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Press Release
November 09, 2012

Federal Reserve Board launches 2013 capital
planning and stress testing program
For immediate release

The Federal Reserve Board on Friday launched the 2013 capital
planning and stress testing program, issuing instructions to firms with
timelines for submissions and general guidelines. The program includes
the Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR) of 19 firms as
well as the Capital Plan Review (CapPR) of an additional 11 bank
holding companies with $50 billion or more of total consolidated
The aim of the annual reviews is to ensure that large, complex banking
institutions have robust, forward-looking capital planning processes that
account for their unique risks, and to help ensure that institutions have
sufficient capital to continue operations throughout times of economic
and financial stress. Capital is important to banking organizations, the
financial system, and the broad economy because it acts as a cushion to
absorb losses and helps to ensure that any such losses are borne by
shareholders, not taxpayers. Institutions in the CCAR and CapPR
programs will be expected to have credible plans that show they have
sufficient capital to continue to lend to households and businesses even
under severely adverse conditions, and are well prepared to meet Basel
III regulatory capital standards as they are implemented in the United
Firms' capital adequacy will be assessed against a number of
quantitative and qualitative criteria, including projected performance



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under the stress scenarios provided by the Federal Reserve and the
institutions' internal scenarios. Boards of directors of the institutions are
required to review and approve capital plans before submitting them to
the Federal Reserve.
"The Federal Reserve has been focused--and will remain focused--on
ensuring the nation's largest financial institutions have enough capital to
weather severe, unexpected conditions and still continue lending to
households and businesses," Gov. Daniel K. Tarullo said.
The 19 bank holding companies in the CCAR have increased their
aggregate tier 1 common capital to $803 billion in the second quarter of
2012 from $420 billion in the first quarter of 2009. The tier 1 common
ratio for these firms, which compares high-quality capital to riskweighted assets, has more than doubled to a weighted average of 10.9
percent from 5.4 percent.
One part of the CCAR and CapPR reviews is an evaluation by the
Federal Reserve of institutions' plans to make capital distributions, such
as dividend payments or stock repurchases. The Federal Reserve will
approve dividend increases or other capital distributions only for
companies whose capital plans are approved by supervisors and who
are able to demonstrate sufficient financial strength to continue to
operate as financial intermediaries under stressed macroeconomic and
financial market scenarios, even after making the planned capital
In a change from prior years, following the Federal Reserve's
assessment of the initial capital plans, CCAR firms will have one
opportunity to make a downward adjustment to their planned capital
distributions from their initial submissions before a final Federal Reserve
decision is made.
As in 2012, the Federal Reserve will release summary results for the 19
CCAR firms including its projections of capital ratios, losses, and
revenues under the Federal Reserve's severely adverse scenario. In
2013, the Federal Reserve will release two sets of post-stress data for
each firm. One set will reflect the capital distribution assumptions
prescribed in the stress testing rule mandated by the Dodd-Frank Wall
Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act to enhance comparability of
results. The other will include ratios based on each firm's own planned
capital actions as proposed in their initial CCAR capital plan
submissions, as well as ratios based on any adjustments made to
planned capital distributions.
While the aims of CapPR are the same as CCAR, there are a number of
important distinctions. For example, the Federal Reserve's assessment
of capital plans under CapPR will not be based on supervisory estimates
derived from independent supervisory models, but instead solely on an
assessment of the firms' own capital plans and internal capital planning
and stress testing practices that support them. Further, the Federal
Reserve will not publish a summary of bank-specific results for CapPR
in 2013.

The Federal Reserve wanted to give firms as much time as possible to
prepare their submissions and therefore is issuing the instructions ahead
of the release of the macroeconomic and financial market scenarios.
The Federal Reserve will require institutions to use the scenarios in both
the stress tests conducted as part of their capital plans and in the stress
tests that are part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer
Protection Act. The Federal Reserve expects to release the scenarios at
4 p.m. EST on Thursday, November 15.
Institutions will be required to submit their capital plans no later than
January 7, 2013.
Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review 2013 Summary
Instructions and Guidance (PDF)
Capital Plan Review 2013 Summary Instructions and Guidance (PDF)

1. The 19 bank holding companies participating in the 2013 CCAR are
Ally Financial Inc.; American Express Company; Bank of America
Corporation; The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation; BB&T;
Corporation; Capital One Financial Corporation; Citigroup Inc.; Fifth
Third Bancorp; The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.; JPMorgan Chase &
Co.; Keycorp; MetLife, Inc.; Morgan Stanley; The PNC Financial
Services Group, Inc.; Regions Financial Corporation; State Street
Corporation; SunTrust Banks, Inc.; U.S. Bancorp; and Wells Fargo &
Company. These 19 firms also participated in the 2012 and 2011
CCARs and the 2009 Supervisory Capital Assessment Program. The 11
holding companies participating in the CapPR, are BBVA USA
Bancshares Inc.; BMO Financial Corp.; Citizens Financial Group Inc.;
Comerica Inc.; Discover Financial Services; HSBC North America
Holdings Inc.; Huntington Bancshares Inc.; M&T; Bank Corporation;
Northern Trust Corporation; UnionBanCal Corporation; and Zions
Bancorporation. These 11 firms also participated in the CapPR 2012.
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Last Update: November 09, 2012

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