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Federal R eserve Bank

D. M c T E E R , J R .

7 5 2 6 5 -5 90 6





July 24, 1996

Notice 96-67


The Chief Executive Officer of each
member bank and others concerned in
the Eleventh Federal Reserve District

Adoption of a State/Federal Supervisory Protocol
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation, and the Conference of State Bank Supervisors announced the
adoption of a State/Federal Supervisory Protocol for the coordinated supervision of
state-chartered banking organizations that operate across state lines. The Protocol,
accompanied by a Model Agreement, is designed to reduce regulatory burden and
improve the efficiency of bank examinations.
A copy of the Protocol and Model Agreement is attached.
For more information, please contact Basil Asaro at (214) 922-6066. For
additional copies of this Bank’s notice, please contact the Public Affairs Department at
(214) 922-5254.
Sincerely yours,



For additional copies, bankers and others are encouraged to use one o f the following toll-free numbers in contacting the Federal
Reserve Bank o f Dallas: D allas O ffice (800) 333 -4460; E l Paso Branch Intrastate (800) 592-1631, Interstate (800) 351-1012; H ouston
Branch Intrastate (800) 392-4162, Interstate (800) 221-0363; San A n tonio Branch Intrastate (800) 292-5810.

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (

Statement of Purpose and Applicability
The overall purpose o f this Protocol is to outline a basic fra m e w o rk for
supervising state-chartered banks w ith interstate branches.
A cco rd in g ly, the goals and guiding principles o f this Protocol apply to
any m ulti-state, state chartered b a n k .1 The e x te n t to w h ic h the
specific elem ents w ill apply depends upon the size and c o m p le x ity of
the subject bank; all elem ents w ou ld norm ally apply to interstate
banks w ith to tal assets over $1 billion.


Goals and Guiding Principles

The goals of the Board o f Governors of the Federal Reserve System
(the "B oard"), the Federal Deposit Insurance C orporation (the "FDIC")
and the State Banking D epartm ents are to prom ote the safety and
soundness o f financial institu tion s; to supervise and examine in a
seamless, flexible and risk-focused manner; to minimize regulatory
burden and expense; and to fo ster co n sisten cy, co ordination, and
c o m m un ica tion among the appropriate Federal and State regulators.


To achieve these goals, the Board, the FDIC and the State Banking
D epartm ents resolve to:

The m ost fu nd am ental objectives of th e Protocol, i.e. coordination, flexibility, and consistency, would
apply to any state chartered bank.



C oordinate the supervisory process to achieve a seamless and
flexible regulatory program fo r state-chartered banks w ith a
m ulti-state presence.

Recognize the Home State S upervisor2 as the single point
o f state c o n ta c t fo r a particular interstate bank co n sisten t
w ith the CSBS Protocol adopted April 20, 1 9 95 . The
Responsible Federal Reserve Bank and the Responsible
FDIC Regional O ffice, respectively, w ill coordinate
prim arily w ith the Home State S upervisor fo r state
m em ber banks and state nonm em ber b a n ks.3


Develop a supervisory program th a t is tailored to a ba nk's
co ndition and risk profile and th a t specifically recognizes and
addresses its unique characteristics.


C oordinate fu lly the applications process by prom oting
c o n sisten cy in approach and developing co m m on form s.


Provide info rm a tio n to a m ulti-state bank as to the law s and
regulations governing its operations and the general regulatory
policies and standards applicable to its supervision process.

See appendix for definitions.

In bank holding com panies w ith multiple state-cha rtere d subsidiary banks, the Responsible Federal
Reserve Bank for th e holding co m p any will coordin ate w ith the appropria te parties to ensure the principles of this Protocol
are applied on a consolidated basis.



Supervisory Process

Supervisory Plan

The Home State Supervisor and Responsible Federal A g e ncy
w ill each ide n tify a specific individual responsible fo r developing
and coordinating the supervisory process fo r each state
chartered bank operating in more than one state.


individuals w ill, among other things, serve as the liaison w ith
bank m anagem ent and w ill ensure th a t the principles o f this
Protocol are achieved.

The Home State Supervisor and Responsible Federal A g e ncy
will jo in tly develop and update, as needed, a com prehensive
supervisory plan covering an agreed upon planning horizon for
each bank. This plan will take into consideration the bank's
organizational stru ctu re and risk p ro file .4 It w ill address the
scheduling and tim ing for safety and soundness and specialty
e xam in a tion s5 and/or targeted review s, off-site m onitoring
program s, and meetings w ith bank m anagem ent.


The Home State Supervisor and Responsible Federal A g e ncy
will take all necessary steps to im plem ent the supervisory plan

In developing the risk based supervisory plan, consideration will be given to th e degree of reliance th at
can be placed on th e institution's internal control/com pliance functions, as well as external audit, as appropriate.

For exam ple, Trust, In formatio n S ystem s and Consum er A ffa irs /C R A Examinations.


and w ill coordinate w ith Host States and Local Federal Reserve
Banks or Local FDIC Regional Offices.



The over-riding goal o f this Protocol is to minimize regulatory
burden and maximize e fficie n cy by c o n du ctin g jo in t or
alternating e xa m in a tion s.6


The scope o f on-site exam inations w ill be jo in tly developed
during the pre-exam ination period fo r jo in t exam inations.


Home State Supervisor and Responsible Federal A g e n cy w ill
consult, as appropriate, on the scope o f alternate exam inations.
The scoping process will fo cu s on ensuring exam inations are

Based on this planning, the Home State Supervisor and
Responsible Federal A g e n cy w ill prepare a single jo in t entry
letter fo r jo in t exam inations.

W ith an emphasis on reducing

regulatory burden, entry letters fo r both jo in t and alternate
exam inations w ill request info rm a tio n critical to the exam ination
process or off-site evaluation, thereby minim izing on-site
e fforts.

Joint exam inations will normally be used for th e larger, more com plex organizations; alternate
exam inations are generally reserved for small organizations.



The Home State Supervisor and Responsible Federal A g e ncy
w ill coordinate off-site and on-site exam ination w o rk and will
make every e ffo rt to avoid d uplicative info rm a tio n requests.
Examiners w ill coordinate requests fo r critical inform ation
related to centralized fu n ctio n s, such as risk m anagem ent or
credit review , th a t cross legal e n tity lines.


For jo in t exam inations, the Home State Supervisor and
Responsible Federal A g e n cy w ill prepare a jo in t exam ination
report th a t clearly and concisely identifies supervisory issues
and any required corrective a c tio n .7


Supervisory Actions

The Home State Supervisor and Responsible Federal A g e ncy
w ill, in all cases, co n sult one another regarding supervisory


W hen the Home State Supervisor and Responsible Federal
A g e n cy jo in tly deem th a t a fo llo w -u p supervisory action is
w arra n te d , both agencies w ill take any necessary steps to
develop and im plem ent a jo in t action.

For exam inations conducted under the alternating program, th e ag ency conducting th e exam ination will
prepare th e exam ination report.



The individuals designated by the Home State S upervisor and
Responsible Federal A g e n c y as responsible fo r a particular bank will
take all necessary steps to fa cilitate clear co m m un ica tion and
info rm a tio n sharing in order to reduce burden on the in s titu tio n and to
keep each oth e r inform ed o f developm ents pertin e n t to supervision of
the b a n k .8


N othing in this Protocol preem pts any s ta tu to ry or regulatory
obligation o f a bank to provide specific info rm a tio n or file required
reports w ith a Federal or State supervisor.

A s appropriate, th e Responsible Federal A g e n c y and H om e S ta te Supervisor will take any necessary steps
to co m m u n icate w ith Local Federal Reserve B anks/FDIC Regional Offices and H ost S tate Supervisors, respectively.



Applicable Law

The Board, the FDIC and the State Banking D epartm ents recognize
th e y may n o t necessarily be em pow ered to w aive provisions o f Home
or Host State law d ire ctly applicable to m ulti-state banks or their
branches in Host States.

H ow ever, to assist m ulti-state, state-

chartered in stitu tion s and their counsel in resolving issues of
applicable law , the Board, the FDIC and the State Banking
D epartm ents agree th a t these issues may be addressed using the
fo llo w in g general principles.

Host State law shall apply generally to the operations o f a
branch o f a m ulti-state bank in the Host State including: (i)
a n titru st law and deposit co n cen tra tio n limits; (ii) c o m m u n ity
reinvestm ent and similar law s; (iii) consum er p rote ction laws,
including lending and usuary law s to the e x te n t th a t law s or
c o u rt decisions regarding the exp ortatio n o f interest rates are
inapplicable; (iv) fair lending or equal credit laws; and (v)v other
operational m atters w here c o m pe titive equality w ith host state
banks may be an issue.


Home State law shall apply generally to the corporate structure
and internal policies and procedures o f a m ulti-state bank
including: (i) charter and b ylaw s; (ii) incorporation and
dissolution; (iii) board o f directors and m anagem ent; (iv) capital;


(v) loans, lending lim its and investm ents; (vi) com m on tru s t
funds; (vii) dividends; (viii) inde m n ifica tio n o f dire cto rs and
officers; (ix) s to c k and debt; and (x) stru ctu re o f bank

These provisions are n o t intended to supersede any cooperative
agreem ents betw ee n the states.


The Home State Supervisor and the Responsible Federal A g e n c y will
closely coordinate on all applicable applications m atters.

The Home State Supervisor and the Responsible Federal A g e ncy
w ill take all appropriate actions to ensure th a t applications filed
by m ulti-state banks are processed in a coordinated and tim e ly
fashion by their respective agencies.


Com m on applications fo rm s and applications requirem ents,
such as co n cu rre n t processing periods, will be developed to the
e xte n t practicable under State and Federal law .


To the e xte n t th a t applications form s differ, the Home State
Supervisor and the Responsible Federal A g e n c y will accept
needed inform ation contained on the other a g e n cy's form s,
w here practicable.

Definitions and Abbreviations

"H om e State" means the state w here a state-chartered, m ulti-state
bank is chartered.


"H om e State S upervisor" means the bank supervisory agency o f the
Home State o f a m ulti-state bank.


"H o s t State" means a state other than the Home State o f a bank
w here the bank m aintains a branch.


"Local FDIC Regional O ffice " means an FDIC regional office, other
than the Responsible FDIC regional office, w here a state nonm em ber
bank m aintains a branch.


"Local Federal Reserve Bank" means a Federal Reserve d is trict, other
than the Responsible Reserve Bank's d istrict, w here a m em ber M ultiState Bank m aintains a branch.


"Responsible FDIC Regional O ffice " means the FDIC regional office
w ith responsibility fo r coordinating the FDIC's supervision process for
a state nonm em ber bank.


"Responsible Federal Reserve Bank" means the Federal Reserve Bank
w ith responsibility fo r coordinating the Federal Reserve's supervision
process for a state mem ber bank.


"Responsible Federal A g e n c y " means either the Responsible Federal
Reserve Bank or Responsible FDIC Regional O ffice fo r state m em ber
banks and state nonm em ber banks, respectively.


Model Agreement

This A gre em e n t is made and entered into by and betw een the [Federal
Reserve Bank o f _______________________ (the "FRB- fc itv l- ")1f
___________________ region o f the Federal D eposit Insurance C orporation (the
"FDIC- fc itv l

")1 and the [S uperintendent][C om m issioner] o f Banks o f the

[S ta te H C o m m on w ea lth ] o f _________________ ("[S u p e rin te n d e n t][C o m m issio n e r]")
(collectively the "Parties") on t h i s _______day o f _____________, 19 9 ______ .


Statement Of Purpose

The Parties recognize th a t state-chartered banks will establish
interstate branches creating a com pelling need fo r enhanced
cooperation among Federal and State regulatory agencies. The goals
o f the Parties to this A greem ent are to:

(1) provide fo r a seamless

supervisory process; (2) ensure th a t supervision is flexible and
com m ensurate w ith the organization's risk; and (3) minimize
regulatory burden and cost.




The [S u p e rintendent][C om m issioner] has adopted the CSBS
Interstate Banking and Branching Supervision Protocol, dated
April 20, 1995 (the "CSBS P rotocol".)

The CSBS Protocol

governs the supervisory responsibilities among the state
banking authorities o f states in w h ic h a M ulti-S tate Bank

The Board o f Governors o f the Federal Reserve System (the
"Board o f Governors") and the Federal Deposit Insurance
C orporation (the "FDIC") recognize the responsibility o f the
Home State Supervisor to coordinate the in vo lve m e n t o f Host
State Supervisors in the supervision and exam ination o f M ultiState Banks, as set fo rth in the CSBS Protocol.


The State Banking D epartm ents, the Board o f Governors and
the FDIC have adopted the State/Federal Supervisory Protocol,
(the "State/Federal P rotocol"), w h ic h is attached as Exhibit 1,
and w h ic h outlines the responsibilities o f the Responsible
Federal A g e ncy and Home State Supervisor fo r a M ulti-S tate
Bank. This A gre em e n t b etw een the Parties im plem ents the
State/Federal Protocol and sets fo rth the procedures to fulfill its
goals and term s.



Supervision And Examination Process
The Parties agree to adopt and im plem ent the procedures fo r the supervision
and exam ination o f M ulti-S tate Banks as set fo rth in the State/Federal
Protocol and, at a m inim um , to take the fo llo w in g steps:

W ith in 3 0 days o f the date o f this A greem ent, the Parties w ill identify
the M ulti-S tate Banks covered by the supervisory program set fo rth in
the State/Federal Protocol and this Agreem ent.

On a quarterly


the Parties w ill review this list and, as needed, update it.

W ith in 60 days o f the date of this Agreem ent, the Parties w ill each
designate a Primary C on tact Person for each o f the subject M ulti-S tate
Banks. A m o n g other things, these individuals will jo in tly coordinate
the supervisory and exam ination responsibilities o f their respective
agencies according to the principles o f the State/Federal Protocol and
this A greem ent.

The Parties and the Primary C on tact Persons, in

particular, w ill take all necessary steps to ensure th a t the goals o f the
State/Federal Protocol and this A greem ent, including a risk-focused,
seamless supervisory process, are achieved.

The Primary C ontact Persons w ill develop and, as needed, update a
w ritte n com prehensive supervisory plan th a t covers an agreed upon
period and provides fo r an e ffective and e ffic ie n t supervision process
tailored to the M ulti-S tate Bank's organizational s tru ctu re and risk

In developing and updating the com prehensive supervisory


plan, the Parties w ill consider the v ie w s o f the Local Federal Reserve
Banks, the FDIC Regional O ffices and the Host State Supervisors, as

The com prehensive supervisory plan w ill include:


A risk assessment o f the organization;


The exam ination plan described in Section II.D. o f this
A greem ent;


Schedules fo r exam ination planning meetings;


Estimated resource requirem ents fo r

c o n d u c tin g on-site

exam inations;

Review and assessment of pending issues, such as


status o f applications and com pliance w ith e n fo rce m e n t

O ff-site m onitoring plans; and


Such other m atters as are necessary to prom ote the
safety and soundness o f the organization.


The Primary C ontact Persons w ill ensure th a t, as

part o f the

com prehensive supervisory plan, a w ritte n exam ination plan is
developed th a t details the typ e , tim ing and location o f on-site safety
and soundness and s p e c ia lty 1 exam inations.

The exam ination plan

w ill take into consideration the risk profile o f the organization, its
stru ctu re , and managerial preferences concerning certain aspects of


Trust, In formatio n S ystem s, and Consum er A ffa irs /C R A Examinations.


the exam ination process (Le^, a preference fo r a series o f ta rg e t
exam inations versus a preference fo r all on-site exam inations to be
conducted sim ultaneously), and each a g e n cy's on-site exam ination
cycle m andates.

In tailoring the supervisory program , the exam ination

plan w ill take into consideration the o rga nization's internal
c o n tro l/com p lia n ce fu n ctio n s , as w ell as the external audit, as

S afety and soundness exam inations w ill generally be condu cte d on a
jo in t basis.2 A jo in t exam ination will be condu cte d by an exam ination
team com prised o f representatives fro m both agencies w h ic h w ill
issue a single exam ination report.


N o tw ith s ta n d in g the above provisions, the [FRB-_____ ] [FDIC-_____ ] or
the [D epartm entH C om m ission] may c o n d u c t independent or special
exam inations in exceptional circ u m s ta n c e s .3 The regulator initiating
the independent or special exam ination w ill make every e ffo rt to
provide appropriate notice to the other regulators prior to com m encing
the exam ination.


The Parties m ay agree to have one exam iner-in-charge (the "EIC") or
may each assign a co-EIC to manage the on-site, jo in t exam ination.

