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F ederal Reserve Bank



September 9, 1 9 6 6

To the M e m b e r B a n k s of the
Eleventh Fed e ra l R e se rve District;

A n election will be held under the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act to choose successors
to the following directors of this Bank, whose terms expire Decem ber 31, 1966:
Class A Director —

Mr. M urra y Kyger
Chairm an of the Board
The First N ational Bank
of Fort W orth
Fort W orth, Texas

Class B Director —

M r. D. A. Hulcy
Chairm an o f the Board
Lone Star G a s C om p any
Dallas, Texas

Mr. Kyger, the Class A Director, was elected by banks in G roup 1, consisting of banks having capital
and surplus of $ 3 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 and over, and his successor will be chosen by the banks in this group. Since
Septem ber 15, 1964, Mr. Kyger has filled the unexpired portion of a three-year term which expires
December 31, 1966. He is eligible for re-election.
Mr. Hulcy, the Class B Director, w as elected by banks in G roup 2, consisting o f banks having capital
and surplus of $ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 and over, but under $ 3 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 , and his successor will be chosen by the banks in
this group. Mr. Hulcy, w ho has served as a director of this Bank since 1952, has requested that his name
not be placed in nomination for re-election.
The banks com prising G roups 1 and 2 are listed on the follow ing pages.
The group in which a member bank will be entitled to vote will be determined by its classification as
of the date of this letter, even though its capital and surplus m ay subsequently change prior to the date of
the election.
Each bank in G roup 1 is permitted to nominate one candidate for C lass A Director and each bank in
G roup 2 is permitted to nominate one candidate for Class B Director. The nominations must be m ade by
resolution of the Board of Directors, certified to me and received in my office on or before O ctober 10, 1966.
A form and return envelope for this purpose are enclosed. O n O ctober 14, 1966, a list of the candidates
(indicating by whom nominated) and a preferential ballot will be mailed to each bank in the voting groups.
The ballot must be cast within 15 days after receipt. The polls will open at 9 a.m. on O ctober 18, 1966, and
close at 2 p.m. on N ovem ber 2, 1966. A t that time the ballot b o x will be opened at this Bank, the votes
counted, and the results of the election announced. The candidates are invited to be present or represented
on that occasion.
In order to be counted, the ballot must be executed by an officer authorized to cast the vote. Officers
so authorized are listed on the following pages. Inasmuch as the authority conferred on these officers con­
tinues until revoked, they need not be redesignated. Each member bank which has not designated an officer,
or officers, for the purpose of signing the ballot, or any bank that desires to change its designation, should
do so by resolution of its Board o f Directors and certify the designation to me before the polls close. A form
for this purpose will be furnished upon request. If the official signature of the officer, or officers, authorized
to cast the ballot has not been filed with this Federal Reserve Bank, such official signature should be filed
before the polls close.
W h ile the b a n k s in G ro u p 3 w ill not vo te in this election, this circular is se n t to them , w ith o u t
form s, fo r their in fo rm a tio n . G roup 3 consists of member banks with combined capital and surplus of
under $ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 .
V ery truly yours,

Enclosures (2)

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (

Information Concerning Eligibility for
Class A Directorship of a Federal Reserve Bank

Section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act contains the follow ing provisions: “ Class A shall consist of
three members, w ho shall be chosen by and be representative of the stockholding banks.” “ N o officer
or director of a member bank shall be eligible to serve as a C lass A director unless nominated and
elected by banks which are members of the sam e group as the member bank o f which he is an officer
or director." “A n y person w ho is an officer or director o f more than one member bank shall not be
eligible for nomination as a C lass A director except b y banks in the same group as the bank having
the largest a gg re ga te resources of any of those of which such person is an officer or director.” " N o
Senator or Representative in C ongress shall be a member o f the Board of G overnors of the Federal
Reserve System or an officer or a director of a Federal Reserve Bank.”
In a resolution adopted Decem ber 23, 1915, the Federal Reserve Board expressed the opinion
“ that persons holding political or public office in the service of the United States, or of a n y State,
territory, county, district, political subdivison, or municipality thereof, or acting as members of political
party committees, cannot consistently with the spirit and underlying principles o f the Federal Reserve
Act, serve as directors or officers of Federal Reserve Banks.”

C on sists o f all m em ber b a n k s h a v in g capital a n d surplus o f $ 3 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 a n d over.

Banks in this group elect one Class A Director.

L o c a tio n


N a m e o f B a n k o r Tru st C o m p a n y

O ffice rs A u th o riz e d to C a s t V o t e

Southern A riz o n a Ban k & Trust C o m p a n y ...................................



Name of Bank or Trust Company

Officers Authorized to Cast Vote

M o n ro e

C entral S a v in g s B ank a n d Trust C o m p a n y ..................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

M o n ro e

The O u a c h ita N a tio n a l B ank in M o n r o e ....................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f S h r e v e p o rt ......................................

President, Vice President, C a sh ie r

Sh re v e p o rt
Shreve p o rt


N a m e o f B a n k o r T ru st C o m p a n y

O ffice rs A u t h o riz e d to C a s t V o t e

A b ile n e

The C itizens N a tio n a l B a n k in A b ile n e .......................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

A b ile n e

First N a tio n a l B an k o f A b ile n e .................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r
C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

A m a rillo

A m a rillo N a tio n a l B a n k ............................................................

A m a rillo

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f A m a r illo ..........................................

President, C a sh ie r

A ustin

The A m e rican N a tio n a l B an k o f A u s t in .......................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ic e President

A u stin

The A ustin N a tio n a l B a n k .........................................................

President, V ice President

A ustin

The C ap ita l N a tio n a l B an k in A u s t in ..........................................

C h a irm a n , V ice President, C a sh ie r

Beaum ont

The A m e rican N a tio n a l Ban k of B eau m on t.................................

C ha irm a n, President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Beaum ont

First Security N a tio n a l B an k of B eau m on t.................................

C h a irm a n , President, S e n io r Vice President,

C o rp u s C hristi

C o rp u s C hristi Ban k a n d Trust...................................................


C o rp u s C hristi

C o rp u s C hristi State N a tio n a l B a n k ...... .....................................

C ha irm a n, President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

D a lla s

First N a tio n a l B an k in D a l l a s ..................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

D a lla s

M e rc antile N a tio n a l B an k at D a lla s ............................................

C h a irm a n , C h a irm a n of Executive Com mittee,

D a lla s

The N a tio n a l B ank o f Com m erce o f D a lla s ...............................

President, C a sh ie r

D a lla s

R ep ub lic N a tio n a l Ban k o f D a lla s..............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r

V ice President, C a sh ie r

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


GROUP 1 — Continued
TEXAS — Continued
Officers Authorized to Cast Vote

Name of Bank or Trust Company


D a lla s

T exas B an k & Trust C o m p a n y o f D a lla s .....................................

W . W . O verto n, Jr., C h a irm a n

El Paso

El Paso N a tio n a l B a n k ................................................................

C ha irm a n, President, Vice President

El P a so

The State N a tio n a l B an k o f El P a so ............................................


Fort W o rth

C ontinental N a tio n a l B an k o f Fort W o rt h ...................................

C h a irm a n , President, Executive V ice President,

Fort W o rth

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f Fort W o rt h .......................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r

Fort W o rth

The Fort W o rth N a tio n a l B a n k .................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

H ouston

B an k of the Southw est N a tio n a l A sso c ia tio n , H ou ston ...............

C ha irm a n, President, V ice President

H ouston

C a p ita l N a tio n a l B a n k ................................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

H ouston

C itizen s


H ouston

First C ity N a tio n a l B an k o f H ou ston ......................................... C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

C a sh ie r


B a n k ..................................................................

H ouston

H ouston B an k & Trust C o m p a n y .................................................

President, V ice President

H ouston

H ouston N a tio n a l B a n k ..............................................................

C hairm an, President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

H ouston

Southern N a tio n a l B ank o f H o u sto n ..........................................

President, V ice President

H ouston

Texas N a tio n a l Ban k o f Com m erce of H o u sto n ............................

C ha irm a n, President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Lub b ock

The C itizen s N a tio n a l B a n k of Lu b b o c k ............................ ..........


L u b b ock

First N a tio n a l B an k at Lub b ock..................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Lub b ock

The Lub b ock N a tio n a l B a n k .......................................................


M id la n d

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f M id la n d ..........................................


M id la n d

The M id la n d N a tio n a l B a n k .......................................................


Port A rth u r

The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f Port A rth u r.......................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

S a n A n to n io

The A la m o N a tio n a l B ank o f S a n A n t o n io ...................................


S a n A n to n io

B exa r C o u n ty N a tio n a l B ank o f S a n A n t o n io ..............................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

S a n A n to n io

The Frost N a tio n a l Bank of S a n A n t o n io ...................................

President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r

S a n A n t o n io

The G ro o s N a tio n a l B a n k o f S a n A n t o n io .................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

S a n A n t o n io

N a tio n a l Ban k o f C om m erce o f S a n A n t o n io ..............................

President, V ic e President

T yler

C itizen s First N a tio n a l B an k of Tyler.........................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

V ictoria

First V ictoria N a tio n a l B a n k .....................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r

V ictoria

Victoria Ban k a n d Trust C o m p a n y ............................................


W aco

The C itize n s N a tio n a l B an k of W a c o .........................................

W a lte r G . Lacy, Jr., President

W aco

The First N a tio n a l Ban k of W a c o ..............................................


W ic h ita Falls

C ity N a tio n a l B an k in W ic h ita Falls..........................................

President, V ice President

W ic h ita Falls

The First-W ichita N a tio n a l B an k o f W ic h ita F a lls......................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President


Information Concerning Eligibility for
Class B Directorship of a Federal Reserve Bank

Section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act contains the following provisions: “ C lass B shall consist of
three members, who at the time o f their election shall be actively e n g a g e d in their district in commerce,
agriculture or some other industrial pursuit.” " N o director of C lass B shall be an officer, director, or
em ployee of any bank.” “ N o Senator or Representative in C ongress shall be a member of the Board
of G overnors of the Federal Reserve System or an officer or a director o f a Federal Reserve Bank.”
In a resolution adopted Decem ber 23, 1915, the Federal Reserve Board expressed the opinion
“ that persons holding political or public office in the service of the United States, or of any State,
territory, county, district, political subdivision, or municipality thereof, or acting as members of political
party committees, cannot consistently with the spirit and underlying principles o f the Federal Reserve
Act, serve as directors or officers of Federal Reserve B a nks."
Under interpretations of the Board of G overnors of the Federal Reserve System,
a person whose
sole occupation is that of officer of an insurance com pany or of a savings and loan association is not
eligible for election as a C lass B director of a Federal Reserve Bank.

C on sists o f all m em ber b a n k s h a v in g capital a n d surp lu s o f $ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 a n d over, but u n d e r $ 3,000,000.

Banks in this group elect one Class B Director.


Officers Authorized to Cast Vote

Name of Bank or Trust Company


Bastrop N a tio n a l B a n k ................................................................


B ossier C ity

The N a tio n a l B an k o f B ossier C ity ............................................


Hom er

The H om er N a tio n a l B a n k ..........................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

M a n sfie ld

First N a tio n a l B ank in M a n sfie ld ................................................

C a sh ie r

M in d e n

M in d e n Ban k & Trust C o m p a n y ..................................................


W e st M o n ro e

First N a tio n a l B ank o f W e st M o n r o e ..........................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

A la m o g o rd o

Officers Authorized to Cast Vote

Name of Bank or Trust Company
First N a tio n a l B an k in A la m o g o rd o ..........................................

C ha irm a n

President, Executive V ice President,

Vice President
A rtesia

The First N a tio n a l B an k of A rt e s ia ............................................

C h a irm a n

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

C a rlsb a d

A m e rican Ban k of C a rls b a d .......................................................

C h a irm a n

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

C a rlsb a d

The C a rlsb a d N a tio n a l B a n k .......................................................

President, Vice President, C a sh ie r

C lo vis

The C lo vis N a tio n a l B a n k ..........................................................

