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Circular N o . 2 2 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK Series of 1922 OF D A L L A S November 10, 1922. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS TO MEMBER BANKS IN GROUPS 1 AND 3: Referring to Circular No. 20, of October 9th, on the above subject: I enclose herewith, for your information, a list of candidates for Class “ A ” Director, and Class “ B ” Director, with the names of the banks by which nominated. There is also enclosed, for the use of banks in the above groups which have desig nated an official to vote for them, a preferential ballot, containing the names of the nominees of the respective groups. The ballot is self-explanatory. Please see that it is executed in strict accordance with the instructions thereon. As previously advised, the designation of an official to vote for your bank con tinues in effect until revoked, and if a previous authorization has been made your bank is entitled to vote, regardless of the date of such designation. The polls open on Thursday, November 16th, and ballots will be received for fifteen days thereafter, or up to and including November 30th. It will greatly facilitate the tabulation of the vote if the ballots are executed and returned promptly. Yours very truly, Chairman of the Board. This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library ( N O M IN A T E D FOR CLASS B DIR ECTO R GROUP NO. 1 Nam e of Candidate N om inated by F ollow ing Banks T exas Edgar II. Perry, Austin, Texas Clarksville................ ..... .Red River National Bank Marion Sansom, Fort Worth, Texas Beaumont......... ...............First National Bank Dallas............................... Central State Bank Dallas.............................. Southwest National Bank El Paso............................City National Bank Fort W orth......:.............. Fort W orth National Bank Gainesville.......................Lindsay National Bank Paris...... ...........................First National Bank San Angelo..................... First National Bank San Antonio.................—National Bank of Commerce Sherman.......................... Merchants & Planters National Bank Texarkana....................... Texarkana National Bank Victoria................ ...........Victoria National Bank W aco.......................... ......First National Bank N O M IN A T E D FOR CLA SS A DIRECTOR GROUP NO. 3. Name of Candidate A. G. Adams, President, First Guaranty State Bank Jacksonville, Texas Nominated by Following Banks Louisiana Delhi.......................... ......Macon Ridge National Bank Gibsland..........................First National Bank New Mexico Deming............................First National Bank Portales........................... First National Bank Oklahoma Madill...............................First National Bank Tupelo............. ................. Farmers National Bank Texas Alba................................. Alba National Bank Bedias...............................First State Bank Blanco..._......................... Blanco National Bank Brownfield.......................First National Bank Caddo Mills....................Caddo Mills State Bank Clifton.......................... —.First Guaranty State Bank Commerce........................ Citizens State Bank Commerce............ ...........First National Bank Commerce........................ State Bank of Commerce Emory............ ..................First National Bank Graford.......................... .F irst State Bank Graham............................ Graham National Bank Harlingen........................ First National Bank Hawkins................... First National Bank Hughes Springs.............First National Bank Huntsville........................Gibbs National Bank Jacksonville................... First Guaranty State Bank Jefferson......................... Rogers National Bank Josephine................ ........Josephine State Bank Kilgore............................Kilgore State Bank Longview.........................Commercial Guaranty State Bank Lufkin............................. Citizens Guaranty State Bank McGregor........................ First State Bank Mission............................First State Bank Munday........................... First State Bank Nevada............................First National Bank Normangee____ ______ First State Bank Palmer............ .................First Guaranty State Bank Pharr................ ............... First National Bank Pilot Point...................... Pilot Point National Bank Richardson...................... Citizens State Bank Royse.............................. First State Bank San Augustine...............First National Bank Santo................................ First National Bank Troup.............................. First National Bank