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Fe d e r a l Reserve DALLAS b a n k o f Dallas 13, T E X A S June 16, 1947 To All Banks of the Eleventh Federal Reserve District This is to advise that the Hereford State Bank, Hereford, Texas, a newly organized institution located in the territory served by our Head Office, opened for business today as a memĀ ber of the Federal Reserve System. The new bank has capital of $50,000, surplus $40,000, and undivided profits $20,000. Its officers and directors are as follows: O FFIC E R S A. V. Hendrick, President Dudley Green, Vice President (Inactive) Wm. R. Phillips, Cashier D IR E C TO R S J. R. Allison G. W. Brumley Roger Brunley J. G. Evans Dudley Green A. V. Hendrick O. G. Hill, Jr. Yours very truly, R. R. GILBERT President This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (