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F ederal R eserve Ban k o f D allas


C i r c u l a r No. 77-51
A p r i l 26, 1977


T O A L L B A N K S , O TH E R C R E D IT O R S ,

T h e Board of G o v e rn o rs of the F e d era l R e s e rv e System has
proposed fo r comment an in te r p r e ta tio n of R egulation Z c o n c e rn in g th e a p p l i ­
cation of c e r ta in re q u ire m e n ts to c r e d i t c ard plans in v o lv in g t r a n s a c t io n - b y tra n s ac tio n b il l in g ( r a t h e r than c u m u la tiv e b illin g on an account) and the
im position of no finance c h a rg e .
Comments on th e p roposed in te r p r e ta tio n should be d ir e c te d to
the S e c r e t a r y , Board of G o v e rn o rs of the Federal R e s e rv e S ystem ,
W as h in g to n , D . C . 20551, to be re c e iv e d not la te r than May 16, 1977. A ll
m a teria ls should in c lu d e Docket No. R -0 0 9 4 .
P rin te d on the fo llo w in g pages is the B o a rd 's press re lease and
the te x t of the proposed in te rp re ta tio n as subm itted fo r p u b lic atio n in the
FEDERAL R E G IS T E R . A n y questions about the proposed in te r p r e ta tio n
should be d ir e c te d to R ic h a rd B . West of our R egulations D e p a rtm e n t,
E x t. 6171,
S in c e r e ly y o u r s ,
R obert H . B o y k in
F i r s t V ic e P re s id e n t

Banks and others are encouraged to use the fo llo w in g to ll-fr e e incoming WATS numbers in contacting this Bank:
1 -8 0 0 -49 2 -4 40 3 (in tra s ta te ) and 1 -8 0 0 -5 2 7 -4 9 7 0 (in te rs ta te ). For c a lls placed loc a lly , p lease use 651 p lus the
extension referred to above.

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (

April 13, 1977

For immediate release

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System today
proposed an interpretation of Regulation Z (Truth in Lending) affecting
credit card issuers which bill customers in full on a transaction-bytransaction basis and impose no finance charges.
The Board will receive comment through May 16, 1977.
Most credit cards extend open-end credit, such as the credit
available with a bank credit card, or a department store card, and
customers are billed, usually monthly,

for their purchases.

may be left after the customer makes a payment.

A balance

Certain credit card

issuers, however, such as some automobile rental companies,require
payment in full for each transaction, and send bills only when there
has been a transaction.

No finance charges are imposed.

The proposal would permit such credit card issuers to continue
sending bills to their customers on a transaction-by-transaction basis,
and would not require them to send out periodic bills.

The proposal

would also require such card issuers to make only such disclosures, and
conform only to other requirements of Regulation Z,that are consistent
with and applicable to their billing systems.
The text of the Bo a r d’s proposed interpretation is attached.

# * * # # # # # # # # # #

This proposed in terp reta­
tion Is designed to Indicate which of the
requirem ents are appropriate for such
card issuers.
DATE: Comments m ust be received on
or bef&re May 16, 1977.
ADDRESS: Secretary, Board of Gover­
nors of th e Federal Reserve System,
W ashington. D.C. 20551. All m aterial
subm itted should include th e docket
num ber R-0094.
D. Edwin Schmelzer, Chief, F air Credit
Practices Section, Division of Con­
sum er Affairs, Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System, W ash­
ington, D.C. 20551 (202-452-2412).
Section 103(f) of the T ruth in Lending
Act, as implemented by § 226.2 (s) and
(x) of Regulation Z, requires all credit
card issuers to comply with certain pro­
visions of th e Act and Regulation Z even
though those provisions are generally
applicable only to creditors of open end
credit plans. There are certain tw o-party
credit cards which are issued in connec­
tion with which no finance charge is im ­
posed and billing for paym ent in full is
accomplished on a transaction-by-transaction basis, ra th e r th an on an account
basis using periodic statem ents. This
proposed interpretation is designed to
indicate, as perm itted by section 103(f)
of the Act, th e Board’s opinion regard­
ing which sections of the regulation are
applicable to such credit card programs.
The interpretation would perm it such
card issuers to continue sending bills in
the form of invoices or other statem ents
to each customer for each transaction
in which th e card is used. I t would not
require th a t the card issuer convert to
using a periodic billing statem ent which
involves the m aintenance of accounts
for each customer.
The interpretation would require such
card issuers, prior to the first tran sac­
tion in which the card is used, to dis­
close any charges (other than a finance
charge) which relate to the deferral of
paym ent by use of the cards, such as a
late paym ent or delinquency charge
(5 226.7(a)(6)). The card issuer would
be required to make disclosures regard­
ing any security interest which may be
retained (5 226.7(a)(7)). The card is­
suer would also be required to provide
the statem ent of rights and responsi­
bilities under the F air Credit Billing Act
prior to th e first use of the card (5 226.7
( a ) (9 )).
The proposal would no t require a dis­
closure regarding minimum payments
(I 226.7(a) (8 )). Since the only types of
credit cards considered herein are ones
which require paym ent in full for each
transaction a t the time of billing, th a t
disclosure is, by definition, inapplicable.
The proposal would n o t require such
card issuers to disclose the “previ­
ous balance” (5 226.7(b) (1) (i)), the
am ounts of “paym ents” and “credits”
(5 226.7(b) (1) (ill)), or th e closing date
and “new balance” (§ 226.7(b) (1) (ix>).
Those disclosures relate mainly to sys­
tems which periodically Mil th eir cus­
tomers on an account basis a n d do not
a p p ro p ria te .”

E x tr a c t From
V O L . 4 2, N O . 76,
W e d n e s d a y , A p r i l 2 0 , 1977
p p . 20478 - 20479

[ 12 CFR Part 226 ]
[R eg . Z; D o c k e t N o. R -0 0 9 4 ]


AGENCY: Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: This proposed Interpreta­
tion of Regulation Z indicates the provi­
sions applicable to certain tw o-party
credit card plans in connection with
which the card issuers bill th eir custom­
ers in full on a transaction-by-transaction basis, ra th e r th an on an account
basis using periodic statem ents, and in
connection w ith which no finance charge
is imposed. These credit card issuers are
subject to th e Act and Regulation Z sim ­
ply because th e F air Credit Billing Act
am endm ents adjusted the definition of
“creditor” to impose certain require­
m ents upon all card issuers even though
those requirem ents are generally appli­
cable only to open end creditors. The
Board is directed to apply those require­
m ents to such card issuers “to th e extent

appear to be germane to the type of sys­
tem under ccnsideration in this proposal.
The requirem ents to provide an iden­
tification of each transaction (§ 226.7
(b )(1 )(ii)) and to provide an address
for receipt Of billing error inquiries
(§ 226.7(b) (1) (x )) would be deemed to
apply to such systems. The proposal
would perm it the card issuer to comply
w ith those sections by placing the rele­
vant inform ation on the invoice or other
statem ent sent to the customer for each
The proivsions requiring the card is­
suer to send a periodic statem ent at
least 14 days prior to th e end of a “free
period” (§ 226.7(b) (2)) would be deemed
inapplicable to such credit card systems
since there are no finance charges im­
posed under the credit card systems cov­
ered by this interpretation and, conse­
quently, no “free periods.”
The proposal would perm it the card
issuer to make use of the exceptions from
the general requirem ent th a t all disclo­
sures appear on the fro n t of the periodic
statem ent (§ 226.7(c)). All references to
a “periodic statem ent” in § 226.7(c)
would be read to indicate the invoice or
other statem ent sent to the customer for
each transaction.
This proposal would require the card
isuer to send the statem ent prescribed
by § 226.7(a) (9) ' to each customer on a
sem iannual basis (§ 226.7(d)). The in ­
terpretation would perm it the card is­
suer to comply w ith th a t section by send­
ing the statem ent required by § 226.7
(a) (9) w ithin the time periods provided
in 5 226.7(d), or by sending either the
statem ent prescribed by § 226.7(a) (9)
or the statem ent prescribed by 5 226.7
(d) (5) with every invoice or other bill­
ing statem ent sent to its customers. The
tim ing of this disclosure would be com­
puted w ithout reference to billing cycles
and periodic statem ents, which do not
exist in such program s. Consequently, if
the card issuer decided to give the state­
m ent semiannually instead of w ith every
invoice, this proposal would perm it send­
ing the statem ent only to those custom­
ers who receive a transaction invoice
during the chosen months.
This proposal would require the card
issuer to notify customers of changes in
term s (§ 226.7(f)). However, since there
are no billing cycles or periodic sta te ­
m ents used in such plans, the time pe­
riod for notifying customers of changes
in the term s of the plan would be 15
days prior to the date th e change is to
be instituted, rath er th an 15 days prior
to the first billing cycle in which the
change is to take place. Additionally,
the interpretation would require ad­
vance notice only of those types of
changes in term s which, if undertaken
by open end creditors generally, would
require notice to all customers prior to
imposition of the change on the cus­
tom ers’ accounts.
The proposal would exempt such card
issuers from complying w ith the require­
ments which call for prom pt crediting
of paym ents (5 226.7(g)), unless the
plan Includes th e possibility of the im ­
position of a specific charge for late pay­
m ent, delinquency, or default.
The proposal would apply th e provi­
sions regarding crediting and refunding

excess paym ents <§ 226.7(h)) to such
credit plans. However, compliance with
those requirem ents m ay be achieved by
such credit card issuers by accounting
for the am ount received in excess of th e
required paym ent by a credit m em oran­
dum or other reasonable means, ra th e r
th a n by crediting to an account. Since
no periodic statem ent is required for
such systems, this interpretation would
require th e card issuer to notify the
customer of th e existence of an excess
paym ent, unless a refund is sent w ithin
5 business days of its receipt.
The card issuer would be required to
comply w ith all relevant portions of
§ 226.13, except 5 226.13 (k) which is in ­
applicable to tw o-party credit card sys­
tem s generally.
The proposal would require the card
issuer to comply with the error resolu­
tion requirem ents of the regulation
(§ 226.14). However, the proposal would
also provide th a t all references therein
to a “periodic statem ent” should be read
to indicate th e invoice or other billing
statem ent for th e relevant transaction.
All actions referenced in 5 226.14 with
regard to correcting and adjusting a
custom er’s account would be perm itted
to be taken by issuing a refund or new
invoice to the customer, or by other ap­
propriate means consistent with th e pu r­
poses of th e section. Since there are no
accounts to be adjusted, and no periodic
statem ent upon which any such adjust­
m ents can be reflected, this change in
th e regulation’s requirem ent with re­
spect to this type of credit card is
deemed necessary to the purposes of the
Act and regulation.
To aid in the consideration of this
m aterial by the Board, interested per­
sons are invited to submit relevant data,
views, comments, or argum ents. Any
such m aterial should be subm itted in
writing to the Secretary, Board of Gov­
ernors of the Federal Reserve System,
W ashington, D.C. 20551 to be received
not later th a n May 16, 1977. All m ate­
rials subm itted should Include the
docket num ber R-0094. Such inform a­
tion will be made available for inspec­
tion and copying upon request, except as
provided in 5 261.6(a) of the Board’s
Rules Regarding Availability of Infor­
m ation (12 CFR 261.6(a)).
P ursuant to 15 U.S.C. 1602(f) and 15
U.S.C. 1604, the Board hereby publishes
for comment the following proposed in ­
terpretation of Regulation Z.
§ 226.709
Application of limited re­
quirements to card issuers which bill
customers o n a transaction-by-transaction basis.

(a) I t has come to the Board’s a tte n ­
tion th a t certain credit cards are issued,
th e card issuer and the seller being the
same person or related persons, in con­
nection with which no finance charge is
imposed and customers are billed in full
for each use of the card on a tran saction-by-transaction basis by sending
an invoice or other statem ent to the
customer. No cumulative account which
reflects th e transactions by each cus­
tom er dining a period of time, such as a
m onth, is m aintained.
(b) Section 103(f) of the Act requires
all credit card Issuers to comply with

