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Fe d e r a l r e s e r v e b a n k o f Da l l a s
DALLAS. TEXAS 7 5 2 2 2

Circular No. 71-l8l
July 30, 1971

To All Banking Institutions and Others Concerned
in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District:

There is quoted below a statement issued by the Treasury Department
in regard to an auction of United States Treasury Notes:
The $2-l/2 billion, or thereabouts, of l8-month
6^jo Treasury Notes of Series C-1973 to be sold at auction
under competitive and noncompetitive bidding will be issued
on August 16, 1971, and mature February 15, 1973.
The notes will be issued in registered and bearer form
in denominations of $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $100,000 and
Tenders for the notes will be received up to 1:30 p.m.,
Eastern Daylight Saving Time, Thursday, August 5 , 1971, at any
Federal Reserve Bank or Branch and at the Office of the
Treasurer of the United States, Washington, D. C. 20220.
Tenders received after the closing hour will not be accepted.
Each tender must be in the amount of $1,000 or a multiple
thereof, and must state the price offered, if it is a competi­
tive tender, or the term "noncompetitive," if it is a non­
competitive tender. The price on competitive tenders must be
expressed on the basis of 1 0 0 , with two decimals, e.g., 1 0 0 .0 0 .
Tenders at a price less than 99*7^ will not be accepted. Fractions
may not be used. The notation "Tender for Treasury Notes" should
be printed at the bottom of the envelope in which the tender is
Public announcement will be made of the amount and price
range of accepted tenders. Those submitting tenders will be
advised of the acceptance or rejection thereof. The Secretary
of the Treasury expressly reserves the right to accept or reject
any or all tenders, in whole or in part, and his action in any
such respect shall be final. Subject to these reservations,

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (

- 2 noncompetitive tenders for $2 0 0,0 0 0 or less will be accepted
in full at the average price (in two decimals) of accepted
competitive tenders. This price may be 100.00 or more, or
less than 1 0 0 .0 0 .
Commercial banks, which for this purpose are defined as
banks accepting demand deposits, may submit tenders for account
of customers provided the names of the customers are set forth
in such tenders. Others than commercial banks will not be per­
mitted to submit tenders except for their own account.
Tenders will be received without deposit from commercial
banks for their own account, Federally-insured savings and
loan associations, States, political subdivisions or instru­
mentalities thereof, public pension and retirement and other
public funds, international organizations in which the United
States holds membership, foreign central banks and foreign
States, dealers who make primary markets in Government securi­
ties and report daily to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
their positions with respect- to Government securities and
borrowings thereon, and Government accounts. Tenders from
others must be accompanied by payment of 5 percent of the
face amount of notes applied for.
Payment for accepted tenders must be completed on or
before Monday, August l6 , 1971 at the Federal Reserve Bank
or Branch or at the Office of the Treasurer of the United
States in cash,
Bonds of 1971 or 8 - ^ Notes of Series
F-1971 (which will be accepted at par), or other funds
immediately available to the Treasury by that date. Any
qualified depositary will be permitted to make settlement
by credit in its Treasury Tax and Loan Account for not
more than 5 0 of the amount of notes allotted to it for
itself and its customers. Where full payment is not com­
pleted in funds available by the payment date, the allot­
ment will be canceled and the deposit with the tender up to
5 percent of the amount of notes allotted will be subject to
forfeiture to the United States.
Nonbank investors should understand that their checks will
constitute payment only if they are fully and finally collected
by the payment date, Monday, August 16 , 1971. Checks not so
collected will subject the investor’s deposit to forfeiture as
set forth in the preceding paragraph. A check payable other
than at a Federal Reserve Bank received on the payment date
will not constitute immediately available funds on that date.
Accordingly, in order that a check will constitute Immediately
available funds to the Treasury by the payment date, it should
be submitted sufficiently in advance to assure completion of
its collection by Monday, August l6 , 1971. Checks should be
drawn to the order of the office to which the tender is sub­
mitted. If a check for the full amount of the payment is
submitted with the subscription, it should be, in the case
of tenders at a competitive price, equal to the total purchase
price of the notes bid for, or in the case of noncompetitive
tenders, equal to the full face amount of the notes bid for.

- 3 Bidders on a noncompetitive basis who submit checks for the
face amount of the notes bid for will be (l) required to pay
an additional amount if the purchase price is more than 1 0 0 ,
or (2 ) paid the difference if the purchase price is less
than 1 0 0 .
Commercial banks are prohibited from making unsecured
loans, or loans collateralized in whole or in part by the
notes bid for, to cover the deposits required to be paid
when tenders are entered, and they will be required to make
the usual certification to that effect. Other lenders are
requested to refrain from making such loans.
All bidders are required to agree not to purchase or to
sell, or to make any agreements with respect to the purchase
or sale or other disposition of the notes bid for under this
offering at a specific rate or price, until after 1 :3 0 p.m.,
Eastern Daylight Saving Time, Thursday, August 53 1971.
The official circular and tender form for the Treasury notes are
enclosed. Subscriptions will be received by this Bank and its Branches
at El Paso, Houston and San Antonio up to the closing hour, 12:30 p.m.,
Central Daylight Saving Time, Thursday, August 5? 1971.
Yours very truly,
P. E. Coldwell

Dated a n d bearing interest from August 16, 1971

Due February 15, 1973
Office of the Secretary
Washington, July 30, 1971


Public D ebt Series No. 8-71






5, 1971


1. The Secretary of the Treasury, pursuant to the authority of the Second Liberty Bond Act, as amended, invites tenders at a price not
less than 99.76 percent of their face value for $2,500,000,000, or thereabouts, of notes of the United States, designated 6 Vi percent Treasury
Notes of Series C-1973. Tenders will be received up to 1:30 p.m., Eastern Daylight Saving Time, Thursday, August 5, 1971, under com­
petitive and noncompetitive bidding, as set forth in Section III hereof. The 8 V4 percent Treasury Notes of Series F-1971 and 4 percent
Treasury Bonds of 1971 maturing August 15, 1971, will be accepted at par in payment, in whole or in part, to the extent subscriptions
are allotted by the Treasury.

1. The notes will be dated August 16, 1971, and will bear interest from that date at the rate of 6 V2 percent per annum, payable on
a semiannual basis on February 15 and August 15, 1972, and February 15, 1973. T hey will mature February 15, 1973, and will not be
subject to call for redemption prior to maturity.
2. The income derived from the notes is subject to all taxes imposed under the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. The notes are
subject to estate, inheritance, gift or other excise taxes, whether Federal or State, but are exempt from all taxation now or hereafter
imposed on the principal or interest thereof by any State, or any of the possessions of the United States, or by any local taxing authority.
3. T he notes will be acceptable to secure deposits of public moneys. They will not be acceptable in payment of taxes.
4. Bearer notes with interest coupons attached, and notes registered as to principal and interest, will be issued in denominations of
$1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $100,000 and $1,000,000. Provision will be made for the interchange of notes of different denominations and of
coupon and registered notes, and for the transfer of registered notes, under rules and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the
5. T he notes will be subject to the general regulations of the Department of the Treasury, now or hereafter prescribed, governing
United States notes.

1. Tenders will be received at Federal Reserve Banks and Branches and at the Office of the Treasurer of the United States, Wash­
ington, D. C. 20220, up to the closing hour, 1:30 p.m., Eastern Daylight Saving Time, Thursday, August 5, 1971. Each tender must state
the face amount of notes bid for, which must be $1,000 or a multiple thereof, and the price offered, except that in the case of noncom­
petitive tenders the term “noncompetitive” should be used in lieu of a price. In the case of competitive tenders, the price must be expressed
on the basis of 100, with two decimals, e.g., 100.00. Tenders at a price less than 99.76 will not be accepted. Fractions may not be used.
Noncompetitive tenders from any one bidder may not exceed $200,000. It is urged that tenders be made on the printed forms and for­
warded in the special envelopes marked “Tender for Treasury Notes”, which will be supplied by Federal Reserve Banks on application
2. Commercial banks, which for this purpose are defined as banks accepting demand deposits, m ay submit tenders for account of
customers provided the names of the customers are set forth in such tenders. Others than commercial banks will not be permitted to submit
tenders except for their own account. Tenders will be received without deposit from banking institutions for their own account, Federallyinsured savings and loan associations, States, political subdivisions or instrumentalities thereof, public pension and retirement and other
public funds, international organizations in which the United States holds membership, foreign central banks and foreign States, dealers
who make primary markets in Government securities and report daily to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York their positions with
respect to Government securities and borrowings thereon, and Government accounts. Tenders from others must be accompanied by pay­
ment (in cash or the securities referred to in Section I which will be accepted at par) of 5 percent of the face amount of notes applied for.
3. Immediately after the closing hour tenders will be opened, following which public announcement will be made by the Department
of the Treasury of the amount and price range of accepted bids. Those submitting tenders will be advised of the acceptance or rejection
thereof. In considering the acceptance of tenders, those at the highest prices will be accepted to the extent required to attain the amount
offered. Tenders at the lowest accepted price will be prorated if necessary. The Secretary of the Treasury expressly reserves the right to
accept or reject any or all tenders, in whole or in part, and his action in any such respect shall be final. Subject to these reservations,
noncompetitive tenders for $200,000 or less without stated price from any one bidder will be accepted in full at the average price* (in
two decimals) of accepted competitive tenders.
4. All bidders are required to agree not to purchase or to sell, or to make any agreements with respect to the purchase or sale or other
disposition of any notes of this issue at a specific rate or price, until after 1:30 p.m., Eastern Daylight Saving Time, Thursday, August 5,
5. Commercial banks in submitting tenders will be required to certify that they have no beneficial interest in any of the tenders they
enter for the account of their customers, and that their customers have no beneficial interest in the banks’ tenders for their own account.

1. Settlement for accepted tenders in accordance with the bids must be made or completed on or before August 16, 1971, at the
Federal Reserve Bank or Branch or at the Office of the Treasurer of the United States, Washington, D. C. 20220, in cash, securities
referred to in Section I (interest coupons dated August 15, 1971, should be detached) or other funds immediately available by that
date. Payment will not be deemed to have been completed where registered notes are requested if the appropriate identifying number
as required on tax returns and other documents submitted to the Internal Revenue Service (an individual’s social security number or an
employer identification number) is not furnished. In every case where full payment is not completed, the payment with the tender up to
5 percent of the amount of notes allotted shall, upon declaration made by the Secretary of the Treasury in his discretion, be forfeited to
the United States. Any qualified depositary will be permitted to make settlem ent by credit in its Treasury Tax and Loan Account for not
more than 50 percent of the amount of notes allotted to it for itself and its customers. When payment is made with eligible securities a cash
adjustment will be made to or required of the bidder for any difference between the face amount of securities submitted and the amount
payable on the notes allotted.

1. Registered securities tendered as deposits and in payment for notes allotted hereunder should be assigned by the registered payees
or assignees thereof, in accordance with the general regulations of the Department of the Treasury, in one of the forms hereafter set forth.
Securities tendered in payment should be surrendered at the Federal Reserve Bank or Branch or at the Office of the Treasurer of the
United States, Washington, D. C. 20220. The securities must be delivered at the expense and risk of the holder. If the notes are desired
registered in the same name as the securities surrendered, the assignment should be to “The Secretary of the Treasury for 6 V2 percent
Treasury Notes of Series C-1973”; if the notes are desired registered in another name, the assignment should be to “The Secretary of
the Treasury for 6 V2 percent Treasury Notes of Series C-1973 in the n a m e______ .__________________________________ ______ if notes in
coupon form are desired, the assignment should be to “The Secretary of the Treasury for 6 V2 percent Treasury Notes of Series C-1973
in coupon form to be delivered to_____________________________ __________________”.

1. As fiscal agents of the United States, Federal Reserve Banks are authorized and requested to receive tenders, to make such
allotments as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, to issue such notices as may be necessary, to receive payment for
and make delivery of notes on full-paid tenders allotted, and they may issue interim receipts pending delivery of the definitive notes.
2. The Secretary of the Treasury may at any time, or from tim e to time, prescribe supplemental or amendatory rules and regulations
governing the offering, which will be communicated promptly to the Federal Reserve Banks.
Secretary of the Treasury.
*Average price m ay be at, or more or less than 100.00.

(See reverse for tender form)

Maturing February 15,1973

Dated August 16,1971
To: Federal Reserve Bank, Station E, Dallas, Texas 75222
or —
The_________________________ Branch
El Paso 79999

Houston 77001

San Antonio 78295


NONCOMPETITIVE TENDER $_______________________________________NOT TO EXCEED $200,000
Noncompetitive tenders for $200,000 or less from any one bidder, without stated price, will be accepted in full at the average
price (in two decimals) of accepted competitive bids.
Prices should be ex­
the basis of
_ . pressed ontwo decimals,
100, with
e. g., 100.00. Fractions
must not be used. Tend­
ers a t a price less than
99.76 will not be ac­


Denominations Desired
Num ber of



5,000 $



By draft enclosed (effectual delivery of enclosed draft
shall be on latest day which will permit presentment in
order to obtain irrevocably collected funds on payment
4% Treasury Bonds of 1971 enclosed (all coupons de­



By charge to our reserve account on payment date.

8%% Treasury Notes of Series F-1971 enclosed (all
coupons detached).

1,000 $

------- @

Payment to be made by.........................................................



By charge to our Treasury Tax and Loan Account (not
to exceed 50% of the amount of notes allotted)


M atnrity Value


(Name of Bank)


10.000 s


Please Observe Closing Time of 12:30 P.M., Central Daylight Saving Time, Thursday, August 5, 1971

Pursuant to the provision of Treasury Department Circular, Public Debt Series No. 8-71, as shown on the reverse
side, the undersigned offers to purchase Treasury notes in the amount shown below, and agrees to pay for the amount
allotted, on or before the issue date, by the method and a t the rate indicated.

---- $

$1,000,000 $

Name or names in which securities are to be registered, tax account number
of owner and mailing address for interest checks.

Denominations Desired
No. of






Social Security No.


----@ ?----------

Employer Identification No.




Face Amount . . . . . . $ _

We hereby certify th at we have received tenders from our customers in the amounts set opposite the customers’
names on the list which is made a part of this tender; that there has been paid to us by each such customer as required by
the official offering circular, not subject to withdrawal until after allotment, not less than 5 percent of the amount bid
for; that we have not made unsecured loans, or loans collateralized in whole or in part by the notes bid for, to supply the
amounts of such payments to any of such customers; that we have no beneficial interest in the tenders of such customers;
and that none of our customers has any beneficial interest in the amount bid for our own account.
We further certify that tenders received by us, if any, from other commercial banks for their own account and for
the account of their customers have been entered with us under the same conditions, agreement and certifications as
set forth in this form.
We certify that all subscribers listed hereon have agreed not to purchase or to sell, or to make any agreements
with respect to the purchase or sale or other disposition of any of the notes of this issue a t a specific rate or price, until
after 1:30 p.m., Eastern Daylight Saving Time, Thursday, August 5, 1971.

Delivery Instructions:

(Subscriber’s fu ll nam e o r corporate title)

Hold in Custody Account—Member
banks for own account only
Pledge to secure Treasury Tax and
Loan Account



(Authorized official sig n atu re and title)

Ship to________________________________

(F or th e account of, if tender is fo r another subscriber)

(See reverse for announcement)