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F ederal Reserve Bank of Dallas


C i r c u l a r No. 78-47
A pril 21, 1978

For some time now, th e Bank A dm in is tra tio n Institu te , A m erican B a n k e r s
A ss o c ia tio n , a n d Federal R e s e r v e System h a v e b e en w o r k in g t o g e th e r , t h r o u g h a
g r o u p known a s the J o in t I n d u s t r y Exception Item T a s k F o rce , on a p ro g r a m to r e ­
d u c e th e p ro b le m s a n d c o s ts a s s o c ia t e d with in te r b a n k c a s h letter e r r o r s . S ta n ­
d a r d i z e d p r o c e d u r e s a n d forms w e r e d e v e l o p e d a n d t h e i r e ffectiv en ess m e a s u re d
t h r o u g h a pilot t e s t in vo lvin g some 80 b a n k s a c r o s s the nation. Data g a t h e r e d d u r ­
ing th is te st in d icate th a t all b a n k s , r e g a r d l e s s of s ize , would be n efit from adoption
of th e p r o p o s e d s y s te m . Since a key ele m ent in the p ro g r a m is a h igh d e g r e e of
s t a n d a r d i z a t i o n , th e am ount of in d iv id u a l b a n k s a v i n g s is d e p e n d e n t on the total
n u m b e r of b a n k s that a d o p t th e p r o p o s e d m eth ods.
In a n effort to a c q u a i n t a s many b a n k s a s p o s s ib le with the p r o g r a m , the
Bank A d m in is tra tio n In stitu te (BAI) is p l a n n in g a s e r i e s of h a lf-d a y t r a in in g s e s ­
s io n s t h r o u g h o u t th e c o u n t r y , c o v e r i n g the re com m en d ed p r o c e d u r e s a n d s t a n ­
d a r d i z e d fo r m s . Each s e s s io n will be s p o n s o r e d by a local BAI c h a p t e r a n d many
will b e a tte n d e d b y Federal R e s e r v e c h e c k a d ju s t m e n t s p e r s o n n e l . Additional
inform ation, in c lu d in g locations of t h e s e s e s s i o n s a n d in d iv id u a ls to c on tact r e ­
g a r d i n g d e t a i l s , will be r e l e a s e d b y BAI soon.
T h e e n c lo se d r e p r i n t of an a r t i c l e w r itt e n for Bank A dm inistration
M agazine b y Walter W. Stafe il, BAI P r in c ip a l S yste m s S p e c ia list, in c lu d e s an o v e r ­
view of th e c o n s i d e r a t i o n s a n d re c o m m e n d a tio n s, a s well a s the r e s e a r c h th a t led
to th e d e v e lo p m e n t of th e s t a n d a r d i z e d p r o c e d u r e s a n d fo rm s. I hope each b a n k
in the Eleventh D is tric t will a tte n d one of the t r a i n i n g s e s s i o n s a n d p a r t i c i p a t e in
the p r o g r a m t h r o u g h ad o p tio n of the p r o c e d u r e s a n d form s.
S in c e r e ly y o u r s ,
R obert H . Boykin
F irst Vice President
E n c lo s u re

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (



Joint Industry
Exception Item Task
Force Recommendations

By Walter W. Stafeil
Principal Systems Specialist
B ank Administration Institute
Park Ridge, Illinois

items and adjustments. An over­
view o f the considerations and
recommendations of each working
group and of the full task force fol­
Reject Working G roup

In251973. nearly three out of every
checks written became ex­
ception items (MICR rejects, re­
turn items and cash letter adjust­
ments). These exception items in­
creased the industry’s 1973 total
direct check processing cost by
25% or $285 million. These find­
ings are from a BAI research study
which also projected the industry’s
cost of handling exceptions would
grow to $1.6 billion by 1980 unless
actions were initiated to reduce
either the volume or processing
cost of these items.
BAI initiated a number of
studies to investigate possible im­
provements for the processing of
these items. The results were pre­
sented at an Exception Item Con­
ference in March. 1976. Based
upon the feedback from confer­
ence attendees, a Joint Industry
Exception Item Task Force
(JEITF) was formed to identify
and pursue feasible solutions to
the exception item problem.
The JEITF was sponsored by
Bank Administration Institute, the
American Bankers Association
and the Federal Reserve System,
and was comprised principally of
bank operations personnel. It was
divided into three working groups,
each dealing with a specific area of
exception items: Rejects, return

The reject working group inves­
tigated five possible solutions to al­
leviate the problems associated
with the handling of MICR rejects.
One solution was for the indus­
try to utilize the regulatory agen­
cies to monitor reject rates. If a
bank’s reject rate exceeded an es­
tablished standard, the fact would
be recorded and brought to the at­
tention of senior bank manage­
ment. The working group did not
recommend this action because of
the difficulty in defining and estab­
lishing a standard reject rate for
different types of equipment and
various methods used to calculate
reject rates.
The use of dual or redundant
MICR lines on each check was
also studied. With two sets of
MICR characters, a digit that
could not be read in one set might
be read in the second set. The cost
of placing two MICR lines, the
extra reading head needed and the
software cost far exceeded the
benefits to be gained. Thus, this
consideration was eliminated.
The third solution was for each
federal reserve bank to produce a
monthly report showing in ascend­
ing sequence the reject rate for
each bank it processed items for.
The reject rate would be deter­
mined from the cumulative number
o f items processed and would
identify the bank’s name.
The working group anticipated
that this report would stimulate
each bank to improve its perfor­

mance. Another positive effect
would be its impact on machine
vendors. Bankers would be able to
compare the rate from their pres­
ent equipment to other vendors’
equipment, and this would act as
an incentive for manufacturers to
maintain quality.
The working group recom­
mended that the Federal Reserve
Banks issue monthly reject re­
ports. However, the ranking would
be eliminated because the assign­
ment of a numerical rank implied a
judgment concerning relative per­
formance. The monthly reports
would contain the following infor­
■ Highest reject rate experi­
enced from a bank during that
■ Lowest reject rate experi­
enced from a bank that month.
■ Average reject rate for all
banks during that month.
■ The individual bank’s reject
rate experienced by the Federal
Reserve Bank during that month.
The Federal Reserve System
agreed to produce the report and
has completed the necessary pro­
gramming. At this time most banks
in the nation that send items to a
Federal Reserve office are receiv­
ing it.
The fourth solution studied was
in the area of quality control. The
working group’s initial intention
was to create a quality control
handbook containing the do’s and
don’ts of MICR processing. This
guideline would assist banks in es­
tablishing a quality control func­
tion and/or improving the effec­
tiveness of existing quality control
After much discussion the work­
ing group recommended that all

The Return Item Working Group studied prevention, endorsement,
standardization, extended deadlines and automation of return items; the
cost, volume and implementation time of each were considered.
banks adopt and implement a qual­
ity control program. The handbook
was not produced, but a strong
recommendation emerged that an
industry group be formed to pro­
duce these guidelines.
The fifth area o f study con­
cerned full MICR line reject re­
pair. Full reject repair is defined as
fully reencoding the complete
MICR line on add-on stripes” or
“ carrier envelopes” for items that
rejected during the first pass on
automated reader/sorters. Fully
repaired items should be able to be
read by subsequent high-speed
processing equipment and should
be no different from the original
encoded items. Both are MICR
encoded according to check
specifications, and each item
should have the complete MICR
line encoded. While the working
group concluded that full reject re­
pair. accepted industrywide, could
reduce the cost of processing re­
jects. it cautioned banks about the
disadvantages inherent in the cur­
rent state of the art.
A number of legal issues are in­
volved with full repair when the
MICR line is reencoded. One type
of encoding error occurs when the
repairing bank misencodes either
the routing number or the dollar
amount. This type of error is simi­
lar to what can happen today. An
encoding error in the routing field
would cause the item to be misrouted but eventually found. An
error in the dollar amount field
should be discovered during rec­
The unknown liability occurs
when an encoding error happens
during the repair of the on-us field.
If an erroneous account number is
encoded on the repaired item, the
possibility exists that the item
could be posted to the wrong ac­
count. While there are some
safeguards in this process—a
check digit may cause the item to
be unposted, or the error may
create an overdraft which might be

discovered while returning the
item, or the error might be discov­
ered during check filing—the legal
liability is unknown. It is impor­
tant to note that this error would
only effect debits. Credits are not
processed by other banks. The
working group encourages banks
within clearing house associations
that have the equipment to repair
reject items fully without manual
intervention to repair these rejects.
However, it cautions participating
banks to be alert to the legal issues
if an error occurs and to establish
agreements for this liability prior
to implementing full reject repair.

Return Item Working Group
The Return Item Working Group
began its task by identifying four
measures that could reduce the ef­
fects of return items. The mea­
sures studied were prevention, en­
dorsement standardization, e x ­
tended deadlines and automation
of return items. The cost, volume
and implementation time of each
measure were considered.
The prevention of return items
involves aiding banks in identify­
ing accounts that may cause them.
By publicizing services that pre­
vent return items, the overall vol­
umes could decrease.
studied: Identification codes, new
account services etc. Prevention
was not recommended as a na­
tional solution, but instead as one
that is more effective on the local
level. Banks in local areas should
participate in various plans to re­
duce the number o f these ac­
The second measure considered
was the standardization of en­
dorsements. A proposal for a
standard endorsement specifica­
tion was drafted that called for the
identification of the bank of first
deposit, or first encoding bank, on
the reverse side of a check in a
clear band area. All subsequent
bank endorsements would be


placed sequentially in another area
on the back of the check through
the use of a symbol, with the
technology prescribed by the
ANSI X-9 Committee.
The endorsement specification
was developed as an evolutionary
specification. That is. as banks
modified their proof machines to
place their endorsements in the
clear area, the first step toward
e n d orsem en t stan dardization
would occur. As more banks mod­
ified their machines, the current
problems associated with identifi­
cation of the bank of first deposit
would be reduced.
If a method for identifying sub­
sequent endorsements is de­
veloped through ANSI, the indus­
try could then comply with the
specification and a major problem
associated with the processing of
return items would be minimized.
The third measure studied was
the automatic processing of return
items. This proposal was to return
items directly to the bank of first
deposit. All items would be qual­
ified with routing number of the
bank of first deposit and the dollar
amount. With the use of either
add-on stripes, color-coded carrier
envelopes or another MICR clear
band on the check, the items could
be sorted by reader/sorters and
then routed through the Federal
Reserve’s check processing sys­
tem. The working group deter­
mined that, while the concept was
appealing, the standardization of
endorsements was necessary be­
fore it could recommend the entire
industry pursue this solution.
The fourth measure studied was
the return item deadline issue. A
proposal presented at the Excep­
tion Item Conference was to ex­
tend the present 24 hours from
midnight of the day the items were
received to 72 hours for nonsuffi­
cient fund items under $25 in
value. The proposal to extend the
return item deadline offered a sig­
nificant reduction in cost while

limiting the loss exposure of the
paying bank. An overwhelming
majority of the participants at the
conference indicated support for
the proposal and that their banks
would cooperate by accepting late
returns from other banks in their
areas if the proposal were adopted.
A number of factors contributed
to the conclusions drawn by the
working group; and in some in­
stances they were not related to
the statistical data. The reasons
included the emotional impact of
delaying returns on customers, the
marketing policy of different banks
and operational control considera­
After careful evaluation and col­
lection of additional information, it
appeared that control problems
would be monumental and require
costly system changes with a 72hour deadline. A 48-hour deadline
appeared to be more controllable
and less costly to implement. The
group also considered that, for this
proposal to be effective, a larger
share of the total N SF volume
should be included. The results of
the 1974 NSF survey showed that
nearly 45% of all NSF items were
under $25 in value and that nearly






80% were under $100 in value.
Because of the legal implications
of the UCC and Regulation J. this
recommendation should be im­
plemented at the local level. The
working group encourages local
clearing house associations to pur­
sue this recommendation. Clearing
house associations electing to
amend their deadline rules will find
legal support for this action in Sec­
tion 4-103. paragraph 2 of the Uni­
form Commercial Code. Since
there is no track record in this
area, clearing house associations
accepting this recommendation are
requested to report to the task
force the overall effect of the
change during the first year.

Adjustments Working Group
The A d ju s tm e n ts W orking
Group was charged with the re­
sponsibility for determining
methods of reducing the volume of
adjustments (and thereby their re­
lated cost to the industry) and
proposing standardized adjust­
ments procedures and forms in­
cluding testing their validity, cost
justifying their impact and guiding
their implementation on a national

The procedures and forms
studied by the adjustments work­
ing group had been reacted to and
reviewed at the Exception Item
Conference. A majority of the at­
tendees felt that the concept of
adjustments standardization would
be beneficial to the banking indus­
try. After considering the feedback
from the conference attendees, the
working group reduced the number
of procedures originally presented
from 12 to seven and the number
of forms from 15 to three. The
seven procedures and three forms
relate to the adjustments caused
by interbank errors. The custom­
er/bank procedures and forms
were eliminated because they are
an individual bank’s policy issue.
The working group discovered
no reliable data to use in studying
the impact of adjustments upon
banks and upon the industry in to­
tal. Statistics were not available to
determine the average days an
item is outstanding, average dollar
value per adjustment, lost invest­
ment opportunity to the industry
for funds associated with adjust­
ments. rate of backlog increase or
decrease, volume in dollar data by
classification of adjustments, or






impact on volume and dollars if ad­
justments are made on a direct
debit/credit to a Federal Reserve
Bank rather than requesting a
The working group recom­
mended a pilot test to collect the
information necessary for compar­
ing the current industry proce­
dures for resolving adjustments
with the proposed procedures and
forms along with their impact upon
adjustments on an industrywide
Eighty banks that participate in
BAI’s annual Check Collection

Performance Measurement Survey
were asked to perform the test.
They were divided into two
groups—control and test. Control
banks processed their adjustments
using their current systems and
forms. Each bank tracked every
adjustment it processed during the
test and summarized all adjust­
ments during the reporting period.
Test banks tracked every adjust­
ment they processed in the same
manner as the control banks; how­
ever. their procedures for resolving
adjustments were quite different.
When test banks resolved an ad­
justment between another testing
bank or through participating Fed­
eral Reserve Banks, they followed
the procedures revised by the

working group and used the pro­
posed forms. Only when testing
banks resolved items between
nonparticipating banks and Fed­
eral Reserve Banks did they use
their current procedures and
forms. Prior to conducting the test
from the middle of March. 1977
through April 30. 1977. a training
meeting was held in Chicago to re­
view the procedures and forms
that would be used during the test.
The pilot test yielded a number
of measurements with regard to
analysis indicated that all banks,
regardless of size, would benefit
by following the proposed proce­
dures and forms.
The average number of days an
item was outstanding was 1.6 days
less between test banks and 0.7
days between test and control
banks. Banks that processed fewer
than 2.000 adjustments during the
test gained the most benefit.
The adjustment test identified
numerous benefits if the proce­
dures and forms were used to re­
solve interbank differences. Each
bank could improve its control of
adjustments, install a productivity
measurement technique in its ad­
justment area, improve the interac­
tion between management and ad­
justment staff and participate in an
industry effort to solve the prob­
lems by using the standardized
procedures and forms.
The standardization would also
produce a number of other benefits
such as reduction of total outstand­
ing adjustment dollars, reduction
in cost of forms, easier training of
adjustment staff, standardized
manuals, reduction o f followup
correspondence, reduction of staff
to resolve adjustments, and fewer
charge backs to customers result­
ing from a reduction of the number
of late charge backs and a reduc­
tion of number of items outstand­
ing during reconcilement.
Based upon the information de­

veloped during the adjustment
test, the Adjustment Workihg
Group recommended that the in­
dustry implement the following six
procedures and three forms to re­
solve differences between com­
mercial banks and Federal Reserve

Free item
Loose items
Missing items
Listing error adjustments
End point sort adjustments
Encoding errors

Request for claim or debit-credit
Request for credit-debit
Loose item notification
The post sending procedure was
not recommended. The procedure
was designed to eliminate dupli­
cate paperwork during the test.
However, it contributed to extra
paperwork and increased the
number of days an item was out­
standing. For these reasons the
working group only recommended
the procedures listed above.

The task force believes that
banks adopting its recommenda­
tions will improve their ability to
process rejects and return items.
Industry improvement will only
occur if banks work together
cooperatively to solve problems.
The industry will continue to be
plagued with the complex system
presently used to resolve adjust­
ment if only a few banks imple­
ment the procedures. If many
banks implement them, however,
they and the industry in general
will achieve benefits. At some
point in the future the present
complex nature of resolving ad­
justments can be simplified, and
the industry will then be able to di­
rect its attention to solving other
industry problems.

Reprinted from April, 1978
