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federal reserve

Ba n k





C ircular No. 79-164
October 3, 1979


To All M em ber Banks
in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District:

In accordance with the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended by the Federal
Reserve Reform Act of 1977, and my circular dated August 21,1979, in regard to the election of directors of
this Bank to succeed Gene D. Adams, Class A Director, and Stewart Orton, Class B Director, whose terms
expire December 31,1979, there are given herein the names of the candidates nominated for such directors
and the names of the banks which made the nominations.
Except in the case of any member banks that are subsidiaries of the same bank holding company,*
there is sent herewith to each bank in Group 1 a ballot for use in voting for a Class B Director and to each
bank in Group 3 a ballot for use in voting for a Class A Director. Also enclosed are an envelope bearing on
its face the certificate in regard to the vote and a colored envelope marked “ Ballot—Directors’ Election,”
in which the ballot is to be sealed. When several banks are subsidiaries of a bank holding company, the
voting forms are being sent only to the bank designated to participate in this election; therefore, banks in
Groups 1 and 3 that will not participate in this election are being sent this circular, without forms, for their
The ballot and certificate on the envelope must be executed by an officer who has been authorized to
cast the vote. A list of the designated officers, revised to date, forms a part of this circular. In order that the
balloting may be secret, the name of the bank and the voting officer should not be written on the ballot but
only on the certificate envelope. If the official signature of the o fficer casting the ballot has not been filed
with this Federal Reserve Bank, such official signature should be filed before the polls close.
Please follow carefully the instructions which are printed on the ballot, on the envelopes, and on
page 3 of this circular.
The following procedure is required in the case of both Class A and Class B ballots:
(1) The preferential ballot should be marked.
(2) It should be placed in the colored envelope marked “ B allot— Directors’ Election” and that
envelope sealed.
(3) Then after the certificate on the w hite certificate envelope is executed, the colored sealed
envelope (containing the ballot) should be placed within the w hite certificate envelope and that
envelope sealed.
(4) The sealed white certificate envelope containing the sealed ballot envelope should then be re­
turned to me in the enclosed self-addressed envelope.

•S ection 4 o f the Federal Reserve A ct, as amended, reads in part as follow s:
"...T hat whenever any mem ber banks w ith in the same Federal Reserve d is tric t are sub sid iaries o f the same
bank holding com pany w ith in the m eaning o f the Bank Holding Com pany A ct of 1956, p a rticip a tio n in any
such nom ination or election by such member banks, including such bank holding com pany if it is also a
member bank, shall be confined to one of such banks, which may be designated fo r the purpose by such
holding com pany.”
In th is connection, the Board of G overnors o f the Federal Reserve System has ruled th a t a holding com pany a ffilia te ,
having one or more sub sid iary banks in each o f the three groups in to w hich member banks of a Federal Reserve d is tric t
are divided for the purpose of electing directors, may designate one such bank in each group to p a rticip ate in the
nom ination and election o f each Class A D irector and each Class B D irector chosen by the group of w hich such bank is
a member, and such m em ber bank so designated may validly p a rticip a te in such no m ination and election. Accordingly,

banks in Groups 1 and 3 affected by the foregoing provision of law are requested to take prompt action to have the ap­
propriate bank holding company designate, if it has not already designated, one of such banks to participate in this

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (

Under the law, the ballot must be returned so as to reach me within 15 days after its receipt. The polls
will open on October 10,1979, and close at 2 p.m. on October 25,1979. At that time, the ballot box will be
opened at this Bank, the sealed envelopes containing the ballots will be opened, the votes counted, and
the results of the election announced. The candidates are invited to be present or represented on that
While the banks in Group 2 will not vote in this election, this circular is sent to them, without forms, for
their information. Group 2 consists of member banks with combined capital and surplus of over
$1,000,000, but under $4,000,000.
Sincerely yours,

Enclosures (4)

For your in fo rm atio n, there is quoted below an extract from S ection 4 of the Federal Reserve A ct w hich sets forth
the m ethod of ba llo ting :
“Within fifteen days after receipt of the list of candidates the duly authorized officer of a member bank
shall certify to the chairman his first, second, and other choices for director of Class A or Class B, respec­
tively, upon a preferential ballot upon a form furnished by the chairman of the board of directors of the
Federal Reserve Bank of the district. Each such officer shall make a cross opposite the name of the first,
second, and other choices for a director of Class A and for a director of Class B, but shall not vote more
than one choice for any one candidate.”
In the case of the C lass A b a llo ts (Group 3), where there are eight candidates involved, a mem ber bank, in m aking
its firs t, second, third , fou rth , fifth , sixth, and seventh choices, w ill be deemed to have indicated the other can didate as
its eighth choice.
In the case of C lass B b a llo ts (Group 1), where there are tw o candidates involved, a m em ber bank, in m aking its
firs t choice, w ill be deemed to have indicated the oth er can didate as its second choice.

(Listed Alphabetically)

ment language designed to assist managers and em ployees in
learning and applying m anagem ent princip le s and techniques.
Am ong his many reco gn ition s are tw o alum ni honors from
the University o f M issouri: The C ita tio n of M erit in 1965 for
ou tsta n d in g achievem ent in business and the Faculty-A lum ni
Award in 1978 for o u tsta nding service and professional
achievem ent. He was named Man o f the Year in 1969 by Delta
Sigm a Pi, an 80,000 member professional business society.
C a lifo rn ia State U niversity in S acram ento named him its firs t
A djun ct Professor in Business M anagem ent in 1972. A ctive for
many years in the Boy S couts of A m erica, Mr. Hook received
the Silver Beaver Award fo r D istinguished Service to Boyhood
in 1974 and the D istinguished Eagle Scout Award in 1976.
Earlier th is year, he was given the “ CEO A w a rd” by F ina ncial
W orld m agazine as one of the o u tsta n d in g ch ie f executive o f­
fice rs in Am erica.
Mr. H ook's business and com m u nity a ctivite s include:
trustee, the Am erican College, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, and
Baylor College of M edicine, Houston; member, Young
Presidents O rganization, Inc., Rotary Club o f Houston, and
The P hilosophical S ociety o f Texas; and director, Texas
Research League, H ouston Cham ber o f Commerce, and
Houston Sym phony Society.
He is m arried to the form er Joanne Hunt o f Kansas City.
They have three c h ild re n — Karen, a 1979 graduate o f Texas
Tech University, now in the pra ctice of pu blic a cco un ting in
H ouston; Thomas, a ju n io r at M iam i U niversity (Ohio); and
Randall, a freshm an at W estm inster College (M issouri).

Chairm an, President, and Chief Executive O ffice r
Am erican General Insurance Com pany
Houston, Texas

Harold S. Hook is Chairm an, President, and C hief Executive
O ffice r o f Am erican General Insurance Company, Houston. In
ad dition, Mr. Hook is a d ire cto r of Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line
C om pany and T runkline Gas Company, both o f Houston, and
Delta C a lifo rn ia Industries, O akland, C a liforn ia . For alm ost
five years, until December 1978, he served as a dire cto r of
Lloyds Bank C alifornia, Los Angeles.
Born on O stober 10, 1931, in Lee’s Sum m it, M issouri, Mr.
Hook earned a B.S. in business ad m in istra tio n and an M.A. in
acco un ting a t the U niversity o f M issouri, where he also served
as a m em ber of the fa cu lty of the School of Business w hile
com p le ting his graduate degree. His academ ic background in­
cludes three.years o f stud y tow ard a do ctorate at New York
U niversity and tw o m ajor professional life insurance industry
de signations: C hartered Life U nderw riter (CLU), and Fellow,
Life M anagem ent In s titu te (FLMI).
Upon receiving his graduate degree in 1954, Mr. Hook served
fo r three years in the U.S. Navy, the last-tw o years as executive
o ffic e r and navigator on a m inesweeper in the A tla n tic Fleet.
He is a founder-m em ber of the Naval W ar College Foundation.
Mr. Hook began his professional career in 1957 w ith Na­
tio n a l F ide lity Life Insurance Company, Kansas City, M issouri,
as A ssista n t to the President. At age 31, he was elected Presi­
dent o f th a t com pany, being at th a t tim e the youngest person
serving as President of a m ajor life insurance com pany. Mr.
Hook, in 1966, becam e a m em ber o f the senior m anagem ent o f
the United S tates Life Insurance Company, New York City, and
tw o years la te r becam e President o f th a t organization. In 1970,
he was elected President o f C alifornia-W estern S tates Life In­
surance Com pany, Sacram ento, a p rin cip a l sub sid iary of
Am erican General Insurance Company. He becam e President
of Am erican General Insurance Com pany in July 1975 and
assum ed his present p o sitio n in July 1978.
Mr. Hook is the creator of Main Event M anagem ent, a pro­
gram com posed of a com prehensive group o f integrated
operating system s, and MODEL-NETICS, a unique m anage­

N om inated by the F o llo w in g Banks in Group 1:
Monroe ............................................. The O uachita N ational Bank in Monroe
A b ile n e ..............................................................................The F irst State Bank
Bay C i t y .................................................The F irst N ational Bank o f Bay C ity
Baytow n ............... C itizens Bank and Trust C om pany of Baytown, Texas
G a lv e s to n .....................................U nited S tates N ational Bank of G alveston
H o u s to n ...................................Bank of the S outhw est N ational A ssociation
H o u s t o n ................................................F irst C ity N ation al Bank o f H ouston
H ouston ................................ Texas C om m erce Bank N ational A ssociation
San A n t o n io ..........................N ational Bank o f C om m erce o f San A ntonio
T y le r ....................................................... The Peoples N ational Bank of Tyler




Mr. Rogers has been active in com m u nity affairs, p a rticu la r­
ly in the educa tion al arena. He has served on the Executive
C om m ittees o f both St. M ark’s School and the G reenhill
School. He was C hairm an o f the Board o f Trustees o f the la tte r
school from 1976 to 1978. In ad dition, during the past ten
years, Mr. Rogers has been on the Board o f G oodw ill In­
du stries o f Dallas, United W ay of Dallas, the Dallas Sym phony
O rchestra, the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, and the Board of
G overnors of Southw est O utw ard Bound School.
C urrently, he serves as dire cto r of F ide lity Union Life In­
surance Company, SCOR Reinsurance Company, and Bloom
A dvertising Agency, inc. Mr. Rogers is a member of the Dallas
Chapter o f the Young Presidents O rganization, Inc.
Mr. Rogers is m arried to the form er Joan Edwards Barbour
of New York. They have three c h ild re n — David at M iddlebury
College, Mary at G reenhill School, and Jam es at St. M ark’s
School of Texas.

President and C hief Executive O ffice r
Texas Industries, Inc.
Dallas, Texas
Robert D. Rogers is President and C hief Executive O ffice r of
Texas Industries, Inc., Dallas, having joined the com pany in
Ju ly 1963. Prior to his election as President in January 1970,
Mr. Rogers held the p o sitio n s o f General M anager/European
O perations (1963-1964); Vice President/Finance (1964-1968);
and Vice President O perations (1968-1970). In a d dition to being
a d ire cto r o f the parent com pany, he is Chairm an o f the Board
o f Texas In d u strie s’ w h olly owned real estate subsidiary,
B rookhollow C orporation, and Chairm an o f the Board of Texas
In d u s trie s ’ 50-percent ow ned a ffilia te , C haparral Steel
Mr. Rogers was born in H artford, C o nn ecticut, on June 10,
1936, and attended pu blic grade schools in New York and
w estern M assachusetts prior to 1950 when his parents moved
to Dallas. He attended St. M ark’s School o f Texas and
graduated from St. M ark’s of Southborough, M assachusetts,
in 1954. At St. M ark’s he was a member of the Cum Laude
S ociety and recipient of the sch o o l's top award for extem ­
poraneous speaking. Mr. Rogers then entered Yale University,
g ra du ating as Ranking S cholar in 1958, w ith a B.A. in intensive
econom ics. He served tw o years as an o ffic e r in the U.S. Navy
on shipboard in the South P acific and executive o ffic e r o f the
Reserve Training Center in A tlanta, Georgia. In 1962, Mr.
Rogers received his M.B.A. from Harvard University w ith high
d is tin c tio n . W hile at Harvard, he was named a Baker Scholar.
During Mr. Rogers’ form al education, he held various sum ­
mer p o sitio n s w ith co n stru ctio n com panies in the Southw est,
investm ent banking firm s in Boston, and an oil com pany in
New York City. A fte r gra du ation from Harvard, Mr. Rogers jo in ­
ed the George A. Fuller Com pany in Dallas as A ssista n t to the
Vice President and co n cu rre n tly as Secretary to the O klahom a
Cement Company. One year later, he left to jo in Texas

N om inated by the F o llo w in g Banks in Group 1:
W est M o n ro e .........................................F irst N ation al Bank o f W est Monroe
A m a r illo ....................................................The First N ational Bank of A m a rillo
D a lla s ...................................................................F irst N ation al Bank in D allas
D a lla s ......................................................M e rcantile N ational Bank at D allas
D a lla s .........................................The N ational Bank of C om m erce o f D allas
El P a s o ........................................................................... El Paso N ational Bank
El P a s o ......................................................The State N ational Bank of El Paso
Fort W o r th .........................................The First N ational Bank o f Fort W orth
Fort W orth ........................................................ The Fort W orth N ational Bank
L a re d o ..................................................................... The Laredo N ational Bank
L u b b o c k .................................................................The Lubbock N ational Bank
M idland ....................................................The First N ational B a n k o f M idland
T y le r ......................................................C itizens First N ational Bank of Tyler
V ic to ria ........................................................ V ic to ria Bank and Trust Company
W aco ................................................... The C itizens N ational Bank of W aco
W ichita Falls ............... The F irst-W ichita N ational Bank of W ich ita Falls

N O TE — A list of the banks in Group 1, showing the officers authorized to
cast the vote of each bank, is given on pages 9 and 10 of this circular.


(Listed Alphabetically)



The First N ational Bank o f G ilm er
G ilmer, Texas

President and C hief Executive O ffice r
F irst N ational Bank in Valley M ills
Valley M ills, Texas

Melvin M. Cross began his banking career at The First
N ational Bank o f G ilm er on Septem ber 15, 1948, as a loan and
d iscou nt teller. His banking career was interrupted in 1950
when he w as recalled to active du ty w ith the U.S. Navy where
he served as an in s tru cto r at the U.S. Navy Base at A storia,
Oregon, during the Korean c o n flic t. Mr. Cross resumed his
em ploym ent at The F irst N ational Bank of G ilm er a fte r com ­
p letin g his tenure in the service.
He was prom oted to A ssista n t Cashier in January 1952 and
C ashier in charge of op era tions in 1956. Mr. Cross was ap ­
pointed dire cto r and prom oted to Executive Vice President in
1964, and elected President in January 1965 at the age of 38.
He was born in Upshur County, where he attended public
schools. Mr. Cross graduated from G ilm er High School in 1944
and attended Kilgore College and North Texas S tate Univer­
sity. He graduated from the Southw estern G raduate School of
Banking at Southern M etho dist U niversity in 1961.
Mr. Cross is a d ire cto r and past President o f the G ilm er In­
d u stria l Foundation and a past dire cto r and President o f the
G ilm er Cham ber of Commerce, the G ilm er Rotary Club, the
G ilm er Country Club, and the East Texas Yam boree A sso cia ­
tion. He is also past Chairm an of the Upshur C ounty Program
B uilding C om m ittee and is an advisory dire cto r of Robroy In­
d u stries of Verona, Pennsylvania, and Gilmer, Texas, having
served in th is ca p a city for the past ten years. In 1978, Mr.
Cross was selected as O utsta nd ing Business and Profes­
sional Man by the Upshur-Gregg Soil C onservation D istrict.
In ad dition to his banking interests, Mr. Cross ow ns and
operates ca ttle and tree farm s in Upshur County.
Mr. Cross is an active m em ber o f The F irst B a p tist Church of
G ilm er, where he serves as deacon. He also serves as C hair­
man o f the Personnel C om m ittee o f the church and as member
o f various other com m ittees.
He is m arried to the form er Merle T hornton of Longview,
Texas. They have tw o d a u g h te rs— Mrs. Ben Shepperd, a
form er teacher in the Highland Park School D istrict, and
Mrs. Lanny Davis, a recent graduate of Southern M ethodist

John P. G illiam is President and Chief Executive O ffice r of
the F irst N ational Bank in Valley M ills. His banking career
began in 1956 when, follow ing graduation from pu blic schools
in C lifto n, Texas, he was selected as recipient of a scholarship
from The Citizens N ational Bank of W aco to study banking at
Baylor University. W hile at Baylor, Mr. G illiam worked at the
W aco bank during the summers, earned a letter in baseball,
and received a B.B.A. in 1960.
His post graduate work was done at the W harton School of
Finance at the U niversity of Pennsylvania, and he received an
M.B.A. from Baylor University. Mr. G illiam was selected fo r a
sum m er exchange program and worked in 1961 fo r the Royal
G reenland Trade D epartm ent in Denmark.
In 1961, he joined The C itizens N ational Bank of W aco and
became an offic e r in 1963. In 1968, Mr. G illiam purchased con­
tro llin g interest in The F irst N ational Bank in Valley M ills, and
has served as President since then.
From 1971 to 1974, he continued his academ ic interests by
teaching in the Hankam er School of Business at Baylor
Mr. G illiam served as Chairm an of D istrict 4, Texas Bankers
A ssociation, in 1974, and as dire cto r of the Texas Bankers
A ssociatio n from 1975 to 1977. He is past President of the Cen­
tra l Texas Chapter of the Bank A dm inistra tion Institute.
From 1976 to 1979, Mr. G illiam served as Bosque C ounty's
Chairm an of the Easter Seal Appeal and the A m erican Cancer
Society. In addition, he served a three-year term as member of
Leon-Bosque Resource C onservation and Development Pro­
je ct of Texas. Mr. G illiam is a member and past President of
the Valley M ills Cham ber of Commerce and served on the
Valley M ills Planning Com m ission.
He is a member of The First B aptist Church in Valley M ills
and presently serves on the Business and A ud it C om m ittee of
the B ap tist General C onvention of Texas.
Mr. G illiam married the form er A llison G off of Dumas, Texas,
and they have a son and daughter who are s till in school in
Valley M ills.
N om inated by the F o llo w ing Banks in Group 3:

N om inated by the F o llo w ing Banks in Group 3:
E vant.............................................................The First N ational Bank of Evant
G atesville .................................................... The N ational Bank o f G atesville
H illsb o ro .......................................The C itizens N ational B a n k o f H illsboro
Iowa P a rk .............................................The State N ational Bank of Iowa Park
M a r t ............................ The Farmers and M erchants N ational Bank of Mart
M ineola ................................................... The First N ational Bank of M ineola
P a n h a n d le ...........................................The First N ational Bank of Panhandle
P e rry to n ................................................... The First N ational Bank of Perryton
R a n k in ............................................................ The F irst S tate Bank o f Rankin
V alley M i l l s ............................................. F irst N ational Bank in Valley M ills
W a c o .............................................................Lake A ir N ational Bank o f W aco
W h itn e y .......................................................... First N ational Bank in W hitney

L o rd s b u rg .............................................The First N ational Bank of Lordsburg
A lb a n y ...................................................... The First N ational Bank of Albany
B a ir d .............................................................The F irs t N ational Bank o f Baird
B e lto n ................................................... The Peoples N ational Bank of Belton
B rid g e p o rt...........................................The First N ational Bank o f Bridgeport
Com m erce ........................................ The F irs t N ation al Bank of Com m erce
D a w s o n .......................................................... F irst Bank and T rust C om pany
El P a s o ........................................... Firs t Interna tiona l Bank in El Paso, N.A.
G ilm e r........................................................ The F irst N ational B a n k o fG ilm e r
H o u s to n ....................................................First C ity B ank-lnw ood Forest, N.A.
H o u s to n .............................................................G ulf Southern N ational Bank
K a u fm a n ............... The Farm ers & M erchants N ational Bank of Kaufm an
K errville ........................................................................... The Bank of Kerrville
Oak H ill..........................................................................Oak H ill N ational Bank
San A n to n io ...................................... C itizens N ational Bank o f San A nton io
S e y m o u r................................................. The First N ational Bank of Seym our
W ich ita F a lls ..............................S outhw est N ational Bank o f W ich ita Falls




from 1973 to 1976. He is Chairm an of the Board of the B & P
Bridge Com pany and has served as President o f the MexicoTexas Bridge O wners A ssociatio n. He is presently member of
the Board o f Trustees o f the Texas S co ttish Rite H ospital for
Crippled C hildren in Dallas. Mr. Jones is a mem ber o f the F irst
United M ethodist Church o f La Feria and serves on its
A d m in istra tive Board.
He is m arried to the form er Joan Dickson o f San Antonio.
They have three c h ild re n — John C., Ill (Jay), Vice President of
The F irst N ational Bank o f La Feria, Jamey, A ssista n t Bank
Exam iner w ith the Texas Departm ent of Banking (stationed in
Beaumont), and a daughter, Jan ette Lee, stud ent at Stephen F.
A ustin State U niversity in Nacogdoches.

President and C hief Executive O ffice r
Del Rio N ational Bank
Del Rio, Texas
D. A. Herrington, Jr., is President and Chief Executive
O ffice r o f the Del Rio N a tion al Bank in Del Rio. He began his
career w ith the bank in 1965 and was prom oted to his current
po sitio n in 1978.
Mr. H errington attended p u b lic schools in Del Rio and
graduated from high school in 1943. He served in the U.S. Navy
for three years. Mr. H errington is a graduate o f Texas A&M
University, receiving a degree in a g ricu ltu ra l econom ics in
He is a m em ber of the Rotary Club and the Ind ustrial
Developm ent Foundation and is a m em ber o f the First
Presbyterian Church o f Del Rio where he serves as elder.
Mr. H errington is m arried and has tw o children.

N om inated by the F o llo w ing Banks in Group 3:
Edinburg ......................................................F irst N ation al Bank in Edinburg
F a lfu rria s ............................................... The F irst N ation al Bank in F a lfurrias
La F e r i a ..................................................The F irst N ation al Bank o f La Feria
M cA llen .............................................................. M etropolitan N ational Bank
M cA llen ...................................................................The V alley N ational Bank
M ercedes .............................................The First N ational Bank of Mercedes
Z a p a ta ...............................................................First N ational Bank o f Zapata

N om inated by the F o llo w ing Banks in Group 3:
B ra c k e ttv ille ..................................................................... The F irst S tate Bank
Del R i o ............................................................................Del Rio N ational Bank

Chairm an of the Board
First N ational Bank of H am ilton
H am ilton, Texas

The First N ational Bank of La Feria
La Feria, Texas

Thom as R. Joseph, Jr., was born in Houston, Texas, on
A ugust 5, 1926. He graduated from Texas A&M U niversity in
1948, attended Baylor University Law School, and was ad­
m itted to the State Bar of Texas in 1953.
During W orld War II, Mr. Joseph served fo r tw o years in the
U.S. Navy.
He is Chairman of the Board, F irst N ational Bank of
Ham ilton, a position he has held fo r approxim ately seven and
one-half years. In addition to being Chairman of the Board of
Tom anet Corporation, Round Rock, Texas, and President and
Chairm an of the Board of Tom anet C haritable Foundation,
Mr. Joseph is Chairm an of the Board of Tom anet Bank Shares.
He is a dire cto r of M idwest Steel Company, Hurst, Texas, and
is owner and operator of the Tom anet Ranch, a 5,500-acre
ranch west of Ham ilton.
Prior to jo ining the First N ational Bank of Ham ilton,
Mr. Joseph served as Chairm an of the Board of the follow ing
banks: B uckholts State Bank, Buckholts, Texas; Lott State
Bank, Lott, Texas; Citizens State Bank, Georgetown, Texas;
The First State Bank of Jarrell, Texas; First N ational Bank of
Normangee, Texas; Union State Bank of Florence, Texas; First
State Bank of Dime Box, Texas; Iredell State Bank, Iredell,
Texas; Cove State Bank, Copperas Cove, Texas; and W estern
N ational Bank of Austin, Texas. He has also served as Presi­
dent of the Texas State Bank of A ustin, Texas, and Farmers
State Bank of Round Rock, Texas, and as director of Oak
Forest State Bank in Houston, San Ja cin to Savings and Loan
A ssociatio n of Houston, and Bellmead State Bank of Waco.
Mr. Joseph has been active in civic a ffairs for a number of
years. He is currently serving on the Board of the Douglas
M acA rthur Academ y of Freedom of Howard Payne College,
Brownwood, and on the Board of Trustees of the Bill Glass

John C. Jones, Jr., was born in San Antonio, Texas, on
June 25, 1929. He is a life tim e resident of the Rio Grande
Valley and has resided in La Feria since 1944.
Mr. Jones graduated from New M exico M ilitary Institute,
Roswell, New Mexico, and received a B.B.A. from the Univer­
sity of Texas at A ustin in 1952. He served in the U.S. Army from
1952 to 1954, and was discharged as a firs t lieutenant.
Mr. Jones began his banking career as a high school
student and currently serves as President of The First N ational
Bank of La Feria and The First N ational Bank of Mercedes and
as Chairm an of the Board of The Valley N ational Bank,
M cAllen. He is a graduate of the School of Banking of the
South and was President of his class.
Mr. Jones has served as President of the Rio Grande Valley
Bankers A ssociatio n and Chairman of the Education C o m m it­
tee of Texas Bankers A ssociatio n. He currently serves on the
TBA Legislative C om m ittee and EFT Com m ittee. He is also a
member of the Advisory Council of the Texas Tech University
School of Banking.
Long active in civic affairs, Mr. Jones has served as Presi­
dent of the La Feria Chamber of Commerce, Lower Rio Grande
Valley Chamber of Commerce, and Texas State Cham ber of
Commerce. He has also been a member and o ffic e r of the La
Feria Jaycees and the K iw anis Club. From 1965 to 1970, Mr.
Jones served as Vice Chairm an of the Board of Regents of Pan
Am erican University and was Chairm an of the B uilding Com ­
m ittee. He has been a member of the Cameron County Park
Board and was Chairm an from 1964 to 1968.
Mr. Jones is a member of the Board of Trustees of the La
Feria Independent School D istrict and served as its President




E vangelistic A ssociatio n, and as a d is tric t d ire cto r o f the
H am ilton/C oryell Soil and W ater C onservation D istrict. He is a
mem ber o f the Calvary B ap tist Church o f H am ilton, where he
serves as C hairm an o f the Board o f Deacons and as a member
of the Executive Board o f Texas B ap tist Men.
Formerly, Mr. Joseph served three term s as State Represen­
ta tive for D istrict 53, representing W aco and McClennan Coun­
ties; as Chairm an o f the A dvisory C ouncil of the S outhw estern
B ap tist Theological Sem inary in F ort W orth, the Regional M an­
power Planning Advisory C ouncil o f the Central Texas C ouncil
of G overnm ents, and the H a m ilton C ounty C ouncil of Govern­
m ents M anpower Planning Com m ittee; and as a member of
the Executive Board and the Public R elations C om m ittee of
the B ap tist General C onvention o f Texas, the P resident’s A d­
visory C ouncil o f the Cam pus Crusade for C hrist at Arrowhead
Springs, San Bernardino, C alifornia, and the Advisory Council
of the S outhw estern B aptist Sem inary in Fort W orth. In ad di­
tion, he has served as President of the H am ilton PTA and is a
past 32-nd Degree Mason and a Shriner.
Mr. Joseph is m arried to the form er A nnette Reid of luka,
M ississipp i, and they have fou r c h ild re n — Cindy (a Baylor
junior), Tommy, Kirk, and DeeDee.

Chairm an of the Board
The First N ational Bank of Palestine
Palestine, Texas
W illiam M. Knowles is Chairm an of the Board o f The First
N ational Bank of Palestine. He joined the bank in 1955 as
President, serving in th a t cap acity un til 1976 when he was
named Chairman.
Mr. Knowles was born in Oakwood, Texas, in 1915. A fter
graduation from Palestine High School, he attended Rice
U niversity, receiving a B.S. in chem ical engineering in 1936.
From 1939 to 1946, Mr. Knowles served in the U.S. A ir Force,
o b tain ing the rank of colonel. For his m eritorious service in
the P acific Campaign, Mr. Knowles was awarded the Legion of
M erit and was named Deputy C hief of A ir Force Procurement.
An active member in the com m unity, he served on the
Palestine C ity C ouncil fo r tw o years and was President of the
Anderson County Chamber of Commerce in 1958. In 1975,
Mr. Knowles was President of the Palestine Industrial Founda­
tion. For 12 years he served on the Board of Directors of the
East Texas Area C ouncil Boy Scouts of Am erica, and received
the Silver Beaver Award for his ou tsta nding service to
S couting in Am erica. Since 1960, Mr. Knowles has been direc­
tor of the Cartm ell Home for the Aged, a nonprofit, selfsustaining retirem ent care center.
He is a member of the First Presbyterian Church of
Palestine and served as elder for seven years.
Mr. Knowles is m arried to the form er Jean Dilley of
Palestine. They have tw o son s— W illiam , President of The
F irst N ational Bank of Palestine, and David, a physician who
practices in Oregon.

N om inated by the F o llo w ing Bank in Group 3:
H a m ilto n ......................................................First N ational Bank of H am ilton

Nom inated by the F ollow ing Bank in Group 3:

President and Chief Executive O ffice r
C itizens N ational Bank at Brow nwood
Brow nwood, Texas

P a le s tin e ............................................. The First N ational Bank of Palestine

John S. Keyes was born in Archer City, Texas, on Decem­
ber 22, 1934. He attended Texas C h ristian University,
graduating w ith a B.S. in com m erce. In ad dition, he has
attended the Southw estern G raduate School of Banking at
Southern M etho dist U niversity as well as a num ber o f other
banking sem inars.
Mr. Keyes has served as a dire cto r and President and Chief
Executive O ffice r of Citizens N ational Bank at Brownwood
since O ctober 1977. Prior to jo ining Citizens N ational Bank,
from A ugust 1965 until O ctober 1977, he was em ployed by
Com m ercial Bank and Trust Company, M idland, as Executive
Vice President and director. From 1959 to 1965, Mr. Keyes
served as Vice President of B row nfield S tate Bank and Trust
Company, and from 1955 to 1959, he was associated w ith The
F ort W orth N ational Bank.
A ctive in civic a ffa irs, Mr. Keyes, among other things, is a
mem ber of the Brow nwood Cham ber of Commerce, serves on
the A irp ort Board, is C hairm an o f the S ustaining Fund Drive for
Howard Payne University, Brow nwood, and is a m em ber o f the
F irst C h ristian Church o f Brownwood.
Mr. Keyes and his w ife Shirley have three children.

S ecurity State Bank and Trust Company
Ralls, Texas
Gene M cLaughlin is President of S ecurity State Bank and
Trust Company, Ralls. He joined the bank in 1958 and worked
in the operations, loans, and trust departm ents of the bank.
Mr. M cLaughlin is a native of Ralls and attended public
schools there. He graduated from high school at Kemper
M ilita r y S c h o o l in B o o n e v ille , M is s o u ri. In 1955,
Mr. M cLaughlin received a B.S. in a g ricu lture from Texas Tech
University. He served in the U.S. Arm y during the Korean con­
flic t and was discharged w ith the rank of sergeant in 1953.
Recently, Mr. M cLaughlin served as a director of Texas
Bankers A ssociation and is form er Chairm an of D istrict 8 of
the A ssociation. He is past d ire cto r o f the Bankers A gricultural
Credit Conference, an organization sponsored by Texas Tech
U niversity and Texas Bankers Association.
Mr. M cLaughlin has devoted considerable tim e to com m uni­
ty leadership, serving three term s as councilm an for the City of

N om inated by the F o llo w ing Banks in Group 3:
D u b lin ....................................................................... The D ublin N ational Bank
Glen R o s e ........................................... The First N ational Bank in Glen Rose



C urrently, he serves as d ire cto r o f the High Plains Experi­
m ent S tatio n at Halfw ay, Texas. Previously, Mr. M cLaughlin
was a d ire cto r o f the S outh Plains C ouncil of G overnm ents and
served on its com m ittee on natural resources. He is form er
dire cto r and D istrict Chairm an o f the South Plains C ouncil of
the Boy S couts o f Am erica, form er dire cto r o f the Plains C ot­
ton Growers A ssociatio n, and past President and dire cto r of
the Ralls Rotary Club.
Mr. M cLaughlin is a mem ber o f the First United M ethodist
Church of Ralls, where he is form er Chairm an of the A d­
m in istra tive Board and serves as C hairm an of the Finance
C om m ittee.
He is m arried to the form er Ramona Davidson o f Lubbock.
They have one son, Kirk, who is a senior at Texas Tech Univer­
sity, m ajoring in finance and accounting.

N om inated by the F ollow ing Banks in Group 3:
C olorado C i t y ..............................The C ity N ational Bank of C olorado C ity
C ro s b y to n ...........................................C itizens N ational Bank of C rosbyton
E ld o ra d o ............................................... The First N ational Bank of Eldorado
H am lin ..................... The Farmers & M erchants N ational Bank of H am lin
Quanah ............................................................ F irst N ational Bank in Quanah
Q uitaque ................................ The F irst N ational Bank o f Q uitaque, Texas
R o ta n .......................................................... The First N ational Bank of Rotan
S o n o ra ......................................................The F irst N ation al Bank o f Sonora
S t in n e t t ............................................................ First N ational Bank o f S tinne tt
T h ro c k m o rto n ............................ The F irst N ational Bank o f Throckm orton
V e rn o n ..................................................The H erring N ational Bank of Vernon

N O TE — A list of the banks in Group 3, showing the officers authorized to
cast the vote of each bank, is given on pages 11 through 17 of this circular.


Consists of all member banks having capital and surplus of $4,000,000 and over.

Banks in this group elect one Class B Director.
L o c a tio n

Bossier C ity
W est Monroe

N a m e o l B ank o r T ru s t C o m p a n y

O ffic e r s A u th o riz e d t o C a s t V o te

The N a tion al Bank o f Bossier C i t y .......................... .............
Minden Bank and T rust Com pany .......................... ...........
Central B a n k .................................................................
The O uachita N ational Bank in M o n ro e ................. .............
C om m ercial N a tion al Bank in S h re v e p o rt............. .............
The F irst N ational Bank o f S h re ve p o rt................... ...........
F irst N a tion al Bank o f W est M o n r o e ...................... ...........

Chairm an,
Chairm an,

Vice President,
President, Vice
President, Vice
Vice President,

President, Cashier
President, Cashier

L o c a tio n

Las Cruces

N a m e o f B ank or T ru s t C o m p a n y

The C arlsbad N ational B a n k .......................................
F irst N ational Bank of Lea C o u n ty ............................
F irst N ational Bank o f Dona Ana C o u n ty .................
S ecurity N ational Bank of R o s w e ll............................

O ffic e r s A u th o riz e d to C a s t V o te


President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Vice President, Cashier

L o c a tio n

N a m e o f B a n k o r T ru s t C o m p a n y

O ffic e r s A u th o riz e d to C a s t V o te

A m arillo
A m a rillo
A m arillo
A ustin
A ustin
A ustin
A ustin
Bay City

Abilene N ational B a n k .......................................................... .
The Citizens N ational Bank in A b ile n e .............................. .
F irst N ational Bank of A b ile n e ........................................... .
The F irst S tate Bank ............................................................. .
A m a rillo N ational B a n k ........................................................ .
The Am erican N ational Bank of A m arillo ........................ .
The F irst N ational B a n k o f A m a rillo ................................... .
The A m erican N ational Bank o f A u s t in ............................ .
The A u stin N ational B a n k .................................................... .
The C apital N ational Bank in A ustin ................................. .
C ity N ational Bank o f A u s tin ................................................ .
The First N ational Bank o f Bay C it y ................................... .
C itizens Bank and Trust Company o f Baytown, T e x a s .. .
The Am erican N ational B a n k o f B e a u m o n t...................... .
First S ecurity Bank o f Beaumont, N.A................................

