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F ederal reserve bank of DALLAS. TEXAS Dallas 75222 Circular No. 82-72 June 21, 1982 FR CS-80 IMPLEMENTATION TO ALL ONLINE DEPOSITORY INSTITUTIONS IN THE ELEVENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT: The Federal R ese r v e Bank o f D allas plans to im plem ent the new Federal R eserve C om m unications System for the 1980's (FRCS-80) on June 28, 1982. In the making for a number o f years, the FR CS-80 will provide the Federal R e se r v e S ystem with adequate com m u n ication s ca p a c ity and capability to m e e t increasing requirem ents through the 1980's. Upon im p lem en tation the current FEDWIRE "store and forward" netw ork used for low volum e data (e.g. Transfer o f Funds and Secu rities) and th e Bulk D a ta netw ork for high volum e data (e.g. ACH Paym ents) w ill be rep laced by a single network incorporating a m ultipath p a c k e tsw itch in g techn ology. The June 28, 1982 im p lem en tation o f FR C S-80 will not include changes to the E leventh D istr ic t's intradistrict network. Only the in terd istrict network will be a f f e c t e d , and this should be operationally transparent to online depository inĀ stitu tion s. The FR CS-80 network has undergone e x te n s iv e testin g . H ow ever, should unanticipated problems arise, the capability o f fallback to the predecessor network will be retain ed for an in d efin ite period. Additional inform ation regarding the FR CS-80 im p lem en tation will be provided to online depository in stitu tion s via adm in istrative m essages. Other questions should be d ir ec te d to Bill Musgrave o f the D ata S e r v ic e s D epartm ent at the Head O ff ic e (214) 651-6188. Additional cop ies o f this circular will be furnished upon request to the D ep artm en t o f Com m unications, Financial and C om m unity A ffairs, Ext. 6289. S incerely yours, William H. W allace First Vice President Banks and others are encouraged to use the following incoming W ATS numbers in contacting this Bank: 1-800-442-7140 (intrastate) and 1-800-527-9200 (interstate). For calls placed locally, please use 651 plus the extension referred to above. This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (