor­ section, have been met.
the Act, and
(g) Effect on other applicable law or
(2) There is adequate provision for ized use of any credit card which was
issued after January 24, 1971, and, re­ agreement. Nothing in this section im­
(b) Procedures and criteria. The pro­ gardless of the date of its issuance, after poses liability upon a cardholder for the
cedures and criteria under which any January 24, 1972, no cardholder shall be unauthorized use of a credit card in ex­
State may apply for the determination liable for the unauthorized use of any cess of his liability for such use under
provided for in paragraph (a) of this credit card, unless the card issuer has other applicable law or under any agree­
section are set forth in Supplement II provided a method whereby the user of ment with the card issuer.
(h) Business use of credit cards. If 10
to Regulation Z with respect to disclosure such card can be identified as the person
and rescission requirements (sections authorized to use it, such as by signa­ or more credit cards are issued by one
121-131 of Chapter 2), Supplement IV ture, photograph, or fingerprint on the card issuer for use by the employees of
with respect to the prohibition of the is­ credit card or by electronic or mechanical a single business or other organization,
nothing in this section prohibits the card
suance of unsolicited credit cards and confirmation.
(d) Notice to cardholder. The notice issuer from agreeing by contract with
the liability of the cardholder for un­
authorized use of a credit card (section to cardholder pursuant to paragraph (b) such business or other organization as to
132-133 of Chapter 2), and in Supple­ (3) of this section may be given by print­ liability for unauthorized use of any such
ment V which will be issued on or before ing the notice on the credit card, or by credit cards without regard to the provi­
October 28, 1975, with respect to fair any other means reasonably assuring the sions of this section, but in no case may
credit billing requirements (sections 161­ receipt thereof by the cardholder. An ac­ any business or other organization or
171 of Chapter 4).
ceptable form of notice must state that card issuer impose liability on any em­
liability shall not exceed $50 (or any les­ ployee of such business or other organiza­
loss, theft, or tion with respect to unauthorized use of
To implement sections 166, 167, ser amount), that notice of may be
credit card
168, 169, and 170, § 226.13 would be orally orunauthorizedand the namegiven such and subject except in accordance
in writing,
and with
to the other liability
amended as follows:
this section.
address of the party
a. Paragraphs (a) (1) through (4), It may include any to receive the notice. limitations ofof cardholder to assert
and (a) (6) and (7), are incorporated tion which is not inconsistent informa­ claimsRight
into § 226.2 as shown in the redesignation provisions of this section. An with the (1) When defenses against card issuer.
a creditor who provides prop­
table of paragraph 2 above.
erty or services fails to satisfactorily re­
of an acceptable notice is as follows:
b. Paragraph (a) (5) is deleted.
“You may be liable for the unauthor­ solve a dispute as to property or services
c. Paragraphs (b) through (i) are re­
of a credit card in
designated as paragraphs (a) through ized use of your creditcredit[or other term purchased withuseconsumer credit trans­
which describes the
device]. You connection
d. Paragraphs (a) through (h) are will not be liable for unauthorized use action, the cardholder may assert all
revised and paragraphs (i), (j), (k ), and which occurs after you notify [name of claims (other than tort claims) and de­
card issuer or his designee1 at [address! fenses arising out of the transaction and
(1) are added as set forth below.
orally or in writing of loss, theft, or pos­ relating to such failure against the card
§ 226.13 Credit card transactions— sp e­ sible unauthorized use. In any case liabil­ issuer and the cardholder may withhold
cial req uirem en ts.
ity shall not exceed [insert $50 or any payment up to the amount of credit out­
(a) Issuance of credit cards. Regard­ lesser amount under other applicable law standing with respect to the property
less of whether a credit card is to be or under any agreement with the card­ or services which gave rise to the dispute
and any finance charges or late payment
used for personal, family, household, holder].”
(e) Notice to card issuer. For the pur­ charges imposed on that amount if :
agricultural, business or commercial pur­
(i) The cardholder has made a good
poses, no credit card shall be issued to poses of this section, a cardholder noti­
fies a card issuer by taking such steps as faith attempt to obtain satisfactory res­
any person except:
(1) In response to a request or ap­ may be reasonably required in the ordi­ olution of the disagreement or problem
nary course of business to provide the relative to the transaction from the per­
plication therefor, or
(2) As a renewal of, or in substitution card issuer with the pertinent informa­ son honoring the credit card,
(ii) The amount of credit extended by
for, an accepted credit card whether such tion with respect to loss, theft, or possible
card is issued by the same or a successor unauthorized use of any credit card, the card issuer to the customer to obtain
whether or not any particular officer, em­ the property or services which resulted
card issuer.
