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D allas, T e x a s, F e b r u a r y 1 4 ,1 9 5 1

R E G U L A T IO N X — A S A M E N D E D E F F E C T I V E F E B R U A R Y 15, 1951

T o th e A d d r e s s e e :

T h ere is re p ro d u ce d on th e fo llo w in g p ages th e te x t o f a statem ent
issued b y th e B o a rd o f G o v e rn o rs o f th e F e d e ra l R e se rv e S ystem re ­
g a r d in g R eg u la tion X — R eal E sta te C red it— as a m en ded e ffe ctiv e F e b ­
r u a r y 15, 1951.
A m o n g o th er ch a n ges m ade b y th e am en dm en t, th e re g u la tio n has
been broa d en ed to in clu d e cre d its e xten d ed w ith re s p e ct to ce rta in n on ­
resid en tial stru ctu res, in clu d in g office b u ild in g s, w a reh ou ses, stores, banks,
h otels, m otels, m o to r cou rts, g a ra ges, a u tom ob ile se rv ice station s, resta u ­
ra n ts, and clubs.
A co p y o f th e reg u la tio n as am en ded is enclosed. T h is b an k and its
b ra n ch es at E l P a so, H ou ston , and San A n to n io , w ill b e g la d to fu rn ish
a n y fu r th e r in form a tion w h ich m a y b e d esired co n ce rn in g th e regu lation .

Y o u r s v e r y tru ly,
R . R . G IL B E R T

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (

b y th e
F o r R elease in M o r n in g N ew sp a p ers
T h u rsd a y , F e b ru a ry 15, 1951.
T h e B o a r d o f G o v ern ors h as am en ded R e g u la tio n X , co v e r in g real estate cred it, to
inclu de certa in n on resid en tial p ro p e rtie s. T h e n ew am endm ents, w h ich m ake n o substantial
ch a n ge in th e reg u la tion s fo r m e r ly issued co v e r in g residen tial cre d it, b ecom e effectiv e
F e b ru a ry 15, 1951.
T h e a m en ded reg u la tion has been broa d en ed to include, in gen eral, n ew co n stru ction
o f office b u ild in g s, w a reh ou ses, sto re s (in clu d in g sales d isp la y and se rv ice fa cilitie s,
w h eth er w h olesa le o r r e t a il), banks, h otels, m otels, m o to r cou rts, g a ra g e s, a utom obile
service station s, resta u ra n ts, th ea tres, clu bs, and o th e r n ew stru ctu res u sed f o r n on resi­
dential p u rp oses.
T h e rev ised c r e d it re s tr ic tio n s lim it m a xim u m loans on such stru ctu re s to 50 p e r cent
o f the valu e o f th e p ro p e rty , “ va lu e” b e in g defined as th e bona fide sale p rice in th e case
o f a sale. In re s p e ct to any o th er exten sion o f cre d it, “ valu e” w ill be th e a p p ra ised value
as d eterm in ed in g o o d fa ith b y th e len d er ex te n d in g cre d it. M a tu rities are lim ited to 25
years, and a m ortiz a tion is req u ired .
M a jo r a d d ition s and im p rov e m e n ts to a n on resid en tia l p ro p e rty , in clu d in g a n y en­
largem en t, reco n stru ctio n , a lteration , o r re p a ir o f an e x is tin g stru ctu re, a re also cov ered
b y th e am en ded reg u la tion , i f th e co st o f th e m a jo r a d d ition o r im p ro v e m e n t exceeds
15 p e r ce n t o f th e a p p ra ised valu e o f th e n on resid en tia l stru ctu re.
A s in th e ca se o f n ew n on resid en tia l b u ild in g s, n o t m ore th a n 50 p e r cen t o f the co st
o f the m a jo r a d d ition o r im p ro v e m e n t s u b je c t to th e re g u la tio n m a y be b o rro w e d .
R eg u la tion X w a s first issu ed o n O cto b e r 1 2 ,1 9 5 0 , w h en cr e d it on on e- and tw o -fa m ily
hom es w a s restricted . On J a n u a ry 12, 1951, an am en dm en t w a s issued p la cin g lim itation s
on c r e d it f o r th e co n stru ctio n o f th ree- and fo u r -fa m ily h ouses, and f o r m u lti-u n it
residen ces.
S p ecial p ro v is io n has n ot been m ade in th e re g u la tio n to fa c ilita te n e w co n stru ctio n
in areas a ffected b y th e d evelop m en t o f th e d e fe n se p rogra m . H ow ever, an a m en dm en t to
th e reg u la tion will be issu ed as soon as p ra ctica b le u nder w h ich d iffe re n t term s m a y be
p erm itted w ith resp ect to p r o je c ts o r stru ctu res, in lim ited areas, w h ich m a y be design ated
b y th e a p p rop riate a u th orities as n ecessa ry in th e d efen se p rogra m .
T h e exten sion o f th e reg u la tion is f o r th e p u rp o se o f a d d in g fu r th e r re stra in ts to
in fla tio n b y lim itin g th e c r e d it a vaila b le f o r th e fin a n cin g o f n on resid en tia l con stru ction ,
and to b r in g a b ou t a d ecrease in b u ild in g to p ro v id e m a terials and la b o r f o r th e d efen se
p rog ra m .
M ost n e w n on resid en tial co n stru ctio n cr e d it exten ded a fte r F e b r u a r y 15, 1951, w ill
be s u b je c t to the reg u la tion . H ow ever, cre d its w ith re sp e ct to ce rta in classes o f co n stru ctio n
a re ex em p t fr o m th e c r e d it restra in ts, in clu d in g cre d its f o r sch ools, h ospitals, churches,
p u b lic u tilities and p r o p e r ty co n stru cte d f o r use b y th e g o v e rn m e n t o r a n y p o litica l sub­
d ivision .
In ad d ition , n ew co n stru ctio n f o r use b y m a n u fa ctu rin g o r m in in g businesses, o r f o r
v a riou s fa r m uses, a re ex em p t i f m o re th an 80 p e r cen t o f th e floor sp a ce o f th e n ew b u ild in g
is em p loy ed 1
(1 )

In p ro ce ss in g m aterials, good s, o r a rticles in to finished o r p a rtly finished m anu­
fa c tu re d p rod u cts, or

(2 )

In m in in g o r o th erw ise e x tr a c tin g r a w m aterials, o r

(3 )

On fa r m p ro p e rty , in th e p rod u ction , sh elter, o r stora ge incid en tal th ereto, o f
crop s, livestock or oth er a g ricu ltu ra l com m od ities.

F o r all ty p e s o f cr e d it s u b je c t to th e reg u la tion , th e lender, in d e te rm in in g th e am ou nt
th a t m a y b e loan ed, m u st ta k e in to a ccou n t all cr e d it p re v io u sly e xten d ed in co n n e ctio n w ith
th e p r o p e r ty and still ou tstan d in g , as w ell as th e a m ou n t o f ad d ition al cr e d it b e in g extended.
A s in th e p rev iou s reg u la tion , su p p lem en ta ry b o r r o w in g , as w ell as m o r tg a g e loans, co n ­
tin u es to be w ith in th e scop e o f th e reg u la tion .
C on stru ction loan s m a de to s u b co n tra cto rs and oth er p erson s, e x ce p t th e ow n e rs o f
n on resid en tia l p ro p e rty , a re exem p t w h en th e y h ave m a tu ritie s n o t e x ce e d in g 2 4 m onths.
C on stru ction loans to ow n ers o f p rop osed n on resid en tial co n stru cto n m u st co n fo rm to the
reg u la ton e x c e p t th a t a m ortiza tion is n o t req u ired f o r 24 m on th s u n der certa in con d ition s.
C red it exten d ed p u rsu a n t to firm w ritte n a greem en ts m ade p r io r to th e effe ctiv e date
o f th e n ew am en dm en ts is e x e m p t f r o m th e reg u la tion .
In a d d ition to p ro v is io n s re la tin g to n on resid en tia l p ro p e rtie s, a n u m ber o f oth er
a m en dm en ts h ave been m ade f o r th e p u rp oses o f cla rifica tion .
A lth o u g h th e reg u la tion p ro v id e s th a t a p e rs o n m u st b e re g is te re d to en ga ge in the
business o f exten d in g real estate con stru ctio n cred it, all su ch person s w ill au tom atica lly
be deem ed to b e reg istered and no a ctio n on th e ir p a r t to re g is te r is n o w req u ired . H o w ­
ever, th e reg u la tion p rov id es th a t th e B o a rd m a y later, b y p u b lic ann ou n cem ent, re q u ire
re g is tra tio n statem en ts to b e filed b y p erson s a ffected .
D u r in g th e fo rm u la tio n o f th e n e w am en dm en ts to R e g u la tio n X , con su ltation s and
m eetin gs w e r e held w ith rep resen ta tiv es o f th e v a rio u s b u siness g ro u p s a ffected . Such
g ro u p s inclu ded m a n u fa ctu re rs o f and d ealers in b u ild in g su pp lies and m aterials, la b or
org a n iza tion s, banks and tr u s t com pa n ies, sa v in g s banks, sa v in g s and loan a ssociation s,
m o r tg a g e com pa n ies, in su ra n ce com pa n ies, b u ild ers, real estate dealers, and oth ers in ­
terested in co n stru ctio n and m o r tg a g e finance.
In q u iries in re g a r d to R eg u la tion X sh ould b e d irected to on e o f th e tw e lv e F e d ­
eral R e se rv e B an k s and th e ir tw e n ty -fo u r b ra n ch es th ro u g h w h ich th e re g u la tio n is
a d m in istered .

inquiry relating to this regulation should be addressed
to the Federal Reserve Bank or Federal
Reserve branch bank o f the district
in which the inquiry arises.


This regulation applies to real estate construction credit with respect
to property on which a new residence, multi-unit residence, or non­
residential structure, or a major addition or major improvement to
an existing residence, multi-unit residence, or nonresidential structure
is begun after 12 o ’clock meridian, August 3, 1950. The regulation
applies, in general, to banks, savings and loan associations, insurance
companies, mortgage companies, loan companies, finance companies,
real estate companies, or other institutions or individuals who are
engaged in' the business of extending real estate credit with respect to
residences, residential property, multi-unit residential property, or
nonresidential property. In order to determine w ith e r a particular
institution or individual or a particular transaction is subject to this
regulation, reference should be made to the provisions of the regu­
lation itself.

S e c . 1. S cope an d A pplication of R e g u l a t io n ........................................................
S e c . 2. D e f in it io n s ...................................................................................................................

(j )
Sec. 3. G e n eral

“ Person”
“ Registrant”
“ Credit”
“ Extending credit,” “ extension of credit” and “ extends credit”
“ Real estate construction credit”
“ New construction”
“ Major addition” or “ major improvement”
“ Real property”
“ Maximum loan value”
“ Bona fide sale price”
“ Residence”
“ Multi-unit residence”
“ Family unit”
“ Residential property”
“ Farm property”
“ Multi-unit residential property”
“ Nonresidential property”
“ Nonresidential structure”
“ Public utility”
R equirem en ts and R e g is t r a t io n ..............................................
General Requirements
Suspension of Registration

Se c . 4. E xt en sio n


C r e d it ..............................................................................................



E x c e p t io n s ...............................................................................


Minimum Amount
Short-Term Residential Construction Credits
Other Short-Term Construction Credits
Medical Expenses, etc.
Contracts to Sell
Contemplated Construction
Labor and Material
Credits Secured by Life Insurance Policies
Farm Property
Exemption for Certain New Construction
Materials, Articles and Services Used in New Construction

S ec . 6. M iscellaneous P r o v is io n s ...................................................................................



Amount; Maturity; Amortization
Secondary Borrowing
Ascertaining Nature of Credit
Statement of the Borrower

S e c . 5. E xem ptio n s





Outstanding Contracts and Obligations
Real Property Outside the United States
Preservation of Records; Inspections; Administrative Reports
Default and Foreclosure; Serviceman’s Preinduction D ebt
Veterans Programs under State Law
State Housing Programs
Extension of Credit for Mixed Purposes
Calculation of Maximum Maturity
Three- and Four-Unit Residences
Right of Registrant to Impose Stricter Requirements
Reliance upon Statement of the Borrower
False Statements
Statutory Penalties
Enforceability of Contracts

Su p p l e m e n t ..................................................................................................................................

Schedule I. One- to Four-Unit Residential Property and Farm
Schedule II. Multi-unit Residential Property
Schedule III. Nonresidential Property


As amended effective February 15, 1951


This regulation is issued by the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System (hereinafter called the “ Board” ), with the concur­
rence of the Housing and Home Finance Administrator with respect
to provisions relating to real estate construction credit involving resi­
dential property and multi-unit residential property, under authority
of the “ Defense Production Act of 1950,” approved September 8 , 1950
(hereinafter called the “ Act” ), and Executive Order No. 10161, dated
September 9, 1950.
This regulation applies to any person who is engaged in the business
of extending real estate credit w ith respect to residences, residential
property, multi-unit residential property, or nonresidential property,
including any person who acts as agent in arranging for such credit.
For the purposes of this regulation, a person shall be deemed to be
engaged in the business of extending such real estate credit if, in his
own right or as agent or fiduciary, he either ( 1 ) extends or has ex­
tended such real estate credit more than three different times during
the current calendar year or during the preceding calendar year, or
( 2 ) extends or has extended such real estate credit in an amount
or amounts aggregating more than $50,000 during the current calendar
year or during the preceding calendar year. For the purposes of this
section, such real estate credit shall be deemed to include credit with
respect to any residence, residential property, multi-unit residential
property, or nonresidential property, whether or not there is any new
construction thereon, and whether or not such credit is extended,
insured, or guaranteed by the Federal Housing Administration, the
Veterans’ Administration, or any other department, independent estab­
lishment or agency of the United States, and whether or not such
credit is exempt from this regulation.

