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federal r eser v e ba n k of

Da lla s


Circular No. 82-138
O ctober 21, 1982


The e le c t io n o f d irectors to su c c e e d John P. G illiam , C lass A D irector,
and Robert D. Rogers, C lass B D irector, whose term s expire D e c e m b e r 31, 1982,
has been duly held in accord ance with the requirem ents o f S e c tio n 4 o f the Federal
R ese r v e A ct, as am ended by the Federal R e se r v e R eform A c t o f 1977, and the
provisions o f Circular No. 82-106 issued by this o f f i c e under date o f August 17,
The resu lts o f the e le c t io n are as follows:
Robert Ted Enloe, III, P resident, Lom as and
N e t tle to n Financial Corporation, Dallas,
Texas, was e le c t e d by the banks in Group 1
as a C lass B D irector.
John P. Gilliam, P resident and C h ief E x e c u tiv e
O fficer, First N ational Bank in Valley Mills,
Valley Mills, Texas, was r e e le c t e d by banks in
Group 3 as a C lass A D irector.

Each director was e le c t e d for a term o f three years to begin January 1,
Additional co p ies o f this circular will be furnished upon request to the
D ep artm en t o f C om m unications, Financial and Com m unity A ffairs, Extension 6289.
Sincerely yours,

Gerald D. H ines
Chairman o f the Board

Banks and others are encouraged to use the following incoming W A T S numbers in contacting this Bank:
1-800-442-7140 (intrastate) and 1-800-527-9200 (interstate). For calls placed locally, please use 651 plus the
extension referred to above.

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (