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F ederal R eserve Bank OF DALLAS Dallas, Texas, July 15,1954 COLLECTION OF ITEMS PAYABLE IN ALASKA AND HAW AII To the Par Remitting Nonmember Banks of the Eleventh Federal Reserve District: The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System has adopted amendments to its Regulation J, effective July 15, 1954, in order to permit the collection through the Federal Reserve banks of checks drawn on nonmember par-remitting banks located in such of the Terri tories, dependencies, insular possessions, and parts of the United States outside the continental United States as the Board of Governors may designate. Pursuant to these amendments, the Board of Governors has desig nated Alaska and Hawaii as being in or of the Twelfth Federal Reserve District, for purposes o f Regulation J, effective July 15, 1954. We are pleased to send you the enclosed copy of the amendments (including the announcement designating Alaska and Hawaii as being in or of the Twelfth Federal Reserve District) for filing with your copy o f Regulation J, which was sent to you with our circular letter of December 23, 1948. Yours very truly, WATROUS H. IRONS President This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library ( CHECK CLEARING AND COLLECTION AM ENDMENTS TO R E G U L A T IO N J Issued by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System In order to permit the collection through the Federal Reserve Ranks of checks drawn on nonmember par-remitting banks located in such of the Ter ritories, dependencies, insular possessions, and parts of the United States outside the continental United States as the Board of Governors may desig nate, Regulation J is hereby amended, effective July 15, 1954, in the follow ing respects: 1. Section 3 of Regulation J is amended by inserting a new Footnote 1 to the word “district” where it first occurs in such section, reading as follows: ulFor the purposes of this Regulation, Alaska, Flawaii, Puerto Rico and any dependency, insular possession or part of the United States outside the continental United States shall be deemed to be in or of such Federal Reserve district as the Board of Governors may designate.” 2. The numbering of present Footnotes 1, 2, and 3 is changed to 2, 3, and 4, respectively. DESIGNATION OF ALASKA AND HAWAII AS BEING IN OR OF THE TWELFTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT FOR PURPOSES OF REGULATION J Pursuant to Footnote 1 of Regulation J, as amended effective July 15, 1954, the Board of Governors has taken the following action: For purposes of Regulation J, Alaska and Hawaii shall be deemed to be in or of the Twelfth Federal Reserve District, effective on and after July 15, 1954.