For the purposes of this regulation, unless the context otherwise
(a) “ Person” has the meaning given it in section 702(a) of the
A ct .1
1 Section 702(a) of the Act provides: “ The word ‘person’ includes an individual,
corporation, partnership, association, or any other organized group of persons, or




Sec. 2

( 6 ) “ Registrant” means a person who is registered pursuant to
section 3 of this regulation.
(c) “ Credit” has the meaning given it in section 602(d)(2) of the
A ct .*
(d) “ Extending credit,” “ extension of credit” and “ extends credit”
shall include extending or maintaining any credit, or renewing, revising,
consolidating, refinancing, purchasing, selling, discounting, or lending
or borrowing on, any obligation arising out of any credit, or arranging
as agent for any of the foregoing, and also shall include a sale of,
or other transfer of title to, real property if the vendee or transferee
assumes, or takes such property subject to, indebtedness secured by a
mortgage or other lien upon such property.
(e) “ Real estate construction credit” means any credit 3 which
(1 )
(2 )

is wholly or partly secured by, or
is for the purpose of purchasing or carrying, or
is for the purpose of financing, or
involves a right to acquire or use,

new construction on real property or real property on which there is
new construction, if such new construction is a residence, multi-unit
residence, or nonresidential structure, or a major addition or major
improvement to a residence, multi-unit residence, or nonresidential
structure, whether such credit is extended before or after such new
construction is begun; but the term “ real estate construction credit”
legal successor or representative of the foregoing, and includes the United States
or any agency thereof, or any other government, or any of its political subdivi­
sions, or any agency of any of the foregoing: Provided, That no punishment
provided by this Act shall apply to the United States, or to any such government,
political subdivision, or government agency.”
2 Section 602(d)(2) of the Act provides: “ ‘ Credit’ means any loan, mortgage,
deed of trust, advance, or discount; any conditional sale contract; any contract
to sell or sale or contract of sale, of property or services, either for present or
future delivery, under which part or all of the price is payable subsequent to the
making of such sale or contract; any rental-purchase contract, or any contract for
the bailment, leasing, or other use of property under which the bailee, lessee, or
user has the option of becoming the owner thereof, obligates himself to pay as
compensation a sum substantially equivalent to or in excess of the value thereof,
or has the right to have all or part of the payments required by such contract
applied to the purchase price of such property or similar property; any option,
demand, lien, pledge, or similar claim against, or for the delivery of property or
m oney; any purchase, discount, or other acquisition of, or any credit under the
security of, any obligation or claim arising out of any of the foregoing; and any
transaction or series of transactions having a similar purpose or effect.”
3 Extended on or after October 12, 1950, with respect to farm residences, resi­
dential property, and major additions and major improvements to residences;
or on or after January 12, 1951, with respect to multi-unit residential property
and major additions and major improvements to multi-unit residences; or on
or after February 15, 1951, with respect to nonresidential property and major
additions and major improvements to nonresidential structures.

Sec . 2



shall not include any loan or loans made, insured, or guaranteed, in
whole or in part, by the Federal Housing Administration, the Vet­
erans’ Administration, or any other department, independent estab­
lishment or agency in the executive branch of the United States,
or by any wholly owned Government corporation, or by any mixedownership Government corporation as defined in the Government
Corporation Control Act, as amended (including any loan evidenced
by obligations of any local public agency or public housing agency
which national banks may purchase pursuant to the provisions of
section 602(a) of the Housing Act of 1949).
(/) “ New construction” means any structure, or any major addi­
tion or major improvement to a structure, which is or has been begun
after 12 o ’clock meridian, August 3,1950. Construction will be deemed
to have been “ begun” when any essential materials which are to be
an integral part of the structure have been affixed to or incorporated
on the site in a permanent form.
“ Major addition” or “ major improvement” means any enlarge­
ment, reconstruction, alteration, or repair of an existing structure,4 or
any other addition or improvement which becomes or is to become
physically attached to and a part of the structure,4 if the cost or esti­
mated cost of such addition or improvement exceeds $2,500, and also
exceeds ( 1 ) if the structure is a residence or multi-unit residence, an
amount determined by multiplying $1,500 by the number of family
units in such residence or multi-unit residence prior to such addition
or improvement, or ( 2 ) if the structure is a nonresidential structure,
an amount equal to 15 per cent of the appraised value of the nonresi­
dential structure 5 as determined in good faith by the Registrant who
extends the credit.01
1 Notwithstanding this definition or any other provision of this regulation,
an addition or improvement to any existing structure which will become a “ resi­
dence,” “ multi-unit residence,” or “ nonresidential structure” by reason of such
addition or improvement shall be treated as an addition or improvement to an
existing “ residence,” “ multi-unit residence,” or “ nonresidential structure,” respec­
tively; and, in determining whether the cost or estimated cost of an addition
or improvement to an existing structure which will become a “ residence” or
“ multi-unit residence” is such that it would be a major addition or major improve­
ment within the meaning of section 2(g), and in determining what the maximum
loan value is. the determination shall be according to the number of family units
which will be in the structure after the addition or improvement has been
= For this purpose, the value of the land upon which the nonresidential structure
is located is not taken into consideration; and the appraised value is the appraised
value of the structure before the major addition or major improvement is made.
“ It should be noted that section 2 (/) defines “ new construction” as including
“ any major addition or major improvement” and that section 2(e) defines “ real
estate construction credit” as including certain credit with respect to “ real prop­
erty on which there is new construction.” Accordingly, if a major addition or



S ec. 2

(h) “ Real property” includes leaseholds and other interest in such
(i) The “ maximum loan value” of any property * shall be the amount
which is computed in the manner prescribed in the Supplement to this
regulation. In making such computations:
(1) For a major addition or major improvement to a residence,
multi-unit residence, or nonresidential structure, “ value” shall be
the cost or estimated c o st 8 of such major addition or major improve­
(2) For residential property, other than major additions or major
(A) In the case of an extension of credit in connection with a
bona fide sale of residential property, “ value” shall be the bona fide
sale price;
(B) In the case of any other extension of credit with respect to
residential property:
(i) If the entire cost of the property to the borrower has been
incurred by him not more than 12 months prior to the extension
of credit or is to be incurred by him after such extension of
credit, “ value” shall be the bona fide cost of the property to the
borrower, including a bona fide estimate of the cost of completing
new construction on such property when the extension of credit
is for the purpose of financing such new construction;
(ii) If any part of the cost of the property to the borrower
has been incurred by him more than 12 months prior to the
extension of credit, or if any part of such property has been
acquired by gift, exchange, or inheritance, “ value” shall be the
appraised value as determined in good faith by the Registrant
who extends the credit;
major improvement is made to an existing structure, even though such structure
was erected or begun prior to August 3, 1950, any subsequent extension of credit
with respect to such structure or the property on which it is located is “ real
estate construction credit.” However, in determining whether property has
become “ real property on which there is new construction” by reason of a
major addition or major improvement having been made to an existing structure,
there shall be considered only such costs as are or have been incurred during
any period of 12 consecutive months (or during a period not exceeding 12
months beginning January 12, 1951, if the structure is a residence or multi-unit
residence, or beginning February 15, 1951, if the structure is a nonresidential
7 As used here, “ property” means residential property, multi-unit residential
property, nonresidential property, a residence on farm property, or a major addi­
tion or major improvement to a residence, a multi-unit residence, or nonresidential
structure, as the case may be.
8 Based on such evidence and supporting data as normally would be required
by a prudent lender.

Sec . 2



(3) For an extension of credit which is for the purpose of financ­
ing the construction of a residence on farm property, “ value” shall
be the total of (A) the cost or estimated cost of such new construc­
tion, and (B) 5 per cent of such cost or estimated cost.9
(4) For multi-unit residential property and nonresidential prop­
erty, other than major additions or major improvements:
(A) In the case of an extension of credit in connection with a
bona fide sale of multi-unit residential property or nonresidential
property, “ value” shall be the bona fide sale price;
(B) In the case of any other extension of credit with respect to
multi-unit residential property or nonresidential property, “ value”
shall be the appraised value as determined in good faith by the
Registrant who extends the credit. Appraisals pursuant to this
provision and other provisions of this regulation will be subject
to inspection by the Board and the Federal Reserve Banks in
accordance with section 6 (d) of this regulation, and appraisals
found to be in excess of those dictated by sound and established
practice in the community shall be deemed sufficient ground for
the suspension of the Registrant pursuant to section 3 (c) of this
(;) “ Bona fide sale price” means the amount paid or to be paid by
the vendee in money or its equivalent. It includes, in addition to cash,
( 1 ) the value of any property accepted in part payment, ( 2 ) the
unpaid principal amount of any indebtedness incurred or assumed
by the vendee or to which the property remains subject, (3) the
amount of any liens for taxes or special assessments which are in
default or currently due and payable, (4) the amount of any me­
chanics’ liens or other liens which the vendee is required to discharge,
(5) the amount which the vendee agrees to pay for any alteration or
other modification made or to be made to the property as an incident
to the sale thereof, and ( 6 ) any amounts paid by the vendee for closing
costs. It does not Include any prepaid charges, or any accrued rents
which will be paid to the vendee.
(/c) “ Residence” 10 means any structure which is used or designed
for permanent or transient dwelling purposes, and which include at
0 The 5 per cent is added when the extension of credit is for the purpose of
financing the construction of a residence on farm property in order to take
account of the value of the land upon which the residence is to be constructed.
1 Structures such as hotels, motels, rooming houses, club houses, fraternity or
sorority houses, rest homes, and the like, in which more than one-half of the
floor space consists of units which do not contain kitchen facilities or space
designed for kitchen facilities shall not be deemed to be residences or multi­
unit residences. See section 2(r).



Sec. 2

least one but not more than four family units, if the floor space con­
tained in such family units comprises at least one-half of the floor
space of such structure. Houses connected by common walls and
commonly known as “ row houses” or “ semidetached houses” shall be
considered separate structures.
(l) “ Multi-unit residence” 10 means any structure such as an apart­
ment house or apartment hotel (whether owned cooperatively or other­
wise) which is used or designed for permanent or transient dwelling
purposes, and which includes more than four family units, if the floor
space contained in such family units comprises at least one-half of
the floor space of such structure.
( to) “ Family unit” means space which is used or designed for dwell­
ing purposes and which contains one or more rooms with kitchen
facilities (or space designed for kitchen facilities) in or appurtenant
to such rooms.
(n) “ Residential property” means any real property, other than
farm property, on which there is or is to be a residence or residences.
(o) “ Farm property” means any real property, other than multi-unit
residential property or nonresidential property, located outside of
urban areas, which is principally used for the production of crops,
livestock or other agricultural commodities.
(p) “ Multi-unit residential property” means any real property on
which there is or is to be a multi-unit residence or multi-unit resi­
(q ) “ Nonresidential property” means any real property on which
there is or is to be a nonresidential structure or structures.
(r) “ Nonresidential structure” 11 means any structure other than
( 1 ) a residence,
(2 ) a multi-unit residence,
(3) a school, hospital, or church,
(4) a structure exclusively used or designed for use
(i) by a public utility,
(ii) by any Government or political subdivision, or
(5) a structure more than 80 per cent of the floor space of which
is used or designed for use
(i) in processing materials, goods, or articles into finished or
partly finished manufactured products,
(ii) in mining or otherwise extracting raw materials, or1
1 For footnote, see preceding page.
u Nonresidential structures ordinarily subject to this regulation include, among
others, the following: Office buildings, warehouses, stores (including sales display
and service facilities, whether wholesale or retail), banks, hotels, motels, m otor
courts, garages, automobile service stations, restaurants, and clubs.


Secs . 2 ,3


on farm property in the production, shelter, or storage
incidental thereto, of crops, livestock or other agricultural com­
“ Public utility” means any transportation company, electric
light or power company, gas company, water company, pipe line com­
pany, telephone company, telegraph company, or other similar business
which is operated for the convenience, service or accommodation of
the public if ( 1 ) the operations of such company are supervised by a
Federal or State agency, or ( 2 ) the members of the public as such
are entitled as of right to demand and use its facilities or services.


(a) General Requirements.— No person engaged in the business
of extending real estate credit with respect to residences, residential
property, multi-unit residential property or nonresidential property
shall extend real estate construction credit unless ( 1 ) he is registered
pursuant to this section, and ( 2 ) he has no knowledge of, and has no
reason to know, any fact by reason of which such credit fails to com­
ply with any applicable provision of this regulation.
( b ) Registration.— Every person engaged in the business of extend­
ing real estate credit with respect to residences, residential property,
multi-unit residential property or nonresidential property shall be
deemed to be registered pursuant to this regulation until such time
as the Board, by public announcement, may require registration state­
ments to be filed by all, or any specified classes of, such persons.
Should the Board require such registration statements, a person shall
continue to be registered after the time such statements are required
only if he shall have complied with the requirements of the Board’s
announcement. Every person who is registered in accordance with
the provisions of this subsection is referred to in this regulation as a
“ Registrant.”

(c) Suspension o f Registration.— Any Registrant may, after rea­
sonable notice and opportunity for a hearing, be suspended by the
Board, as to all or as to particular activities or particular offices and
for specified or indefinite periods, because of any willful or negligent
failure to comply with any provision of this regulation.
A suspension for a specified period will terminate upon the expira­
tion of such period. A suspension for an indefinite period may be
terminated by the Board, in its discretion, if the Board is satisfied
that its action would not lead to further violations of this regulation



Secs . 3 ,4

by the suspended Registrant and would not be otherwise incompatible
with the public interest.

(a) Am ount; Maturity; Amortization.— Except as otherwise per­
mitted by this regulation, no Registrant shall, either in connection
with a sale or otherwise:
(1) Extend real estate construction credit with respect to resi­
dential property, multi-unit residential property, or nonresidential
property (other than major additions or major improvements) if the
amount of credit outstanding with respect to the property (includ­
ing any credit exempt from, or not subject to the prohibitions of,
this regulation) exceeds, or as a result of such extension of credit
would exceed, the applicable maximum loan value of such property;
(2) Extend real estate construction credit for the purpose of
financing a major addition or major improvement to a residence,
multi-unit residence or nonresidential structure if the amount of
credit outstanding for the purpose of financing the major addition
or major improvement (including any credit exempt from, or not
subject to the prohibitions of, this regulation) exceeds, or as a result
of such extension of credit would exceed, the applicable maximum
loan value of such major addition or major improvement;
(3) Extend real estate construction credit for the purpose of
financing the construction of a residence on farm property if the
amount of credit outstanding for the purpose of financing the con­
struction of the residence (including any credit exempt from, or
not subject to the prohibitions of, this regulation) exceeds, or as a
result of such extension of credit would exceed, the applicable maxi­
mum loan value of such residence;
(4) Extend real estate construction credit if such credit would
have a maturity which exceeds the applicable maximum maturity
provisions, or would be repaid in any manner which does not con­
form with the applicable amortization provisions, set forth in the
Supplement to this regulation;
(5) Purchase, discount or lend on any credit instrument evidenc­
ing real estate construction credit which is subject to and not
exempt from this regulation, unless the. terms oi such credit con­
formed with the provisions of the Supplement to this regulation
when such credit was originally extended or conform with the pro­
visions of the Supplement at the time of such purchase, discount
or loan; but for the purposes of this paragraph credit shall be con­

