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Dallas, Texas, February 19, 1948

To the Member Banks of the
Eleventh Federal Reserve District:

The Bank Management Commission o f the American Bankers Association has advised the
Federal Reserve banks that a recent survey o f the opinions of all banks throughout the country
revealed that a large majority is in favor o f amending the uniform instructions regarding Protest
and Wire Advice of Nonpayment of Cash Items.
Accordingly, all Federal Reserve banks will revise their uniform instructions regarding Protest
and W ire Advice of Nonpayment, effective March 1, 1948, to read as follows:
“ Federal Reserve banks will receive, handle and forward cash items subject to the
following uniform instructions regarding protest and advice of nonpayment except that
United States Government checks will not be protested:
(1) Do not protest items of $500 or less.
(2) Protest dishonored items o f $500.01 or over, except those bearing on their
face the A.B.A. no protest symbol of a Federal Feserve bank or o f a preced­
ing bank endorser.
(8) Do not wire advice o f nonpayment o f items o f less than $1,000.
(4) Wire advice of nonpayment o f all items of $1,000 or over, except those not
paid because of missing, irregular or unsatisfactory endorsement and those
bearing on their face ‘Do not wire nonpayment’ with the A.B.A. transit num­
ber o f a Federal Reserve bank or o f a preceding bank endorser.”
The instructions on the cash letters with which cash items are forwarded to your bank will
be amended accordingly.
It should be borne in mind that these instructions do not become effective until March 1, 1948,
and until that date the present instructions will continue in effect.
We are enclosing revised pages 5, 6, 7 and 8 o f Bulletin No. 8, Transit Operations— Collection
o f Cash Items, and pages 5 and 6 o f Bulletin No. 9, Collection o f Noncash Items. Page 8 o f Bulletin
No. 8 contains new material with respect to the reimbursement and absorption o f transportation
charges by this bank on direct sendings by member banks and the use of air transportation in
forwarding checks fo r collection. The revised pages should be inserted in the ring binder containing
the current bulletins of this bank and the regulations of the Board o f Governors o f the Federal
Reserve System, in lieu o f the corresponding pages dated June 1, 1946 and February 1, 1940,
There is also enclosed, for insertion in the ring binder after page 9 o f Bulletin No. 8, a revised
list o f certain banks located in outlying sections of the head office and branch cities or in cities
contiguous thereto on which items are collected by mail and are subject to deferred credit.
Please sign and return the enclosed card as an acknowledgment of the enclosures.
Yours very truly,

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (

— S—



A ll mail forwarded to the head office at Dallas should be addressed “ Federal
Reserve Bank, Station K , Dallas 13, Texas.”
In order to obtain prompt credit, member and nonmember clearing banks
should assort items and list them in separate letters in accordance with our
time schedules.
A ll cash items, whether subject to immediate or deferred credit, may be
forwarded to us, or may be forwarded by direct sending banks to other Federal
Reserve banks, without description, provided that in the case of items subject
to deferred credit the sending bank by forwarding such items undescribed
agrees to retain a record of the items in the form desired by it and to furnish
description o f such items upon request.
Each bank sending cash items o f deferred availability to a Federal Reserve
bank will be understood to have agreed to indemnify the Reserve bank to which
such items are sent, and in the case o f items sent direct to a Reserve bank of
another district also to have agreed to indemnify the Reserve bank o f the district
in which the sending bank is located, against loss or expense resulting from
delay in advising nonpayment o f any such item where such delay is due, in whole
or in part, to the lack o f description, or to the erroneous, incomplete, or defec­
tive description o f such item by the sending bank.

All cash items sent to us, or to another Federal Reserve bank direct for
our account, should be endorsed without restriction to the order o f the Fed­
eral Reserve bank to which sent, or to the order o f any bank, banker or trust
company, or with some similar endorsement. Cash items will be accepted by us,
and by other Federal Reserve banks, only upon the understanding and condi­
tion that all prior endorsements are guaranteed by the sending bank. There
should be incorporated in the endorsement o f the sending bank the phrase
“ All prior endorsements guaranteed.” The act o f sending or delivering a cash
item to us or to another Federal Reserve bank will, however, be deemed and
understood to constitute a guaranty of all prior endorsements on such items,
whether or not an express guaranty is incorporated in the sending bank’ s
endorsement. The endorsement o f the sending bank should be dated and should
show the American Bankers Association transit number o f the sending bank
in prominent type on both sides.

Federal Reserve banks will receive, handle and forward cash items subject
to the following uniform instructions regarding protest and advice o f non­
payment except that United States Government checks will not be protested:
* ( 1 ) D O N O T P R O T E S T items o f $500.00 or less.
* ( 2 ) P R O T E S T dishonored items o f $500.01 or over, except those bearing
on their face the A .B .A . no protest symbol o f a Federal Reserve bank
or of a preceding bank endorser.
*These provisions changed and became effective M arch 1, 1948.
June 1, 1946



* ( 3 ) D O N O T W IR E A D V IC E o f nonpayment o f items o f less than
$ 1,000.


* ( 4 ) W IR E A D V IC E o f nonpayment o f all items o f $1,000 or over, except
those not paid because of missing, irregular or unsatisfactory endorse­
ment and those bearing on their face “ D O N O T W IR E N O N P A Y ­
M E N T ” with the A .B .A . transit number o f a Federal Reserve bank
or o f a preceding bank endorser.
All Federal Reserve banks will receive, handle and forward cash items only
in accordance with these uniform instructions, and any contrary or special
instructions noted on cash letters or otherwise transmitted with cash items will
be disregarded.
I f a bank should desire to have any cash item handled by us or by any
other Federal Reserve bank under any instructions differing from the uniform
instructions given above, it will be necessary for such bank to forward such
item as an individual noncash item, with the instructions noted in the letter
o f transmittal, for collection and credit when paid, in accordance with the
terms o f our current bulletin relating to the collection o f noncash items.

Charges for all telegrams pertaining to payment, nonpayment or tracing
o f items, or in connection with receiving or transmitting any other inform a­
tion or instructions, will be made at commercial rates against the banks from
which such items were received; telegrams to such banks will be sent “ collect.”

W e publish and furnish to member and nonmember clearing banks time
schedules showing when cash items will become available for reserve and with­
drawal or other use by the sending banks after receipt by us at our head office
or branches. For all items received as cash items the sending bank will be
given immediate credit or deferred credit, in accordance with such time sched­
ules and as provided in Regulation J. Credit for letters containing items
unassorted as to availability may be deferred for the longest period o f avail­
ability prescribed by the current time schedules o f this bank with respect to
any item enclosed, not to exceed three business days.
Time schedules do not in many instances show the actual time required fo r
collection, and advices received from us showing the availability o f items can­
not be considered as advices o f actual payment on the dates o f availability.
Credit will in all instances be subject to receipt o f payment by us in actually
and finally collected funds.

F or all such cash items as are accepted for immediate credit in accordance
with our current time schedules, immediate credit will be given upon our books
at full face value in the reserve account or clearing account upon the day o f
receipt, and the proceeds will at once be counted as reserve (in the case o f a
member bank) and become available for withdrawal or other use by the send­
ing bank; provided, however, that we may in our discretion refuse at any time
to permit the withdrawal or other use o f credit given for any item fo r which
we have not yet received payment in actually and finally collected funds.
♦These provisions changed and became effective March 1 ,1948.





F or all such cash items as are accepted for deferred credit in accordance
with our current time schedules, deferred credit will be entered upon our
books at full face value, but the proceeds will not be counted as reserve nor
become available for withdrawal or other use by the sending bank until the
expiration o f the time specified in our time schedules, at which time credit
will be transferred from the deferred account to the reserve account or clear­
ing account and will then be counted as reserve (in the case of a member
bank) and become available for withdrawal or other use by the sending bank;
provided, however, that we may in our discretion refuse at any time to permit
the withdrawal or other use o f credit given for any item for which we have
not yet received payment in actually and finally collected funds.

Member and nomnember clearing banks receiving items from us should
remit therefor promptly upon receipt. Unpaid items should not be held for any
reason whatever, except for immediate protest.
Unpaid items not subject to protest must be deducted from and returned
with remittance for the cash letter in which received ; except that such items on
which payment is revoked under provisions of appropriate state law permitting
revocation o f conditional payment within a specified time after presentment
may be returned unpaid within the time permitted by such law, and if returned
within that time will be accepted as a deduction from the remittance for the
next succeeding cash letter.
Unpaid items subject to protest must be deducted from the remittance for
the cash letter in which received, except that such items on which payment is
revoked under provisions o f appropriate state law permitting revocation of
conditional payment within a specified time after presentment may be deducted
within such time from the remittance for the next succeeding cash letter. Such
protested unpaid items should be returned, if possible, with the remittance for
the cash letter in which listed, and in no event later than the following business
day after such items have been dishonored. A memorandum should be made
on the remittance stub describing any items held for protest.
Notation should be made on each item returned, or on a slip securely
attached thereto, showing plainly the reason for nonpayment. A complete
description o f all items returned should be retained by the remitting
bank for the purpose of identification in the event such items are lost
in transit.
Telegraphic advice o f nonpayment should include the following informa­
tion : Name and address or American Bankers Association transit num­
ber o f bank endorsing the item to us, the amount o f the item, the date
o f our cash letter, and the reason for nonpayment.
Remittance must be made in cash, or in other immediately available funds

acceptable to us.
June 1, 1946




Member and nonmember clearing banks having a substantial volume o f
cash items payable in other Federal Reserve districts which they wish to collect
through the Federal Reserve banks, are urged to apply to us for permission
to send such items direct to the Federal Reserve banks and branches o f the
districts in which such items are payable for collection and credit to us.
Appropriate instructions will be sent to the banks to which such permission
is granted.
Member banks having permission to send items direct will be reimbursed
for postage (air mail as well as first class mail) or other transportation costs on
all cash letters addressed to other Federal Reserve banks and branches (includ­
ing Federal Reserve offices in the 11th district other than the one with which
the direct routing bank carries its reserve account) or such costs will be absorbed
fo r banks which, by reason o f their location, can conveniently deposit their
cash letters for consolidated shipment by the Federal Reserve Bank.
W hen in our judgment a member or nonmember clearing bank has a
sufficient volume of cash items payable in other Federal Reserve districts to
justify direct routing, we reserve the right to decline to accept such items for
collection unless they are routed direct to the Federal Reserve banks and
branches o f such other Federal Reserve districts.

In sending cash letters to other Federal Reserve banks and branches, this
bank uses available air transportation facilities wherever such facilities offer a
reasonable expectation o f earlier presentment o f cash items and in those cases
where earlier delivery facilitates the work o f the receiving Federal Reserve
bank or branch.

The right is reserved to withdraw, add to, or amend at any time, any o f
the provisions of this bulletin and the time schedules.

R. R . G IL B E R T ,

F ederal R eserve Bank

March 1, 1948
(Superseding letter
dated June 1, 1946)

The following par banks are located in outlying sections o f the head
office or branch city indicated or in contiguous cities. Items drawn on
such banks are collected by mail and are therefore subject to deferred
credit. Please do not list such checks in the same letter with city
checks or other items o f immediate availability.

Dallas Territory
Name of Bank


Highland Park State Bank
(Highland Park)

Dallas, Texas

Hillcrest State Bank
(University Park)

Dallas, Texas

Houston Territory
Commercial State Bank
East End State Bank
First State Bank
o f Green’s Bayou
Hampton Oaks State Bank
Harrisburg National Bank
Heights State Bank
North Side State Bank
Port City State Bank
The Industrial State Bank
o f Houston
University State Bank

Houston, Texas
Houston, Texas


Houston, Texas
Houston, Texas

San Antonio Territory
Broadway National Bank of
Alamo Heights
Harlandale State Bank
Highland Park State Bank
Jefferson State Bank
National Bank o f
Fort Sam Houston
Union State Bank

Alamo Heights, Texas
San Antonio, Texas
San Antonio, Texas
San Antonio, Texas
San Antonio, Texas
South San Antonio, Texas

This list is subject to change without notice.

— 5—


themselves and not supported by like instructions in the letter o f transmittal
will be ignored.
Maturing bonds and coupons (except obligations o f the United States and
o f Governmental agencies which are redeemed by the Federal Reserve banks
as fiscal agents) should be listed separately as to each class and maturity and
only coupons o f one class and maturity should be enclosed in the same
envelope. Coupons or other securities should not be listed in a letter with
checks, notes, bills, or other items. All securities or documents, other than
maturing bonds and coupons, should have drafts attached drawn upon the
payers for the exact amounts to be collected.
F or their own protection and to insure safety, member and nonmember
clearing banks should forward bonds, coupons and other valuable securities
by insured, registered mail or by express. I f desired, registered mail shipments
may be insured under this bank’s insurance policy at the expense of the send­
ing bank, but in this event a separate advice stating the value o f the shipment
must be sent to us by open mail on the same day the shipment is made.
Each noncash collection letter covering valuable securities should contain
instructions specifying the value fo r which the securities should be insured;
otherwise, if forwarded by mail for collection, they will be insured at a value
to be determined by this bank.
Government checks and warrants drawn on the Treasurer o f the United
States are paid by the Treasury Department only in accordance with the pro­
visions o f its circular No. 176, and since a definite advice o f payment cannot
be obtained they should be sent to this bank only as cash items and not as non­
cash items for collection and credit when paid.

In the absence o f specific instructions in the sending bank’ s collection
letter, this bank will receive, handle, and forward noncash items subject to
the following protest instructions:
* ( 1 ) D O N O T P R O T E S T items o f $500.00 or less.
* ( 2 ) P R O T E S T dishonored items o f $500.01 or over, except bonds,
debentures, coupons, and other similar securities.

Except as provided below, the Federal Reserve banks make no charge
for their services in collecting noncash items.
A ny noncash item payable in a city where there is a Federal Reserve bank
or branch, a collecting agent for which is not specifically designated, will be
collected without charge except as provided in items (2 ) to (5 ) below. If a
collecting agent for any such item is specifically designated, any charge made
by such agent will be deducted and the net proceeds o f the item credited.
W ith respect to the collection o f noncash items payable outside o f Federal
Reserve bank and branch cities, it is recognized that any bank selected by a
Federal Reserve bank as agent to collect any such item renders a service, in
presenting, collecting and remitting, fo r wliich a reasonable charge may be
made if it cares to do so, and when such a charge is made, it will be deducted
and credit given for the net proceeds.
February 1, 1940
*These provisions changed and became effective March 1, 1948.



No charge may be made by a collecting bank in connection with the collec­
tion or payment of any check that may be handled as a noncash item.
Items sent to the Federal Reserve banks for collection are subject to the
following charges:
(1) Charges made by collecting banks or agents, referred to above;
(2) Charges made in the discretion of the Federal Reserve banks
for handling or collecting securities;
(3) A service charge of 15c per item on all collection items
returned unpaid and unprotested. This charge will not apply to items
that are protested;
(4) Expenses incurred for postage and insurance or express in for­
warding items by registered mail or express;
(5 ) All telephone and telegraph charges. (See paragraph below,
“ Telegraphic Advice” .)

When instructed to do so by sending banks, this bank will request tele­
graphic advice of payment or nonpayment of noncash items and will transmit
by telegraph any information received. Charges for all telegrams pertaining
to payment, nonpayment or tracing of items, or in connection with receiving
or transmitting any other information or instructions, will be made at com­
mercial rates against the banks from which such items were received; tele­
grams to such banks will be sent “ collect” .

The terms listed below, when used in advices or communications in con­
nection with noncash items, will be understood to have the meanings indicated,
as follows:
(a) “ W IRE PAYM ENT” when it is desired that the collecting
agent furnish telegraphic advice that payment has been made by the
drawee or payer. It will be understood that banks requesting “ wire
payment” wish to be advised when payment has been made to the
collecting agent, rather than when the proceeds are credited to the
reserve or nonmember clearing account with the Federal Reserve bank.
When a Federal Reserve bank gives such advice of payment, it does
not necessarily imply that actually and finally collected funds are in
its possession.
(b) “ W IRE NONPAYM ENT” when a telegraphic advice of dis­
honor only is desired.
MENT” when a prompt advice of payment or nonpayment by drawee
or payer is desired.
(d) “ WIRE CREDIT” when a telegraphic advice of final pay­
ment and of credit to the reserve or nonmember clearing account of
the sending bank is desired.

Credit for the proceeds of noncash items, with the usual advice, will be