(b) Conditions of liability of card­ ployee, or agent of the card issuer does, in the assertion of the claim or defense
holder. a cardholder shall be liable for in fact, receive such notice or informa­ by the cardholder exceeds $50, and
(iii) The initial transaction which
unauthorized use of each credit card is­ tion. Irrespective of the form of notice
provided under paragraph (b) (4) of this gave rise to the assertion of the claim or
sued only if,
(1) The credit card is an accepted section, at the option of the cardholder, defense by the customer occurred in the
notice may be giyen to the card issuer or same State as the cardholder’s current
credit card;
(2) Such liability does not exceed the his designee in person or by telephone or designated address or within 100 miles
lesser of $50 or the amount of money, by letter, telegram, radiogram, cable­ from such address (whichever is greater),
property, labor, or services obtained by gram, or, other written communication except that the limitations stated In
such use prior to notification of the card which sets forth the pertinent informa­ paragraphs (ii) and (iii) of this section
issuer pursuant to paragraph (e) of this tion. Notice by mail, telegram, radio­ shall not apply when the person honor­
gram, cablegram, or other written com­ ing the credit card:
(3) The card issuer has given adequate munication shall be considered given at suer, orIs the same person as the card is­
notice to the cardholder of his poten­ the time of receipt or, whether or not re­
(B) Is controlled, directly or indi­
tial liability on the credit card or within ceived, at the expiration of the time or­ rectly, by the card issuer, or


(C) Is under the direct or indirect
control of a third person who also di­
rectly or indirectly controls the card is­
suer, or
(D) Controls, directly or indirectly, the
card issuer, or
(E) Is a franchised dealer in the card
issuer’s products or services, or
(P) Has obtained the order for the
transaction relative to which the
claim(s) or defense(s) is asserted
through a mail solicitation made by or
participated in by the card issuer, in
which the cardholder is solicited to enter
into such transaction by using the credit
card issued by the card issuer.
Simply honoring or indicating that a
person honors a particular credit card
.shall not be deemed to be any of the re­
lationships or connections described in
paragraphs (A) through (P) for thfe
purpose of removing the dollar and dis­
tance limitations.
(2) The amount of the claims or de­
fenses assertable by the cardholder under
this section may not exceed the amount
of credit outstanding with respect to the
transaction which gave rise to the asser­
tion of the claim(s) or defense(s) at the
time the cardholder first notifies the card
issuer or the person honoring the credit
card for such transaction of the exists
ence of such claim (s) or defense(s). For
purposes of determining the amount of
credit outstanding with respect to such
transactions as provided in the preced­
ing sentence, payments and other credits
to the cardholder’s account will be
deemed to have been applied, in the order
indicated, to the payment o f:
(i) Late charges in the order of entry
to the account;
(ii) Finance charges in the order of
entry to the account;
(iii) Any other debits in the order in
which each debit entry was made to the
account; and
(iv) When more than one item is in­
cluded in a single extension of credit,
credits are to be distributed pro rata ac­
cording to prices and applicable taxes.
(3) This section does not apply to cash
advances obtained with a credit card
when the advance is unrelated to any
specific credit sale item
(4) If the customer refuses to pay the
amount of credit outstanding with re­
spect to the property or services which
gave rise to the claim or defense under
this section, the creditor may not report
to any person that particular amount as
(j) Prohibition of offsets by card is­
suer. (1 )A card issuer may not take any
action to offset a cardholder’s indebted­
ness arising in connection with a con­
sumer credit transaction under the rel­
evant credit card plan against funds of
the cardholder held on deposit with the

Require any person who honors
card issuer unless a court order1 is
the card issuer’s credit card to open or
The prohibition in paragraph (j) maintain a deposit account or procure
(1) of this section does not apply to credit any other service not essential to the
card plans whereby the cardholder au­ operation of the credit card plan from
thorizes the card issuer as a method of the card issuer, its subsidiary, agent, or
payment to periodically deduct all or a any other person, as a condition of par­
portion of the cardholder’s credit card ticipation in a credit card plan.
Within 30 days of the effective
debt from his deposit account with the
card issuer (subject to the limitations in date of these regulations, any card is­
suer with existing contracts which In­
§ 226.14(c)): Provided, That:
(1) Such automatic debit was previ­ clude either one or both of the restric­
ously authorized in writing by the card­ tive clauses prohibited in paragraph (1)
holder, or
shall inform all parties to the contract
With respect to such automatic that such provisions are inapplicable and
debit accounts in existence on October 28, no longer enforceable.
1975, the card issuer has given notice of
To implement sections 161, 162,
the provisions of paragraph (j) of this and 170, § 226.14 would be added as
section to such accounts prior to renewal follows:
of the authorization (in no case later
§ 2 2 6 .1 4 B illin g errors— resolu tion pro­
than October 28, 1976).
(k) Prompt notification of returns. (1)
When any creditor other than the card
Correction of billing errors. After
issuer accepts the return of property or the creditor receives proper written no­
forgives a debt for services which Is to tification of a billing error reflected on
be reflected as a credit to the customer’s a periodic statement from a customer,
open end credit card account, he shall unless the customer has subsequently
promptly (in no case later than 5 busi­ agreed that the periodic statement is
ness days from the date the return is correct, the creditor shall:
accepted) transmit a statement with re­
(1) Not later than 30 days after re­
spect thereto to the card issuer through ceipt of such notification, mail or deliver
the normal channels established by the written acknowledgment thereof to the
card issuer for the transmittal of such customer’s current designated address,
unless the appropriate actions in para­
(2) Upon receipt of a credit statement, graph (2) of this section are taken within
the card issuer shall credit the customer’s such 30 day period; and
account promptly (in no case later than
(2) Resolve the dispute not later than
3 business days from receipt of the re­ 2 complete billing cycles (in no event
fund statement) with the amount of the more than 90 days) from the date of re­
ceipt of the notice of billing error and
(3) If it is a creditor’s policy to give prior to any action by the creditor to
cash refunds to cash customers, he must collect1 any portion of the amount (s)
also give credit or cash refunds to credit indicated by the* customer as being in
card customers, unless he clearly and dispute or any finance charges or late
conspicuously discloses that he does not payment charges computed on such dis­
give credit or cash refunds for returns at puted amount (s) by
(i) Correcting the customer’s account
the time the transaction is consum­
mated. Nothing in this section shall be in accordance with paragraph (b) (2) of
construed to require that a seller give this section and mailing or delivering to
refunds for returns nor shall it be con­ the customer a written notification of
strued to require the institution of any corrections; " or
(ii) Correcting the customer’s account
particular refund policy.
by a differing amount from that indi­
Prohibited acts of card issuers. (1)
cated by the customer as being errone­
No card issuer may, by contract or ously billed in accordance with para­
graph (b) (2) of this section and mailing
Prohibit any person from offering
any price differentials to all customers
17 If, despite reasonable procedures estab­
of such person, including cardholder cus­ lished by th e creditor to assure com pliance
w ith th is paragraph, the creditor or his agent,
tomers, to induce such customers to pay
ithin business days
by cash, check, or other similar means w ritten 2 notification of after receiving proper
a billing error pur­
rather than by use of a credit card or suant to this section, inadvertently takes
its underlying account for the purchase action to collect in contravention of th is
paragraph, such inadvertent action to collect
of property or services; or
wiU not be considered in violation of th is
14 This paragraph does n o t alter or affect “ A notice on a subsequent billing sta te­
the right o f a card issuer acting under State m ent clearly identifying any am ount credited
law to attach or otherwise levy upon funds to th e custom er’s account pursuant to a
of a cardholder held on deposit w ith th e card billing error notice is one type of a proper
Issuer If th a t remedy Is constitutionally transm ittal of a written notification of
available to creditors generally.


or delivering to the customer an explana­ erate the customer’s entire debt solely with respect to which the customer has
tion of the change (s), accompanied by because the customer has exercised rights indicated a belief that such account con­
tains a billing error solely because of the
copies of documentary evidence of the provided by the Act or this Part.
(2) With respect to an erroneous bill­ customer’s refusal or failure to pay the
customer’s indebtedness as to the amount
in dispute, if such evidence is requested ing, the creditor must credit the cus­ amount indicated to be in error. This
tomer’s account in any amount erro­ paragraph does not prohibit the creditor
by the customer; or
Mailing or delivering a written neously billed plus any finance charges or from applying any such amount to the
explanation or clarification to the cus­ late payment charges imposed as a result customer’s credit limitation.
Credit reports on amounts in dis­
tomer, after having conducted a reason­ of the erroneous billing. An erroneous
able investigation setting forth, to the billing by a creditor includes, but is not pute. (1) After receiving a proper writ­
extent applicable, the reasons why the limited to, a misidentification, insuffi­ ten notification of a billing error pursu­
creditor believes the amount(s) was cor­ cient identification, or incorrect date of ant to this section, neither the creditor
rectly shown on the periodic statement a transaction; a mailing of the periodic nor his agent may directly or indirectly
and, if the customer so requests, furnish­ statement to the wrong address; im­ threaten to report adversely to any per­
ing copies of documentary evidence of proper crediting of payments or other son on the customer’s credit standing or
the customer’s indebtedness with respect credits; computation errors; or a billing credit rating because of the customer’s
failure to pay the amount specified in
to a disputed amount. In any case where for property or services not accepted or such notification as being in error or any
delivered in accordance with any agree­
the customer alleges that the periodic ment; as well as mistakes in dollar finance charge imposed on the disputed
statement reflects property or services amounts.
amount, nor shall such amount be re­
not delivered to the customer or his desig­
(3) After completion of the dispute ported as delinquent1 to any third per­
nee in accordance with any agreement resolution procedure in § 226.14(a), the son unless such amount remains unpaid
made in connection with the transaction creditor shall promptly mail or deliver after the creditor has complied with all
giving rise to the disputed amount, a to the customer a statement of any the requirements of this section and has
creditor may not construe such amount amount owned by the customer according allowed that customer the same number
of days thereafter as he customarily or
to be correctly shown on the billing to the requirement of § 226.7(b) (2).
(4) Nothing in this section shall be by credit agreement allows, whichever
statement unless the creditor determines,
upon reasonable investigation, that such construed to prohibit the mailing or de­ is longer (in no case less than 10 days),
property or services were actually de­ livery of periodic statements which in­ for the customer to pay undisputed
livered, mailed, or otherwise sent to the clude disputed amounts to the customer, amounts so as to avoid the imposition of
customer or his designee and provides the provided that the creditor indicates to additional finance charges or late pay­
customer with a written statement ex­ the customer on the face of the periodic ment charges. If, despite reasonable pro­
plaining such determination. In any case statement that payment of the amount cedures established by the creditor to as­
where the customer alleges that an in dispute is not required pending the sure compliance with this paragraph, the
amount of a transaction reflected on the creditor’s compliance with the provisions creditor or his agent, within 2 business
days after receiving proper written noti­
periodic statement is improper because of this section.
(5) Nothing in this section shall pro­ fication of a billing error pursuant to this
the person honoring the credit card has
made an incorrect report to the card hibit any action by a creditor to collect section, inadvertently takes action in
issuer of the amount which should have any amount which has not been indi­ contravention of this paragraph, such
been charged, the card issuer may not cated by the customer to contain a billing inadvertent action will not be considered
in violation of this paragraph.
construe such amount to be correctly re­ error.
(c) Automatic debit of disputed
(2) If, within the time limit allowed
flected on the periodic statement unless
the creditor determines, upon reasonable amounts. (1) In the case of credit plans for payment in paragraph (e) (1) of this
investigation, that the proper amount is where the cardholder has agreed to per­ section, the creditor receives a further
shown on the periodic statement and mit the card issuer to periodically pay written notification from the customer
provides the customer with a written the cardholder’s indebtedness by deduct­ that any portion of a previously disputed
statement explaining such determination. ing the appropriate amount from the amount is still in dispute, the creditor
After complying with the provisions cardholder’s deposit account, and if the may not report to any third party that
of paragraph (a) of this section with card issuer receives a proper written such amount is delinquent, unless the
respect to an alleged billing error, a cred­ notification of a billing error within 16 creditor also reports that the amount or
itor has no further responsibility under days from the date of mailing or delivery account is in dispute and, at the same
of the periodic statement
this section if the obligor continues to suspected billing error firston which the time, notifies the customer in writing of
appears, the the name and address of each party to
make substantially the same allegation card issuer shall:
whom the creditor is reporting informa­
with respect to such error, except as pro­
(1) Prevent the automatic debiting of
vided under paragraph (e) of this any disputed amounts if receipt of such tion concerning the disputed amount. If,
pursuant to this section, a creditor has
notification precedes the automatic reported a disputed amount as being
Minimum payments and finance
debiting of the cardholder’s account, or delinquent to any third person, the cred­
charges on disputed amounts. (1) When
(in no case
a customer is permitted to make a mini­ than one Promptlyday after receiptno the itor shall report promptly in writing to
mum payment, he need only make a notice) restore to the cardholder’s de­ any person to whom such report was
minimum payment calculated on the posit account any portion of the disputed made any subsequent resolution of the
basis of amounts not in dispute. When amount which was previously deducted, reported delinquency.
