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C irc u la r No. 78-98
lu ly 19, 1978


P r in te d on th e following p a g e s is th e p r o p o s e d re g u la tio n implementing
th e Community R einvestm e nt Act a s d r a f te d by the Board of G o v e rn o rs of th e Fed­
eral R e s e r v e S ystem , th e C o m ptro ller of the C u r r e n c y , the Federal Deposit I n s u r ­
a n c e C o rp o ra tio n , a n d th e F e d e ra l Home Loan Bank Board.
T h is re g u la tio n would implement th e Community R ein vestm ent Act of
1977 w hic h d i r e c t s th e a b o v e a g e n c ie s to e n c o u r a g e the institutions th e y r e g u la te
to fulfill t h e ir c o n tin u in g obligation to h e lp meet th e c r e d i t n e e d s of t h e i r com­
munities .
T h e re g u la tio n w as d r a f te d following a s e r i e s of h e a r i n g s a n d the r e ­
c e ip t of s u b s ta n tia l am o unts of oral a n d w ritte n testim ony . T h e p r o p o s e d r e g u l a ­
tion is d e s ig n e d to e n c o u r a g e in s titu tio n s to become a w a r e of th e full r a n g e of
c r e d i t n e e d s of th e i r communities a n d to s ee k the v ie w s of all segm e n ts of t h e ir
communities r e g a r d i n g those n e e d s . T h e p r o p o s e d r e g u la tio n , h o w e v e r, would
not r e q u i r e in s titu tio n s to offer p a r t i c u l a r k in d s o r am ounts of c r e d i t .
Comments on th e p r o p o s e d re g u la tio n should be d i r e c t e d to T h e o d o re E.
A llison , S e c r e t a r y of the Board of G o v e r n o r s of th e Federal R e s e r v e System , 20th
S t r e e t a n d C onstitution A v e n u e , N. W. , W ash ing ton , D .C . 20551. All m aterials
sho uld b e s e n t in q u a d r u p l i c a t e a n d shou ld r e f e r to Docket No. R-0139. T h e
d e a d l in e for r e c e i p t of comments is A u g u s t 15, 1978.
Q uestions on the p r o p o s e d Community R einv estm e n t Act re g u la tio n
should be d i r e c t e d e it h e r to R o bert L a w re n c e , Board of G o v e rn o rs of the Federal
R e s e r v e S y ste m , (202) 452-3766, o r to the C o n su m e r Affairs Section of o u r Bank
S u p e r v i s i o n a n d R egulation D e p artm en t a t Ext. 6171 o r 6181.
S in c e re ly y o u r s ,
R ob ert H. Boykin
F i r s t Vice P r e s i d e n t

Banks and others are encouraged to use the following incoming W A T S numbers in contacting this Bank:
1 -8 00 -492 -440 3 (intrastate) and 1 -8 00 -527 -497 0 (interstate). For calls placed locally, please use 651 plus
the extension referred to above.

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (

E x tr a c t F rom
F ed e ral R e g is te r,
V O L . 43, N O . 133,
T u e s d a y , J u l y 1 1 , 1978
p p . 29918 - 29922

[1 2 CFR Port 2 2 8 ]
Com m unity R ein v estm en t A ct R egulation*

J u n e 3 0 ,1 9 7 8 .

AGENCIES: Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System, Comp­
troller of the Currency, Federal De­
posit Insurance Corporation, and the
Federal Home Loan Bank Board.
ACTION: Proposed regulations.
SUMMARY: These regulations would
implement th e Community Reinvest­
m ent Act of 1977, which directs the
named agencies to encourage the insti­
tutions they regulate to fulfill their
continuing and affirmative obligation
to help m eet the credit needs of their
communities, including low- and mod­
erate-income neighborhoods, consist­
ent with safe and sound operation of
such institutions, and to assess their
record in doing so and take such as­
sessments into account when evaluat­
ing certain applications by such insti­
DATES: Comments must be received
by August 15, 1978.
ADDRESS: Please send four sets of
comments to Theodore Allison, Secre­
tary to the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System, 20th Street
and Constitution Avenue NW., Wash­
ington, D.C. 20551. All material sub­
mitted should refer to F.R.B. Docket
No. R 0139.
Robert Lawrence, Board of Gover­
nors of the Federal Reserve System:
202-452-3766; Alan Herlands, Comp­
troller of the Currency: 202-447­
1177; Roger Hood, Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation: 202-389­
4628; Nancy Feldman, Federal Home
Loan Bank Board: 202-377-6443.
The Board of Governors of the Feder­
al Reserve System, the Comptroller of
the Currency, the Federal Deposit In­
surance Corporation, and the Federal
Home Loan Bank Board (collectively
referred to as “the Agencies”) propose
this regulation to implement the Com­
munity Reinvestment Act of 1977
(“the CRA”). The CRA, which was en­

acted as title VIII of the Housing and
Community Development Act of 1977
(Pub. L. 95-128), requires that in con­
nection with their examination of in­
stitutions in their jurisdiction, the
Agencies assess each institution’s
record of meeting the credit needs of
its entire community, including lowand moderate-income neighborhoods,
consistent with the safe and sound op­
eration of the institution. The CRA
further requires that the appropriate
Agency take that record into account
in its evaluation of any application by
the institution for a charter, deposit
insurance, branch or other deposit fa­
cility, office relocation, merger, or ac­
quisition of bank or savings institution
shares or assets.
The agencies announced, in notices
published in the F e d e r a l R e g i s t e r on
January 25, February 21, and March
29, 1978 (43 FR 3370, 7243, and 13074),
a series of hearings to be held around
the country. The January 25, 1978,
notice contained questions regarding
issues raised by the CRA, and all the
notices requested testimony and writ­
ten comments to aid the Agencies in
amounts of oral testimony and written
submissions were accepted and re­
viewed and much of that material is
reflected in the following proposals.
It is the purpose of the CRA to re­
quire the Agencies- to encourage insti­
tutions to help m eet the credit needs
of their local communities consistent
with safe and sound operations. The
Agencies believe that it is more likely
that community credit needs which
can be met on a safe and sound basis
will be met when members of the com­
munity are aware of the availability of
credit, the lending institutions are well
informed about community credit
needs, and such institutions make a
sincere effort to m eet those needs.
Accordingly, the proposed regula­
tions are designed to encourage insti­
tutions to become aware of the full
range of credit needs of their commu­
nities and to seek the views of all seg­
ments of their communities regarding
those needs. Institutions are encour­
aged to offer the types of credit and
credit-related services that will meet
the credit needs of their communities.
The regulations, however, would not
require institutions to offer particular
kinds or amounts of credit. It is the
purpose of the proposed regulations to
encourage each institution to help
m eet the credit needs of its entire
community while preserving to every
institution the flexibility necessary to
operate in a safe and sound manner,
and to serve the convenience and
needs of its community effectively and
The Agencies’ proposed regulations,
which are presented together for con­
venience, are identical in their sub­
stantive provisions, but contain proce­

dural variations. An explanation of
the provisions of the regulations, how
they operate, and why they were
chosen, is set forth below.
Authority. Each Agency’s regulation
sets forth that Agency’s authority to
adopt its regulations.
Purpose. The statem ent of purpose
Is adopted from the CRA. A discussion
of this purpose is set forth above.
Community. The Agencies believe
that there are many factors which de­
termine a lender’s community, includ­
ing the institution’s size, geographic
factors, economic forces, and local tra­
dition. No single definition or rigidly
applied rule, therefore, would be ap­
propriate to all communities and insti­
tutions. Accordingly, the proposed reg­
ulation would direct each institution
to delineate its entire community with
the aid of broad guidelines. The delin­
eation would be available to members
of the public who could offer their
comments and suggestions to the insti­
tution and to the institution's supervi­
sory agency. Agency examiners would
review each institution’s delineation
and any community comments to
insure that no areas, including lowand moderate-income neighborhoods,
are unreasonably excluded from the
delineation, and that the delineation is
not so broad that the institution fails
to focus on its local community.
The term “office”, as used in the
regulation, includes electronic deposit
facilities unless it is otherwise modi­
C o m m u n it y R e in v e s t m e n t A ct
S tatem ent

The board of directors of each insti­
tution would be required to adopt a
Community Reinvesment Act (“CRA”)
statement. The CRA statem ent would
include the institution’s delineation of
its community and a list of the types
of credit that the institution would
offer to members of its communities.
The statement would be required to be
made available to the public. Where
an Institution has offices serving more
than one local community, it would
delineate those communities and could
adapt its statem ent to the needs of
each community.
The purposes of requiring a state­
ment would be to insure that each in­
stitution’s board of directors considers
the purpose of the CRA and what
their institution’s response will be, to
inform the community of the types of
credit that the institution offers, and
to aid the agencies’ examiners in as­
sessing each institution’s record. If an
institution believes that the purposes
of the CRA statem ent would be better
served, it could incorporate additional
material, such as a description of how
its efforts, including special programs,
relate to meeting types of credit
needed by its community.
The Agencies believe that institu­
tions are aware of the areas they serve

and have well-articulated internal loan
policies. The Agencies, therefore, be­
lieve that adoption of a CRA state­
ment would not be burdensome to in­
stitutions. However, the Agencies
invite particular comment on whether
institutions with assets of less than
(10 million located outside standard
metropolitan statistical areas should
be exempted from the written state­
ment requirement unless the Agencies
impose it as a supervisory requirement
in individual cases.
Institutions would be required to
review their statements at least annu­
ally. They would be encouraged to
review their statem ents in light of
community comments and their expe­
rience with offering various types of
credit, and to provide, as part of the
statem ent, a public accounting of their
efforts to m eet community credit
To aid Agency examiners and the
public, each institution would be re­
quired to keep a file of all CRA state­
ments in effect over the previous two
years and of all public comments re­
ceived during that period. Agency ex­
aminers would review the statem ent
and the file in connection with their
assessment of each
A s s e s s in g




The CRA requires the Agencies to
assess each institution’s record of
meeting the credit needs of its entire
community including low-*and moder­
ate-income neighborhoods. The pro­
posed regulation would provide for
that assessment and set forth a list of
factors that the Agencies would con­
sider in making the assessment. The
list is only intended to be indicative of
the evidence that the Agencies would
consider. Institutions may serve their
communities in ways not reflected in
the list and need not adopt particular
activities specified in the list.
Examination procedures, to be
issued later by the Agencies, will be
publicly available. The Agencies will
consult with State supervisory au­
thorities regarding the assessment
E ffect


A p p l ic a t io n s

The CRA requires the Agencies to
take an institution’s record into ac­
count in acting upon certain applica­
tions involving that institution. This
section would implement that require­
m ent and list the particular applica­
tion to which each Agency’s regulation
applies. The Agencies would consult
with State supervisors regarding appli­
cations involving State-chartered insti­
The regulations of the Federal Re­
serve Board and the Federal Home
Loan Bank Board would provide that
those Agencies may consider the
credit-granting record of certain sub­

sidiaries of a holding company that is
making an application covered by the
CRA to the Agency.
The Agencies are considering modifi­
cations to their existing application
procedures concerning public notice
and opportunity to be heard, with re­
spect to applications covered by the
Accordingly, the Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System, the
Comptroller of the Currency, the Fed­
eral Deposit Insurance Corporation,
and the Federal Home Loan Bank
Board propose to amend 12 CFR by
adding Parts 25, 228, 345, and 563e, to
read as set forth below.

228.1 A u th o r ity .
228.2 P u rp o s e s .
228.3 D e lin e a tio n o f e n tir e c o m m u n ity .
228.4 C o m m u n ity R e in v e s tm e n t A c t s t a t e ­
m e n t.
228.5 A ssessin g t h e re c o rd .
228.6 E ff e c t o n a p p lic a tio n s .
A u t h o r i t y : C o m m u n ity R e in v e s tm e n t A c t
o f 1977 ( T itle V III, P u b . L. 95-128, 91 S ta t.
1147 (12 U .S .C . 2901 e t se q .)); 12 U .S .C . 321,
325. 1814, 1816, 1828, 1842).

§ 228.1 Authority.
The Board of Governors of the Fed­
eral Reserve System issues this part to
implement the Community Reinvest­
ment Act. (Title VIII of Pub. L. 95­
128; 91 Stat. 1147.) The regulations
comprising this part are issued under
the authority of the Community Rein­
vestment Act and under the provisions
of the United States Code authorizing
the Board to conduct examinations of
State-chartered banks that are mem­
bers of the Federal Reserve System
(12 U.S.C. 325), to conduct examina­
tions of bank holding companies and
subsidiaries thereof (12 U.S.C. 1844),
and to consider applications for do­
mestic branches by State member
banks (12 U.S.C. 321), for Federal D e­
posit Insurance in connection with ap­
plications for membership in the Fed­
eral Reserve System by State banks
(12 U.S.C. 321, 1814, 1816), for merger
in which the resulting bank would be a
State member bank (12 U.S.C. 1828)
and for formation of, acquisitions of
banks by, and mergers of, bank hold­
ing companies (12 U.S.C. 1842).
§ 228.2 Purposes.
The purposes of this regulation are
to require State member banks to
demonstrate that their offices serve
the convenience and needs of their
communities; to provide guidance to
State member banks as to how the
Board will assess their records in satis­
fying their continuing and affirmative
obligations to help meet the credit
needs of their local communities, in­
cluding low- and moderate-income
neighborhoods, consistent with safe
and sound operation of such banks;

ana to provide for taking into account
those records, and those of other per­
tinent institutions, in connection with
certain applications.
§ 228.3 Delineation of entire community.
(a) Each State member bank shall
prepare, and at least annually review,
a delineation of the geographic area(s)
comprising its entire community. The
use of maps is encouraged.
(b) A bank’s entire community may
consist of more than one local commu­
nity. More than one office of an insti­
tution may serve the same local com­
munity. Banks shall delineate local
communities consisting of the contigu­
ous areas surrounding each office or
group of offices, without excluding
low- and moderate-income neighbor­
hoods. In preparing—
(1) Exisitng boundaries such as
those of Standard Metropolitan Statis­
tical Areas (SMSA’s) or counties may
by used and, where appropriate, por­
tions of adjacent areas may be includ­
ed. A bank may make adjustments in
the case of areas divided by State bor­
ders or significant geographic barriers,
or areas which are extremely large or
of unusual configuration. In addition,
a small bank may delineate those por­
tions of SMSA's or counties which it
reasonably may be expected to serve.
(2) A bank may use its effective lend­
ing territory, meaning that area or
areas around each of its offices where
it makes a substantial portion of its
loans and all dther areas equidistant
from its offices as those areas, with
such adjustments as may be made
under paragraph (b)(1) of this section.
(3) A bank may use any other rea­
sonably delineated area which meets
the purposes of the Community Rein­
vestment Act (CRA), and does not ex­
clude low- and moderate-income neigh­
§ 229.4 Community Reinvestment Act
(a) Within 90 days after the effec­
tive date of this part, the board of di­
rectors of each State member bank
shall adopt a clear and concise Com­
munity Reinvestment Act (CRA)
statement and shall provide in each of
its offices having interior public space,
a notice that a copy of the current
statement (and, if the statement is
drawn separately for local communi­
ties, the portion pertaining to such of­
fice's community) is readily available
on request. The notice shall also indi­
cate that interested persons may
submit to the bank or to the Federal
Reserve bank for the district where
the State member bank is located,
with officials' titles and addresses pro­
vided, written comments pertaining to
the information contained in the
statement. In addition, a CRA state­
ment shall have been adopted by the
time anv of the aDDlications enumer­

ated in § 228.6(a) is submitted.
(b) The CRA statement shall include
at least the following:
(1) The delineation of the entire
community and local communities, if
any, as adopted by the State member
bank; and
(2) A list of specific types of credit
within certain categories, such as, resi­
dential loans for 1 to 4 dwelling units,
residential loans for 5 dwelling units
and over, housing rehabilitation loans,
home improvement loans, small busi­
ness loans, community development
loans, commercial development loans,
and consumer loans, which the bank is
prepared to extend to its entire com­
munity or local communities.
(c) The statement may contain any
additional information the bank con­
siders helpful in describing how Its ef­
forts, including special programs,
relate to meeting types of credit
needed by'its community.
(d) Each bank is encouraged to pro­
vide, as part of its CRA statem ent, a
periodic public accounting of its record
of meeting community credit needs.
(e) The bank’s board of directors
shall review each CRA statem ent at
least annually, and shall approve any
material changes whenever made.
Such actions shall be noted in its min­
(f) The bank shall maintain a public
file of all CRA comments received for,
at a minimum, the two most recent
calendar years, and all CRA state­
ments in effect during those years.
§ 228.5 Assessing the record.
In connection with its examination
of a State member bank, the Board
shall assess the record of the bank in
helping to m eet the credit needs of its
entire community, including low- and
moderate-income neighborhoods, con­
sistent with the safe and sound oper­
ation of the bank. The Board will
review the bank’s CRA statem ent and
marketing and lending policies and
practices to determine whether they
are designed to help meet those needs,
and assess its record of performance.
The Board will consider the following
factors in assessing a bank’s record;
(a) Activities conducted by the bank
to ascertain the credit needs of its
entire community;
(b) The extent to which the bank
has attempted to consult with mem­
bers of local communities on the
bank’s plans and policies relating to
credit services offered to those com­
(c) The extent and effectiveness of
the bank’s marketing programs and
special services to make members of
the community aware of the credit
services offered by the bank;
(d) Evidence of discouragement of
applications for types of credit set
forth in the bank’s CRA statement;
(e) The extent of participation by

the bank's board of directors in formu­
lating and reviewing the bank’s poli­
cies and performance with respect to
the Community Reinvestment Act;
(f) The geographic distribution of
the bank's loans;
(g) The bank's participation, includ­
ing investments, in Government-spon­
sored local community development
projects or other local community re­
development programs;
(h) The bank’s origination of resi­
dential mortgage loans, housing reha­
bilitation loans, home improvement
loans, commercial real estate loans,
and similar loans within its entire
community, or the purchase of such
loans originated in its community;
(i) The bank’s participation in govem m entally insured, guaranteed, or
subsidized housing or small business
loan programs;
(j) The bank’s history of prohibited
discriminatory or other illegal credit
practices, if any;
(k) The bank’s history of opening
and closing offices and providing ser­
vices at offices;
(1) The bank’s history of lending to
both existing community members
and new residents of the community;
(m) The bank’s ability to m eet var­
ious community credit needs based on
its financial condition, size, legal im­
pediments, and local economic and
other factors; and
(n) Such other factors as may, in the
Board’s judgment, reasonably bear
upon the extent to which the bank is
helping to m eet the credit needs of its
entire community.
§ 228.6 Effect on applications.
(a) In considering any application:
(1) For membership in the Federal Re­
serve System where such membership
would confer Federal deposit insur­
ance on a bank, (2) by a State member
bank for the establishment of a do­
mestic branch or other facility that
would be authorized to receive depos­
its, (3) by a State member bank for the
relocation of a domestic branch office,
(4) for merger, consolidation, acquisi­
tion of assets or assumption of liabil­
ities if the acquiring, assuming, or re­
sulting bank is to be a State member
bank, (5) to become a bank holding
company, and (6) by a bank holding
company to acquire ownership or con­
trol of shares or assets of a bank, or to
merge or, consolidate with any other
bank holding company, the Board will
take into account, among other factors
it considers, the record of the bank or,
in the case of an application by a bank
holding company, each of its subsidi­
ary banks, in meeting the credit needs
o f its entire community including lowand moderate-income neighborhoods,
consistent with the safe and sound op­
eration of such institution.
( b ) In the case of each application
for m e m b e r s h i D that would confer

Federal deposit insurance, each appli­
cation by a State member bank, and
each application by a bank holding
company with a State bank subsidiary,
the Board will consider any views ex­
pressed by the respective State bank
supervisors as to whether the Statechartered banks involved have been
serving the credit needs of their entire
communities, including low- and mod­
erate-income neighborhoods, consist­
ent with the safe and sound operation
of such institutions.
(c) At the time an application for
membership that would confer Feder­
al deposit insurance is made, the appli­
cant shall submit to the Board a pro­
posed CRA statem ent conforming to
the requirements of § 228.4.
(d) At the request of an applicant,
the record of nonbanking subsidiaries
of bank holding companies in meeting
the credit needs of communities served
by their affiliated banks may be in­
cluded in the Board’s consideration of
applications by State member banks
that are subsidiaries of such bank
holding companies and by such bank
holding companies.





Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System, June 30, 1978.
T h e o d o r e E. A l l i s o n ,

Secretary of the Board.