certain provisions even though those
provisions are generally applicable only
to creditors of open end credit plans and
requires th e Board to apply these pro­
visions to all card Issuers “to the extent
appropriate.” The question arises as to
which of those provisions, as imple­
m ented by this P art, appropriately apply
to such card issuers.
(c) Such card issuers may bill cus­
tomers on a transaction-by-transaction
basis, and need not m aintain a cum ula­
tive account for each custom er for which
a periodic statem ent m ust be sent.
(d) Prior to th e first use of the credit
card th e card issuer shall provide the
customer w ith a statem ent setting forth
th e disclosures required by 5 226.7(a) (9)
and, as applicable, 5 226.7(a)(6) and
5 226.7(a) (7). Tfhe disclosure required by
5 226.7(a)(6) shall be lim ited to those
charges th a t are or may be imposed as a
result of th e deferral of paym ent by use
of th e card, such as late paym ent or
delinquency charges. Such card issuers
need not provide the disclosure required
by 5 226.7(a)(8).
(e) The disclosures required by 5 226.7
(b)(1) (i), (iii) and (ix) need not be
given by such credit card issuers. The re­
quirem ents of 5 226.7(b) (1) (ii) and
5 226.7(b) (1) (x) are applicable to such
card issuers and compliance may be
achieved by placing the required disclo­
sures on the invoice or statem ent sent to
th e customer for each transaction. Sec­
tion 226.7(b) (2) does not apply to these
credit card issuers.
(f) The provisions of 5 226.7(c), in­
cluding those which perm it certain re­
quired disclosures to be m ade other than
on the fro n t of a periodic statem ent,
shall apply. All references to the “peri­
odic statem ent” in 5 226.7(c) shall be
read to indicate the invoice or other bill­
ing document sent to the customer for
each transaction.
(g) The provisions of 5 226.7'd) shall
apply to such credit card issuers. Com­
pliance therew ith may be achieved (1)
by mailing or delivering the statem ent
required by 5 226.7(a)(9) to each cus­
tom er who receives a transaction invoice
during a one-m onth period chosen by
the card issuer which meets the timing
requirem ents of 5 226.7(d) (2), (3), and
(4), or (2) by sending either the sta te ­
m ent prescribed by 5 226.7(a) (9) or the
statem ent prescribed by 5 226.7(d)(5)
w ith each invoice sent to a customer.
(h) The provisions of 5 226.7(f) apply
to these credit card issuers, except th a t
(1) notice of the change in term s shall
be given a t least 15 days prior to the
date upon which the change takes effect,
rath e r th a n 15 days prior to the begin­
ning date of the billing cycle in which it
takes effect, and (2) the card issuer need
notify cardholders in advance of only
those changes in term s which, if under­
taken by creditors of open end credit
plans generally, would necessitate notice
to all customers prior to imposing the
change on th eir accounts.
(i) The provisions of 5 226.7(g) shall
apply to such credit card issuers if th e
credit card plan includes th e possible im­
position of a specific charge for late pay­
ment, default, or delinquency. O ther­
wise, they do not apply to such credit
card issuers. '

(j) The provisions of 5 226.7(h) shall
apply to such credit card issuers, except
th a t all requirem ents to credit am ounts
to an account may be complied w ith by
other reasonable means, such as by a
credit-- memorandum. Since no periodic
statem ents are provided or required for
the credit card systems subject to this
interpretation, a notice of excess pay­
m ent should be sent to th e custom er
w ithin a reasonable period of tim e fol­
lowing its occurrence unless a refund
of th e excess paym ent is mailed or de­
livered to the custom er w ithin 5 business
days of its receipt by the card issuer.
(k) The card issuer shall comply with
all the provisions of 5 226.13, including
5 226.13 (i) and (j) to the extent th a t
they are applicable to the credit card
plan, except th a t 5 226.13(k) is in­
The card issuer shall comply with
the provisions of $ 226.14, as applicable.
All references in 5 226.14 to the “periodic
statem ent” shall be read to indicate the
invoice or other statem ent for the rel­
evant transaction. All actions referenced
in 5 226.14 with regard to correcting and
adjusting a customer’s account may be
taken by issuing a refund or a new in­
voice, or by other appropriate means,
consistent with the purposes of the
By order of the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System, April 11,
G riffith

L. G arw o o d ,

Deputy Secretary of the Board.
| F R D o c . 77-11349 P ile d 4 -1 9 -7 7 :8 :4 5 am ]