Brow nsville
Brow nsville
Corpus C hristi
Corpus C h risti

First State Bank o f B e lla ire ..................................................
The First N ational Bank o f B re n h a m .................................
First N ational Bank at B ro w n s v ille .....................................
Pan Am erican B a n k ...............................................................
Corpus C h risti Bank and T r u s t ...........................................
Corpus C h risti N a tion al B a n k ..............................................
C itizens N a tion al Bank of D a lla s .......................................
F irst C ity Bank o f D a lla s ......................................................
F irst N ational Bank in Dallas ..............................................
M ercantile N ational Bank at D a lla s ...................................


El Paso
El Paso
El Paso
Fort W orth

The N ational Bank o f Commerce o f D a lla s ......................
Republic N ational B a n k o f D a lla s .......................................
El Paso N ational B a n k ...........................................................
First C ity N ational Bank o f El P a s o ...................................
The State N ational B a n k o f El P a s o ...................................
C ity N ational B a n k .................................................................



President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairm an, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairm an, President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Executive Vice President
President, Cashier
Chairm an, President, Vice President
President, Vice President
Chairm an, Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairm an, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Senior Vice President, Vice
President, Cashier
President, Executive Vice President
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairm an, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairm an, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, Vice Chairman, President,
Vice President, Cashier
President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President
President, Vice President, Cashier

GROUP 1 — Continued
TEXAS — Continued
L o c a tio n

N a m e o f B a n k o r T ru s t C o m p a n y

Fort W orth

C ontinental N ational Bank o f Fort W o r t h ..........................

Fort W orth
Fort W orth
Fort W orth
G alveston
G alveston
G arland
H arlingen
H ouston
H ouston
H ouston

The First N ational Bank of Fort W o rth ................................
Fort W orth Bank and T r u s t ....................................................
The Fort W orth N ational Bank .............................................
F irst H u tc h in g s — Sealy N ational Bank of G alveston . . . .
United S tates N a tion al Bank o f G a lv e s to n ........................
F irst N ational Bank in G a rla n d .............................................
The F irst N ational Bank of H a rlin g e n ...................................
C itizens N ational Bank of H e n d e rs o n ................................
Bank of the Southw est N ational A s s o c ia tio n ...................
C apital N ational B a n k .............................................................
F irst C ity N ational Bank o f Houston ..................................
F irst Intern ation al Bank in Houston, N.A.............................
H ouston N ational B a n k ..........................................................
Lockw ood N ational Bank o f H ouston ................................
Southern N ational Bank o f Houston ...................................
Texas Com m erce Bank N ational A sso cia tio n .................
The Laredo N ational B a n k ......................................................
The F irst N ational Bank of L o n g v ie w ...................................
F irst N ational Bank at L u b b o c k ...........................................
The Lubbock N ational B a n k ..................................................

M idland

The Plains N ational Bank of L u b b o c k ................................
Texas Com m erce Bank N ational A ssociatio n .................
The F irst N ational Bank of M id la n d .....................................

M idland
Port A rthu r
San A ntonio
San A ntonio
San A nto nio
San A ntonio
San A nto nio
San A nto nio
San A nto nio
V icto ria
V ictoria
W aco
W aco
W ich ita Falls
W ich ita Falls

The M idland N ational B a n k ....................................................
The F irst N ational Bank of Odessa .....................................
The F irst N ational Bank of Port A rthu r ..............................
The Alam o N ational B a n k ......................................................
Bexar County N ational Bank o f San A ntonio ...................
Broadway N ational B a n k ........................................................
The Frost N ational Bank of San A n to n io ............................
Main Bank and T rust ...............................................................
N ational B a n k o f Com m erce of San A nto nio ...................
The N ational Bank o f Fort Sam H o u s to n ............................
T heT exarkana N a tion al B a n k ................................................
C itizens F irst N ational Bank of T y le r ...................................
The Peoples N ational B a n k o f T y le r .....................................
Tyler B an kan d T rust C o m p a n y .............................................
F irst V icto ria N ational B a n k ..................................................
V icto ria Bank and T rust C o m p a n y .......................................
The Citizens N ational Bank of W a c o ...................................
The F irst N ational Bank of W a c o .........................................
C ity N ational Bank in W ichita F a lls .....................................
The F irst-W ichita N ational Bank of W ichita Falls ...........


O ffic e r s A u th o riz e d to C a s t V o te

Chairman, President, Executive Vice President,
Chairm an, President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairm an, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairm an, President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Cashier
Chairm an, President, Vice President
President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairm an, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairm an, Executive Vice President
Chairm an, President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Vice President
Chairm an, President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Vice President
President, Vice President
President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Executive Vice
President, Senior Vice President, Vice
President, Cashier
President, Executive Vice President
Chairm an, President, Executive Vice President,
Chairm an, President
President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Chairman Executive Com m ittee
President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Vice President
President, Vice President
Chairm an, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairm an, President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Vice President
President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairm an, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairm an, President
President, Vice President
Chairm an, President, Vice President

C onsists of a ll m em ber banks having ca p ita l and surplus of $1,000,000 and under.

Banks in this group elect one Class A Director.
L o c a tio n

N a m e o f B a n k o r T ru s t C o m p a n y

A rcadia

F irst N ational Bank in A r c a d ia ..............................................
The F irst N ational B a n k o f D e lh i...........................................

Lake Providence
Oak Grove

The Hom er N ational B a n k ......................................................
The First N ational Bank of Lake P ro vid e n ce ......................
W est Carroll N ational Bank of Oak G ro v e ..........................
F irst N ational Bank of R a y v ille ..............................................

O ffic e r s A u th o riz e d to C a s t V o te

President, Executive Vice President, Vice Presi­
dent, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier

L o c a tio n

N a m e o f B a n k o r T ru s t C o m p a n y

Las Cruces

First N ational Bank of Clovis ................................................
Bank o f Las Cruces, N ational A s s o c ia tio n ........................
M cFarland Brothers B a n k ......................................................

Truth or

The First N ational Bank of L o rd s b u rg ................................
The F irst N ational Bank of P o rta le s .....................................
The Portales N ational Bank ..................................................
First N ational Bank of S o c o rro ..............................................
First Sierra N ational B a n k ......................................................

O ffic e r s A u th o riz e d to C a s t V o te

Robert B. McFarland, President,
E. O. M cFarland, Vice President
O. O. Osborn, Jr., Cashier
President, Cashier
President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier

L o c a tio n

A ntlers

N a m e o f B a n k o r T ru s t C o m p a n y

F irst N ational Bank at A ntlers ..............................................
Boswell State B a n k .................................................................
Bryan County N ational B a n k ..................................................
F irst N ational Bank in C o a lg a te ...........................................
The F irst N ational Bank of C o lb e rt.......................................
The Citizens State B a n k ...........................................................
S ecurity First N ational Bank of Hugo .................................
The Idabel N ational B a n k ......................................................

O ffic e r s A u th o riz e d to C a s t V o te


Executive Vice President, Cashier
Vice President, Cashier
President, Vice President
President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Vice President
President, Vice President, Cashier

L o c a tio n

N a m e o f B a n k o r T ru s t C o m p a n y

Alam o Heights
A lpine
Am herst
A rlington

Alam o H eights N ational Bank ..............................................
The First N ational Bank of A lb a n y .......................................
F irst N ational Bank in A lp in e ................................................
F irst N ational Bank o f Alvin ..................................................
Alvord N ational B a n k ...............................................................
The First N ational Bank of A m h e rs t.....................................
Anahuac N ational B a n k ...........................................................
The F irst N ational Bank of A n d e rs o n ...................................
First N ational Bank o f A n d re w s ...........................................
The F irst N ational Bank of Anna .........................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f Anson .......................................
A rlington N ational B a n k ........................................................


O ffic e r s A u th o riz e d to C a s t V o te


President, Vice President
Executive Vice President
Vice President, Cashier

President, Vice President, Cashier
Vice President, Cashier

GROUP 3 — Continued
TEXAS — Continued
L o c a tio n

N a m e o f B a n k o r T ru s t C o m p a n y

A rlingto n
Asperm ont

The M etroplex N ational Bank in A rlin g to n ........................
The F irst N ational Bank o f A sperm ont ..............................
The F irst N ational Bank of A th e n s .......................................

A tlan ta
A ustin
A ustin
A ustin
A ustin
A ustin
B allinger
Brow nfield
Brow nsville
Brow nsville
Brow nwood
Caddo M ills
Caldw ell
Carrizo Springs
C h illico th e

The First N ational Bank o f A tla n ta .......................................
Chase N ational B a n k ...............................................................
C om m unity N ational B a n k ....................................................
N ational B a n k o fT e x a s ..........................................................
Republic N ational Bank o f A ustin .......................................
W estern N ational B a n k ...........................................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f Baird .........................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f B a llin g e r ...................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f B a n d e ra .....................................
First State B a n k .......................................................................
The F irst N ational Bank of B a s tr o p .....................................
Texas N ational Bank of B a y to w n .........................................
Citizens N ational B a n k o f B e a u m o n t...................................
Gateway N ational Bank of B e a u m o n t.................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f B e e v ille .....................................
First C ity Bank— Bellaire, N.A................................................
First N ational Bank of B e lla ire ..............................................
The First N ational Bank o f B e lls ...........................................
The First N ational Bank in Belton .......................................
The Peoples N ational Bank of Belton ................................
The Blanco N ational B a n k ......................................................
First N ational Bank in B o g a ta ................................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f B o n h a m .....................................
Bowie N ational B a n k ...............................................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f B o w ie .........................................
The F irst S tate Bank ...............................................................
The Brady N ational B a n k ........................................................
The C om m ercial N ational Bank of Brady ..........................
First N ational Bank in B re c k e n rid g e ...................................
The Brenham N ational B a n k ..................................................
The First N ational B a n k o f B rid g e p o rt.................................
First N ational Bank in B ro n te ................................................
The First N ational Bank o f B ro w n fie ld ................................
B row nsville N ational B a n k ....................................................
N ational Bank of Com m erce o f B ro w n s v ille ......................
C itizens N ational B a n k a t Brow nwood ..............................
F irst N ational Bank in B urkburnett .....................................
The F irst N ational Bank of B y e r s .........................................
The S tate N ational Bank of Caddo M i l l s ............................
Caldw ell N ational B a n k ...........................................................
F irst N a tion al Bank in C a m e ro n ...........................................
The F irst N ational B a n k o f C a n a d ia n ...................................
The F irst N ational Bank of C a n to n .......................................
First N ational Bank of Dim m it C o u n ty .................................
The First N ational Bank of Celeste .....................................
First N ational Bank in C e n te r................................................
The F irst N ational Bank in C h ild re s s ...................................
The F irst N ational Bank of C h illic o th e ................................
F irst N ational Bank in C is c o ..................................................
The Farm ers S tate Bank and Trust Company
o f C la re n d o n .....................................................................
First N ational Bank in C la rk s v ille .........................................
Red River N ational Bank in C la rk s v ille ................................
The F irst N ational Bank of C la u d e .......................................
The First N ational Bank in Cleburne ...................................
Chem ical N ational B a n k ........................................................
First Colem an N ational B a n k ................................................
First S ecurity Bank o f C olleyville, N.A..................................

C larksville
C larksville
C olleyville


O ffic e r s A u th o riz e d to C a s t V o te

President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Senior Vice President, Vice Presi­
dent, Cashier
President, Vice President
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
Craig S. W ooten, Executive Vice President
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Vice President
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Vice President
President, Vice President
President, Vice President, Cashier
Vice President
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairm an, President, Vice President, Cashier
Raymond E. Barr, President
President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Cashier
President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Cashier
Chairm an, President, Vice President
Ben Black, President
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Vice President
President, Executive Vice President, Cashier

GROUP 3 — Continued
TEXAS — Continued
L o c a tio n

N a m e o f B a n k o r T ru s t C o m p a n y

C olorado C ity
Copperas Cove
Corpus C hristi
C o tu lla
C rockett
C rosbyton
C ushing

El Paso
El Paso
El Paso
F airfield
F alfurrias
F alls C ity
Farm ersville
F loresville

The C ity N ational Bank of C olorado C ity .............................
The F irst N ational Bank of C o m m erce................................ .
The F irst N ational Bank in C o o p e r........................................
First N ational B a n k .................................................................
Nueces N ational B a n k ............................................................ .
C orsicana N ational Bank .......................................................
Stockm ens N ational Bank in C o tu lla .................................. .
A llied First N ational Bank o f C ro c k e tt................................ .
C itizens N ational Bank of C ro s b y to n .................................. .
C rowell State B a n k ....................................................................
The F irst N ational Bank of C u s h in g .................................... .
The N ational Bank of D a in g e rfie ld ........................................
F irst N ational Bank in Dalhart ............................................. .
Love Field N ational Bank .......................................................
Pan Am erican N ational Bank of D a lla s ...............................
Texas Commerce Bank — Casa Linda,
N ational A s s o c ia tio n .......................................................
The First N ational Bank of D a rro u z e tt.............................. .
F irst Bank and T rust C o m p a n y ........................................... .
The F irst N ational Bank in D e c a tu r ................................... .
Del Rio N ational B a n k .......................................................... .
C itizens N ational B a n k ........................................................
The First N ational Bank of D e p o r t..................................... .
The Dublin N ational B a n k .................................................... .
First N ational Bank o f D u m as............................................. .
The F irst N ational Bank o f Eagle L a ke ................................ .
The F irst N ational Bank o f Eagle Pass ...............................
Eastland N ational B a n k .......................................................... .
The F irst N ational Bank of E d g e w o o d ................................ .
F irst N ational Bank in E d in b u rg ........................................... .
N ational Bank o f C o m m e rce ................................................. .
The F irst N ational Bank o f El C a m p o .................................. .
Cham izal N a tion al B a n k ........................................................ .
F irst Intern ation al Bank in El Paso,
N ational A s s o c ia tio n ......................................................,
Franklin N ational B a n k .......................................................... .
M ontw ood N ational B a n k .......................................................
N orthgate N ational Bank o f El Paso .................................. ,
The F irst N ational Bank o f E ld o ra d o .................................. ,
The F irst N ational Bank o f Emory ........................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f E v a n t..........................................
The F irst N ational Bank of F a b e n s........................................
F irst N ational B a n k ..................................................................
The F irst N ational Bank in F a lfu rria s .................................. .
The Falls C ity N ational Bank ............................................... ,
F irst N ational Bank at F a rm e rs v ille ......................................
Farm ers and M erchants S tate B a n k ......................................
F irst C ity N ational Bank o f F lo re s v ille ................................

F ollett
Fort Bend County
Fort S tockton
F ort W orth
Fort W orth
G alveston
G atesville
George W est
G eorgetow n

The First N ational Bank of F lo y d a d a ....................................
The F o lle tt N a tion al B a n k ...................................................... .
The Farm ers N ational Bank o f F o rn e y ................................ ,
SugarC reek N ational B a n k ....................................................
F irst N ational Bank o f Fort S to c k to n ...................................
Everman N ational Bank of Fort W o r th ................................
M eadowbrook N ational B a n k ................................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f F ra n k lin ......................................
Bank of Galveston, N ational A s s o c ia tio n ..........................
Am erican N ational Bank o f G arland ...................................
The N ational Bank o f G a te s v ille ...........................................
F irst N ational Bank in George W e s t.....................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f G eorgetow n ............................ .

Del Rio
Eagle Lake
Eagle Pass
El Campo
El Paso
El Paso


O ffic e r s A u th o riz e d to C a s t V o te

Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
Vice President
Chairm an,
Chairm an,
Chairm an,

Vice President, Cashier
President, Vice President
Vice President
President, Vice President, Cashier

President, Vice President, Cashier

President, Cashier
Chairm an, President, Vice President
Chairm an, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairm an,
Chairm an,

President, Vice President


Vice President, Cashier
Vice President, Cashier
Vice President, Cashier

Vice President, Cashier

Chairm an
President, Vice President, Cashier
Vice President, Cashier
President, Vice President
Chairm an, President, Vice President,
Chairm an, President, Vice President,
Chairm an, President, Vice President,
President, Vice President
Chairm an, President, Vice President,
Vice President, Cashier
Vice President, Cashier
Vice President
Chairm an, President
Chairm an, President, Cashier
President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairm an, President, Vice President,
Chairm an, President, Vice President,
Chairm an, President, Vice President,



GROUP 3 — Continued
TEXAS — Continued
L o c a tio n

N a m e of B ank o r T ru s t C o m p a n y

G iddings
G ilm er
Glen Rose
G oliad
G raford

The F irst N ational Bank o f G id d in g s .................................. ,
The F irst N ational Bank o f G ilm e r ....................................... .
The F irst N ational Bank in Glen Rose ................................ .
The F irst N ational Bank o f G oliad .......................................,
The F irst N ational Bank o f G o n z a le s .................................. .
The F irst N ational Bank o f G o rd o n ........................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f G o rm a n ......................................
F irst N ational Bank, G ra fo rd ...................................................
F irst N ational Bank in G ra h a m ............................................. .
The G raham N a tion al B a n k ....................................................

