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F ederal R eserve b a n k o f D allas DALLAS, TE X A S 75222 Circular No. 72-250 November 3 } 1972 To All Banks, Broker/Dealers, Regulation G Registrants and Others Concerned in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District: The following changes, effective November 2, 1972, should be made in the official List of OTC Margin Stocks, dated May 15, 1972, which was distributed with our Circular No. 72-92 dated May 155 1972. DELETIONS Bandag, Inc. $1 .00 par common Morrison-Knudsen Company, Inc. $10.00 par common Brush Wellbnan Inc. $1.00 par common Pacific Resources, Inc. No par common Cavanagh Communities Corporation $.01 par common Public Service Company of New Mexico $ 5.00 par common Colonial Penn Group, Inc. $.10 par common Richmond Corporation Common Cypress Communications Corporation $1.00 par common Frigitronics, Inc. $.10 par common Smith's Transfer Corporation $2.50 par common Southeast Banking Corporation $ 5.00 par common Gleason Works Common The Southern New England Telephone Company $25.00 par common The Golden Cycle Corporation No par common The Southland Corporation $.01 par common Hardee's Food. Systems, Inc. No par common Trinity Industries, Inc. $1.00 par common OTHER CHANGES From The Coastal States Life Insurance Corporation Common To Coastal States Corporation $1.00 par common This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library ( To From First Union National Bancorp, Inc. $5.00 par capital Cameron Financial Corporation $3.33 l/3 par capital Monmouth County National Bank $+ i 1.00 par common-capital Colonial First National Bank $1.00 par common Quality Courts Motels, Inc. $1.00 par common Quality Inns International, Inc. $1.00 par common Security Pacific National Bank $10.00 par common Security Pacific Corporation $10.00 par common Virginia National Bank $5.00 par common Virginia National Bankshares, Inc. $5.00 par common Yours very truly, P. E. Coldwell, President