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F E D E R A L R E S E R V E Circular No. 45 Series of 1921 B A N K OF DALLAS July 12, 1921. CHANGES IN OFFICIALS TO THE MEMBER BANK ADDRESSED: At the meeting of our Board of Directors, held the 7th instant, the resignation of Mr. Lynn P. Talley, Deputy Governor, was accepted, effective July 1st. Mr. Talley leaves this bank to accept the First Vice Presidency of a large commercial bank in Dallas. The election of a successor to Mr. Talley was deferred to a later meet ing of our directors. The resignation of Mr. Sam R. Lawder, Cashier, was accepted, effec tive July 8th. Mr. Lawder leaves this bank to accept an official position with a local institution. Mr. R. R. Gilbert, heretofore Assistant Federal Reserve Agent in charge of Member Bank Relations, was elected Cashier of the bank to succeed Mr. Lawder. Mr. Dwight P. Reordan, heretofore Assistant Cashier, has been appointed Assistant Federal Reserve Agent in charge of Member Bank Relations, succeeding Mr. Gilbert. The resignation of Mr. E. F. Gossett, Manager of the Houston Branch, was accepted, effective August 1st. Mr. Gossett has accepted an official position with a large commercial bank in Houston. Mr. Floyd Ikard, heretofore Cashier of the Houston Branch, was elected Manager to succeed Mr. Gossett. Mr. Laurence E. Dignan, formerly Assistant Cashier of the Houston Branch, was elected Cashier, to succeed Mr. Ikard. Respectfully, Chairman of the Board. This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (