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F e d e r a l Re s e r v e B a n k of Da l la s D A L L A S 13. T E X A S February 14, 1947 To All Banks of the Eleventh Federal Reserve District This is to advise that the Hampton Oaks State Bank, HousĀ ton, Texas, a newly organized institution located in the territory served by our Houston Branch, opened for business today as a member bank of the Federal Reserve System. The new bank has paid-in capital funds of $195,000, comĀ prised of capital $150,000, surplus $25,000 and undivided profits of $20,000. Its officers and directors are as follows: OFFICERS J. D. Kirkpatrick, President W. U. MeCutchen, Executive Vice President S. N. Adams, Vice President G. W. Derby, Vice President and Cashier DIRECTORS S. N. Adams A. D. Cobb, Jr. G. W. Derby Frank E. Hargis J. D. Kirkpatrick W. Albert Lee W. U. MeCutchen R. W. Peckham A. J. Riedel The new institution is located in an outlying section of Houston; accordingly, checks drawn on it which are received for collection by the Federal Reserve Bank Branch, Houston, will be collected by mail on a deferred basis under the terms of our current bulletin on Transit Operations. Yours very truly, R. R. GILBERT President This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (