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December 3, 1928


To the Member Bank Addressed:

The election of directors to succeed W. H. Patrick, Class A Director, and J. H. Nail,
Class B Director (deceased), whose terms expire December 31, 1928, has been duly held,
in accordance with the requirements of Section IV, of the Federal Reserve Act, and the
provisions of my circular, dated September 26, 1928.
The results of the election are as follows:
W. H. Patrick, President of the First National Bank, Clarendon, Texas,
was re-elected by the member banks in Group 3, as a Class A Director of
this bank.
A. S. Cleveland, Wholesale Grocer and Cotton Factor of Houston,
Texas, was elected by member banks in Group 1, as a Class B Director of
this bank.
Each was chosen for a term of three years, beginning January 1, 1929, and will be
requested to qualify at the first regular meeting of the Board in January, 1929.
Of the ballots received for Class A Director, Group 3, (164) out of 448 banks in that
group, 14 were invalidated because the choices of the candidates were improperly indi­
cated in the columns provided for th at purpose in the ballot.
Of the ballots received for Class B Director, Group 1, (60) out of 63 banks in that
group, 3 were invalidated because the choices of the candidates were improperly indi­
cated in the columns provided for that purpose in the ballot.
Due to the secrecy of the ballot it is impossible to tell who cast the respective bal­
lots which under the law could not be counted on account of their being incorrectly
marked, but above invalidations are called to the attention of all member banks in the
hope th at greater care will be exercised in future elections.
There were also received 18 ballots for Class A Director which were unofficial and
could not be counted because no legal designation was made of an officer to cast the
Yours very truly,

Chairman of the Board

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (