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F ederal R eserve Ba nk o f Dallas DALLAS, TE X A S 75222 Circular No. 72-217 September 25, 1972 REPORT OF DEPOSITS AND RELATED DATA To the Executive Officer of Each Member Bank in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District: The Federal Reserve System is placing increased emphasis on more accurate and timely statistical information in order to aid money supply calculations. In order to provide this information, it -will be appreciated if all member banks would mail, in the green envelopes pro vided by this Bank, their weekly Report of Deposits and Related Data (AC-8 ) to the appropriate Federal Reserve office each Thursday evening. In the event that this cannot be accomplished by Thursday evening, it will be necessary to telephone the data to the appropriate Federal Reserve office on Friday and mail the form on the same date. Your cooperation in this matter will be appreciated. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Accounting Department of the Federal Reserve office serving your territory. Yours very truly, P. E. Coldwell President This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (