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FEDERAL. R E SE R V E B AN K OF DALLAS July 31, 1929. , C O N D IT IO N OF MEMBER B A N K S, JU N E 2 9 1 9 2 9 To the Member Bank Addressed: Condition reports as of June 29, 1929, of all member banks in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District (except one, whose report is still outstanding-), show deposits aggregat ing $988,431,000, exclusive of Government deposits, reflecting a gain of $696,000, as com pared with the district total for June 30, 1928, and a decrease of $70,043,000 from March 27, 1929. Loans and discounts, as compared with the corresponding date last year, show an increase of $6,251,000, and borrowed money an increase of $8,312,000. Borrowings from all sources on June 29, 1929, were $19,792,000, of which $15,743,000 represented borrowings from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT June 29, 1929 (All member banks except 1) Total deposits.—........... ... ................................. $988,431,000 March 27,1929 (All member banks) June 30,1928 (All member banks) $1,058,474,000 $987,735,000 Individual deposits............................................. 874,726,000 922.297.000 854.471.000 Loans ................................................................. 698,733,000 730.030.000 692.482.000 Borrowings from Federal Reserve Bank....... 15,743,000 11,322,000 9.324.000 4,049,000 1,771,000 2.156.000 70.7% 69% 70% All other borrowings................ Ratio of loans to deposits............ ................ — Yours very truly, Governor This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (