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f e d e r a l


e ser ve

b a n k


o f


a lla s

C i r c u l a r No. 75-91
J u n e 26, 1975

D e sc rip tio n of T r a n s a c ti o n s

The B oard of G o v e rn o rs of th e Fe d e ra l R e s e rv e System has
inv ited comment on a r e g u la to r y am end m en t th a t would p r o v id e for m in i­
mum d i s c l o s u r e r e q u ir e m e n ts on p e rio d ic b illin g s tatem e n ts for t r a n s ­
a ctions made in th e a c c o u n t of an o p e n - e n d c r e d i t c u s to m e r .
T h e am endm ent to the B o a r d 's R egulation Z would implement a
p ro v is io n of Public Law 93-495 th a t w as e n ac te d O cto ber 28, 1974. T h e
am endm ent becomes effective on O c tob er 28, 1975.
In te re s te d p e r s o n s a r e inv ited to sub m it r e le v a n t d a ta , v ie w s ,
o r a r g u m e n ts c o n c e r n in g th is p ro p o s a l in c lu d in g p o s s ib le effects on the
cost an d a v a ila b ility of c o n s u m e r c r e d i t . A d d itio n a lly , in te r e s te d p e r s o n s
a r e invited to s u b m it comments p ro p o s in g solutio ns to a n y d ifficulties a n ­
tic ip a te d with r e s p e c t to th e p r o p o s e d re g u la tio n . P a r t i c u l a r l y , comments
a r e s o u g h t with r e s p e c t to a n y difficulties fo r e s e e n in p r o c u r i n g a d d r e s s
information from national c h ain r e t a i l e r s , s u c h as p e trole um c om panies
a n d a i r l i n e s , w h ich c e n t r a l ly p r o c e s s t h r e e - p a r t y s a le s v o u c h e r s b e fo re
s e n d in g them to th e c r e d i t o r . A ny s u c h material s h o u ld be s ubm itte d in
w r iti n g to th e S e c r e t a r y , Board of G o v e rn o rs of th e Federal R e s e rv e S y s ­
tem, W ashin gton , D .C . 20551, to be re c e iv e d not la te r th a n J u l y 18, 1975.
A copy of th e B o a r d 's O r d e r re la tin g to th e p r o p o s e d am endm ent
is p r in t e d on th e following p a g e s .
Sincerely y o u rs ,
T . W. Plant
F irst Vice President

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (

[ Reg. Z ]
[ 12 CFR PART 226 ]
Truth in Lending
D escription of Transactions
In order to im plem ent the amendment to § 127(b)(2) of
the Truth in Lending A ct (15 U. S . C . , §§ 1601-1681) contained in § 411
of T itle IV (Amendments to the Truth in Lending Act) of Public Law 93-495,
the Board of G overnors of the F ed eral R eserve System (Board herein)
proposes to amend § 226. 7(b)(2) and (c) of Regulation Z.

While the

statutory provision which the proposed amendment seek s to im plem ent
is not part of the F a ir Credit Billing A ct, for which the Board
published proposed regulation on May 5, 1975, in Vol. 40 of the
F ed eral R eg ister, No. 87, page 19489, th ese amendm ents are related
to that Act and have the sam e effective date of October 28, 1975*
These changes would amend and r e v ise Regulation Z to provide
m inim um d isclo su re requirem ents with resp ect to periodic credit
billing statem ents in the following manner:

With resp ect to tran saction s reflected on a statem ent for which

an actual copy of the document evidencing the transaction accom panies
the statem ent ( so ca lled "country club" billing) , the creditor m ust d isc lo se
(a) the amount of the tran saction and, either (b) the date of the transaction
or (c) the date on which the tran saction is debited to the cu stom er's account.
This change is proposed in order to c lea r up any ambiguity which m ay
e x is t regarding the phrase "date of each extension of credit" which appears
in § 226. 7(b)(2) of the current regulation.



With r esp ec t to tran saction s reflected on a statem ent for which

no actual copy of the document evidencing the transaction accom panies
the statem ent but, rather, for which a descrip tion is provided on
or with the statem ent (so called " d escrip tive11 billin g), such description m ust
contain at le a s t (a) the date of the transaction, and (b) the amount of the

Additionally, in tw o-party cred it sy stem s a b rief description

of any goods or s e r v ic e s purchased m ust be d isc lo se d , w h ereas,
in th ree-p arty credit sy s te m s, the vendor's nam e and the add ress
(city, and state or foreign country) where the transaction took place
m ust be d isclo se d .

When the date of the transaction, a description

of goods or s e r v ic e s purchased, or the vendor's nam e and add ress
is not available to the creditor despite the m aintenance of procedures
reasonably adapted to obtain such inform ation in each c a se , a sa le s
voucher number which appears on the c u sto m er's copy of the document
evidencing the transaction m ust be supplied*

Changes of a nonsubstantive nature are proposed with resp ect

to § 226. 7(c)(1) to r eflec t the wording and numbering changes p ro­
posed for § 226. 7(b).

