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Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

O ctobe r 14, 1 9 6 6


To the M e m b e r B a n k s o f the
Eleventh Fe d e ra l R eserve District*

In accordance with the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act and my circular dated September 9,
1966, in regard to the election of directors of this Bank to succeed M r. M u rra y Kyger, Class A Director, and
Mr. D. A. Hulcy, C lass B Director, w hose terms expire Decem ber 31, 1966, there are given herein the names of the
candidates nominated for such directors and the names of the banks which m ade the nominations.
There is sent herewith to each bank in G roup 1 a ballot for use in voting for a C lass A Director and to each
bank in G ro u p 2 a ballot for use in voting for a Class B Director. A n envelope bearing on its face the certificate
in regard to the vote and a colored envelope marked “ Ballot — Directors' Election,” in which the ballot is to be
sealed, are also enclosed.
The ballot and certificate on the envelope must be executed by an officer w ho has been authorized to cast
the vote. A list of the designated officers, revised to date, forms a part of this circular. In order that the balloting
may be secret, the nam e of the bank and of the voting officer should not be written on the ballot but only on the
certificate envelope. If the official signature o f the officer casting the ballot has not been filed with this Federal
Reserve Bank, such official signature should be filed before the polls close.
P le a se fo llo w ca re fu lly the instru ctio ns w h ic h a re printed o n the ballot, o n the e n ve lo p e s, a n d on
p a g e 2 o f th is circular.
The fo llo w in g pro ce d u re is re q u ire d in the c a se o f b o th the C la s s A a n d C la s s B b allots:
(11 The pre feren tial b a llo t s h o u ld be m a rk e d .
(2) It s h o u ld then be p la c e d in the colore d e n v e lo p e m a rk e d “ B a llo t —
e n v e lo p e se a le d .

D irecto rs' Election” a n d that

(3) Then a fter the certificate o n the w h ite certificate e n v e lo p e is executed, the co lo re d se a le d
e n v e lo p e (c o n ta in in g the ballot) s h o u ld be p la c e d w ith in the w h ite certificate e n v e lo p e a n d that
e n v e lo p e se a le d .
(4) The se a le d w h ite certificate e n v e lo p e c o n ta in in g the s e a le d
returned to m e in the e n clo se d s e lf-a d d r e s se d en ve lo p e .

b a llo t e n v e lo p e s h o u ld th en


Under the law, the ballot must be returned so as to reach me within 15 days after its receipt. The polls will
open on O ctober 18, 1966, and close at 2 p.m. on Novem ber 2, 1966. A t that time the ballot box will be opened
at this Bank, the sealed envelopes containing the ballots will be opened, the votes counted, and
theresultsof the
election announced. The candidates are invited to be present or represented
on that occasion.
W h ile the b a n k s in G ro u p 3 w ill not vo te in th is election, this circular is se n t to them , w ith o u t
fo rm s, fo r their in fo rm a tio n . G ro u p 3 consists of member banks with com bined capital and surplus o f under
$ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 .
V e ry truly yours,

Enclosures (4)

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (


For your information, there is quoted below an extract from Section 4 o f the Federal Reserve Act which sets forth
the method of balloting:
“W ithin fifteen d a y s after receipt of the list o f can d id ate s the d u ly authorized officer of a m em ber
b a n k sh all certify to the chairm an his first, second, a n d other choices for director o f C la ss A a n d C la ss B,
respectively, upon a preferential b allot upon a form furnished b y the chairm an o f the bo ard of direc­
tors o f the Federal Reserve B an k of the district. Each such officer sh all m ake a cross opposite the nam e
of the first, second, a n d other choices for a director of C la ss A a n d for a director o f C la ss B, but sh all
not vote m ore th an one choice for a n y one can did ate .”
In the case of the C lass B ballots (Group 2), where there are three candidates involved, a member bank, in m aking
its first and second choices, will be deemed to have indicated the other candidate as its third choice.

Chairm an of the Board
The First National Bank of Fort W orth
Fort W orth, Texas

N o m in ate d b y the F o llo w in g B an k s in G rou p 1:
Sh re v e p o rt............................ C om m ercial N a tio n a l B ank in Shreve po rt

M r. Kyger w as born in M ason, Texas, on Novem ber 24,
1905. He attended M a so n High School, w as graduated
from The University of Texas with a B.B.A. degree, and
received his L.L.B. degree from the South Texas School
o f Law. He has also done graduate w ork at the Stonier
G rad uate School of Banking at Rutgers University. W hile
at The University of Texas, he w as elected to Beta Gam m a
Sigm a, a business fraternity, and to Sigm a lota Epsilon,
an honorary m anagem ent fraternity.

S h re v e p o rt................................ The First N a tio n a l B ank o f Shreveport

A b ile n e .....................................The C itize n s N a tio n a l B a n k in A b ile n e
A b ile n e

First N a tio n a l B a n k o f A b ile n e

A m a r illo .........................................The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f A m a rillo
A u s t in ...........................................................The A u stin N a tio n a l B ank
B eaum ont............................. The A m e rica n N a tio n a l B a n k o f Beaum ont
B eaum ont............................... First Security N a tio n a l B a n k of Beaum ont

He b egan his business career in 192 8 with the Houston
Land and Trust Com pany, Houston, Texas, where he
served successively as Assistant Trust Officer, Trust Officer,
and Vice President and Trust Officer. He w as also a direc­
tor of that firm.

C o rp u s C h risti.................................C o rp u s Christ! State N a tio n a l B ank
D a lla s

First N a tio n a l B a n k in D a lla s

D a lla s............................................... M e rca ntile N a tio n a l B a n k at D a lla s
D a lla s ................................... The N a tio n a l Bank o f Com m erce o f D a lla s
D a lla s

R epublic N a tio n a l B a n k o f D a lla s

D a lla s .........................................T exas B a n k & Trust C o m p a n y o f D a lla s

In 1941 M r. Kyger joined The First National Bank of
Fort W orth as a vice president, and he has served that
organization continuously since that time. He w as elected
to the board of directors of that bank in January 1947,
Executive Vice President in January 1955, President on
July 1, 1958, and Chairm an of the Board on Decem ­
ber 17, 1963. Mr. Kyger has been the chief executive
officer o f The First National Bank o f Fort W orth since
July 1961.

El P a so .............................................................. El P a so N a tio n a l Bank
El P a so........................................... The State N a tio n a l B a n k o f El Paso
Fort W o rt h

The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f Fort W o rth

Fort W o rt h

The Fort W o rth N a tio n a l B ank

H o u sto n ............... Ba n k o f the Southw est N a tio n a l A sso c ia tio n , H ouston
H o u sto n .......................................... First C ity N a tio n a l B a n k o f H ouston
H o u sto n ............................................... H ouston B a n k & Trust C o m p a n y
H o u sto n

T exa s N a tio n a l B a n k of Com m erce o f Houston

L u b b o c k ...............................................First N a tio n a l B a n k a t Lubbock

M r. Kyger is active in m any banking and civic o rg a n i­
zations. He is presently a member of the Administrative
Committee and the Executive Council o f the Am erican
Bankers Association, a trustee o f Texas Christian Univer­
sity, and a director of the G raduate Research Center of
the Southwest. He is President of the Association o f Re­
serve City Bankers.

M id la n d .......................................... The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f M id la n d
M id la n d
Port A rth u r

The M id la n d N a tio n a l B ank

First N a tio n a l B a n k o f Port A rth ur

S a n A n t o n io ......................... The A la m o N a tio n a l B ank o f S a n A n to n io
S a n A n t o n io
W aco

N a tio n a l B a n k of C om m erce o f S a n A n to n io
The C itizens N a tio n a l B a n k of

W aco

W a c o ................................................. The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f W a c o
W ic h ita Falls..................................C ity N a tio n a l B a n k in W ic h ita Falls

He is married and has two children and resides at 1 10
Rivercresf Drive, North, in Fort W orth.

N ote — A list o f the b a n k s in G rou p 1, sh o w in g the officers authorized to cast the vote of each ban k, is
g iv e n on p a g e s 5 a n d 6 o f this circular.



High School, he entered Southern M ethodist University
where he received a B.A. degree in Physics.

Independent O il O perator
Houston, Texas

Immediately after his graduation from S M U in 1928,
he ioined the Dallas Power & Light C o m p a ny as a repre­
sentative in the Commercial Department. In 1 9 3 9 he was
m ade Commercial M a n a ge r, and in 1 9 5 0 w as elected
Vice President. Mr. Tatum w as elected to his present posi­
tion of President and G eneral M a n a g e r in 1953. He is
also Vice President and a director of the Texas Utilities
Com pany.

Mr. Smith w as born in Greenville, Texas, in 1 8 9 4 but
spent most of his childhood in Humble, Texas. Early in his
business career he w as employed by the Texas Com pany,
G ulf O il Corporation, and the Humble Com pany, but
when he w as 2 7 years old, he obtained his first two drill­
ing rigs and entered the oil business for himself as a con­
tractor in Tonkawa, O klahom a. He later moved to C orsi­
cana, Texas, and in 192 5 moved his headquarters to
Houston, Texas. Since 1 9 3 9 he has been an independent
oil operator and has extensive farm and ranch operations.

A n active civic worker, Mr. Tatum has served many
organizations dedicated to the business, cultural, re­
ligious, and educational growth of Dallas. For such work
he w as aw arded the Linz A w a rd for 1 9 5 8 — an aw ard
presented annually for outstanding community service.
The same yea r he w as also selected for the Distinguished
Alumnus A w a rd by the S M U Alumni Association.

During W o rld W a r II, Mr. Smith devoted practically all
of his time to the office of Civilian Defense in the ca p a c­
ity of Regional Director of the area under the Eighth
Service Com m and. He w as a member of the President’s
A d visory Board on Civil Defense from 1 9 5 6 to 1960.

He is Chairm an o f the Board of G overnors at S M U and
is a trustee of both the S M U Foundation for Science and
Engineering and the G raduate Research Center of the
Southwest. In 1 9 6 4 and 19 6 5 he served as President of
the State Fair of Texas, and presently is a member o f the
Board of Directors. He is also a director of the Texas
Atomic Energy Research Foundation.

W h e n the Texas G o o d N e igh b o r Comm ission w as or­
ganized in 1943, he w as appointed Chairm an. A s a
result of the work done in that organization, the M exican
Governm ent aw arded him the O rd e r of the Aztec, which
is the highest honor it gives to any foreigner.
For his work in human relations, Mr. Smith has re­
ceived honorary degrees from Pepperdine College, Los
Angeles, California; Southwestern University, G e o rg e ­
town, Texas; and Centenary College of Louisiana, Shreve­

In 1 9 6 0 Mr. Tatum headed the Greater Dallas Council
o f Churches as President. He is an active member o f the
H ighland Park M ethodist Church, having served as C h a ir­
man of its Official Board for the 1 9 6 5 -1 9 6 6 church year.
He has often joined forces with other denom inations in
their humanitarian projects by serving in such capacities as
Co-Chairm an of the 1 9 6 0 Annual Benefit Dinner for the
National Jewish Hospital at Denver, Colorado, as C hair­
man of the St. Paul Hospital Building Fund in 1958, and
by w orking in fund-raising cam paigns for Methodist H os­
pital and Baylor University M edical Center in Dallas. He
now serves the follow ing institutions in Dallas as C hair­
man of the Lay A d visory Board of St. Paul Hospital, a
trustee o f M ethodist Hospital and Southwestern M edical
Foundation, a director o f the Children's M edical Center,
and Vice President of the Callier Hearing and Speech

Mr. Smith is presently serving on the Board of Trustees
of the follow ing Texas schools o f learning: Southern
Methodist University, Southwestern University, Lon M orris
College, and St. John's School; and of the following in­
stitutions in the City of Houston: The Methodist Hospital,
First M ethodist Church, Star of H ope M ission, The G o o d
Sam aritan Club, and Eliza Johnson Home for A g e d N e ­
groes. He is also a member of the Salvation Arm y A d ­
visory Board and the Executive Committee o f the Boy
Scouts of Am erica; a director of the Lincoln Liberty Life
Insurance Com pany, Lincoln, N ebraska; a member o f the
Board of Directors and a past president of the Rotary Club
and The Petroleum Club o f Houston; and a governing
member and trustee of the Little League Foundation.

Nationally, he is a trustee of the Committee for Eco­
nomic Development, a member o f the Board of Directors
of Edison Electric Institute, and a member of President
Johnson's N ational Citizens Committee for Community

Recently Mr. Smith w as appointed by President John­
son to the Citizens A d viso ry Committee on Recreation and
Natural Beauty.
N o m in ate d b y the F o llo w in g B a n k s in G rou p 2:

N o m in a te d b y the F o llo w in g B an ks in G rou p 2:



G a lv e st o n ................First H u tch in g s-S e a ly N a tio n a l B ank o f G alve ston

A r t e s ia ............................................. The First N a tio n a l B ank of A rtesia

G a lv e sto n .....................The U nited States N a tio n a l B ank o f G a lve ston

C lo v is ............................................................ The C lo vis N a tio n a l B ank

C. A . T A T U M , JR.
President and G eneral M a n a g e r
Dallas Power & Light C om p any
Dallas, Texas

A rlin g t o n .........................................................A rlin g to n N a tio n a l Bank
A rlin g to n ............................................ First N a tio n a l B a n k in A rlin g to n
D e n iso n ..........................................The State N a tio n a l Ban k of D e n iso n
D en to n .............................. The Denton C ou nty N a tio n a l B ank o f Denton

Mr. Tatum is a native of Dallas, Texas, where he has
lived all of his life. Upon graduation from North Dallas

Fort W o rt h .............................................................. C ity N a tio n a l B a n k
Fort W o rt h ..................................G a te w a y N a tio n a l B a n k o f Fort W o rth



dent and Chief Executive Officer, Interstate Natural G a s
Com pany, Baton Rouge and N ew Orleans, Louisiana,
1 9 4 6 -1 9 5 3 ; President and Chief Executive Officer, Inter­
state O il Pipeline Com pany, Shreveport, Louisiana, 19541955; and President and Chief Executive Officer, The TXL
O il Corporation, Dallas, Texas, 1 9 5 5 -1 9 6 2 .

G E O R G E A . W IL S O N
Chairm an o f the Board and President
Lone Star Steel C om pany
Dallas, Texas
Mr. W ilson w as born in Mansfield, Louisiana, on Feb­
ruary 1, 1910. He attended the M ansfield Public Schools,
w as graduated from Centenary C ollege o f Louisiana,
Shreveport, with an A.B. degree in 1930, and received
his L.L.B. degree from the Tulane University o f Louisiana,
N ew Orleans, in 1933.

Mr. W ilso n is presently a director of the Am erican Iron
and Steel Institute and the Philadelphia & Reading C o r­
poration; a trustee of Tulane University of Louisiana; and
a member of the Am erican Petroleum Institute, National
Industrial Conference Board, Dallas Citizens Council, and
Dallas Crim e Commission. He is also a director and Vice
President of the Texas M anufacturers Association, and a
member and a former director o f the National Association
of Manufacturers, Mid-Continent O il & G a s Association,
and Independent Petroleum Association of America, h a v­
ing also served as Vice President of the last-mentioned

From 193 3 to 1940, he practiced law in N ew O rleans
and w as a lecturer on oil and g a s at the Tulane University
Law School.
During W o rld W a r II, Mr. W ilson served as Director of
Petroleum Sup ply and Transportation, Petroleum Ad m inis­
tration for W ar, W ashington, D. C.
Prior to his election in 196 2 to his present position of
Chairm an of the Board, President, and Chief Executive
Officer of Lone Star Steel Com pany, Mr. W ilso n 's former
business associations included the following: Counsel,
Standard O il C om p any of Louisiana, 1 9 4 1 -1 9 4 5 ; Presi­

N o m in ate d b y the F o llo w in g B an k in G rou p 2:
D a lla s....................................................... Em pire Sta le Ban k o f D a lla s

N ote — A list o f the b a n k s in G ro u p 2, sh o w in g the officers authorized to cast the vote o f each bank, is give n
on p a g e s 7 through 10 of this circular.


C on sists o f all m em ber b a n k s h a v in g capital a n d surp lu s o f $ 3 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 a n d over.

B a n k s in this gro u p elect one C la s s A Director.



N a m e o f Bank or Trust C om pany

Officers A uthorized to Cast Vote

Southern A riz o n a Bank & Trust C o m p a n y ......................



N a m e of Ba n k or Trust C om pany

Officers Authorized to Cast Vote

M o n ro e

Central S a v in g s B ank a n d Trust C o m p a n y ...................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

M o n ro e

The O u a c h ita N a tio n a l Ban k in M o n r o e ....................................

President, Vice President, C a sh ie r

Shreve p o rt

C om m e rcial N a tio n a l Ban k in Sh re v e p o rt...................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Shreve p o rt

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f Sh re v e p o rt.......................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


N a m e o f Bank or Trust C om pa ny

Officers A uthorized to Cast Vote

A b ile n e

The C itizen s N a tio n a l Ban k in A b ile n e ......................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

A b ile n e

First N a tio n a l B a n k o f A b il e n e ................................

C ha irm a n, President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

A m a rillo

A m a rillo

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

A m a rillo

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f A m a r illo ..........................

President, C a sh ie r

A ustin

The A m e rican N a tio n a l Ban k o f A u s t in ......................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President

A ustin

The A u stin N a tio n a l B a n k ........................................

President, V ice President

A ustin

The C a p ita l N a tio n a l Ban k in A u s t in ..........................

C h a irm a n , V ice President, C a sh ie r

Beaum ont

The A m e rican N a tio n a l Bank o f B eau m on t.................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Beaum ont

First Security N a tio n a l B an k o f Beau m on t.................

C h a irm a n , President, S e n io r V ice President,

C o rp u s Christ!

C o rp u s C hristi B an k a n d Trust...................................


C o rp u s C hristi

C o rp u s C hristi State N a tio n a l B a n k

C ha irm a n, President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

D allas

First N a tio n a l B ank in D a l l a s ..................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

D a lla s

M e rcantile N a tio n a l Ban k at D a lla s ............................

C h a irm a n , C h a irm a n of Executive Com mittee,

D a lla s

The N a tio n a l B an k o f Com m erce of D a lla s ...............

President, C a sh ie r

N a tio n a l B a n k ...........................................

V ice President, C a sh ie r

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r
D a lla s

Republic N a tio n a l B an k o f D a lla s ..............................

C ha irm a n, President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r

D a lla s

T exas B ank & Trust C o m p a n y of D a lla s .....................

W . W . O verto n, Jr., C ha irm a n
C h a irm a n , President, V ice President

El Paso

El Paso N a tio n a l B a n k ...............................................

El Paso

The State N a tio n a l B an k of El P a s o ...........................


Fort W o rth

Continental N a tio n a l B an k o f Fort W o rt h ...................

C h a irm a n , President, Executive V ice President,

Fort W o rth

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f Fort W o rt h ......................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Fort W o rth

The Fort W o rth N a tio n a l B a n k .................................

President, Vice President, C a sh ie r


B an k o f the Southw est N a tio n a l A sso c ia tio n , H ouston

C ha irm a n, President, V ice President

H ouston

C ap ita l N a tio n a l B a n k ................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

H ouston

C itizen s

H ouston

First C ity N a tio n a l B an k o f H o u sto n .........................

C a sh ie r


B a n k ..................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

H ouston

H ouston B an k & Trust C o m p a n y ................................

President, Vice President


H ouston N a tio n a l B a n k .............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


Southern N c tio n a l Ban k of H o u sto n ...........................

President, V ice President


Texas N a tio n a l B an k of C om m erce o f H o u sto n ............

C ha irm a n, President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The C itizen s N a tio n a l B an k of L u b b o c k ......................



First N a tio n a l B an k at L u b b o c k..................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Lub b ock

The Lubbock N a tio n a l B a n k .......................................


M id la n d

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f M id la n d ...........................


M id la n d

The M id la n d N a tio n a l B a n k ........................................


Port A rth ur

The First N a tio n a l B an k of Port A rth u r.......................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

S a n A n to n io

The A la m o N a tio n a l B an k of S a n A n t o n io ....................


S a n A n to n io

B exa r C ou n ty N a tio n a l B an k of S a n A n t o n io ..............

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

S a n A n to n io

The Frost N a tio n a l B an k o f S a n A n t o n io ....................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

S a n A n to n io

The G ro o s N a tio n a l Ban k o f S o n A n t o n io ..................

C ha irm a n, President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


GROUP 1 — Continued

C ontinued
Officers Authorized to Cast Vote

Name of Bank or Trust Company

President, V ice President

S a n A n to n io

C itizen s First N a tio n a l Ban k o f T yler.........................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

V ictoria

First V ictoria N a tio n a l B a n k .....................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

V ictoria

Victoria B a n k a n d Trust C o m p a n y ............................................


W aco

The C itize n s N a tio n a l B a n k o f W a c o .........................................

W a lte r G. Lacy, Jr., President

W aco


W ic h ita Falls
W ic h ita Falls

President, V ice President
The Ftrst-W ichita N a tio n a l Ban k o f W ic h ita Fa lls............... ........


C ha irm a n, President, V ice President

C on sists of all m em ber b a n k s h a v in g capital a n d su rp lu s o f $ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 a n d over, but u n d e r $ 3,000,000.

Ban k s in this gro u p elect one C la s s B Director.


Name of Bank or Trust Company

Officers Authorixed to Cast Vote


Bastrop N a tio n a l B a n k ................................................................

B ossier C ity

The N a tio n a l B an k o f Bossier C ity ............................................


H om er

The H om er N a tio n a l B a n k .........................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


M a n sfield

First N a tio n a l B an k in M a n sfie ld ................................................

C a sh ie r

M in d e n

M in d e n B ank & Trust C o m p a n y ..................................................

P resident

W e st M o n ro e

First N a tio n a l Bank of W e st M o n r o e ..........................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


N a m e of Bank or Trust C om pan y

Officers A uthorized to Cast Vote

A la m o g o rd o

First N a tio n a l B a n k in A la m o g o rd o ..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, Executive V ice President,

A rte sia

The First N a tio n a l Ban k of A rte s ia ............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

C a rlsb a d

A m e rican B an k of C a rls b a d ......................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

C a rlsb a d

T he C a rlsb a d N a tio n a l B a n k ......................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

C lo vis

T he C lo vis N a tio n a l B a n k ..........................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

V ice President

C lo vis

First N a tio n a l B ank o f C u rry C o u n ty ..........................................


H obbs

First N a tio n a l Bank of H o b b s ....................................................

P resident

Las Cruces

First N a tio n a l B ank o f D o n a A n a C o u n ty ..................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Lovin gton

Lovington N a tio n a l B a n k ............................................................



The First N a tio n a l B ank o f Rosw ell............................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


Roswell State B a n k .................................... .................................

President, C a sh ie r


Security N a tio n a l B an k o f Rosw ell..............................................


S ilv e r C ity

The A m e rican N a tio n a l Ban k o f S ilv e r C ity.................................

C a sh ie r

Tucum cari

The First N a tio n a l B an k in Tucum cari..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President


D urant

N a m e of B a nk or Trust C om pan y

Officers Authorized to Cast Vote

The First N a tio n a l B an k in D u ra n t..............................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


N am e of B a nk or Trust C om pa n y

Officers Authorized to Cast Vote

A b ile n e

The First State B a n k ...................................................................

P resident

A lb a n y

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f A lb a n y ..............................................

C h a irm a n , President, Vice President

A lic e

A lic e N a tio n a l B a n k ...................................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

A lp in e

First N a tio n a l B an k in A lp in e .....................................................


A m a rillo

The A m e rican N a tio n a l B an k o f A m a r illo ...................................

President, Executive V ic e President

A m a rillo

G re a t P lains N a tio n a l B a n k .......................................................

President, Vice President, C a sh ie r

A m a rillo

T ascosa N a tio n a l B a n k of A m a rillo ............................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

A n g le to n

The First N a tio n a l B an k of A n g le t o n ..........................................

C h a irm a n a n d President

A rlin g to n

A rlin g to n N a tio n a l B a n k ............................................................

H a ro ld E. Patterson, President

A rlin g to n

First N a tio n a l Ban k in A rlin g to n ................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

A ustin

C itize n s N a tio n a l B an k o f A u s t in ................................................

P resident

A ustin

C ity N a tio n a l B an k o f A u s t in .....................................................


B a y City

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f B a y C ity ..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

B aytow n

C itizen s N a tio n a l Ban k & Trust C o m p a n y o f B a ytow n .................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Baytow n

The First N a tio n a l B an k of B aytow n ............................................


B eaum ont

C itizen s N a tio n a l Bank o f B eaum ont..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

B eeville

The C om m ercial N a tio n a l B an k o f B ee ville.................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

B eeville

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f B ee ville ............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


First State Bank o f B ellaire.........................................................

President, Executive V ice President


The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f Bellville............................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

B ig S p rin g

The First N a tio n a l B ank in B ig S p r i n g ......................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


GROUP 2 — Continued

Officers A uthorized to Cast Vote

N a m e of Bank or Trust C om pany

Big S p rin g

The State N a tio n a l B an k o f B ig S p r in g .......................................

C ha irm a n, President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

B orger

First N a tio n a l Ban k o f B o rg e r.....................................................

C ha irm a n, President, V ice President

Bow ie

The First N a tio n a l B an k of B o w ie .............................................



The First N a tio n a l B an k o f B re n h am ............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Bren ham

W a s h in g t o n C ou nty State B a n k ................................................


Brow nfield

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f B row nfield........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Brow nsville

First N a tio n a l Ban k at B row n sville ............................................


Brow nsville

Pan A m e rica n B a n k ...................................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Brow nw ood

C itizen s N a tio n a l B an k at B ro w n w o o d ........................................


Brow nw ood

First N a tio n a l B ank in B ro w n w o o d ............................................

President, Vice President, C a sh ie r


The C ity N a tio n a l B ank of B ry a n ................................................



First Ban k & Trust, Bryan, T e x a s .................................................

H en ry B. C la y, President


First N a tio n a l B an k in B u rk b u rn e tt...........................................


Cam eron

The C itizen s N a tio n a l Ban k of C a m e ro n .....................................

President, A ctive V ice President, C a sh ie r

C am eron

First N a tio n a l Ban k in C a m e r o n ................................................

President, C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l B an k in C a n y o n ...........................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

C h ild re ss

The First N a tio n a l B an k in C h ild re ss..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, C a sh ie r

C le b u rn e

C le b u rn e N a tio n a l B a n k ............................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

C le b u rn e

The First N a tio n a l B ank in C le b u rn e ..........................................

President, Vice President

C o lo ra d o C ity

The C ity N a tio n a l B ank o f C o lo ra d o C ity .................................

C ha irm a n, President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

C o n ro e

C on ro e N a tio n a l B a n k ................................................................

President, Vice President

C on ro e

First N a tio n a l B an k in C o n ro e .................................................


C o rp u s C hristi

G u a ra n ty N a tio n a l B an k a n d Trust o f C o rp u s C h risti.................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

C o rp u s Christi

The M e rc an tile N a tio n a l B an k of C o rp u s C h risti........................

C h a irm a n , President

C o rsica n a

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f C o rsic a n a .......................................

C ha irm a n, President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

C o rsica n a

The State N a tio n a l Ban k of C o rsic a n a ......................................

President, Vice President

D a lla s

C itizen s N a tio n a l B ank o f D a lla s ..............................................

C ha irm a n, President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

D a lla s

C om m onw ealth N a tio n a l Ban k o f D a lla s .....................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

D a lla s

Em pire State B an k of D a lla s .......................................................

President, Vice President, C a sh ie r

D a lla s

Fair Park N a tio n a l B an k o f D a lla s ..............................................

President, V ice President

D a lla s

H illsid e N a tio n a l Ban k of D a lla s ..............................................

President, V ice President

D a lla s

In w o o d N a tio n a l Ban k of D a lla s ..............................................


D a lla s

N o rth p a rk N a tio n a l B an k o f D a l l a s .........................................

C h a irm a n , President

D a lla s

T exas N a tio n a l Bank o f D a l l a s .................................................

C a sh ie r

D el Rio

Del Rio N a tio n a l B a n k ................................................................


D e n iso n

The C itizen s N a tio n a l Ban k o f D e n iso n .......................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

D e n iso n

The State N a tio n a l B a n k of D e n iso n ..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The Denton C ou n ty N a tio n a l Ban k of D e n to n ............................

Executive V ice President, C a sh ie r

El Paso

Bassett N a tio n a l Bank o f El P a so ................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

El Paso

N o rth ga te N a tio n a l B an k of El P a so..........................................


El Paso

Southw est N a tio n a l B an k of El P a so..........................................



C itizen s N a tio n a l Ban k in E n n i s ................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

F lo yd a d a

The First N a tio n a l Bank o f F lo y d a d a ..........................................

Fort W o rth

C ity N a tio n a l B a n k ...................................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Fort W o rth

G a te w a y N a tio n a l Ban k of Fort W o r t h ......................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Fort W o rth

N orth east N a tio n a l Ban k o f Fort W o rt h .......................................

C ha irm a n, President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Fort W o rth

Southw est N a tio n a l B ank of Fort W o rt h .......................................

C ha irm a n, President

Fred ericksb urg

Fred ericksb urg N a tio n a l B a n k .....................................................

C a sh ie r


The First Freeport N a tio n a l B a n k .............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

G a lve ston

First H u tch in g s-S e a ly N a tio n a l Bank of G a lv e sto n ...... ..............

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

G a lve sto n

The M o o d y N a tio n a l Ban k of G a lv e s t o n ...................................

V ice President

G a lve sto n

The U nited States N a tio n a l Bank of G a lv e sto n ........................ .

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

G a rla n d

C o lo n ia l N a tio n a l B ank of G a r l a n d .........................................

President, V ic e President a n d C a sh ie r

G a rla n d

First N a tio n a l B an k in G a r l a n d ................................................


G r a n d Prairie

First N a tio n a l Bank in G r a n d P rairie..........................................


G ra p e v in e

First N a tio n a l Ban k of G r a p e v in e ........................ .....................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

G re e n v ille

The C itizens N a tio n a l B ank of G re e n v ille ...............................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

G re e n v ille

First G re e n v ille N a tio n a l B a n k .................................................

President, Executive Vice President

H a rlin g e n

The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f H a rlin g e n ........................................

President, C a sh ie r

H a rlin g e n

The H a rlin g e n

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

H en de rson

C itizen s N a tio n a l B an k of H e n d e r s o n .................................. .

N a tio n a l B a n k ...................................................


C a sh ie r

GROUP 2 — Continued

C ontinued
Officers A uthorized to Cast Vote

Name of Bank or Trust Company

H en de rson

The First N a tio n a l B an k of H e n d e rso n ......................................

V ice President

H ereford

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f H e r e f o r d .......................................

C a sh ie r

H ondo

The H o n d o N a tio n a l B a n k ........................................................

C a sh ie r

H ouston

A irlin e N a tio n a l Ban k of H o u s t o n ........................... .................

W . S. Pebworth, Jr., C h a irm a n a n d President

H ouston

Ban k o f H o u s t o n ........................................................................

President, C a sh ie r

H ouston

C entral N a tio n a l B an k o f H o u s t o n .........................................


H ouston

East End State B a n k ...............................................................

President, Vice President

H ouston

H eigh ts S tale B a n k ....................................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

H ouston

The In d ustrial State Ban k of H ouston, T e x a s ...............................

President, V ice President

H ouston

Lockw ood N a tio n a l B a n k o f H o u s t o n ........................................


H ouston

Long Point N a tio n a l Ban k of H o u s t o n ........................................

C a sh ie r

H ouston

The L um b erm en's N a tio n a l Bank o f H o u s t o n .............................

President, V ice President, A ssista n t V ice President, C a sh ie r

H ouston

M a c G r e g o r Park N a tio n a l B an k of H o u s t o n ..............................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


M e d ic a l Center N a tio n a l Bank, H o u sto n .....................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

H ouston

R ep ub lic N a tio n a l Ban k o f H o u sto n ..........................................



U n io n N a tio n a l Ban k in H ouston ...............................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

H ouston

U nive rsity State B a n k ...............................................................

President, C a sh ie r

H ouston

W estern N a tio n a l B ank o f H o u s t o n .........................................

P resident
C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

H untsville

First N a tio n a l Bank o f H u n ts v ille .................................. ..........


The H untsville N a tio n a l B a n k .....................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


First N a tio n a l B an k o f Hurst ...................................................

President, V ice President

Jackson ville

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f Ja c kso n ville .......................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r


First N a tio n a l B a n k o f K e rrville.................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r

K ilg o re

The K ilg o re N a tio n a l B a n k .........................................................

V ice President, C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l B ank o f Kille en ............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

K in g sville

K le b e rg First N a tio n a l B an k of K in g sv ille .................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Lam esa

The First N a tio n a l B ank o f Lam e sa ..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Lam esa

The Lam esa N a tio n a l B a n k .......................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l B an k o f Lancaster..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Lare d o

The Lare d o N a tio n a l B a n k .........................................................

President, V ice President


U nion N a tio n a l B a n k of L a re d o .................................................

C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l B ank o f Levellan d ..........................................

President, Vice President, C a sh ie r


The First Liberty N a tio n a l B a n k .................................................

C ha irm a n, President, V ice President


M o o re State B a n k .....................................................................

President, V ice President


First-Lockhart N a tio n a l B a n k ......................................................

P resident

L on gview

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f L o n g v ie w ..........................................

President, V ice President

L on gview

L o n gv ie w N a tio n a l B a n k ............................................................

V ice President, C a sh ie r


A m e rican

C a sh ie r

State B a n k ...............................................................


The Plains N a tio n a l B a n k o f L u b b o c k ..........................................

President, Executive V ice President


The Lufkin N a tio n a l B a n k .........................................................

Executive V ice President, C a sh ie r

M c A lle n

First N a tio n a l Bank of M c A lle n .................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

M c G re g o r

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f M c G r e g o r .......................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

M c K in n e y

The C ollin C ou n ty N a tio n a l Ban k o f M c K in n e y ............................

C h a irm a n

M a rsh a ll

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f M a r s h a ll............................................

President, V ice President a n d C a sh ie r

M a rsh a ll

The M a rsh a ll N a tio n a l B a n k ......................................................

President, C a sh ie r

M in e ra l W e lls

The First N a tio n a l Ban k in M in e ra l W e l l s ..................................

President, First V ice President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

M o u n t Pleasant

The First N a tio n a l Ban k in M o u n t Ple asan t.................................

President, V ice President

M o u n t Pleasant

G u a ra n ty Bond State B a n k .........................................................


N acogdoches

Com m ercial N a tio n a l B a n k in N a c o g d o c h e s ...............................



The Sto ne Fort N a tio n a l B ank o f N a c o g d o c h e s ..........................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

N a ss a u Bay

N a ss a u Bay N a tio n a l B ank o f C le a r La ke...................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

N e w Braunfels

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f N e w B r a u n fe ls ..............................


O d e s sa

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f O d e s s a ............................................

C h a irm a n , President

O d e s sa

First State B a n k .........................................................................

President, Executive V ice President

O d e s sa

N a tio n a l B an k o f O d e s s a ..........................................................

President, Executive V ice President

O ran ge

First N a tio n a l B an k in O r a n g e ...................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

O ran ge

The O r a n g e N a tio n a l B a n k .........................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The East T exas N a tio n a l Ban k of Palestine.................................



The Royal] N a tio n a l Ban k o f P ale stin e.......................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

P am pa

First N a tio n a l B an k in P a m p a ...................................................



The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f P a ris.................................................



GROUP 2 — Continued

Officers A uthorized to Cast Vote

N a m e of Bank or Trust C om pany


The Liberty N a tio n a l B an k in P a ris............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l B ank of P e c o s .............................................

Executive V ice President


The Security State Ban k of Pecos, T e x a s...................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f Perryton..........................................



The C ity N a tio n a l B ank o f Plain v ie w ..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


First N a tio n a l B ank of Pla in v ie w ..............................................

President, C a sh ie r

Port A rth ur

The M e rchan ts N a tio n a l Bank o f Port A rth u r............................

C ha irm a n, President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Port A rth ur

S a b in e N a tio n a l Bank o f Port A rth u r..........................................


Port N ech es

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f Port N e c h e s ....................................

C ha irm a n, President, C a sh ie r

R e fu gio

The First N a tio n a l Bank o f R e f u g i o .........................................

C a sh ie r


Richardson H eights N a tio n a l B a n k ..............................................



The State N a tio n a l Ban k o f R ob sto w n......................................

C h a irm a n , President, Vice President, C a sh ie r

S a n A n g e lo

The C entral N a tio n a l B ank of S a n A n g e l o ............ ..................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

S a n A n g e lo

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f S a n A n g e lo .......................................


S a n A n g e lo

S a n A n g e lo N a tio n a l B an k of S a n A n g e lo .................................

President, C a sh ie r

S a n A n g e lo

W e st S id e N a tio n a l Bank o f S a n A n g e lo ...................................

C ha irm a n, President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

S a n A n to n io

B ro a d w a y N a tio n a l B a n k ............... .........................................

C h a irm a n , President, Vice President, C a sh ie r

S a n A n to n io

The B rooks Field N a tio n a l Ban k of S a n A n t o n io ........................


Sa n A n to n io

C itizen s N a tio n a l B ank o f S a n A n t o n io .....................................


S a n A n to n io

First N a tio n a l Bank of S a n A n t o n io ......................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

S a n A n to n io

Kelly Field N a tio n a l B ank of S a n A n t o n io .............................

President, V ice President

S a n A n to n io

Lackland N a tio n a l B an k o f S a n A n t o n io .....................................

President, Vice President, C a sh ie r

S a n A n to n io

M a in Ban k a n d T ru st ....................................................

President, V ice President

S a n A n to n io

The N a tio n a l Ban k of Fort S am H ouston at S a n A n t o n io .............

C ha irm a n, President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

S a n A n to n io

Security N a tio n a l B an k o f S a n A n t o n io .......................................


S e g u in

The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f S e g u in ..............................................

C ha irm a n, President, C a sh ie r
President, V ice President

S e g u in

S e g u in State Ban k & Trust C o m p a n y ........................................

She rm an

The M e rc han ts a n d Planters N a tio n a l B a n k of S h e rm a n ...............

President, C a sh ie r

S h in e r

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f S h i n e r .............................................

C ha irm a n, President, C a sh ie r


S n y d e r N a tio n a l B a n k ................................................................

C h a irm a n , President, Executive V ice President,

So n o ra

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f S o n o r a ..........................................

President, C a sh ie r

Stam ford

The First N a tio n a l B an k in S ta m fo rd .........................................

President, C a sh ie r

Su lp h u r S p rin g s

S u lp h u r S p r in g s State B a n k .........................................................

President, C a sh ie r

Sw eetw ater

N a tio n a l Bank of S w e e tw a te r..................................................


V ice President

T a h o ka

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f T a h o k a ............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

T aylor

The C ity N a tio n a l B an k of T aylo r..............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

T aylor

First-Taylor N a tio n a l B a n k ........................................................


Tem ple

First N a tio n a l Ban k o f T e m p le ...................................................


Tem ple

Tem ple N a tio n a l B a n k ...............................................................

C h a irm a n , V ice C h a irm a n , President, V ice President,

Tem ple

T exas N a tio n a l B a n k o f T em ple...............................................



The A m e rican

T e xa rkan a

The T e xarkan a N a tio n a l B a n k ...................................................

T exa s C ity

The T exas C ity N a tio n a l B a n k .....................................................

C hairm an, President, V ice President

Tom ball

G u a ra n ty B o n d State B a n k ..................................

C h a irm a n

T ulia

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f T u l ia ............................................

C a sh ie r


The P eop les N a tio n a l Ban k o f Tyler..........................................

President, V ice President


Tyler B a n k a n d Trust C o m p a n y .................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

V e rnon

The H e rrin g N a tio n a l Ban k o f V e r n o n .......................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

V e rno n

The W a g g o n e r N a tio n a l B ank o f V e r n o n ...................................

President, V ice President

W aco

Lake A ir N a tio n a l B a n k of W a c o .............................................


W aco

The N a tio n a l C ity B an k o f W a c o .............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

W e a th e rfo rd

The M e rc h an ts a n d Farm ers State B ank o f W e a th e rfo rd .............


W h a rto n

Security B an k a n d Trust C o m p a n y ..........................................

C ha irm a n, President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r

C a sh ie r
N a tio n a l B a n k o f Terrell...................................


C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r
C a sh ie r

Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
A s of October 14, 1966

Nam *

by b a n ks
in Group


C la ss

Dec. 31



M urray K y g e r .......................

Chairm an of the Board, The First National Bank
o f Fort W orth, Fort W orth, Texas

Ralph A. P o r t e r ...................

President, The State National Bank of Denison,
Denison, Texas




J. Edd McLaughlin

President, Security State Bank & Trust Com pany,
Rails, Texas




H. B. Z a c h r y ........................

Chairm an of the Board, H. B . Zachry Com pany,
San Antonio, Texas




D. A. H u l c y ........................

Chairm an of the Board, Lone Star G a s Com pany,
Dallas, Texas




J. B. Perry, Jr..........................

Real Estate Investments and Development,
Lufkin, Texas




Carl J. T h o m s e n ...................

Senior Vice President,
Texas Instruments
Dallas, Texas

Appointed by the
Board of G overnors of the
Federal Reserve System



M a x L e v i n e ........................
Deputy Chairm an

Retired Chairm an
of the Board,
Houston, Texas

Appointed by the
Board of G overnors of the
Federal Reserve System



Appointed by the
Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System



. . . .

Kenneth S. P itz e r...................

President and
Professor of Chemistry,
Rice University,
Houston, Texas