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F e d e r a l R e s e r v e Ba n k OF DALLAS Dallas, Texas, August 12, 1955 C O N D IT IO N OF MEMBER BANKS, JUNE 30, 1955 ELEVENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT To the Member Banks in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District: On June 30, 1955, all major categories of assets and liabilities of member banks in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District showed substantia] gains over the comparable year-earlier totals. Active credit demands, stimulated by the strong upward movement in business and other economic activity, increased total loans to a record level at midyear. Cash assets, investments, and deposits — although down somewhat from the December 31, 1954 amounts — remained well above the mid-1954 figures. Reflecting these balance sheet changes, total resources of the District’s member banks rose $569,103,000 to a total of $9,433,037,000 on June 30. In more recent months, between April 11 and June 30, most of the principal asset and liability items also showed increases. Loan expansion during the 12 months ended June 30 amounted to $380,391,000, with total loans rising to a record $3,571,326,000. Except for the reduction of $174,866,000 in loans to farmers directly guaranteed by the Commodity Credit Corporation, all major loan categories showed increases. Borrowings for commercial and industrial purposes rose sharply under the stimulus of expanding business activity and represented the major factor in the over-all loan increase. Sub stantial gains also occurred in real estate and consumer-type credits, reflecting principally the high levels of construction activity and consumer purchases of automobiles and other durables. Between April 11 and June 30, loans expanded $103,983,000, with commercial and industrial type borrowings accounting for slightly more than two-thirds of the increase. Gains in real estate, consumer, and security loans more than offset the reduction in CCC-guaranteed loans, loans to banks, and “ all other” loans. Member banks increased their investment holdings by $135,904,000 during the 12 months ended June 30, with non-Government securities accounting for most of the change. However, between April 11 and June 30, investments were reduced sharply — by $122,961,000 — principally to provide funds in view of the prevailing strong demand for credit. The recent reduction in security holdings stemmed entirely from sales or redemption of Governments, inasmuch as moderate addi tions were made to investments in other securities. Deposit expansion between mid-1954 and mid-1955 totaled $506,979,000, with increases of $263,291,000 in the demand and $153,955,000 in the time accounts of individuals, partnerships, and corporations accounting for 82 percent of the over-all rise. Deposits of the United States Government declined moderately, but all other categories of deposits showed gains for the year. Between April 11 and June 30 a reduction in the demand accounts of individuals and businesses was more than offset by increases in other types of deposits, and total deposits rose $58,343,000. On June 30, total capital accounts of the District’s member banks amounted to $645,166,000, or $57,546,000 in excess of the year-earlier figure and $8,343,000 above the April 11 total. Yours very truly, Watrous H. Irons President This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library ( COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF MEMBER BANKS ELEVENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT (Amounts in thousands of dollars) Item Loans, including overdrafts __________ U. S. Government obligations, direct and guaranteed ______________ ________ Obligations of states and political sub divisions ________________________ O fV lP Y * Q P P n V ’ i 'H p a TOTAL LOANS AND iNVESTMENTS Cash and balances due from banks_____ TOTAL ASSETS______________ ________ Individual — Demand deposits________ Individual — Time deposits __________ Deposits of U. S. Government, including postal savings____________________ Deposits of states and political sub divisions ________________________ Deposits of banks____________________ Other deposits ______________________ TOTAL DEPOSITS ___________________ TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS_______ Borrowings from Federal Reserve Bank All other borrowings_________________ Ratio of loans to total deposits----------Ratio of cash and balances due from banks to total deposits------------------Ratio of total capital accounts to risk assets (total assets less Government securities and cash assets)------------Number of banks-------------------------------- June 30, 1955 April 11, 1955r June 30, 1954 3,571,326 3,467,343 3,190,935 2,385,886 2,513,482 2,334,203 431,095 121,525 6,509,832 2,748,322 9,433,037 5,444,479 1,034,587 429,599 118,386 6,528,810 2,676,894 9,385,421 5,496,423 996,891 387,833 80,566 5,993,537 2,722,498 8,863,934 5,181,188 880,632 212,237 193,336 215,964 721,262 1,231,495 90,435 8,734,495 645,166 2,069 703,986 1,205,882 79,634 8,676,152 636,823 666,340 1,198,618 84,774 8,227,516 587,620 449 0 11,100 0 40.9% 40.0% 38.8% 31.5% 30.9% 33.1% 15.0% 632 15.2% 631 15.4% 637 0 r—Revised. PRINCIPAL ASSET AND LIABILITY ITEMS OF MEMBER BANKS 1945,1950-55 ELEVENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT (In thousands of dollars) June 30, Total Deposits Total Loans Total Investments Total Loans and Investments Total U. S. Gov. Secs. Total Capital Accounts 1945 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 4,933,955 6,393,189 6,626,367 7,370,121 7,662,256 8,227,516 8,734,495 921,048 2,062,161 2,420,237 2,648,569 2,883,439 3,190,935 3,571,326 2,523,365 2,604,037 2,428,316 2,680,629 2,703,596 2,802,602 2,938,506 3,444,413 4,666,198 4,848,553 5,329,198 5,587,035 5,993,537 6,509,832 2,386,686 2,274,896 2,045,383 2,278,406 2,271,259 2,334,203 2,385,886 245,669 403,312 453,235 505,772 550,985 587,620 645,166