This notice is published pursuant to § 553(b) of T itle 5, United

States Code, and § 262. 2(a) of the Rules of P rocedure of the Board
of G overnors of the F ed era l R eserv e System (12 C .F . R. 262.2(a)).
Interested p erso n s are invited to subm it relevant data, v iew s,
or argum ents concerning this proposal including p o ssib le effects on
the c o st and availab ility of consum er cred it. Additionally, in terested
p erso n s a re invited to subm it com m ents proposing solutions to any
d ifficu lties fo re se e n with r esp ect to the proposed regulation.


P articu la rly, com m ents are sought with resp ect to any difficu lties
foreseen in procuring address inform ation from national chain
r e ta ile r s, such as petroleum com panies and a ir lin e s, which centrally
p r o c e ss th ree-p arty sa le s vouchers before sending them to the creditor.
Any such m a teria l should be subm itted in w riting to the S ecretary,
Board of G overnors of the F ed eral R eserve System , Washington, D .C .
20551, to be received not later than July 18, 1975.

Such m a teria l

w ill be made available for inspection and copying on request, except
as provided in § 261.6(a) of the Board's Rules Regarding A vailability
of Information.
Pursuant to the authority granted in 15 U .S .C . 1604 (1968),
the Board proposes to amend Regulation Z, 12 C .F .R . P art 226,
as follow s:

To accom m odate changes in § 226. 7(b) previou sly proposed,

by order of the Board dated A pril 28, 1975, and published in Vol. 40
of the F ed eral R egister, No. 87, page 19489, on May 5, 1975,
§ 226.7(b)(2) would be redesignated § 226. 7(b)(l )(ii).

To im plem ent the amended § 127(b)(2), the redesignated

§ 226. 7(b)(l)(ii) would be rev ised and § 226. 7(c)(1) amended as set
forth below.



03) P eriodic Statem ents required
( 1) * * *



-4 -

(ii)(A) In c a s e 8 in which an actual copy of the document evidencing
the cred it transaction accom panies the periodic statem ent, the amount
of the transaction and either the date of the transaction or the date
the transaction is debited to the cu sto m er's account; and

In c a s e s in which an actual copy of the document evidencing

the cred it transaction does not accompany the periodic statem ent,
at lea st:
(1_) the date on which the transaction took p la ce,


and the amount

of the transaction; provided, that, with resp ect to transactions in
which the creditor and the vendor are not the sam e person or related
p e r so n s,
the creditor m ay rely upon and d isc lo se the inform ation
supplied by the vendor with r esp ect to the date and amount of the
transaction; and
7b /
( Z ) a b rief identification
of the goods or s e r v ic e s purchased
With resp ect to Vran&actions which are not b illed in full on any
sin g le statem ent but for which precom puted instalm ents are b illed
p eriod ically, the date the transaction takes place for purposes of
this subparagraph shall be deem ed to be the date on which the amount
is debited to the cu stom er's account.

7 a / F or purposes of this subparagraph, a person is not related to
tKe creditor sim ply because he and the creditor have an agreem ent
or contract pursuant to which he is authorized to honor the cred itor's
credit card under the term s sp ecified in the agreem en t or contract.
7b/ For purposes of this subparagraph, designations such as "m er­
chandise" or "m iscellaneous" shall not be consid ered sufficient
identification of goods or s e r v ic e s , but a referen ce to a departm ent
in a sa le s establish m ent which accu rately conveys the identification
of the type(s) of goods or s e r v ic e s which are available in such depart­
m ent sh all be sufficient under this subparagraph. Identification m ay
be made on an accompanying slip or by sym bol relating to an
identification l is t printed on the statem ent.





-5 -

in c a s e s in which the creditor and ihe Veil dor are the sam e person
or related p erso n s, or the vendor's name and the add ress
(city and state or foreign country) where the transaction took place
(using understandable and generally accepted abbreviations if the
creditor so d e sir e s ) in c a s e s in which the cred itor and the vendor
are not the sam e person or related p erson s.

In a c a se in which any of the inform ation with regard to the date

of the transaction, the descrip tion of the goods and se r v ic e s purchased,
or the vendor's nam e and ad d ress as required by subparagraph (B)
is not available to the creditor, an identifying number or sym bol
which appears on the document evidencing the credit transaction
given to the custom er at the tim e of the transaction m ust be d isc lo se d
instead of such inform ation.

The provisions of the fir s t sentence of this

subparagraph sh all not r eliev e the creditor from resp on sib ility for
m aintaining procedures reasonably adapted to procure such inform ation
in each c a se .





(c) Location of d isclo su re s * * *
(1) The inform ation required to be d isclo se d under paragraph
(k)(l)(ii) of this section and item ization of the amount of the "credits"
d isclo se d under paragraph (b)(l)(iii) of this section , and of the amount
of any finance charge required to be d isc lo se d under paragraph
0J)(l)(iv) of this section , m ay be m ade on the r e v e r se sid e of the

-6 -

period ic statem ent or on a separate accom panying statem en t(s),
provided that the totals of such resp ectiv e amounts are d isclo se d
on the face of the periodic statem ent; and




By o rd er of the Board of G overnors, June 16, 1975,

(signed)Theodore E» A llison
Theodore E. A llison
S ecretary to the Board