C ha irm a n, President, Vice President, C a sh ie r

C lo vis

First N a tio n a l B ank o f C u rry C o u n ty..........................................


H obbs

First N a tio n a l B an k of H o b b s .....................................................


Las Cruces

First N a tio n a l B ank o f D o n a A n a C o u n ty...................................

President, Vice President, C a sh ie r


Lovin gton N a tio n a l B a n k ............................................................



The First N a tio n a l Bank of Rosw ell............................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


Roswell State B a n k .................................. ...................................

President, C a sh ie r


Security N a tio n a l Ban k of Rosw ell..............................................


S ilv e r City

The A m e rican N a tio n a l B an k of S ilv e r C ity.................................

C a sh ie r

Tucum cari

The First N a tio n a l B a n k in T ucum cari..........................................

C ha irm a n, President, Vice President

D urant

Name of Bank or Trust Company

Officers Authorized to Cast Vote

The First N a tio n a l B ank in D u ra n t..............................................


President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

GROUP 2 — Continued

Officers Authorized to Cast Vote

Name of Bank or Trust Company

A b ile n e

The First State B a n k ...................................................................


A lb a n y

The First N a tio n a l Ban k of A lb a n y ..............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President

A lic e

A lic e N a tio n a l B a n k ...................................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

A lp in e

First N a tio n a l Bank in A l p i n e ....................................................


A m a rillo

The A m e rican N a tio n a l B ank o f A m a r illo ...................................

President, Executive V ic e President

A m a rillo

G re a t P lains N a tio n a l B a n k .......................................................

President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r

A m a rillo

T ascosa N a tio n a l Ban k of A m a r illo ............................................

President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r

A n g le to n

The First N a tio n a l Ban k of A n g le t o n ..........................................

C h a irm a n a n d President

A rlin g to n

A rlin g to n N a tio n a l B a n k ............................................................

H a ro ld E. Patterson, President

A rlin g to n

First N a tio n a l Ban k in A rlin g to n ................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

A u stin

C itize n s N a tio n a l Ban k of A u s t in ................................................


A u stin

C ity N a tio n a l Ban k o f A u s t in .....................................................


B a y C ity

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f B a y C ity ..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, Vice President, C a sh ie r

Baytow n

C itizens N a tio n a l B a n k & Trust C o m p a n y of B aytow n .................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Baytow n

The First N a tio n a l B ank of Baytow n............................................


B eaum ont

C itize n s N a tio n a l B an k of B eau m on t..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

B eeville

The Com m ercial N a tio n a l B a n k of Beeville.................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

B eeville

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f B ee ville............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


First State B an k of B e llaire .........................................................

President, Executive V ice President


The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f Bellville............................................

President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r

B ig S p rin g

The First N a tio n a l B a n k in B ig S p r i n g ......................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

B ig S p rin g

The State N a tio n a l B a n k o f B ig S p r i n g ......................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

B orge r

First N a tio n a l B ank o f B o rg e r.....................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President

Bow ie

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f B o w ie ..............................................


B renham

The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f B ren ham ............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

B renham

W a s h in g t o n C ou nty State B a n k .................................................


Brow nfieid

The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f Brow nfieid.........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Brow nsville

First N a tio n a l B an k at B ro w n sv ille ............................................


Brow nsville

Pan A m e rican B a n k ...................................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

B row nw ood

C itizen s N a tio n a l B an k at B ro w n w o o d .........................................

P resident

Brow nw ood

First N a tio n a l B an k in B ro w n w o o d ............................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

B ryan

The C ity N a tio n a l B a n k o f B ry a n ................................................

P resident

B ryan

First B an k & Trust, Bryan, T e x a s.................................................

H e n ry B. C la y, President


First N a tio n a l B a n k in Burkburnett............................................

P resident

C am e ron

The C itizen s N a tio n a l B ank o f C a m e ro n .....................................

President, A ctive V ic e President, C a sh ie r

C am e ron

First N a tio n a l Bank in C a m e ro n .................................................

President, C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l B a n k in C a n y o n ............................................

President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r

C h ild re ss

The First N a tio n a l B an k in C h ild re ss..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, C a sh ie r

C le b u rn e

C le b u rn e N a tio n a l B a n k ............................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r

C le b u rn e

The First N a tio n a l Ban k in C le b u rn e ..........................................

President, V ice President

C o lo ra d o C ity

The C ity N a tio n a l B ank o f C o lo ra d o C ity .................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r

C o n ro e

C o n ro e N a tio n a l B a n k ................................................................

President, V ice President

C o n ro e

First N a tio n a l B an k in C o n ro e ...................................................

P resident

C o rp u s Christi

G u a ra n ty N a tio n a l Ban k a n d Trust of C o rp u s C h risti.................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

C o rp u s Christi

The M e rc an tile N a tio n a l B an k o f C o rp u s C h risti........................

C h a irm a n , President

C o rsica n a

The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f C o r sic a n a ..... .................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

C o rsica n a

The State N a tio n a l B an k o f C o rsic a n a .......................................

President, V ic e President

D a lla s

C itizen s N a tio n a l Ban k o f D a lla s ..............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

D a lla s

C om m onw ealth N a tio n a l Ban k of D a lla s .....................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

D a lla s

Em pire State B an k o f D a lla s .......................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

D a lla s

Fair Park N a tio n a l B an k o f D a lla s ..............................................

President, V ic e President

D a lla s

H illsid e N a tio n a l Ban k of D a lla s ..............................................

President, V ice President

D a lla s

In w o o d N a tio n a l Bank o f D a lla s ..............................................

P resident

D a lla s

N o rth p a rk N a tio n a l B an k o f D a lla s ..........................................

C h a irm a n , President

D a lla s

T exas N a tio n a l B an k o f D a lla s .................................................

C a sh ie r

D el Rio

Del Rio N a tio n a l B a n k ................................................................


D en iso n

The C itize n s N a tio n a l Ban k o f D e n iso n .......................................

President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r

D e n iso n

The Stale N a tio n a l B a n k o f D e n iso n ..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

D enton

The D enton C ou n ty N a tio n a l Ban k of D e n to n ............................

Executive V ice President, C a sh ie r

El P aso

Bassett N a tio n a l B a n k o f El P a so ................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

El Paso

N o rth g a te N a tio n a l B an k o f El P a so ..........................................



GROUP 2 — Continued
TEXAS — Continued

Officers Authorized to Cast Vote

Name of Bank or Trust Company

El Paso

Sou thw est N a tio n a l Ban k o f El P a so ..........................................



C itizen s N a tio n a l B a n k in E n n is.................................................

C h a irm a n , President, Vice President, C a sh ie r

F lo yd a d a

The First N a tio n a l B an k of F lo y d a d a ..........................................


Fort W orth

C ity N a tio n a l B a n k ...................................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Fort W o rth

G a te w a y N a tio n a l B an k o f Fort W o rt h .......................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Fort W o rth

N orth east N a tio n a l B an k o f Fort W o rt h .......................................

V ice President a n d C a sh ie r

Fort W o rth

Southw est N a tio n a l B ank o f Fort W o rt h .......................................

C h a irm a n , President

Fred ericksb urg

Fred ericksb urg N a tio n a l B a n k .....................................................

C a sh ie r


The First Freeport N a tio n a l B a n k ..............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

G a lve sto n

First H u tch in g s-S e a ly N a tio n a l B a n k of G a lv e sto n .....................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

G a lve sto n

The M o o d y N a tio n a l Ban k o f G a lv e st o n .....................................

V ic e President

G a lve sto n

The U nited States N a tio n a l Ban k o f G a lv e sto n ............................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

G a rla n d

C o lo n ia l N a tio n a l Bank o f G a r la n d ..........................................

President, V ic e President a n d C a sh ie r

G a rla n d

First N a tio n a l B a n k in G a r la n d .................................................


G r a n d P rairie

First N a tio n a l B a n k in G r a n d P ra irie ..........................................