(3) If a creditor has reported an
the disputed amount is only a part of the if receipt of such notification follows the
total amount of an item, the customer automatic debiting of the cardholder’s amount as being delinquent to a third
party which is in the business of col­
remains obligated to pay the amount not account for any disputed amounts.
in dispute, and any minimum payment
(2) Nothing in this subsection shall lecting and disseminating information
and finance charges or late payment limit the cardholder’s right to dispute an relating to the credit worthiness of cus­
charges may be collected on the undis­ amount he believes to be in error within tomers, and such amount is subsequently
puted amount. If, at the completion of 60 days of the mailing or delivery of the
the error resolution procedure, it is de­ erroneous periodic statement, as other­ disputed by the customer in accordance
with the requirements of paragraph (a)
termined that the customer owes some wise provided in this section.
or all of the disputed amount, the cred­
of this section, the creditor shall, within
(d) Closing of accounts. A creditor
itor may require payment of any mini­
may not, prior to complying with the re­
mum payment amounts which the cus­
19 N othing in th is p arag rap h p ro h ib its a
tomer did not pay because of the dispute. quirements of paragraphs (a) and (b) of creditor fro m rep o rtin g th e d isp u ted a m o u n t
The creditor may not, however, accel­ this section, restrict or close an account or a ccou n t as being in dispute.


one billing cycle after receipt by the
creditor of proper Written notification of
the billing error, mail or deliver a writ­
ten notice to each such third party to
whom the delinquency was reported that
the amount is in dispute.
(f) Forfeiture penalty. (1) Any
creditor who fails to comply with the
requirements of this section forfeits any
right to collect from the customer the
amount indicated by the customer as be­
ing in error, whether or not such amount
is in fact in error, and any corresponding
finance charges, provided that the
amount so forfeited under this section
shall not exceed $50 for each item or
transaction on a periodic statement in­
dicated by the customer as being in error.
In no case shall a creditor forfeit any
amount for an error in a total figure or
subtotal figure reflected on a statement
which is caused solely by an error in an­
other item which is the subject of a dis­

pute, nor shall a creditor suffer any for­ the Federal Reserve System (12 CFR
feit more than once for any item or 262.2(a)).
transaction which may appear on a pe­
Interested persons are invited to sub­
riodic statement.
mit relevant data, views, or arguments
Nothing in this subsection shall be concerning this proposal, including pos­
construed to limit a customer’s right to sible effects on the cost and the avail- f
recover under section 130 of the Act.
ability of consumer credit. Any such
Exceptions to general rule. This material should be submitted in writing <
section does not apply to credit other to the Secretary, Board of Governors of |
than open end, whether or not a periodic the Federal Reserve System, Washing- .
statement is mailed or delivered, unless ton, D.C. 20551, to be received not later r
it is consumer credit extended on an ac­ than August 18, 1975. Such material will
count by use of a credit card.
be made available for inspection and
13. Draft regulations to implement copying upon request, except as provided
section 409 of Title IV of Pub. L. 93-495
will be issued by the Board at a later in § 261.6(a) of the Board’s Rules Re­
garding Availability of Information.
14. The effective date of these regula­
By order of the Board of Governors,
tions shall be October 28, 1975.
July 30, 1975.
15. This notice is published pursuant
[ s e a l]
T h e o d o r e E. A l l i s o n ,
to section 553(b) of Title 5, United States
Secretary of the Board.
Code, and § 262.2(a) of the Rules of
[FR Doc.75-20254Filed 7-31-75;8:45 am ]
Procedure of the Board of Governors of