G ranbury
Grand Prairie
Grand Saline
G ranger
G ranger
Hale Center
H a lle ttsville
H am ilton
H am ilton
Ham lin
H arlingen
H iggins
H illsboro
H illsb oro

The F irst N a tion al Bank o f G ra n b u ry ...................................
N ational Bank of Grand P ra irie .............................................
F irst N ational Bank of Grand Saline ..................................
The F irst S tate Bank ...............................................................
The G ranger N ational B a n k ....................................................
F irst N ational Bank of G ra p e v in e .........................................
The S tate N ational Bank o f G ro o m .......................................
The F irst N ational Bank of Hale C e n te r..............................
F irst N ational Bank of H a lle tts v ille .....................................
F irst N ational Bank of H a m ilto n ...........................................
The H am ilton N ational B a n k ..................................................
The Farmers & M erchants N ational Bank of H a m lin ___
Plaza N ational B a n k .................................................................
H askell N ational B a n k ............................................................
The F irst N ational Bank of H e b b ro n v ille ............................
The F irst N ational Bank of H e n rie tta ...................................
The F irst N ational Bank of H ic o ...........................................
F irst N ational Bank in H ig g in s .............................................
The C itizens N ational Bank of H ills b o r o ............................
The F irst N ational Bank, H illsboro, T e x a s ..........................
The F irst N ational Bank of H o lla n d .....................................
The Hondo N ational B a n k ......................................................
Braes Bayou N ational B a n k ..................................................
First C ity Bank— Inwood Forest,
N ational A s s o c ia tio n ......................................................
G ulf Southern N ational B a n k ...............................................
Inwood Com m erce Bank, N.A.................................................
M ad iso n— Southern N ational B a n k .....................................
Riverside N ational Bank of H o u s to n ...................................
South Loop N ational Bank ....................................................
The F irst N ational Bank of Hughes S p r in g s ......................
A llied H um ble Bank, N.A.........................................................
Kingw ood Com m erce Bank, N.A............................................
F irst N ational Bank of In g le s id e ...........................................
The S tate N ational Bank o f Iowa P a r k ................................
F irst N ational B a n k o f Ir v in g ..................................................
The F irst N ational Bank of Ita s c a .........................................
The F irst N ational Bank of J a c k s b o ro ................................
The Jacksboro N ational B a n k ................................................
F irst N ational B a n k o f J a s p e r................................................
The F irst N ational Bank of J e ffe rs o n ...................................
The F irst N ational Bank in J o s h u a .......................................
F irst State B a n k .......................................................................
Jun ction N ational B a n k ..........................................................
The Karnes County N ational Bank of Karnes C i t y ...........
Katy N ational B a n k .................................................................
The Farm ers & M erchants N ational Bank of K a u fm a n . ..
F irst N ational Bank in K a u fm a n ...........................................
The F irst N ational Bank of K e m p .........................................
First-N ichols N ational Bank o f K e n e d y ..............................
F irst N ational Bank of K e rm it................................................

Hughes Springs
Hum ble
Hum ble
Iowa Park
Jun ction
Karnes City
Kaufm an
Kaufm an
Kerm it


O ffic e r s A u th o riz e d to C a s t V o te

Chairm an, President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Vice President
Vice President, Cashier
President, F irst Vice President, Cashier
President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Executive Vice President, Vice Presi­
dent, Cashier
Vice President and Cashier
Chairm an, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairm an, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairm an, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Vice President
Chairm an, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairm an, President
President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairm an, President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Vice President
Chairman, President, Vice President
Vice President
Chairman, President, Vice President
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier

Chairman, President
Chairm an, President

Chairm an
President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President,
Chairm an, President, Vice President,
Chairm an, President
President, Vice President
Chairm an, President, Vice President,
Chairm an, Vice President, Cashier
W. Don Standley, President
President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairm an, President, Vice President,
Chairm an, President, Vice President,
Chairm an, President, Vice President,
Eddie G arrison, President
Chairm an, President, Vice President,
President, Vice President





GROUP 3 — Continued
TEXAS — Continued
L o c a tio n

N a m e of B ank or T ru s t C o m p any

K ingsville
La Coste
La Feria
La Grange
La Marque
La Porte
Lake Jackson
Lake W orth
L ittle fie ld
M adisonville

The Bank o f K e r r v ille ................................................................
M ercantile N ational Bank of K in g s v ille .............................. .
F irst S ecurity Bank o f K o u n tz e ............................................. .
Kress N ational B a n k ................................................................
The La C oste N ational B a n k ...................................................
The F irst N a tion al Bank of La F e r ia ......................................
The F irst N a tion al Bank of La G ra n g e ................................
F irst N ational Bank o f La M a rq u e .........................................
Bayshore N ational Bank o f La P o r t e ...................................
Farmers and M erchants State B a n k .....................................
F irst N ational Bank of Lake J a c k s o n ...................................
Lake W orth N ational Bank ....................................................
The Lamesa N ational B a n k ....................................................
The F irst N ational Bank of L a m p a s a s ................................
The Peoples N ational Bank o f L a m p a s a s ..........................
The Leonard N ational B a n k ....................................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f L in d e n .......................................
The F irst N ational Bank of L ip a n .........................................
The F irst N ational Bank of L ittle fie ld ...................................
First-Lockhart N ational B a n k ................................................
F irst N ational Bank in L o ckne y..............................................
Texas N ational Bank o f L u f k in ..............................................
The F irst N ational Bank in L u iin g .........................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f M a d is o n v ille ............................
The M arfa N ational B a n k ........................................................

M arlin

M arlin N ational B a n k ...............................................................
The Farmers and M erchants N ational Bank
o f M a r t ................................................................................
The F irst N ational Bank of M a r t ...........................................
The Mason N a tion al B a n k ......................................................
The F irst S tate Bank of M a ta d o r...........................................
F irs tS ta te B a n k o f M a th is ......................................................
M etropolitan N ational B a n k ..................................................
The Valley N ational Bank ......................................................
The F irst N ational Bank of McGregor .................................
Central N ational Bank of M c K in n e y .....................................
Am erican N ational Bank in M c L e a n .....................................
Ranchlander N ational B a n k ..................................................
The First N ational Bank of M e m p h is ...................................
The Menard N ational B a n k ....................................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f M ercedes...................................
The Farmers and M erchants N ational Bank
of M e r k e l............................................................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f M e rtz o n .....................................
First N ational Bank o f Mexia ................................................
First N ational Bank in M idlothian .......................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f M in e o la .....................................
The C ity N ational Bank of M ineral W e lls ............................
First N ational Bank o f M on a h a n s.........................................
M ontgom ery C ounty Bank, N a tion al A sso cia tio n ...........

M atador
M athis
M cAllen
M cAllen
M cGregor
M cKinney
M idlothian
M ineola
M ineral W ells
Montgom ery
M ount Calm
M ount Vernon
New Boston
New castle

The F irst N ational Bank o f M o o d y .......................................
The Moran N ational B a n k ......................................................
The F irst N ational Bank in M ount C a lm ...............................
The F irst N ational Bank o f Mount V e rn o n ..........................
F irst N ational Bank in M u n d a y ..............................................
The M orris C ounty N ational Bank o f N a p le s ......................
The F irst N ational Bank o f N a v a s o ta ...................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f New B o s to n ..............................
Farmers N a tion al Bank o f N e w c a s tle .................................
A llied F irst N ational B a n k ......................................................


O ffic e r s A u th o riz e d to C a s t V o te

President, Cashier
Chairm an, President, Vice President
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice
President, Vice President
Chairm an, President, Vice
Chairman, President, Vice
President, Vice President,
Chairman, President, Vice
President, Vice President
Chairman, President, Vice
A ssista n t Cashier
President, Cashier
E. K. Folley, Jr., President
President, Vice President,
President, Vice President
Vice President
President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice
President, Vice President,
Chairm an, President, Vice
Vice President
President, Vice President
Chairman, President, Vice

President, Cashier
President, Cashier

President, Cashier

President, Cashier
President, Cashier,


President, Cashier
President, Cashier


President, Cashier
President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
Executive Vice President, Vice President
President, Cashier
Chairm an, President, Vice
President, Vice President
President, Vice President,
Chairman, President, Vice
President, Vice President,
Chairm an, President, Vice
President, Vice President
Vice President

President, Cashier
President, Cashier
President, Cashier

GROUP 3 — Continued
TEXAS — Continued
L o c a tio n

O ’Donnell
Oak Hill
Pilot Point
Q uitaque
Q uitm an
Richm ond
Richm ond
R ocksprings
Round Rock
Royse City
Saint Jo
San Angelo
San A nto nio
San A nto nio
San A n to n io
San A n to n io
San A n to n io
San A n to n io
San A nto nio
San A ntonio
San A ugustine
San Marcos
San M arcos
San Saba
San Saba
Santa Anna

N a m e of B a n k o r T ru s t C o m p a n y

The Farmers and M erchants N ational Bank
of N o c o n a ......................................................................... .
First N ational Bank o f N o c o n a ............................................. .
The F irst N ational Bank o f Nordheim ................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f O’Donnell ................................
Oak H ill N ational Bank ..........................................................
The F irst N ational Bank of O ln e y .........................................
The Ozona N ational B a n k ......................................................
The F irst N ational B a n k ..........................................................
The East Texas N ational Bank o f Palestine ......................
The F irst N ational Bank o f P a le s tin e ...................................
The Royall N ational B a n k o f Palestine .............................. .
The F irst N ational Bank o f P a n h a n d le ................................
F irst N ational Bank o f P e a rla n d ...........................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f P e rry to n .....................................
The Perryton N ational B a n k ..................................................
The Pilot Point N ational B a n k ...............................................
The Pittsburg N ational B a n k ..................................................
The F irst N ational Bank of P o s t ...........................................
The F irst N ational Bank of P o th ...........................................
First N ational Bank in Q u a n a h .............................................
The S ecurity N ational Bank of Q u a n a h ..............................
The F irst N ational Bank o f Q u ita q u e ...................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f Q u itm a n .....................................
S ecurity S tate Bank and Trust C o m p a n y ............................
The F irst S tate Bank of R a n k in .............................................
The F irst N ational Bank in R h o m e .......................................
Canyon Creek N ational B a n k ................................................
The F irst N ational Bank of R ic h m o n d ................................
The F ort Bend N ational Bank of R ic h m o n d ........................
The First N ational Bank o f R o c k p o rt...................................
Peoples State B a n k .................................................................
Lakeside N ational Bank ........................................................
Rockwall Bank, N ational A s s o c ia tio n ................................
The F irst N ational Bank of Rosebud ...................................
The Planters N a tion al Bank of R o s e b u d ............................
The First N ational Bank of R o sen berg ................................
The F irst N ational Bank of R o ta n .........................................
F irst N ational Bank o f Round R o c k .....................................
The First N ational Bank of R o w e n a .....................................
C itizens S tate B a n k .................................................................
The Farmers N ational Bank of Rule, T e x a s ........................
The First N ational Bank o f S aint J o .....................................
Salado N ational B a n k .............................................................
W est Side N ational Bank o f San A n g e lo ............................
C itizens N ational Bank o f San A n t o n io ..............................
Com m erce North Bank N ational A s s o c ia tio n ...................
Eisenhower N a tion al B a n k ....................................................
Lackland N ational Bank o f San A n t o n io ............................
Plaza Bank, N .A .........................................................................
S ecurity N ational Bank of San A n to n io ..............................
South Park N ational B a n k ......................................................
Valley-Hi N ational Bank o f San A ntonio ............................
The First N ational Bank of San A ugustine ........................
The F irst N ational Bank of San M a rc o s ..............................
Hays County N a tion al B a n k ..................................................
The C ity N ational Bank o f San Saba ...................................
The San Saba N ational Bank ................................................
The F irst N ational Bank of S a n g e r.......................................
The Santa Anna N ational B a n k ..............................................
The F irst N ational B a n k o f S a n to .........................................
The F irst N ational B a n k o f S c h u le n b u rg ............................


O ffic e r s A u th o riz e d to C a s t V o te

President, Cashier
President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Cashier, A ssistan t Cashier
President, Vice President, Cashier
Vice President
President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Vice President, Cashier
Executive Vice President
President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Executive Vice President
President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairm an,
Chairm an,
C ashier
C ashier

Vice President, Cashier
Executive Vice President
Vice President

President, Vice President, Cashier
Vice President, Cashier
President, Vice President, Cashier

Vice President

Chairm an, President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Executive Vice President
President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Cashier
President, Vice President
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
President, Cashier
President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairm an, President, Vice President, Cashier
Vice President, Cashier

GROUP 3 — Continued
TEXAS — Continued
L o c a tio n

Sham rock
Stam ford
S terling City
S tinn ett
Sulphur S prings
Sulphur S prings
T aft
T hrockm orton
Tom Bean
T rin ity
Valley M ills
Valley View
Van Alstyne
Van Horn
W aco
W aco
W axahachie
W eatherford
W elling to n
W est
W est Colum bia
W est University
W heeler
W hitehouse
W hitesboro
W h ite w rig h t
W hitney
W ich ita Falls
W ich ita Falls
W ills Point
W innsboro
W olfe City
W oodsboro
W ortham
Yorktow n

N a m e o f B a n k o r T ru s t C o m p a n y

O ff ic e r s A u th o riz e d to C a s t V o te

The First N ational Bank of S e g u in ........................................ Chairm an, President, Cashier
The N olte N ational B a n k o f Sequin ..................................... Chairm an, Vice Chairm an, President,
President, Cashier
The Farm ers N ational Bank o f S e y m o u r............................ . Vice President
The First N ational Bank of S e y m o u r .................................. . Chairm an, President, Vice President,
The F irst N ational Bank of S h a m ro c k ................................ , Chairm an, President, Vice President,
The F irst N ational Bank of S hiner ......................................., Chairm an, President, Vice President,
F irst Bank of S n o o k .................................................................. President
The F irst N ational Bank of S o n o ra ........................................ President, Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank in S ta m fo r d .................................. . President, Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f S t a n to n ....................................., President
Farm ers-First N ational Bank o f S te p h e n v ille ................... . President, Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f S terling C ity ............................ , President, Vice President
F irst N ational Bank of S tin n e tt............................................. . President
The F irst N ational Bank o f Sudan ........................................ Chairm an, President, Vice President,
The C ity N ational Bank o f Sulphur S p rin g s ......................... President, Vice President, Cashier
Peoples N ational Bank o f Sulphur S p rin g s ......................... President, Vice President, Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank of T a ft............................................. . President, Vice President
The F irst N ational Bank of T a h o k a ........................................ Chairman, President, Vice President,
First N ational Bank of Teague ............................................. . President
The F irst N ational Bank of T h ro c k m o rto n ........................... President, Vice President, Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank of Tom Bean ................................ . President
The F irst N ational Bank o f Trenton ...................................... President
The F irst N ational Bank of T rinity ......................................., President, Vice President
Heritage N ational B a n k .......................................................... . President
N ational S ecurity B a n k .......................................................... Chairman, President
First N ational Bank in Valley M ills ........................................ Chairman, President, Vice President,
The Valley View N ational B a n k ............................................. . President
The F irst N ational Bank of Van A ls ty n e .............................. President
Van Horn State Bank of Van Horn, T e x a s .......................... President
The Herring N ational Bank of Vernon ................................ President, Vice President, Cashier
Central N ational Bank of W o o d w a y-H e w itt........................ President, Vice President, Cashier
Lake A ir N ational Bank of W a c o ........................................... President
The Texas N ational Bank of W a c o ....................................... President, Vice President, Cashier
Ellis N ational B a n k ................................................................... President
The C itizens N ational Bank of W e a th e rfo rd ...................... President
W elling to n State B a n k ............................................................. President
The S tate N ational Bank in W e s t ......................................... . President
W est C olum bia N ational B a n k ............................................. . Chairman, President, Vice President,
First N ational Bank o f W est University P la c e ................... . President, Vice President
F irst N ational Bank in W h e e le r............................................. .
F irst N ational Bank of W h ite h o u s e .....................................
S ecurity N ational Bank of W hitesboro ..............................
The F irst N ational Bank of W h ite w rig h t ............................ ,
F irst N ational Bank in W h itn e y ............................................. ,
Am erican N ational B a n k ........................................................
Southw est N ational Bank of W ich ita F a lls ........................
The F irst N ational Bank of W ills P o in t................................
The F irst N ational Bank of W in n s b o ro ................................
The W olfe C ity N ational Bank in W o lf e C it y ......................
The F irst N ational Bank o f W o o d s b o ro ..............................
The F irst N ational Bank o f W o rth a m ...................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f Y o rk to w n ...................................
F irst N ational B a n k o f Z a p a ta ................................................








President, Vice President and Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Executive Vice President,
Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President
Chairm an, President, Cashier

Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
As of October 3, 1979
by banks
in Group


Dec. 31

Chairm an of the Board and
Chief Executive Officer,
Texas Am erican Bancshares Inc.,
Fort W orth, Texas




Frank J u n e ll................... . .. . Chairm an of the Board, The Central
National Bank of San Angelo,
San Angelo, Texas




Gene D. A d a m s................ .

President, The First N ational Bank
of Seymour, Seymour, Texas




Stewart O rto n ................... . . .,

Chairm an of the Board and
Chief Executive O fficer, Foley’s,
Division of Federated Department
Stores, Inc., Houston, Texas




J. W ayland B e n n e tt........ . . . .

A ssociate Dean for Industry R elations
and Professor of A gricu ltura l
Econom ics, College of A gricultural
Sciences, Texas Tech University,
Lubbock, Texas







Appointed by the
Board of Governors
of the Federal
Reserve System



. Owner, Gerald D. Hines
Interests, Houston,

Appointed by the
Board of Governors
of the Federal
Reserve System



M argaret S. W ils o n ........ . . . Chairm an of the Board
and C hief Executive
O fficer, Scarbroughs
Stores, Austin, Texas

Appointed by the
Board of Governors
of the Federal
Reserve System





Lewis H. B o nd............... .

Kent G ilb re a th .................. . . . A ssociate Professor of Econom ics,
D epartm ent of Econom ics and
Finance, Baylor University,
Waco, Texas
Irving A. M ath e w s........... . . .

Gerald D. H in e s ...............
Deputy Chairman

Chairm an of the Board
and Chief Executive
O fficer, Frost Bros.,
Inc., San Antonio,