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Federal R eserve Ba n k of D allas DALLAS, TEXAS 7S222 Circular No. 7^-235 August 30 ? 197*+ To All Banks in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District: We are advised that the Exchange Bank, Houston, Texas a newly organized insured nonmember bank located in the territory served by the Houston Branch opened for business today, August 30, 197^* This bank has notified us that remittance will be made at par for checks drawn on it when received from the Federal Reserve Bank. The mailing address of the new bank is P. 0. Box 271^-7? Houston, Texas, 77027. The fractional transit number of the new bank is 35-595 over 1130 . Y o u rs v e r y t r u l y , P . E . C o ld w e ll P re s id e n t This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (