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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF DALLAS Dallas, Texas, July 26, 1941 To All Banking Institutions, and Others Concerned, in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District: The Secretary of the Treasury has issued the following general license: “ GENERAL LICENSE NO. 63 UNDER EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 8389 of April 10, 1940, as amended, and Regulations issued pursuant thereto, relating to transactions in foreign exchange, etc.* A general license is hereby granted licensing as generally licensed nationals the offices in the Philippine Islands o f : (a) The China Banking Corporation; (b) The Philippine Bank of Communications; (c) The Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd.; and (d) The Bank of Taiwan. E. H. FOLEY, JR. Acting Secretary of the Treasury” July 26,1941 *Part 131— Sec. 5(b), 40 Stat. 415 and 966; Sec. 2, 48 Stat. 1; 54 Stat. 179; Ex. Order 8389, April 10, 1940, as amended by Ex. Order 8785, June 14, 1941, and Ex. Order 8832, July 26, 1941; Regulations, April 10, 1940, as amended June 14, 1941, and July 26, 1941. Yours very truly, R. R. GILBERT President This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (