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For Immediate Release

Press Release
September 08, 2006

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The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) today announced the
availability of data for the year 2005 on mortgage lending transactions at 8,848 financial
institutions covered by the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) in metropolitan statistical
areas (MSAs) throughout the nation. The HMDA data made available today include disclosure
statements for each financial institution, aggregate data for each MSA, nationwide summary
statistics regarding lending patterns, and the Loan Application Register (LAR), modified for
borrower privacy, submitted by each institution to its supervisory agency by March 1, 2006. The
FFIEC prepares and distributes these data products on behalf of its member agencies—the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation,
National Credit Union Administration, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and Office of
Thrift Supervision—and the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
The HMDA data show disposition of loan applications (for example, originated or denied)
detailed by property location, applicant characteristics (such as race, ethnicity, sex, and income),
and census tract characteristics (minority composition and income). For the second year, the
data reflect information about: loan prices; whether a loan is subject to HOEPA (the Home
Ownership and Equity Protection Act); whether a loan or application relates to manufactured
housing; and whether a loan is secured by a first or subordinate lien, or is unsecured. (More
information about the new HMDA data requirements is available in the FAQs on the FFIEC
web site, at, questions 9-18.)
The addition of loan price information to the HMDA data is related to the substantial growth in
the higher-priced segment of the mortgage market. Although affording many consumers greater
access to credit, this growth also has led to concerns about the appropriateness of loan terms and
lending practices and the potential for unequal treatment of borrowers. While the HMDA price
data alone cannot be used to determine fair lending violations, they can facilitate the fair lending
examination and enforcement process, as well as promote market efficiency.
The aggregate 2005 data show that the incidence of higher-priced lending (that is, the
proportion of loans where the spread between the rate on the loan and the yield on comparable
Treasury securities exceeds specified thresholds) was significantly higher overall in 2005 than
in 2004. The data also show that the incidence of higher-priced lending, as well as the
disposition of loan applications, varies by loan product, lender, geographic market, race, and
ethnicity. When viewed at the aggregate level, differences in the incidence of higher-priced
lending between racial and ethnic groups, which were shown in the 2004 data, increased from
2004 to 2005. Caution should be exercised, however, when comparing the 2005 loan price data
with corresponding data for 2004, because a number of factors can affect whether loans are
reported as higher-priced. These factors include changes in the interest rate environment –
specifically, in the relationship between short-term and long-term interest rates – as well as
changes in lenders’ business practices and in consumers’ borrowing practices or credit risk

The federal banking agencies analyze HMDA loan price data, in conjunction with other
information, when evaluating fair lending risk. The Interagency Fair Lending Examination
Procedures ( direct examiners to evaluate an institution’s fair
lending risk by considering a variety of information and risk factors. Risk factors for pricing
discrimination include, but are not limited to, the relationship between loan pricing and
compensation of loan officers or brokers; the presence of broad pricing discretion; the use of a
system of risk-based pricing that is not empirically based and statistically sound; and consumer
complaints. The HMDA loan price data are analyzed in conjunction with these other factors to
assess an institution’s level of risk for pricing discrimination.
Although HMDA data may be used to facilitate fair lending supervision and enforcement, it is
not possible to conclude whether a lender is complying with fair lending laws from HMDA data
alone. The HMDA data do not include many potential determinants of loan pricing, such as the
borrower's credit history, debt-to-income ratio, and the loan-to-value ratio. Thus, when the
federal banking agencies conduct examinations involving loan pricing, they collect additional
information through the fair lending examination process before reaching a determination
regarding an institution's compliance with fair lending laws. (For more information, see the
FFIEC's FAQs as noted above.) Users of the 2005 data should also be aware that transition rules
for reporting loans with application dates prior to 2004 raise important analytical issues. For
example, for some loans in this category institutions are not required to report price data. For
this reason, the FFIEC has included a data item on each institution's modified LAR data to allow
users to identify such loans. (More information on the transition rules is available in the FFIEC's
FAQs, question 26.)
How to obtain FFIEC-prepared HMDA data: Financial institution disclosure statements and
MSA and nationwide aggregate reports are available today on the FFIEC web site
( In addition, other data reports (for example, institutions’ LAR data) may
be ordered from the FFIEC. An order form describes the various reports, prices, and formats. It
is attached and also is available for printing from the FFIEC web site
Financial institutions are also required to make their disclosure statements available at their
home offices and, for other MSAs in which they have offices, to either make a copy of the
statements available at one branch per MSA or provide a copy upon written request. Questions
about a HMDA report for a specific institution should be directed to the institution’s supervisory
agency at the number listed below:
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation — 877-275-3342; hearing impaired — 800/925-4618
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, HMDA Assistance Line — 202-452-2016
National Credit Union Administration, Office of Examination and Insurance — 703-518-6360
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Compliance Policy Division — 202-874-4428
Office of Thrift Supervision, HMDA Hotline — 202-906-6342
Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Housing — 202-755-7530.
Data on Private Mortgage Insurance
The FFIEC also provides data from the nation's eight private mortgage insurance (PMI)
companies. The 2005 PMI data include information on approximately 1.5 million applications
for mortgage insurance; about 1.1 million applications were to insure home purchase mortgages,
and about 465,000 were to insure mortgages to refinance existing obligations. These data are
also available today—at individual PMI companies and from the FFIEC
(—in the same types of reports and in the same formats as the
HMDA data.
HMDA Data Order Form and Item Description

Media Contacts:
Federal Reserve

Susan Stawick
David Barr
Cherie Umbel
Dean DeBuck
Katie Fitzgerald

(202) 452-2955
(202) 898-6992
(703) 518-6330
(202) 874-4876
(202) 906-6677

The FFIEC was established in March 1979 to prescribe uniform principles, standards, and report forms and to promote
uniformity in the supervision of financial institutions. The Council has five member agencies: the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the National Credit Union Administration, the
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and the Office of Thrift Supervision. The Council's activities are supported
by interagency task forces and by an advisory State Liaison Committee, comprised of five representatives of state
agencies that supervise financial institutions.

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Last update: 09/08/2006 9:55 AM