P resident

G ra p e v in e

First N a tio n a l Ban k o f G r a p e v in e ..............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

G re e n v ille

The C itizen s N a tio n a l Bank o f G re e n v ille ...............................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

G re e n v ille

First G re e n v ille N a tio n a l B a n k .................................................

President, Executive V ice President

H a rlin g e n

The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f H a rlin g e n ........................................

President, C a sh ie r

H a rlin g e n

The H a rlin g e n N a tio n a l B a n k ...................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

H en de rson

C itize n s N a tio n a l Ban k o f H e n d e rso n .......................................

C a sh ie r

H en de rson

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f H e n d e rso n .......................................

V ice President

H ereford

The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f H e re fo rd ........................................

C a sh ie r


The H o n d o N a tio n a l B a n k .........................................................

C a sh ie r

H ouston

A irlin e N a tio n a l Ban k o f H o u sto n ..............................................

W . S. Pebworth, Jr., C h a irm a n a n d President

H ouston

Ban k o f H o u sto n .........................................................................

President, C a sh ie r

H ouston

Central N a tio n a l B a n k of H ou ston ............................................


H ouston

East End State B a n k ..................................................................

President, V ice President

H ouston

H e igh ts State Bank. ....................................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

H ouston

The In d ustrial State B ank o f H ouston, T e xa s...............................

President, V ic e President

H ouston

Lockw ood N a tio n a l B a n k of H o u sto n ..........................................


H ouston

Long Point N a tio n a l B ank o f H o u sto n .........................................

C a sh ie r

H ouston

The Lum berm en’s N a tio n a l Ban k o f H ou ston ..............................

President, V ice President, A ssista n t V ice President, C a sh ie r

H ouston

M a c G r e g o r Park N a tio n a l B a n k o f H ou ston ...............................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

H ouston

M e d ic a l Center N a tio n a l Bank, H o u sto n .....................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

H ouston

R epublic N a tio n a l Ban k o f H o u sto n ..........................................


H ouston

U n io n N a tio n a l B a n k in H ou ston ................................................

President, Vice President, C a sh ie r

H ouston

U nive rsity State B a n k ................................................................

President, C a sh ie r

H ouston

W estern N a tio n a l B an k of H ou ston ..........................................


H untsville

First N a tio n a l Ban k o f H un tsville..............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r

H untsville

The H untsville N a tio n a l B a n k .....................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


First N o tio n a l B a n k o f H urst.....................................................

President, V ice President

Jackson ville

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f Ja c kso n ville .......................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


First N a tio n a l B a n k o f Kerrville..................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

K ilg o re

The K ilg o re N a tio n a l B a n k .........................................................

V ice President, C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f Kille en ............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

K in g sville

K le b e rg First N a tio n a l B a n k o f K in g sv ille .................................

C h a irm a n , President, Vice President, C a sh ie r

Lam esa

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f Lam e sa..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, Vice President, C a sh ie r

Lam esa

The Lam esa N a tio n a l B a n k .......................................................

C h a irm a n , President, Vice President, C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f Lancaster..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The Lare d o N a tio n a l B a n k .........................................................

President, V ice President


U n io n N a tio n a l B a n k o f Lare d o.................................................

C a sh ie r

Level land

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f Levellan d ..........................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The First Liberty N a tio n a l B a n k ..................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President


M o o r e State B a n k .....................................................................

President, V ice President


First-Lockhart N a tio n a l B a n k .......................................................


Lon gv ie w

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f L o n gv ie w ..........................................

President, V ice President

Lon gview

L on gvie w N a tio n a l B a n k ............................................................

V ice President, C a sh ie r


A m e rican

C a sh ie r


The Plain s N a tio n a l B a n k o f L u b b ock..........................................

President, Executive V ice President


The Lufkin N a tio n a l B a n k ..........................................................

Executive V ice President, C a sh ie r


B a n k ................................................................


GROUP 2 — Continued
TEXAS — Continued

Officers Authorized to Cast Vote

Name of Bank or Trust Company

C ha irm a n, President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

M c A lle n

First N a tio n a l Ban k o f M c A lle n .................................................

M c G re g o r

The First N a tio n a l B an k of M c G r e g o r ........................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

M c K in n e y

The C ollin C o u n ty N a tio n a l Ban k o f M c K in n e y ............................

Cha irm a n

M a rsh a ll

The First N a tio n a l Bank o f M a r s h a ll............................................

President, Vice President a n d C a sh ie r

M a rsh a ll

The M a rsh a ll N a tio n a l B a n k .......................................................

President, C a sh ie r

M in e ra l W e lls

The First N a tio n a l B an k in M in e ra l W e lls ...................................

President, First V ice President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

M o u n t Pleasant

The First N a tio n a l Ban k in M o u n t Ple asan t.................................

President, V ice President

M o u n t Pleasant

G u a ra n ty B on d State B a n k ........................................................


N acogdoches

C om m ercial N a tio n a l B an k in N a c o g d o c h e s ...............................


N acogdoches

The Stone Fort N a tio n a l Ban k o f N a c o g d o c h e s ..........................

C ha irm a n, President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

N a s s a u B ay

N a ss a u B ay N a tio n a l B ank o f C le a r L a k e ..................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

N e w Braunfels

The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f N e w B r a u n fe ls ..............................


O d e ssa

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f O d e s s a ............................................

President, Executive V ice President

O d e ssa

First Slate B a n k .........................................................................

President, Executive V ic e President

O d e ssa

N a tio n a l Ban k o f O d e s s a ..........................................................

President, V ice President

O ra n ge

First N a tio n a l Ban k in O r a n g e ...................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r

O ra n ge

The O r a n g e N a tio n a l B a n k ........................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

P alestine

The East T exas N a tio n a l B an k o f P alestine.................................



The Royall N a tio n a l B a n k o f P alestine.......................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Pam pa

First N a tio n a l Ban k in P a m p a ...................................................



The First N a tio n a l B an k o f P a ris.................................................



The Liberty N a tio n a l B an k in P a ris............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l B ank o f Pecos..............................................

Executive V ice President


The Security State B an k o f Pecos, T e xa s...................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l B an k o f Perryton..........................................


P lainvie w

The C ity N a tio n a l Bank o f P la in v ie w ..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

P lainview

First N a tio n a l B an k of P la in v ie w ..............................................

President, C a sh ie r

Port A rth ur

The M e rchan ts N a tio n a l Bank of Port A rth u r............................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Port A rth ur

S a b in e N a tio n a l Ban k o f Port A rth u r..........................................


Port N e ch e s

The First N a tio n a l B a n k of Port N e c h e s.....................................

C h a irm a n , President, C a sh ie r

R efugio

The First N a tio n a l Bank o f R e fu g io ..........................................

C a sh ie r


Richardson H e igh ts N a tio n a l B a n k ..............................................


Robstow n

The State N a tio n a l B a n k o f R obstow n.......................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

S a n A n g e lo

The Central N a tio n a l Bank o f S a n A n g e lo ...............................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

S a n A n g e lo

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f S a n A n g e lo .......................................


S a n A n g e lo

S a n A n g e lo N a tio n a l Ban k o f S a n A n g e lo .................................

President, C a sh ie r

S a n A n g e lo

W e st S id e N a tio n a l Ban k o f S a n A n g e lo ...................................

C ha irm a n, President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

S a n A n to n io

B ro a d w a y N a tio n a l B a n k ............................................................

C ha irm a n, President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

S a n A n to n io

The Brooks Field N a tio n a l B an k of S a n A n t o n io ........................


S a n A n to n io

C itizen s N a tio n a l Ban k o f S a n A n t o n io .....................................


S a n A n to n io

First N a tio n a l B an k o f S a n A n t o n io ..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

S a n A n to n io

Kelly Field N a tio n a l B an k o f S a n A n t o n io ...............................

President, Vice President

S a n A n to n io

Lackland N a tio n a l Ban k o f S a n A n t o n io ...... ..............................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

S a n A n to n io

M a in Ban k a n d Trust..................................................................

President, Vice President

S a n A n to n io

The N a tio n a l Ban k o f Fort S am H ouston at S a n A n t o n io .............

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

S a n A n to n io

Security N a tio n a l Ban k o f S a n A n t o n io .......................................


