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f e d e r a l

r e s e r v e

b a n k


o f


a lla s


C i r c u l a r No. 79-184
N ovem ber 14, 1979

The following information has been received today from the U .S.
T r e a s u ry Department:
The P resid ent has issued an o rd e r blocking all official
Iranian a s se ts in the United S tates, including deposits
in United States b a n k s , th e ir foreign b ra n c h e s, s u b sid ­
ia rie s, and offices of foreign banks in the United States.
As a matter of additional information, the regulations re q u ire
blocking of all Iranian Government accounts and that includes the central
bank and other controlled entities. Official Government account also in­
cludes accounts of nationalized United States co rp o ratio n s, including
b a n k s. T his does not apply to p riv a te accounts.
S incerely y o u r s ,
E rnest T . Baughman

B a n k s and o th e rs are e n c o u ra g e d to use th e fo llo w in g in c o m in g W A TS n u m b e rs in c o n ta c tin g th is Bank:
1-800-442-7140 (in tra s ta te ) and 1-800-527-9200 (in te rs ta te ). F or c a lls p la ce d lo c a lly , p le a se use 651 p lu s th e
e x te n s io n re fe rre d to above.

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (