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F e d e r a l R e s e r v e Ba n k


D allas


Circular No. 7*+-325
December 16, 197*+


To All Member Banks
in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District and Others Concerned:

Enclosed is a copy of Bulletin 9> Collection of Noncash
Items, revised effective January 1, 1975The Bulletin has been revised to reflect a change in
collection services offered by Federal Reserve Banks, as referred to
in our Circular No. 7*+-190, dated July 15 > 197*+. Effective January
lj 1975» Federal Reserve Banks will no longer handle for collection
(l) certain kinds of noncash items including notes and certificates
of deposit, and (2) drafts, acceptances, and bankers' acceptances
unless such items are drawn upon depositors in a Federal Reserve Bank.
The revisions reflecting such changes are as follows:
(1) Paragraph 3.05 (a) on time items handled by us as
noncash items has beenamended to reflect the fact that we will no
longer handle maturing notes and certificates of deposit. In addition,
acceptances and bankers' acceptances will no longer be handled unless
such items are drawn upon depositors in a Federal Reserve Bank.
Paragraph 3*05 (b) remains unchanged.
(2) Paragraph 3-15 on other demand items handled by us as
noncash items has beenamended to reflect the fact that we will no
longer handle drafts not payable by or through a bank. This Bank will
handle a demand item only if it is drawn upon a depositor in a Federal
Reserve Bank and is not collectible as a cash item. Such items include,
but are not limited to: i.) bills of exchange and drafts with securities,
bills of lading, or other documents attached; ii.) drafts and orders on
savings deposits with passbooks attached.

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (

Paragraph 3-25> on items which will not "be handled as
noncash items, has been amended to reflect the fact that we will no
longer handle as a noncash item a note or a certificate of deposit.
In addition, this Bank will no longer handle a draft, whether or
it is accepted, unless it is drawn upon a depositor in a Federal
Reserve Bank.
(1+) Paragraph 9*00 on availability of proceeds of noncash
items, has been amended to reflect the fact that, except with respect
to bankers' acceptances drawn upon depositors in a Federal Reserve Bank
and due and past due coupons, credit for the proceeds of noncash items
will be given in a reserve account, or other appropriate account, upon
receipt by us of payment in actually and finally collected funds or
upon receipt of advice from another Federal Reserve Bank of suchpayment.
Paragraph 9.05
on availability of proceeds of noncash
items, has been amended to reflect the fact that credit for bankers'
acceptances drawn upon depositors in a Federal Reserve Bank will be
given, subject to payment in actually and finally collected funds, in
accordance with the following time schedule, if received by us
sufficiently in advance to permit forwarding in time to reach the place
of payment at leastone banking daybefore maturity:

Place Payable

Credit Available

Federal Reserve Bank or Branch cities

On Maturity


One banking day after

(6) Paragraph 11.10 on noncash items to be
acceptances has been amended to reflect the changes
paragraph 3.05 (a) and 3*15 and 3.25. Accordingly,
to be presented for acceptance must be drawn upon a
Federal Reserve Bank.


presented for
incorporated in
any noncash item
depositor in a

Please substitute this revised bulletin for the bulletin you
have in your files or in your ring binder containing Regulations of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and Bulletins of this
Questions regarding this revised bulletin should be directed to
Mr. T. E. Spreng, Assistant Vice President or appropriate Branch officer
having responsibility over the Noncash Collection Function.
Yours very truly,
Ernest T. Baughman


Collection of Noncash Items


This bulletin contains the terms and conditions under which we will handle noncash
items for collection.



Section 1, GENERAL
1.00 Collection contract
1.05 Authority
2.00 Definitions, reference to Regulation J
2.05 Reference to Bulletin 1
3.00 Items which will be handled as noncash
3.05 Time items
3.10 Demand items
3.15 Other demand items
3.20 Items not received from sender
3.25 Items which will not be handled as
noncash items
3.30 Unm atured time items
4.00 Direct sending of noncash items to
other Federal Reserve districts
4.05 Right to refuse interdistrict items
authorized for direct sending
4.10 Direct sending of noncash items to
other offices of this bank
4.15 Right to refuse intradistrict items
authorized for direct sending

Regulation J
Items payable outside this district
Right to classify and require deposits
Effect of special instruction


Presentment for payment
Time items and m aturity date
Items without endorsement

7.00 Preparation of collection letters by
7.05 Special instructions
7.10 Direct sending urged
7.15 Coupons

7.20 Coupon ownership certificates
7.25 O ther securities
8.00 Uniform instructions
8.05 Items w ith U.S. Treasury and similar
8.10 Responsibility for protest
8.15 Determination of responsibility
8.20 Communications by wire; costs and
8.25 Interpretation of terms requesting wire
9.00 Generally
9.05 Bankers’ acceptances
10.00 Generally
10.05 Charges by collecting or paying banks
10.10 Charges by Federal Reserve banks
11.00 Generally
11.05 Noncash items to be presented for
11.10 Effect of section 11.05
12.00 Requirements for handling
12.05 Requirements for handling cash items as
noncash items
APPENDIX A, Payment Vouchers on Letters
of Credit
A-1.00 Handled as noncash item
A-2.00 Effectuation of payment
A-3.00 Nonpayment
A-4.00 Claims for refund
APPENDIX B, Coupons Received for

Ownership certificate forms
Coupons not handled
Immediate credit



Section 1, GENERAL

serve Bank.

This bulletin is directed to the member banks
of the Eleventh Federal Reserve District and
others concerned:

(b) Maturing bonds, debentures, coupons, and
other similar securities (other than obligations
of the United States and its agencies or instru­
mentalities and of certain international organi­

1.00 Collection contract

Regulation J and this bulletin prescribe the
terms and conditions upon which we will handle
noncash items for collection.
1.05 Authority

This bulletin is issued pursuant to the provisions
of sections 4, 13, 14(e), and 16 of the Federal
Reserve Act and the provisions of related
statutes and in conformity with the provisions
of Regulation J.

2.00 Definitions, reference to Regulation J

All terms defined in Regulation J and used herein
have the meanings stated in that regulation.
2.05 Reference to Bulletin 1

Several definitions and rules of construction,
and other provisions applicable to this bulletin
are found in our Bulletin 1, General Provisions,
and are incorporated herein by reference.

3.00 Items which w ill be handled as noncash

Except as otherwise provided by this bulletin,
we will receive for handling as noncash items
in accordance with and subject to Regulation J
and this bulletin, the items set out in this section
3 which are payable in any Federal Reserve
3.05 Time items

We will handle as noncash items any evidence
of indebtedness or order to pay which is not
payable on demand and which we may be will­
ing to accept as a noncash item, including but
not limited to:
(a) Maturing acceptances and bankers accept­
ances drawn upon depositors in a Federal Re­
’F o r the p u rp o s e s of this b u lle tin , th e V irgin Isla n d s and
P u erto Rico sh all be d eem ed to be in o r of th e S econd
F ederal R eserve D istric t; G uam a n d A m erican Sam oa
sh all be d eem ed to be in o r of th e T w elfth F ed eral
R eserve D istrict. See R egulation J, n o te 1.

3.10 Demand items

We will handle as noncash items any check
collectible at par or other demand item which
would ordinarily be handled as a cash item
(a) If a passbook, certificate, or other document
is attached to the item; or
(b) If special instructions, including requests
for special advice of payment or dishonor, ac­
company the item; or special conditions require
that the item not be handled as a cash item, and
we will decide whether such special conditions
exist; or
(c) If the item consists of more than a single
thickness of paper, except as provided in sec­
tions 12.00 and 12.05 of this bulletin; provided,
how ever, th a t any m utilated, erroneouslyencoded or other item contained in a carrier
qualifying under existing standards for handling
by high-speed check-processing equipment will
be handled by us as a cash item; or
(d) If the item has not been preprinted, or post­
encoded before its receipt by us, with (1) the
routing symbol and the suffix of the transit
number of the paying bank (or nonbank payor),
and (2) the dollar am ount of the item, in
magnetic ink in E-13B type in the manner
prescribed, and at the location assigned, by the
A.B.A.; provided, however, that we will handle
such items as cash items when, in our judgment,
special circumstances justify such handling.
3.15 Other demand items

We will handle as noncash items any other item
drawn upon a depositor in a Federal Reserve
Bank which is not collectible as a cash item,
including, but not limited to:3
^O bligations, in c lu d in g c o u p o n s of th e U n ite d S ta te s an d
its agencies o r in stru m e n ta litie s, w h e n rec e iv ed b y us
for collection, a re p a id b y u s as fiscal a g e n t o f the
U n ited S ta te s or of the ag ency o r in stru m e n ta lity . P ro ­
visio n s g o v ern in g the p a y m e n t of su ch c o u p o n s a re co n ­
ta in e d A p p en d ix B of th is bulletin .
^Provisions g o verning th e collectio n of p a y m e n t v o u ch ers
on le tte rs of c re d it for G o v e rn m e n t g ran ts a n d c o n tri­
b u tio n s a re co n ta in e d in A p p e n d ix A of th is bulletin .



(i) Bills of exchange and drafts with securities,
bills of lading, or other documents attached.
(ii) Drafts and orders on savings deposits with
passbooks attached.
3.20Items not received from sender

Whenever any instrument is accepted by us for
credit to our own account, the account of
another Federal Reserve bank, or any account
on our books, we will handle the instrument as
a noncash item if it would have been a noncash
item but for the fact that it was not sent to us
by a sender.
3.25Items which will not be handled as noncash

This bank will not handle as a noncash item
any item described in sections 3.00 through 3.15
of this bulletin if
(a) The item is not a check and is payable in the
same community in which an office of the sender
is located; or
(b) The item is payable by or through one office
of the sender and has been received from another
office of the same sender; or
(c) The item is a Government check, postal
money order, (United States postal money order,
United States international postal money order,
domestic-international postal money order), food
coupon, or food certificate; or
(d) The item is a check and cannot be collected
at par; or
(e) The item has previously been dishonored
more than twice; or
(f) The item is a bill of exchange or draft, has
attached thereto stock certificates or other docu­
ments (except evidences of indebtedness) repre­
senting a right in or to stocks, and is not payable
by, at, or through a bank; or
(g) The item is a note or certificate of deposit;
(h) The item is a draft, whether or not it is
accepted, which is not drawn upon a depositor
in a Federal Reserve Bank.
3.30Unmatured time items

Except as provided in section 11.10 hereof, time
items will not be handled by this bank more

than 30 days prior to their maturity.

4.00 Direct sending of noncash items to other
Federal Reserve districts

Senders which maintain or use accounts with
us are authorized to send, for our account, non­
cash items payable in other Federal Reserve
districts direct to the Federal Reserve banks
and branches of the districts in which the items
are payable. Since direct sending of such items
expedites handling by Federal Reserve offices
and is of advantage to senders, senders are urged
to send such items direct whenever feasible.
4.05 Right to refuse interdistrict items authorized
for direct sending

We reserve the right to require any sender which
maintains or uses an account with us and which
has a substantial volume of noncash items pay­
able in any other Federal Reserve district to
send such items direct to the Federal Reserve
bank of the district in which the items are pay­
able; and we will not accept such items from
such sender.
4.10 Direct sending of noncash items to other
offices of this bank

Member and nonmember clearing banks and
other senders maintaining or using accounts
with one office of this bank are authorized to
send noncash items payable in the territory of
any other office of this bank direct to such other
office. Since direct sending of such items ex­
pedites handling by Federal Reserve offices and
is of advantage to senders, senders are urged to
send such items direct whenever feasible.
4.15 Right to refuse intradistrict items authorized
for direct sending

This bank reserves the right to require any
sender which maintains or uses an account with
one office of this bank and which has a sub­
stantial volume of noncash items payable in the
territory of any other office of this bank to send
such items direct to such other office; and we
will not accept such items from such sender.

Section 5, TERMS AND
5.00 Regulation J



Regulation J prescribes terms and conditions
under which all Federal Reserve banks will
collect noncash items for the senders thereof.
Such terms and conditions and the terms and
conditions of this bulletin will apply to the
handling of all noncash items which we accept
for collection. The terms and conditions of
Regulation J and of our Bulletin No. 8 will apply
to the handling of bank drafts and other forms
of payment or remittance which we receive for
such items and elect to handle as cash items;
and the terms and conditions of Regulation J
and of this bulletin will apply to the handling of
bank drafts and other forms of payment or
remittance which we receive for such items and
elect to handle as noncash items
5.05 Bulletins

Section 210.3 of Regulation J provides that the
provisions of that regulation and of the operating
bulletins of the Federal Reserve banks shall be
binding upon the sender of a noncash item and
shall be binding upon each collecting bank, pay­
ing bank and nonbank payor to which the
Federal Reserve bank, or any subsequent col­
lecting bank, presents, sends, or forwards a non­
cash item received by the Federal Reserve bank.
Section 210.16 of Regulation J provides that
each Federal Reserve bank shall issue operating
bulletins not inconsistent with the provisions of
that regulation governing the details of its opera­
tions in the handling of noncash items and con­
taining such other matters as are required by
the provisions of that regulation.
5.10 Items payable outside this district

A noncash item payable in any other Federal
Reserve district and forwarded for collection to
the Federal Reserve bank of such other district
by us or sent direct to such Federal Reserve
bank for our account by a sender which main­
tains or uses an account with us will be handled
by such Federal Reserve bank subject to the
terms and conditions of Regulation J and of the
applicable operating bulletins of such Federal
Reserve bank; but we will give credit to the
sender for such item in accordance with this
5.15 Right to classify and require deposits
We reserve the right to classify noncash items
and to require deposits in separate collection
letters of such noncash items as we may deem

5.20 Effect of special instruction

Except as provided in paragragh 16 of this bulle­
tin, we will handle all noncash items subject to
the following instruction: “Do not hold after
maturity or for convenience of payer” ; any
contrary instruction in the collection letter or
otherwise will be disregarded; and we reserve
the right, without prior notice to the sender, to
recall any noncash item and return it to the
sender whenever in our judgment such item is
being held contrary to such instruction.

6.00 Presentment for payment

In the absence of specific instructions to the
contrary, we or any subsequent collecting bank
may present to the paying bank (or nonbank
payor) for payment, or send for presentment to
the paying bank (or nonbank payor) for payment,
any bond, coupon, debenture, or other similar
security with the understanding that payment
may be deferred without dishonor pending
reasonable examination to determine whether
the security is properly payable, but that pay­
ment shall be made or the security returned in
any event before the close of the paying bank’s
(or nonbank payor’s) business day next follow­
ing the day of maturity or presentment, which­
ever is later.
6.05 Procedure

As contemplated by section 210.7 of Regulation
J, any noncash item may be presented for pay­
ment by a Federal Reserve bank or a subsequent
collecting bank, may be sent by a Federal
Reserve bank or a subsequent collecting bank
for presentment and payment, or may be for­
warded by a Federal Reserve bank to a subse­
quent collecting bank with authority to present
it for payment or to send it for presentment and
6.10 Time items and maturity date

Neither we nor any subsequent collecting bank
undertake to present noncash items which are
time items on the maturity date unless such
items are received by us sufficiently in advance
of the maturity date to permit timely present­
ment by us to the paying bank (or nonbank
payor) or forwarding to the subsequent collect­
ing bank for such presentment, utilizing the
means which we normally utilize for that



6.15 Endorsements
All noncash items other than bonds, coupons,
debentures, and other similar securities sent to
us, or to another Federal Reserve bank direct
for our account, should be endorsed without
restriction to, or to the order of, the Federal
Reserve bank to which sent, or endorsed to,
or to the order of, any bank, banker, or trust
company, or endorsed with equivalent words
or abbreviations thereof. The endorsement of the
sender should be dated and should show the
A.B.A. transit number of the sender, if any,
in prominent type on both sides of the endorse­
6.20 Items without endorsement

In the event a noncash item other than a bond,
coupon, debenture, or other similar security is
received by a Federal Reserve bank from a
sender without the endorsement thereon of
such sender, the Federal Reserve bank may
present, send, or forward the item as if it bore
such endorsement, or place on the item the
name of such sender and the date of its receipt
by the Federal Reserve bank, or return the item
to the sender for proper endorsement by the
sender. We make the warranties stated in sec­
tion 210.6(b) of Regulation J by presenting, send­
ing, or forw ard ing a n on cash item or an
instrument which it handles as a noncash item
pursuant to section 3.20 of this bulletin. These
warranties arise whether or not such item bears
our endorsement.

7.00 Preparation of collection letters by sender

Except as provided in sections 7.15 and 7.25 of
this bulletin, noncash items forwarded for col­
lection and credit when paid should be trans­
mitted with a separate collection letter different
in form from that in which cash items are listed.
The accompanying collection letter should in­
clude the collection number assigned to the
item by the sender; a description of the item;
the name of the paying bank or nonbank payor
of the item; the place of payment, the maturity,
and the amount of the item; and any special
instructions with respect to the item. If docu­
ments are attached to the item, they must be
clearly and adequately identified in the accom­
panying collection letter.

7.05 Special instructions

Any special instructions, as to handling, includ­
ing instructions as to protest and advice of pay­
ment or nonpayment, should be incorporated in
the collection letter. Except as otherwise pro­
vided in sections 8.00 and 8.05 of this bulletin,
special instructions noted on or attached to the
noncash items themselves and not supported by
like instructions in the collection letter will be
7.10 Direct sending urged

Senders are urged to send bonds, debentures,
coupons, and other similar securities payable by
any one of several paying agents direct to the
Federal Reserve bank of the district in which
the paying agent nearest to the sender is located.
7.15 Coupons

Coupons sent to us for collection should be
enclosed in separate envelopes according to
issue. The name of the sender, the name of its
depositor, the sender’s collection number, and
a complete description of the coupons enclosed,
including the name of the paying agent thereof,
should be visible on or through each envelope
containing coupons. Such envelopes should be
separately listed and described (either by issue
or collection number] on the totaled collection
letter of the sender.
7.20 Coupon ownership certificates

Before sending coupons to us for collection,
senders should ascertain whether ownership
certificates are required to be attached thereto
by law or by the issuer of such coupons. If so
required, the appropriate ownership certificate
forms should be attached to the coupons sent to
us for collection.
7.25 Other securities

Securities other than coupons sent to us for
collection should be sorted according to issue,
should be accompanied by the same information
as accompanies coupons sent for collection, and
should also be listed and described on the
sender’s totaled collection letter in the same
manner as coupons sent for collection, as pro­
vided in section 7.15 hereof.



8.00Uniform instructions

In the absence of specific instructions to the
contrary in the sender’s collection letter and
except as provided in section 8.05 hereof, we
will receive, handle, and forward noncash items
subject to the following uniform instructions
regarding protest:
(a) PROTEST any dishonored item of $2,500 or
over, except a bond, debenture, coupon, or other
similar security:
(i) which appears on its face to have been drawn
at a place which is not within any state,4 unless
it bears on its face the A.B.A. no-protest symbol
of a Federal Reserve bank or of a preceding
bank endorser, or
(ii) which bears on its face the legend, “PRO­
TEST REQUIRED,” of a Federal Reserve bank
or of a preceding bank endorser.
(i) any item of less than $2,500, or
(ii) any item of $2,500 or over unless it is protestable under subparagraph (a).
8.05Items with U.S. Treasury and similar en­

ADVICE5 of nonpayment of any check handled
as a noncash item, regardless of amount,
endorsed by the United States Treasury, or en­
dorsed for credit to the United States Treasury,
or bearing on its face or in an endorsement the
legend “This check is in payment of an obliga­
tion to the United States and must be paid at
par. N.P. Do not wire nonpayment” or words of
similar import.
‘T he te rm “s ta te ” is defined in se c tio n 210.2[n) of
R egulation J to m e an any sta te of th e U n ite d S ta te s, th e
D istric t of C olum bia, o r P u erto Rico, o r an y te rrito ry ,
p o sse ssio n o r d e p e n d e n c y of the U nite d S tates.
“F o r th e p u rp o s e s of th is bulletin, the te rm "w ire ” in ­
cludes te lephone, te leg rap h , a n d cable.

8.10 Responsibility for protest

The paying bank, if any, shall be responsible for
making or providing for any protest of a non­
cash item protestable under the provisions of
this bulletin, except as may be otherwise pro­
vided by the rules or practices of any clearing
house through which the item was presented or
by agreement between us and the paying bank.
If there is no paying bank, the responsibility
shall be that of the subsequent collecting bank,


if any, except as may be otherwise provided by
applicable clearing house rules or practices or
by agreement between us and such collecting
bank. If there is no paying bank or subsequent
collecting bank, we will make or provide for
any necessary protest.
8.15 Determination of responsibility

We have no responsibility for determining
whether another bank responsible therefor has
(a) made or provided for the protest of any dis­
honored noncash item in accordance with spe­
cific instructions in the sender’s collection letter
or in accordance with the provisions of this
bulletin or (b) given any wire advice requested
with respect to any noncash item.
8.20 Communications concerning noncash items

When instructed to do so by a sender, this Bank
will give wire advice5 of credit to such sender
without charge for any noncash item in an
amount of $1,000 or over; if, when instructed
to do so by a sender, this Bank gives wire advice
of credit for any noncash item in an amount of
less than $1,000, a $1.50 service charge will be
made against the sender’s account. No charge will
be made for wire advices of nonpayment or for
messages pertaining to tracing noncash items.
8.25 Requesting wire advice

The term listed below, when used in instruc­
tions, advices, or communications, will be un­
dersto o d to have the meaning indicated, as
“WIRE FATE” when wire advice of credit or
wire advice of nonpayment is desired. A wire
advice of credit message indicates that a credit
has been posted to the reserve or other account
of the sender of the item; with respect to a
bankers’ acceptance drawn upon a depositor in
a Federal Reserve Bank, however, when a Fed­
eral Reserve Bank gives wire advice of credit,
it does not necessarily imply that actually and
finally collected funds are in its possession.
A Federal Reserve Bank will have no responsi­
bility for any other instruction given by a sender
regarding wire advice of credit or wire advice
of nonpayment.

9.00 Generally

Except as hereinafter provided with respect to



bankers’ acceptances drawn upon depositors in
a Federal Reserve Bank and due and past due
coupons, credit for the proceeds of noncash
items, with the usual advice, will be given as
directed in a reserve account, or other appro­
priate account, upon receipt by us of payment in
actually and finally collected funds or upon re­
ceipt of advice from another Federal Reserve
Bank of such payment.
9.05 Bankers’ acceptances

Credit for bankers’ acceptances drawn upon de­
positors in a Federal Reserve Bank will be given,
subject to payment in actually and finally col­
lected funds, in accordance with the following
schedule, if received by us sufficiently in ad­
vance to permit forwarding in time to reach the
place of payment at least one banking day be­
fore maturity.
Place Payable

Federal Reserve bank or
branch cities

Credit Available

On maturity
1 banking day
after maturity

payment or remittance received by us for the
item, we will give credit to the sender for the
net proceeds.
10.10 Charges by Federal Reserve banks

Items sent to the Federal Reserve banks for
collection are subject to the following charges:
(a) Charges made by collecting banks or paying
banks referred to in sections 10.00 and 10.05 of
this bulletin; and
(b) Charges made by the Federal Reserve banks:
(i) A charge, at their discretion, for handling
and collecting securities;
(ii) A service charge, at their discretion, of
$.50 per item on all noncash items returned un­
paid and unprotested;
(iii) Postage, insurance, or express, or other
transportation charges incurred in forwarding
(iv) All telegraph, cable, and telephone charges;
(v) Protest fees.



10.00 Generally

11.00 Generally

Except as hereinafter provided, the Federal Re­
serve banks make no charge for their services
in collecting noncash items. However, it is recog­
nized that any other bank acting as agent to
collect any such item renders a service in
presenting, collecting, and remitting, for which
a reasonable charge may be made if it cares to
do so; and when such a charge is made and
deducted from the payment or remittance re­
ceived by us for the item, we will give credit
to the sender for the net proceeds.
10.05 Charges by collecting or paying banks

No charge may be made by a paying bank or
collecting bank in connection with the collection
or payment of any check that may be handled
as a noncash item; provided, however, that a
collecting bank or paying bank may make a
collection charge in connection with such item
if such charge reflects expenses actually in­
curred by it in collecting such check as a non­
cash item which it would not have incurred had
the check been handled as a cash item and if
such charge is clearly not an exchange charge
nor in the nature of a charge for payment. When
such a charge is made and deducted from the

A noncash item for which final payment has
been received by a Federal Reserve bank cannot
be returned to a Federal Reserve bank by a
subsequent collecting bank, a paying bank, or
nonbank payor for credit or refund. However,
such an item may be returned to us without
entry and with a request that we ask our sender
to make refund therefor, in which event we will
make refund to the subsequent collecting bank,
paying bank, or nonbank payor, as the case may
be, and charge our sender only if the latter
specifically authorizes us to do so.
11.05 Noncash items to be presented for accep­

We will receive from senders, for presentment
for acceptance, any non-accepted noncash item
which provides that it must be presented for
acceptance, or which is payable elsewhere than
at the residence or place of business of the
drawee, or the date of payment of which de­
pends upon presentment for acceptance, sub­
ject to the following terms and conditions:
(a) Noncash items to be presented for accep­
tance must be deposited by senders in a separate


collection letter which states that such items
are to be so presented and sets forth any other
instructions of the sender, not inconsistent with
the provisions of this section and section 11,10
hereof, regarding such items.
(b) A Federal Reserve bank or a subsequent
collecting bank may present any such item for
acceptance in any manner authorized by law.
(c) Any subsequent collecting bank to which
this bank forwards any such item for present­
ment for acceptance will give us prompt notice
of acceptance or refusal of the item.
(d) No Federal Reserve bank or subsequent
collecting bank shall, upon the acceptance of
any such item, deliver to the drawee thereof any
accompanying documents unless specifically in­
structed by the sender to do so.
11.10 Effect of section 11.05

A noncash item received by us under section
11.05 hereof will be presented for acceptance
by us or by a subsequent collecting bank selected
by us. If the item is not accepted, it will be
returned to the sender; if accepted and
[a] If the item is payable 30 days or less after
sight or by its terms matures 30 days or less
after the receipt thereof by us, the item will be
held for presentment for payment by us, by the
subsequent collecting bank, or by the drawee
bank; or if the sender so requests, the item will
be returned to the sender; or
(b] If the item is payable more than 30 days
after sight or by its terms matures more than
30 days after the receipt thereof by us, the item
will be returned to the sender.

12.00 Requirements for handling

In the event we receive, as a noncash item, a


properly prepared photographic copy of a lost
or destroyed item which was a check or other
demand item without securities, bills of lading
or other documents attached and which was
eligible for handling as a noncash item and the
copy bears a current endorsement of the sender
and the following legend, or one of equivalent
effect, signed by or in behalf of the sender:
“This is a photographic facsimile of the original
item which was endorsed by the undersigned
and reported lost, stolen or destroyed while in
the regular course of bank collection. All prior
and any missing endorsements and the validity
of this facsimile are hereby guaranteed, and
upon payment hereof in lieu of the original item,
the undersigned will hold each collecting bank
and the payor bank harmless from any loss suf­
fered, provided the original item is unpaid and
payment is stopped thereon.”
we will handle the copy as follows:
(a) We will present or send the copy, as a non­
cash item, to the paying bank [or nonbank
payor) named on the original item, subject to all
the terms and conditions of this bulletin; or
(b) If such paying bank (or nonbank payor) re­
fuses to handle the copy, we will return the
copy to the sender.
12.05 Requirements for handling cash items as
noncash items

We will also handle as a noncash item, subject
to all the terms and conditions of this bulletin,
a properly prepared photographic copy of a
cash item which, in accordance with section 12
of our Bulletin No. 8, we have charged back
to the sender and entered for collection as a
noncash item, provided that the paying bank
(or nonbank payor) is willing to handle the
copy as a noncash item.



A-1.00 Handled as noncash item

Payment vouchers on letters of credit for Gov­
ernment grants and contributions will be handled
by us as noncash items in accordance with an
agreement made by the Secretary of the Treas­
ury and by the Federal Reserve banks as de­
positaries and fiscal agents of the United States.
A-2.00 Effectuation of payment

As fiscal agent of the United States, we will
effect payment of such vouchers by credit to the
reserve or other account of the sender which
has forwarded the vouchers to us for payment.
Simultaneously with such credit, we will debit
the amount of such payment vouchers against
the general account of the United States Trea­
sury under such symbol numbers as may be
assigned by the United States Treasury. At that
time the payment of such payment vouchers
shall become final payment as between us and
the sender.
A-3.00 Nonpayment

In the event that we do not pay any payment
voucher forwarded to us for payment by a
sender which maintains or uses an account
with us, we will promptly advise such sender of

the nonpayment thereof, by wire at the cost of
the United States Treasury, and will forward
such voucher and any copy thereof which may
accompany it, with advice as to the reason for
nonpayment, to the Treasury Department; and
we will have no further obligation or further
liability in respect of such payment voucher.
A-4.00 Claims for refund

The agreement between the Secretary of the
Treasury and the Federal Reserve banks pro­
vides, in effect, that no claim for refund or
otherwise with respect to any payment voucher
debited against the general account of the
United States Treasury shall be made against or
through any Federal Reserve bank; that, if any
Federal agency makes any such claim with re­
spect to any such payment voucher (other than
a claim based on the negligence of a Federal
Reserve bank] such payment voucher will not
be returned or sent to a Federal Reserve bank,
but such Federal agency will deal directly with
the party against which such claim is made; and
that, if any Federal Reserve bank shall stamp or
otherwise place on any payment voucher any
endorsement or legend containing the words
“prior endorsement guaranteed” or words of
similar import, such endorsement, legend, or
words will have no effect whatsover except to
identify the payment voucher as having been
received by such Federal Reserve bank.



B-1.00 General

Coupons from obligations of the United States
and its agencies and instrumentalities, when re­
ceived by us for collection, are paid by us as
fiscal agent of the United States, or of the
agency or instrumentality. We will receive such
coupons in accordance with the following pro­

The schedules to be used for such coupons will
be furnished by us upon request.
B-3.00 Ownership certificate forms

Ownership certificate forms, when required by
law, must be attached to coupons from obliga­
tions of the United States and its agencies and
instrumentalities sent to us for collection. Such
forms should be obtained by the sender from
the nearest District Director of Internal Revenue.

B-2.00 Procedure

We will receive, from senders who maintain or
use accounts with us, coupons listed on sched­
ules and enclosed in envelopes showing the
name of the sender, as follows:
(a) Coupons from obligations of the United
States should be enclosed in separate envelopes
according to current or uncurrent interest due
dates and denomination. Only coupons that bear
an interest due date of February 15, March 15,
May 15, June 15, August 15, September 15, No­
vember 15, or December 15 and are presented
for payment on or before such interest due date
or before the next such interest due date will
be considered as bearing current interest due
dates (for example, if a coupon bearing an
interest due date of August 15, 1971, is pre­
sented not later than September 14, 1971, it
should be classified as “current”); and all other
coupons will be considered as bearing uncurrent
interest due dates.
(b) Coupons from obligations of agencies or
instrumentalities of the United States should
be enclosed in separate envelopes according to
issue and denomination.

B-4.00 Coupons not handled

We will not handle coupons from obligations of
the International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development and the Inter-American Develop­
ment Bank for collection. However, senders
which maintain or use accounts with us are
authorized to send such coupons directly to the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, for payment
for our account, in accordance with the terms
and conditions of the operating bulletins of that
Federal Reserve bank. We will give credit for
such coupons in the reserve or other appropriate
account upon advice from the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York that such coupons have
been paid.
B-5.00 Immediate credit

Immediate credit, subject to final payment, will
be given for due or past due coupons received by
us for payment, in the reserve or other appro­
priate account, if listed in a separate totaled
letter and received by us by 2:00 p.m. on any
banking day for us.