S ec . 4



sidered to be subject to the regulation even though extended by a
person other than a Registrant;
(6 )
If the Registrant is acting as principal— sell, or transfer title
to, residential property, multi-unit residential property or non­
residential property on which there is new construction (which is
a residence, multi-unit residence or nonresidential structure, or a
major addition or major improvement to a residence, multi-unit
residence or nonresidential structure) and with respect to which the
vendee or transferee assumes, or takes such property subject to,
indebtedness secured by a mortgage or other lien upon such property,
if the amount of outstanding credit (including any credit exempt
from, or not subject to the prohibitions of, this regulation) which
was extended after October 12, 1950, .(or after January 12, 1951, if
it is a sale or transfer of multi-unit residential property or after
February 15, 1951, if it is a sale or transfer of nonresidential
property) with respect to the property exceeds, or as a result of such
sale or transfer would exceed, the applicable maximum loan value
of such property, or if any outstanding real estate construction
credit (subject to and not exempt from this regulation) with respect
to such property does not conform with the provisions of this regu­
lation and the Supplement thereto.12
( 6 ) Secondary Borrowing.— Except as otherwise permitted by this
regulation, no Registrant shall extend real estate construction credit
if he knows or has reason to know that there is, or that there is to be,
any other credit extended with respect to the property 13 ( 1 ) which,
when added to the credit proposed to be extended by the Registrant,
would cause the total amount of credit outstanding with respect to
the property 13 (including any credit exempt from, or not subject to
the prohibitions of, this regulation) to exceed the applicable maxi­
mum loan value of such property, or ( 2 ) which, if it is real estate
construction credit subject to and not exempt from this regulation,
does not or would not comply with the applicable maximum maturity
and amortization provisions set forth in the Supplement to this regu­
(c) Ascertaining Nature of Credit.— No Registrant shall extend
any credit unless he is satisfied, and maintains records which reason­
ably demonstrate on their face, whether such credit is or is not real
1 For application to three- and four-unit residences, see section 6 (;).
1 As used here, “ property” means residential property, multi-unit residential
property, nonresidential property, a residence on farm property, or a major addi­
tion or major improvement to a residence, a multi-unit residence or nonresiden­
tial structure, as the case may be.



Sec . 4

estate construction credit; provided, however, unless the Registrant
has actual knowledge that the credit is real estate construction credit,
the requirements of this sentence shall not apply ( 1 ) to any exten­
sion of credit which is made by a bank, savings and loan association,
or similar institution and which is to be repaid within six months and
is fully secured by withdrawable shares issued by or savings accounts
held with the lender, or ( 2 ) to any extension of credit in the ordinary
course of business for a commercial, agricultural, or business purpose
where the Registrant, because ert a previous course of dealings or
correspondence between himself and the borrower, has no reason to
believe that the credit is or will be real estate construction credit.
The preceding sentence does not require that a Registrant obtain a
signed statement from each borrower, and if the Registrant is satis­
fied that credit is not real estate construction credit, other kinds of
records may be used to demonstrate this fact. Such records may
include, among others, ( 1 ) any correspondence, memoranda, loan
applications or other documents of any kind, whether or not originat­
ing in connection with the credit in question, which on the basis of
a reasonable interpretation show that the credit is not real estate
construction credit; or ( 2 ) a written endorsement or rubber stamp
legend, placed upon the credit instrument or upon other papers in
connection with the credit and signed by the Registrant or a respon­
sible officer of the Registrant, stating that he is satisfied that the credit
in question is not real estate construction credit. If, however, a Regis­
trant desires to obtain, and accepts in good faith, a signed Statement
of the Borrower stating that the credit is not wholly or partly secured
by, or for the purpose of purchasing or carrying, or for the purpose
of financing, or one which involves the right to acquire or use, new
construction on real property or real property on which there is new
construction (or that such new construction, if any, is not a resi­
dence, multi-unit residence or nonresidential structure, or a major
addition or major improvement to a residence, multi-unit residence
or nonresidential structure), such Statement shall be deemed to be
compliance with the requirements of this subsection.
(d) Statement o f the Borrower.— No Registrant shall extend real
estate construction credit unless he has accepted in good faith a
signed Statement of the Borrower (1) stating whether the credit is
with respect to property 14 subject to the regulation, and ( 2 ) stating,
1 As used here, "property” means residential property, multi-unit residential
property, nonresidential property, a residence on farm property, or a major addi­
tion or major improvement to a residence, multi-unit residence, or nonresidential
structure, as the case may be.

Secs . 4, 5



if the Registrant claims that such credit is exempt from this regula­
tion, the reason for such exemption; and, if the credit is not exempt,
(3) stating the amount of credit previously extended and outstand­
ing, and the amount of any other credit to be extended, with respect
to the property ,14 (4) stating, if the Registrant in computing “ value”
relies upon cost or estimated cost to the borrower (where such cost
or estimated cost may be used for this purpose), the bona fide amount
of such cost or estimated cost to the borrower, and (5) stating, if
the extension of credit is in connection with a sale, the sale price,
that the sale price was bona fide, and the value and a brief descrip­
tion of any property accepted in part payment. If the extension of
credit is in connnection with a sale, such Statement shall state that
the vendor of the property has or will have no financial interest in
such property or in the proceeds of any subsequent disposition thereof,
except such interest as may be fully disclosed to the Registrant. The
amount of any such financial interest of the vendor retained in the
property or any proceeds of the disposition thereof shall be deemed
to be real estate construction credit extended with respect to such
property. The Statement of the Borrower may be made, if desired,
on a form a sample of which is obtainable at any Federal Reserve
Bank or branch.

(а) Minimum Amount.— The prohibitions of subsections (a) and
( 6 ) of section 4 of this regulation shall not apply to any extension of
credit if the total amount thereof, including all outstanding credit
which was granted after October 1 2 , 1950, with respect to the same
property ,15 is not in excess of $2,500.
( б ) Short-Term Residential Construction Credits.— The prohibi­
tions of subsections (a) and (b ) of section 4 of this regulation shall
not apply to any credit which is for the purpose of financing the con­
struction of a residence or residences or a major addition or major
improvement to a residence, if the maturity of such credit is not
more than 18 months; provided, that this exemption shall not be
construed to permit any renewal, revision, consolidation, or refinancing
of such credit except on terms which conform with the provisions of
this regulation and the Supplement thereto. If (1) the initial purpose
of an extension of credit having a maturity exceeding 18 months is*
“ For footnote, see preceding page.
“ As used here, “ property” means residential property, multi-unit residential
property, nonresidential property, a residence on farm property, or a major addi­
tion or major improvement to a residence, multi-unit residence, or nonresidential
structure, as the case may be.



Sec . 5

the financing of the construction of a residence or residences or a major
addition or major improvement to a residence and ( 2 ) the credit instru­
ment provides, or an agreement with respect to the credit requires,
that within 32 days after completion of such construction or upon a
specified date when the Registrant estimates in good faith the construc­
tion will be completed, which in either case shall be not more than
18 months after the extension of the credit, the terms of the credit
shall conform thereafter with the applicable maximum loan value and
the applicable maturity and amortization provisions set forth in
Schedule I of the Supplement to this regulation, then in such event
the prohibitions of subsections (a) and ( 6 ) of section 4 of this regu­
lation shall not apply to such credit until after the lapse of the time
so described or specified, but if at any time after the date of the
extension of such credit, a Registrant sells or transfers title to the
property with respect to which the credit is extended, such sale or
transfer of title must conform to the provisions of this regulation and
Schedule I of the Supplement thereto.16
(c) Other Short-Term Construction Credits.— The prohibitions of
subsections (a) and ( 6 ) of section 4 of this regulation shall not apply
to any credit which is for the purpose of financing the construction
of a multi-unit residence or nonresidential structure or a major addi­
tion or major improvement to a multi-unit residence or nonresidential
structure and which is extended to any person other than the owner
of the property and has a maturity of not more than 24 months; pro­
vided, that this exemption shall not be construed to permit any re­
newal, revision, consolidation, or refinancing of such credit except on
terms which conform with the provisions of this regulation and the
Supplement thereto. Extensions of credit for the purpose of financ­
ing the construction of a multi-unit residence or nonresidential struc­
ture or a major addition or major improvement to a multi-unit
residence or nonresidential structure may not be made to the
owner of the property in a total amount exceeding the maximum
loan value of the property; but any such credit extended to the owner
of the property shall be exempt from the amortization provision in
Schedule III of the Supplement to this regulation if ( 1 ) such credit
has a maturity of not more than 24 months, or (2) the initial purpose
of credit having a maturity exceeding 24 months is the financing o f
the construction of a nonresidential structure or nonresidential struc­
1 It should be noted that this exemption does not apply to any credit which
is for the purpose of financing the construction of a multi-unit residence or
nonresidential structure or a major addition or major improvement to a multi­
unit residence or nonresidential structure. However, see section 5 (c).

S ec. 5



tures or a major addition or major improvement to a nonresidential
structure, and the credit instrument provides, or an agreement with
respect to the credit requires, that within 32 days after completion
of such construction or upon a specified date when the Registrant
estimates in good faith the construction will be completed, which in
either case shall be not more than 24 months after the extension of
the credit, the terms of the credit shall conform thereafter with the
applicable maturity and amortization provisions set forth in Schedule
III of the Supplement to this regulation; but if at any time after the
date of the extension of such credit, a Registrant sells or transfers
title to the property with respect to which the credit is extended, such
sale or transfer of title must conform to the provisions of this regu­
lation and Schedule III of the Supplement thereto.
( d ) Medical Expenses, Etc.— The prohibitions of subsections (a)
and ( 6 ) of section 4 of this regulation shall not apply to any exten­
sion of real estate construction credit as to which the Registrant ac­
cepts in good faith a signed Statement of the Borrower certifying that
the proceeds thereof are to be used for bona fide medical, hospital,
dental, or funeral expenses, or to pay debts incurred for such expenses,
and that the proceeds of the extension are to be paid over in amounts
specified in such Statement to persons whose names, addresses and
occupations are stated therein.

(e) Casualties.— The prohibitions of subsections (a) and ( 6 ) of
section 4 of this regulation shall not apply to any extension of real
estate construction credit as to which the Registrant accepts in good
faith a signed Statement of the Borrower certifying that the proceeds
thereof are to be used solely for the replacement, reconstruction or
repair of a residence, multi-unit residence or nonresidential structure
destroyed or substantially damaged by flood, fire or other similar
(/) Contracts to Sell.— None of the provisions of this regulation
shall apply to a contract to sell real property ( 1 ) which does not provide
for the payment of any part of the purchase price, or of any amount
to be subsequently applied to such price, except a deposit of earnest
money, before the transfer of title to such property, ( 2 ) which is to
be performed by a transfer of title to such property within six months
after the date on which the contract was entered into, and ( 3 ) which
provides for the subsequent transfer of title to such property on terms
which conform to the provisions of this regulation and the Supplement
thereto in effect on the date the contract was entered into.



Sec. 5

( g ) Contemplated Construction.— Any builder or other person who
had made substantial commitments or undertakings before August 3,
1950, with a view to the building of new construction which is a resi­
dence or a major addition or major improvement to a residence and
who asserts that his inability to obtain credit to finance such new
construction on the basis contemplated by him and by the Registrant
prior to August 3, 1950, would cause him substantial hardship, may
apply to the Federal Reserve Bank of the district in which the new
construction is contemplated for an exemption from this regulation
for such new construction, showing all the facts and submitting all
necessary supporting documents with respect to his commitments or
undertakings and why compliance with the regulation would cause
him substantial hardship. If such Federal Reserve Bank after con­
sideration of the application and supporting documents determines
that substantial commitments were made prior to August 3, 1950, and
that substantial hardship would result from the application of this
regulation in such case, it may issue to such builder or other person
a certificate approving such application and thereupon any extension
of credit to such builder or other person by the Registrant named in
such certificate with respect to the new construction that may be speci­
fied in such certificate shall be exempt from the prohibitions of sub­
sections (a) and (b ) of section 4 of this regulation. Applications under
this subsection must be sent to the Federal Reserve Bank prior to
March 15, 1951.

(h) Labor and Material.— No person shall be required to register
pursuant to section 3 of this regulation because of the fact that he
performs labor or furnishes material for new construction on an open
account, unless he shall be otherwise engaged in the business of ex­
tending real estate credit.
(i) Credits Secured by Life Insurance Policies.—None of the pro­
visions of this regulation shall apply to an extension of real estate
construction credit which is fully secured by the loan value or cash
surrender value of a life insurance policy; and, notwithstanding any
other provisions of this regulation, a Registrant in determining the
amount of credit which he may extend under the provisions of section
4 of the regulation need not take into account any credit which is
secured in the manner specified in this subsection.
(j) Farm Property.— The prohibitions of subsections (a) and (b )
of section 4 of this regulation shall not apply to any extension of real
estate construction credit with respect to farm property unless the

S ecs . 5 ,6



extension of credit is for the purpose of financing the construction of
a residence on farm property or a major addition or major improvement
to a residence on farm property .17
(fc) Exemption for Certain New Construction.— The prohibitions
of subsections (a) and (b) of section 4 of this regulation shall not
apply to any real estate construction credit extended prior to M ay 1,
1951, with respect to new construction (1) begun prior to October 12,
1950, if such new construction is a residence or a major addition or
major improvement to a residence, (2) begun prior to January 12, 1951,
if such new construction is a multi-unit residence or a major addition
or major improvement to a multi-unit residence,18 or (3) begun prior
to February 15, 1951, if such new construction is a nonresidential
structure or a major addition or major improvement to a nonresiden­
tial structure.
( l ) Materials, Articles and Services Used in New Construction.—

None of the provisions of this regulation shall apply to an extension
of credit which is for the purpose of purchasing, or is in connection
with a sale of, materials, articles and services for new construction if
the credit is extended on terms which provide for a minimum down
payment of 10 per cent, or a maximum loan value of 90 per cent, and
for repayment within 30 months by (1) substantially equal monthly or
weekly payments covering principal and interest or (2 ) substantially
equal monthly or weekly payments of principal.19

(a) Evasions.— No extension of real estate construction credit com­
plies with the requirements of this regulation if at the time it is made
there is any agreement, arrangement, or understanding, of which the
Registrant knows or has reason to know, by which credit is or is to be
extended in violation of this regulation, even though such extension
of credit is or is to be made indirectly, or which would otherwise evade
or circumvent, or conceal any evasion or circumvention of, any pro­
vision of this regulation or the Supplement thereto. No Registrant
1 It is to be noted that the term “ farm -property” as defined in section 2 (o)
does not include multi-unit residential property or nonresidential property;
accordingly, the location of multi-unit residential property or nonresidential
property does not affect the question whether extensions of credit with respect
to such property are subject to the regulation.
1 For applicaion to three- and four-unit residences, see section 6 (;).
1 It should be noted that in certain circumstances more restrictive terms would
be required by Regulation W.



Sec . 6

extending credit subject to this regulation shall divide such credit into
two or more parts, or enter into any agreement or understanding with
any other person as a result of which two or more credits are extended,
when the purpose or effect of such action is to circumvent or avoid the
amortization or maturity provisions of this regulation or the Supple­
ment thereto.
( 6 ) Outstanding Contracts and Obligations.— The prohibitions of
subsections (a) and ( 6 ) of section 4 of this regulation shall not apply
to or affect (i) any credit with respect to residential property or a
major addition or major improvement to a residence if extended prior
to October 12, 1950, or pursuant to any firm commitment to extend
credit made prior to such date, (ii) any credit with respect to multi-unit
residential property or a major addition or major improvement to a
multi-unit residence if extended prior to January 12, 1951, or pursuant
to any firm commitment to extend credit made prior to such date, or
(iii) any credit with respect to nonresidential property or a major
addition or major improvement to a nonresidential structure if ex­
tended prior to February 15, 1951, or pursuant to any firm commit­
ment to extend credit made prior to such date, if such firm commitment
complies with Clause (1) of the next succeeding sentence. For this
purpose, a firm commitment means either ( 1 ) a written agreement
under which the Registrant is required without option or discretion
on his part to extend credit upon demand by the borrower or upon
compliance by the borrower with one or more conditions referred to
in such agreement ; or ( 2 ) any other agreement to extend credit with
respect to residential property, a residence, or a major addition or
major improvement to a residence which has been entered into in good
faith by the parties and in reliance upon which the prospective borrower
or builder has taken specific action prior to October 12, 1950, if the
Registrant prior to January 1 , 1951, shall have sent to the Federal
Reserve Bank of the district in which he docs business a letter or other
statement reciting the facts with respect to such agreement and the
specific action taken hy the prospective borrower or builder prior to
October 12, 1950; or (3) any other agreement to extend credit with
respect to multi-unit residential property or a major addition or m ajor
improvement to a multi-unit residence which has been entered into in
good faith by the parties and in reliance upon which the prospective
borrower or builder has taken specific action prior to January 12, 1951,
if the Registrant prior to March 15, 1951, shall have sent to the Federal
Reserve Bank of the district in which he does business a letter or other
statement reciting the facts with respect to such agreement and the

S ec . 6



specific action taken by the prospective borrower or builder prior to
January 12, 1951.2
(c) Real Property Outside the United States.— None of the pro­
hibitions of this regulation shall apply to any extension of real estate
construction credit with respect to real property in Alaska, the Panama
Canal Zone, or any territory or possession outside the continental
United States.
( d ) Preservation o f Records; Inspections; Administrative Re­
ports.— For the purpose of determining whether or not there has been

compliance with the provisions of this regulation, every person ex­
tending real estate credit with respect to residences, residential prop­
erty, multi-unit residential property or nonresidential property shall
preserve for the period hereinafter specified such accounts, correspond­
ence, memoranda, papers, books, and other records, or photostats or
other copies thereof, as are relevant to establishing whether such
person is engaged in the business of extending such real estate credit;
whether each credit extended is or is not real estate construction credit
with respect to a farm residence, residential property, multi-unit resi­
dential property, nonresidential property, or a major addition or major
improvement to a residence, multi-unit residence, or nonresidential
structure; and whether each extension of real estate construction credit
conformed with the provisions of this regulation and the Supplement
thereto. Every such person shall preserve such records for three years
after the extension of such credit, or until the repayment of the credit,
whichever period is shorter, provided, however, that if such person
sells or transfers an obligation evidencing a credit (or releases collateral
held as security for such credit) and delivers his records relevant to
such credit to the purchaser or transferee, such person need not there­
after maintain such records with respect to the credit but shall keep
a record of the identity of the purchaser or transferee and the date
of such sale or transfer (or such release). Every such person shall
permit the Board or a Federal Reserve Bank, by its duly authorized
representative, to inspect such records and business operations as the
Board or a Federal Reserve Bank may deem necessary or appropriate;
and when ordered to do so, shall furnish, under oath or otherwise, such
reports, information, or records relevant to extensions of credit as the
Board or a Federal Reserve Bank may deem necessary or appropriate
for the enforcement and administration of this regulation.21
2 For application to three- and four-unit residences, see section G (j).
2 The reporting and record-keeping requirements of this regulation have been
approved by the Bureau of the Budget in accordance with the Federal Reports
Act of 1942.



Sec . 6

(e) Default and Foreclosure; Serviceman’ s Preinduction Debt.—
Nothing in this regulation shall be construed to prevent any Registrant
from taking such action as he shall deem necessary in good faith ( 1 )
with respect to any extension of credit to any member or former
member of the armed forces of the United States which was made to
him prior to his induction into such service and assignment to active
duty, or (2) for the Registrant’s own protection in connection with any
credit which is in default and is the subject of a bona fide collection
effort by the Registrant. The prohibitions of subsections (a) and ( 6 )
of section 4 of this regulation shall not apply to an extension of credit
by a Registrant in connection with a sale of property acquired by him
through foreclosure proceedings if such credit does not exceed the
unpaid principal amount of the foreclosed credit, the costs of acqui­
sition through foreclosure, and the costs incurred in the rehabilitation
and repair of the property prior to the sale.
(/) Veterans Programs under State Law.— Nothing in this regu­
lation shall be construed as prohibiting a State (as distinguished from
any other person affected by this regulation) from according rights
and preferences to eligible veterans by extending, guaranteeing or
insuring, in whole or in part, real estate construction credit pursuant
to State legislation similar in purpose or effect to Title III of the Serv­
icemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944, as amended, provided that the
terms of the credit are no more liberal than are currently permitted
in the case of comparable loans insured or guaranteed under that Act.

( 5 ) State Housing Programs.— Nothing in this regulation shall
prohibit extensions of credit to public corporations created pursuant
to a public housing program of a State or municipality where such
credit is extended, insured, or guaranteed by the State or municipality
or the State or municipality has made commitments to furnish funds
to assure repayment.
(h) Extension of Credit for Mixed Purposes.— In the case of an
extension of credit which is partly subject to one provision of this
regulation and partly subject to another provision, whether by reason
of the types of property involved, or otherwise, the amount and terms
of such credit shall be such as would result if the credit were divided
into two or more parts and each part were treated as if it stood alone.
In the case of an extension of credit which is partly subject to this
regulation and partly not subject to (or exempt from) the regulation,
the amount and terms of the extension of credit will comply with this
regulation if they satisfy the requirements of this regulation applicable
to the subject portion.

S ec. 6



(i) Calculation of Maximum Maturity.— In calculating the max­
imum maturity of credits which are subject to maximum maturity
provisions in the Supplement to this regulation, a Registrant may use,
at his option, as “ the date such credit is extended,” any date not more
than 32 days subsequent to the actual date such credit is extended.
(j) Three- and Four-Unit Residences.— Notwithstanding any other
provisions of this regulation, the provisions of sections'4(a) ( 6 ), 5 (fc),
and 6 ( 6 ) of this regulation which are applicable to multi-unit resi­
dences shall be applicable to residences containing three or four family
(fc) Right o f Registrant to Impose Stricter Requirements.— Any
Registrant, if he desires, may refuse to extend credit, extend less credit
than the amount permitted by this regulation, or require that repay­
ment be made within a shorter period or in larger instalments than
prescribed in the Supplement to this regulation.
(l) Reliance upon Statement of the Borrower.— The facts set
forth in any signed Statement of the Borrower which a Registrant
accepts and relies upon in good faith shall be deemed to be correct for
the purposes of the Registrant.
(m) False Statements.— The making or submission by any person
of any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or representation pur­
suant to, or which is intended to conform to, or show compliance with,
any requirement or provision of this regulation, shall be a violation
of this regulation.
(n) Statutory Penalties.— The Act provides that “ Any person who
willfully violates any provision of section * * * 602 (relating to real
estate construction credit) or any regulation or order issued there­
under, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $5 ,0 0 0
or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.”
(o) Enforceability o f Contracts.— Nothing in this regulation shall
affect the enforceability of any contract.

As amended effective February 15, 1951


Maximum Loan Value.— For the purposes of Regulation X , maxi­
mum loan values for all residential property, farm residences, and
major additions and major improvements to residences shall be deter­
mined as follows: (1) Determine the “ value” of the residential prop­
erty, farm residence, or major addition or major improvement to a
residence, as the case may be, in accordance with section 2 (f) of the
regulation; ( 2 ) divide this “ value” by the number of family units in
order to determine the “ value per family unit” ; (3) determine the
“ maximum loan value per family unit” from the table below; (4)
multiply the “ maximum loan value per family unit” by the number
of family units in order to determine the maximum loan value of the
residential property, farm residence, or major addition or major
improvement, as the case may be. Where a major addition or major
improvement will change the number of family units, the “ value per
family unit” shall be computed on the basis of the number of family
units which the residence will contain after the addition or improve­
ment has been completed. In the case of credit extended with respect
to residential property or farm residences involving more than one
structure, the maximum loan value may be applied separately with
respect to each such structure or with respect to the entire property
or all such residences, at the election of the Registrant.

The “ maximum loan value per
family unit” is

If the “ value per family unit” is

Not more than $5,000
More than $5,000 but not more
than $9,000
More than $9,000 but not more
than $15,000
More than $15,000 but not more
than $ 2 0 ,0 0 0
More than $20,000 but not more
than $24,250

90% of “ value per family unit”
$4,500 plus 65% of excess of
“ value per family unit” over
$7,100 plus 60% of excess o f
“ value per family unit” over
$10,700 plus 20% of excess of
“ value per family unit” over
$11,700 plus 10% of excess o f
“ value per family unit” over

50% of “ value per family unit”

Over $24,250



Maturity.— For the purposes of Regulation X , the following maturity
requirements are prescribed for credit with respect to residential prop­
erty, farm residences, and major additions and major improvements to
residences: No such credit subject to the regulation shall have a
maturity of more than 2 0 years from the date such credit is extended
except that a credit extended with respect to property having a value
(determined as provided in section 2(f) of the regulation) of $7,000
or less may have a maturity of not more than 25 years if it is to be
fully repaid at or before the date of maturity through amortization
on the basis prescribed in clause (2 ) of the following paragraph
relating to amortization:
Amortization.— For the purposes of Regulation X , the following
amortization requirements are prescribed for credit with respect
to residential property, farm residences, and major additions and
major improvements to residences: With respect to every such
credit subject to the regulation, amortization payments shall be
required which either ( 1 ) will annually reduce the original principal
amount of such credit by not less than 5 per cent until the outstanding
balance of such credit has been reduced to an amount equal to or
less than 50 per cent of the value of the property with respect to
which such credit was extended or ( 2 ) will fully liquidate the original
principal amount of such credit not later than the date of the maturity
of the credit through substantially equal monthly, quarterly, semi­
annual, or annual payments covering principal and interest or through
substantially equal monthly, quarterly, semiannual, or annual pay­
ments of principal. The value referred to in the preceding sentence
shall be determined as of the date the credit was extended in the
manner provided in section 2(f) of the regulation. If the amount of
the credit when extended is not more than 50 per cent of such value,
such credit shall not be subject to the amortization provisions of this

Maximum Loan Value.— For the purposes of Regulation X , maxi­
mum loan values for all multi-unit residential property and major
additions and major improvements to multi-unit residences shall be
determined as follows: ( 1 ) determine the “ value” of the multi-unit
residential property, or major addition or major improvement to a
multi-unit residence, as the case may be, in accordance with section
2 (f) of the regulation; ( 2 ) divide this “ value” by the number of
family units in order to determine the “ value per family unit” ; ( 3 )



determine the “ maximum loan value per family unit” from the table
below; (4) multiply the “ maximum loan value per family unit” by
the number of family units in order to determine the maximum loan
value of the multi-unit residential property, or the major addition or
major improvement, as the case may be. Where a major addition or
major improvement will change the number of family units, the “ value
per family unit” shall be computed on the basis of the number of
family units which the multi-unit residence will contain after the
addition or improvement has been completed. In the case of credit
extended with respect to multi-unit residential property involving
more than one such multi-unit residence, the maximum loan value shall
be applied separately with respect to each such multi-unit residence or
with respect to the entire property, at the election of the Registrant.

If the “ value per family unit” is
__ ,
, ,
N ot more than $7,000

The “ maximum loan value per
family unit” is
83% of “ value per family unit”

More than $7,000 but not more
than $15,000

$5,810 plus 53% of excess of
“ value per family unit” over

More than $15,000 but not more
than $23,500

$10,050 plus 20% of excess of
“ value per family unit” over

Over $23,500

50% of “ value per family unit”


Maximum Loan Value.— For the purposes of Regulation N, the
maximum loan value of any nonresidential property or major addition
or major improvement to a nonresidential structure shall be 50 per
cent of the “ value” of the property, or the major addition or major
improvement, determined in accordance with section 2 (i) of this regu­
lation. In the case of credit extended with respect to nonresidential
property involving more than one nonresidential structure, the maxi­
mum loan value may be applied separately with respect to each such
structure, or with respect to the entire property, at the election of the
Maturity.— For the purposes of Regulation X , the following maturity
requirement is prescribed for credit with respect to nonresidential
property and major additions and major improvements to nonresiden­



tial structures: No such credit subject to the regulation shall have a
maturity of more than 25 years from the date such credit is extended.
Amortization.— For the purposes of Regulation X , the following
amortization requirement is prescribed for credit with respect to non­
residential property and major additions and major improvements to
nonresidential structures: With respect to every such credit subject to
the regulation, amortization payments shall be required which will
fully liquidate the original principal amount of such credit not later
than the date of the maturity of the credit through substantially equal
monthly, quarterly, semiannual, or annual payments covering prin­
cipal and interest or through substantially equal monthly, quarterly,
semiannual, or annual payments of principal.