This is not intended to supersede existing A ltern ate Exam inatio n Programs ("A E P ".) A n AEP exam ination will be
conducted by either the [FRB-_____ ] [FDIC -_____ 1 or th e [D ep artm entH C o m m ission ], w h ich will also issue the exam ination

For exam ple, w h e re th ere is significant sa fe ty and soundness risk.


All necessary steps w ill be taken to ensure th a t all aspects o f the
exam ination process are fu lly coordinated and th a t d u plication is
avo id e d.4

The Primary C o n ta ct Persons and/or the EICs, as appropriate, will
meet to:

Develop the exam ination fo cu s and scope;


Develop procedures fo r com piling o ff-site and on-site
exam ination-related inform ation;


Develop a jo in t entry letter to be sent at l e a s t _____
w eeks prior to the sta rt o f the exam ination th a t requests
essential inform ation and materials, preferably internal
bank reports, fo r o ff-site review , th e re by m inim izing o n ­
site e ffo rts and their associated burden;


Determine appropriate s ta ffing levels and assign
responsibilities for exam ination staff;


Develop procedures fo r coordinating info rm a tio n requests
during the exam ination;


Schedule m eetings w ith m anagem ent; and


Determine a fo rm a t fo r the exam ination report and assign
responsibilities fo r w ritin g and processing the

Steps will also be ta k e n to avoid duplication in specialty exam inations.

The procedures described herein

exam ination report, including tim efram es fo r com pletion,
as required by Sections II.H. and II.I o f this A greem ent.

All examiners involved in an exam ination w ill perform the
responsibilities assigned and p ro m p tly report the findings, conclusions
and recom m endations in the fo rm requested, to g e th e r w ith supporting
papers to the EIC or their a g en cy's co-EIC.


The exam ination report will be prepared using an agreed-upon fo rm a t
and w ill be fo rw a rd e d to the in stitu tion w ith in 45 days fro m the close
o f the exam ination, w h ic h is defined as the date o f the e xit in te rv ie w
w ith m anagem ent.

The e xit inte rvie w s w ill take place w ith in 1 5

calendar days fro m the close o f all on-site activities.


Supervisory Actions

The Parties w ill, in all cases, co n sult one another regarding
investigations and supervisory actions involving a M ulti-S tate Bank.


W hen the [FRB-____] [FDIC-_____ ] and the [D epartm entH C om m ission]
jo in tly deem th a t a fo llo w -u p supervisory action against a M ulti-S tate
Bank is w arranted, both agencies w ill co n sult one another and
coordinate the d rafting and im plem entation.



Supervisory Information

A n y info rm a tio n provided by a Party to another Party will be treated
as confidential supervisory info rm a tio n , unless o th e rw ise specified by
the providing Party, and w ill remain the p rop e rty o f the providing

A Party will use confidential supervisory info rm a tio n only for

purposes d ire c tly related to its supervisory responsibilities.

The [FRB-_____][FDIC-_____ ] may disclose to the Local [Federal
Reserve Banks][FDIC Regional O ffices] confidential supervisory
info rm a tio n obtained fro m the [D epartm entH C om m ission] if such
disclosure is d irectly related to the Local [Federal Reserve
Banks'HFDIC Regional O ffic e s '] responsibilities.

Similarly, the

[D epartm entH C om m ission] may disclose to the Host State Supervisors
c o n fidential supervisory info rm a tio n obtained fro m the [FRB_____HFDIC-_____ ] if such disclosure is d ire ctly related to the Host
State S upervisor's supervisory responsibilities.

W henever a Party receives an access request fro m another federal or
state adm inistrative agency, or a subpoena, d isco ve ry request or other
legal process th a t w ou ld require the disclosure o f confidential
inform ation obtained fro m the other Party, the Party will p ro m p tly
n o tify the providing Party.

Except as provided in Section IV.B. o f this

A greem ent, no Party w ill disclose to another person, agency or entity
(other than the subject organization) confidential supervisory


info rm a tio n obtained fro m the other Party w ith o u t furnishing prior
notice to the providing Party and unless the providing Party consents
to the disclosure or the disclosure is required by law , regulation, co u rt
order or other legal process.

As appropriate, the Parties will cooperate

in the preparation o f any m em oranda or pleading deemed desirable by
the Parties to p rote ct the co n fid e n tia lity o f the inform ation.



The Responsible Federal A g e n cy and [S u p e rintendent][C om m issioner],
and the Home State Supervisor have prim ary responsibility for
deciding any application subm itted by a bank as required under
Federal and State law , respectively.

W hen available, similar (if not identical) applications fo rm s will
be used fo r applications required by both Federal and State law.


For applications required by both Federal and State law , the
[FRB-_____][FDIC-_____ ] or the [D epartm entH C om m ission] will
p ro m p tly exchange copies o f any applications received.
W henever a M ulti-S tate Bank has subm itted an application only
to either the [FRB-_____] fFDIC-_____ ] or the
[D epartm entH C om m ission], the Party receiving the application
will p ro m p tly provide a co p y o f the application to the other

W here appropriate, the [FRB-_____HFDIC-_____ ] and the


[D epartm entH C om m ission] w ill jo in tly coordinate any requests
fo r additional info rm a tio n fro m the applicant and w ill share any
changes to the application subm itted by the applicant.

The Responsible Federal A g e n cy and the
[S u p e rintendent][C om m issioner] will each reach a decision
regarding the application and w ill co m m un ica te this decision to
the applicant and to each oth e r in a tim e ly manner.


The Responsible Federal A g e n cy has a u th o rity fo r all applications
required by Federal law , and will p ro m p tly furnish the
[S uperintendentH C om m issioner] w ith a copy o f the decision.


The [SuperintendentH C om m issioner] has a u th o rity fo r

all applications

required by State law , and will p ro m p tly furnish the Responsible
Federal A g e n c y w ith a copy o f any Home or Host State decision.

V I.

Resolution Of Significant Differences

The Parties w ill make every e ffo rt to resolve any sign ifica nt
differences concerning the supervision o f M ulti-S tate Banks.


In those m atters where, despite their best e ffo rts , the

Primary C on tact

Persons fo r the Parties ca n no t resolve a sig n ifica n t difference
concerning the supervision o f M u lti-S tate Banks, the m atters will
im m ediately be referred to t h e ___________________________ o f the
[FRB-_____HFDIC-_____ ] and to the [S uperintendentH C om m issioner].




W henever this A g re em e n t provides fo r a notice to be given to

a Party,

the notice w ill be given in w ritin g .

A Party may term inate this A gre em e n t by giving notice to the


The term ina tio n s shall be e ffe c tiv e 30 days a fter the date of

the notice.

This A gre em e n t may be amended only by a w ritte n in stru m e n t


by each o f the parties.

This A g re em e n t m ay be executed in counterp a rts and shall become
e ffe c tiv e w he n all parties have executed the original or a co u n te rp a rt
signature page.

VIII. Definitions

"H om e State" means the state w here a state-chartered, M ulti-S tate
Bank is chartered.


"H om e State Supervisor" means the bank supervisory agency o f the
Home State o f a M ulti-S tate Bank.


"H o s t State" means a state other than the Home State o f a M ultiState Bank w here the bank m aintains a branch.


"H o s t State Supervisor" means the bank supervisory agency o f a Host
State o f a M ulti-S tate Bank.


"Local FDIC Regional O ffice " means a FDIC regional o ffic e oth e r than
the region o f the Responsible FDIC Regional O ffice w here a
nonm em ber, M ulti-S tate Bank m aintains a branch.



"Local Federal Reserve Bank" means a Federal Reserve d is tric t other
than the Responsible Reserve Bank's d is tric t w here a m em ber M ultiState Bank m aintains a branch.


"M u lti-S ta te Bank" means a state-charter bank th a t operates a branch
or branches in a state oth e r than its Home State.


"P a rty " means the signatories to this A greem ent.


"Responsible FDIC Regional O ffice " means the FDIC regional o ffice
w ith responsibility fo r coordinating the FDIC's supervision process for
a state nonm em ber bank.


"Responsible Federal Reserve Bank" means the Federal Reserve Bank
w ith responsibility fo r coordinating the Federal Reserve's supervision
process fo r a state m em ber bank.


"Responsible Federal A g e n c y " means either the Responsible Federal
Reserve Bank or Responsible FDIC Regional Office fo r m em ber or
nonm em ber M ulti-S tate Banks, respectively.
