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F e d e r a l r eser v e Bank

Dallas, Texas, September 22, 1964

To the M e m b e r Banks of the
Eleventh Federal Reserve District:

An election will be held under the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act to choose successors
to the following directors of this Bank, whose terms expire December 31, 1964:
Class A Director — Mr. J. Edd McLaughlin, President
Security State Bank & Trust Company
Ralls, Texas
Class B Director — Mr. H. B. Zachry, President
H. B. Zachry Company
San Antonio, Texas
Mr. McLaughlin, the Class A Director, was elected by banks in Group 3 a n d his successor will be
chosen by the banks in this group. At the conclusion of his present term, Mr. McLaughlin will have served
six full terms of three years each. Group 3 consists of banks having capital and surplus of under $ 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 .
Mr. Zachry, the Class B Director, was elected by banks in Group 1 an d his successor will be chosen by
the banks in this group. At the conclusion of his present term, Mr. Zachry will have served two full terms of
three years each. Group 1 consists of banks having capital and surplus of $ 2 , 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 a n d over. The banks
comprising Groups 1 and 3 are listed on the following pages.
The group in which a member bank will be entitled to vote will be determined by its classification as of
the d a t e of this letter, even though its capital and surplus may subsequently ch a n g e prior to the d a te of the
Each bank in Group 1 is permitted to nominate one ca n d id a te for Class B Director a n d each bank in
Group 3 is permitted to nominate one ca n d id a te for Class A Director. The nominations must b e m a d e by
resolution of the Board of Directors and certified to me on or b efore O ctober 22, 1964. A form for this
purpose is enclosed. On O ctob er 28, 1964, a list of the ca ndid a tes (indicating by whom nominated) a n d a
preferential ballot will be mailed to each bank in the voting groups. The ballot must be cast within 15 days
after receipt. The polls will open at 9 a.m. on November 2, 1964, and close a t 2 p.m. on N ovember 17,
1964. At that time the ballot box will be o p e n e d a t this Bank, the votes counted, an d the results of the
election announced. The ca ndid a tes a re invited to be present or represented on that occasion.
In order to be counted, the ballot must b e executed by an officer authorized to cast the vote. Officers
so authorized are listed on the following p age s. Inasmuch as the authority conferred on these officers
continues until revoked, they need not b e redesign ated. Each member bank which has not design ated an
officer, or officers, for the purpose of signing the ballot, or any bank that desires to c ha nge its designation,
should do so by resolution of its Board of Directors an d certify the designation to me before the polls close.
A form for this purpose will be furnished upon request. If the official signature of the officer, or officers,
authorized to cast the ballot has not been filed with this Federal Reserve Bank, such official signature should
be filed before the polls close.
W h ile the banks in Group 2 w ill not vote in this election, this circular is sent to them without
forms for their inform ation. Group 2 consists of member banks with combined capital a n d surplus of

$ 4 0 0 , 0 0 0 a n d over, but under $ 2 , 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 .
Very truly yours,

Chairman of the Board

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (

Information Concerning Eligibility for
Class B Directorship of a Federal Reserve Bank

Section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act contains the following provisions: “ Class B shall consist of
three members, who at the time of their election shall b e actively e n g a g e d in their district in commerce,
agriculture or some other industrial pursuit.” “ No director of Class B shall be an officer, director, or
employee of any b a n k .” “ No Senator or Representative in Congress shall be a member of the Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve System or an officer or a director of a Federal Reserve Bank.”
In a resolution a d o p t e d December 23, 1915, the Federal Reserve Board expressed the opinion
“ that persons holding political or public office in the service of the United States, or of any State,
territory, county, district, political subdivision, or municipality thereof, or acting as members of political
party committees, cannot consistently with the spirit an d underlying principles of the Federal Reserve
Act, serve as directors or officers of Federal Reserve Banks.”
Under interpretations of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, a person whose
sole occupation is that of officer of an insurance com pany or of a savings a n d loan association is not
eligible for election as a Class B director of a Federal Reserve Bank.

Consists o f all m em b er ban ks h av in g ca p ita l a n d surplus o f $ 2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 a n d over.

Banks in this group elect one Class B Director.


Officers A u th o rized to Cast V o te

N a m e o f Bank or Trust Com pany

S outh ern A r i z o n a Bank & Trust C o m p a n y .....................................................




Officers A uthorized to Cast V o te

N a m e o f Bank or Trust Com pany

P residen t, V ice P resident, C a sh ier

M onroe

C e n tral Savin gs Bank a n d Trust C o m p a n y .....................................................

M onroe

The O u a c h it a N a t i o n a l Bank in M o n r o e .........................................................

President, V ice President, Ca shier

S h re vep o rt

Co m m ercial N a t i o n a l Bank in S h re v e p o r t......................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a s h ie r

S h re vep o rt

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f S h re v e p o r t.............................................................

P residen t, V ic e President, C a shier


The First N a ti o n a l Bank o f Roswell...................................................................


Officers A u th o riz e d to Cast V o te

N a m e o f Bank or Trust C o m p a n y


President, V ice President, C a shier


Officers A uthorized to Cast V o te

N a m e of Bank or Trust Com pany

A b il e n e

The C itizen s N a t i o n a l Bank in A b i l e n e ...........................................................

President, Vice P residen t, C a shier

A b il e n e

First N a t i o n a l Bank o f A b i l e n e ............................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, Vice President, C a sh ier
C h a ir m a n , President, Vice President, C a sh ier

A m a r illo

A m a r illo N a t i o n a l B a n k............................................................................................

A m a r illo

The A m e r ic a n N a t i o n a l Bank o f A m a r i ll o ......................................................

President, Executive V ic e President

A m a r illo

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f A m a r i ll o ..................................................................

President, Ca shier
C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President

Au stin

The A m e r ic a n N a t i o n a l Bank o f A u s tin ...........................................................


The Austin N a t i o n a l B a n k ......................................................................................

President, V ice President

Au stin

The C a p it a l N a t i o n a l Bank in A u s tin ...............................................................

C h a ir m a n , V ice P resident, C a sh ier

Beaum ont

The A m e ric a n N a t i o n a l Bank o f B e aum ont....................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ier

Beaum ont

First Security N a t i o n a l Bank o f B e a u m o n t .....................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, S e n io r V ice President,



Brow nsville ..............................................................


Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi Bank a n d Trust C o m p a n y .........................................................


V ice President, C a sh ier
N a ti o n a l




GROUP 1 — Continued
TEXAS — Continued

Officers A uthorized to Cast V o te

N a m e of Bank or Trust Com pany

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice P resident, Ca shier

Corpus Christi

Co rpus Christi S tate N a t i o n a l B a n k...................................................................


First N a t i o n a l Bank in D a ll a s ...............................................................................

C h a ir m a n , P resident, V ic e P resident, Ca shier


M e r c a n tile N a t i o n a l Bank a t D a lla s ..................................................................

C h a ir m a n , C h a ir m a n o f Executive C o m m itte e ,

D allas

The N a t i o n a l Bank o f C o m m erce o f D a lla s ...................................................

President, C a shier

D allas

Republic N a t i o n a l Bank o f D a ll a s ......................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a shier

D allas

Texas Bank & Trust C o m p a n y o f D a lla s ..........................................................

W . W . O v e r to n , Jr., C h a ir m a n
C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President

President, V ice P resident, C a sh ier

El Paso

El Paso N a t i o n a l B a n k ..............................................................................................

El Paso

South west N a t i o n a l Bank o f El Paso.................................................................

Presiden t

El Paso

The S tate N a t i o n a l Bank o f El Paso..................................................................


Fort W o r th

C o n tin e n ta l N a t i o n a l Bank o f Fort W o r t h ......................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, Executive V ice President, C a s h ie r

Fort W o r th

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f Fort W o r t h .........................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a shier

Fort W o r th

The Fort W o r th N a t i o n a l B a n k.............................................................................

President, Vice President, C a sh ier

G alve sto n

First H u tch in g s-S ealy N a t i o n a l Bank o f G a lv e s to n ...................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ic e President, C a shier

G alve sto n

The M o o d y N a t i o n a l Bank o f G a lv e s to n .........................................................

Vice President

G alve sto n

The U n ite d States N a t i o n a l Bank o f G a lv e s to n ..........................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ic e President, C a shier


Bank o f th e South west N a t i o n a l As sociation, H o uston............................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President


C itizen s State B a n k.....................................................................................................

Presiden t


East End State B a n k...................................................................................................

President, V ice Presiden t


First C ity N a t i o n a l Bank o f Ho u sto n ..................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ic e President, C a shier


Ho uston Bank & Trust C o m p a n y ..........................................................................

President, V ice Presiden t


Houston N a t i o n a l B a n k .............................................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a shier


South ern N a t i o n a l Bank o f H o u sto n .................................................................

President, V ice Presiden t


Tennessee Bank a n d Trust C o m p a n y ..............................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, Vice President, C o m p tro lle r


Texas N a t i o n a l Bank o f Co m m erce o f H o u s to n ..........................................

C h a ir m a n , P resident, V ic e P resident, Ca shier


Lon gview N a t i o n a l B a n k ..........................................................................................

V ice President, Ca shier


The C itizen s N a t i o n a l Bank o f Lub bock..........................................................



First N a t i o n a l Bank a t Lub bock.........................................................................

President, V ice President, C a shier


The Lubbock N a t i o n a l B a n k..................................................................................

Presiden t

M id l a n d

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f M i d l a n d ..................................................................


M id l a n d

The M i d l a n d N a t i o n a l B a n k..................................................................................


Port A r th u r

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f Port A r t h u r .............................................................

President, V ice President, C a shier

Port A rth u r

The M erch an ts N a t i o n a l Bank o f Port A r t h u r ................................................

C h a ir m a n , P resident, V ice P resident, C a shier

San A n g e lo

San A n g e l o N a t i o n a l Bank o f San A n g e l o ....................................................

President, C a sh ier

San A n to n io

The A l a m o N a t i o n a l Bank o f San A n t o n io .....................................................


San A n to n io

Bexar Co unty N a t i o n a l Bank o f San A n t o n io ...............................................

President, V ice P resident, C a s h ie r

San A n to n io

The Frost N a t i o n a l Bank o f San A n t o n io .........................................................

President, V ice President, C a s h ie r

San A n to n io

The G ro os N a t i o n a l Bank o f San A n t o n io .....................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a shier

San A n to n io

N a t i o n a l Bank o f C o m m erce o f San A n t o n io ...............................................

President, V ice President

San A n to n io

The N a t i o n a l Bank o f Fort Sam Houston a t San A n t o n io ......................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a shier
C a shier

T e x a rk a n a

The T e x a r k a n a N a ti o n a l B a n k ..............................................................................

T yler

C itizen s First N a t i o n a l Bank o f T y le r ...............................................................

President, V ice P resident, C a shier

Ty ler

The Pe oples N a t i o n a l Bank o f T y le r ..................................................................

President, Vice President

Ty ler

Tyler Bank a n d Trust C o m p a n y .............................................................................

President, V ice President, C a s h ie r

V ic to ria

First V ic to r ia N a t i o n a l B a n k ..................................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a shier

V ic to ria

V ic to ria Bank a n d Trust C o m p a n y ......................................................................


W aco

The C itizen s N a t i o n a l Bank o f W a c o ...............................................................

W a l t e r G . Lacy, Jr., President

W aco

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f W a c o ........................................................................

W ic h it a Falls

C ity N a t i o n a l Bank in W ic h it a F alls..................................................................

President, V ice President

W ic h it a Falls

The F irst-W ic h ita N a t i o n a l Bank o f W ic h it a Falls.....................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President


Information Concerning Eligibility for
Class A Directorship of a Federal Reserve Bank

Section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act contains the following provisions: “ Class A shall consist of
three members, who shall be chosen by and be representative of the stockholding banks." “ No officer
or director of a member bank shall be eligible to serve as a Class A director unless nominated and
elected by banks which a re members of the sam e group as the member bank of which he is an officer
or director.” “ Any person who is an officer or director of more than one member bank shall not be
eligible for nomination as a Class A director except by banks in the same group as the bank having
the largest a g g r e g a t e resources of any of those of which such person is an officer or director.” “ No
Senator or Representative in Congress shall be a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System or an officer or a director of a Federal Reserve Bank.”
In a resolution a d o p te d December 23, 1915, the Federal Reserve Board expressed the opinion
“ that persons holding political or public office in the service of the United States, or of any State,
territory, country, district, political subdivision, or municipality thereof, or acting as members of political
party committees, cannot consistently with the spirit a n d underlying principles of the Federal Reserve
Act, serve as directors or officers of Federal Reserve Banks.”

Consists o f all m e m b e r banks h av in g c a p ita l a n d surplus o f u n d e r $ 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 .

Banks in this group elect one Class A Director.


N a m e of Bank or Trust Com pany

Officers A uthorized to Cast V o te

A r c a d ia

First N a t i o n a l Bank in A r c a d i a ............................................................................


Delh i

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f D e lh i.........................................................................

T. F. H a rd y , Presiden t

O a k G ro v e

W e s t C arroll N a t i o n a l Bank o f O a k G r o v e ..................................................



First N a ti o n a l Bank o f R a y v ille ...........................................................................



The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f Ruston.....................................................................

Tallu lah

South ern N a t i o n a l Bank a t T a llu la h ..................................................................

P resident, Executive Vice President a n d C a shier,
V ice President


N a m e of Bank or Trust Com pany

Officers A uthorized to Cast V o te

A rtesia

Peoples State Ba nk......................................................................................................

President, Executive V ice President, V ice President


The G r a n t Co unty State Bank................................................................................

Active V ice P resident, C a shier

D e m ing

D e m in g N a ti o n a l B a n k .............................................................................................

President, C a shier

D e m in g

M im b r e s V a ll e y B a n k ................................................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C ashier


The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f H a tc h .......................................................................

President, V ice President


M c F a r la n d Brothers B a n k.........................................................................................

Sim M c F a r la n d , President, Robert B. M c F a r la n d , C a shier


The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f Lordsburg..............................................................


The Portales N a t i o n a l B a n k...................................................................................

President, C a s h ie r

S a nta Rosa

The First N a ti o n a l Bank o f S a n ta Rosa............................................................

C a sh ier


N a m e of Bank or Trust Com pany

Officers A uthorized to Cast V o te


First N a t i o n a l Bank a t A n tle r s ..............................................................................

Vice President a n d C a shier


The A t o k a State B a n k...............................................................................................



Boswell State B a n k ......................................................................................................

President, V ice President, C ashier

Broken Bow

First N a t i o n a l Bank, Broken B ow.........................................................................


C o a lg a te

First N a t i o n a l Bank in C o a l g a t e ..........................................................................

C a ro ly n E. W a t s o n , President

C o lb e rt

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f C o lb e rt....................................................................





GROUP 3 — Continued
O K L A H O M A — Continued

Officers A uthorized to Cast V o te

N a m e of Bank or Trust Com pany


The C itizen s State B a n k ...........................................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President

H u go

Security First N a ti o n a l Bank o f H u g o .............................................................

C a s h ie r

Id a b e l

The I d a b e l N a ti o n a l B a n k ......................................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, Ca shier

M a d i ll

The First N a t i o n a l Bank in M a d i l l .....................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C ashier

M a d i ll

The M a d i ll N a t i o n a l Ba nk......................................................................................

President, V ic e President, C a shier

lo c a tio n

Officers Authorized to Cast V o te

N a m e of Bank or Trust Com pany

A lvin

First N a t i o n a l Bank o f A l v i n ..................................................................................

President, Executive Vice Presiden t

A m h e rs t

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f A m h e rs t..................................................................





The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f A n n a .........................................................................

President, C a shier

An son

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f A n s o n ......................................................................

President, V ice President, C ashier

A s p erm o n t

The First N a ti o n a l Bank o f A s p e r m o n t.............................................................

President, V ice President, C ashier

A t la n t a

The A t la n t a N a t i o n a l B a n k .....................................................................................

Executive V ice President

A ll

A v in g e r

The First State B a n k...................................................................................................



The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f B a ir d .........................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, Vice President, C a shier

B a llin g e r

The First N a ti o n a l Bank o f B a llin g e r.................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President

B a n d era

First State B a n k .............................................................................................................

C a shier


First State B a n k ............................................................................................................


The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f B artlett.....................................................................


The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f Bastrop....................................................................

Earl C. Erha rd , President

B e eville

State Bank & Trust C o m p a n y .................................................................................

Vice President a n d Ca shier
Presiden t



C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, Ca shier


The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f B e ll s .........................................................................


The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f B e l l v i l l e .................................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ier


The First N a t i o n a l Bank in B elton......................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a shier


The Peoples N a ti o n a l Bank o f B elton..............................................................

President, V ice President, C ashier


The Blanco N a t i o n a l B a n k ......................................................................................

President, V ice President, C a shier


First N a t i o n a l Bank in B o g a t a ..............................................................................



The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f Bo nham ..................................................................

President, Vice President


First N a t i o n a l Bank o f B o vin a..............................................................................

Presiden t

B rackettville

The First State B a n k......................... ..........................................................................

Ca shier

B ra d y

The Brady N a ti o n a l B a n k .......................................................................................

Vice Presiden t

B rad y

The C o m m ercial N a t i o n a l Bank o f B r a d y .......................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C ashier

Brec ken rid g e

Citiz ens N a tio n l Bank o f B r e c k e n r id g e ............................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ier

B renham

The Farmers N a t i o n a l Bank in B r e n h a m ..........................................................

Ca shier

B r id g e p o r t

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f B r id g e p o r t .............................................................

Ca shier


First N a t i o n a l Bank in Bronte ...............................................................................



The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f B y e r s .......................................................................

Presiden t


The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f B y n u m ...................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C ashier

C a d d o M ills

The State N a ti o n a l Bank o f C a d d o M il ls .......................................................

C a shier

C a ld w e ll

C a ld w e ll N a ti o n a l Ba nk ...........................................................................................

President, V ice President, Ca shier

C a n to n

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f C a n to n .....................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, Vice President, C a shier

C a rt h a g e

The First N a ti o n a l Bank o f C a r t h a g e ...............................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a shier

Cele ste

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f C e le s te ....................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C ashier

C h illicothe

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f C h illic o th e.............................................................



First N a t i o n a l Bank in C i s c o .................................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President

C la r e n d o n

The Farmers State Bank o f C la re n d o n ............................................................



First N a t i o n a l Bank in C la r k s v ille .......................................................................

Presiden t


Red River N a t i o n a l Bank in C la r k s v ille ...........................................................

C ashier

C la u d e

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f C l a u d e ...................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice P resident, Ca shier

C le v e la n d

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f C l e v e l a n d .............................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a s h ie r

C lifton

Farmers State Bank of C lift o n ..............................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ier

President, V ice Presiden t

C o lle g e S tatio n

Un ive rsity N a t i o n a l Bank o f C o lle g e S ta tio n ...............................................

C o m a n ch e

The C o m a n ch e N a t i o n a l B a n k .............................................................................



State N a t i o n a l Bank in C o m a n c h e .....................................................................

Vice President a n d C a shier


GROUP 3 — Continued
TEXAS — Continued
Officers A uthorized to Cast V o te

N a m e of Bank or Trust Com pany

C o m m erce

The First N a ti o n a l Bank o f C o m m e r c e .................................

C a s h ie r


The Delta N a ti o n a l Bank o f C o o p e r ......................................

Q u e n t in M il le r , President


The First N a ti o n a l Bank in C o o p e r ........................................

V ice President

Co rpus Christi

Stone w all N a t i o n a l Bank o f Co rp us C h r i s t i ......................

President, Ex ecutive V ice Presiden t

Corsic ana

Co rs icana N a t i o n a l B a n k ..............................................................

C otu lla

Stockmen's N a t i o n a l Bank in C o t u l l a ...................................


Citiz en s N a t i o n a l Bank o f C ro s b yto n....................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice Presiden t
President, V ice President

C row ell

Crow ell State B a n k .........................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a shier
C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a s h ie r


Buchel N a ti o n a l Bank in C u e r o ................................................

C ushing

The First N a ti o n a l Bank o f C u s h i n g ......................................

D a in g e r fie ld

The N a ti o n a l Bank o f D a in g e r fi e ld .........................................

D allas

C o m m u n ity N a ti o n a l Bank o f O a k C l i ff ..............................

D a rro u z e tt

The First

N a ti o n a l Bank o f D a r r o u z e t t ..................................

President, C a shier

Dawso n

The First

N a t i o n a l Bank o f D a w s o n .........................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President


The First

N a ti o n a l Bank in D e c a tu r .........................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C ashier

D e e r Park

D e e r Park N a ti o n a l B a n k .............................................................

D e K alb

State Bank o f D e K a l b ...................................................................

Dento n

First N a t i o n a l Bank o f D e n t o n .................................................


D e p o rt

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f D e p o r t .........................................

C a shier


The First State B a n k .......................................................................

V ice President

D u blin

The D u blin N a ti o n a l B a n k...........................................................


East Bernard

Unio n State B a n k .............................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, Ca shier




Eastland N a ti o n a l B a n k ..............................................................

President, C a shier


Eden State B a n k ...............................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a s h ie r


The First N a ti o n a l Bank of E d g e w o o d .................................

C h a ir m a n , P resident, V ice President, C a shier


First N a t i o n a l Bank o f E d n a .....................................................

Vice President a n d C a sh ier


The Elgin N a t i o n a l B a n k ..............................................................

V ice President


The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f E m o r y ..........................................

V ice President, C a shier


C itiz en s N a t i o n a l Bank in E n n is .............................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a shier


The First N a ti o n a l Bank o f Evant............................................

President, V ice President


The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f Fab ens.........................................


Falls City

The Falls City N a t i o n a l B a n k ....................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ier

Farm ersville

First N a ti o n a l Bank a t F a r m e r s v i ll e ......................................

C h a ir m a n , President, Vice President, Ca shier

Fay etteville

The Farmers N a t i o n a l Bank o f F a y e t t e v i l l e ......................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President


Farmers a n d M erchants State Bank o f Ferris, Texas ...

President, V ice President


First C ity N a ti o n a l Bank o f Floresville.................................

C h a ir m a n , P resident, V ice President, H o n o r a r y

Flour Bluff

First N a ti o n a l Bank o f Flour Bluff...........................................


The Follett N a ti o n a l B a n k ..........................................................

V ice President, C ashier


The Farmers N a t i o n a l Bank o f F o r n e y ................................

V ice President


Forney State B a n k ..........................................................................

V ice President

Fort Stockton

First N a tio n a l Bank o f Fort Stockton .....................................

C h a ir m a n , President, Ca shier

Fort W o r th

Everm an N a ti o n a l Bank o f Fort W o r t h ..............................



The First N a ti o n a l Bank o f F ra n k lin ......................................

P resident, V ice President, C a shier

G a te s v ille

The N a t i o n a l Bank o f G a te s v il l e .............................................

C h a ir m a n , President, Vice President, C a shier

G eorgetow n

The First N a ti o n a l Bank o f G e o r g e t o w n .............................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a shier

G eorge W est

First N a ti o n a l Bank in G e o r g e W e s t ....................................

C a sh ier

G id d in g s

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f G i d d in g s ....................................


G ilm e r

The Farmers a n d M erchants N a t i o n a l Bank o f G il m e r

V ice President

G lim e r

The First N a tio n a l Bank of G il m e r .........................................

C h a ir m a n , President,

G le n Rose

The First N a ti o n a l Bank in G le n R o s e .................................

President, V ice President

G o li a d

The First N a ti o n a l Bank o f G o l i a d .......................................

V ice President, C ashier

G o n z a le s

G o n z a le s N a ti o n a l B a n k .............................................................

P resident, V ice President

G ordon

The First N a ti o n a l Bank of G o r d o n ......................................

Robert M . Ba rton, President

G o rm a n

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f G o r m a n ....................................

Presiden t

G r a fo r d

First N a t i o n a l Bank, G r a f o r d ..................................................


G ra n b u ry

The First N a ti o n a l Bank o f G r a n b u r y ..................................

Vice President a n d C a shier

G r a n d S a lin e

First N a tio n a l Bank o f G r a n d S a li n e ....................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a shier

G ra nger

The First State B a n k .....................................................................

C h a ir m a n , P resident, V ice President, C a sh ier

G ra n g e r

The G r a n g e r N a t i o n a l Ba nk......................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ic e President, Ca shier

G ro o m

The State N a t i o n a l Bank of G ro o m .....................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, Ca shier

G ro veton

First N a ti o n a l Bank in G ro v e to n ..........................................


V ice President, C a shier


V ice President, Ca shier

GROUP 3 — Continued
TEXAS — Continued

N a m e of Bank or Trust Com pany

Officers A uthorized to Cast V o te

H a llettsville

First N a ti o n a l Bank o f H a lle tts v ille ......................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President. Cashi

H a m ilto n

The H a m ilto n N a ti o n a l B a n k....................................................

President, V ice President, C a s h ie r

H a m ilto n

The Perry N a t i o n a l Bank o f H a m i l to n .................................


H a m lin

The Farmers & M erchants N a t i o n a l Bank o f H a m lin ...

W . T. Johnson, V ice President


Haskell N a t i o n a l B a n k .................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President

H a w kin s

The First State Ba nk ......................................................................


H e b b r o n v ille

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f H e b b r o n v i l l e .....................


H e n r ie tta

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f H e n r ie t t a ...................................



The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f H ic o .............................................

H ig g in s

First N a t i o n a l Bank in H i g g i n s ...............................................

H o lla n d

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f H o ll a n d ......................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President

H o n e y G ro v e

First N a t i o n a l Bank in H o n e y G r o v e ....................................

Presiden t


G u lf Co ast N a t i o n a l B a n k..........................................................



N o rth e a s t N a t i o n a l Bank o f H o uston ..................................


H u ghes Springs

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f H u ghes S p rin g s .....................

Ex ecutive Vice President

In g le s id e

First N a ti o n a l Bank o f In g le s id e ............................................


lo la State B a n k.................................................................................

W . A . Boney, President

Io w a Park

The State N a t i o n a l Bank o f Io w a P a rk ................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C ashier


The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f Itas ca..........................................

Executive V ice Presiden t


The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f Jack sboro.................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, Ca shier


The Jacksboro N a t i o n a l B a nk..................................................

C h a ir m a n , V ic e President, C a shier


The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f Jefferson....................................



First S tate B a n k ...............................................................................



Junction N a t i o n a l B a n k...............................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ier

Ka rn es City

The Karnes Co unty N a t i o n a l Bank o f Karnes C i t y ........

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C ashier


Katy N a t i o n a l B a n k ........................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a shier

K a ufm an

The Farmers & M erchants N a t i o n a l Bank o f K a u fm a n

C h a ir m a n , P resident, V ice President, C a shier


The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f K e m p ..........................................



First N a t i o n a l Bank o f Kerens..................................................

C h a ir m a n , P resident, V ice President, C a shier

Kerm it

First N a t i o n a l Bank o f K e rm it..................................................

President, Vice President

Kingsla n d

H ig h la n d Lakes N a t i o n a l Bank, K in g s la n d ......................

Vice President, C ashier


M e r c a n tile N a t i o n a l Bank o f K in g s v ille .............................


The First State Ba nk ......................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a shier


Peoples State Bank o f K o u n tze ................................................

President, C a shier


Kress N a t i o n a l B a n k......................................................................

D. M . G r a n b e r y , President

La Coste

The La Coste N a ti o n a l Bank.....................................................

Ca shier

L ad o n ia

Farmers & M erch an ts S ta te B a n k............................................

Vice President a n d C a shier

La Feria

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f La F e r ia .....................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ic e President

Lake Jackson

First N a ti n o a l Bank o f Lake Jackson....................................

Lak e v ie w

The First

N a t i o n a l Bank o f L a k e v ie w ....................................


The First

N a t i o n a l Bank o f L a m p a s a s ...................................

Lam pasas

The Peoples N a t i o n a l Bank o f L a m p a s a s .........................

V ice President, C a sh ier
President, V ice President
C h a ir m a n , P resident, V ice President C ashier


The Leonard N a ti o n a l Ba nk ......................................................



Lewisville N a t i o n a l Ba nk ............................................................

C h a ir m a n , P resident, V ice President, C a shier
C a shier


The First

N a ti o n a l Bank o f L in d e n .........................................


The First

N a t i o n a l Bank o f L ip a n ............................................

Presiden t


The First

N a t i o n a l Bank o f L ittlefield ....................................

C h a ir m a n , President, Vice P resident, C a shier


First N a t i o n a l Bank in Lockney................................................

Lone Star

Lone S tar N a t i o n a l Ba nk.............................................................

Lov elad y

The State N a t i o n a l Bank o f L o v e la d y .................................


C itiz ens N a t i o n a l Bank o f L u fkin..........................................

President, Vice President, C a sh ier


The First

N a t i o n a l Bank in L uling............................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C ashier

M a d is o n v ille

The First

N a t i o n a l Bank o f M a d i s o n v i ll e .............................

M a rfa

The M a r f a N a t i o n a l Ba nk..........................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, Vice President, C a shier

M a r io n

M a r io n State B a n k ..........................................................................

Presiden t

M a r lin

M a r lin N a t i o n a l B a n k...................................................................

President, C a shier

M art

The Farmers a n d M erchants N a t i o n a l Bank o f M a r t ....

E. K. Folley, President

M art

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f M a r t ............................................

President, V ice President, C ashier

M aso n

The M a s o n N a t i o n a l B a n k..........................................................

President, V ice President

M a ta d o r

The First State Bank o f M a t a d o r .............................................

Vice President

M a th is

First State Bank o f M a t h is ..........................................................

President, C a shier


I. J. Y o u n g , C ashier

President, V ice President

Assistant C a shier


GROUP 3 — Continued
TEXAS — Continued

Name o f Bank or Trust C om pany

Officers Authorized to Cast V o te

M cLean

A m e r ic a n N a t i o n a l Bank in M c L e a n ..................................................................

V ice President

M e lv in

The First N a ti o n a l Bank o f M e lv in ......................................................................

President, C ashier

M e m p h is

The First N a ti o n a l Bank o f M e m p h i s .................................................................

P residen t, Vice President

M enard

The M e n a r d N a t i o n a l B a n k....................................................................................

Ca s h ie r

M erced es

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f M e r c e d e s ...............................................................

H. G . G e o r g e , Executive V ice President

M erkel

The Farmers a n d M erchants N a ti o n a l Bank o f M e r k e l ............................


M e r tz o n

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f M e r t z o n ..................................................................

President, C a shier

M exia

First N a t i o n a l Bank o f M e x i a ...............................................................................

President, Vice President, C a shier

M id lo t h ia n

First N a ti o n a l Bank in M i d l o t h i a n ......................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ier

M il f o r d

The First N a ti o n a l Bank o f M i l f o r d ...................................................................

V ice President

M in e o la

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f M i n e o l a ..................................................................

C a shier


The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f M o o d y .....................................................................


M oran

The M o r a n N a t i o n a l B a n k.......................................................................................


M orto n

First State B a n k............................................................................................................

V ice President

M o u n t Calm

The First N a ti o n a l Bank in M o u n t C a lm ..........................................................

C h a ir m a n , P resident, V ic e President, C a sh ier

M o u n t V e rn on

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f M o u n t V e r n o n .....................................................

President, V ice President


First N a t i o n a l Bank in M u n d a y ...........................................................................

President, V ice President, C a shier

N a p le s

The M orris C o unty N a t i o n a l Bank o f N a p le s ................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ic e President, C a shier


The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f N a v a s o t a ...............................................................

Executive V ice President

N e w cas tle

Farmers N a t i o n a l Bank o f N e w c a s tle ...............................................................

President, V ice President

N e w to n

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f N e w t o n ...................................................................

Vice President


The Farmers a n d M erch an ts N a t i o n a l Bank o f N o c o n a .........................

President, C a sh ier


The Peoples N a t i o n a l Bank o f N o c o n a ...........................................................

P residen t, V ic e President, C a shier

N o r d h e im

The First N a ti o n a l Bank o f N o r d h e i m ..............................................................

C a s h ie r

O 'D o n n e ll

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f O ’D o n n e ll..............................................................


O g le s b y

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f O g le s b y .................................................................


The O z o n a N a t i o n a l B a n k......................................................................................

V ice President

P alestine

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f Pa lestine ...............................................................

President, V ice P resident, C a shier

Pilot Point

The Pilot Point N a t i o n a l Ba nk...............................................................................

President, C a shier


First State B a nk.............................................................................................................

President, V ice President


The Pittsburg N a t i o n a l B a n k..................................................................................



The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f P la n o ........................................................................



Plano N a t i o n a l B a n k..................................................................................................

President, V ice President, C a shier

Pleasanto n

First N a t i o n a l Bank in P leasa n to n ......................................................................

W . S. D e a n , President

Port Lavaca

First N a t i o n a l Bank in Port Lav aca.....................................................................


The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f Poth..........................................................................
C h a ir m a n , President, Vice P resident, C a shier


First N a ti o n a l Bank in Q u a n a h ...........................................................................

Q uanah

The Security N a t i o n a l Bank o f Q u a n a h ..........................................................

President, Executive V ic e President

Q u it a q u e

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f Q u i t a q u e ...............................................................

P resident, V ice President, C a shier


Se curity State Bank & Trust C o m p a n y ..............................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ic e President, C a shier


The First State Bank o f R a n kin .............................................................................

President, V ice President, C a shier

Raym ondville

The First N a ti o n a l Bank o f R a y m o n d v ille ......................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, Vice P resident, C a sh ier


The First N a t i o n a l Bank in Rhom e.....................................................................

C a s h ie r


The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f Richm ond..............................................................

President, V ice President, C a shier


The Fort Bend N a t i o n a l Bank o f R ichm on d...................................................

President, Executive V ic e President


The Robstown N a t i o n a l Bank.................................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President


Peoples State B a n k......................................................................................................


The First State B a n k ...................................................................................................


The Roscoe State B a n k ..............................................................................................



The First N a ti o n a l Bank o f Rosebud.................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a shier


The Planters N a t i o n a l Bank o f Ro sebud.........................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ier


The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f Ro sen b e rg .............................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a s h ie r

C h a ir m a n


The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f R o tan .......................................................................

R. L. S p rin g e r, President

Ro wena

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f R o w e n a ...................................................................

C a s h ie r


The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f Roxto n.....................................................................


Royse C ity

C itizen s State B a n k .....................................................................................................

President, V ice President


The Farmers N a t i o n a l Bank o f Rule, T e x a s ....................................................

C a sh ier

Sa int Jo

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f Sa int Jo ..................................................................

P resident, C a shier

San Au g u stin e

The First N a ti o n a l Bank o f San A u g u s t in e .....................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ier


The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f S a n g e r .....................................................................

C a shier

San M arcos

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f San M a r c o s ..........................................................

Ex ecutive V ice President

San Marcos

State Bank a n d Trust C o m p a n y ...........................................................................

President, Ex ecutive V ice President


GROUP 3 — Continued
TEXAS — Continued

Officers A uthorized to Cast V o te

N a m e o f Bank or Trust Com pany

San S a b a

The C ity N a t i o n a l Bank o f San S a b a ...............................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ier

San S a b a

The San S a b a N a ti o n a l B a nk...............................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a shier

S a n ta A n n a

The S a n ta A n n a N a t i o n a l B a n k...........................................................................

V ice President, Ca shier


The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f S a n to .......................................................................

C a s h ie r


The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f S c h u le n b u r g .........................................................


S e ag raves

The First N a t i o n a l Bank in S e a g r a v e s .............................................................


The N o lt e N a t i o n a l Bank o f S e g u in ..................................................................

C h a irm a n

S e m in o le

Se m inole State B a n k..................................................................................................

V ice President, C ashier

S e ym o ur

The Farmers N a t i o n a l Bank o f S e ym o u r.........................................................

Vice President

S e ym o ur

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f S e y m o u r ...............................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a shier

S h am ro ck

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f S h a m ro c k ..............................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a shier

S h erm an

T ex om a N a t i o n a l Bank o f S h e r m a n ..................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a shier


Farmers State Bank o f Sh iro , T e x a s ..................................................................

W . S. Davis, Jr., President

S taffo rd

First N a t i o n a l Bank o f S t a f fo r d ...........................................................................

President, C a sh ier

S ta m fo rd

The First N a t i o n a l Bank in S t a m f o r d ...............................................................

President, C a sh ier


First N a t i o n a l Bank o f S tin n e tt...........................................................................


Straw n

First Straw n N a t i o n a l B a n k...................................................................................

P resident, V ic e President, C a shier

S tre e tm a n

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f S t r e e t m a n .............................................................

President, V ic e P resident, C a shier

S udan

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f S u d a n .....................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, Ca shier

S u lp h u r Sp rings

The City N a t i o n a l Bank o f S u lp h ur S p rin g s .................................................

President, V ice President, C a shier

T a ft

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f T a f t ..........................................................................

President, V ice President

Ta ft

The First State Bank o f T a f t ...................................................................................

President, V ice President, C a shier


First N a t i o n a l Bank o f T e a g u e .............................................................................


T h o rn d a le

T h o rn d a le State Ba nk ...............................................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a shier

C le a r C r e e k N a ti o n a l Ba nk...................................................................................



n rl/su in

Throckm orto n

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f T h ro c km o rto n .....................................................

President, V ice President, C a shier

Tom Bean

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f Tom B e an ..............................................................



H o m e State Ba nk.........................................................................................................

President, C a shier


The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f T r e n to n ...................................................................

H e n ry D o n a g h e y , C a shier


The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f T r in ity ......................................................................

President, V ice President


The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f T r o u p .......................................................................


U n ive rsa l City

Randolph Field N a t i o n a l B a n k .............................................................................

President, V ice President, Ca shier

V a ll e y M ills

First N a t i o n a l Bank in V a ll e y M ills ...................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ic e President, Ca shier

V a ll e y V i e w

The V a ll e y V i e w N a t i o n a l B a n k..........................................................................


V a n A lystne

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f V a n A ls ty n e ..........................................................


W aco

Lake A i r N a t i o n a l Bank o f W a c o .......................................................................


W aco

W e s t v ie w N a t i o n a l Bank, W a c o ..........................................................................

President, V ice President, C ashier

W a x a h a c h ie

C itiz en s N a t i o n a l Bank in W a x a h a c h i e ..........................................................

Executive V ice Presiden t

W eath erfo rd

The C itiz en s N a ti o n a l Bank o f W e a t h e r f o r d ................................................


W e l li n g t o n

W e l li n g t o n State B a n k ..............................................................................................

W est

The State N a t i o n a l Bank in W e s t .......................................................................


W e s t C o lu m b ia

First C a p ito l B a n k........................................................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C ashier

W h ite s b o r o

Security N a t i o n a l Bank o f W h i t e s b o r o ...........................................................


W h i t e w r ig h t

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f W h i t e w r i g h t .........................................................

Ca shier

W h itn e y

First N a ti o n a l Bank in W h i t n e y ...........................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President, C a shier

W ills Point

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f W il l s Poin t............................................................

Presiden t

W in d o m

Fannin N a t i o n a l Bank in W i n d o m .....................................................................

President, Vice President, C a shier

W in n s b o r o

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f W in n s b o r o ...........................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice P resident, C a shier

W o l f e City

The W o l f e C ity N a t i o n a l Bank in W o l f e C i t y ..............................................

C h a ir m a n , President, V ice President

W oodsboro

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f W o o d s b o r o ..........................................................

C a s h ie r

W o rth am

The First N a t i o n a l Bank of W o r t h a m ...............................................................


Y o rk tow n

The First N a t i o n a l Bank o f Y o rk to w n ...............................................................

C a shier

Z a p a ta

First N a t i o n a l Bank o f Z a p a t a ...........................................................................

C h a ir m a n , President, C a sh ier


Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

As of September 22, 1964

Nam e

by banks
in Croup

O ccupation


Dec. 31

Murray K y g e r .................................

Chairman of the Board, The First National Bank
of Fort Worth, Fort Worth, Texas




Ralph A. P o r t e r ..........................

President, The State National Bank of Denison,
Denison, Texas




J. Edd McLaughlin

President, Security State Bank & Trust Company,
Ralls, Texas




H. B. Z a c h r y .................................

President, H. B. Zachry Company,
San Antonio, Texas




D. A. H u l c y .................................

Chairman of the Board, Lone Star G as Company,
Dallas, Texas




J. B. Perry, Jr....................................

President and G eneral M anager, Perry Brothers,
Inc., Lufkin, Texas




Robert O. Anderson . . .

Owner, Lincoln County
Livestock Company,
Roswell, New Mexico

Appointed by the
Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System



Carl J. T h o m s e n ..........................
Deputy Chairman

Senior Vice President,
Texas Instruments, Inc.,
Dallas, Texas

Appointed by the
Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System



Max L e v i n e .................................

Chairman of the Board,
Houston, Texas

Appointed by the
Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System




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