S e g u in

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f S e g u in ..............................................

C ha irm a n, President, C a sh ie r

S e g u in

Se g u in State Ban k & Trust C o m p a n y ........................................

President, V ice President

She rm an

The M e rc h an ts a n d Planters N a tio n a l B a n k o f S h e rm a n ...............

President, C a sh ie r

S h in e r

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f S h in e r ..............................................

C ha irm a n, President, C a sh ie r


S n y d e r N a tio n a l B a n k ................................................................

C h a irm a n , President, Executive Vice President,

S o n o ra

The First N a tio n a l B an k of S o n o r a ............................................

President, C a sh ie r

Sta m fo rd

The First N a tio n a l Ban k in S ta m fo rd ..........................................

President, C a sh ie r

S u lp h u r S p rin g s

Su lp h u r S p rin g s State B a n k .........................................................

President, C a sh ie r

Sw eetw ater

N a tio n a l B ank of Sw eetw ater.....................................................


T a h o ka

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f T a h o k a ............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r

T aylor

The C ity N a tio n a l Ban k of T a ylo r..............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r

T aylor

First-Taylor N a tio n a l B a n k .........................................................


Tem ple

First N a tio n a l Bank o f T em p le ...................................................


V ice President


GROUP 2 — Continued
TEXAS — Continued

Officers Authorized to Cast Vole

Name of Bank or Trust Company

Tem ple

Tem ple N a tio n a l B a n k ..................................................

C h a irm a n , V ice C h a irm a n , President, V ice President,

Tem ple

T exas N a tio n a l B an k o f T em ple..................................



The A m e rican N a tio n a l Ban k o f Terrell......................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

T e xa rka n a

The T e xarkan a N a tio n a l B a n k .......................................

C a sh ie r

T exa s C ity

The T exas C ity N a tio n a l B a n k ........................................

C ha irm a n, President, V ice President

Tom ball

G u a ra n ty B on d State B a n k ...........................................

C h a irm a n


The First N a tio n a l B an k o f T u lia..................................

C a sh ie r


The P eop les N a tio n a l B an k o f Tyler.............................

President, V ice President


Tyler Ban k a n d Trust C o m p a n y ....................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

V e rno n

The H e rrin g N a tio n a l B ank o f V e r n o n .........................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Ve rno n

The W a g g o n e r N a tio n a l B an k o f V e rn o n ......................

President, V ice President

W aco

Lake A ir N a tio n a l B a n k of W a c o ................................


W aco

The N a tio n a l C ity B an k o f W a c o ..................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

W e a th e rfo rd

The M e rc h an ts a n d Farm ers State B ank o f W e ath erfo rd .


W h a rto n

Security B a n k a n d Trust C o m p a n y ................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

C a sh ie r


Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
A s of September 9, 1966
by banks
in Group




Dec. 31

M urray K y g e r ........................

Chairm an of the Board, The First National Bank
of Fort W orth, Fort W orth, Texas




Ralph A . P o r t e r ...................

President, The State National Bank of Denison,
Denison, Texas



196 8

J. Edd M cLaughlin

President, Security State Bank & Trust Company,
Ralls, Texas




H. B. Z a c h r y ........................

Chairm an of the Board, H. B. Zachry Com pany,
San Antonio, Texas




D. A. H u l c y ........................

Chairm an of the Board, Lone Star G a s Com pany,
Dallas, Texas




J. B. Perry, Jr..........................

President and G eneral M a n a ge r, Perry Brothers,
Inc., Lufkin, Texas




Carl J. T h o m s e n ...................

Senior Vice President,
Texas Instruments
Dallas, Texas

Appointed by the
Board of G overnors of the
Federal Reserve System



M a x L e v i n e ........................
Deputy Chairman

Retired Chairm an
of the Board,
Houston, Texas

Appointed by the
Board of G overnors of the
Federal Reserve System



Appointed by the
Board of G overnors o f the
Federal Reserve System



. . . .

Kenneth S. P itz e r...................

President and
Professor of Chemistry,
Rice University,
Houston, Texas