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Circular No. 67-19
January 25, 19&7


To Person Responsible for Preparation of Functional Cost Analysis Workpapers
at Member Bank Addressed:
As the deadline, February 20, approaches for submitting the
finished schedules on your Functional Cost Analysis study, we would
like to take this opportunity to mention some points to keep in mind
as you finish compiling your bank’s cost data.
If no clear definition appears in the FCA Instruction Manual
concerning the allocation of certain items of income or expense, or
the classification of items on the balance sheet, you can frequently
get help from the booklets of instructions for preparation of Reports
of Condition and Reports of Income and Dividends. Our cost study has
been designed to follow these reports closely in many respects.
We have had several inquiries regarding salaries and time
allocations on Demand Deposit tellers, which appear as separate memo
items on Schedule B lines 6 through 10 and 36 through Ul, respectively.
Please review the instructions on pages 9 and .15 of the Instruction
Manual for assistance in allocating these memo items. This data will
be developed in aggregate at the bottom of each page on Worksheets T-2
through T-5.
It will be most helpful if you perform the various test
checks referred to on page 29 of the Instruction Manual. Also, as
mentioned earlier, please see that all totals are checked for accuracy
on each schedule before they are submitted. You can readily see these
checks would help reduce the volume of invalid data showing up in our
edit-check program.
Please note the instructions at the bottom of Schedule B.
On line (A) indicate the name of the person for us to contact in the
event any questions arise regarding the completed schedules and on
line (B) the name of the person to whom we should mail the two copies
of your final report. Also, please make sure that the name and loca­
tion of your bank is provided on the upper left hand corner of each

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (

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You may subm it your com pleted schedules in advance o f th e
d e a d lin e , i f d e s ire d . In f a c t , we hope a good number w ill reach our
bank b e fo re th e d e a d lin e , th u s en ab lin g us to s t a r t our p ro c e ssin g
p ro c e d u re s.
Good lu c k d u rin g th e se f i n a l few weeks o f work. Should
any q u e stio n s a r i s e , p le a s e c a l l us c o lle c t a t R iv ersid e 2-3271
(E xtension 370).
Leon W. Cowan
A s s is ta n t Vice P re sid e n t

C harles W. B ailey
F u n c tio n al Cost A nalyst