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U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR JAM ES J. D A V IS . Secretory CHILDREN’S BUREAU G R A C E A B B O T T , Chief DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES IN THE UNITED STATES <3* B ureau Publication N o . 108 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1922 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Owing to limited appropriations for printing, it is not possible to distribute this bulletin in large quantities. A ddi tional copies may be procured from the Superintendent of Documents, Govern ment Printing Office, Washington, D. C., at 30 cents per copy. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis O<t LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U. S. D epartm ent of L abor, C h il d r e n ’s B ureau, Washington, August 10, 1922. 9 Sir : There is transmitted herewith a Directory of Local ChildHealth Agencies in the United States, which was prepared at the request of the American Child Hygiene Association. The directory was planned by Dr. Florence L. McKay, former Assistant Director of the Hygiene Division, and the material compiled by Alice E. Griffith. Respectfully submitted. G race A bbott, Chief. Hon. James J. D avis , Secretary o f Labor . 3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FOREWORD. The purpose of this directory is to make available information con cerning local child-health agencies. Lists of hospitals and dispen saries dealing with the sick, publications descriptive of national childwelfare organizations, and, for a few localities, directories of local organizations, including those dealing with child health, are now easily obtainable. It is hoped that the need for additional general information concerning local child-hygiene agencies may be met by this directory of local public and private agencies actively engaged in the promotion of child health through maternity care, infant care, and the care of the child of preschool age. The agencies, included in this directory serve States, counties, and urban areas of 10,000 or more inhabitants.1 In order to avoid dupli cation of the material already published in local directories, the childhealth agencies contained in these are simply fisted with references to the published directories for further information. The material was compiled by means of a questionnaire sent to all agencies whose names could be obtained from the following sources: State and municipal directors of child hygiene divisions; State, county, and city health officers; division directors of the American Red Cross, local Red Cross chapters; the Children’s Bureau mailing list and its bulletin, “ A Tabular Statement of Infant Welfare Work by Public and Private ^Agencies” ; local directories and local private organizations. The directory includes 861 agencies. An additional 311 agencies replied to the questionnaire but reported that they were not engaged in child-health activities and so have not been included. No replies were received from 154 agencies and 62 questionnaires were returned unclaimed. The directory is arranged in the following manner: (1) Agencies arranged by State and city. (2) Alphabetical list, by States, of agencies serving State-wide areas, county-wide areas, urban areas, and both county and urban areas. 1 Information concerning national organizations m ay be obtained from The Digest of Programs of National Organizations Carrying on Some Phase of Child Welfare (containing detailed information con cerning 250 affiliated societies) published b y the American Child Hygiene Association, 532 Seventeenth Street, Washington, D. C. Handbook of Social Resources of the United States, published b y the American R ed Cross Washing ton, D . C. > 6 5 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6 FOREWORD. The directory is arranged in the following manner— Continued. (3) Classification of agencies according to types of activities, as follows 2— I. Maternity, infant, and preschool age care. II. Maternity and infant care. III. Maternity and preschool age care. IV. Infant and preschool age care. V. Maternity care. VI. Infant care. VII. Preschool age care. No attempt has been made to consider standards of work. iThis includes only such agencies as gave information concerning their activities. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INDEX BY LOCALITY, ALABAMA: Alabama City— Welfare Department, Dwight Manufacturing C o .. ........ . . ............. Bay Minette— Baldwin County Board of H ealth ................................................................ Birmingham— Alabama Children’s Aid Society............... ................................................. Bureau of Child Hygiene, Department of Health..................................... Carrollton— American Red Cross, Pickens County Chapter.......................................... Decatur— Morgan County Health Department.......... ............................................. Dothan— American Red Cross, Houston County Chapter......................................... Houston County Health U nit..................................................................... Gadsden— . American Red Cross Service................. , ............... ................. ................... Etowah County Board of Health......................................... ............ ......... Etowah County Tuberculosis Association.................................... .............. Montgomery— Bureau of Child Hygiene and Public Health Nursing, State Board of Health........ .................... ................................................ .............................. Selma— Dallas County Health Unit............................................................... ......... ARIZONA: Phoenix— Child Hygiene Division, State Board of H ealth.................................: . . . Maricopa Antituberculosis Society and Maricopa County Health Center............................................................................................................ ARKANSAS: Benton— American Red Cross, Saline County Chapter............................. . Bentonville— American Red Cross, Benton County Chapter............................... ^. Camden— American Red Cross, Ouachita County Public Health Association.. . . Fort Smith— Public Welfare Association_______ ................................... ...................... Little Rock— Bureau of Child Hygiene and Public Health Nursing, State Board of Health............................. ..................................... ...................................... United Charities Association............. .............. .............. ....................... Magnolia— American Red Cross, Columbia County Chapter....... ............. ............ 7 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Page. 37 36 35 37 36 36 37 35 36 35 37 35 36 41 41 45 45 46 46 45 46 45 8 INDEX BY LOCALITY. AR KA N SA S— Continued. Stuttgart— American Red Cross Community Nursing Service.................................... Texarkana— American Red Cross................................ . .......................................... . ......... Warren— Bradley County Public Health A ssocia tion ............................................ CALIFORNIA: Alameda— Alameda City Health Center............................. ........................ Berkeley—Berkeley Dispensary and Health Center......................................... . . Long Beach— Long Beach Social Welfare Bureau................................................. ......> . Los Angeles— Los Angeles Evening Express Better Baby Club...................... ......... ... Mothers’ Educational Center.............................................................. .11. . Oakland— Alameda County Child Hygiene Committee of American Association of University W om en.. . , ....... ......... 1........ ....................................... . . . Baby Hospital............................................................................ .............. . Public Health Center of Alameda County............ ........... ....... . . . . . . . . Pasadena— Health Department............ *........................................................................... Pasadena Hospital A ssociat ion Dispensary........................ ....... ......... ....... Riverside— City Home League......... . . v . ................ ....... .................................. Riverside County Clinic.................................................................... . . ; ____ Sacramento— American Red Cross, Sacramento County Chapter Mothers’ Educa tional Center.................................................................................................. San Bernardino— San Bernardino County Welfare Commission..................................... >.’4 7. San Diego— Child H ygiene,............ ............ ..................... ............... ..... ..................... : . San Diego Federated Parent-Teacher Association............ ............ . San Francisco— Baby Hygiene Committee of Association of University Women___ . . . . Bureau of Child Hygiene, State Board of Health..................; .................. Mount Zion Dispensary........... ....... ............. ........ ....... ........ ....... . . . Stanford Medical School, Well Baby C lin ic .............................. ......... ... University of California Hospital.............................. ................................. San Jose— Good Cheer C l u b . ............................... ......................................... Santa Barbara— Santa Barbara Visiting Nurs^ Association........ .................... ..................... Santa Monica— Child Welfare of Santa Monica Bay Woman’s Club...... ............................ Stockton— American Red Cross, San Joaquin County Chapter........ ............... Vallejo— Child Welfare Agency (Baby Health Center).......... ............. ......... . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ge> 47 46 46 55 55 55 55 52 51 52 52 53 56 56 53 53 54 54 51 52 52 51 56 55 54 51 56 INDEX BY LOCALITÉ. ô COLORADO: Boulder— Page. 60 Boulder County Child Welfare Association................. ..... .... . . . . . . . . . Colorado Springs— Child Welfare Bureau................ . . . ................................................. .......... 59 Denver— Belle Lenox Nursery....................................................................................... 6Q Children’s Welfare Department, Federated Charities............... ........ . . . 60 Colorado Child Welfare Bureau...................................... .............................. 59 Denver Municipal Tuberculosis Dispensary......... ......... ..................... . . 60 Visiting Nurse Association................... ,............................ .......... .................. 60 Fort Collins— Larimer County Public Health Association................................................ 59 Greeley— American Red Cross, Weld County Chapter.............................................. 59 Weld County Public Health Association..................................................... 59 Pueblo— Child Welfare Department....... ...... . ............................................................. 60 CONNECTICUT: Bridgeport— Department of Health..................................................................................... Visiting Nurse Association........................................ Bristol— Child Health Center................................................................. Derby— District Nurse Association of Ansonia, Derby, and Shelton.................... Hartford— Babies’ Hospital (In c.) Health Stations................................................... Bureau of Child Hygiene, State department of health............................. Hartford Dispensary.................... .........................................................".___ Middletown— District Nurse Association........................................ ................................... New Britain— Visiting Nurse Association................... ...................., ....... .......................... New Haven— Connecticut Children’s Aid Society, New Haven Branch................. .... New Haven Health Center............ ............................ ................................ Visiting Nurse Association................................................................ ............ Yale University Psycho-Clinic..... ................. ............... ..... ......... ............. Norwich— Public Health Nursing Department of United Workers.......................... Stamford— Visiting Nurse Association........................................................................... Waterbury— American Red Cross, Waterbury Chapter.............. .................................. Children’s Home Commission. . . . ___ . . . . . . ------ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Department of Public Health.......... : .................................... ................. Waterbury Day Nursery and Children’s H om e................................. ; . . . Waterbury Visiting Nurse Association...... ................. ............... .......... . DELAW ARE: Wilmington— Child Welfare Commission........................................................................ Colored Babies ’ Hospital and Day Nursery........ .................................... Visiting Nurse Association................................. ............................................ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 64 65 64 65 64 63 63 64 66 63 66 66 63 65 65 64 63 64 65 66 69 69 69 10 INDEX BY LOCALITY. D ISTR ICT OF COLUMBIA: Washington— Child Welfare S ociety ................................ .......... .............................. . Christ Child Society..........................................................; ......... .............. ... Instructive Visiting Nurse Society of Washington................................... Providence Day Nursery........ .............................. FLO RID A: Jacksonville— Bureau of Child Welfare, State Board of Public Health..... ....... .......... Duval County Tuberculosis Association, Infant Welfare D ivision....." Florida Public Health Association................................ Miami— American Red Cross, Dade County Chapter....... . . . . . . ............................ .. Orlando— County Social S e r v i c e . ........ .............................................................. Tampa— Tampa District Nursing Association............................. Page. 73 73 73 73 77 77 77 77 77 78 G EO RG IA: Athens— Clarke County Board of Health....................................................... ........... v 82 Atlanta— Atlanta Chapter, Red Cross Nursing Service............................................. 81 Division of Child Hygiene, State Board of Health............................... ... 81 Morris Hirsch Free C lin ic............................. ...................................... .. 81 Raoul Foundation, Division of Tuberculosis, State Board of H ealth.. # 81 Columbus— Public Health Nurse Association............................. ................. . 82 Savannah— Margaret Bottome and Mary Maclean Circle of K in g’s Daughters Visiting Nurse Association..................... ............ ................................; . . 81 IDAHO: Boise—■ Bureau of Child Hygiene, Department of Public W elfare.......... ........... ILLINOIS: Aurora— Aurora Public Health Association.......................................................... . Champaign— United Charitiès Association of Champaign and Urbana......................... Chicago— Chicago Lying-In Hospital and Dispensary................................................ College of Medicine, University of Illinois................................................. Division of Child Hygiene, Department of Health..................... ............. Elizabeth McCormick Memorial Fund----- — ........... ............. ................. Grant Hospital Baby C lin ic.......................................................................... Infant Feeding Clinic, Social Service Department, St. Luke’s Hospital. Infant Welfare Society of Chicago -,........ ........... ............... ......................... Mary Crane Day Nursery......................................................... . . . . . . . . . . Olivet Institute........... ...................................................... 1... ....... ............. Visiting Nurse Association................................................ ............... .......... .. Wesley Memorial Hospital.......................... ....................................... . Cicero— Cicero Welfare Center....... ............... ................................. ........ 92 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 85 92 91 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 INDEX BY LOCALITY, 11 ILLIN OIS— Continued. Danville— ^ Page. Vermilion County Tuberculosis Association............ .................................. 93 Decatur— Macon County Tuberculosis and Visiting Nurse Association............ ..... 90 East St. Louis— Visiting Nurse Association........................................................................ . . 91 Elgin— The Nurses Council....... ............................................................................ ... 91 Evanston— Child Welfare Association..................................................................... . 92 Visiting Nurse Association.......................................................... ............. . . . 93 Freeport— Amity Society of Freeport Child Welfare Station...................... ..: ____ 90 Galesburg— American Red Cross, Knox County Chapter.............................................. 89 Joliet— Public Health Council................................................... ........................... 91 La Salle— Hygienic Institute of La Salle, Peru, and Oglesby (Emma Matthiessen Chancellor Memorial Welfare Station)....... ..1_______________ ¡mJ. . 90 Mattoon— Mattoon Health and Charity Center........................................... ........... 1. J 90 Moline— Moline Public Health Nursing Service...................... ............... . 90 Peoria— Public Health Nursing Association.... ..................................... . . . ............. 92 Quincy— Cheerful Home Settlement................................. . .................................. . 92 Rockford— Visiting Nurse Association.............................................................. . 91 Rock Island— West End Settlement.................................................................................. ... ‘92 Springfield— Division of Child Hygiene and Public Health Nursing, State Depart ment of Public Health................................ .................. ........... ........ . . . . 89 Waukegan— American Steel and Wire Co............................. .............. ............. .......... 89 INDIANA: Anderson— Visiting Nurse Association................................... .................................. .. . . Auburn— American Red Cross of Dekalb County............................................... . Bloomington— Board of education, Public Health Service (public school nurse and physician)..............- .................................................... . . . . r........... ,1.1___ Bluff ton— Wells County Welfare A gency................................................... . Brook— American Red Cross, Newton County Chapter................... Columbus— Bartholomew County Tuberculosis Association.......... .................... Connersville— Child Welfare Association.................................. ................. . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100 97 102 98 97 98 98 12 INDEX BY LOCALITY, IN D I AN A— Continued. East Chicago— . PageEast Chicago Welfare Association................................................... 99 Elkhart— American Red Cross Nursing Bureau------ ----------------------- - ........... - - - • 99 100 League of Women Voters, Child Welfare Station................... - ......... - — Elwood— Child Welfare Association............. - ............................................................... 09 Evansville— 102 Babies’ Milk Fund Association....................... .................................... 4 m Vanderburg Antituberculosis Society......... ........... ................ - - - - - ......... 98 Fort Wayne— American Red Cross................. - ...................................................... - ............. 102 Fort Wayne Anti tuberculosis League............................ ......... <............. - • 98 Visiting Nurse League.......................................................... - ..................... .. 100 Hammond— Brooks House of Christian Service....... ..................................................... k 99 Huntington— Huntington Local Council.............................................................................. 99 Indianapolis— Children’s Aid Association............. ........................................ - ......... i!......... 101 Division of Infant and Child Hygiene, Indiana State Board of H ealth.... 97 101 Flanner .House..................... ............... : ---------- . . . ....... ....... ................— Public Health Nursing Association.......................................................... . 100 Lafayette— . The Flower Mission. ...................................... ............................................. . 99 Logansport— Public Health and Welfare Association of Cass County.......................... 98 Muncie— The Visiting Nurse Association of M uncie.......................................... ....... 101 New Castle— American Red Cross........... ............ ............................................. ..... ........... 97 ‘ Richmond— Social Service Bureau (Child Welfare and Nursing Committee). . . . . . 100 South Bend— American Red Cross.............................................. . - ............ ........... ............. 97 Children’s Dispensary and Hospital Association............................... 101 Terre Haute— Public Health Nursing Association...................................................... . . . . 101 IO W A : Burlington— American Red Cross, Burlington Chapter................................................. .. 105 Social Service League............................................................................... 106 Clinton— 107 Visiting Nurse Association................... *............. - ...».................. . Council Bluffs— Visiting Nurse Association................................................................ . - - . , 1 0 6 Davenport— Davenport Visiting Nurse Association................................................. .. 106 Des Moines— Iowa Tuberculosis Association...................... ....... ........ .................... . 105 Public Health Nursing Association.......................... ..........................: . . . 107 Dubuque— Visiting Nurse Association....................... ................................. ................... 107 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13 INDEX BY LOCALITY. IOW A—Continued. Iowa City— - pag& The Iowa Child Welfare Research Station, University of Iow a.. . . . . . . Keokuk— 105 Keokuk Visiting Nurse Association.............................................................. Muscatine— Public Health Bureau...................................................... _ ; Sioux City— 106 Organized Welfare Bureau of Sioux City and Woodbury County.......... Waterloo— Social Welfare League..................... .......... ..... ........... ......... .. . • KANSAS: Atchison— ¡108 105 jgg Atchison County Public Health Association.............................................. Emporia— 112 Woman’s City Club Committee on Child Welfare......................... .......... Hutchinson— 113 American Red Cross, Reno County Nursing Service................................ Kansas City— I 114 Visiting Nurse Association............ ........................................... ; Lawrence— American Red Cross, Douglas County Chapter.......................................... Department of Public Health.................................................................. 144 Manhattan— * 113 HI Child Welfare and Nutrition Center, Kansas State Agricultural College. 112 Parsons— American Red Cross..................................................... , jW Pittsburg— Pittsburg Public Health Nursing Association Salina— .................... American Red Cross, Saline County Chapter........................................ Topeka— 11q 112 City Health Department (4 baby welfare clinics). . . . . . . J...... ........... ..... 112 Division of Child Hygiene, State Board of Health -----W ic h ita ....... . Christian Service League of America.................... ................ % ..... .. ,m League for Social W ork...................................... 2.12 Wichita Public Health Nursing Association...................................... . . - 113 K E N TU C K Y: Henderson— , 1 Public Welfare Association....................................................... Louisville— Bureau of Child Hygiene, State Board of Health................. ....... . 117 Public Health Nursing Association................................. ............ v ............ 117 Paducah— McCracken County Public Health League LO UISIANA: Lake Charles— .................... .; . . . . . . . . . American Red Cross, Local Chapter (public health nurse).. : Mansfield— DeSoto Parish Health Unit.................. ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..M o n r o e — ' American Red Cross (public health nurse).................... . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ....... n 7 122 121 121 14 INDEX BY LOCALITY. LOUISIAN A— Continued. New Orleans— Page. Bureau of Child Hygiene, State Board of Health— — — . . . . . . . i . . 121 Child Welfare Association................................ - ................................ .. - - •- • 121 Shreveport— American Bed Cross Public Health Nursing Service................... 121 M AINE: Augusta— Division of Public Health Nursing and Child Hygiene, State Depart ment of Health........................ - ............................................- - - - -,............. ----Maine Public Health Association— . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----- ------- • Bangor— Maine Baby Saving Society..........................................- ................... - - - - - Bath— t : 1 Bath Health Center Baby C lin ic................................... .................... : I'M1 . Biddeford— American Red Cross, Biddeford Chapter..................- .................- - - - - - - Lewiston— American Red Cross, Lewiston and Auburn Chapter................. Portland— Portland Baby Hygiene and Child Welfare Association.......................... Portland District Nursing Association - . - - ............ ......... *......................... M ARYLAND: Annapolis— Annapolis and Anne Arundel County Red Cross, Department of Public Health Nursing................................................................ - - - : ------ . . . . . . . Baltimore— Babies’ Milk Fund Association.................................... Bureau of Child Hygiene, State Department of Health....... ......... . Bureau of Child Welfare, Health Department.................... . . . . . . . . . 1 .. Council Milk and Ice Fund.................... ................ ......... ... : ------- - - •The Instructive Visiting Nurse Association of Baltimore................ . ... .' The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Social Service Department....................... Maryland Tuberculosis Association ( I n c . ) . . . . . . . . . : — - - : - - - - - - - ------Mothers’ Relief Society............................................... ..................... ••v * •• Cumberland— Baby Welfare Section of Cumberland Civic C lu b .. I , . . . i . -------- . . . . . MASSACHUSETTS: Arlington— Arlington District Nursing Associàtion..................... - ......... - . . . . . . Attleboro— Antituberculosis and District Nursing Association....................... . : . . . . Belmont— Belmont Community Nursing Association........... . — ............................ Beverly— Antituberculosis Society....... ..; . . — .................. . . . . . . . . . . . ............. .. I Beverly Hospital Corporation....................... j, ......... .................... <Boston— Baby Hygiene Association.-------— ...................- - - *•- - - - * •- - - - - - •- - •Boston Floating Hospital.............................................................. - - » *•- - * Boston Lying-in Hospital........................... ....... . - ............ ............ ........... Carney Hospital, Baby Welfare and Nutrition Clinics (South Boston). Dietetic Bureau................................... ......... ... . . - - • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 125 125 125 125 126 126 126 126 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 *29 130 137 136 146 145 137 137 133 137 138 139 INDEX BY LOCALITY. 15 MASSACHUSETTS— Continued. Boston— Continued. Page. Division of Hygiene, State Department of Public H ealth.. . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Elizabeth Peabody Home............. u.................................................. ............. 140 Forsyth Dental Infirmary for Children......................................... ............. 140 Instructive District Nursing Association............ . A .................................... 141 Lincoln House Association....... ............. ..;................................................... 141 Massachusetts General Hospital, Social Service Department.................. 133 Massachusetts Homoeopathic Hospital................... .... .1 ................... 133 Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.......... 133 Neighborhood K itchen..........................................................................................142 Preventive Clinic of the Boston Dispensary....................................... . 143 Roxbury Neighborhood House (Baby Hygiene Station)......................... 143 South End House......................................................................... 144 The Women’s Municipal League of Boston............................................. 145 Brockton— Brockton Catholic Charities Center.............................. 137 146 Brockton Visiting Nurse Association........................................ . . . . . . . . . . Brookline— Brookline Friendly Society (District Nursing Department). . . . . . . . . . . 138 Cambridge— Board of Health, Division of Infant Welfare....................... ....................... 134 Cambridge Health Committee............................................................. 138 Canton— 138 Canton Hospital and Nursing Association................................................... Chelsea— Woman’s Public Safety Committee..................................^ 145 Danvers— Danvers Visiting Nurse Association.......................... ................... . ........... 139 Dedham— " u Dedham Emergency Nursing Association............ . . .............. .......... .. 146 Duxbury— The Duxbury Nurse Association (I n c .). . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ...................... 140 Everett— Instructive District Nursing Association..................... ........................ 141 Fall River— District Nursing A s s o c ia tio n .,...,....... . . .. ........... ................ .. 139 Fitchburg— Visiting Nursing Association_______ ______ , /5 .......................................... 444 Framingham— Department of Health, Division of Infant Wel f are. . g ,-¡.,, . . 135 Gardner— District Nursing Association.. . . . . . . . . . . . __ _________________. . . . . . 140 Grafton— Grafton Association for District Nursing................... .......... ............ 135 Great Barrington— Visiting Nurse Association (In c.)............................... . ............. . 147 Greenfield— Greenfield Visiting Nurse A ssociation ........... ........................................ ... 147 Hingham— Board of Health (public health n urse)............................ . . . . . . . . . ___ 134 Holliston— Holliston Public Health Nursing Association..*................ ......... . . . - ___ 443. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INDEX BY LOCALITY. 16 MASSACHUSETTS— Continued. Holyoke Child Welfare Commission....... ............. ................. ..................................... Holyoke District Nurse Association.........................................- - - ............. 135 ^ District Nursing Association of Barnstable, Yarmouth, and Dennis (Child Welfare Clinic)............................. - - .................................. ''* aWChild Welfare Department (conducted b y Lawrence Board of H ealth). . 135 Leominster Child Welfare A gency............................................ - - - - - ........... . 138 Lowell— Lowell G uild....... . ................ ............... - ............. ........... ......................... -.40 Lynn Child W elf are House......................................................... ............................... Malden— Malden Baby Welfare Department...................... ........................................ Malden Industrial Aid Society............- - - .................................................... 239 ^og Medway— . American Red Cross, Medway Branch............................. - ......... ............... -,45 Melrose— . Board of H ealth........................................ 434 -...................... ......... 242 Milton— Milton Social Service League............ - ................................. . - .................. Natick— Natick District Nurse Association...................... ......... - ............. ................. 242 New Bedford— * Board of H ealth................................................................. *.**.*’ • ------Instructive Nursing Association................................................................... 234 Newburyport— ^ Newburyport Health Center.................................. -'-JXV 143 ^ ............. 143 Newton— . . . Newton District Nursing Association.............................. - - .......................North Adams— Child Welfare, Board of H ealth.......... ......................... j North Attleboro— North Attleboro District Nursing Association............... ......... 138 , 4« Norwood— Norwood Hospital.................................... ...................................... Pittsfield— Health D epartment----- 1...............- - - - ............... *....... ........................ 234 Salem Child Welfare Committee......... -................ - ......... ................................... Health Department.............- ......... - - - - - - - - - ............. House of Seven Gables Settlement.............................. .............................** Woman’s Friend Society.............................- ......... - - - - - * - *- - - - - - - - ......... 13g Springfield— Health Departm ents................... - - - - - - * ---‘ Olivet Community House.......................................... - .......................* Visiting Nurse Association— . . . . * . Stoughton— Stoughton Visiting Nurse Association,,.... 235 " ', " : Taunton— * „ . ... Infant Welfare Committee of the Visiting Nurse Association.. . . .......... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ^ ^ 136 ^43 u4 1417 VL. INDEX BY LOCALITY. MASSACHUSETTS— Continued. Wakefield— Wakefield Visiting Nurse Association.............. : . . . . . ____. . . . . ____. . . . Watertown— Baby Welfare Clinic.......................... Watertown District Nursing Association......... ......... ........ . . . . . . . . . ____ Westfield— Westfield Board of Health Dispensary.................................................... 1. Winchendon— Winchendon Woman’s Club, District Nurse Committee..................... ... Winchester— Health Center................................................................. ...... J .......... . Winthrop— Board of Health......... ........ ................................ ........ . . . . . . . ____. . . . . . Woburn— Board of Health and Charities...................................................................... Worcester— Worcester Board of Health................... : ............ ................ .. ............ Worcester Society of District Nursing............................. ............... . 17 Page. 144 146 144 136 148 147 146 134 136 145 MICHIGAN: Adrian— Associated Charities............................................. 155 Allegan— American Red Cross........................................................... 152 Ann Arbor— Ann Arbor Public Health Nursing Association................................ . 154 Washtenaw County Public Health Nursing S e r v ice .....___ . . . . . . . . . . 151 Battle Creek— Health Department............... ............................................ ............ ... i . . 1 5 3 Bay City— Public Health Nursing Service of the Civic League............ .................... 155 Benton Harbor— Child Welfare Association........................ ....................................... i . . . . . . 153 Visiting N urse Association................ ............................................................. 156 Detroit— 153 Babies’ Milk Fund Auxiliary of Visiting Nurse Association.................. Health Department........................................... .............. . . . . . 153 Visiting Nurse Association...... ....................... j _______ . . . . . . . 154 Woman’s Hospital and Infants’ Home......................... . 152 Flint— Health Department.......................... ................. ......... . . 156 Grand Rapids— Clinic for Infant Feeding (conducted jointly by City Board of Health and Clinic for Infant Feeding)...................................... .............. ....... 155 Kent County Public Health Department....... ......... ..... .. : . . . . . . . . ||. 151 Ironwood— Oliver Iron Mining Co................................................ ................. ........... . . . 154 Ishpeming— Division of Child Hygiene, City Board of Health....................... 153 Jackson— Infant Welfare C lin ic....................... ......... ....... ........................ 156 8748o— 22------2 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 18 INDEX BY LOCALITY, M ICHIGAN—Continued. Kalamazoo— Page. Department of Health and Welfare..................................... - ...................... 155 Lansing— Bureau of Child Hygiene and Public Health Nursing, Michigan Department of Health............ ................. . ............... .................................. 151 City Health Department.............................................. 152 Lapeer— American Red Cross, Lapeer County....... .............................. 151 Marquette— City Health Department............................................................................. - 152 154 Visiting Nurse Association.. . . ...... ..................................#......... ................... Muskegon— Infant Welfare Bureau, Department of Health....... ............................... . 153 Visiting Nurse Association............................................ 154 Pontiac— American Red Cross, Oakland County Chapter......................................... 157 Department of Public Health....................................... ................................ 156 Sandusky— Sanilac County Red Cross Public Health Nursing Service....... ............ 151 Sault Ste. Marie— Child Welfare League.............................. ........................................ . , 155 Wyandotte— 156 Wyandotte Welfare S ociety........................ ................ ................................. MINNESOTA: Duluth— St. Louis County Public Health Association............................................. Scottish Rite Infant Welfare Clinics.......................................................... Mankato— American Red Cross, Mankato Chapter...................... ................................ Blue Earth County Public Health Association.................................... .... Minneapolis— Breast Feeding Investigation Bureau, Department of Pediatrics, University of Minnesota....................: .................................................. Children’s Protective Society of Hennepin C ou n ty .................. ........... . Hennepin County Tuberculosis Association............................................... Infant Welfare Society............ ........................................ ........... ............. ... Unity Settlement House....... ............................................ ............ . Visiting Nurse Association............... ........................................ ....... ........... Rochester— Rochester Child Health Association............................................................. St. Paul— Division of Child Hygiene, State Board of H ealth.......................... ......... Minnesota Public Health Association............................. ....... ..................... St. Paul Baby Welfare Association. . . , ............................................ . M ISSISSIPPI: Charleston— American Red Cross............................................................................... — . . Jackson— Bureau of Child Welfare, State Board of H ealth .. . . . J........ ............. . Public Health Nursing S e r v i c e . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ ...................................... Natchez— American Red Cross, Adams County Chapter............................... ........ . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 161 162 163 161 163 161 161 162 162 162 162 161 161 163 167 167 167 167 INDEX BY LOCALITY. 19 MISSOURI: Cape Girardeau— Page. American Red Cross, Cape Girardeau County Chapter, a..... .................. 171 Carthage— American Red Cross, Carthage Chapter............................ ...................... 174 Columbia— Child Welfare Committee of the Charity Organization Society of Colum bia................................................. . ............. 172 Independence— American Red Cross........................................................................... 171 Jefferson Gity— • Division of Child Hygiene, State Board of Health.................................... 171 Kansas City— Children’s ¿u reau .................................. . ........... ........... . ........ ...................... 172 Friendly House......................... ................................................................... 174 Institutional Church.............. . ........................................ 175 Italian Mission Clinic...............^.................................... ............................. 172 Mattie Rhodes Day Nursery Clinic........ ............ ....................................... 173 Mexican Christian Mission.. ...................................................... 175 Minute Circle Association........................................... ................ ............ 173 St. Luke’s Child Welfare Club..................... ..................... ........................... 176 Swope Settlement..................... ............................... . ; . . . .1V . ........... 175 Visiting N urse Association......................................................................... .. 174 St. Joseph— American Red Cross, St. Joseph Chapter.............................. ................ 171 St. Louis— Day Nursery and Children’s Medical Clinic............................ ......... ....... 172 Markham Memorial Presbyterian Church (institutional)......... 173 Municipal Visiting Nurses Association................................... ....... ............. 175 St. Louis Association for Social Work..... .................................................... 175 St. Louis Children’s Aid Society............................................................... 173 St. Louis Maternity Hospital, Prenatal Clinic........................................... 174 Visiting Nurse Association of St. Louis....................................................... 174 Springfield—• Greene County Health Association............. ............................ 171 MONTANA: Billings— City and County Health Department.................................. _______ . . . . . 179 Great Falls— City-County Health Department............ .............. .................................... 179 Helena— Child Welfare Division, State Board of H ealth.......................................... 179 Missoula— Health office, Héalth Clinic........... .............. ............. , ............................ 179 NEBRASKA: Lincoln— Agricultural Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Nebraska................... . . . . > ................... ............... ....... ...... ........... Child Welfare Division ...__________ ___________ ; .......... .... '........... ....... Division of Child Hygiene, State Bureau of Health, Department of Public W elfare..................... ...................................... . ......... . . . Omaha— Visiting Nurse Association....... .................... ................................................ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 183 183 183 183 INDEX BY LOCALITY. 20 NEVADA: -Reno—■ Child Welfare Division, orate x>oara ui jaccuoh........................ . ............ Nevada xublic Heaitn Association............................................. ............ NEW HAM PSHIRE: Berlin— Brown Co. District iNursing .uepartuieui/- - - — - ...................... Concord— Concord District iNursing Association....................................... Page. 187 187 ........ . . ............ Dover— ______ Dover District Nursing Association................................... Manchester— Child Hygiene Division, Doaru. 01 ................................................ ............ ............ Manchester District INursing Association................................. New Hampshire Children s Aid and Protective Society............ ............ Nashua— Good Cheer Society.............. .. •............ * * ■ 192 192 191 191 192 191 ............ 191 ....... 20) ............ . ........ 198 200 .............. 198 Bridgeton— American Red Cross, Bridgeton Branch, Public Health Service ........ 198 NEW JERSEY: Asbury Park— ca u y ............................................................... V/Q1IU YVCliait; ................................................ Atlantic City— Atlantic Oity wenare x>ureau............................................. Bayonne— Camden— uamaeu .ooaiu. u± -uhwuu. . - ................................ Visiting in uiso kJVL,icuj................... r ................ East Orange— Visiting Elizabeth— inurses associa tinn ux wx^ ............. 196 .............. 197 .................... 196 Hackensack— Children’s Relief and General Welfare Association................... .............. Hoboken— Jersey City— Division oi unna n yg ien e............ ..........- - ------- ;*** ............... 196 ............... 197 Kearny— ................ Duai'ü ui JLieaitn.................. Long Branch— Long Branch Public xieaitn inursing - ................-• ............... Morristown— ............... Visiting Nurse Association........................................ Newark— ................ r>auies ................................................................ Child Hygiene Division, Department of H e a lth ...................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 199 196 201 202 202 iyb INDEX BY LOCALITY. 21 NEW JERSEY—Continued. Orange— Page. Diet Kitchen of the Oranges_____ ................................ . . ....... . ............... - 199 Health Department............................................. ....... .................. ......... - - 197 Plainfield— Charity Organization Society...................... ................................................ 198 Department of Health................. ....... ................. ...................... 197 King’s Daughters Day Nursery, and Infirmary............................. . . . . . . . 199 Visiting Nurse Association..................... .......... .................................... . 202 Rahway— Visiting Nurse Committee of Civic Club.............................................. 200 Salem— Salem Child Welfare Committee............................ ................ .r ........... . - 201 Silver Lake— Silver Lake Welfare Association.................................. 199 Trenton— Bureau of Child Hygiene, State Department of Health.................195 Children’s Orthopaedic Station and Dispensary— ..................... ....... .. 199 . Church Mission of H elp..... .......................................................... ....... ......... 202 Division of School Medical Inspection and Welfare Nursing, Bureau of Health.............. ................................... . . . . ................ 197 Florence Crittenton Christian Refuge Association.................. .— 195 St. Michael’s Aid Society................. ..............- ........................................ - 195 Trenton Day Nursery.................... ................................. *- - .......... 200 West Hoboken— West Hoboken Bureau of Child Hygiene...........................................- . — 198 West New York— Baby Welfare Station..................................................... ........................... 201 West Orange— 196 Board of Health.............................. .. - ............ ................... - ......................... NEW M EXICO: Albuquerque— Department of Public Health...................................................... ................. Clayton— Department of Public Health...........: ................ ..................... ........ ........... East Las Vegas— Department of Public Health................................. ..................................... Roswell— Department of Public Health.................. .................... .............................. Santa Fe— Bureau of Child Welfare, Department of Public Welfare........................ Child Welfare Association of New M exico................................................. Department of Public Health............................... ................................. .. Division of Child Hygiene and Public Health Nursing, Bureau of Public Health, Department of Public W elfare..................................... NEW Y O R K : Albany— Central Christian Mother’s U n ion ...................... ................. — . . : . . . . . . Division of Maternity, Infancy and Child Hygiene, State Department of H ealth ....... .................................................. . . . . .... ..V ........ | . . . . . . . James C. Farrell Memorial Infant Welfare Station.. . . . . . . . — . . . . . . . . . Auburn— Union Neighborhood H o u s e ............. . . . I ................................. — Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 205 205 206 206 205 205 206 205 218 209 215 217 22 INDEX BY LOCALITY. NEW Y O R K —Continued. Binghamton— Page. 209 Broome County Humane Society and Relief Association..................— Child Welfare Association Dispensaries (In c.)....... ............................- - 214 B u ffa lo Board of Child Welfare.......... .............................................. ..................... - - 210 Buffalo City Hospitai............................- ............. - .................................. - - 210 Children’s Hospital........................ ............. ........... fv.......... ......... - ............... 210 Department of Health, Bureau of Child H ygiene..........................- -----210 Department of Hospitals and Dispensaries..................................: ........... 210 District Nursing Association of Buffalo*...........................- ......................... 210 Fitch Crèche Nursery and Training School for Nursery M aids.... . . . . . 210 Fresh Air Mission................................................. ............. ... . ......................... 210 Infant Jesus Day Nursery.......................- ..................................................... 210 Jewish Day Nursery............................................. ....................................210 St. Mary’s Maternity H ospital...................... . . ......... - ............... ........... - 210 Cohoes— Division of Child Hygiene, City Board of H ealth.. . , — *— -----; -----213 Dunkirk— Public Health Center.. . .............. ..................................................- - - ......... 216 Elmira— Visiting Nurses Department of Elmira Federation for Social S ervice.. 209 Fulton— Child Welfare Station........................ *............. ........ - .............. ........ . - - 218 Glens Falls— Child Welfare fetation.......................... . . . . . . .......... ............... .. Ü J ............ 213 Gloversville— Municipal Mothers’ Club........................................ * . - .............. ................. 216 Ilion— Ilion Board of Public Health Nursing...................... - ................. ............... 215 Ithaca— % Ithaca Tuberculosis Association....................................................... - ......... 220 Jamestown— Visiting Nurse Association. ............................................- .............. 217 Johnstown— Johnstown Red Cross Public Health Nursing Service.............. ............... 221 Lackawanna— Board of Health....... .................... - .............................................. - ............... 4t 210 214 Community House (Inc. ) ................................................... ............. . Little Falls— Board of H e a lt h .................................................- ........... ............. . . . . . . . . . 218 Lockport—• American Red C r o s s ...........................- ......... ..............................— 220 Newburgh— Child Welfare, City Board of Health.......................................... - ............... 218 New Rochelle— Board of Health..................................................................... - •- ............. . - * * 218 New York City (Greater New York)— Babies’ Dairy, T h e......................................................................................... 210 Babies’ Hospital of the City of New Y o rk .................................................. 210 Babies’ Welfare Federation of New Y ork.......................................210 Bellevue School for Midwives................... .................................... . 210 Berwind, John E., Free Maternity Clinic....... ......... 210 Bethany Congregational Church............................ .......... - ......................... 210 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INDEX BY LOCALITY. 23 NEW Y O R K —Continued. New York City (Greater New York)— Continued. Page. Beth David Hospital..................... - . . ...................... '..................................... 210 Beth Israel H o sp ita l............ ............................. ................................ ........... 210 210 Blodgett Memorial Home................................. .................... ......... ......... .. Bowling Green Health Center........................................ .................... ......... 210 Brooklyn Association for Improving the Condition of the P oor.. . . . . . . . 210 Brooklyn Children’s Aid Society......... ........................ ................. . 210 Brooklyn Hospital......................................................................... ............. 210 Bureau of Municipal Research....... .......... ........................................ . ......... 210 Camp St. Nicholas........................ .................................................. 210 Caroline Rest. . ...................................... ................ . . . . . . . . . . . ______. . . . . . 210 Chapel of the Incarnation............................................ .......... ......... .. 210 Children’s Aid Society, T h e........................ .......... . . . ........ . . . . . . . . . _____ 210 210 Church of the Heavenly Rest........ ......................... ........... .......................... Cooperative Social Settlement Society of the City of New Y o rk ....___ 210 Country Home for Convalescent B abies..____________ _ 210 Crèche, T h e...........— ............ ..... ......................................................... ....... 210 Day Camp Manhattan....... ......... ...................... .. ....................................... 210 Day Camp Rutherford_____ __________ _ . . . .______ ___________ 210 Department of Health, Bureau of Child H ygiene___ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 Dobbs H ouse.......................... ^___________. . . . . . ............. ........... ........... 211 Emanuel Sisterhood of Personal Service............ ....... ....................... .. . . . 211 Federation for Child Study, T h e ......... .................. ...................... , . . . ____ 211 Fresh-Air Association of the Cathedral of St, John the D ivine............... 211 Gouverneur Hospital..................... ................... ....................................... . 211 Hartley H ou se.......... ................... ............... ....... ........... ..................... 211 Henry Street Settlement...................... ................................... .................... 211 Hill Top C a m p ...___ .> ........... ......... ............................; ....... ....................... 211 H oly Trinity Holiday House......................... , . . . . . . . ____. . . . . ____ . . . . 211 Home for Catholic Children of Tuberculous Parents..... ............ . . 211 211 Hudson G uild................................................ ...................................... ........ Infant Hygiene Clinic at Lebanon Hospital Dispensary................. 211 Jewish Memorial H ospital...................................... ............................... . 211 Judson Memorial....................... ......... ......................................... .......... ..... . 211 L__ _____ _____________ : . . . , 211 Lenox Hill Hospital......... .. Long Island College Hospital, T h e........................... . . . . . ............................ 211 Lying-In Hospital of the City of New Y ork ..... ................. ., ......... ....... 211 Madison Square Church House (Presbyterian)............................... 211 Manhattan Maternity and Dispensary.............. : ........ ............... ........... 211 Masters’ School........................................... . . ............................................... 211 Maternity Centers of the American Red Cross, Bronx County Chapter. 211 Maternity Center Association............................ ................... .............. 211 Maternity Center Association of the Borough of B rooklyn.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 Mt. Sinai Hospital...................................... .................................................... 211 Mulberry Community H ouse....... . ............. .................. ......... ..... . .•__ 211 Negro Fresh Air Committee, T h e................................... ......... ..................... 211 Neighborhood House of the Spring Street Presbyterian Church............... 211 NewYork Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor................ 211 New York Child Welfare Committee (In c.).............................................. 211 New York Deaconess’ Association of the Methodist Episcopal Church. . 211 New York Diet Kitchen Association, T h e ______ ____________ _____. . . 211 New York Infirmary for Women and Children......... .......... ............... 211 New York Nursery and Child’s Hospital............... .............. .. 211 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 24 INDEX BY LOCALITY. NEW Y O R K —Continued. New York City (Greater New York)—Continued. Page. New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital.......................... 211 New York P. E. City Mission Society...................... ............................ .. 211 New York Tuberculosis Association................. .......................................... 211 People’s University Extension Society of New York, T h e........... 212 Presbyterian Church of the Sea and Land............................................ - 212 Preventorium, T h e.................................. - - - ................................ ............. - 212 Public Health Committee of the New Y ork Academy of M edicine.. . . . . 212 Recreation Rooms and Settlement.......................... ....................... . . . . . . 212 212 Richmond Hill Century Club Baby Health Station-------— ............... Richmond Hill House............................. — - ......................................... - - * 212 Roosevelt Baby Health Station and Clinic......................... .................. 212 St. Andrew’s Convalescent Hospital for Women........................ ....... . . . . 212 St. Barnabas’ H ouse................................- - ............................ .................*- 212 St. David’s Fresh Air Home for Colored Children.............................. 212 212 St. Eleanora’s Home for Convalescents.................. ...... ............ ............... St. Elizabeth’s H om e......_ ........................... - - - ............... - •- ............... - - 212 St. George’s Seaside Cottage of St. George’s Protestant Episcopal Church. .................................................................. ..... . l ------ ------ . . . 212 212 St. John’s G u ild........................................................................................ - - • St. Luke’s Hospital.................................................................... ............ - •- 212 St. Thomas’ Summer Hom e................... ....................................................... 212 St. Thomas’ West Side House for Children....... .................................. - -. 212 Sea Breeze H om e.................................. ........ - ......... ........ ..................... 212 Seaside Home......... '.......................................- ................. ........... ....... ........... 212 Seaside Home of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church— ........ .. 212 Settlement and Church of all Nations......... ............ ......... .................. . 212 Sisterhood of the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue in City of New York (I n c .)............................................................ .................................212 Speedwell Society for Convalescent and Abandoned Children (Morris town and Yonkers branches)...... ............................... ......................- - - 212 Staten Island Health Center........................... ............. ........... - ............. - - 212 Stuyvesant Neighborhood H ouse. — .................................. ............. -• 212 Ta Kala Society, Church of the Divine Paternity.. . -------- ----------- ---212 Thirty-ninth Street Neighborhood Room s.............................. ................... 212 Union Settlement Association.................................................................... 212 United Community H ouse......................................................................— 212 Visiting Nurse Association of Brooklyn (Inc.), T he.............. ............. . 212 Vanderbilt C linic.. ........................................................... ........ . . . . . . . . . . . 212 Warren Goddard House (Friendly Aid Society)................ ................ f- -. 212 Willoughby Hoüse Settlem ent. ......................... - ....................... . 212 Wood cleft Fresh Air H om e.......................... - - - - - - .............................. . 212 Niagara Falls— 213 Child Welfare Clinic (Bureau of Health)............. .............................. . North Tonawanda— Health department— ............ ......... ............. .......... ....................... 220 Olean— American Red Gross, Olean Chapter.................................................... . — 220 Ossining— District Nursing and Public Health Association............................... 219 Peekskill— Associated Charities............................. ............................*4........................... 214 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INDEX BY LOCALITY. 25 NEW Y O R K — Continued. Plattsburg— Pagp. Child Welfare Station.................... ................................... .......................... 221 Poughkeepsie— 213 Board of Health, Child Welfare. ..................... Dutchess County Health Association.......................................................... 209 Rochester— Dispensary Housekeeping Center................................. 215 Health Bureau........................................................................................... 219 Out-Patient Department, Rochester General Hospital............................ 216 Public Health Nursing Association................... .................................... .. 216 Schenectady— Division of Child Hygiene, Health Department................................... .. 219 Solvay— Infant Welfare Committee of Solvay G uild..................... ......................... 215 Syracuse— Child Welfare Committee....................... .................... ............ . . . ............... 214 Department of Health, Bureau of Child Hygiene...................... ............ 219 Federation of Women’s Clubs........................... ................. ...... ..... ....... .. 215 Visiting Nurse Association.................................................. .......... ........ . . . 217 Troy— Babies’ Milk Station.................................................................... ... ... 217 The Day H om e................................................................ - - - - - ......... . 214 Utica— 217 Baby Welfare Committee (In c.)........................................... ............... ' . . . Division of Child Hygiene, Board of Health.................................... ......... 213 Watertown— Visiting Nurse Association........................... .............. ...................... 220 White Plains— Child Hygiene Station................................................. ........................ 213 Williamsville— Goodyear (Josephine) Convalescent H om e.................. ........... . . ....... . . . . 210 Yonkers— Division of Child Hygiene, Department of Public Health...................... 219 NORTH CAROLINA: Charlotte— Charlotte Cooperative Nursing Association, City Health Department.. Goldsboro— Wayne County Red Cross....... ...................................................................... Greensboro— Welfare Department, Proximity Manufacturing Co.......................... . Raleigh— Bureau of Maternity and Infancy, State Board of H ealth............... . Salisbury— Rowan County Health Department.......................... - ................ .. Wilmington— Agricultural Extension Service............................................................ . New Hanover County Board of Health............................ ................... . Winston-Salem— City Health Department................................................................................ NORTH DAKOTA: Grand Forks— Bureau of Child Hygiene, State Board of H ea lth ....................... ............. Public Welfare Association................................ ................ ............. ............. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 226 226 225 225 225 225 226 226 229 229 26 INDEX BY LOCALITY. OHIO: Alliance— . Page. American Red Cross Home Service................................. - ........... . 235 Bucyrus— American Red Cross, Crawford County C h ap ter...................................... 234 Canton— Catholic Community League.....................................— ...........................•• 235 Visiting Nurse Society, Canton City C linics............................................. 239 Chillicothe— Ross County Welfare A ssociation ................... ..................... - -------- - - - 241 Cincinnati— Babies’ Milk Fund Association.......................... .......................................... 235 Bureau of Child Hygiene Cincinnati Health Department................. . 234 Christ Child Day Nursery. ................................................... - ............... 235 Cincinnati Free Day Nursery— ....... ................................- - - - ....... ........ 235 Cincinnati Union Bethel Settlement........................................... 235 Good W ill Day Nursery (affiliated with Cincinnati General Hospital). 237 Maternity Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church........................... 237 Mother’s Memorial Social Center. ............................................- - - - ......... 238 Ohio Humane Society. — ............ .....' — - .....................— ............. 233 Parkway Day Nursery........................ ................................. ....................... 241 Public Health Federation, Child Hygiene Council.................................. 233 United Jewish Social A g e n cie s ........................ .................. ...................... 239 Wilhelm and Gette Beckman Dispensary of United Jewish Social Agencies....... ..................... - - ......... - ................ - ................. - - - - ............... 240 Cleveland— The Babies’ Dispensary and Hospital.................................... .................... 234 Bureau of Child. Hygiene, City Board of Health..............— . . . . . . 234 Catholic Charities Bureau....... ...................................................................... 234 Children’s Fresh Air C a m p ..................- ............. ....................................... 234 Cleveland Associated Charities................................ .................................... 234 Cleveland Chapter Junior Red Cross..................... - - ................................... 234 Cleveland Day Nursery and Free Kindergarten A ssociation........... ... 234 Cleveland Humane Society.............................. - ................... - - .................234 Cleveland Mouth Hygiene Association............................................. ........ 234 Cleveland Nutrition Clinics..................... ................. - .................................. ' 234 Federation of Jewish Charities....... ......................................... 234 Maternity Hospital and Dispensary.......................................... ........ ......... 234 St. Luke’s Hospital and Maternity Dispensary....................... .............. 234 Columbus— Bureau of Child Hygiene, State Department of Health........................... 233 Children’s Hospital...................................... .................................................. 233 Columbus Children’s Dental Clinic-----— ; - - - ..........................- ............. 236 236 Gladden Community House............ ..................................................... . Godman Guild House....................................- - - •- ......................- - - - ......... 237 Instructive District Nursing Association............................................... .. 240 North Side Day Nursery..................... - ...................................... ................... 238 Oak Street Day Nursery..................... .................... ..................................... 238 Ohio Avenue Day Nursery............................................................................ 238 St. Paul’s Community House................................................................ ....... 239 Cuyahoga Falls— Cuyahoga Falls Nursing Association......................................... — ............. 240 Dayton— Visiting Nurse Association..............................- ............ - ......... - - - — ......... 239 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis index by locality, 27 OHIO—Continued. East Cleveland— Page. East Cleveland Welfare Association................................................... . 236 Fremont— Federation of Fremont W om en.....................— . . . . . . . . . ....... .......... — 236 Hamilton— Mercy Hospital, Social Service Department............................................ 237 Lakewood— Lakewood Visiting Nurse Association... . ............ ....... ............. ................ 237 Lancaster— Lancaster Public Health League......... .................. - - - - ........... ......... . - - - 240 Lima— American Red Cross, Department of Nursing................. .......... .. . . . . . . 234 Mansfield— Mansfiéld Public Health Nurses Association.......................... ....... .......... 237 Marietta— City Federation of Women’s Clubs......................................................... - - r 236 Middletown— Public Health Nursing Service...............................- - - - ----------------- 241 Norwood— Norwood Community Service........ ...................................... ........... . 238 Salem— Public Health League.............................. - - - ..................................— '— 239 Springfield— Fraternal Order of Eagles Baby Dispensary............................................... 241 Springfield and Clark County Public Health Nursing S e rv ice ............. 242 . Toledo— Lucas County Board of Health......................... .............. ....... — .-------.... Toledo District Nurse Association............................................................. Youngstown— Youngstown Baby Welfare Committee....................................................... Youngstown Hospital Dispensary.......................... .............. - - - - ............... OKLAHOMA: Bartlesville— Washington County Public Health Association........................... . — Oklahoma City— American Red Cross Community House..................................................... Bureau of Maternity and Infant Hygiene, State Department of Health. Oklahoma City Public Health Association.................... ............................ Tulsa— Humane S o c ie ty .. . . . . . . . . . ...... .......... ........... - ................. ............... •••'• OREGON: Astoria— . American Red Cross, Clatsop County Chapter...... .............. .......... fei). Bend— Deschutes County Public Health Association........................................... Eugene— Lane County Public Health Association, Diagnostic Children’s Clinic. Hood River— Hood River County Public Health Association.. . . . . . .................. Marshfield— Coos County Public Health Association.............. ............. .......................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 233 241 240 242 245 245 245 245 245 249 249 250 249 249 INDEX BY LOCALITY, 28 OREGON—Continued. Portland— Bureau of Public Health Nursing and Child Hygiene, State Board of Health...............: ........................................... - •*— ................................ Multnomah County Public Health Association. — .............. — Visiting Nurse Association.................................................... - - ------- ••*— PEN NSYLVANIA: Allentown— Sacred Heart Hospital — ............... .................................. - ................... Bethlehem—• Bethlehem Baby Health Station......................... - .......................- ............. Chester— Chester Day Nursery and Boarding H om e. . . ............ .......... ........... Child Health Centers..................................................... - .......................- •- Connellsville— American Red Cross...................................................................................... Dunmore— Dunmore Child Welfare............ — ---------- -------------------------------- ••— Duquesne— Welfare Department, Carnegie Steel Co.................................................. Easton— St. John’ s Church...................................- .................................... ................... Visiting Nurse Association............................. ............................................... Woman’s Club, Child Welfare Department.................................... . Erie— Visiting Nurse Association...................................................................... Harrisburg— ............................. .......... ................. . Child Welfare Association — Division of Child Health, State Department of H ealth......................... Visiting Nurse Association...................................- ........... ............. .............. Jeannette— American Red Cross, Jeannette Branch of Westmoreland County Chapter............................................................................ - ........... ................ Lancaster— Lancaster Cummunity Service Association................. ........... .. - - ............ Lebanon— Visiting Nurse Association....................................................... .................... Meadville— Meadville Visiting Nursing Association............................... .............. New Castle— Lawrence County Tuberculosis S ociety...... ...................................... r - - Norristown— Associated Charities.................................................................................. Philadelphia— Babies’ Hospital of Philadelphia.............................- ........ ................. Babies’ Welfare Association of Philadelphia, T h e......................... . - -. Baptist Settlement House...............- - - ..........................................- ------Child Federation, T h e ............. - ............. .............................. . - - - - ............ Children’s Homeopathic Hospital....................................... - - - - - * ** Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Social Service D epartm ent.. . . . . . Cohocksink Mothers’ Club................................. ........... - ............ *- - - - *- - : Department for the Prevention of Disease............................ ....... .. - - — Division of Child Hygiene, City Board of H ealth---------- . . . . . . . . . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Page. 249 250 250 259 258 260 258 254 255 257 256 257 258 259 258 253 257 258 256 257 256 260 255 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 INDEX BY LOCALITY. 29 PEN NSYLVANIA— Continued. Philadelphia— Continued. Page. Frederick Douglas Memorial Hospital Social Service Department........ 254 Philadelphia Association of Day Nurseries. ................................... .... 254 Philadelphia Pediatric Society........................... ........................ . ......... ...... 254 Phipps Institute................................................ ........... ....... ................. . 254 St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children................................................ . 254 Starr Center Association................................................................. . 254 254 West Philadelphia Hospital for Women, Health Clinic.. . . . . . '............. Pittsburgh— Calvary Protestant Episcopal C h u rch . ................................... ............... 255 Division of Child Hygiene, City Board of Health.................................... 254 Irene Kaufmann Settlement, Health A ctivities...................... ; . . . .*... 256 Pittsburgh and Allegheny Milk and Ice Association. ___ __ 256 Public Health N ursing Association ......................'______ 256 South Side Hospital Dispensary .............................. ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 Plymouth—Child Welfare................................................, ................................................. 255 Civic League................. ................... ........... ............................................... ... 255 Reading— Visiting N urse Association ......................................... .......................... ... 259 Scranton— 260 District Nurse Association........................................................ i ................... Family Welfare Bureau............................................................................ 255 Weston Field Child Welfare and Hygiene Station........................ ....... ... 254 Steelton— Steelton Welfare Association..... ................. ........ .v................................... 257 Sunbury— State Clinic, Department of Health............................... ........... ............... 259 Uniontown—American Red Cross, Fayette County Chapter.......................................... 253 Children’s Aid Society of Fayette County, auxiliary to Children’s Aid Society of Western Pennsylvania.............................................. ....... 253 Warren— 253 Warren Visiting Nurse Association................................................................ Wilkes-Barre— ^ Visiting Nurse Association....................... ....................................... ............ 260 Y ork 260 Visiting Nurse Association......................... ................................................... RHODE ISLAND: East Providence— East Providence District Nursing Association......................... , ............. 264 Newport— Civic League............................................................................... ....... ............. 263 Pawtucket— Red Cross Health Center................................................ .................. . 264 Providence— Baby Clinics.......................... ..... .......... .................. ................ ........... ......... - 263 Carter Day Nursery.................... ............... ........ . . . . . ............................... .. 263 Children’s Friend Sopiety............................................................................... 263 Day Nursery Association.......................... ......... ............... ........................... 263 Dental Clinics......................................................................................... 263 District Nursing Association....... ......... 263 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 30 INDEX BY LOCALITY, RHODE ISLAND— Continued. Providence— Continued. Page. Division of Child Hygiene, City Board of Health............................. ...... 263 Division of Child Welfare, State Board of Health..................... . 263 Eye Clinics.................................. 263 Federal Hill House Association........................ 263 League for Suppression of Tuberculosis....... .......................... ................... 263 Lyra Brown Nickerson House...............................................: ................ ... 263 Mental Hygiene Clinics. . . . .............. ........... ............... ............. ................ 263 263 North End Dispensary..... ........................................................... ..... 4 .......... Providence Board of Recreation......... ............... ...................................... 263 Providence Child Welfare Committee......... ................ ........... . 263 263 Providence City H ospital. . . . . ..................... . ............................................. Providence District Nursing Association...... ........... .......................... ...... s 263 Providence Floating Hospital_____ ...........................................................-. 263 Vaccination Clinics.. . . . . ........... . . . . . . ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i — . . . 263 Woonsocket— Woonsocket Day Nursery and Children’s Home Association............. 264 Woonsocket Visiting Nursing Association....................... .......................... 263 SOUTH CAROLINA: Aiken— American Red Cross, Aiken County Nursing U n it ................................. Anderson— Equinox Mill (public nurse)................................................... ..................... Orr Cotton Mill (visiting nurse).................. ................................................ Beaufort— Beaufort County Public Health Nursing Association............................... Camden— American Red Cross Public Health Nursing Association............. ....... . . Charleston— American Red Cross Public Health Nursing Service.............. ................ Charleston County Health U n it........................................................... ... 1. Chester— Chester Public Health Nursing U nit........................................................... Columbia— Bureau of Child Hygiene and Public Health Nursing, State Board of Health....................................... ........... ... — . . . . ----- ft’ . . . . . . . Columbia Children’s Clinic......................................................... .......... ....... Columbia Public Health' Nurses Association.......................................... . . South Carolina Tuberculosis Association...................... ............................. Darlington— Darlington County Health U n it ........................ ................................... .1 . Dillon— Dillon County Nursing Service.......... ............. .. >- .................. .......... ... Gaffney— Cherokee County Health U nit................................................... ............ . Greenville— City Board of Health........................ ............... .................... - . . . . . . . . . . . . Greenville County Health Department................................. . Manning— American Red Cross, Clarendon County Chapter...................... ......... . . Newberry— Newberry County Health Department........................................ .. . . . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 267 270 270 268 268 270 267 268 267 268 270 267 269 269 268 269 267 268 269 INDEX BY LOCALITY, SOUTH CAROLINA— Continued. Timmonsville— . American Red Cross, Timmonsville Chapter................ ........ .. . . . . . . . . Winnsboro— Fairfield County Department of H ealth.................. ........ . . . . . i ............. SOUTH DAKOTA: Aberdeen— Infant and Child Welfare Station___ . . . . . . . . . . 1........ ...................... Waubay— Division of Child Hygiene, State Board of H ealth.......... .'..................., . TENNESSEE: Chattanooga— The Associated Charities.............. .................................... ....... ..................... Clarksville— Montgomery County Health U nit........................................ ............... ........ Cleveland— American Red Cross, Bradley County Chapter........................ ......... . . . . Columbia— Women’s Federation of C lubs.................................... .................................. Dyersburg— Dyer County Public Health Association.............. . . . . : ......... ................... Gallatin— American Red Cross, Child Welfare Department, Gallatin Chapter___ Kingsport— Kingsport Health Department.............. .................................... . . . . . . . . Kingston— Field Unit of Bureau of Rural Sanitation, State Board of H ea lth ..... . Knoxville— American Red Cross, Department of Health....... ................. .................... Memphis— Division of Child Hygiene, Department of Health.................................. Morristown—• Public Health S e r v ic e .;.............. ; .. ............ .................... l. . . . . . . . . . . . Nashville— Bureau of Child Welfare and Maternity, State Board of H ealth .______ Division of Child Hygiene, City Board of Health......................... .......... Springfield— Robertson County Nursing Service........ .......... 11........... ......... ................ Trenton— American Red Cross, Gibson County Chapter.................................. ........ West Nashville— Episcopal Clinic and Settlem ent....................................... — . . . . . ___ __ TEX AS: Austin— Bureau of Child Hygiene, State Board of Health. ........ ......... ................. Dallas— Dallas Council of Mothers.................................................... ........................ Dallas County Humane Society........ ................... !. ...................................... Infant Welfare and Milk Association................. ..... ................................... Presbyterian Clinic for Infants and Children___ . . . . . ____ . . . . . . . ____ Denison— American Red Cross, North Grayson County Chapter..... ......... . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 31 page 270 269 273 273 278 -278 277 280 278 277 279 277 279 279 279 277 278 278 277 279 283 284 286 284 284 283 32 INDEX BY LOCALITY, T E X A S— Continued. Fort Worth— Page. Fort Worth Welfare Association.............................. ..................................... 285 Galveston— American Red Cross, Public Health Nursing Service........................ . 283 Houston— Public Health Nursing Department of Social Service Bureau and City 285 Health Department.................................................................................... Marshall— American Red Cross, Harrison County Chapter............ ............. .............. 285 Paris— American Red Cross Health Center of Lamar County............... ............... 283 San Antonio— National Catholic Community H ouse........................................................... 284 Sherman— American Red Cross, Child Health Center.................................... ............. 285 Waco— Child Welfare Federation Mission..................................................... ........... 284 UTAH : Ogden— Children’s Aid Society.............................................. .................................... Provo— Utah County Free Clinic............................................. .................. ......... .. Salt Lake City— Bureau of Child Hygiene, State Board of Health. ................................... City Board of Education............................................ ..... *........................ Division of Health Education, State Department of Education. ______ Infant Welfare Clinic............................................. Neighborhood H ouse........ ......... ............................................................. . . . VERMONT: Burlington— Division of Child Hygiene, State Board of Health................ ............. . Visiting Nurse Association............................... Rutland— American Red Cross, Rutland Branch................................................ ....... V IR G IN IA : Charlottesville— Albemarle County Health D e p a rtm e n t............................................ Well Child Clinic, University of Virginia, Out-Patient Department___ Danville— Danville Health Department...................................................... Lynchburg— Bureau of H ealth............................................................................................. Norfolk— Department of Health................................................................................ The Norfolk City Union of The King’s Daughters.................................... Petersburg— Child’s Welfare Organization...................................................................... Portsmouth— City Mission Board C lin ic.............................................—............................ Richmond— Bureau of Child Welfare, State Board of H ealth.............................. . . . . Bureau of Health....................................... ............ .................................. The Nurses Settlement.................................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • 289 289 289 289 289 289 290 293 293 293 297 299 298 297 298 298 298 298 297 297 299 INDEX BY LOCALITY. V IR G IN IA — Continued. Roanoke— Board of Health (child welfare work).......................................................... S ta u n ton Community Welfare League...................................... *. - - ..................... - - - WASHINGTON: Seattle— Bureau of Child Welfare, State Board of Health....................................... Child Welfare Division, City Health Department................... - ............... Deaconess Settlement...................... ........ ........ ............................. ........ . Spokane— Social Service Bureau of Spokane............................................................ . WEST V IR G IN IA : Charleston— •Child Welfare, Woman’s Christian Temperance Union................. ........... Division of Child Hygiene and Public Health Nursing, State Depart ment of Health....................................................... .................................... Kanawha Public Health Nursing Association.................................. ........ Clarksburg— Community Nursing Service....................'..................................................... WISCONSIN: Appleton— Outagamie County Agency........................ .................................- ............... . Beloit— Visiting Nurse Association................. ................ ............ ............................ Eau Claire— Visiting Nurse Association.............................................................................. Kenosha— Kenosha Service League..................................................................... - ......... La Crosse— Health Department..................................- ...................................................... Madison— Attic Angel Visiting Nurse Association....................................................... Bureau of Child Welfare, State Board of Health................................... .. a Milwaukee— Bureau of Child Hygiene, Milwaukee Health Department...................Jewish Social Service Association, Medical Clinic.................................... Marquette Dispensary Clinic......................................................................... Milwaukee County Dispensary............................... - .................................... Milwaukee Maternity Hospital and Free Dispensary Association......... Visiting Nurse Association........................ Oshkosh— Visiting Nurse Committee........................................................... - ................. Sheboygan— Visiting Nurse Association....... ..................................................................... Superior— Douglas County Woman’s Council................................................................ Wausau— Wausau Mother’s Conference....... a ..................- .................- - - ................... WYOMING: Cheyenne— Bureau of Maternity and Infant Hygiene, State Board of Health......... . S748°— 22----- 3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 33 Page. 297 299 303 303 303 303 307 307 307 307 312 313 312 314 311 312 311 311 312 314 311 314 313 313 313 312 313 317 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES IN THE UNITED STATES. ALABAMA. STATE AGENCIES. PRIVATE. Alabama Children’s Aid Society (established 1917). 14 Steiner Building, First Avenue and Twenty-first Street, Birmingham. Executive— State superintendent, Ralph S. Barrow. Personnel— Paid, full time—4 social workers, 3 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time— 24 physiciaihs, 38 dentists. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Bureau of Child Hygiene and Public Health Nursing, Alabama State Board of Health (established 1920). 517 Dexter Avenue, Montgomery. Executive—Director, Miss Jessie L. Marriner, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care. Infant care. Preschool age care. COUNTY AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Etowah County Board of Health (established 1919). Etowah Trust Building, Gadsden, Etowah County. Executive—County health officer, C. L. Murphree. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 physician, 1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Houston County Health Unit (established 1922). Box 591, Dothan, Houston County. Executive— County health officer, Dr. T. E. Tucker. P erson n elPaid, full time— 1 physician, 2 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, full time— 3 to 5 crentists. Volunteer, part time— 1 nurse, nutrition workers from P. T. A. 35 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 36 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL, CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. COUNTY AGENCIES—Continued. PUBLIC— Continued. Houston County Health Unit— Continued. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care (literature distributed). Morgan County Health Department (established 1920). Albany, Decatur, Morgan County. Executive—County health officer, B. F. Austin. Personnels—Paid, full time— 1 physician, 1 nurse, 3 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care. Infant care. • Preschool age care. PRIVATE. American Red Cross, Pickens County Chapter (estaolished 1920). Carrollton, Pickens County. Executive— Mrs. W. H. Torbert. Personnel— Volunteer, full time— 1 social worker. Volunteer, part time— 6 physicians, 3 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. American Red Cross Service (established 1918). Gadsden, Etowah County. Executive— Executive secretary, Miss Margaret F. Simpson. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 5 physicians, 3 dentists, 3 muses, 3 social workers. Activities— Cooperates with Etowah County health officer who supervises county nurse in prenatal, infant, and preschool age work. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Baldwin County Board of Health (established 1921). Courthouse, Bay Minette, Baldwin County. Executive— County health officer, Dr. G. C. Marlette. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 physician, 1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care. Infant care. Preschool age care. • Dallas County Health Unit (established 1921). Water Street, Selma, Dallas CoUDty. Executive— Health officer, Dr. L. T. Lee. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal and postnatal. Infant care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ALABAMA. 37 COUNTY AGENCIES— Continued. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE—Continued. Etowah County Tuberculosis Association (established 1920). 415 Etowah Trust Building, Gadsden, Etowah County. Executive— Chairman executive committee, E. C. Seaman. Personnel.1 Activities— Maternity care. Infant care. Preschool age care. URBAN AGENCIES. . PUBLIC. Bureau of Child Hygiene, Department of Health (established 1918). 207 City Hall, Birmingham. Executive— Director of bureau of child hygiene, Elizabeth LaForge. Personnel— Paid, full time— 3 colored and 4 white nurses. Volunteer, part time— 5 physicians, 1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal and some postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PRIVATE. Welfare Department, Dwight Manufacturing Co.2 (established 1908). Lakefront Nos. 1 and 2, Alabama City. Executive—Social worker, Miss Mary V. Hamilton, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 physicians, 1 nurse, 1 nutrition worker, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time— 1 dentist. Volunteer, part time— 4 social workers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal and postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. AGENCY SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS. PRIVATE. American Red Cross, Houston County Chapter (established 1918). North St. Andrews Street, P. 0 . Box 63, Dothan, Houston County. Executive— Executive secretary, Miss Anna H. Jordan. Personnel— Volunteer, part time— 10 physicians, 4 dentists, 1 social worker. Activities— Infant care. 1 No information supplied. * Agency serves selected district within urban area. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 38 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. ADDITIONAL AGENCIES. 7 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ALABAMA. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ARIZONA, STATE AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Child Hygiene Division, State Board of Health (established 1919). Statehouse, Phoenix. Executive— Director, Mrs. Chas. R. Howe. Personnel— Paid, full time— director. Activities— Maternity care. 1Publicity only; distribution of literature, posters, Infant care. [ etc.., through public health nurses, health centers, Preschool age care. I etc. COUNTY AGENCIES. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Maricopa Antituberculosis Society (established 1917). Maricopa County and Health Center (established 1921). 300 East Adams Street, Phoenix. Executive— Nurse in charge, Miss Etelka Weiss, R. N. Personnel—■ Paid, full time— 3-public health nurses. Volunteer, part time—physicians («members of county medical society), 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. 41 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 42 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. ADDITIONAL AGENCIES. \ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ARIZONA. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ARKANSAS. STATE AGENCIES. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Bureau of Child Hygiene and Public Health Nursing, State Board of Health (es tablished 1919). • State Capitol, Little Rock. Executive— Director, Dr. Frances S. Bradley. Personnel— Paid, full time—1. physician, 1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care. Infant care. Preschool age care. COUNTY AGENCIES. PUBLIC. American Red Cross, Saline County Chapter (established 1920). Benton, Saline County. Executive— Chairman, L. B. White. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Paid, part time— 1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care: Prenatal, obstretical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PRIVATE. American Red Cross, Benton County Chapter (established 1917). Box No. 313, Bentonville, Benton County. Executive— Public health nurse, Mrs. Charlotte Kunze. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care. Infant care. . ;v t Preschool age care. • American Red Cross, Columbia County Chapter (established 1917). Chamber of Commerce Building, Magnolia. Executive— Red Cross public health nurse, Miss Marie McKay, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time—21 physicians, 1 nutrition worker, 2 social workers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. 45 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 46 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES, COUNTY AGENCIES— Continued. PRIVATE—Continued. American Red Cross1 (established2). 710 Hazel Street, Texarkana, Miller County. # Executive— Public health nurse, Miss Allene Warren. Personnel—Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. . American Red Cross, Ouachita County Public Health Association (established 1921). 109 West Washington Street, Camden. Executive—Mrs. J . M. Stinson. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 nurse, 1 nutrition worker, 1 social worker. Paid, part time—1 physician. Volunteer, part time—2 dentists, 8 social workers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Bradley County Public Health Association (established 1920). Warren, Bradley County, Executive— Public health nurse, Miss Agnes McCall. Personnel--Paid, full time—1 nurse. Volunteer, part time—1 physician, 1 dentist, 2 clerical or other helpers. Activities— . Maternity care. Infant care. URBAN AGENCIES. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Public Welfare Association (established 1920). Public Welfare Building, Fort Smith. Executive— Chairman, D. C. Green. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses, 1 social worker. Volunteer, part time—8 physicians, 3 dentists, 20 social workers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. United Charities Association (established 1912). City Hall, Little Rock. Executive—General secretary, Raymond P. Farrell. 1 This agency also works in Texarkana, Bowie County, Tex. » N o information supplied. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ARKANSAS. 47 URBAN AGENCIES—Continued. PUBLIC AND P R IV A T E -C on tinu ed . United Charities Association—Continued. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 4 social workers, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time—3 physicians, 3 dentists, 5 social workers, 6 clerical helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. AGENCIES SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS. * PRIVATE. American Red Cross Community Nursing Service (established 1920). Stuttgart. Executive— Chairman, T. M. Cooper. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 nurses. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care—home instruction and distribution of literature. * i * Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ARKANSAS. 8748o— 22------ 4 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CALIFORNIA. STATE AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Bureau of Child Hygiene, State Board of Health (established 1919). 417 Market Street, San Francisco. Executive— Director, Dr. Ellen Stadtmuller. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. University of California Hospital (established 1913). Third and Parnasus Avenues, San Francisco. Executive—Acting director of hospitals, Dr. L. S. Schmidt. Personnel— Paid, full time— 4 physicians, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time—2 physicians, 2 social workers. Volunteer, part time— 18 physicians, 1 dentist. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. • Preschool age care. COUNTY AGENCIES.. PRIVATE. Alameda County Child Hygiene Committee, American Association of University Women (established 1909). 255 Ridgeway Way, Oakland, Alameda County. Executive— Chairman, Mrs. Elsie Lee Turner. Personnel.1 Activities— Maternity care—prenatal (classes and publicity). Infant care. Preschool age care. * American Red Cross, San Joaquin County Chapter (established 303 Elks Boulevard, Stockton, San Joaquin County. Executive— Secretary, Dr. Minerva Goodman. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 Purses. Paid, part time— 1 dentist, 1 nurse, 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 4 physiciarfs. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. 1No information supplied. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 51 52 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. COUNTY AGENCIES— Continued. PRIV ATE—Continued. Mothers’ Educational Center (established 1916). 446 Chamber of Commerce, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County. Executive— President, Dr. Maud Wilde. Personnel— Paid, iull time— 1 physician. Volunteer, full tim #—4 physicians, 3 nutrition workers, 4 social workers. Volunteer, part time— 28 physicians, 1 dentist, 1 muse, 14 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Mount Zion Dispensary, Baby-Welfare Clinic (established). 2200 Post Street, San Francisco, San Francisco County. Executive— Director, Josephine Abraham. Personnel—Volunteer, full time— 2 physicians, 1 dentist, 2 nurses, 4 social workers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Stanford Medical School, Well Baby Clinic (established 1916). Clay and Webster Streets, San Francisco, San Francisco County! Executive—Assistant Medical Professor, Dr. H. H. Yerengton. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 1 dentist, 2 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 1 social worker, 2 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time—2 physicians, 3 nurses. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Baby Hospital (established 1913). 5105 Dover Street, Oakland, Alameda County. Executive— Superintendent of clinics, Miss Bertha Wright. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 dentist, 17 nurses, 1 social worker, 2 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time— 1 physician. Volunteer, part time—22 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—-prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal, Infant care. Preschool age care. t Public Health Center of Alameda County, Oakland Branch (established 1919). 3105 Grove Street, Oakland, Alameda County. Executive— Director, Dr. Alvin Powell. 1 N o information supplied. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CALIFORNIA.. 53 COUNTY AGENCIES— Continued. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE—Continued. Public Health Center of Alameda County, etc.— Continued. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 dentist, 4 nurses, 2 social workers, 3 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time—5 physicians, 6 dentists. Volunteer, part time— 6 physicians, 1 social worker. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal and postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Riverside County Clinic (established1). 317 Loring Building, Seventh and Main Streets, Riverside, Riverside County. Executive— Public Health Nurse, Miss Marie J. DeArmond, R . N .1 Personnel— Paid, fulltime— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 15 physicians, 3 dentists, 2 nurses. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. San Bernardino County Welfare Commission (established l917). 459 Court Street, San Bernardino, San Bernardino County. Executive—Executive Secretary, Miss Mabel R. Haines. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses, 2 social workers, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time— 1 physician. Volunteer, part time— 4 physicians, 1 dentist. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. URBAN AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Child Hygiene (established 1916). City Hall, San Diego. Executive—Director, Miss Mary H. Taylor, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time—2 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. * Preschool age care. Health Department (established 1894). 72 North Fair Oaks Avenue, Pasadena. Executive— Health officer, Dr. F. W. Hodgdon, jr. 1 N o information supplied. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 54 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGEN CIES- Continued. PUBLIC—Continued. Health Department— Continued. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 1 dentist, 3 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time— 2 social workers. Activities— Maternity care. Infant care. PRIVATE. Baby Hygiene Committee of Association of University Women (established 1909). 323 Haight Street, San Francisco. Executive—In charge of children’s health center, Mrs. Earnest J. Mott. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 nurse, 1 social worker. Volunteer, full time— 1 physician. Volunteer, part time—6 physicians, 15 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Child Welfare of Santa Monica Bay Woman’s Club2 (established 1918). 1219 Fourth Street, Santa Monica. Executive— Chairman (chiid welfare section), Mrs. W. M. Mattern. Personnel—Volunteer, full time—physicians and nurses. Activities— Infant care. City Home League 3 (established 1913). 261 East Thirteenth Street, Riverside. Executive—President, Mrs. A. N. Wheelock. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 nurse, 1 nutrition worker, 2 social workers. Paid, part time— 2 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time— Variable number of physicians and clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. San Diego Federated Parent-Teacher Association (established 1914). 4214 Arden Way, San Diego. Executive— President, Mrs. Curtis Hillyer. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time—11 physicians, 6 dentists, 2 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 2 social workers. Activities— % Maternity care— prenatal. Preschool age care. 2 Agency serves selected district within urban area. * Agency serves selected group within urban area. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CALIFORNIA. 55 URBAN AGENCIES— Continued. PRIV A T E -C on tin u ed . Santa Barbara Visiting Nurse Association (established 1908). 183 East Haley Street, Santa Barbara. Executive— Superintendent, Helen A. Parks. Personnel— Paid, full time— 5 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician, 1 dentist. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Alameda City Health Center (established 1921). 1512 Oak Street, Alameda. Executive— Nurse in charge, Miss Ruth Hartzell. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Paid, part time— 1 nurse, 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 14 physicians, 1 nutrition worker. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Berkeley Dispensary and Health Center (established 1906). 830 University Avenue, Berkeley. Executive—Acting director and superintendent of social work, Miss Fannie N. Whitman. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 nurses, 4 nutrition workers, 1 social worker, 2 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time—2 dentists, 1 nurse and 2 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time— 11 physicians, 1 social worker, 8 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Long Beach Social Welfare Bureau (established 1917). 303 Pacific Avenue, Long Beach. Executive—Superintendent, Miss Anna L. Fletcher. Personnel— Paid, full time—several physicians and dentists, 7 nurses, 3 social workers, 7 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Los Angeles Evening Express Better Baby Club (established 1920). 236 South Hill Street, Los Angeles. Executive— Director, Miss Kate Brew Vaughn. Personnel— Paid, part time— 1 physician, 1 nurse, 1 nutrition wprker, 1 social worker 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 1 clerical helper. Activities—preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 56 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES—Continued. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE—Continued. Pasadena Hospital Association Dispensary (established 1916). 36 Congress Street, Pasadena. Executive— Superintendent, R. R. Hewson. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 dentist, 1 nurse, 2 social workers, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, full time— 3 nurses, 5 clerical or other helpers, Volunteer, part time— 20 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. AGENCIES SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS. PRIVATE. American Red Cross, Sacramento County Chapter, Mothers’ Educational Center (established 1921). 900 Eighth Street, Sacramento, Sacramento County. Executive— Director, Anastasia Miller. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 nurses. Paid, part time—1 physician, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Child Welfare Agency (Baby Health Center) (established 1921). Corner Marin and Carolina Streets, Vallejo, Solano County. Executive—Mrs. Morgan Jones. Personnel—’V olunteer, part time— 2 physicians, 1 dentist, 2 nurses, 2 nutri tion workers, 2 social workers, 16 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Good Cheer Club 5 {established 1904). Second and Santa Clara Streets, Porter Building, San Jose. Executive— Secretary, Miss Emma Philbrick. Personnel— Paid, part time— 1 dentist, 1 clerical helper Volunteer, full time— 5 nurses. Volunteer, part time— 11 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. 6 Serves towns of Los Gatos, Santa Clara, San Jose, and their near vicinities. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES, qlb iiv j Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis COLORADO. STATE AGENCIES. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Colorado Child Welfare Bureau (established 1918). 517 Kittredge Building, Denver. Executive— Executive secretary, Mrs. Wm. Mathews. Personnel— Paid, part time— 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care. Infant care. Preschool age care. Y AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Id Welfare Bureau (established 1919). Courthouse, Colorado Springs, E l Paso County. Executive— Chairman, Mrs. Inez Johnson Lewis. Personnel—Volunteer, part time— Several physicians, t nurse, 20 social workers. Activities— Maternity care. Infant care. Exhibits, lectures, and conferences. PRIVATE. American Red Cross, Weld County Chapter (established 1919). Courthouse, Greeley, Weld County. E xecutive-C hairm an nursing committee, Mrs. Wm. R. Kelly. Personnel— Paid, full time—19 physicians, 11 dentists, 3 narses, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. Larimer County Public Health Association (established 1920). Linden Street, Fort Collins, Larimer County. Executive— Chairman, Dr. C. P. Gillette. Personnel—Volunteer, full time— 1 nurse, 1 social worker. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Weld County Public Health Association (established 1921). Weld County court house, Greeley, Weld County. Executive— President, Mrs. H. G. MacMillen. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer part time— 18 physicians, 11 dentists, 4 clerical or other helpers. 59 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 60 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. COUNTY AGENCIES—Continued. PUBLIC AND P R IV A T E -C on tin u ed . Weld County Public Health Association—Continued. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. URBAN AGENCIES (Denver).» Belle Lenox Nursery, 2949 West Thirty-seventh Avenue. Children’s Welfare Department, Federated Charities, 254 Coronado Building. Denver Municipal Tuberculosis Dispensary, 1307 Welton Street. Visiting Nurse Association, 535 Temple Court Building. AGENCIES SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Boulder County Child Welfare Association (established 1918). Boulder, Boulder County. Executive— Chairman, Mrs. Val B. Fischer. Personnel—Volunteer, part time— 10 physicians, 7 dentists; 5 social workers, indefinite number of other helpers. Activities—Preschool age care. Child Welfare Department (established 1918). 1207 East Evans, Pueblo, Pueblo County. Executive— Municipal director of child welfare, Miriam C. Dawley. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 1 nutrition and social worker, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time—21 physicians and Dental Association dentists. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. 1 For additional information concerning Denver agencies, see Denver Directory of Agencies for Com m unity Welfare, compiled b y the City Federation of Denver, 1919. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis d ir e c t o r y I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis of local c h il d - h e a l t h a g e n c ie s . STATE AGENCIES. CONNECTICUT. PUBLIC. Bureau of Child Hygiene, State Pepartment of Health (established-1919). 306 Church Street, Hartford. Executive— Director, Dr. Howard A. Lanpher. Personnel Paid, full time—2 nurses, 2 clerical helpers, 1 stenographer. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PRIVATE. Yale University Psycho-Clinic (established 1911). Corner Congress Avenue and Cedar Street, New Haven. Executive— Director, Dr. Arnold Gesell. . Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 social worker, 1 helper. Paid, part time—*L clerical helper. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. COUNTY AGENCIES. PRIVATE. Connecticut Children’s Aid Society, New Haven Branch (established 1918). 207 Orange Street, New Haven, New Haven County. Executive— Supervisor, Miss Helen Dorothy Rice. Personnel— Paid, full time—3 social workers, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time—some social workers. Activities— Maternity care. Infant care. Preschool age care. Hartford Dispensary (established 1871), 56 Winthrop Street, Hartford, Hartford County. Executive— Physician in chief, Dr. James R. Miller. Personnel— Paid, part time— 1 nurse, 6 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time— 29 physicians, 3 dentists, 15 clerical or helpers. Activities—Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. URBAN AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Children’s Home Commission (established 1920). City Hall, Waterbury. Executive—Executive secretary, Mrs. Edith Valet Cook. P erson n elPaid, full time— 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time— 1 physician. Volunteer, part time— dispensary nurses and dentists. 63 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 64 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES— Continued. PUBLT C—Continued. Children’ s Home Commission— Continued. Activities— Mainly child placing agency. Some infant care. Some preschool age care. Department of Health (established 1903). Bridgeport. Executive— Health officer, Dr. Wm. Hall Coon. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 physicians, 2 dentists, 25 nurses, 4 clerical helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. & Department of Public Health (established 1885). 235 Grand Street, Waterbury. Executive— Health officer, Dr. B. E. Roberts. Personnel— Paid, full time—16 nurses, 11 clerical helpers. Paid, part time— 2 physicians. Activities— Maternity care— postnatal. Infant care. PRIVATE. American Red Cross, Waterbury Chapter 1 (established 1914). 35 Field Street, Waterbury. Executive— Secretary, Eugene Kerner. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Activities—Maternity care. Babies’ Hospita.l (In c.), Health Stations (established 1905). I l l Pearl Street, Hartford. Executive— Superintendent, Nellie Ogilvie. Personnel— Paid, full time— 11 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time—8 physicians, 1 dentist, 4 clerical helpers. Activities— Maternity care— pretiatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Child Health Center (established 1921). ? 451 North Main Street, Bristol. Executive— Dr. A. S. Brackett. Personnel— Volunteer, full time— 3 physicians, 2 nurses. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. District Nurse Association (established 1900). 51 Broad Street, Middletown. Executive— President, Mrs. H. W. Coun. %Agency serves selected district within urban area. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CONNECTICUT. URBAN AGENCIES— Continued. PRIVATE—Continued. District Nurse Association— Continued. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 nurses. Paid, part time— 2 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 5 physicians. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care handled by Infant Welfare Department. District Nurse Association of Ansonia, Derby, and Shelton (established 1904). 4 Olivia Street, Derby. Executive— President, Miss Edith Sperry. Personnel— Paid, part time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Public Health Nursing Department of United Workers (established 1916). 9 Washington Street, Norwich. Executive— Chairman, Miss Audrey Gemon. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 4 nurses. Paid, part time—1 physician. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1910). 881 Lafayette Street, Bridgeport. Executive— Superintendent, Miss Helen D. Boyd. Personnel— Paid, full time—19 nurses, 3 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, full time— 2 nurses. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician and 4 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1913). Richmond House, Worth Street, Stamford. Executive— Superintendent, Elizabeth Roberts (acting). Personnel— Paid, full time—6 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, full time— 1 nutrition worker. Volunteer, part time— 35 physicians, 11 dentists. Activities— Maternity care—-prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Waterbury Day Nursery and Children’s Home (established 1895). 46 Kingsbury Street, Waterbury. E xecutive—Superintendent, Miss Sarah M. Ball. ,8748°— 22-----5 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 66 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES—Continued. PRIVATE— Continued. Waterbury Day Nursery and Children’s Home—Continued. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 1 nutrition worker, 5 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician and 1 dentist. Activities— Infant care. • Preschool age care. Waterbury Visiting Nurse Association (established 1903). 35 Field Street, Waterbury. Executive— Superintendent, Miss Mary L. Wright. Personnel— Paid, full time— 13 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 4 physicians, 1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. New Haven Health Center 1 (established 1920). 578-Grand Avenue, New Haven. Executive— Director, Philip S. Platt. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 12 nurses, 2 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time—1 nurse, 1 nutrition worker. Volunteer, part time—6 social workers, 6 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1905). 52 Center Street, New Britain. Executive— Superintendent, Miss Sarah J. Baker, R. N. Personnel—jj Paid, full time— 7 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician, 1 dentist. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1904). 35 Elm Street, New Haven. Executive—President, Miss Lillian E. Prudden. Personnel— Paid, full time— 10 nurses, 5 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time— 14 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 7 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time—11 physicians. Activities— Maternity care,—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. 1Agency serves selected district within urban area. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DELAWARE. STATE AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Child Welfare Commission (established 1921). 812 Ford Building. Wilmington. Executive—Medical director, Dr. W. J. French. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 17 nurses, 2 social workers, 3 clerical other helpers. Paid part time— 15 physicians. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. URBAN AGENCIES. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Colored Babies’ Hospital and Day Nursery (established 1919). 709 French Street, Wilmington. Executive—Chairman of Board of Managers, Rt. Rev. Philip Cook Personnel— Paid full time—2 nurses, 6 helpers. Volunteer, part time— 4 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—postnatal. Preschool age care. SOURCE OF SUPPO RT NOT STATED. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1897). "602 West Street, Wilmington. Executive— Superintendent, Marie T. Lockwood, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 6 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time— 1 nurse. Activities—Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical. 69/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 70 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES; ADDITIONAL AGENCIES. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ' • DELAWARE. / Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. URBAN AGENCIES. PRIVATE. Christ Child Society (established 1889). 324 Indiana Avenue, Washington. Executive—President, Miss Mary V. Merrick. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time— 1 dentist. Volunteer, part time—50 social workers. Activities— Some preschool age care (dental clinic). Providence Day Nursery1 (established 1908). 408 Third Street S.E., Washington. Executive— Superintendent, Sister M. Berchmans. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nutrition worker, 1 social worker. Volunteer, full time—1 physician, 1 dentist, 3 nurses, 2 nutrition workers, 4 social workers and 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time—1 nurse and 3 social workers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Child Welfare Society (established 1901). 2100 G Street N.W., Washington. Executive— Director, Dr. Harry S. Bernton. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 13 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time— 8 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time— 28 physicians and 18 dentists. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Instructive Visiting Nurse Society of Washington. D. C. (established 1900). 1413 G Street N.W., Washington. Executive—Director, Gertrude H. Bowling. R. N. Personnel—Paid, full time—27 nurses, 2 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. 4 Preschool age care. i Agency serves selected group within urban area. 73 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FLORIDA. STATE AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Bureau of Child Welfare (established 1918). State Board of Public Health, Jacksonville. Executive— Director, Dr. William B. Keating. Personnel. 1 Activities. 1 PRIVATE. Florida Public Health Association (established 1917). 507 Dyal-Upchurch Building, Jacksonville. Executive—Executive secretary, R. H. Hixson. Personnel— Paid full time— 8 nurses, 3 clerical or other helpers. . Activities— Maternity care— Propaganda work in prenatal, obstetrical, and postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. COUNTY AGENCIES. PRIVATE. American Red Cross, Dade County Chapter (established 1921). 32 North East Fourth Street, Miami, Dade County. Executive— Public health nurse, Lilian Montelk, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Duval County Tuberculosis Association, Infant Welfare Division (established 1919). 507 Dyal-Upchurch Building, Jacksonville, Duval County. Executive— President, Dr. T. Z. Cason. P erson n elPaid full time— 1 nurse. Paid, part time— 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, full time—3 physicians. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. County Social Service (established 1919). Box 968, Orlando, Orange County. Executive— Supervisor, Mrs. Ora D. Layton. 1No information supplied. 77 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 78 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. COUNTY AGENCIES— Continued. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE—Continued. County Social Service— Continued. Personnel— Paid, full time—3 nurses, 1 social worker. Paid, part time— 2 physicians. Volunteer, part time— 12 dentists. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Tampa District Nursing Association (established 1920). City Hall Annex;1Tampa, Hillsboro County. ; Executive— Supervisor of nurses, Beulah E. Frederick. Personnel— Paid, full time—8 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 6 physicians, 13 dentists. Activities—Maternity care—prenatal. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis GEORGIA. STATE AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Division of Child Hygiene, State Board of Health ('established 191^). 131 Capitol Square, Atlanta. Executive— Director, Dr. Dorothy Bocker. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 physician, 1 clerical helper. Activities—• Maternity care— prenatal. , Infant care. Preschool age care. PRIVATE. Raoul Foundation, Division of Tuberculosis, State Board of Health (Established 1913). 131 Capitol Square, Atlanta. Executive—Executive Secretary, Jas. P. Faulkner. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 1 social worker. 1 clerical helper. A ctivities: Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. URBAN AGENCIES. PRIVATE. Atlanta Chapter, Red Cross Nursing Service (established 1921). Atlanta. Executive— Superintendent nurses, Miss Emma Habenicht. Personnel.1 Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Morris Hirsch Free Clinic (established 1912). 90 Capitol A ven ue Atlanta. Executive— Superintendent, Miss Ida Goldstein. Personnel—Volunteer, full time— 10 physicians, 2 dentists, 1 nurse, 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. , Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATES. Margaret Bottome and Mary Maclean Circle of K ing’s Daughters Visiting Nurse Association (established 1920). 343 Drayton Street, Savannah. Executive— Director of health center, Amy F. Lowe, R. N. 1 N o information supplied. 8748°—22----- 6 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 81 82 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES— Continued. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE - Continued. Margaret Boittome and Mary Maclean Circle of K ing’s Daughters Visiting Nurse Association—Continued. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 dentist, 6 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 10 physicians, 1 nurse, members of circle. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Public Health Nurse Association (established 1917), Health Center. Tenth and Broad Streets, Columbus. Executive— Supervisor, Mrs. Isadore Hermann, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 8 nurses, 1 clerical helper. , Paid, part time—6 physicians. Volunteer, part time—6 physicians, 2 dentists. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. AGENCIES SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Clarke County Board of Health (established 1920). Athens, Clarke County. Executive— County health commissioner, Dr. J. D. Applewhite. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 1 nurse, 1 nutrition worker, 2 social workers, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis STATE AGENCIES. IDAHO. PU B L IC . Bureau of Child Hygiene, Department of Public Welfari (established 1919). Capitol Building, Boise. Executive— Director, Dr. F. W. Almond. Personnel.1 Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. 1No information supplied. 85 » Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 86 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. ADDITIONAL AGENCIES. I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IDAHO, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ILLINOIS.7 STATE AGENCIES. PU BLIC. Division of Child Hygiene and Public Health Nursing, State Department of Public Health (established 1917). Springfield. Executive— Superintendent, Dr. Clarence W. East. Personnel— Paid, full time— 3 physicians, 4 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. COUNTY AGENCIES. P R IV A T E . American Red Cross, Knox County Chapter (established 1920). Care of Armory, Galesburg, Knox County. Executive— Child welfare nurse, Miss Blanche L. Du Vail. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. * • Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. URBAN AGENCIES (Chicago).8 Chicago Lying-In Hospital and Dispensary, The, 1336 Newberry Avenue. College of Medicine, University of Illinois, Congress and Honoré Streets. Division of Child Hygiene, Department of Health, Washington and La Salle Streets. Elizabeth McCormick Memorial Fund, 848 North Dearborn Street. Grant Hospital Baby Clinic, 551 Grant Place. Infant Feeding Clinic, Social Service Department, St. L u ke’s Hospital, 1426 Indiana Avenue. Infant Welfare Society of Chicago, 104 South Michigan Avenue. Mary Crane Day Nursery, 818 Gilpin Place. Olivet Institute, 444 Blackhawk Street. Visiting Nurse Association, 104 South Michigan Avenue. Wesley Memorial Hospital, 2449 South Dearborn Street. URBAN AGENCIES (other than Chicago). P R IV A T E . American Steel & Wire Co. (established 8). Waukegan. Executive— Superintendent, Mr. W. E. Acomb. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Paid, part time— 1 physician. 7 For additional information concerning Illinois agencies, see the Institutional Quarterly, published b y the department of public welfare of Illinois, editor, A . L. Bowen, superintendent of charities, Springfield, 111. 8 For further information concerning Chicago agencies, see. Chicago Social Service Directory, published b y department of public welfare, city of Chicago, 1918. 89 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 90 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES (other than Chicago)—Continued. PRIVATE—Continued. American Steel & Wire Co.— Continued. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care (advice given through home visits). Amity Society of Freeport Child Welfare Station (established 1918). 6 West Galena Street, Freeport. Executive— Supervising nurse, Miss F. Ruth Kahl, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse and visiting housekeeper. Paid, part time—social workers, clerical helpers. Volunteer, part time— clerical helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Hygienic Institute of La Salle, Peru, and Oglesby (Emma Matthiessen Chancellor Memorial Welfare Station) (established 1914). 151 Fifth Street, La Salle. • Executive— Health commissioner, E. W. Weis, M. D. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 4 nurses, 3 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time— 4 dentists. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Macon County Tuberculosis and Visiting Nurse Association (established 1917). 217 Citizens Building, Decatur. Executive— Supervising nurse, Miss Stella Becker, R. N. Personnel—Paid, full time— 4 nurses. Activities—: Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Mattoon Health and Charity Center (established 1920). Central Park, Mattoon. Executive— Dr. R. J. Coultas. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical,, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care Moline Public Health Nursing Service (established 1903). 1531J Third Avenue, Moline, Rock Island County. Executive— Superintendent, Miss Mable M. Dunlap. Personnel— Paid, full time— 8 nurses, 1 nutrition worker. Paid, part time— 5 physicians, I clerical helper. Volunteer, part time—-1 dentist. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ILLINOIS. 91 URBAN AGENCIES (other than Chicago)—Continued. P R IV A T E — Cont inued. The Nurses Council (established 1916). 12 South Spring Street, Elgin. Executive—Chairman, Mrs. Earl Coleman. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses. Volunteer, part time—7 physicians, 15 dentists, 6 social workers, 24 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Public Health Council (established 1916). Auditorium Building, Joliet. Executive—President, Mr. Howard Leach. Personnel— Paid, full time— 4 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 4 physicians, 2 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant and preschool age care. United Charities Association of Champaign and Urbana (nursing department) (established 1918). 404 First National Bank Building, Champaign. Executive—Secretary, Miss Gertrude Langden. Personnel— Paid, part time— 1 physician, 1 nurse, 1 social worker. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Preschool age care. Visiting Nurses Association (established 1920). 523 South Sixth Street, East St. Louis. Executive—President, Mrs. Gertrude Huitt. P erson n elPaid, full time—-1 nurse. Paid, part time—1 physician. Volunteer, part time—2 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1909). 612 Stewart Office Building, Rockford. Executive— Supervisor of Nurses, Miss Sadie A. Strande, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 7 nurses,, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time—4 physicians, indefinite number dentists. . Activities—Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 92 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES (other than Chicago)—Continued. PRIVATE— Continued. West End Settlem ent3 (established 1914). 429 Seventh Avenue, Rock Island. Executive— Superintendent, West End Welfare, Mrs. W. B. Barker. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 1 social worker. Volunteer, full time—1 social worker. 1 Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Aurora Public Health Association (established 1919). 309-311 Lincoln Building, Aurora. Executive— Superintendent of nurses, Mrs. Kate Kohlsaat, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time—3 nurses. Paid, part time—1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Cheerful Home Settlement (established 1856). 421 Jersey Street, Quincy. Executive—Mrs. Charles Gay, president woman’s board. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses, 1 social worker. Volunteer, part time— 5 physicians, clinic dentists, 3 nurses. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Child Welfare Association (established 1919). 1802 Maple Avenue, Evanston. Executive—Health commissioner, Dr. Roome. Personnel— Paid, part time—3 physicians, 2 dentists, 2 nurses. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care-. Cicero Welfare Center (established 1918). 2215 South Fifty-second Avenue, Cicero. Executive— President, Mrs. Kitty R. Smith. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 nurse, 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time—4 physicians. Activities— Infant care. Public Health Nursing Association (established 1916). 206 City Hall, Peoria. Executive—Superintendent, Miss Jeanette K ’ Kipp. Personnel— Paid, full time— 8 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time—1 physician. Volunteer, part time— 4 physicians, 1 clerical helper. 3Agency serves selected district within urban area. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis # ILLINOIS. URBAN AGENCIES (other than Chicago)—Continued. PUBLIC AND PRIVA TE —Continued. Public Health Nursing Association— Continued. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1897). 829 Davis Street, Evanston. Executive—Visiting Nurse, Miss Harriett Ely, R. N. Personnel— Paid, part time—1 dentist, 1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. AGENCIES SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Vermilion County Tuberculosis Association (established 1919). 26 East Main Street, Danville, Vermilion County. Executive— Chairman, Child Welfare Board, Mrs. Louis Clements. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 4 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. . Infant care. Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 93 94 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENOlES. ADDITIONAL AGENCIES. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ILLINOIS, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INDIANA. STATE AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Division of Infant and Child Hygiene, Indiana State Board of Health (estab lished 1919). Room 330, Statehouse, Indianapolis. Executive— Director, Dr. Ada E. Schweitzer. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 physician, 2 nurses, 2 clerical helpers. Paid, part time—5 physicians, 2 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time—25 physicians, 25 dentists, 7 nurses, 4 nutrition workers, 4 social workers, 10 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical. Infant care. Preschool age care. COUNTY AGENCIES. PRIVATE. American Red Cross (established 1920). Auburn, Dekalb County. Executive—Chairman, executive commissioner, American Red Cross, Mr. H. C. Hathaway. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— physicians. Activities— Infant care. American Red Cross (established 1917). Brook, Newton County. Executive— Chairman, John Lawrence. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 nurse, 1 social worker. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. American Red Cross'(established1). New Castle, Henry County. Executive— Public health nurse, Miss Elizabeth Melville. Personnel.1 Activities— Maternity care—«prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. American Red Cross (established 1920). Court House, South Bend, St. Joseph County. Executive— Executive Secretary, Irma Collmer. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Infant care. 1 No information supplied. 8748'•'—22----- 7 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 97 98 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. COUNTY AGENCIES— Continued. PR IV A TE — Continued. Bartholomew County Tuberculosis Association (established 1920). Public Library, Columbus, Bartholomew County. Executive—County public health nurse, Miss Marguerite Bonar. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. Fort Wayne Antituberculosis League (established 1913). 309 Noll Building, Fort Wayne, Allen County. Executive— Executive secretary, Miss Gertrude Barber, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician. Activities—Maternity care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Child Welfare Association (established 1917). Courthouse, Connersville, Fayette County. Executive— Secretary, E. L. Rickert. Personnel—■ Paid, full time— 1 physician, 2 nurses. Volunteer, full time— dentists. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Public Health and Welfare Association of Cass County (established 1913). Masonic Temple, Logansport, Cass County. Executive—President, Dr. J. A. Little. Personnel—• Paid, full time—2 nurses. Volunteer, jfert time—physicians, clerical helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Preschool age care. Vanderburg Antituberculosis Society (established 1903). 216 Mercantile Bank Building, Evansville, Vanderbury County. Executive— Executive secretary, Mrs, Benn A Whitehead. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 physicians, 7 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Activities—Preschool age care. SOURCE OF SUPPO RT N OT STATED. Wells County Welfare Agency (established 1920). Studebaker Bank Building, Bluffton, Wells County. Executive— George L. Saunders. Personnel— Paid, full tim§— 1 nurse, 1 social worker. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INDIANA. URBAN AGENCIES. PRIVATE. American Red Cross Nursing Bureau (established 1919). 328 West Marion Street, Elkhart. Executive— Chairman, Mrs. J. B. Martin. Personnel— • Paid, full time—3 nurses, 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time—1 nurse, 1 social worker. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal» postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Brooks House of Christian Service2 (established 1919). 529 Morton Avenue, Hammond. Executive— Head worker, John M. Hestenes. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 2 social workers. Paid, part time—2 social workers, 5 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time— 3 physicians, 5 clerical or other helpers. Activities—■ Maternity care. Infant care. Preschool age care. Child Welfare Association (established 1915). 1935 North C Street, Elwood. Executive— Public health nurse, Miss Sarah Earnest. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 3 physicians, 3 nurses, 2 social Workers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. East Chicago Welfare Association (established 1915). 4730 Forsythe Avenue, East Chicago. Executive— Superintendent of Nurses, Miss May Morrissey, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 4 nurses,' 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Preschool age care. The Flower Mission (established 1910). Courthouse, Lafayette. Executive—President,7 Mrs. J. B. Cunningham. © r Personnel-—Paid, full time—1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infan,t care. Preschool age care. Huntington Local Council (established 1914). City Hall, Cherry Street, Huntington. Executive— President, Mrs. J. P. Kenower. Personnel—Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. 2 A gency serves selected district within urban area. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. UBBAN AGENCIES— Continued. PRIVATE—Continued. Huntington Local Council— Continued. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal care. Infant care. League of Women Voters (established 1920). Child Welfare Station, Room 112 Municipal Building, Elkhart. Executive—Mrs. Wilbur Templin. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time—2 physicians, 1 nutrition worker. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal care. Infant care. Preschool age care. Public Health Nursing Association (established 1914). 516-517 Indianapolis Securities Building, Indianapolis. Executive— Superintendent, Miss Edna L. Hamilton. Personnel— Paid, full time— 26 nurses, 3 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Social Service Bureau (Child Welfare and Nursing Committee) (.established 1914). Courthouse, Richmond. Executive— General secretary, S. Ethel Clark. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses, 2 social workers, 2 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time— 3 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical. Infant care. Preschool age care.. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1910). 517 Union Building, Anderson. Executive—President, Mrs. T. C. Werbe. Personnel— \ ’ Paid, full time—nurses and clerical help. Volunteer, full time— physicians. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant (!are. ! Preschool care. Visiting Nurse League (established 1900). West Berry Street, Fort Wayne. Executive. Personnel— Volunteer, full time— 6 physicians, 1-3 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infaj&t care. 1No information supplied Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IN D IA N A . 101 URBAN AGENCIES— Continued. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Children’s Aid Association (established 1905). Corner Market and Delaware Streets, Indianapolis. Executive—General secretary, Paul L. Kirby. P erson n elPaid, full time— 7 nurses, 7 social workers, 2 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time— 5 physicians, 4 dentists. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. Children’s Dispensary and Hospital Association (established 1909). 1040 West Division Street, South Bend. Executive— Superintendent, Leona De Groote, R. N. P erson n elPaid, full time— 3 nurses, 3 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time—4 physicians, 3 dentists. * Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Flanner House (established 1898). 802 North West Street, Indianapolis. Executive—Superintendent, Charles O. Lee. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 nurses, 2 social workers, 5 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time—2 physicians, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 1 clerical helper. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. Public Health Nursing Association (established 1916). 710 Chestnut Street, Terre Haute. Executive— Supervisor of Nurses, Gertrude Hosmer. Personnel— Paid, ¿ull time— 7 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer* part time—2 physicians. Activities— L Maternity care— prenatal, posmatal. Infant care. The Visiting Nurse Association of Muncie (established 1916). 345 Johnson Block, Muncie. • Executive—President board of directors, Mrs. W. G. Blackburn. Personnel.1 Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. 1 N o information supplied. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 102 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. AGENCIES SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS. PRIVATE. American Red Cross (established 1917).' Courthouse, Fort Wayne, Allen County. Executive— Executive secretary, Miss Lavon Sperry. Personnel— Paid, full time— 4 nurses, 4 social workers, 2 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time— 1 dentist. Volunteer, part time— 6 physicians. Activities— , Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Babies Milk Fund Association (established 1913). Northside Bank Building, Evansville, Vanderburg County. Executive— Supervising muse, Miss Mary Trimble. Personnel— Paid, full time— 17 physicians, 1 dentist, 4 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time— 2 physicians. Volunteer, part time— 15 physicians, 35 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Board of Education (Public Health Service established 1914; school nurse and physician added 1917). , Bloomington, Monroe County. (1) Public Health Service. (2) Public school nurse and physician. Executive— Superintendent of schools. Personnel— . Paid, full time— 2 nurses. Paid, part time— 1 physician. Volunteer, full time— 6 social workers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, ol^tetrical, postnatal. Infant care Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IOWA. STATE AGENCIES. PUBLIC. The Iowa Child Welfare Research Station, University of Iowa (established 1917). IoWa City. Executive—Director, Dr. Bird T. Baldwin. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 psychologists, 2 sociologists, 3 nutrition workers, 1 statistician, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time—2 psychologists, 2 sociologists. Activities— Preschool age care. PRIVATE. Iowa Tuberculosis Association (established 1915). 514 South Century Building, Des Moines. Executive— Executive secretary, T. J. Edmund. Personnel— k Paid, full time—4 nurses, 1 social worker, 3 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time— 1 physician, 1 nurse, 1 social worker, 3 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time—4 physicians. Activities— Maternity care. Preschool age care. COUNTY AGENCIES.* PRIVATE. American Red Cross, Burlington Chapter (established 1917). 618 Elm Street, Burlington, Des Moines County. Executive— Executive secretary, Mrs. Loui Weinstein. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Activities—Maternity care. Organized Welfare Bureau of Sioux City and Woodbury County (established 1916). 209 Third Street, Sioux City, Woodbury County. Executive— Executive secretary, Ruth A. Hitch. Personnel— Paid, full time— 5 nurses, 4 social workers, 3 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time— 1 dentist. Volunteer, part time— 76 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—^"prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. 105 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 106 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILQ-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES. t PRIVATE. Davenport Visiting Nurse Association (established 1902). 1216 West Third Street, Davenport. ' Executive— Superintendent, Miss Clara L. Craine, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 5 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 6 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Keokuk Visiting Nurse Association (established 1913). 406 Blondeau Street, Keokuk. Executive— Supervisor, Marianne Zichy. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 nurses. . Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Public Health Bureau (established 1915). City Hall, Muscatine. Executive—Chairman, W. E. Douner. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 24 physicians, 12 dentists, 12 social workers, 4 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Social Service League (established 1893). • Tama Building, Burlington. Executive— General secretary, Mable W. Porter. Personnel—Paid, full time— 2 nurses, 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Infant care. Social Welfare League (established '). Courthouse, Waterloo. Executive.1 Personnel— Paid, full time—1 physician, 2 nurses, 2 social workers, 1 other helper. Volunteer, full time— 1 physician, 1 other helper. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical. Infant care. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1917). 404 Federal Building, Council Bluffs. Executive— Superintendent, Esther Rose. Personnel— Paid, full time—6 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, social workers. Volunteer, part time—10 physicians, 2 dentists (Woman’s Club helpers). 1 N o information supplied. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IOWA. 107 URBAN AGENCIES—Continued. PRIV ATE— Continued. Visiting Nurse Association— Continued. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1915). 224 Sixth Avenue (office 406 Hawes Block), Clinton. Executive—Head visiting nurse, Elsie T. Osborn. Personnel—Paid, full time— 2 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1910). 312 B. and I. Building, Dubuque. Executive— Supervisor, Lucille Martyr, R. N. Personnel—Volunteer, part time—Medical Association physicians, Dental Association dentists, 5 nurses, 2 social workers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. AGENCIES SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Public Health Nursing Association (established 1908). Room 14, City Hall, Des Moines, Polk County. Executive— Superintendent, Adah L. Hershey. Personnel— Paid, full time— 12 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time— 1 physician, 1 nurse. Activities—• Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IOWA. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis KANSAS. STATE AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Division of Child Hygiene, State Board of Health (established 1915). Statehouse, Topeka. Executive—Chief of division, Dr. Helen Moore. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 physician, 2 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time—1 nutrition worker, 1 to 2 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. ' . Preschool age care. PRIVATE. Christian Service League of America (established 1918). 1825 West Maple, Wichita. Executive— General superintendent, L. R. Hosford. Personnel—Volunteer, part time— 17 physicians, 4 dentists, 2 nurses, 5 nu trition workers, 8 social workers, 4 clerical or other helpers. * Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. COUNTY AGENCIES. PRIVATE. American Red Cross (established 1918). Parsons, Labette County. Executive— Secretary, Miss Olive Casey. i Personnel— Paid, full time—2 social workers. Volunteer, part time— 10 physicians, 1 nutrition worker. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal,, obstetrical. Preschool age care. American Red Cross, Douglas County Chapter (established 1917). 1411 Massachusetts Street, Lawrence, Douglas County. Executive—Executive secretary, Mrs. Emma Wall. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 1 social worker. Activities—■ Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. I ll Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 112 DIBECTOEY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. COUNTY AGENCIES—Continued. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Amorican R o i Cro33, Salini County Chapter (established 1917; child welfare, 1919). Courthouse, Salina, Salina County. Executive—Executive secretary, Aleta Brownlee. Personnel—• Paidf full time—2 nurses, 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 4 physicians, 1 dentist. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Atchison County Public Health Association (established 1919). 701$ Commercial Street, Atchison, Atchison County. Executive—-Supervisor, Margaret Levey. Personnel— , Paid, full time—2 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time—-15 physicians from Atchison Medical Society, Atchison Dental Society dentists, 1 social worker. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care, s. Preschool age. URBAN AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Child Welfare an I Nutrition Center, Kansas State Agricultural College (estab lished 1921). Manhattan. Executive— Assistant professor of household economics, Miss Am y Jane Leazenby. Personnel—Volunteer, part time— 1 nurse, 1 nutrition worker, 1 social worker. Activities— Maternity care. Infant care. Preschool age care. City Health Department (4 baby welfare clinics) (established1). Topeka. Executive—-Health officer, Dr. Earl G. Brown. Personnel— Paid, part time—2 dentists. Volunteer, full time— 3 physicians. Nurses furnished by Public Health Nursing Association. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. xNo information supplied. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis KANSAS. 113 URBAN AGENCIES— Continued. PRIVATE. League for Social Work 1 (established 1910). 223 West Third Street, Wichita. Executive— Executive secretary, M. W. Woods. Personnel— Paid, full time— 3 nurses. Volunteer, full time— League case workers. Activities—Maternity care—postnatal. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Pittsburg Public Health Nursing Association (established 1916). •210 West Fifth Street, Pittsburg. Executive— Supervising nurse, Mattie A. Flater. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time— 9 dentists (rotate duty). Volunteer, full time—2 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1906).* • 503 Portsmouth Building, Sixth and Minnesota, Kansas City. Executive— Superintendent, Mrs. Mary C. Bure. P erson n elPaid, full time— 2 physicians, 1 dentist, 9 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time—2 physicians, 1 dentist. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Wichita Public Health Nursing Association (established 1919). Fourth floor, City Hall, Wichita. Executive— Supervisor of nurses, Miss Ann Lee Washbon. Personnel— Paid, full time—12 nurses, 2 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time— 3 nurses. Volunteer, part time— 7 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Woman’s City Club Committee on Child Welfare (established 2). 425 Congress Street, Emporia. Executive— Chairman, Mrs. J. R. Wilkie. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 nurses. Paid, part time— 2 social workers. Volunteer, part time—several physicians. Activities— Preschool age care. 1Agency serves selected district within urban area. No information supplied. 1 8748°— 22------ 8 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 114 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL, CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. AGENCIES SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING RURAL AJtEAS. PUBLIC. Department of Public Health (established 1919). City Hall, Lawrence, Douglas County. Executive— Superintendent of public health, Dr. A. W. Clark. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 2 nurses. Paid, part time— 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical; postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. American Red Cross, Reno County Nursing Service (established 1919). Nelson Building, Hutchinson, Reno County. Executive— Secretary of Reno County Chapter, Helen E. Grundy. Personnel— Paid, full time—3 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, full time— 3 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. t Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 'i i \>' 116 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. • id d ✓ • fiMEjI 1 - À «dHij * ;v £ V, - ■ ■■ -'Ir • ■ 1 ■ . * & y §Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve - ’ W\\ KENTUCKY. STATE AGENCIES. * • PUBLIC. • ' / Bureau of Child Hygiene, State'Board of Health (established 1919). Louisville. Executive— Director, Dr. Annie Yeech. Personnel.1 Activities.1 URBAN AGENCIES. PUBLIC. McCracken County Public Health League (established 1919). 522 City National Bank Building, Paducah. Executive— Supervisor, Miss Grace C. James, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, full time—physicians, dentists. Activities—* Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Public Welfare Association (established 1913). Corner First and Elm Streets, City Building, Henderson. Executive—Secretary, Miss Jo Eakins. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 2 social workers. Paid, part time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— physicians, 1 dentist, 10 social workers, 12 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care. Infant care. \ Preschool age care. AGENCIES SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Public Health Nursing Association (established 1920). 215 East Walnut Street, Louisville, Jefferson County. Executive— Superintendent, Miss Sophie C. Nelson. Personnel—• Paid, full time— 24 nurses, 2 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 7 physicians, 17 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care.* lNo information supplied. 117 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 118 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES, ' * ADDITIONAL AGENCIES. • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , KENTUCKY, r # Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 119 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LOUISIANA. STATE AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Bureau of Child Hygiene, State Board of Health (established 1910). New Orleans. • Executive— Director, Miss Agnes Morris. Personnel— ta id, full time—1 physician, 1 dentist, 1 nurse, clerical or other helpers. Activities—Maternity care—publicity work along lines of prenatal and preschool age care. COUNTY AGENCIES. PUBLIC. De Soto Parish Health Unit (established 1921). Court House, Mansfield,' De Soto Parish. • Executive— Director, Dr. H. Muench. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 1 nurse, 2 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time—from 1 to 4 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal and postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PRIVATE. American Red Cross Public Health Nursing Service (established 1919). City Hall, Shreveport, Caddo Parish. Executive— Executive secretary, Miss Elsie Jones. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time—about 6 social workers. Activities— Maternity care. Infant care. Preschool age care. URBAN AGENCIES. PUBLIC. American Red Cross (public health nurse) (established 1918). Box 756, Monroe. Executive— Public health nurse, Miss Josephine McNalley. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 physicians, 1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Child Welfare Association (established 1913). 419 Maison Blanche Annex, New Orleans. Executive—Executive Secretary, Mary L. Railey. Personnel— Paid, full time— 10 physicians, 1 dentist, 36 nurses, 1 social worker, 4 clerical or other helpers. 121 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 122 directory of local child - health agencies. URBAN AGENCIES— Continued. , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE—Continued. Child Welfare Association— Continued. Activities— Maternity care—-parental, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. AGENCIES SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS. PUBLIC. American Red Cross Cross, Local Chapter (public health nurse) (established 1920). City Hall, Lake Charles. Executive— Public health nurse, Miss Maude Reid. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 12 physicians, 4 dentists. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstretical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 124 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES, /: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MAINE. STATE AGENCIES. PRIVATE. Maine Baby Saving Society (established 1920). 27 State Street, Bangor. Executive— Executive secretary, A. J. Torsleff. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Maine Public Health Association (established *). 318 Water Street, Augusta. Executive—Secretary, Walter D. Thurber. Personnel— Paid, full time—4 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, full time—1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 1 dentist, 1 nurse. Activities— 9 Maternity care (general educational work regarding prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal). Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Division of Public Health Nursing and Child Hygiene. State Department of Health (established 1920). . n ^ Arsenal Grounds, Augusta. Executive— Director, Miss Edith L. Soule, R. N. P erson n elPublic health nurses employed by two private organizations by publichealth nurses in field under supervision of Director of Division. Paid, part time— 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical,' postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. URBAN AGENCIES. * PUBLIC. Bath Health Center Baby Clinic (established 1920). Custom House, Bath. Executive— Health officer, Dr. Chester S. Kingsley. Personnel— Volunteer, full time— 1 physician, 1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Activities— #' Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care— Preschool age care. :No information supplied. 125 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 126 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES— Continued. PRIVATE. American Red Cross, Biddeford Chapter (Well Baby Conference) (established 1921). City Building, Biddeford. Executive— Red Cross Public Health Nurse, Miss Alyce N. Wormwood. Personnel—■ Paid, full time—1 nurse. Paid, part time— 1 physician. Volunteer, part time— 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. American R ed Cross, Lewiston and Auburn Chapter (established 1917). 164 Lisbon Street, Lewiston. Executive— Executive secretary, M. L. Templeton. Personnel— Paid, fu ll tim e— 3 nurses, 1 social worker, 1 other helper. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician, 6 dentists. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. ' Infant care. P o r t l a n d District Nursing Association (established 1905). 12 Arsenal Street, Portland. £ Executive— President, Sidney St. F. Thaxter. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Portland Baby Hygiene and Child Welfare Association (established 1917). Room 2D, City Building, Portland. Executive—President, Mrs. Howard R. Tres. Personnel— Paid, full time— 3 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 4 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time— 8 physicians, 2 social workers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MARYLAND. S I ATE AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Bureau of Child Hygiene, State Department of H ealth9 (established 1922). 16 West Saratoga Street, Baltimore. Executive— Director, Dr. J. H. Mason Knox, jr. PRIVATE. Maryland Tuberculosis Association (In c.) (established 1904). 704 North Howard Street, Baltimore. Preventorium for Children (established 1919). The Claiborne Cottages, Claiborne. Executive— Superintendent of cottages, Miss Clara M. Spielman, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Preschool age care. URBAN AGENCIES (Baltimore).10 PUBLIC. Babies’ Milk Fund Association, 130 South Calvert Street. Council Milk and Ice Fund, 1212 East Baltimore Strpet. The Instructive Visiting Nurse Association of Baltimore, 1123 Madison Avenue. The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Social Service Department, North Broadway. Mothers’ Relief Society, 904 South Ellwood Avenue. Bureau of Child Welfare, Health Department (established 1919). 311 Courtland Street, Baltimore. • Executive— Dr. Mary Sherwood. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 22 nurses, 3 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time*—5 physicians. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. URBAN AGENCIES (other than Baltimore). PRIVATE. Annapolis and Anne Arundel Counties R. C., Department of Public Health Nursing (established 1917). 225 Gloucester Street, Annapolis. Executive— Nurse in charge, Miss Sara V. Sutherland, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses. Volunteer, full time— 1 social worker. 9 Agency in process of organization. 10 For further information concerning Maryland agencies, see Directory of Social W ork for Baltimore and Maryland, prepared under supervision of the Baltimore Federated Charities, 1917. 129 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 130 D IR E C T O R Y OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES (other than Baltimore)—Continued. PRIVATE—Continued. Annapolis and Anne Arundel Counties R ed Cross, etc.—Continued. Activities— Maternity care— Prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Baby Welfare Section of Cumberland Civic Club (established 1912). 24 Waverly Terrace, Cumberland. Executive—Mrs. C. W. Donnelly. Personnel— Volunteer, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time—2 physicians. Activities— Maternity care— Prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. t Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 132 directory of local child - health agencies. I v Si * Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MASSACHUSETTS. STATE AGENCIES.’ PUBLIC. Division of Hygiene, State Department of Public Health (established 1915). Boston. Executive—Director, Dr. Merrill E. Champion. Personnel—Paid, full time— 3 physicians, 1 nurse, 1 nutrition worker, 8 cleri cal or other helpers. Activities—All phases of child hygiene. PRIVATE. Boston Floating H ospital11 (established 1884). 244 Washington Street, Boston. E xecutive—Physician in charge, Dr. Henry I. Bowditch. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 physician, 3 nurses, 2 social workers, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time— 10 nurses. Volunteer, full time— 5 physicians. Volunteer, part time— 1 dentist, 40 nurses. Activities— Infant care. Massachusetts General Hospital, Social Service Department (established 1905). Fruit Street, Boston. Executive—Chief of social service, Miss Ida N. Cannon. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 public health nurse, 21 social workers, 6 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time—1 social worker and 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, full time—6 social workers. Volunteer, part time—58 social workers. Activities— Infant care. Massachusetts Homoeopathic Hospital (established 1855). 750 Harrison Avenue, Boston. Executive— Chief of social service, Alla A. Libbey. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 social worker. Paid, part time— 1 physician, 1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician. Activities—Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical. Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (established 1878). 43 Mount Vernon Street, Boston. Executive—General secretary, Theodore A, Lothrop. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 physician, 40 social workers, 30 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. a Serves New England. 133 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 134 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. COUNTY AGENCIES. PRIVATE. Norwood Hospital (established 1918). 792 Washington Street, Norwood, Norfolk County. Executive— Superintendent, Miss Olive H. Elliot, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 6 nurses, 2 social workers, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, full time— 12 physicians, 5 nurses. Activities—Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. URBAN AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Board of Health (established 1920). Town Office Building, Hingham. Executive—Chairman board of health, Dr. C. A. Dorr. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Board of Health (establishedx). City Hall, Main Street, Melrose. Executive—Chairman, Clarence P. Holden, M. D. Personnel— Paid, full time— 4 physicians, 1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Board of Health (established *). Municipal Building, New Bedford. Executive—Agent and executive officer, Wm. G. Kirschbaum. Personnel— Paid, full time— 10 nurses. Paid, part time— 4 physicians, 7 dentists. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal. Infant care. Board of Health and Charities (established 192Q). Woburn. Executive— Agent and secretary, Edward F. Gorman. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 1 nurse. • Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Board of Health, Division of Infant Welfare (established 1909). City Hall, Cambridge. Executive—Chief medical inspector, Dr. S. B. Kelleher. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 3 nurses, clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time—5 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—postnatal. Infant care. *No information supplied. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MASSACHUSETTS. 135 URBAN AGENCIES—Continued. PUBLIC— Continued. Child Welfare Commission (established 1911; established 1918 as department of city government). 34 Sargeant Street, Holyoke. • Executive—Chairman, Mrs. S. H. Whitten. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 3 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time— 3 physicians, 2 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal.' Infant care. Preschool age care. t Child Welfare Department (conducted by Lawrence Board of Health) (estab lished 1918). 35 Jackson Street, Lawrence. Executive.1 Personnel— • Paid, full time— 5 nurses, l'clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 2 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Department of Health, Division of Infant Welfare (established 1917). Wilsonia Building, Union Avenue, Framingham. Executive— Executive officer, Fred S. Dodson, A. B. Personnel— Paid, part time— 3 physicians, 2 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal; postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care, ;■? ; Grafton Association for District Nursing (established 1918). Grafton. Executive— President, Mrs. O. M. Wing. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, full time— 5 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Health Department (established x). City Hall, Pittsfield. Executive—Health officer, Dr. A. L. Stone. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 physicians, 3 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 4 social workers, 1 clerical helper. . Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. 1No information supplied. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 136 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES— Continued. PUBLIC— Continued. Health Department-(established 1907). Room 12, City Hall, Salem. Executive—Agent, John J. McGrath. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care—postnatal. Infant care. Health Department (established 1). , Administration Building, Springfield. Executive—Agent, Wm. L. Young. Personnel— Paid, full time— 10 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 3 clerical or other helpers Paid, part time— 15 physicians, 3 dentists. Activities— Maternity care. Infant care. Preschool age care. Malden Baby Welfare Department (established 1920). Main Street, Malden. Executive— Chairman board of health, Dr. Charles E. Priva. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 muse. Paid, part time— 1 physician. Volunteer, part time— 3 other helpers. Activities— Infant care. Westfield Board of Health Dispensary (established l}. Elm Street, Westfield. Executive.1 Personnel— Paid, full time—2 nurses, 1 nutrition worker. Paid, part time— 2 physicians, 1 dentist. Activities—Preschool age care. Worcester Board of Health (established x). Room 6, City Hall, Worcester. Executive.2 Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 11 nurses. Paid, part time— 5 physicians. Activities— Infant care. PRIVATE. Anti-Tuberculosis and District Nursing Association (established 1909). Bronson Building, Attleboro. Executive— Supervisor, Miss Bertha M. MacPhee, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 5 nurses, 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, full time—2 physicians. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. 1No information supplied. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ! Not yet appointed. MASSACHUSETTS. 137 URBAN AGENCIES— Continued. PRIVATE— Continued. Arlington District Nursing Association (established 1901). 707 Massachusetts Avenue, Arlington. Executive—President, Mrs. Roger Homer. Personnel—• P aid , full time— 3 nurses. Volunteer, full time—1 pupil nurse. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician. ■ Activities—• Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. v Preschool age care. Baby Hygiene Association (established 1910). 376 Boylston Street, Boston. Executive—Director, Miss Winnifred Rand. Personnel— Paid, full time— 33 nurses, 5 nutrition workers, 2 clerical or other helpers Paid, part time—21 physicians, 1 nurse, 5 nutrition workers. Volunteer, part time—7 physicians, about 23 clerical and other helpers. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. Beverly Hospital Corporation (established 1893). Herrick Street, Beverly. Executive— Superintendent, Miss Francis P. West, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 dentist, 27 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 4 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time— 10 physicians, 1 dentist. Activities— Maternity care— obstetrical. Infant care. Boston Lying-In Hospital (established 1832). 24 McLean Street, Boston. Executive— Superintendent, Miss Louise S. Zutter. Personnel— Paid, full time— 34 nurses, 2 social workers, 24 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time— 2 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, full time— 4 physicians. Volunteer, part time—23 physicians (13 obstetricians, 2 pediatricians). Activities—Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Brockton Catholic Charities Center (established 1915). 231 Main Street, Barristers Hall, Brockton. Executive— H. Louise A. McGlynn. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time—4 physicians, 1 dentist, 3 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 8 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 138 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES— Continued. PRIV ATE!—Continued. Brookline Friendly Society (District Nursing Department) (established 1905). 10 Walter Avenue, 12 HiglFStreet, Brookline. Executive—General secretary, Elizabeth K . Taft. Personnel— Paid, full time—7 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 3 social workers. Volunteer, part time— 6 physicians, 11 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Cambridge Health Committee (established 1915). 79 Moore Street, Cambridge. Executive—-Chairman, Miss Elizabeth B. Piper. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 3 physicians. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. Canton Hospital and Nursing Association (established 1900). 473 Washington Street, Canton. Executive—District nurse, Mrs. Sara E. Boynton. Personnel— Paid, full time—resident physicians, 1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Carney Hospital, Baby Welfare and Nutrition Clinics (established 1921). 140 Dorchester Street, South Boston. Executive— Social worker, Sister Mary Gabriel. Personnel— Voluntary, fall time— 3 physicians, 3 dentists, 2 nurses, 2 nutrition workers, 2 social workers, 6 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time— 3 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Child Welfare Agency (established 1919). 77 Main Street, Leominster. Executive— Child welfare nurse, Miss Mattie F. Buck, R. N. Personnel— Paid, part time— 1'physician, 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 2 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Child Welfare, Board of Health (established 1919). 14 Summer Street, North Adams. Executive— Child welfare nurse, Miss Bessie A. Underwood. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MASSACHUSETTS. 139 DURBAN AGENCIES— Continued. PRIVATE—Continued. Child Welfare, Board of Health— Continued. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Paid, part time— 2 dentists. Volunteer, part time—1 physician. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. Child Welfare Committee (established 1919). Salem. Executive— Chairman, Caroline O. Emmerton, 328 Essex Street. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Paid, part time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 5 physicians (on board), committee of clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Child Welfare House (established *). 15 Church Street, Lynn. Executive— General secretary, Miss Mabel L. Abbott. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses, 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. . Volunteer, full time— 7 physicians. Activities— Maternity care. Infant care. Preschool age care. Danvers Visiting Nurse Association (established 1908). 428 Maple Street, Danvers. Executive— President, Miss Abbie W. Towne. Personnel— Paid, part time—2 nurses. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Dietetic Bureau (established 1918). 376 Boylston Street, Boston. Executive— Director, Miss Margery M. Smith. Personnel— Paid, full time— 5 nutrition workers, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Preschool age care. District Nursing Association (established 1912). 374 Anawan Street, Fall River. Executive— Superintendent, Mary A. Jones. Personnel— Paid, full time—3 nurses, 1 nutrition worker. Paid, part time— 6 physicians, 11 nurses, 1 other helper. i No information supplied. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 140 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES— Continued., PRIVATE— Continued. District Nursery Association—Continued. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. District Nursing Association (established 1905). Pearl Street, Gardner. ' Executive— President, Mrs. Geo. A. Dunn. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 nurses. Paid, part time—1 nurse. Activities— ' Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical. Infant care. The Duxbury Nurse Association (In c.) (established 1918). Duxbury. Executive— Secretary, Mrs. Paul C. Peterson. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Elizabeth Peabody Home 2 (established 1896). 357 Charles Street, Boston. Executive—Head worker, Eva W. White. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 1 nutrition worker, 4 social workers, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time— 1 physician. Activities— Preschool age care. Forsyth Dental Infirmary for Children (established 1910). 140 The Fenway, Boston. Executive— Director, Dr. Harold De Witt Cross. Personnel— Paid, full time— 15 physicians, 30 dentists, 3 nurses, 2 nutrition workers. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. Holyoke District Nurse Association (established 1906). 338 Race Street, Holyoke. Executive— Superintendent of nurses, Miss E. Y . Schenker. Personnel— Paid, full time— 6 nurses. Volunteer, full time— 1 pupil nursh. Activities— Maternity care— obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. House of Seven Gables Settlem ent2 (established 1910). 54 Turner Street, Salem. Executive— Resident director, Miss Elizabeth H. Dunham. Agency serves selected district within urban area. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MASSACHUSETTS. 141 URBAN AGENCIES—Continued. p A vaTE—Continued.' House of Seven Gables Settlem ent2—Continued. Personnel— Paid, full time—8 social workers. Paid, part time—1 dentist. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Infant Welfare Committee of the Visiting Nurse Association (established 1919). , . 88 Washington Street, Taunton. Executive—Public health nurse, Miss Jennie M. Irving. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 nurses. Volunteer, full time—1 physician. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Instructive District Nursing Association (established 1886). 561 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston. Executive—Miss Anne M. Devanny, Chief of Staff, Acting Director. Personnel— Paid, full time— 115 nurses (average in 1921), 21 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time— 3 physicians, 1 dentist, 16 nurses (average in 1921), 2 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time—1 physician, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Instructive District Nursing Association (established 1911). 9 Dean Street, Everett. * Executive-—Secretary, K. M. Don. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses, 1 social worker. Volunteer, full time—2 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time— 3 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Instructive Nursing Association (established 1891; incorporated 1900). 202 Coffin Building, New Bedford. Executive— Superintendent, Miss Emma E. Grittinger, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 13 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Activities—Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Lincoln House Association (established 1889). 80 Emerald Street, Boston. Executive— Director in charge, Grace T. Wills. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses, 1 nutrition worker. Paid, part time— 3 physicians, 1 dentist. * Agency serves selected district within urban area. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 142 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES— Continued. ■ PRIVATE—Continued. Lincoln House Association—Continued. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Lowell Guild (established 1911). 17 Dutton Street, Lowell. Executive—Miss Mary C. MacNevin. Personnel— Paid, full time—8 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time— 2 nurses. Volunteer, part time— 2 physicians. Activities— , Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Malden Industrial Aid Society (established 1875). 15 Ferry Street, Malden. Executive— President, E. F. Bickford. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses, 4 other helpers. Activities—Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal (to a limited extent). Milton Social Service League (established 1910). 216 Randolph Avenue, Milton. Executive— President, Mrs. George H. Watson. Personnel— Paid, part time— 1 dentist, 2 nurses, 1 social worker. Volunteer, part time—2 physicians, 2 nutrition workers, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Natick District Nurse Association (established x). 42 East Central Street, Natick. Executive— District nurse, M. K. Loftus, It. N. Personnel.1 Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. • Preschool age care. Neighborhood Kitchen 2 (established 1918). 46 Lovering Street, Boston. Executive—Head dietitian, Miss M. Louise Eliott. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 nurse, 2 nutrition workers, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time— 3 physicians and 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 4 social workers. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. 1 N o information supplied. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis * Serves selected district within urban area. 143 MASSACHUSETTS. URBAN AGENCIES—Continued. PRIVATE—Continued. Newburyport Health Center (established 1920). 3 State Street, Newburyport. Executive— Director, Miss Brenda F. Mattice, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses (including director). Paid, part time— 1 physician, 1 clerical helper. Activities— , Infant care. Preschool age care. Newton District Nursing Association, Newton Hospital (established 1898). Washington Street, Newton. Executive— Superintendent, Marie Knowles. Personnel— Paid, full time— 3 nurses. Volunteer, full time— 3 nurses. Volunteer, part time— 4 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. North Attleboro District Nursing Association (established 1920). Riley Building, North Attleboro. Executive—Visiting nurse, Miss Edith M. Carpenter. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Activities—Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Olivet Community House 2 (established 1920). Oak Street, Springfield. Executive— Director, C. H. Cummings. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 2 physicians, 8 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Preventive Clinic of the Boston Dispensary (established 1917). 25 Bennet Street, Boston. Executive—Director, Dr. Maynard Ladd. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Roxbury Neighborhood House, Baby Hygiene Station 1 (established 1910). 858 Albany Street, Boston. Executive—Headworker, Miss Ethel Ward Dougherty. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 2 nutrition workers. Volunteer, full time— 1 nurse, 1 nutrition worker. 1 Agency serves selected districts in urban .areas. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 8 N o information supplied. 144 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES—Continued. PRIVATE— Contiuued. Roxbury Neighborhood House—Continued. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. South End House (established 1 ). 40 West Newton Street, Boston. Executive— Head resident, Miss E. G. Barrows. Personnel.1 Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1913). 9 Prichard Street, Fitchburg. Executive— Superintendent, Willarette C. Sears. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, full time— 2 nurses. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1914). 3 Market Street, Springfield. Executive—Director, Miss Florence M. Caldwell. Personnel— Paid, full time— 18 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 13 physicians. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Wakefield Visiting Nurse Association (established 1911). 23 Avon Street, Wakefield. Executive— President, Miss Eva Q. Ripley. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 1 social worker. Activities—Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Watertown District Nursing Association (established 1905). 12 Phillips Street, Watertown. • Executive— Secretary, Mrs. Eva B. Davis. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 nurses. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Woman’s Friend Society (established 1892). 12 Hawthorne Boulevard, Salem. Executive— Chairman of District Nursing Association, Mrs. John Robinson. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. 1 A gency selves selected districts in urban areas. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MASSACHUSETTS. 145 URBAN AGENCIES—Continued. PRIVATE— -Continued. Woman’s Friend Society— Continued. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care— directly following birth. Woman’s Public Safety Committee (established 1916). Room 102, City Hall, Chelsea. Executive—Chairman, Mrs. Anne E. Guild. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Paid, part time—3 nurses. Volunteer, part time—3 physicians, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. T h e Women’s Municipal League of Boston (established 1909). 25 Huntington Avenue, Boston. Executive—Chairman of committee on prenatal and obstetrical care, Mrs. William L. Putnam. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 physicians, 1 nurse. Volunteer, full time— 1 physician (advisory committee, of most of city ’s leading obstetricians). Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Worcester Society of District Nursing (established 1892). 27 Elm Street, Worcester. Executive— Superintendent, Miss Rosebell Jacobs. Personnel— Paid, full time— 33 nurses, 1 social worker, 2 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time—4 physicians, 1 dentist. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. American Red Cross, Medway Branch, Medway-Caryville-Bellingham Nursing Service (established 1919). Medway. Executive.1 Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Antituberculosis Society (established 1915). 271 Cabot Street, Beverly. Executive—President, Mrs. Chester Pope. 1No information supplied. 8748°—22----- 16 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 146 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES—Continued. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE-Continued. Antituberculosis Society—-Continued. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 nurses. Paid, part time— 1 nurse, 1 nutrition worker. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician, 1 nutrition worker. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Baby Welfare Clinic (established 1917). 14 Patten Street, Watertown. Executive.1 Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Paid, part time— 1 dentist. Volunteer, full time— 8 physicians. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Belmont Community Nursing Association (established 1918). Town Hall, Belmont. Executive—Miss Karen C. Nielsen, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 1 other helper. Paid, part time—1 dentist, 1 nurse, 1 social worker. Volunteer, part time—7 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal,' obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Board of Health (established 2). 14 Pauline Street, Winthrop. Executive.1 Personnel—Paid, full time—2 physicians, 8 dentists, 1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Infant care. Brockton Visiting Nurse Association (established 1904). 33 Cottage Street, Brockton. Executive— Supervising nurse, Miss Mary McGee. Personnel— Paid, full time— 10 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time-—1 physician. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Dedham Emergency Nursing Association (established 1912). School Street, Dedham. Executive— President, Mrs. F. R. Nourse. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses. Volunteer, full time— 1 clerical helper. 1 N o information supplied. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 Infant clinics established 1919. MASSACHUSETTS. 147 URBAN AGENCIES— Continued. PUBLIC AND PRIV ATE-Continued. Dedham Emergency Nursing Association— Continued. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. District Nursing Association of Barnstable, Yarmouth, and Dennis, Child Welfare Clinic (established 1914). Headquarters, Main Street, Hyannis. Executive— Supervising nurse, Miss Mary Williams. Personnel— Paid, full time— 3 nurses. Paid, part time— 1 dentist, 1 clerical helper. Activités— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Greenfield Visiting Nurse Association (established 1910), 14 Hope Street, Greenfield. Executive—Supervisor, Miss Anna Koch. Personnel— Paid, full time—3 nurses. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstretical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Health Center (established 1921). Mount Vernon, Winchester. Executive—Health officer, Dr. Maurice Dinneen. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time— 1 physician. Volunteer, full time— 1 nurse, 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time—2 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Stoughton Visiting Nurse Association (established 1909). 20 Park Street, Stoughton. Executive—President, Mrs. Wm. Southworth. P erson n elPaid, full time—2 nurses. Paid, part time— 1 dentist. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Visiting Nurse Association (In c.) (established 1908). 54 Castle Street, Great Barrington. Executive— Director of public health, Miss Greata Mabry, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 5 dentists, 5 nurses, 1 cleric»! helper. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 148 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES—Continued. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE— Continued. Visiting Nurse Association (In c.)— Continued. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Winchendon Woman’s Club, District Nurse Committee (established 1910). Winchendon. Executive— Chairman, Mrs. F. P. Hall. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Preschool age care. SOURCE OF SUPPORT NOT STATED. Holliston Public Health Nursing Association (established 1920). Holliston. Executive— Chairman, D. F. Moore. Personnel— Paid, part time—1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MICHIGAN. STATE AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Bureau of Child Hygiene and Public Health Nursing, Michigan Department of Health (established 1920). Lansing. Executive—Director, Dr. Blanche M. Haines. Personnel.1 Activities— Maternity care. Infant care. Preschool age care. COUNTY AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Kent County Public Health Department (established 1920). County Court Building, Grand Rapids, Kent County. Executive— Supervisor of public health nurses, Miss Hazel Kuyers. Personnel— Paid, full time— 4 nurses. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. PRIVATE. American Red Cross, Lapeer County (established 1917). Lapeer, Lapeer County. Executive— Executive secretary, Wm. J. Vincent. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 nurse. Paid, part time— 1 nurse, 1 social worker. Volunteer, full time— physicians and dentists. Volunteer, part time— 6 social workers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, emergency obstetrics, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Sanilac County Red Cross P ublic Health Nursing Service (established 1918). Court House, Sandusky, Sanilac County. Executive— Public health nurse, Miss Elba L. Morse, R . N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, some postnatal. Infant care. Washtenaw County Publsc Health Nursing Service, Red Cross Chapter (estabLshed 1919). Headquarters, comer Huron and Fourth Streets, Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County. Executive— County supervising nurse, Miss Edith M. Stoll. Personnel— Paid, full time— 3 nurses. }No information supplied. 151 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 152 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. COUNTY AGENCIES—Continued. PRIVATE—Continued. Washtenaw County Public Health Nursing Service, etc.— Contiuued. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical. Infant care. Preschool age care. Woman’s Hospital and Infants’ Home (established 1869). 443 Forest Avenue East, Detroit, Wayne County. Executive— Director, Miss Eleonore L. Hutzel. 9 Personnel— Paid, full time—4 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 8 social workers, 2 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time— 1 dentist. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. • PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. American Red Cross (established 1916). Allegan, Allegan County. Executive—Chairman, Judge O. S. Cross. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses. Paid, part time—1 clerical helper. Activities— , Maternity care— prenatal. Infant care. URBAN AGENCIES. PUBLIC. City Health Department (established 1916). Room 25, City Hall, Lansing. Executive— Health officer, Dr. James A. Humphrey. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 physicians, 1 dentist, 5 nurses, 1 social worker, 3 cler ical or other helpers. Paid, part time— 2 nurses. Volunteer, part time— 6 physicians and 2 nutrition workers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. City Health Department (established 1917). City Hall, Marquette. Executive—Health officer, Dr. Childs P. Drury. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time— 1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care; Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MICHIGAN. 153 URBAN AGENCIES— Continued. PUBLIC —Continued. Division of Child Hygiene, City Board of Health (established *). Ishpeming. Executive— Health officer, Dr. David Littlejohn. Personnel.1 Activities.1 Health Department (established 2). City Hall, Battle Creek. Executive—Health officer, Dr. A. A. Hoyt. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 physician, 2 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. Health Department (established 1895). 625 Mullett Street, Detroit. Executive— Head nurse, Miss Grace Ross. Personnel— Paid, full time— 7 dentists, 33 nurses, 2 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time— 17 physicians, 4 dentists, 1 nutrition worker. Volunteer, part? time—2 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Infant Welfare Bureau, Department of Health (established 1920). City Hall, Muskegon. Executive—Health officer, Dr. C. J. Addison. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Paid, part timet—1 physician, 1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 12 physicians, 2 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 2 social workers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PRIVATE. Babies Milk Fund Auxiliary of Visiting Nurse Association (established 1911). 4708 Brush Street, Detroit. Executive— Chairman, Mr. Henry G. Stevens. Personnel— Paid, full time— 6 nurses. Paid, part time—3 physicians. Volunteer, part time— 2 clerical or other helpers. # Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. Child Welfare Association (established 1919). West Main'Street, Benton Harbor. . Executive— President, Mrs. Wm. A. Vawter. 1 No information supplied. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis s “ Since corporation of city.1 154 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL, CH ILD -H EALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES— Continued. PRIVATE—Continued. Child Welfare Association—Continued. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician, 12 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. Oliver Iron Mining Co. (established 1912). Iron wood. Executive—Superintendent, Mr. D. E. Sutherland. Personnel— Paid, full time—3 physicians, 1 nurse, 1 social worker. Activities— Maternity care— Prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1897). 4708 Brush Street, Detroit. Executive— President, Mrs. Fred M. Alger. Personnel— Paid, full time— 61 nurses, 5 clerical or other helpers. Activities—Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1909). Harlow Block, Marquette. Executive.1 Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1906). 101 Houston Avenue, Muskegon. Executive— Secretary, Mrs. C. L. Thompson. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, full time—21 social workers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. . PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Ann Arbor Public Health Nursing Association (established 1896; reorganized 1918. 402 South Main Street, Ann Arbor. Executive— President, Mrs. C. Washburn. Personnel— Paid, full time— 3 nurses. • Volunteer, part time^-3 physicians, 1 social worker. Activities— * Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. * Preschool age care. 'N o information supplied. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M ICH IG AN . 155 URBAN AGENCIES— Continued. PUBLIC AND PR IV A TE —Continued. Associated Charities (established 1912). North Main and Toledo Streets, Adrian. Executive—President, Mrs. F. E. Osgood. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 5 physicians, 6 dentists. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Child Welfare League (established 1918). City Hall, Sault Sainte Marie. Executive— President, Mrs. Frank Hathway. Personnel—Volunteer, part time— 1 physician, 2 nurses, 1 social worker, 2 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Some-maternity care. Infant care. Preschool age care. Clinic for Infant Feeding (conducted jointly b y City Board of Health and Clinic for Infant Feeding) (established 1911). Corner Lewis Street and Market Avenue, Grand Rapids. Executive— Superintendent, Miss Mary Margaret Roche. Personnel— Paid, full time— 13 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 4 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, full time— 26 physicians, 1 dentist. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Department of Health and Welfare (established 1915). 24 Water Street, Department of Public Safety, Kalamazoo. Executive— Director, Dr. A. H. Rockwell. # Personnel— Paid, fu lltim e—2 physicians, 9 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 5 social work ers, 2 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, full time— 7 physicians, 2 nurses. Volunteer, part time—2 physicians, 2 dentists. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Public Health Nursing Service of the Civic League (established 1908). The Armory, Bay City. Executive— Supervisor of Red Cross nurses, Clara A. Stuevens, R. N. Personnel— Paid, part time— 4 nurses (1 clerical helper for Red Cross). Volunteer, part time—2 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 156 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CH ILD -H EALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES— Continued. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE—Continued. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1915). Traction Block, Benton Harbor. Executive— Secretary, Mrs. Ada Peters. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 1 social worker. ♦Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Preschool age care. Wyandotte Welfare Society (established 1917). 114 First Street, Wyandotte. Executive— Director, Mrs. Marguerite Everett. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 physicians, 1 dentist, 2 nurses, 1 social worker. Volunteer, full time— 5 social workers. Volunteer, part time—5 physicians. Activities—Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. AGENCIES SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS. PUBLIC. Department of Public Health (established 1918). Pontiac. Executive—Director, C. A. Neafie. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 3 nurses, 2 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time—2 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Health Department (established 1919). 607 Beach Street, Flint, Genesee County. Executive— Director of child welfare, Dr. Lafon Jones. Personnel— PaiS, full time—3 physicians, 5 dentists, 10 nurses, 2 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time— 1 social worker. Volunteer, part time— 9 physicians. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Infant Welfare Clinic, W. A. Foote Memorial Hospital (established 1914).. Jackson, Jackson County. Executive—Health officer and director of hospital, Dr. H. B. Neagle. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 physician, 1 dentist, 6 board of health nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M ICH IG AN . 157 AGENCIES SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS— Contd. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. American Red Cross, Oakland County Chapter (established 1920). 101\ North Saginaw Street, Pontiac, Oakland County. Executive—Chairman, Dr. A. E. Christian. Personnel— Paid, full time— 11 nurses, 2 social workers, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time— 1 dentist. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MICHIGAN, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MINNESOTA. STATE AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Division of Child Hygiene, State Board of Health 2 (established 1922). St. Paul. Executive— Director, Dr. Everett C. Hartley. Minnesota Public Health Association (established 1914). Shubert Building, St. Paul. Executive— Executive secretary, Dr. Wm. F. W ild. Personnel.1 Activities— Maternity care. Infant care. Preschool age care. COUNTY AGENCIES. PRIVATE. Children’s Protective Society of Hennepin County (established 1917). 315 Temple Court, Minneapolis, Hennepin County. Executive— Acting executive secretary, Charles L. Burt. Personnel—Paid, full time- 1 nurse, 19 social workers, 8 clerical or other 1 olpers. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. Hennepin County Tuberculosis Association (established 1903). 89 South Tenth Street, Minneapolis, Hennepin County. Executive— Executive secretary, Otto F. Bradley. Personnel— Paid, full time— 3 social workers, 3 clerical or other helpers. . Activities— Infant welfare clinics. Preschool age care. St. Louis County Public Health Association (established 1918). Room 115, Courthouse, Duluth, St. Louis County. Executive—Miss Louise E. Schneller. Personnel— Volunteer, part time—3 physicians, 3 nurses, clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Blue Earth County Public Health Association (established 1918). 320 Fulton Street, Mankato, Blue Earth County. Executive— Secretary, M. A. Nichols. i No information supplied. 8748°— 22----- 11 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 A gency in process of organization. 161 162 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. COUNTY AGENCIES— Continued. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE—Continued. Blue Earth County Public Health Association— Continued. Personnel— Paid, full time— 3 nurses, 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time— 2 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time— 2 physicians, 8 dentists, 25 nurses. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. URBAN AGENCIES. PRIVATE. Infant Welfare Society (established 1910). 303 Myers Arcade, Minneapolis. Executive— Executive secretary, Miss Nathalie C. Rudd (R. N. Mass.) Personnel— Paid, full time—14 nurses, 2 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part timej—11 physicians. Volunteer, part time— 2 physicians, 65 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. Rochester Child Health Association (established 1921). Broadway and Second Street, Rochester. Executive— President, Mrs. J. H. Stokes. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 1 nutrition worker, 1 social worker. Volunteer, part time— 2 physicians, 1 dentist, 2 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Infant care. Scottish Rite Infant Welfare Clinics (established 1910). Masonic Temple, Lake Avenue and Second Street, Duluth. Executive— Director, Mr. T. W. Hugo. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses. Volunteer, part time— 3 physicians, 8 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Infant care. Unity Settlement House 2 (established 1897). 250 Seventeenth Avenue North, Minneapolis. Executive— Resident director, Miss Imogene Poole. Personnel— Paid, full time—6 social workers. Paid, part time—2 physicians, 1 dentist, 2 nurses, 2 social workers. Volunteer, part time— 30 social workers. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1917). 940 Nicollet, 314 Meyers Arcade, Minneapolis. Executive— Superintendent, Miss Eva I. Andersen. s Agency serves selected district within urban area. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MINNESOTA. 163 URBAN AGENCIES— Continued. PRIV ATE—Continued. Visiting Nurse Association—Continued. Personnel— Paid, full time— 22 nurses, 3 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time—9 physicians, 22 dentists. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Breast Feeding Investigation Bureau, Department of Pediatrics, University of Minnesota (established 1917). 121 Millard Street, Minneapolis. Executive— Chief of department of pediatrics, Dr. J. P. Sedgwick. P erson n elPaid, full time— 2 physicians, 3 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time— 1 physician, 3 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Infant care. St. Paul Baby Welfare Association (established 1910). Wilder Building, St. Paul. Executive— Director, Margaret B. Lettice. Personnel— Paid, part time— 2 physicians, 10 nurses, 1 social worker, 2 clerical helpers. Volunteer, part time— 10 physicians. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. AGENCIES SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS. PRIVATE. American Red Cross, Mankato Chapter (established 1917). Richards Building, Mankato, Blue Earth County. Executive— Chairman, Rev. O. J. Arthur. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time— 1 social worker. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 164 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. ADDITIONAL AGENCIES. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MINNESOTA. Q * Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M ISSISSIPPI. STATE AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Bureau of Child Welfare, State Board of Health (established 1920). 307 Texas Building, Jackson. Executive— Director, Dr. F. J. Underwood. Personnel— Paid, full time— 5 physicians, 5 nurses, 7 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. COUNTY AGENCIES. PRIVATE. American Red Cross (established 1920). Charleston, Tallahatchie County. Executive— Executive secretary, Miss Adele Merian Delahay. Personnel— Volunteer, part time—27 physicians, 5 dentists, 2 nurses, 1 social worker. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. American Red Cross, Adams County Chapter (established 1917). Red Cross Office, Natchez, Adams County. Executive— Chairman of executive board, Rabbi Ackerman. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 nurses. Activities— Infant care. Public Health Nursing Service (established 1916). City Hall, Jackson. Executive— Supervising nurse, Bessie O. Brougher. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 nurses. Paid, part time— 1 physician. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. 167 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 168 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL. CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. ADDITIONAL AGENCIES. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MISSISSIPPI, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M ISSOURI STATE AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Division òf Child Hygiene, State Board of Health (established 1919). 417 State Capitol, Jefferson City. Executive— Director, Dr. I. B. Krause. Personnel— Paid, full time—3 physicians, 4 nurses (25 A. R. C. public health nurses cooperate with State board of health), 3 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. COUNTY AGENCIES. PRIVATE. American Red Cross (established 1919). • Masonic Building, Independence, Jackson County. Executive—R . C. public health nurse, Edith Burgess, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 1 nutrition worker. Volunteer, full time— 4 physicians, 4 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. . Preschool age care. American Red Cross, Cape Girardeau County Chapter (established 1917). 201 Broadway, Cape Girardeau, Cape Girardeau County. Executive— County nurse, Miss Grace Rodgers. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 12 physicians. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. American Red Cross, St. Joseph Chapter (established 1917). Community Hall, St. Joseph, Buchanan County. Executive—Executive secretary, Mrs. John Muir. Personnel— ;.' ’ /. \ Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 1 nutrition worker, 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 17 physicians. Activities—Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Greene County Health Association (established 1919). 212J McDaniel Avenue, Springfield, Greene County. Executive—Acting assistant surgeon, Dr. U. F. Kerr. 171 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 172 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. COUNTY AGENCIES— Continued. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE—Continued. Greene County Health Association—Continued. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 4 nurses, 2 social workers, 1 clerica n<«per. Paid, part time—2 physicians. Volunteer, part time— 6 physicians, 10 dentists, 10 nurses, 20 nutrition, workers, clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. URBAN AGENCIES. PRIVATE. Children’s Bureau (established 1918). 408 East Eleventh Street. Kansas. City. Executive— Executive secretary, Rosamund Losh. Personnel— Paid, full time— 4 mimes, 2 social workers, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time— 25 physicians. Activities— Preschool age care. * Child Welfare Committee of the Charity Organization Society ot Columbia (established 1911). 812 Virginia Avenue, Columbia. Executive— Child welfare chairman, Mrs. J. G. Bobb. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Paid, part time— 1 social worker. Volunteer, full time—7 social workers, 4 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time—8 or 10 social workers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Day Nursery and Children’s Medical Clinic (established 1907). 2809 Washington Avenue, St. Louis. Executive— Rev. Edmund S. White. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 1 nurse, 2 nutrition workers, 3 social workers. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician, 1 social worker. Activities— Materpity care— prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Italian Mission Clinic 1 (established 1909). Central Presbyterian Chapel, 505 Forest Avenue, Kansas City. Executive— Superintendent, Rev. J. B. Bisceglia. Personnel— Paid full time—5 physicians, 1 nurse, 1 social worker. 1 N o information supplied. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MISSOURI. 173 URBAN AGENCIES—Continued. PRIVATE—Continued. Italian Mission Clinic— Continued. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Markham Memorial Presbyterian Church (institutional) 2 (established 1901). 1614 Menard Street, St. Louis. Executive— Pastor, Rev. George Wales King. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 social workers. Paid, part time— 8 social workers. Volunteer, part time— 1 nurse (municipal health nurse), 1 social worker, 100 clerical or other, helpers. Activities— Maternity care. Infant care. Preschool age care. Mattie Rhodes Day Nursery Clinic 2 (established 1919). 1734 Jefferson Street, Kansas City. Executive— President, Mrs. George T. Tremble. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 3 social workers. Paid, part time— 1 physician. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Minute Circle Association (established 1910). 1518 Spruce Street, Kansas City. Executive— Chairman of clinic, Opal Early. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses, 1 social worker, 1 other helper. Volunteer, full time— 3 physicians, 6 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. St. Louis Children’s A id Society (established 1909). Vanol Building, Vandeventer and Olive Streets, St. Louis. Executive— General secretary, Miss Florence van Sickler. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 12 social workers, 3 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time— 1 physician. Volunteer, full time—physicians and dentists from Washington Univer sity Dispensary , the Out-Patient Department of Barnes Hospital. Volunteer, part time— 2 social workers. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. * Agency serves selected districts within urban area. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 174 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES—Continued. PRIV ATE—Continued. St. Louis Maternity Hospital, Prenatal Clinic (established 1908). 4518 Washington Avenue, St. Louis. Executive— Isabelle M. Baumhoff. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, full time— (staff of 50 physicians), 12 pupil and 5 graduate nurses. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal; obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1891). 408 East Eleventh Street, Kansas City. Executive— Superintendent, Miss Phyllis M. Dacey. Personnel—Paid, full time— 40 nurses, .2 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age c'are. Visiting Nurse Association of St. Louis (established 1909). Vandeventer and Olive Streets, St. Louis. Executive— Director of nurses, Glory H. Bagland. Personnel— Paid, full time—38 nurses, 3 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time— 6 social workers, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. American Red Cross, Carthage Chapter (established 1920). Caffee Building, Carthage. Executive— Executive secretary and public health nurse.15 Personnel— Paid, full time—nurses, social workers, clerical helpers. Volunteer, part time— physicians, dentists. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Friendly House (established 1918).* 1905-1907 Indiana Avenue, Kansas City. Executive.1 Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 social worker. Volunteer, full time— 2 nurses. Volunteer, part time— 2 physicians, 2 dentists, 12 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. 1 N o information supplied. * A gency serves selected district within urban area, is Name not supplied. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MISSOURI. 175 URBAN AGENCIES—Continued. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE—Continued. Institutional Church (established 1912).2 Admiral Boulevard and Holmes Street, Kansas City. Executive— Head resident, Deaconess E. Cox. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 5 social workers, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, full time— 4 physicians. Volunteer, part time— 3 nurses. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Mexican Christian Mission2 (established 1907). 2322 Mercier Street, Kansas City. Executive—Mexican councilor, R. G. Estill. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 2 social workers, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, full time— 1 nurse, 1 social worker. Volunteer, part time—6 physicians, 2 social workers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Municipal Visiting Nurse Association (established 1915). 209 Municipal Courts Building, St. Louis. Executive— Superintendent of municipal nurses, Miss Grace L. Anderson. Personnel— Paid, full time— 10 physicians, 33 nurses, 3 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time— 44 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Swope Settlement (established 1902). 1608 Campbell Street, Kansas City. Executive—Mrs. F. C. Edwards. Personnel— Paid, full time— 27 physicians, 1 dentist, 2 nurses, 1 social worker. Paid, part time—1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. AGENCIES SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS. PRIVATE. St. Louis Association for Social Work (established 1910). 507 South Euclid Avenue, St. Louis. Executive— Director, Miss Agnes G. Deans. Personnel.1 1No information supplied. 1Agency serves selected district within urban area. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis m • DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. AGENCIES SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS— Contd. PR IV ATE—Continued. St. Louis Association for Social Work—Continued. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. St. Luke’s Child Welfare Club (established 1906). 1843 West Pennway, Kansas City, Jackson County. Executive— President, Mrs. Wm. A. Osgood. PersonnelPaid, full time—5 nurses, 4 nutrition workers, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time— 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time—10 physicians, 3 dentists. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MONTANA. STATE AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Child Welfare Division, State Board of Health (established 1917). State Capitol Building, Helena. Executive— Director, Dr. John J. Sippy. Personnel.1 Activities— Maternity care— prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. AGENCIES SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS. PUBLIC. City and County Health Department (established 1920). Babcock Building, Billings, Yellowstone County. Executive— Health officer, Dr. R. C. Main. Personnel Paid, full time 2 physicians, 2 elencai or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—-prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. City-County Health Department (established 1920). 80 Stanton Bank Building, Great Falls, Cascade County. E x ecu tive-H ea lth officer, Dr. A. N. J. Dolan. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 physicians, 2 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Health Office, Health Clinic (established 1920). City Hall, Missoula, Missoula County. Executive—Health officer, Dr. F. D. Pease. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 1 nurse. Activities— * Maternity care— prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. 1 N o information supplied. 179 m Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 180 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. ADDITIONAL AGENCIES. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MONTANA Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NEBRASKA, STATE AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Agricultural Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Nebraska (established 1914). Lincoln. Executive— Director, W . H. Brokaw. Personnel— Paid, full time—nurses, nutrition workers. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. Division of Child Hygiene, State Bureau of Health, Department of Public Wel fare (established 1921). Lincoln. Executive— Director, Margaret McGreevy. Personnel—Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical. Infant care. Preschool age care. URBAN AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Child Welfare Division (established 1918). Tenth and Q Streets, Lincoln. Executive— Superintendent of health, Dr. C. T. Chapman. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PRIVATE. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1897; infant welfare 1918). 505 City Hall, Omaha. Executive— Superintendent, Miss Florence McCabe, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time—21 nurses, 2 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time— 7 physicians, 3 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. 183 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i 184 m | i U p - - : : y " t , y j ■■ \ DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. ADDITIONAL AGENCIES, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NEBRASKA, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NEVADA, S T A T E A G E N C IE S . P U B L IC . Child Welfare Division, State Board of Health (established 1922). City Hall, Box 6, Reno. Executive— Executive secretary, Mrs. S. H. Wheeler. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 or 2 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time—3 physicians, 2 social workers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PRIVATE. Nevada Public Health Association (established *). City Hall, Reno. Executive— Executive secretary, Martha O. Davis. Personnel.1 Activities.1 1 N o information supplied. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DIRECTORY OF LOCAL C H ILD -H EALTH AGENCIES. ADDITIONAL AGENCIES. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NEVADA. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NEW HAMPSHIRE. S T A T E A G E N C IE S . PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. New Hampshire Children’s Aid and Protective Society (established 1914). 913 Elm Street, Manchester. Executive— Acting general secretary, Sarah T . Knox. Personnel— Paid, full time— 4 social workers, 2 clerical helpers. Paid, part time— 1 clerical helper. Activities—Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. U R B A N A G E N C IE S . PUBLIC. Child Hygiene Division,’ Board of Health (established l). Office, Franklin Street, Manchester. Executive— Health officer, Dr. Howard A. Streeter. Personnel— Paid, full time— 15 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time— 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time—7 physicians, 1 dentist. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care given at 3 child-welfare stations conducted by the board of health. PRIVATE. Dover District Nursing Association (established »). 528 Central Avenue, Dover. Executive— Supervising nurse, Miss Eva S. Waldron, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time—3 nurses. « Volunteer, part time—1 physician, 1 social worker. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Good Cheer Society (established 1883). 3 Chestnut Street, Nashua. Executive— President, Muriel Davis Thurber. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, 35 employees.16 Activities— • Maternity care- -prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. infant care. 1 N o information supplied. 14 Not specified. * Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 191 192 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CH ILD -H EALTH AGENCIES, URBAN AGENCIES—Continued. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Concord District Nursing Association (established 1893). City Building, Concord. Executive—Head nurse, Clara A. Mitchell. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. . . .Volunteer, part time— 10 social workers. Activities-— Maternity care— prenatal; postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Manchester District Nursing Association (established 1897). Hill Memorial House, 194 Concord Street, Manchester. Executive— Supervisor of nurses, Mrs. Harriet B. Webber, R. N. Personnel—■ Paid, full time— 1 dentist, 8 nurses. Paid, part time— 1 nursq^ 1 nutrition worker. Volunteer, full time-^6 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. AGENCIES SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING AREAS. PRIVATE. Brown Co. District Nursing Department (established 1903). ' 226 High Street, Berlin, Coos County. Executive—Chief nurse, Esther A. Uhlschoeffer. Personnel— Paid, full time— 4 nurses. Paid, part time— 4 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal; obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. » Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 194 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CH ILD -H EALTH AGENCIES Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NEW JERSEY. S T A T E A G E N C IE S . PUBLIC. Bureaii of Child Hygiene, State Department of Health (established 1915; reor ganized 1918). Statehouse, Trenton. Executive— Consultant and supervising expert, Dr. Julius Levy. Personnel—• Paid, full time— 79 nurses, 2 social workers, 9 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time— 1 physician. Volunteer, part time— 92 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Florence Crittenton Christian Refuge Association (established 1896). Comer Edgewood and East Field Avenues, Trenton. Executive— Superintendent, Mrs. S. D. Oliphant. Personnel— Volunteer, full time— 1 physician. Volunteer, part time— 2 physicians. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. COUNTY AGENCIES. PRIVATE. St. Michael’s Aid Society (established 1913) i 112 Jackson Street, Trenton, Mercer County. Executive— President, Right Rev. Thos. J. Walsh. Personnel— Paid, part time— 1 physician, 2 nurses. Volunteer, full time— 2 nurses. Volunteer, part time—5 physicians, 6 dentists, 1 nutrition worker, 30 social workers. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. . PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Child Welfare Association (established 1914). 907 Sewall Avenue, Asbury Park, Monmouth County. Executive— President, Mrs. Arthur C. Steinbach. Personnel—Volunteer, part time—2 physicians, 1 dentist, 1 nurse, 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. 195 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 196 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CH ILD -H EALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Baby Welfare Station (established 1919). Second and Clinton Streets, Hoboken. Executive—Managing nurse, Mrs. R uby G. Stoddart. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 nurses, 1 helper. Paid, part time— 1 physician. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Board of Health (established 1919). City Hall, Elizabeth. Executive— Health officer, Louis J. Richards. Personnel— Paid, full time—7 nurses. Paid, part time—3 physicians, 2 clerical helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal care. Infant care. Preschool age care. Board of Health (established 1919). Town Hall, Kearny. Executive—H. Y. Amerman. Personnel— Volunteer, full time—3 physicians, 3 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Board of Health (established 1915). 327 Valley Road, West Orange. Executive—Health officer, Dr. D. E. Buckley. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 nurse, 2 social workers, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, full time— 1 physician. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician. Activities— Infant care. Camden Board of Health (established 1920). Haddon Avenue, Camden. Executive—Myrtle B. Trucksers. Personnel—Paid, full time—4 consulting physicians, members of board of health, dentists from dental dispensary. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. * Child Hygiene Division, Department of Health 2 (established 1912). Plane and Williams Streets, Newark. Executive—Director, Dr. Julius Levy. Personnel— Paid, full time— 14 nurses, 2 clerical helpers. Paid, part time—6 physicians. Volunteer, part time—3 physicians. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. * Agency serves selected district within urban\area. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NEW JERSEY. 197 URBAN»AGENCIES— Continued. PUBLIC—Continued. Department of Health (established 1). Municipal Building, Plainfield. Executive—Health officer, Randolph Chandler. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 6 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time— 1 physician. Volunteer, part time— 2 physicians. Activities—Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Division of Child Hygiene (established 1913). 46 Mercer Street, Jersey City. Executive— Chief, Dr. M. W. O’ Gorman. Personnel— Paid, full time—11 physicians, 22 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 7 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Division of School Medical Inspection and Welfare Nursing, Bureau of Health 2 (established 1920). City Hall, Trenton. Executive— Chief, Dr. Florence C. Child. Personnel— ' ■ • Paid, full time— 1 dentist (under bureau of health), 9 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 4 physicians (at Baby Keep Well stations). Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Health Department (established 1915). 441 Main Street, East Orange. Executive—Health officer, Dr. T. Dudley Ballinger. Personnel— Paid, full time— 3 nurses, 5 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time— 1 physician, 1 dentist. Activities— Maternity care. Infant care. Health Department (established 1912). City Hall, Day Street, Orange. Executive—Health officer, Lenore Young. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses. Paid, part time— 1 physician. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. 1No information supplied. ! Agency serves selected district witliin urban arja. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 198 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES—Continued. PUBLIC—Continued. Public Welfare Department (established 1916). City Hall, Bayonne. Executive— Commissioner of Public Affairs, Mayor, W. Homer Ax ford, M. D. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 1 social worker. Paid, part time— 1 physician, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 2 physicians, 1 dentist. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. West Hoboken Bureau of Child Hygiene (established 1916). 328 Summit Avenue, West Hoboken. Executive— Chief, Elizabeth Greenbowe. Personnel-— Paid, full time— 3 nurses. Paid, part time—2 nurses, 2 nutrition workers. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PRIVATE. » American Red Cross, Bridgeton Branch, Public Health Service Committee (es tablished 1914 18). 10 West Commerce Street, Bridgeton. Executive— Chairman, E. L. R. Laning. Personnel— *■ Paid, full time— 2 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, full time— 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool ag*e care. Atlantic City Welfare Bureau (established 1909). 223 Guarantee Trust Building, Atlantic City. Executive—General secretary, Jennie Lois Ellis. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nutrition worker, 3 social workers, 2 clerical helpers. Volunteer, part time— 6 physicians, 1 dentist, 6 social workers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal. Infant care. Charity Organization Society (established 1879). Municipal Building, Plainfield. Executive— Executive secretary, Margaret C. Holly. Personnel— . Paid, full time— 1 physician, 1 nurse, 1 nutrition worker, 3 social workers, 2 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time— 1 social worker. Volunteer, full time— 1 physician. Volunteer, part time— 2 social workers. 18Child welfare work started by Civic Club in 1914, but not taken over by Public Health Service Committee until 1918. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NEW JERSEY. URBAN AGENCIES— Continued. PRIV ATE—Continued. Charity Organization Society— Continued. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. Children’s Orthopaedic Station and Dispensary (established 1919). 165 East Front Street, Trenton. Executive— Chairman, Mrs. W. M. Dickinson. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 1 social worker. Paid, part time— 1 physician, 1 social worker, 2 other helpers. Volunteer, part time—5 clerical or other helpers. Activities— * ■s Infant care. Preschool age care. ' Children’s Relief and General Welfare Association (established 1901).50 Hudson Street, Hackensack. Executive— President, Mrs. W. E. Foster. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time—3 physicians, 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. Diet Kitchen of the Oranges 2 (established 1895). 18 North Essex Avenue, Orange. Executive— President, Mrs. Wm. A. Barstow. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 nurses, 1 social worker. Volunteer, full time— 2 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal care, postnatal care. Infant care. Preschool age care. King’s Daughters Day Nursery and Infirmary (established 1905). 502 West Front Street, Plainfield. Executive— President, Mrs. Alexander Milne. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 nurse, 7 other helpers. Volunteer, part time— 4 physicians, 1 visiting nurse. Activities— • Infant care. Preschool age care. Silver Lake Welfare Association 2 (established 1913). 33 Belmont Avenue, Silver Lake. Executive—Resident nurse and supervisor, Emilie Willms, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 3 physicians, 3 nurses, 1 social worker. Volunteer, part time— 1 dietitian. Agency serves selected district within urban area. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • 200 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES, URBAN AGENCIES— Continued. PRIVATE—Continued. Silver Lake Welfare Association 2— Continued. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal Infant care. Preschool age care. Trenton Day Nursery (established 1916). 1224 Chestnut Avenue, Trenton. Executive— Superintendent, Miss Maud M. Struble, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician, 1 dentist, 2 social workers. Activities— Infant care. , Preschool age care. Visiting Nurse Association of the Oranges (established 1880). 573 Main Street, East Orange. Executive— Superintendent, Carrie E. Gerhart, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 11 nurses, 2 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician, 5 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Visiting Nurse Committee of Civic Club (established 1913). 221 East Hazelwood Avenue, Rahway. Executive— Chairman, Mrs. A. D. Brearley. Personnel-— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time—several social workers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Baby Welfare Clinic (established 1920). 6 Bangs Avenue School, Asbury Park. Executive— Doctor Nichols. Personnel— Paid, part time—1 nurse, 1 physician. Volunteer, part time— 1 social worker. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Child Federation2 (established 1916). 2014 Arctic Avenue, Atlantic City. Executive— Superintendent, Anna H. Wetherill, R. N. * Agency serves selected district within urban area. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NEW JERSEY. 201 URBAN AGENCIES—Continued. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE—Continued. Child Federation 2—Continued. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Paid, part time—2 physicians, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 2 physicians, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Long Branch Public Health Nursing Association (established 1913). City Hall, Broadway, Long Branch. Executive— President, Mrs. Louis J. Grumbach. Personnel—■ Paid, full time— 2 nurses. Paid, part time—1 physician. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Salem Child Welfare Committee (established 1919). 261^ East Broadway, Salem. Executiye—Chairman, Mrs. Robert M. Togg. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses. Volunteer, full time—25 social workers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Visiting Nurse Society (established 1911). 533 Federal Street, Camden. Executive— President, Elizabeth C. Reeve. Personnel— Paid, full time— 6 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. AGENCIES SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS. PRIVATE. Baby Welfare Station (established 1918). Municipal Building, West New York, Hudson County. Executive— Chief health inspector, Rudolph Kuntze. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 physician, 1 nutrition worker, 1 clerical helper, social workers. Volunteer, full time—nurses, nutrition worker, social worker, clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— physicians, nurses, nutrition worker, social worker, other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. 2Agency serves selected district within urban area. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 202 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. AGENCIES SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS— Contd. PRIVATE— Continued. Church Mission of Help (established 1920). 407 Wilkinson Building, East State Street, Trenton, Mercer County. Executive— Secretary, Eleanor Neustaedter. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 social workers, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Babies’ Hospital (established 1895). 437 High Street, Newark, Essex County. Executive—Medical director, Dr. Eugene W. Murray. Personnel— Paid, full time— 11 nurses, 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time—15 physicians, 1 dentist. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1916). 14 South Street, Morristown, Morris County, Executive— Superintendent, Miss E. L. Eddy, R . N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 5 nurses. Paid, part time—1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time—2 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1911). Municipal Building, Plainfield, Union County. Executive— Executive secretary, Helen Lovell. Personnel— Paid full time—8 nurses, 8 nutrition workers, 8 social workers. 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time—3 physicians, 5 social workers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 204 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NEW MEXICO. S T A T E A G E N C IE S . PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Bureau of Child Welfare, Department of Public Welfare (established 1917; reor ganized 1921). Santa Fe. Executive— Director, Dr. Janet Reid. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 physicians, 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Activities—Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Child Welfare Association of New Mexico (established 1921). Santa Fe. a Executive— Frank W. Parker (president, Federation of Women’s Clubs of New Mexico). P erson n elVolunteer, full time—6 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician. , Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Division of Child Hygiene and Public Health Nursing, Bureau of Public Health, Department of Public Welfare (established 1920). State Capitol, Santa Fe. Executive— Chief, Miss Margaret Tupper, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 5 physicians (health officers), 8 nurses (public health), 8 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time—26 physicians. Volunteer, part time— 125 physicians, 34 dentists. * Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. COUNTY AGENCIES. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. . Department of Public Health (established 1920). City Hall, Albuquerque, Bernalillo County. Executive— County health officer, Dr. J. F. Docherty. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 physician, 3 nurses, 3 clerical or other helpers Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Department of Public Health (established 1920). Clayton, Union County. Executive— County health officer, Dr. C. H. Douthirt. Personnel— Paid, fulltim e— 1 physician, 1 nurse, 2 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. 0 Preschool age care. 206 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 206 DIRECTORY OE LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. COUNTY AGENCIES— Continued. PUBLIC AND PRIVA TE —Continued. Department of Public Health (established 1920). East Las Vegas, San Miguel County.^ Executive—County health officer, Dr. M. D. Moran. Personnel— Paid full time—1 physician, 1 nurse, 2 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Department of Public Health (established 1920). • County Courthouse, Roswell, Chaves County. Executive— County health officer, Dr. Don W. Gudakunst. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 2 nurses, 2 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Department of Public Health (established 1920). Santa Fe, Santa Fe County. Executive— County health officer, Dr. D. B. Wilson. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 2 nurses, 3 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NEW YORK S T A T E A G E N C IE S . P U B L IC . Division of Maternity, Infancy and Child Hygiene, State Department of Health (established 1914). The Capitol, Albany. Executive—Director, Dr. Florence L. McKay. Personnel— Paid, full time 5 physicians, 7 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 1 social worker, 6 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time— 15 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. COUNTY AGENCIES. PRIVATE. Dutchess County iiealth Association (established 1916). 63 South Clinton, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County. Executive— Director, Miss Ruth W. McKechnie. Personnel— Paid, full time—rl dentist, 1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time— 1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Activities^— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Visiting Nurses Department of Elmira Federation for Social Service (established 1912). East Church and State Stations, Elmira, Chemung County. Executive—Executive secretary, Elizabeth McManigal. Personnel— Paid, full time— 3 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 2 social workers, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician, 1 dentist. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Broome County Humane Society and Relief Association (established 1902). 71-73 Collier Street, Binghamton, Broome County. Executive— Secretary and superintendent, S. J. Koerbel. Personnel— Paid, full time—5 nurses, 6 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time— 1 physician, 1 dentist, 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 10 physicians, 3 nurses, 1 social worker. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. See also Urban Agencies (Buffalo and Erie County). 8748°—22----- 14 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 209 210 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES (Buffalo and Erie County).18 Board of Child Welfare, 301-302 Iroquois Building, Buffalo'. Board ofH ealth, City Hall, Lackawanna. Buffalo City Hospital, 462 Grider Street, Buffalo. Children’s Hospital, 219 Bryant Street, Buffalo. Department of Health, Bureau of Child Hygiene, Municipal Building, Buffalo. Department of Hospitals and Dispensaries, 462 Grider Street, Buffalo. District Nursing Association of Buffalo, 181 Franklin Street, Buffalo. Fitch Crèche Nursery and Training School for Nursery Maids, 159 East Swan Street, Buffalo. Fresh Air Mission, 181 Franklin Street, Buffalo. Goodyear (Josephine) Convalescent Home, Williamsville. Infant Jesus Day Nursery, 790 Fillmore Avenùe, Buffalo. Jewish Day Nursery, 252 Adams Street, Buffalo. St. Mary’s Maternity Hospital, 126 Edward Street, Buffalo. URBAN AGENCIES (Greater New York).19 Babies’ Dairy, The, 416 East Sixty-fifth Street, 523 East Seventy-eighth Street, 511 West Forty-first Street, and 342 East One hundred and sixteenth Street, Manhattan. Babies’ Hospital of the City of New York, Summer Branch, Oceanic, N. J. Babies’ Welfare Federation of New York, 505 Pearl Street, Manhattan, Bellevue School for Midwives, 223 East Twenty-sixth Street, Manhattan. Berwind, John E., Free Maternity Clinic, 125-129 East One hundred and third Street, Manhattan. Bathany Congregational Church, Tenth Avenue, near Thirty-fifth Street, Man hattan. Beth David Hospital, 1824 Lexington Avenue, Manhattan. Beth Israel Hospital, Monroe, Jefferson and Cherry Streets, Manhattan. Blodgett Memorial Home, Golden’s Bridge, N. Y . Bowling Green Health Center, 45 West Street, Manhattan. Brooklyn Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor, 104 Livingston ■ Street, Brooklyn. Brooklyn Children’s Aid Society, 72 Schermerhorn Street, Brooklyn. Brooklyn Hospital, DeKalb Avenue and Raymond Street, Brooklyn. Bureau of Municipal Research, 261 Broadway, Manhattan. Camp St. Nicholas, Congers, Rockland County, N. Ÿ . Caroline Rest, Hartsdale, N. Y . Chapel of the Incarnation, Parish House, 240 East Thirty-first Street, Manhattan. Children’s Aid Society, The, Central Office, 105 East Twenty-second Street, Manhattan. Church of the Heavenly Rest, Fifth Avenue, and Forty-fifth Street, Manhattan. Cooperative Social Settlement Society of the City of New York, 27 Barrow Street, Manhattan. Country Home for Convalescent Babies, Sea Cliff, L. I. Crèche,* The, Englewood, N. J. Day Camp Manhattan, foot of East Ninetieth Street, Manhattan. Day Camp Rutherford, foot of Broadway, Brooklyn. • is For further information concerning agencies in Buffalo and Erie County, see Social Service Directory of Erie County, compiled by the Buffalo Foundation, Frances M. Hollingshead, M. D., 808 Marine Trust Building, Buffalo, N. Y. m For further information concerning agencies in Greater New York, see Directory of Child Welfare Agencies of Greater New York, published by Babies’ Welfare Federation of New York City, 505 Pearl Street, New York. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FE W YORK. 211 URBAN AGENCIES (Greater New York)'—Continued. Department of Health, Bureau of Child Hygiene, 505 Pearl Street, New York City. Dobbs House, 512 East Eighty-seventh Street, Manhattan. Emanuel Sisterhood of Personal Service, 318-320 East Eighty-second Street, Manhattan. Federation for Child Study, The, Central Park West and Sixty-fourth Street, Manhattan. Fresh-Air Association of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, 416 Lafayette Street, Manhattan. Gouvemeur Hospital, Gouvemeur Slip, Manhattan Hartley House, 409-413 West Forty-sixth Street, Manhattan. Henry Street Settlement, 232 East Seventy-ninth Street, Manhattan. Henry Street Settlement, 265 Henry Street, Manhattan. H ill Top Camp, Hawthorne, N. Y . Holy Tnnity Holiday House, Brookhaven, L. I. Jlom e for Catholic Children of Tuberculous Parents, Nanuet, N. Y . Hudson Guild, 436-438 West Twenty-seventh Street, Manhattan. Infant Hygiene Clinic at Lebanon Hospital Dispensary, Westchester and Cauldwell Avenues, near East One hundred and fiftieth Street, Bronx. Jewish Memorial Hospital, 2076 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan. Judson Memorial, 243 Thompson Street, Manhattan. Lenox Hill Hospital, Seventy-sixth Street and Park Avenue, Manhattan, Long Island College Hospital, The, Henry, Pacific and Amity Streets, Brooklyn. Lying-In Hospital of the City of New York, Second Avenue and Seventeenth Street, Manhattan. Madison Square Church House (Presbyterian), 432 Third Avenue, Manhattan. Manhattan Maternity and Dispensary, 327 East Sixtieth Street, Manhattan. ' Masters School, 519 East Eighty-sixth Street, Manhattan. Maternity Centers of the American Red Cross, Bronx County Chapter. Maternity Center Association, 18 West 'lhirty-fourth Street, Manhattan. Maternity Center Association of the Borough of Brooklyn, 11 Tillary Street Brooklyn. ’ Mt. Sinai Hospital, 16 East One hundredth Street, Manhattan. Mulberry Community House, 256 Mott Street, Manhattan. N ep o Fresh Air Committee, The, 131 East Sixty-sixth Street, Manhattan. Neighborhood House of the Spring Street Presbyterian Church, 244 Spring Street Manhattan. — ,. ’ New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor, 105 East Twentysecond Street, Manhattan. New York Child Welfare Committee (Inc.), Room 1141, 70 Fifth Avenue Man hattan. New York Deaconess’ Association of the Methodist Episcopal Church Madison Avenue, Manhattan., 1175 New York Diet Kitchen Association, The, 33 West Forty-second Street Man hattan. ’ New York Infirmary for Women and Children, 321 East Fifteenth Street Man hattan. New York Nursery and Child’s Hospital, 161 West Sixty-first Street, Manhattan. New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital, Second Avenue and Twentieth Street, Manhattan. New York Protestant Episcopal City Mission Society, 38 Bleecker Street, Man hattan (Sarah Schermerhorn House, Milford, Conn.). New York Tuberculosis Association, 10 East Thirty-ninth Street, Manhattan. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 212 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES (Greater New York)— Continued. People’s University Extension Society of New York, The, 1425 Broadway, Man hattan. Presbyterian Church of the Sea and Land, 61 Henry Street, Manhattan. Preventorium, The, Farmingdale, N. J. Public Health Committee of the New York Academy of Medicine, The, 17 West Forty-third Street, Manhattan. Recreation Rooms and Settlement, 186 Chrystie Street, Manhattan. Richmond Hill Century Club Baby Health Station, 279 Church Street, Richmond Hill, N. Y . Richmond Hill House, 28 Macdougal Street, Manhattan. Roosevelt Baby Health Station and Clinic, 26 Roosevelt Street, Manhattan. St. Andrew’s Convalescent Hospital for Women, 211-213 East Seventeenth Street, Manhattan. St. Barnabas’ House, 304-306 Mulberry Street, Manhattan. St. David’s Fresh Air Home for Colored Children, Silver Lake Park White Plains, N. Y. St. Eleanora’s Home for Convalescents, Tuckahoe, N. Y . St. Elizabeth’s Home, Spring Valley, N. Y. St. George’s Seaside Cottage of St. George’s Protestant Episcopal Church, Rockaway Park, L. I. St. John’s Guild, 103 Park Avenue, Manhattan. St. Luke’s Hospital, One hundred and thirteenth Street and Amsterdam Avenue, Manhattan. St. Thomas’ Summer Home, 227 East Fifty-ninth Street, Manhattan. St. Thomas’ West Side House for Children, 153 West Sixty-first Street, Man hattan. Sea-Breeze Home, Coney Island, N. Y . Seaside Home, Wave Crest, Far Rockaway, N. Y. Seaside Home of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church at Branchport, N. J. Settlement and Church of A ll Nations, 9 Second Avenue, Manhattan. *' Sisterhood of the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue in City of New York (In c.' 133 Eldridge Street, Manhattan. Speedwell Society for Convalescent and Abandoned Children (Morristown and Yonkers Branches). Staten Island Health Center, 79-81 Jersey Street, Staten Island. Stuyvesant Neighborhood House, Stuyvesant and Ninth Streets. Ta Kala Society, Church of the Divine Paternity. A pply to Mrs. George W Danziger, 60 West Seventy-sixth Street, Manhattan. Thirty-ninth Street Neighborhood Rooms, 315 East Thirty-ninth Street, Man hattan. Union Settlement Association, 231-241 East One hundred and fourth Street, Man hattan. United Community House, 316 East Sixty-third Street, Manhattan. Visiting Nurse Association of Brooklyn (Inc.), The, 80 Schermerhom Street Brooklyn. Vanderbilt Clinic, Sixtieth Street and Amsterdam Avenue, Manhattan. Warren Goddard House (Friendly Aid Society), 246 East Thirty-fourth Street Manhattan. Willoughby House Settlement, 97 Lawrence Street, Brooklyn. Woodcleft Fresh Air Home, 48 Concord Street, Brooklyn. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NEW YORK. 213 URBAN AGENCIES (Other than Buffalo and Erie County and Greater New York). PUBLIC. Board of Health, Child Welfare (established x). 24 Washington Street, Poughkeepsie. Executive— Health officer, Dr. Helen L. Palliser. Personnel— Paid, full time—3 nurses, 1 nutrition worker. Paid, part time-^1 dentist. Volunteer, part time—2 physicians, nutrition workers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Child Hygiene Station (established 1914). 45 Hamilton Avenue, White Plains. Executive— Dr. Edwin G. Ramsdell (Board of Health). • Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Paid, part time— 1 physician, 1 dentist, 1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Child Welfare Clinics, Bureau of Health (established 1916). 598 Pine Avenue, Niagara Falls. Executive— Health officer, Dr. John L. Bishop. . Personnel— Paid, part time—3 physicians. Paid, full time—3 nurses, several clerical or other helpers. Activities-5Maternity care. Infant care. Preschool age care. Child Welfare Station (established 1915). City Hall, Glens Falls. Executive— Public health nurse,‘Grace C. Briggs, R. N. Personnel—■ Paid, full time— 1 physician, 2 nurses. Paid, part time— 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal (in emergencies). Infant care. Preschool age care. Division of Child Hygiene, City Board of Health (established x). Cohoes. Executive—Health officer, Dr. Bisgrove. Personnel.1 Activities.1 Division of Child Hygiene, City Board of Health (established x). Utica. Executive— Dr. T. Wood Clark. f . Personnel.1 Activities.1 No information supplied. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 214 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES (Other than Buffalo and Erie County and Greater New York)— Continued. • PRIVATE. Associated Charities (established 1915). 100 Washington Street, Peekskill. Executive—Superintendent (Peekskill welfare station), Miss Elizabeth F. Platt, R. N. Personnel— . Paid, full time— 1 physician, 2 nurses. x Paid, part time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Child Welfare Association Dispensaries (In c.)2 (established 1913). 71-73 Collier Street, Binghamton. Executive— Supervisor, Miss Jeannette Salmon, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time—3 physicians. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Child Welfare Committee (established 1918). 508 East Genessee Street, Syracuse. Executive— Executive secretary, Tillie Winkelstein. Personnel— Paid, full time—3 nurses, 1 social worker Paid, part time— 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time—5 physicians, 3 clerical or other helpers. Activities —• Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Community Houser (Inc.) (established 1910). 423-429 Wilkesbarre Avenue, Lackawanna. Executive— Head resident, W. A. Robb. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 7 social workers. ' Paid, part time— 1 physician, 3 social workers. Volunteer, part time—25 social workers, 10 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. The Day Home (established 1858). 1600 Seventh Avenue, Troy. Executive— Superintendent, Day Home Child Welfare Clinic, Dr. Ella Tappon-Porter. Personnel— Paid, full time— 3 nurses, 2 social workers. Volunteer, full time—6 physicians, 1 dentist, 1 helper. aAgency serves selected district within urban area. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NEW YORK. 215 URBAN AGENCIES (Other than Buffalo and Erie County and Greater New York)— Continued. PRIVATE—Continued. The Day Home— Continued. Activities— Maternity care. Infant care. Preschool age care. Dispensary Housekeeping Center 4 (established 1910). 57 Lewis Street, Rochester. Executive— Agnes Cahaley, R . N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 5 physicians, 1 nurse, 1 nutrition worker, 3 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time— 3 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Federation of Women’s Clubs (established *). 316 East Division Street, Syracuse. Executive— President, Mrs. A. E. Oberlauder. Personnel—Paid, full time—social workers. Activities— Maternity care. Infant care. Ilion Board of Public Health Nursing 2 (established 1917). 10 East Main Street, Ilion. Executive— Chairman, Mr. A. Tucker. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Infant Welfare Committee of Solvay Guild (established 1915). Solvay. Executive—Chairman, Mrs. E. C. Witherby. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. James C. Farrell (Memorial) Infant Welfare Station (established 1916). 79 Ten Broeck Street, Albany. Executive—Sister Mary Xavier. P erson n elPaid, full time—1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 2 physicians. Activities— Infant care. 1No information supplied. 2 Agency serves selected district within urban area. Agency serves selected group within urban area. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 216 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES (Other than Buffalo and Erie County and Greater New York)— Continued. PRIVATE—Continued. Municipal Mothers’ Club (established 1916). 99 North Main Street, Glovers ville. Executive—Mrs. Albert Coons. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, full time— 1 physician. Volunteer, part time— physicians and dentists as needed. Activities— Maternity care. Infant care. Preschool age care. Out-Patient Department, Rochester General Hospital2 (established 1920). Main Street, Rochester. Executive— Director, Out-Patient Department, Abbie Roberts. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Paid, part time 2 nurses, 1 dietitian, 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 4 physicians, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Public Health Center (established 1918). 510-512 Deer Street, Dunkirk. Executive.1 Personnel—• Paid, full time— 3 nurses. Paid, part time 2 physicians, 1 dentist, 1 nutrition worker. Volunteer, part time— 6 physicians, clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Public Health Nursing Association (established 1919). 79 St. Paul Street, Rochester. Executive— Director, Mary Laird. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses, 3 dietitians. Paid, part time— 1 physician, 23 nurses, 1 dietitian, 3 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time— 1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. i No information supplied. a Agency serves selected district within urban area. If V Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NEW YORK. 217 URBAN AGENCIES (Other than Buffalo and Erie County and Greater New York)— •Continued. , PRIV ATE—Continued. Union Neighborhood House (established 1915). 77 Wall Street, Auburn. Executive— Head nurse, Miss Margaret S. Brown. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 nurse. Paid, part time— 1 physician, 1 dentist. Volunteer, part time— 3 physicians, 4 social workers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1909). 4 Forest Avenue, Jamestown. Executive— President, Mrs. E. D. Shearman. Personnel— Paid, full time— 4 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time—1 physician. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Visiting Nurse Association2 (established1). 601 South Warren Street, Syracuse. Executive— Superintendent, Katherine G. Hatch, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 11 nurses, 2 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Babies’ Milk Station (established 1912). 71 Adams Street, Troy. Executive— Director, Miss Mary H. Dyer. Personnel— Volunteer, part time— 1 physician. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Baby Welfare Committee (Incy.) (established 1911). 315 Genesee Street, Utica. Executive— President, Mrs. D. N. Crouse. Personnel— Paid, full time— 7 nurses. Paid, part time— 4 physicians. Volunteer, part time— 30 members of committee volunteer at clinics. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. 1 No information suppplied. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A gency serves selected district within urban area. 218 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES (Other than Buffalo and Erie County and Greater New York)— Continued. *, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE—Continued. Board of Health (established 1917). City Hall, Little Falls. Executive— City nurse, Mrs. Gertrude B. Mosenthin. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Board of Health (established 1916). Main Street, New Rochelle. Executive— Health officer, E. H. Codding. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 4 physicians, 1 dentist, 6 social workers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Central Christian Mothers’ Union, South End, Baby Welfare Station (estab lished 1899). 2 Ashgrove Place, Albany. Executive— President, Mrs. John J. Merrill. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 nurses, 1 social worker. Volunteer, full time— 1 physician. Activities—1 Maternity care—postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Child Welfare, City Board of Health (established 1914). City Hall, Newburgh. Executive—Health officer, F. J. Burke. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 nurses. Volunteer, full time— 1 physician, 2 nutrition workers and social workers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Child Welfare Station (established 1920). Public Library, South First Street, Fulton. Executive.1 Personnel— Paid, full time—-1 nurse. Activities— Maternal care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. 1 N o information supplied. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NEW YORK. I 219 URBAN AGENCIES (Other than Buffalo and Erie County and Greater New York)— Continued. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE—Continued. Department of Health, Bureau of Child Hygiene (established 1920). City Hall, Syracuse. Executive— Director, Theresa Bannan, M. D. Personnel— Paid, full time— 3 nurses. Volunteer, part time— 4 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. District Nursing and Public Health Association (established 1905). 10 Croton Avenue, Ossining. Executive— President, Mrs. John I. Kane. Personnel— Paid, full time—-2 physicians, 2 nurses. Paid, part time—2 physicians. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Division of Child Hygiene, Department of Public Health (established 1916). City Hall, Yonkers. Executive— Director, Dr. L. V. Waldron. Personnel— Paid, full time—5 nurses, 4 other helpers. Paid, part time— 1 physician. Volunteer, part time—12 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Division of Child Hygiene, Health Department (established 1912). Jay Street, Schenectady. Executive— Health officer, Dr. John H. Collins. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 physicians, 5 muses. Activities1— Maternity care. Infant care. Preschool age care. . Health Bureau (established 1837). Rochester. Executive—Health officer, G. W. Goler, M. D. Personnel— Paid, part time— 20 physicians, 35 nurses, 2 clerical helpers, dentists from the Rochester Dental Dispensary. - Activities— Maternity care. Infant care. Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 220 DlBECTpRY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES (Other than Buffalo and Erie County and Greater New York)Continued. „ u . PUBLIC AND PRIVA TE —Continued. Health Department (established 1915). 40 Webster Street, North Tonawanda. Executive— 1 Personnel— Paid, full time—3 physicians, 4 nurses, 1 social worker. Paid, part time— 4 nurses, 1 social worker. Volunteer, part time—3 physicians, 1 dentist. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Ithaca Tuberculosis Association (established 1902). 123 East Seneca Street, Ithaca. Executive— Public health nurse, Miss Grace F. Williams. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 1 nurse. Activities—• Maternity care. Infant care. Preschool age care. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1896). 113 Park Place, Watertown. Executive— President, Mrs. P. H. Willmott. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 nurses. Volunteer, part time— 5 physicians, 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. AGENCIES SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS. PRIVATE. American Red Cross (established 1917). Pine and Race Streets, Lockport, Niagara County. Executive—Chairman, Sarah T. Brim. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 nurse, 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, full time— 1 physician. Volunteer, part time— 4 social workers* Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. American Red Cross, Olean Chapter (established 1921). City Building, Olean, Cattaraugus County. Executive— Executive secretary, Helen C. White. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. i N o information supplied. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NEW YORK. 221 AGENCIES SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS—Contd. PRIVATE—Continued. Child Welfare Station (established 1916). City Hall, Plattsburg, Clinton County. Executive— City nurse, Irene Goddeau. Personnel— Paid, full time-—1 nurse. * Volunteer, full time— 1 social worker. Volunteer, part time— 2 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Johnstown Red Cross Public Health Nursing Service (established 1919). 45 West Main Street, Johnstown, Small County. Executive—Red Cross public health nurse, Miss Grace M. Dubois. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses. Paid, part time— 1 physician. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 222 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES, ADDITIONAL AGENCIES. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NEW YORK. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NORTH CAROLINA. STATE AGENCIES. PUBLIC AN D PRIVATE. Bureau of Maternity and Infancy, State Board of Health (established 1919). State Departments Building, Raleigh. Executive— Director, Dr. K . P. B . Bonner. Personnel— Paid, full time—27 nurses (2 assistant state supervisors and 25 county nurses), 2 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time— 1 physician (consulting pediatrician), 1 clerical helper. Activities—• Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. COUNTY AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Agricultural Extension Service (established 1917). Customhouse, Wilmington, New Hanover County. Executive— County home demonstration agent, Miss Florence Jeffress. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nutrition worker. Activities— \ Maternity care. Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Rowan County Health Department (established 1918). Courthouse, Salisbury, Rowan County. Executive—Health officer, Dr. C. Y . Armstrong. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 physician, 1 dentist, 2 nurses, 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. . URBAN AGENCIES. PRIVATE. Welfare Department, Proximity Manufacturing Co. (established 1903). Greensboro. Executive— Director, Miss Pearl Wyche. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses, 5 nutrition and social workers. Paid, part time— 1 nurse. Activities—Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical (chiefly), postnatal. 8748°— 22------15 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 225 226 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES, URBAN AGENCIES— Continued. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Charlotte Cooperative Nursing Association, City Health Department (established 1919). 237 North Tryon Street, Charlotte. Executive— Supervising nurse, Norma P. Deitch. Personnel— Paid, full time— 10 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Activities— . . Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. City Health Department (established 1917). First and Main Streets, Winston-Salem. Executive— City health officer, Dr. It. L. Carlton. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 dentist, 1 physician, 5 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 2 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal', some obstetrical, postnatal (chiefly). Infant care. Preschool age care. AGENCIES SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS. PRIVATE. Wayne County Red Cross (established 1918). Goldsboro, Wayne County. Executive— Chairman, Mr. Chas. Thompson. Personnel— Paid, part time—1 nurse, 1 nutrition worker, 1 social worker. Volunteer, full time—1 nurse, 1 social worker. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal (especially), obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. New Hanover County Board of Health (established 1911). «• County Courthouse, Wilmington, New Hanover County. Executive—-County health officer, Dr. John H. Hamilton. P erson n elPaid, full time—1 physician, 6 nurses, 2 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time— 1 physician. Activities— Maternity c^re. Infant care. Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DIRECTORY OE LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NORTH DAKOTA. STATE AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Bureau of Child Hygiene, State Board of Health 4 (established 1922). Grand Forks. URBAN AGENCIES. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Public Welfare Association (established 1910). 515 North Third Street, Grand Forks. Executive— Secretary, Mrs. Robert H. Green. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. i A gency in process of organization. 229 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 230 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. ADDITIONAL AGENCIES. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NORTH DAKOTA Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OHIO. S T A T E A G E N C IE S . PUBLIC. Bureau of Child Hygiene, State Department of Health (established 1915). Fourth and Main Streets, Columbus. Executive— Director, Dr. Schwartz. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Activities—State supervision and advice to local agencies doing maternity, infant, and preschool age work. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Children’s Hospital (established 1892). Corner Miller and Fair Avenue, Columbus. Executive— Superintendent, Dr. Marion S. Reynolds. Personnel— Paid, part time—1 dentist, 7 nurses, 1 social worker, 2 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, full time—31 physicians. Volunteer, part time— 3 dentists. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. COUNTY AGENCIES. PRIVATE. Public Health Federation, Child Hygiene Council (established 1918). 25 East Ninth Street, Cincinnati, Hamilton County. Executive—Executive secretary, Bleecker Marquette. . Personnel—Volunteer, full time—2 social workers, 2 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Lucas County Board of Health (established 1920). Courthouse, Toledo, Lucas County. Executive—Health commissioner, Dr. Chas. Kaenig. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 2 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. Ohio Humane Society (established 1873). 24 East Ninth Street, Cincinnati. Executive— Executive secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Ruth I. Workum. Personnel— . Paid, full time—8 social workers, 5 clerical helpers. Volunteer, part time— 5 social workers. Activities—Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal (given through cooperative plan with children’s clinic). * 233 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 234 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES (Cleveland).20 The Babies’ Dispensary and Hospital, 2500 East Thirty-fifth Street. Bureau of Child Hygiene; City Board of Health, City Hall. Catholic Charities Bureau, Electric Building. Children’s Fresh Air Camp,' 11007 Buckeye Road. Cleveland Associated Charities, 614 Electric Building, 700 Prospect Avenue. Cleveland Chapter Junior Red Cross, 615 Standard Parts Building. Cleveland Day Nursery and Free Kindergarten Association, 2050 East Ninetysixth Street. Cleveland Humane Society, City Hall. Cleveland Mouth Hygiene Association, 701 Schofield Building. Cleveland Nutrition Clinics, 817 Williamson Building. Federation of Jewish Charities, 1531 Guardian Building. Materinty Hospital and Dispensary, 3735 Cedar Avenue. St. Luke’s Hospital and Maternity Dispensary, 6606 Carnegie Avenue. URBAN AGENCIES (Other than Clevela^L). PUBLIC. Bureau of Child Hygiene, Cincinnati Health Department (established 1912). Eighth and Plum Streets, Cincinnati: Executive— Chief medical inspector and assistant health commissioner, Dr. Oscar M. Craven. Personnel— Paid, full time— 13 physicians, 24 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 4 clerical helpers. Paid, part time— 4 physicians, 6 dentists. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PRIVATE. , American Red Cross, Crawford County Chapter (established 1918.) Bucyrus. Executive— Chairman, F. M. Eakin. Personnel—Paid, full time—1 nurse. Activities— ' Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. American Red Cross, Department of Nursing (established 1913). Norval Building, East North Street, Lima. Executive— Supervisor, Marie Mueller. Personnel— Paid, full time— 3 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. , Preschool age care. i % f, • so For additional information concerning Cleveland agencies, see Directory of Community Activities in Cleveland, compiled and published b y the Cleveland Foundation, 1921. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis URBAN AGENCIES (Other than Cleveland)— Continued. PRIVATE—Continued. American Red Cross Home Service (established 1918). Alliance. Executive—Acting secretary, Mrs. M. Helen Hendershot. Personnel—Paid, full time—1 nurse, 1 social worker, 2 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Babies’ Milk Fund Association (established 1908). Cincinnati General Hospital, Burnet Avenue, Cincinnati. Executive—Medical director, Dr. B. K. Rachford. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 16 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 4 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time— 7 physicians, 2 dentists. Volunteer, part time—11 physicians, 1 dentist, 1 nutrition worker. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Catholic Community League (established 1918). 417 M cKinley Avenue, N. Canton. Executive—Executive secretary, Miss Catherine E. Brenwick. Personnel.1 Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Preschool age care. Christ Child Day Nursery 2 (established 1915). 112 Findlay Street, Cincinnati. Executive— Superintendent, Mrs. William Grier. Personnel—Volunteer, part time— 1 physician, 1 nurse, 2 clerical dr other helpers. Activities—Preschool age care. Cincinnati Free Day Nursery (established 1906). 222 West Liberty, Cincinnati. Executive—Manager, Mrs. Agnes Webb. Personnel—Paid, full time— 1 physician, 1 social worker, 6 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. Cincinnati Union Bethel Settlement (established 1841). 501 East Third Street, Cincinnati. Executive—Superintendent, J. O. White. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 1 nurse, 8 social workers, 3 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, full time—2 physicians. 1No information supplied. « Agency serves selected district within urban area. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 236 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES (Other than Cleveland)— Continued. PRIVATE—Continued. Cincinnati Union Bethel Settlement— Continued. Activities—1 Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. City Federation of Women’s Clubs (established 1916). 211 Franklin Street, Marietta. Executive— President, Mrs. J. S. Deval. Personnel— Paid, fu ll time—1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care—obstetrical. Infant care. Preschool age care. Columbus Children’s Dental Clinic (established 1914). Godman Guild House. West Side Settlement House. South Side Settlement House. >5 units in Columbus. Schouthal Consulting House. Children’s Hospital. E xecutive.1 Personnel— Paid, full time—1 dentist. Activities— Preschool age care. East Cleveland Welfare Association (established 1921). 14149 Euclid Avenue, East Cleveland. Executive— President, Mrs. J. M. Bateman. Personnel— Paid, part time—1 physician, 1 nurse. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. Federation of Fremont Women (established 1). Arch Street, Fremont. Executive— President, Miss Alice Wrigley. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Gladden Community House 2 (established1). 511 West Broad Street, Columbus. Executive—Miss Anne de Yaux. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 1 dentist, 3 nurses. Paid, part time— 3 social workers. Volunteer, full time—several social workers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. i N o information supplied. * Agency serves selected district within urban area. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OHIO. 237 URBAN AGENCIES (Other than Cleveland)—Continued. . PRIVATE!—Continued. Godman Guild House (established 1898). 468 West Goodale Street, Columbus. Executive—Head resident, Mr. James W. Wheeler. Personnel— Paid, part time—2 nurses (Columbus District Nursing Association), 1 nutrition worker, 2 social workers. Volunteer, full time—2 physicians, 4 dentists. Activities— ' Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Good W ill Day Nursery (affiliated with Cincinnati General Hospital)2 (estab lished 1918). 958 West Eighth Street, Cincinnati. Executive—Miss Faith Lincoln. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 social workers. 1 Volunteer, part time— 1 physician (supplied b y city hospital), 1 dentist, 1 nurse. Activities—Preschool age care. Lakewood Visiting Nurse Association (established 1913). 11737 Detroit Avenue, Lakewood. Executive—Nurse in charge, Ada Harris Day, R. N. Personnel Paid, full time— 1 physician, 3 nurses, 1 clerical helper, 2 workers in field employed b y Associated Charities. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Mansfield Public Health-Nurse Association (established 1916). City Building, Mansfield. Executive— President, Dr. Geo. Smith. Personnel— Paid, full time— 3 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. % Maternity Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church (established 1882). General Hospital, Cincinnati. Executive—President, Mrs. George Warrington. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 2 nurses. Volunteer, part time— several social workers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. TMercy Hospital, Social.Service Department (established 1921). 116 Dayton Street, Hamilton. Executive— Social worker, Nano Paul. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses, 1 social worker, 2 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time— 2 physicians, 6 dentists. Activities—Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. * Agency serves selected district within urban area. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 238 directory of local child - health agencies.. URBAN AGENCIES (Other than Cleveland)— Continued* PRIVATE—Continued. > Mother’s Memorial Social Center2 (established 1921). 547 West Seventh Street, Cincinnati. Executive— Superintendent, Faith E,. Lincoln. Personnel— Paid, part time— 1 nutrition worker, 2 social workers. Volunteer, part time—1 physician, dentists, 2 nurses. Activities— Maternity care. Infant care.Preschool age care. North Side Day Nursery (established 1910). 146 West Spruce Street, Columbus. Executive— President of board of trustees, Mrs. C. E. Brown. Personnel—Volunteer, full time—1 physician, 1 dentist. Activities— . Infant care. Preschool age care. Norwood Community Service (established 1917). City Hall, Main Avenue, Norwood. Executive— Executive secretary, Mrs. Virginia L. Roessler. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 nurse, 4 social workers, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, full time— 3 nurses, 4 social workers, 165 other helpers. Volunteer, part time— 12 social workers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Oak Street Day Nursery (established 1887). 266 Oak Street, Columbus. Executive— President, Mrs. G. E. Richards. Personnel— , Paid, full time— 4 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time—1 social worker. Volunteer, part time— 4 nutrition workers. Activities— Infant care. ' • Preschool age care. Ohio Avenue Day Nursery (established 1901). 162 North Ohio Avenue, Columbus. Executive— President of board, Mrs. G. E. Richards. Personnel— Paid, full time— 4 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time—1 social worker. Volunteer, part time—4 nutrition workers. • Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. * A gency serves selected district within urban area. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OHIO. 239 URBAN AGENCIES (Other than Cleveland— Continued. P R I V A T E —Continued. Public Health League (established 1919). 120 Broadway, Salem. Executive—Correspondence secretary and public health nurse, Miaa Grace E. Donsing. Personnel—Paid, full time—1 nurse. . . Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. , St. Paul’s Community House 2 (established 1902). 971 Leonard Street, Columbus. Executive— Head worker, Mrs. A. E. Rumer, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 district physician, 1 Children’s Hospital dentist, 2 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 1 social worker. Volunteer, full time— 5 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. United Jewish Social Agencies (established 1896). 731 West Sixth Street, Cincinnati.. Executive— Superintendent, Hyman Kaplan. Personnel— Paid,-full time— 2 physicians, 1 dentist, 3. nurses, 1 social Worker, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time—2 physicians. Volunteer, full time— 1 social worker. Volunteer, part time— 3 physicians, 10 social workers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1914). 127 South Ludlow Street, Dayton. Executive— Superintendent, Miss Elizabeth W. Holt. P erson n elPaid, full time— 21 nurses, 3 nutrition workers, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time— 1 physician. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Visiting Nurse Society, Canton City Clinics (established 1898). Auditorium Building, Canton. Executive— Superintendent, E. Donenwirth. Personnel— Paid, full time—3 nurses. Volunteer, part time— 3 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. A gency serves selected district within urban area. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 240 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES (Other than Cleveland)— Continued. PRIVA TE —Continued. Wilhelm and Gette Beckman Dispensary of United Jewish Social Agencies4 (established 1907). 729 West Sixth Street, Cincinnati. Executive—Medical director, Dr. H. B. Weiss. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 nurses, 1 medical social worker, 3 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time—3 physicians, 1 dentist. Volunteer, full time—1 student nurse. * „ Volunteer, part time— 3 physicians. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Youngstown Baby Welfare Committee (established 1916). South Phelps and Boardman, Youngstown. Executive— Assistant superintendent, Youngstown Visiting Nurse Associa tion, M. Edna Womer. Personnel— Paid, full time— 6 nurses. Paid, part time— 6 physicians. Volunteer, part time— 6 clerical or other helpers, Activities— Maternity care— prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Cuyahoga Falls Nursing Association (established 1913). 60 West Portage Street, Cuyahoga Falls. Executive:—President, Dr. H. I. Cozad. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 1 nurse, 1 other helper. Activities—Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Instructive District Nursing Association (established 1898). 276 East State Street, Columbus. Executive— Superintendent, Miss Jane L. Tuttle. Personnel— Paid full time—20 nurses, 2 clerical helpers. Volunteer part time— 7 physicians, 1 nutrition worker. Activities— Maternity care— 5 prenatal clinics giving prenatal care. Infant care. Preschool age care. Lancaster Public Health League (established 1912). 140 K im Building, Lancaster. Executive— Secretary, Mrs. J. T. Pickering. Personnel— Paid full time— 1 nurse. Paid part time—1 nurse. Volunteer part time— 1 clerical helper. * Agpncy serves selected district within urban area. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OHIO. 241 URBAN AGENCIES (Other than Cleveland)— Continued. PUBLIC AND PRIVA TE —Continued. Lancaster Public Health League— Continued. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Parkway Day Nursery (established 1918). 1823 Logan Street, Cincinnati. Executive—Superintendent, Henrietta Buffler. Personnel—Volunteer full time—1 physician, 1 dentist, 1 nurse, 1 nutrition worker, 1 social worker, 3 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. Public Health Nursing Service (established 1920). Chamber of Commerce Building, Middletown. Executive—Supervisor, Annette Carlton. Personnel— Paid, full time— 4 nurses. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Toledo District Nurse Association (established 1901). 1903 Monroe Street, Toledo. Executive—President, Miss Grace S. Frost. Personnel— 28 physicians. Paid, full time— 31 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 1 social worker, 3 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. *. . AGENCIES SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS. PRIVATE. Fraternal Order of Eagles Baby Dispensary (established 1920). City Building, Springfield, Clark County. Executive—Health director, Dr. It. Richison. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 physicians, 2 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. Ross County Welfare Association (established 1908). 121 West Main Street, Chillicothe, Ross County. Executive—Executive secretary, Miss Celinda Dunbar. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 1 social worker. Paid, part time—3 social workers. Activities—Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. 8748°— 22----- 16 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 242 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. AGENCIES SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS— Contd. PR IV ATE—Continued. Springfield and Clark County Public Health Nursing Service (established 1920). City Building, Springfield, Clark County. Executive.1 Personnel—paid, full time—6 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Youngstown Hospital Dispensary (established 1914). Francis Street, Youngstown, Mahoning County. Executive— Superintendent, Mr. B. W. Stewart. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses, 2 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time— 1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time—13 physicians, 2 dentists. Activities— Maternity care— parental, obstetrical. Infant care. 1 N o information supplied. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OKLAHOMA. S T A T E A G E N C IE S . PUBLIC. , Bureau of Maternity and Infant Hygiene, State Department of Health (estab lished 1922). Oklahoma City. Executive—Director, Miss Leila Hoagland. Personnel.1 Activities.1 URBAN AGENCIES. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. American Red Cross Community House 2 (established 1920). Comer Maple and South Walker, Oklahoma City. Executive— Supervisor, Red Cross Community Center, Bonnie 0 . Norman. Personnel—Paid, full time—3 city physicians, 1 dentist, 2 nurses, 1 nutrition worker. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Humane Society (established 1909). Box, 1032, Courthouse, Tulsa, Tulsa County. Executive— Humane agent, A. M. Welch. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 1 dentist, 2 nurses, 1 social worker, 3 other helpers. Volunteer, full time— 6 physicians, 1 dentist, 4 social workers. Volunteer, part time—2 physicians. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Oklahoma City Public Health Association (established 1920). City Hall, Oklahoma City. Executive— Supervisor public health nurses, Rosalind Mackay. Personnel—Paid, full time— 10 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Washington County Public Health Association (established 1919). County Courthouse, Bartlesville, Washington County. Executive—President, Rev. Wm. Metcalf. Personnel— Paid, fu lltim e—2 nurses. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. 1 No information supplied. * Agency serves selected district within urban area. 245 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 246 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. ADDITIONAL AGENCIES. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OREGON. STATE AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Bureau of Public Health Nursing and Child Hygiene, State Board of Health (established 1921). 1021 Selling Building, Portland. Executive— Director, Dr. Estella F. Ward. Personnel.1 Activities.1 COUNTY AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Deschutes County Public Health Association (established 1921). 222 Miner Building, Bend, Deschutes County. Executive—County chairman, J. D. Donovan. Personnel— Paid, part time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 4 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AN D PRIVATE. American Red Cross, Clatsop County Chapter (established 1919). 453 Commercial Street, Astoria, Clatsop County. Executive— Public health nurse, Miss Eileen T. Walker, R . N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician, 1 nurse, other helpers (committee members). Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Coos County Public Health Association (established 1918). Box 278, Marshfield, Coos County. Executive— Nurse, Miss Elizabeth Campbell. Personnel— Paid, full time—3 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 1 social worker. Volunteer, full time— 17 physicians, 2 dentists. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Hood River County Public Health Association (established 1920). 610 Oak Street, Hood River, Hood River County. Executive—Public health nurse, Mrs. Glendora M. Blakely, R. N. Personnel— Paid, part time— 1 physician. Volunteer, part time— 6 physicians, 4 dentists, 2 social workers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. 1No information supplied* Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 249 250 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. COUNTY AGENCIES— Continued. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE—Continued. Lane County Public Health Association, Diagnostic Children’s Clinic (estab lished 1919). Box 38, Eugene, Lane County. Executive— County health nurse, Miss Lillian C. Godsey. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. • Volunteer, part time—2 physicians, 2 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Multonomah County Public Health Association (established 1920). 642 Courthouse, Portland, Multonomah County. Executive— County public health nurse, Miss Mary P. Billmeyer, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time—physicians when needed, social workers under Public Welfare Bureau of County. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. AGENCIES SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1902). 1004 Spalding, Portland. Executive— Superintendent, Miss Marion G. Crowe, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 12 nurses, 2 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. < Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 252 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES, 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PENNSYLVANIA. STATE AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Division of Child Health, State Department of Health (established 1919). The Capitol, Harrisburg. Executive— Chief, Dr. Mary R. Noble. Personnel—Paid, full time— Dentists from Mouth Hygiene Division,, nurses from Nursing Division, 3 social workers, 4 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. COUNTY AGENCIES. PRIVATE. American Red Cross, Fayette County Chapter (established 1916). 416 Fayette Title and Trust Building, Uniontown, Fayette County. Executive.1 Personnel— Paid, full time—2 nurses, 2 social workers. Paid, part time— 3 social workers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Children’s Aid Society of Fayette County, auxiliary to Children’s Aid Society of Western Pennsylvania (established 1889). 26 South Mount Vernon Avenue, Uniontown, Fayette County. Executive—President, Mrs. P. A. Johns. Personnel—Volunteer, full time—1 physician, 1 nurse, 1 other helper. Activities—Infant care. Warren Visiting Nurse Association (established 1920). City Building, Warren, Warren County. Executive—President, Mrs. Albert Rockwell. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses. Volunteer, full time—1 physician, 5 social workers, 2 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—-prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool-age care. 1 No information supplied. 253 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 254 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES (Philadelphia).21 Babies’ IJospital of Philadelphia, Seventh and Delancey Streets. Babies’ Welfare Association of Philadelphia, The, 1615 Sanson Street. Baptist Settlement House, 1156 Passyunk Avenue. Child Federation, The, 200 South Juniper Street. Children’s Homeopathic Hospital, Franklin and Thompson Streets. Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Social Service Department, The, Bainbridge, Eighteenth and Fitzwater Streets. Cohocksink Mothers’ Club, 1737 North Fifth Street. Department for the Prevention of Disease. Division of Child Hygiene, City Board of Health. Frederick Douglas Memorial Hospital, Social Service Department, 1530 Lombard Street. Philadelphia Association of Day Nurseries, 1340 Lombard Street. Philadelphia Pediatric Society, 4103 Walnut Street. Phipps Institute, Seventh and Lombard Streets. St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, Lawrence and Huntington Streets. Starr Center Association, 725 Lombard Street. West Philadelphia Hospital for Women, Health Clinic, 4035 Parrish Street. URBAN AGENCIES (Other than Philadelphia). PUBLIC. Division of Child Hygiene, City Board of Health (established1). Pittsburgh. Executive—Health officer, Dr. H. J. Benz. Personnel.1 Activities.1 Weston Field Child Welfare and Hygiene Station (established 1920). Providence Road, Scranton. Executive— Superintendent of recreation, Mrs. E. W. Gearhart. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time—2 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PRIVATE. American Red Cross (established 1919). Frances Cameron School Building, Connellsville. Executive—Home service visitor, Mrs. Louise Reynolds. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 nurse, 1 social worker. Paid, part time—physicians, dentists. Volunteer, part time— 4 social workers, 7 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. pi Philadelphia, in 1919. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis f- Si PENNSYLVANIA. 255 URBAN AGENCIES (Other than Philadelphia)— Continued. PRIVATE—Continued. Associated Charities (established x). 409 Cherry Street, Norristown. Executive—General secretary, Alma M. Fitzpatrick. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 1 social worker. Paid, part time—1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 2 social workers. Activities— Maternity care— obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Calvary P. E. Church 4 (established 1900). Shady and Walnut Streets, Pittsburgh. Executive— Rev. E. J. Van Etten. P erson n elPaid, |ull time—1 nurse. Paid, part time— 1 physician, 1 social worker. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Child Welfare (established 1920). 118 Academy Street, Plymouth. Executive—Mrs. S. L. Smith. Personnel— • Paid, full time—2 nurses. Volunteer, part time— Ladies of the Civic League. Activities— Infant care. Civic League (established 1915). East Main Street, Plymouth. Executive—President, Mrs. A. J. Young. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Paid, part time— 1 nurse. Activities— Infant care. Dunmore Child Welfare (established 1920). 136 Chestnut Street, Dunmore. Executive—Chairman, Mrs. Andrew Bryden. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 2 physicians. Activities—• Infant care. Preschool age care. Family Welfare Bureau (established 1905). 424 North Washington Avenue, Scranton. Executive— Supervisor, Miss Helen Howarth. Personnel— Volunteer, part time—1 physician (oculist), 1 dentist, 2 social workers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. 1 N o information supplied. 4A gency serves special group within urban area. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 256 d ir e c t o r y of local c h il d - h e a l t h a g e n c ie s . URBAN AGENCIES (Other than Philadelphia)—Continued. PRIVATE—Continued. Irene TTn.nfTna.Tin Settlement, Health A ctivities2 (established 1895). 1835 Center Avenue, Pittsburgh. Executive—Resident director, Sidney A. Teller. Personnel— Paid, full time—6 nurses, 2 social workers, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, full time— 1 physician. Volunteer, part time— 2 social workers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Lancaster Community Service Association (established *). 144 South Queen Street, Lancaster. Executive— Executive secretary, L. M. Strayer. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 social workers, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time—1 physician, 2 nutrition workers, 1 social worker. Volunteer, part time—1 physician, 2 dentists. Activities—Infant care (through a State Baby Clinic for Children held under the supervision and in the headquarters of this association). Meadville Visiting Nurse Association (established 1907). 691 Highland Avenue, Meadville. Executive—Harriett Brandt, R . N. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 nurses. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Pittsburgh and Allegheny Milk and Ice Association (established 1899). 706 Lyceum Building, Pittsburgh. Executive— Secretary, Mrs. A. B . Speer. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 physician, 2 social workers. Activities—Infant care. Public Health Nursing Association (established 1919). 905 Jones Law Building, Pittsburgh. Executive—Director, Nan L. Dorsey, R . N. Personnel—Paid, full time— 72 nurses, 4 clerical helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal,, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. St. John’s Church (establishedx). 330 Ferry Street, Easton. Executive— F. K . Fretz. Personnel— Paid, part time—1 physician, 1 dentist, 1 nurse, 1 social worker, r 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. ' Infant care (lectures by hospital graduate). 1 N o information supplied. 2 A gency serves selected district within nr pan area. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PENNSYLVANIA. 257 U R B A N A G E N C I E S (Other than Philadelphia)— Continued. PRIVATE—Continued, South Side Hospital Dispensary (established 1914). Twentieth and Mary Streets, Pittsburgh. Executive— Nurse and social service worker, Helen Derby. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Steelton Welfare Association (this is a federation of Red Cross, Steelton Associated Charities, and Visiting Nurse Committee of Civic Club) (established 1921). - 49 North Front Street, Steelton. Executive—Executive secretary, Miss Bertha M. Hess. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time—2 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1916). Trust Co. Building, Easton. Executive— Graduate nurse, Marta Houlder. Personnel—Volunteer, full time— 2 physicians, 2 nurses, clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1921). 116 Locust Street, Harrisburg. Executive— Superintendent, Mary W. Miller. Personnel— Paid, full time— 4 nurses. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal, obstetrical. Infant care. Visiting Nurse Association (affiliated with County Health Organization of Penn sylvania) (established 1911). City Hall, Ninth and Scull Streets, Lebanon. Executive— Superintendent, Miss Mary K. Boltz, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 3 nurses. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Welfare Department, Carnegie Steel Co.2 (established 1912). Duquesne. E xecutive—Chief, welfare department, Mr. J. R. Cox. Personnel— Paid full time— 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care. Infant care. 8Agency serves Selected district within urban area. 8748°— 22------ 17 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 258 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES (Other than Philadelphia)— Continued. PRIVATE—Continued. Woman’s Club, Child Welfare Department (established 1916). Trust Co. Building, Easton. Executive—Chairman of child welfare department, Mrs. S. Taylor Wilson. Personnel—Volunteer, full time— 2 physicians, 2 nurses, 1 dietitian, clerical or other helpers. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. American Red Cross, Jeannette Branch of Westmoreland County Chapter (established 1917). 116 South Third Street, Jeannette. Executive—Red Cross nurse, Miss Marguerite K . Jacobsen. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time— 1 nutrition worker. Volunteer, part time—local physician and dentists. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, occasionally obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Bethlehem Baby Health Station 2 (established 1912; reorganized 1919). Second and Polk Streets, Bethlehem. Executive—Acting supervisor, Bessie Clinch. Personnel— Paid, full time—3 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time—1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Child Health Centers (established 1918). \ 2614 West Fourth Street, Deshong Mansion, Chester. Executive— Supervisor, Clio Hollopeter. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 nurses. Volunteer, part time—3 physicians, 1 dentist, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal*) postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Child Welfare Association (established 1919). Second and South Streets, Harrisburg. Executive—Chairman, Mrs. Lyman Gilbert. Personnel— . , \ '.' Paid, full time— 4 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 2 social workers. Paid, part time— 3 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician, 10 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. •> Preschool age care. 2 Agency serves selected district within urban area. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis f ■+i PENNSYLVANIA. 259 U R B A N A G E N C I E S (Other than Philadelphia)— Continued. PUBLIC AND PRIVA TE —Continued. Sacred Heart Hospital 4 (established 1916). Fourth and Chew Streets, Allentown. Executive— Director, Right R ev. Peter Masson. Personnel— Paid, full time—3 physicians, 16 nurses, 6 nutrition workers, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, full time— 14 nurses, 4 nutrition workers, 2 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time— 31 physicians, 1 dentist.. Activities—Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. State Clinic, Department of Health (established 1920). 26 North Fourth Street, Sunbury. Executive— Dr. Charles H. Swenk. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 physician, 2 nurses, 1 nutrition worker. Volunteer, part time— 8 social workers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. , Visiting Nurse Association (established 1912). 319 West Eighth Street, Erie. Executive—Superintendent, A. Laurie, R. N. ’ Personnel— Paid, full time— 11 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time—8 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1909). 429 Walnut Street, Reading. Executive— Superintendent, -Anna R. Barlow, R. N . Personnel— Paid, full time— 17 nurses. Paid, part time— 8 physicians. Volunteer, part time— 16 other helpers. Activities— ' Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. 4Agency serves selected group within urban area. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 260 DIKECTORY .OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. AGENCIES SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS. PUBLIC. Lawrence County Tuberculosis Society (established 1910). 302| East Washington Street, New Castle, Lawrence County. E x ecu tive— President of child welfare work, J. O. Rodger. P erson n elPaid, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Chester Day Nursery and Boarding Home (established 1917). 315 East Fifth Street, Chester, Delaware County. Executive— Superintendent, Miss Sara Colvin. Personnel— Paid, full time— 7 physicians, 2 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 5 other helpers. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. District Nurse Association (established 1909). 228 Adams Avenue, Scranton. Executive— President, Mrs. Mortimer B. Fuller. Personnel— Paid, full time— 8 nurses, 2 clerical helpers. Volunteer, part time—4 physicians, 7 helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care (2 baby welfare stations). Preschool age care (referred to State clinic after 4 years of age). Visiting Nurse Association (established 1908). 616 Coal Exchange Building, Wilkes-Barre. Executive— Superintendent, Margaret R. Burns, R. N. Personnel—Paid, full time— 10 nurses (4 extra in summer), 1 clerical hell er. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care (21 baby welfare stations during summer and 5 throughout the year). Preschool age care. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1909). 42 Security Building, York. Executive—Director of nursing service, Netta Ford, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 17 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time— 1 dentist. Volunteer, part time— 10 physicians, 2 clerical helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . 262 - \ - ‘ ' v, , ■ / DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RHODE ISLAND: AGENCIES WORKING IN ISLAND.22 PROVIDENCE AND THE STATE OF RHODE Baby Clinics. Carter Day Nursery. Children’s Friend Society. Day Nursery Association. Dental Clinics. District Nursing Association. Division of Child Hygiene, City Board of Health, City Hall, Dr. Ellen A. Stone, Director. Division of Child Welfare, State Board of Health, Statehouse, Providence, Dr. Elizabeth Gardiner, director. Eye Clinics. Federal Hill House Association, Miss Rachel Whitcomb, director, 400 Atwells Avenue. League for Suppression of Tuberculosis. Lyra Brown Nickerson House. Mental Hygiene Clinics. North End Dispensary. Providence Board of Recreation. Providence Child Welfare Committee, 234 President Avenue, Mrs. H. Ballow Miller, secretary. Providence City Hospital. Providence District Nursing Association, 118 North Main Street, Providence. Providence Floating Hospital, 109 Washington Street, Providence. Vaccination Clinics. Woonsocket Visiting. Nursing Association, Woonsocket. URBAN AGENCIES. PRIVATE. Civic League (established 1919). 1 Colonial Street, Newport. Executive—Director, Mrs. Weaver. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. • nA directory of social and philanthropic organizations working in Providence and of State institutions of the State of Rhode Island is being compiled by the division of child welfare of the board of health, state house, Providence. For additional information communicate with Dr. Elizabeth Gardiner, director, child welfare division, State board of health. 263 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / 264 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES— Continued. PRIVA TE —Continued. Red Cross Health Center (established 1920). 26 High Street, Pawtucket. Executive—Manager, Minot J. Crowell, M. S. Personnel— Paid, full time— 12 nurses, 2 social workers, 2 clerical helpers. Paid, part time—1 physician, 1 dentist. Volunteer, part time— 3 physicians, 1 social worker. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. East Providence District Nursing Association (established 1910). 55 Potter Street, East Providence. Executive— President, Robert G. McMeelian. Personnel—Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Paid, part time—2 physicians. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care.' Preschool age care. Woonsocket Day Nursery and Children's Home Association (established 1890). Depot Square, Woonsocket. Executive— General secretary, Miss Cora R. Holmes. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 social workers, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time—Physicians, nurses, social workers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis D IR E C T O R Y Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OF L O C A L C H I L D -H E A L T H A G E N C IE S , SOUTH CAROLINA. STATE AGENCIES. PRIVATE. * South Carolina Tuberculosis Association (established 1917). 209-210 Liberty Bank Building, Columbia. Executive—Acting executive secretary, Miss Chauncey Blackburn. Personnel— Paid, M l time— 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Activities— County organizations of State Tuberculosis Association support social workers and pay part of the salaries of public health nurses who have a regular program of child welfare and prenatal work. 4» PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Bureau of Child Hygiene and Public Health Nursing, State Board of Health (estab lished 1919). 405 Palmetto Building, Columbia. Executive-—Director, Mrs. Ruth A. Dodd, R . N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 district supervisors, 1 advisory nurse, 1 State field nurse, 32 field nurses, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. C O U N T Y A G E N C IE S . PUBLIC. Charleston County Health Unit (established 1920). Meeting and Chalmers Streets, Charleston, Charleston County. Executive— Health officer, Dr. Leon Banov. Personnel— Paid, M l time— 1 physician, 1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Greenville County Health Department (established 1919). County Courthouse, Greenville, Greenville County. Executive— County health commissioner, Dr. Eugene Chemane. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Activities— * Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PRIVATE. American Red Cross, Aiken County Nursing Unit (established 1920). Aiken. Executive—Miss Agnes Campbell. Personnel— Paid, M l time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time—local physicians at children’s clinic. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. 267 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 268 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CH ILD -H EALTH AGENCIES. C O U N T Y A G E N C I E S — Continued. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. A m erica n R e d Cross, Clarendon C o u n ty C hapter (established 1919). M anning, Clarendon C o u n ty . Executive—Chapter chairman, Rev. Allen Easley. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. American Red Cross Public Health Nursing Association (established 1920). Camden, Kershaw County. E x e c u tiv e — Chapter chairm an, M rs. Margaret M iller. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Beaufort Co.unty Public Health Nursing Association (established 1921). Beaufort, Beaufort County. Executive— Chairman, Mrs. Bessie Brooks, P. H. N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Paid, part time— 1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Cherokee County Health Unit (established 1920). Gaffney, Cherokee County. Executive— County health officer, Dr. Walter Boons. Personnel—Paid, full time— 1 physician, 1 nurse. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. Chester Public Health Nursing Unit (established 1919). County Rest Room, Chester, Chester County. Executive— County public health nurse, Miss Cora Linduff. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 nurse. -Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Columbia Children’s Clinic (established 1914). 401 Gervias Street, Columbia, Richland County. E xe cu tiv e— Registered nurse, Miss Rose Herbert. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 nurses. Paid, part time—1 helper. Volunteer, part time— 7 physicians, 11 dentists. Activities— M a te rn ity care— pren atal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SOUTH CAROLINA. C O U N T Y A G E N C I E S — Continued. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE—Continued. Darlington County Health Unit (established 1917). Courthouse, Darlington, Darlington County. Executive—Health officer, Dr. Post. Personnel— P aid , fu ll tim e — 1 p h y sic ia n , 1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Dillon County Nursing Service (established 1920). Diyon, Dillon County. Executive—Public health nurse, Miss Caro McLeod. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Activities— M a te rn ity care— prenatal, postn atal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Fairfield County Department of Health (established 1920). P. 0 . Box 285, Winnsboro, Fairfield County. Executive— County health officer, Dr. Ruben Hamilton. Personnel—Paid, full time— 1 physician, 1 nurseActivities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschol age care. Newberry County Health Department (established 1920). 504 Exchange Building, Newberry, Newberry County. Executive— County health officer, Dr. B. E. Kneece. Personnel—• Paid, full time— 1 physician, 1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, full time—1 dentist. A c tiv itie s— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. U R B A N A G E N C IE S . PUBLIC. C ity Board of H e a lth (estab lish ed 1 ). City Hall Building, Greenville. Executive— Commissioner of health. Dr. Clarence E. Smith. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 2 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician, 1 dentist. A c tiv itie s— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnavil. Infant care. *No information supplied. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 269 270 D IR E C T O R Y OF L O C A L C H I L D -H E A L T H A G E N C IE S . U R B A N A G E N C IE S — C o n tin u e d . PRIVATE. American Red Cross Public Health Nursing Service (established 1920). 103 Meeting Street, Charleston. Executive— Acting superintendent, Margaret I. Stanford, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 4 nurses. Volunteer, part time^-3 physicians. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal (3 child welfare stations). Infant care. Preschool age care. # American Red Cross Timmonsville Chapter 2 (established 1921). Timmons ville. Executive—Chapter chairman, Mrs. Ray Smith. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Columbia Public Health Nurses Association, City Health Department (estab lished 1921). Gervais Street, Columbia. Executive— Supervising nurse, Miss Minnie MacBride. Personnel— Paid, full time—7 nurses. A c tiv itie s — Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Equinox Mill (public health nurse) (established 1919). Equinox Mill, Anderson. Executive— Public health nurse, Miss Janie Bryan. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Orr Cotton Mill (visiting nurse)4 (established 1919). Orr Cotton Mill, Anderson. Executive— Public health nurse, Miss Josie Obrien. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. »Agency serves selected district within urban area. 4Agency serves special group within urban area. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SOUTH DAKOTA. S T A T E A G E N C IE S . PUBLIC. Division of Child Hygiene,® State Board of Health (established 1921). Waubay. Executive—Director, Dr. Clara E. Hayes. U R B A N A G E N C IE S . PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Infant and Child Welfare Station (established 1919). 6 Municipal Building, Aberdeen. Executive— Director, Dr. J. H. Swafford. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 1 nurse. Paid, part time— 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician for each clinic, 3 nurses. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. 9Agency in process of organization. 8748°—22----- 18 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 273 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / ! TENNESSEE. STATE AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Bureau of Child Welfare and Maternity, State Board of Health (established 1922). Nashville. E x e c u t i v e — D i r e c t o r , M rs . M a r y E . C r i t t e n d e n . Personnel— Paid, full time—5 nurses expected in field, 2 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. COUNTY AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Field Unit of Bureau of Rural Sanitation, State Board of Health (established 1920). Kingston, Roane County. Executive— Director of bureau of rural sanitation, Dr. J. C. Fly. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 physician, 1 nurse, 1 other helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PRIVATE. American Hed Cross, Bradley County Chapter (established l). Cleveland, Bradley County. Executive—Mrs. C. L. Herdwick. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 nurse. Activities— • Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. American Red Cross, Child Welfare Department, Gallatin Chapter (establish d 1921). Gallatin, Gallatin County. Executive—Executive secretary, Roberta Tarpley. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 social worker. Volunteer, part time— 1 social workers, 2 clerical helpers. Activities— Infant care (lectures and distribution of literature). American Red Cross, Gibson County Chapter (established 1917). Trenton, Gibson County. Executive—Chairman, nursing committee, Mrs. Marc Anthony. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 nurse. Activities—Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. i No information supplied. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 277 278 D IR E C T O R Y OF L O C A L C H I L D -H E A L T H A G E N C IE S . COUNTY AGENCIES—Continued. PRIVATE!—Continued. Dyer County Public Health Association (established 1921). Courthouse, Dyersburg, Dyer County. E xecutive—County public health nurse, Mrs. Yera B. Jones. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time—physicians from County Medical Society, 9 dentists from County Dental Society, 1 nutrition worker, 15 other helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. The Associated Charities (established 1881). City Hall, Chattanooga, Hamilton County. E xecutive—Secretary, R. F. Hudson. P erson n elPaid, full time— 1 nurse, 4 social workers, 3 clerical helpers. Volunteer, part time—5 physicians, 3 dentists, 1 nutrition worker. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Montgomery County Health Unit (established 1920). Chamber of Commerce, Clarksville, Montgomery County. Executive— Field director, Dr. H. C. Stewart. P erson n elPaid, full time— 1 physician, 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 3 physicians, 2 dentists, 2 social 'workers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care (classes for care of infants). Preschool age care. Robertson County Nursing Service (established 1920). Springfield, Robertson County. Executive.1 Personnel—• Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time—7 physicians, 5 dentists. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. URBAN AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Division of Child Hygiene, City Board of Health (established1). Nashville. Executive—Health officer, Dr. W. H. Hibbett. Personnel.1 Activities.1 1No information supplied. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TENNESSEE; 279 URBAN AGENCIES— Continued. PUBLIC—Continued. Division of Child Hygiene, Department of Health (established 1921). Memphis. Executive— Chief, division child hygiene, Dr. M. M. Long. Personnel—Paid, full time—1 physician, 3 nurses. Activities.1 PRIVATE. American Red Cross, Department of Health (established 1919). 517, corner Clinch and Locust Streets, Knoxville. Executive— Supervisor nursing service, Miss Ada C. Lawhon, R. H. N. Personnel— » Paid, full time—5 nurses, 2 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time—1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 37 physicians, 24 dentists. Activities—• Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Episcopal Clinic and Settlement (established 1913). Fifty-fifth Street and New York Avenue, West Nashville. Executive—Treasurer, Mrs. Sanford Duncan. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 physicians, nurses supplied by the city, 1 nutrition worker, 2 social workers, 2 helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Kingsport Health Department (established 1920). Main Street, Kingsport. Executive— City health officer, T. B. Yanc.ey. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 2 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 4 dentists. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Public Health Service (established 1920). Morristown. Execfttive— Public health nurse, Jean M. Wilkie. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, full time— 3 physicians, 2 dentists (American Red Cross social worker). Activities—Maternity care. i No information supplied. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 280 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. AGENCIES SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS. P R IV A T E . Women’s Federation of Clubs (established 1920). 500 West Seventh Street, Columbia, Maury County. Executive— President, Mrs, John T. Wooten. Personnel—Volunteer, part time—physicians, dentists, 2 nurses, 1 social worker, 1 other helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ' \ 282 :';v: V e I H ' §§ ' I i| I DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. / Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TEXAS. STATE AGENCIES. PU B L IC . Bureau of Child Hygiene, State Board of Health (established 1919). Austin. Executive— Director, bureau of child hygiene., Dr.«H. E. Downs. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 3 nurses, 2 clerical or other helpers. Activities— ♦ Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. ' • COUNTY AGENCIES. P R IV A T E . * American Red Cross Health Center of Lamar County (established 1920). City National Bank, Paris, Lamar County. Executive— Public health nurse, American Red Cross, Mary Kennedy. Personnel— Paid, full time—nurse3. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PU B L IC A N D P R IV A T E . American Red Cross, North Grayson County Chapter23 (established 1916). Chamber of Commerce Building, Denison, Grayson County. Executive— Secretary, Mrs. Edith Hoag. Personnel—Volunteer, full time— 12 physicians, 2 dentists, 1 nurse, 2 social workers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. URBAN AGENCIES. P R IV A T E . American Red Cross, Public Health Nursing Service (established 1919). 815 Twenty-fifth Street, Galveston. Executive— Executive secretary, Mrs. Geo. D. Morgan. Personnel— Paid, full time— 4 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 4 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. 23 Agensy ser/es northern portion of Grayson County. 283 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 284 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. URBAN AGENCIES—Continued. PRIVATE—Continued. Dallas Council of Mothers (established 1909). 3227 Elihu Avenue, Dallas. Executive— President, Mrs. J. H. Brower. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 4 physicians, 2 dentists, 1 nurse, 40 social workers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Infant Welfare and Milk Association (established 1913). Trinity Play Park, Dallas. Executive— Chairman, M. B. Shannon. Personnel— Paid, full time— 2 nurses. Volunteer, part time— 2 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical. Infant care. Preschool age care. National Catholic Community H ouse2 (established 1919). 520 Matamoras Street, San Antonio. Executive— Head secretary, Miss M. Cuneo. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 nurse, 2 social workers, 2 other helpers. Paid, part time— 3 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, full time— 1 physician. Activities— Maternity case—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Presbyterian Clinic for Infants and Children (established 1921). Corner Wood and Harwood Streets, Dallas. Executive— Chief of Staff, Dr. J. F. Perkins. Personnel—Volunteer, part time—9 physicians, 4 nurses, 4 nutrition workers, 27 social workers, 6 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—A department for same is in progress of organization, will deal with all three types. Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Child Welfare Federation Mission (established 1917). 1801 Morrow Avenue, Waco. E xe cu tiv e— Chairman, child welfare committee, Mrs. M. S. Hill. Personnel— Paid, part time— 2 physicians. Volunteer, part time—6 dentists, 1 nurse, 1 dietitian, 1 social worker, variable number of clerical and other helpers. s Agency serves selected district within urban area. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TEXAS. 285 URBAN AGENCIES— Continued. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE—Continued. Child Welfare Federation Mission—Continued. Activities— ( Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Fort Worth Welfare Association (established 1901). 832 Monroe Street, Fort Worth. Executive— Secretary-manager, W. H. Robb. Personnel— ' Paid, full time—5 nurses, 1 dietitian, 9 social workers, 6 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, part time—20 physicians, 28 dentists. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Public Health Nursing Department of Social Service Bureau and City Health Department (established 1916). 212 City Hall, Houston. Executive—Lucy J. Collins. Personnel— Paid, full time—12 nurses, 2 social workers, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time— 1 dentist. Volunteer, part time— 5 physicians. Activities—• Maternity care—■prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. AGENCIES SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS. PRIVATE. American Red Cross, Child Health Center (established 1920). Courthouse, Sherman, Grayson County. Executive—'Public health nurse, Miss M. Fair. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time—1 physician. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE* American Red Cross, Harrison County Chapter (established 1921). City Hall, Marshall, Harrison County. Executive— Secretary, Mrs. R. K. Turner. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 286 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. AGENCIES SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS— Contd. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE—Continued. Dallas County Humane Society (established 1918). Hope Cottage, City Hall, Main and Haywood Streets, Dallas, Dallas County. Executive— Director of children’s department, Mrs. Emma Wylie Ballard. Personnel— Paid, full tim e — 6 nurses, social Workers, 1 clerical helper. ’ Volunteer, part time— 1-physician, social workers. Activities—Infant care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UTAH. STATE AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Bureau of Child Hygiene, State Board of Health9 (established 1922). Salt Lake City. Division of Health Education, State Department of Education (established 1919). Capitol Building, Salt Lake City. Executive— State Director of Health Education, E. G. Gowans, M. D. Personnel.1 Activities— Preschool age care. COUNTY AGENCIES. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Utah County Free Clinic (conducted by Home and School League and Com munity Welfare organizations) (established 1920). 50 South Third Street West, Provo, Utah County Executive-Chairm an, Mayor Le Roy Dixon. Personnel— Paid, full time1—2 nurses, 1 social worker. Volunteer, part time— 26 physicians, 17 dentists. Activities— Maternity care. Preschool age care. URBAN AGENCIES. PUBLIC. City Board of Education (established 1920). 149J Regent Street, Salt Lake City. Executive— Supervisor of preschool child, Miss Dora Maiben. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. . Paid, part time—1 physician. Activities— Preschool age care. Infant Welfare Clinic (established 1915). • Salt Lake City. Executive— City health commissioner. Dr. Willard Christopherson. Personnel— Paid, full time—2 nurses, 1 other helper. Paid, part time— 1 physician, 1 dentist. Activities— Infant care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Children’s Aid Society (established 1910). 403 Twenty-fifth Street, Ogden. Executive.1 Personnel— Volunteer, full time— 20 physicians, 8 dentists. Activities— Maternity care—obstetrical. Infant care. Preschool age care. 1 N o information supplied. * A gency in process of organization. 8748°— 22----- 19 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 289 290 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES, URBAN AGENCIES— Continued. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE—Continued. * Neighborhood House (established 1894). 753 West First South Street, Salt Lake City. Executive— Superintendent, Ellen Taylor. Personnel— Paid, full tim'e—2 nur^fes, 1 social worker. Volunteer, full time— 1 physician. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I Í ' “v 11 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis VERMONT. S T A T E A G E N C IE S . PUBLIC. Division of Child Hygiene, State Board of Health* (established 1921). Burlington. U R B A N A G E N C IE S . PRIVATE. American Red Cross, Rutland Branch (established *). City Hall, Rutland. Executive— Chairman nursing committee, Mira Alice N. Coolidge. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— physicians and dentists, 5 social workers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1906). 174 Pearl Street, Burlington. Executive— Superintendent, Bessie Crosby. Personnel— Paid, full time— 3 nurses. Activities—Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. 1 N o information supplied. * Agency in process bf organization. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis VERMONT. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis VIRGINIA. S T A T E A G E N C IE S . PUBLIC. Bureau of Child Welfare, f'f a ie Board of Health (established 1918). 1110 Capitol Street, Richmond. Executive— Director, Dr. Mary E. Brydon. Personnel—Paid, full time—1 physician, 1 dentist, 4 nurses, 5 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Albemarle County Health Department (established 1920). Room 405-406 National Bank Building, Charlottesville, Albemarle County. Executive—County health officer, Dr. William S. Keister. Personnel—Paid, full time—1 physician, 1 dentist, 2 nurses, 2 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. U R B A N A G E N C IE S . PUBLIC. Board of Health (child welfare work) (established1). Municipal Building, Roanoke. Executive— Catherine Eoll, R. N. Personnel—Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Bureau of Health (established *). 205 Tenth Street, Lynchburg. Executive— Health officer, Mosby G. Penow. Personnel— Paid, full time— 3 nurses. Paid, part time— 1 physician. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Bureau of Health (established 1). Room 409, City Hall, Richmond. Executive—Health officer, Dr. C. C. Hudson. Personnel— Paid, part time—1 physician, 9 nurses, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 4 physicians. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. 1No information supplied. 297 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 298 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES, URBAN AGENCIES— Continued. PUBLIC—Continued Danville Health Department (established 1919). Danville. Executive—Health officer, Dr. R . W. Garnett. Personnel— Paid, part time— 1 physician, 1 dentist, 1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician. ' Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. PRIVATE. City Mission Board Clinic (established 1900). 409 Dinwiddie Street, Portsmouth. Executive—President, Mary Booth Walker. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 nurse, 1 nutrition worker, 1 social worker. Volunteer, part time—6 physicians, 1 clerical helper. Activities— v Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. , Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Child’s Welfare Organization (established 1921). 21 North Union Street, Petersburg. Executive—Doctor Martin. Personnel— ' Paid, full time— nurses. Volunteer, part time—physicians and clerical helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Department of Health (established 1920). Norfolk. Executive—Health commissioner, Dr. Powhatan S. Schenck. , Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 dentist, 3 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 2 social workers, 2 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, full time—15 physicians, 4 dentists, 1 nutrition worker, 10 social workers, 2 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—classes in prenatal instruction. Infant care. Preschool age care. The Norfolk City Union of The K ing’s Daughters (established 1897). 300 West York Street, Norfolk. Executive—Superintendent, Mrs. Fereba B. Croxton. Personnel—; Paid, full time— 1 dentist, 13 nurses, 2 clerical or other helpers. Volunteer, full time—13 physicians, 10 clerical or other helpers. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis VIRGINIA. 299 URBAN AGENCIES—Continued. PUBLIC AN D PRIVATE—Continued. The Norfolk City Union of The K ing’s Daughters—Continued. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. The Nurses’ Settlement (Instructive Visiting Nurse Association, Social Workers) (established 1900; chartered 1902). 223 South Cherry Street, Richmond. Executive—Superintendent, Miss Juanita Woods, R . N. Personnel—■ Paid, full time— 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Paid, part time— 4 social workers. Volunteer, part time— 1 physician, 2 dentists, 30 social workers, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. AGENCIES SERVING URBAN AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS. PRIVATE. Well Child Clinic, University of Virginia, Out-Patient Department (established 1920). Charlottesville, Albemarle County. Executive—Director, Dr. John Steigs Davis. Personnel— Volunteer, full time—2 physicians, 2 nurses, 1 social worker. Volunteer, part time —2 nurses, 2 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Community Welfare League (established 1914). Room 26 Witz, Staunton, Augusta County. Executive— Secretary, Mrs. W. W. King. P erson n elPaid, full time—2 nurses, 1 social worker, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, full time—1 social worker (also executive secretary). Volunteer, part time—physicians, dentists. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis VIRGINIA. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis WASHINGTON. STATE AGENCIES. ’ PUBLIC. * _ Bureau of Child Welfare, State Board of Health (established 1920). Douglas Building, Seattle. Executive.1 Personnel.1 Activities.1 URBAN AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Child Welfare Division, City Health Department (established 1914). Fifth and Yesler Way, Seattle. Executive—Medical inspector, Dr. Cora T. Saxe. Personnel—■ Paid, full time— 5 nurses. Paid, part time— 4 physicians. Volunteer, part time— 1 dentist. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PRIVATE. Deaconess Settlement 2 (established 1912). 1510 Rainier Avenue, Seattle. Executive— Superintendent. Charlotte Howland. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse, 3 social workers. Volunteer, part time— 2 physicians, 2 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 1 social Worker. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Social Service Bureau of Spokane (established 1911). 505 City Hall, Spokane. Executive—General secretary, M. H. Pasley. P erson n elPaid, full time—2 nurses, 2 social workers, 2 clerical helpers. Volunteer, part time—2 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. 1No information supplied. 8 Agency serves selected district within urban area. 303 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis WASHINGTON, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W EST VIRGINIA. STATE AGENCIES. \ PRIVATE. Child Welfare, Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (established.1). Charleston. Executive—Superintendent, Mrs. V. E. Mohler. Personnel.1 Activities—Maternity care— prenatal. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Division of Child Hygiene and Public Health Nursing, State Department of Health (established 1919). Masonic Temple, Charleston. * Executive— Director, Mrs. Jean T. Dillon, R . N. Personnel— Paid, hill time—2 nurses, 1 clerical helper. •Activities—Child Welfare work through P u blic Health nurses in the field. U R B A N A G E N C IE S . PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Kanawha Public Health Nursing Association (established 1920). Kanawha Street, Red Cross Building, Charleston. Executive— Supervisor, Laura D. Venable. Personnel— Paid, full time— 4 nurses. Volunteer, part time— 10 physicians, 3 dentists. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. A G E N C IE S S E R V IN G URBAN AND S U R R O U N D IN G RURAL A REA S. PRIVATE. Community Nursing Service (established 1); 113 South Second Street, Clarksburg, Harrison County. Executive— Supervisor, Miss Lena I. Allison, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time—’nurses. / Volunteer, part time—physicians and dentists. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal.' Infant care. 1N o information supplied. 307 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis WEST VIRGINIA. 309 B Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis STATE AGENCIES. WISCONSIN. PUBLIC. Bureau of Child Welfare, State Board of Health (established 1919). Madison. Executive— Director, Mrs. Mary P. Morgan, R. N. Personnel Paid, full time— 1 physician, 3 nurses, 2 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. C O U N T Y A G E N C IE S . PUBLIC. Bureau of Child Hygiene, Milwaukee Health Department (established 1911). City Hall, Milwaukee. Executive— Director, Dr. E. Y. Brumbaugh. Personnel— Paid, full time— 3 physicians, 3 dentists, 64 nurses, 9 other helpers. Paid, part time—27 physicians. Volunteer, part time— 11 other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Health Department (established 1913). City Hall, La Crosse. Executive—Health officer, Dr. A. M. Murphy. Personnel— Paid, full time— 3 graduate nurses and 3 to 6 pupil nurses, 1 social worker, 1 clerical worker. Paid, part time— 1 dentist, 1 social worker. Volunteer, part time— 8 physicians (3 specialists). Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Milwaukee County Dispensary (established 1919). ' 160 Fifth Street, Milwaukee. Executive— Superintendent, Dr. John P. Koehler. Personnel— Paid, full time— 10 nurses (doing also nutrition and social work), 3 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time—24 physicians, 1 dentist. Volunteer, part time— 50 physicians, 12 nurses, 2 social workers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. 311 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 312 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. COUNTY AGENCIES— Continued. PUBLIC—-Continued. Outagamie County Agency (established 1920). Appleton, Outagamie County. Executive— County nurse, Miss Bertha M. Schultz, R. N. Personnel— Paid, full time—1 nurse. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PRIVATE. Attic Angel Visiting Nurse Association (established 1910). 322 South Hamilton Street, Madison. Executive— President, Miss Mary Rayne. Personnel—Volunteer, part time— 10 physicians (rotating one month’s services), 2 nurses. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical. Infant care. Preschool age care. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1902). Old City Building, Eau Claire. Executive—Visiting nurse, Marie C. Scheffer. Personnel— Volunteer, full time— nurses. Volunteer, part time— physicians, dietitians. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Douglas County Woman’s Council (established 1919). Clinic at city hall, Superior, Douglas County. Executive— Chairman of child welfare committee, Mrs. A. D. S. Gillett. Personnel—Volunteer, part time— 2 physicians, 1 dentist, 1 nurse, 5 social workers. Activities— , Infant care. Preschool age care. URBAN AGENCIES. PRIVATE. Jewish Social Service Association, Medical Clinic 1 (established ■). 1002 North Avenue, Milwaukee. Executive—Medical director, Dr. G. H. Lippitt. Personnel-— Paid, full time— 1 physician, 2 nurses, 2 social workers, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, part time— 5 dentists. 1 No information supplied. * Agency serves special group within urban area. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis WISCONSIN. URBAN AGENCIES—Continued. PRIVATE!—Continued. Jewish Social Service Association, Medical Clinic— Continued. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1907). 85 Oneida Street, Milwaukee. Executive— Superintendent, Miss Erna Kowalke. Personnel Paid, full time— 22 nurses, 2 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity car§— prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1914). 721 Ontario Avenue, Sheboygan. Executive— Rebecca Paulsen, R . N. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, full time— 4 physicians. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Visiting Nurse Committee (established 1907). 83 Monument Square, Oshkosh. Executive— Chairman, Mrs. George Buckstaff. Personnel— Paid, full time— 1 nurse. Paid, part time— 1 nurse. Volunteer, part time— 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. • Preschool age care. Wausau Mother’s Conference (established 1920). 902 Second Street (Children's Infirmary), Wausau. Executive— Chairman, Mrs. C. D. Partridge, R. N. Personnel Paid, part time— 1 nurse 1 social worker. Activities— Maternity care. Infant care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Visiting Nurse Association (established 1913). 422 Public Avenue, Beloit. Executive—Supervising nurse, Justine L. Thorp, R. N. P erson nelPaid, full time— 2 nurses. Paid, part time— 2 physicians, 1 nurse, 1 clerical helper. Activities— Maternity care— prenatal, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 313 314 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CH ILD -H EALTH AGENCIES. AGENCIES SERVING URB^N AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS. PRIVATE. Marquette Dispensary Clinic (established 1901). Fourth and Reservoir Avenue, Milwaukee. Executive—Medical superintendent, Dr. C. J. Becker. Personnel— . ' Paid, full time— 2 physicians, 1 nurse, 2 social workers, 3 clerical helpers. Paid, part time— 2 clerical helpers. Volunteer, full time— 48 physicians. Volunteer, part time—4 social workers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical,'postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Kenosha Service League (established 1911). Kenosha, Kenosha County. Executive— Superintendent, Miss Louise Walther. Personnel— Paid, full time— 6 physicians, 1 dentist, 2 nurses, 2 social workers, 1 clerical helper. Volunteer, full time—1 social worker, 3 clerical or other helpers. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Preschool age care. Milwaukee Maternity Hospital and Free Dispensary Association (established 1906). 830 Syracuse Street, Milwaukee, Milwaukee County. Executive— Superintendent, Mrs. Clara B. Hipke. Personnel— Paid, full time—3 physicians, 29 nurses, 1 nutrition worker, 1 social worker, 2 clerical or other helpers. Paid, part time— 1 physician. Volunteer, part time—27 physicians. Activities— Maternity care—prenatal, obstetrical, postnatal. Infant care. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W YOM ING. STATE AGENCIES. PUBLIC. Bureau of Maternity and Infant Hygiene, State Board of Health 9 (established 1922.) Cheyenne. •Agency in process of organization. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 317 818 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES, ADDITIONAL AGENCIES. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis WYOMING. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • _________ ,___ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CLASSIFICATION OF AGENCIES ACCORDING TO TYPES OF ACTIVITIES. G R O U P I .— M A T E R N IT Y , IN F A N T , A N D PR ESC H O O L AGE CARE. ALABAMA. American Red Cross Service, Gadsden. Baldwin County Board of Health, Courthouse, Bay Minette. Bureau of Child Hygiene, Department of Health, 207 City Hall, Birmingham. Bureau of Child Hygiene and Public Health Nursing, State Board of Health, 517 Dexter Avenue* Montgomery. Etowah County Board of Health, Etowah Trust Building, Gadsden. Etowah County Tuberculosis Association, 415 Etowah Trust Building, Gadsden. Houston County Health Unit, Box 591, Dothan. Morgan County Health Department, Decatur, Albany. Welfare Department, Dwight Manufacturing Co., Lakefront No. 1 and 2, Alabama City. ARIZONA. Child Hygiene Division, State Board of Health, Statehouse, Phoenix. Maricopa Antituberculosis Society and Maricopa County Health Center, 300 East Adams Street, Phoenix. ARKANSAS. American Red Cross, 710 Hazel Street, Texarkana. American Red Cross, Benton County Chapter, B ox No. 313, Bentonville. American Red Cross, Columbia County Chapter, Chamber of Commerce Building, Magnolia. American Red Cross, Ouachita County Public Health Association, 109 West Washing ton Street, Camden. American Red Cross, Saline County Chapter, Benton. Bureau of Child Hygiene and Public Health Nursing, State Board of Health, State Capitol, Little Rock. Public Welfare Association, Public Welfare Building, Fort Smith. CALIFORNIA. Alameda City Health Center, 1512 Oak Street, Alameda. Alameda Cotinty Child Hygiene Committee, American Association of University Women, 255 Ridgeway Way, Oakland. American Red Cross, Sacramento County Chapter, Mothers’ Educational Center, 900 Eighth Street, Sacramento. American Red Cross, San Joaquin County Chapter, 303 Elks Boulevard, Stockton. Baby Hospital, 5105 Dover Street, Oakland. Baby Hygiene Committee of Association of University Women, 323 Haight Street, San Francisco. Berkeley Dispensary and Health Center, 830 University Avenue, Berkeley. Bureau of Child Hygiene, State Board of Health, 417 Market Street, San Francisco. Child Hygiene, City Hall, San Diego. 8748°— 22----- 21 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 821 322 d ir e c t o r y of local c h il d - h e a l t h a g e n c ie s . Child Welfare Agency (Baby Health Center), corner Marin and Carolina Street, Val lejo. City Home League, 261 East Thirteenth Street, Riverside. Good Cheer Club, Second and Santa Clara Streets, Porter Building, San Jose. Long Beach Social Welfare Bureau, 303 Pacific Avenue, Long Beach. Mothers’ Educational Center, 446 Chamber of Commerce, Los Angeles. Mount Zion Dispensary, 220.0 Post Street, -San -Francisco.' a - - *- - ■ ' ' > 't Pasadena Hospital Association Dispensary, 36 Congress Street., Pasadena. Public Health Center of Alameda County, 3105 Grove Street, Oakland. Riverside County Clinic, 317 Loring Building, Seventh and Main Streets, Riverside. San Bernardino County Welfare Commission, 459 Court Street, San Bernardino. Santa Barbara Visiting Nurse Association, 133 East Haley Street, Santa Barbara. University of California Hospital, Third and Parnassus Avenues, San FrancisCOi ■ COLORADO. 1 Child Welfare Department, 1207 East Evans, Pueblo. Colorado Child Welfare Bureau, 517 Kittredge Building, Denver. Larimer County Public Health Association, Linden Street, Fort Collins. Weld County Public Health Association, Weld County Courthouse, Greeley. CONNECTICUT. Babies’ Hospital Incorporated, Health Stations, 111 Pearl Street, Hartford. . Bureau of Child Hygiene, State Department of Health, 306 Church Street, Hartford. Child Health Center, 451 North Main Street, Bristol. Connecticut Children’s Aid Society, New Haven Branch, 207 Orange Street, New Haven. ( ‘. ‘ Department of Health, Bridgeport. District Nurse Association of Ansonia, Derby and Shelton, 4 Olivia Street, Derby. New Haven Health Center, 578 Grand Avenue, New Haven. Visiting Nurse Association, 881 Lafayette Street, Bridgeport. Visiting Nurse Association, 52 Center Street, New Britain. Visiting Nurse Association, 35 Elm Street, New Haven. Visiting Nurse Association, Richmond House, Worth Street, Stamford. DELAWARE. , Child Welfare Commission, 812 Ford Building, Wilmington. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Child Welfare Society, 2100 G Street NW., Washington, Instructive Visiting Nurse Society of Washington, 1413 G Street NW., Washington. Providence Day Nursery, 408 Third Street SE.. Washington. FLORIDA. Florida Public Health Association, 507 Dyal-Upchurch Building, Jacksonville, f GEORGIA. Clarke County Board of Health, Athens. Division of Child Hygiene, State Board of Health, 131 Capitol Square, Atlanta. Margaret Bottome & Mary Maclean Circle of King’s Daughters, Visiting Nurse Asso ciation, 343 Drayton Street, Savannah. Morris Hirsch Free Clinic, 90 Capitol Avenue, Atlanta. Public Health Nurse Association, Health Center - Tenth and Broad Streets, Columbus. Raoul Foundation, Division of Tuberculosis, State Board of Health, 131 Capitol Square, Atlanta. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CLASSIFICATIO N ACCORDING TO TYPES OF ACTIVITIES. 323 f ILLINOIS. American Steel & Wire Co., Waukegan. Am ity Society of Freeport Child Welfare Station, 6 West Galena Street, Freeport. Cheerful Home Settlement, 421 Jersey Street, Quincy. Mattoon Health and Charity Center, Central Park, Mattoon. Moline Public Health Nursing Service, 1531j Third Avenue, Moline. The Nurses’ Council, 12 South Spring Street, Elgin. Public Health Council, Auditorium Building, Joliet. Public Health Nursing Association, 206 City Hall, Peoria. Vermilion County Tuberculosis Association, 26 East Main Street, Danville. Visiting Nurses’ Association, 523 South Six Street, East St. Louis. Visiting Nurse Association, 829 Davis Street, Evanston. Visiting Nurse Association, 612 Stewart Office Building, Rockford. INDIANA. American Red Cross, Courthouse, Fort Wayne. American Red Cross, New Castle. American Red Cross Nursing Bureau, 328 West Marion Street, Elkhart. Babies’ Milk Fund Association, North Side Bank Building, Evansville. Board of Education (1) Public Health Service; (2) Public School Nurse and Physi cian, Bloomington. Brooks House of Christian Service, 529 Morton Avenue, Hammond. Child Welfare Association, Courthouse, Conners ville. Child Welfare Association, 1935 North C Street, El wood. Children’s Dispensary and Hospital Association, 1040 West Division Street, South Bend. Division of Infant and Child Hygiene, Indiana State Board of Health, Room 330, Statehouse, Indianapolis. The Flower Mission, Courthouse, Lafayette. League of Women Voters, Child Welfare Station, Room 112, Municipal Builidng Elkhart. Public Health Nursing Association, 516-517 Indianapolis Securities Building, Indi anapolis. Social Service Bureau (Child Welfare and Nursery Committee), Courthouse, R ich mond. Visiting Nurse Association, 517 Union Building, Anderson. The Visiting Nurse ;_s ociation of Muncie, 345 Johnson Block, Muncie. Wells County Welfare Agency, Studebaker Bank Building, Bluffton. IOW A. Davenport Visiting Nurse Association, 1216 West Third Street, Davenport. Keokuk Visiting Narse Association, 406 Blondeau Street, Keokuk. Organized Welfare Bureau of Sioux City, 209 Third Street, Sioux City. Public Health Bureau, City Hall, Muscatine. Public Health Nursing Association, Room 14, City Hall, Des Moines. Visiting Nurse Association, 224 Sixth Avenue (office 406 Hawes Block), Clinton. Visiting Nurse Association, 404 Federal Building, Council Bluffs. Visiting Nurse Association, 312 B & I Building, Dubuque. KANSAS. American Red Cross, Reno County Nursing Service, Nelson Building, Hutchinson. American Red Cross, Salina County Chapter, Courthouse, Salina. Atchison County Pulbic Health Association, 701J Commercial Street, Atchison. Child Welfare and Nutrition Center, Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 324 DIRECTORY OP LOCAL C H IL D -H E A L T H AGENCIES. Christian Service League of Arrierica, 1825 West Maple, Wichita. Department of Public Health, City Hall, Lawrence. Division of Child Hygiene, State Board of Health, Statehouse, Topeka. Visiting Nurse Association, 503 Portsmouth Building, Sixth and Minnesota, Kansas City. Wichita Public Health Nursing Association, Fourth Floor, City Hall, Wichita. KENTUCKY. McCracken County Public Health League, 522 City National Bank Building* Paducah* Public Health Nursing Association, 215 East Walnut Street, Louisville. Public Welfare Association, comer First and Elm Streets, City Building, Henderson. LOUISIANA. American Red Cross, Local Chapter (Public Health Nurse), City Hall, Lake Charles. American Red Cross (Public Health Nurse), Box 756, Monroe. American Red Cross, Public Health Nursing Service, City Hall, Shreveport. Child Welfare Association, 419 Madison Blanche Annex, New Orleans. De Soto Parish Health Unit, Court House, Mansfield. MAINE. American Red Cross, Biddeford Chapter, City Building, Biddeford. Bath Health Center Baby Clinic, Custom House, Bath. Division of Public Health Nursing and Child Hygiene, State Department of Health* Arsenal Grounds, Augusta. Maine Baby Saving Society, 27 State Street, Bangor. Maine Public Health Association, 318 Water Street, Augusta. Portland Baby Hygiene and Child Welfare Association, Room 2D, City Building* Portland. MARYLAND. Annapolis and Anne Arundel County Red Cross, Department of Public Health Nurs ing, 225 Gloucester Street, Annapolis. Baby Welfare Section of Cumberland Civic Club, 24 Waverly Terrace, Cumberland.. Bureau of Child Welfare, Health Department, 311 Courtland Street, Baltimore. Council Milk and Ice Fund, 1212 East Baltimore Street, Baltimore. MASSACHUSETTS. American Red Cross, Medway Branch, Medway-Caryville-Bellingham Nursing Serv ice, Medway. Anti-Tuberculosis and District Nursing Association, 205 Bronson Building, Attleboro., Anti-Tuberculosis Society, 271 Cabot Street, Beverly. Arlington District Nursing Association, 707 Massachusetts Avenue, Arlington. Board of Health (Public Health Nurse), Town Office Building, Hingham. Board of Health, City Hall, Main Street, Melrose. Board of Health and Charities, Woburn. Brockton Catholic Charities Center, 231 Main Street, Barrister Hall, Brockton. Brockton Visiting Nurse Association, 33 Cottage Street, Brockton. Brookline Friendly Society (District Nursing Department), 10 Walter Avenue, 12: High Street, Brookline. Canton Hospital and Nursing Association, 473 Washington Street, Canton. Carney Hospital, Baby Welfare and Nutrition Clinics, 140 Dorchester Street, South, Boston. Child Welfare Agency, 77. Main Street, Leominster. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CLASSIFICATIO N ACCORDING TO TYPES OF ACTIVITIES. 325 Child Welfare Commission, 34 Sargeant Street, Holyoke. Child Welfare Committee, Salem. Child Welfare Department, 35 Jackson Street, Lawrence. Child Welfare House, 15 Church Street, Lynn. Danvers Visiting Nurse Association, 428 Maple Street, Danvers. Dedham Emergency Nursing Association, School Street, Dedham. Department of Health, Division of Infant Welfare, Wilsonia Building, Union Avenue, Framingham. District Nursing Association, 374 Anowan Street^ Fall River. District Nursing Association of Barnstable, Yarmouth and Dennis (Child Welfare Clinic), Main Street, Hyannis. The Duxbury Nurse Association (Inc.), Duxbury. Grafton Association for District Nursing, Grafton. Greenfield Visiting Nurse Association, 14 Hope Street, Greenfield. Health Center, Mount Vernon, Winchester. Health Department, City Hall, Pittsfield. Health Department, Administration Building, Springfield. Holliston Public Health Nursing Association, Holliston. House of Seven Gables Settlement, 54 Turner Street, Salem. Instructive District Nursing Association, 561 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston. Milton Social Service League, 216 Randolph Avenue, Milton. Natick District Nurse Association, 42 East Central Street, Natick. O livet Community House, Oak Street, Springfield. Preventive Clinic of the Boston Dispensary, 25 Bennet Street, Boston. Visiting Nurse Association (Inc.), 54 Castle Street, Great Barrington. Visiting Nurse Association, 3 Market Street, Springfield. Visiting Nurse Association, 9 Prichard Street, Fitchburg. Woman’s Public Safety Committee, Room 102, City Hall, Chelsea. Worcester Society of District Nursing, 27 Elm Street, Worcester. M ICHIGAN. American Red Cross, Lapeer County, Lapeer. American Red Cross, Oakland County Chapter, 101£ North Saginaw Street, Pontiac. Ann Arbor Public Health Nursing Association, 402 South Main Street, Ann Arbor. Associated Charities, North Main and Toledo Streets, Adrian. Bureau of Child Hygiene and Public Health Nursing, Michigan Department of Health, Lapsing. Child Welfare League, City Hall, Sault Ste, Marie. City Health Department, Room 25, City Hall, Lansing. City Health Department, City Hall, Marquette. Clinic for Infant Feeding, Corner Lewis Street and Market Avenue, Grand Rapids. Department of Health and Welfare, Department of Public Safety, 24 Water Street, Kalamazoo. Department of Public Health, Pontiac. Health Department, 625 Mullett Street, Detroit. Health Department, 607 Beech Street, Flint, Infant Welfare Bureau, Department of Health, City Hall, Muskegon. Infant Welfare Clinic, W. A. Foote Memorial Hospital, Jackson. Oliver Iron Mining Company, Ironwood. Public Health Nursing Service of the Civic League, The Armory, Bay City. Visiting Nurse Association, Harlow Block, Marquette. Visiting Nurse Association, 101 Houston Avenue, Muskegon. Washtenaw County Public Health Nursing Service, Red Cross Chapter Héadquarters, comer Huron and Fourth Streets, Ann Arbor. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 326 DIRECTORY OF LO CAL C H IL D -H E A L T H AGENCIES. M INNESOTA. American Red Cross, Mankato Chapter, Richards Building, Mankato. Blue Earth County Public Health Association, 320 Fulton Street, Mankato. Minnesota Public Health Association, Shubert Building, St. Paul. St. Louis County Public Health Association, Room 115, Courthouse, Duluth. St. Paul Baby Welfare Association, Wilder Building, St. Paul. MISSISSIPPI. American Red Cross, Charleston. Bureau of Child Welfare, State Board of Health, 307 Texas Building, Jackson. Public Health Nursing Service, City Hall, Jackson. MISSOURI. American Red Cross, Masonic Building, Independence. American Red Cross, Cape Girardeau County Chapter, 201 Broadway, Cape Girardeau. American Red Cross, Carthage Chapter, Caffe Building, Carthage. Child Welfare Committee of the Charity Organization Society of Columbia, 812 Virginia Avenue, Colur^1 ia. Day Nursery and Child n Medical Clinic, 2809 Washington Avenue, St. Louis. Division of Child Hygiene, State Eoard of Health, State Capitol, Jefferson City. Friendly House, 1905-1907 Indiana Avenue, Kansas City. Greene County Health Association, 212£ McDaniel Avenue, Springfield. Italian Mission Clinic, 505 Forest Avenue, Kansas City. Markham Memorial Presbyterian Church (Institutional), 1614 Menard Street, St. Louis. Mattie Rhodes Day Nursery Clinic, 1734 Jefferson Street, Kansas City. Mexican Christian Mission, 2322 Mercier Street, Kansas City. Minute Circle Association, 1518 Spruce Street, Kansas City. Municipal Visiting Nurses Association, 209 Municipal Courts Building, St. Louis. St. Luke’s Child Welfare Club, 1843 West Pennway, Kansas City. Swope Settlement, 1608 Campbell Street, Kansas City. Visiting Nurse Association, 408 East Eleventh Street, Kansas City. MONTANA. Child Welfare Division, State Board of Health, State Capitol Building, Helena City and County Health Department, Babcock Building, Billings. City-County Health Department, 80 Stanton Bank Building, Great Falls. Health Office, Health Clinic, City Hall, Missoula. NEBRASKA. Child Welfare Division, Tenth and Q Streets, Lincoln. Division of Child Hygiene, State Bureau of Health, Department of Public Welfare, Lincoln. Visiting Nurse Association, 505 City Hall, Omaha. NEVADA. Child Welfare Division, State Board of Health, City Hall, Box 6, Reno. NEW HAM PSHIRE. Brown Company District Nursing Department, 226 High Street, Berlin. Child Hygiene Division, Board of Health, office, Franklin Street, Manchester. Concord District Nursing Association; City Building, Concord. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CLASSIFICATIO N ACCORDING TO TYPES OF ACTIVITIES. 327 Dover District Nursing Association, 528 Central Avenue, Dover. Manchester District Nursing Association, Hill Memorial House, 194 Concord Street, Manchester. NEW JERSEY. American Red Cross, Bridgeton Branch, Public Health Service Committee, 10 West Commerce Street, Bridgeton. Baby Welfare Clinic, Bangs Avenue School, Asbury Park. Baby Welfare Station, Second and Clinton Streets, Hoboken. Board of Health, City Hall, Elizabeth. Bureau of Child Hygiene, State Department of Health, State House, Trenton. Child Hygiene Division, Department of Health, Plane and Williams Streets, Newark. Child Welfare Association, 907 Sewall Avenue, Asbury Park. Diet Kitchen of the Oranges, 18 North Essex Avenue, Orange. Division of Child Hygiene, 46 Mercer Street, Jersey City. Division of School Medical Inspecting and Welfare Nursing, Bureau of Health, City Hall, Trenton. Long Branch Public Health Nursing Association, City Hall, Broadway, Long Branch. Public Welfare Department, City Hall, Bayonne. Salem Child Welfare Committee, 261£ East Broadway, Salem. Silver Lake Welfare Association, 33 Belmont Avenue, Silver Lake. Visiting Nurse Association, 14 South Street, Morristown. Visiting Nurse Association, Municipal Building, Plainfield. Visiting Nurses Association of the Oranges, 573 Main Street, East Orange. Visiting Nurse Committee of Civic Club, 221 East Hazelwood Avenue, Rahway. West Hoboken Bureau of Child Hygiene, 328 Summit Avenue, West Hoboken. NEW MEXICO. Child Welfare Association of New Mexico, Child Welfare House, Santa Fe. Department of Public Health, City Hall, Albuquerque, department of Public Health, Clayton. Department of Public Health, East Las Vegas. Department of Public Health, County Courthouse, Roswell. Department of Public Health, Santa Fe. Division of Child Hygiene and Public Health Nursing, Bureau of Public Health, Department of Public Welfare, State Capitol, Santa Fe. NEW YORK. American Red Cross;. Pine and. Race Streets, Lockport. American Red Cross, Olean Chapter, City Building, Olean. Associated Charities, 100 Washington Street, Peekskill. Babies’ Milk Station, 71 Adam Street, Troy. Baby Welfare Committee (Inc.), 315 Genesee Street, Utica. Board of Health, City Hall, Little Falls. Board of Health, Main Street, New Rochelle. Board of Health, Child Welfare, 24 Washington Street, Poughkeepsie. Broome County Humane Society and Relief Association, 71-73 Collier Street, Bing hamton. Central Christian Mothers’ Union, South End Baby Welfare Station, 2 Ashgrove ,5- Place, .Albany. Child Hygiene Station, 45 Hamilton Avenue, White Plains. Child Welfare. Association, Dispensaries (Inc.), 71-73 Collier Street, Binghamton. Child Welfare, City .Board of Health, City Hall, Newburgh. Child Welfare Clinics (Bureau of Health), 598 Pine Avenue, Niagara Falls. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 828 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL C H IL D -H E A L T H AGENCIES. • Child Welfare Committee, 508 East Genesee Street, Syracuse. Child Welfare Station, Public Library, South First Street, Fulton. Child Welfare Station, City Hall, Glens Falls. Child Welfare Station, City Hall, Plattsburg. The Day Home, 1600 Seventh Avenue, Troy. Department of Health, Bureau of Child Hygiene, City Hall, Syracuse. Dispensary Housekeeping Center, 57 Lewis Street, Rochester. District Nursing and Public Health Association, 10 Croton Avenue, Ossining. Division of Child Hygiene, Health Department, Jay Street, Schnectady. Division of Maternity, Infanacy, and Child Hygiene, State Department of Health, . The Capitol, Albany. Dutchess County Health Association, 63 South Clinton, Poughkeepsie. Health Bureau, Rochester. Health Department, 40 Webster Street, North Tonawanda. Ilion Board of Public Health Nursing, 10 East Main Street, Ilion. Infant Welfare Committee of Solvay Guild, Solvay. Ithaca Tuberculosis Association, 123 East Senaca Street, Ithaca. Johnstown Red Cross Public Health Nursing Service, 45 West Main Street, Johns town. Municipal Mothers’ Club, 99 North Main Street, Gloversville. Out-Patient Department, Rochester General Hospital, Main Street, Rochester. Public Health Center, 510-512 Deer Street, Dunkirk. Public Health Nursing Association, 79 St. Paul Street, Rochester. Union Neighborhood House, 77 Wall Street, Auburn. Visiting Nurse Association, 601 South Warren Street, Syracuse. Visiting Nurse Association, 113 Park Place, Watertown. N ORTH CAROLINA. Agricultural Extension Service, Customhouse, Wilmington. Bureau of Maternity and Infancy, State Board of Health, State Departments Building, Raleigh. Charlotte Cooperative Nursing Association, 237 North Tryon Street, Charlotte. City Health Department, First and Main Streets, Winston-Salem. New Hanover County Board of Health, Wilmington. Wayne County Red Cross, Goldsboro. N O R TH DAKOTA. Public Welfare Association, 515 North Third Street, Grand Forks. ' OHIO. American Red Cross, Crawford County Chapter, Bucyrus. American Red Cross, Department of Nursing, Norval Building, East North Street, Lima. American Red Cross Home Service, Alliance. Babies’ Milk Fund Association, Cincinnati General Hospital, Burnet Avenue,- Cin1. cinnati. f Bureau of Child Hygiene, Cincinnati Health Department, Eighth and Plum Streets, ■. Cincinnati. it , • : , >: ? Bureau of Child Hygiene, State Department of Health, Fourth and Main Streets, Columbus. . ' Cincinnati Union Bethel Settlement, 501 East Third Street, Cincinnati. City Federation of Women’s Clubs, 211 Franklin Street, Marietta. ’ Gladden Community House, 511 West Broad Street, Columbus. . : ! Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CLASSIFICATION' ACCORDING TO TYPES OF ACTIVITIES. 329 Godman Guild House, 468 West Goodale Street, Columbus. Instructive District Nursing Association, 276 East State Street, Columbus. Lakewood Visiting Nurse Association, 11737 Detroit Street, Lakewood. Lancaster Public Health League, 140 K im Building, Lancaster. Mothers’ Memorial Social Center, 547 West Seventh Street, Cincinnati. Norwood Community Service, City Hall, Main Avenue, Norwood. Public Health League, 120 Broadway, Salem. Public Health Nursing Service, Chamber of Commerce Building, Middletown. Springfield & Clark County Public Health Nursing Service, City Building, Springfield. Toledo District Nurse Association, 1903 Monroe, Toledo. United Jewish Social Agencies, 731 West Sixth Street, Cincinnati. Visiting Nurses Association, 127 South Ludlow Street, Dayton. Visiting Nurse Society, Canton City Clinics, Auditorium Building, Canton. Wilhelm & Gette Beckman Dispensary of United Jewish Social Agencies, 729 West Sixth Street, Cincinnati. Youngstown Baby Welfare Committee, South Phelps and Boardman, Youngstown. OKLAHOM A. Humane Society, Box 1032, Courthouse, Tulsa. OREGON. American Red Cross, Clatsop County Chapter, 453 Commercial Street, Astoria. Hood River County Public Health Association, 610 Oak Street, Hood River. Lane County Public Health Association, Diagnostic Children’s Clinic, Box 38, Eugene. Multnomah County Public Health Association, 642 Courthouse, Portland. Visiting Nurse Association, 1004 Spalding Building, Portland. PENNSYLVANIA. American Red Cross, Jeannette Branch of Westmoreland County Chapter, 116 South Third Street, Jeannette. Ghild Health Centers, 2614 West Fourth Street and Deshong Mansion, Deshon Park, Chester. Child Welfare Association, Second and South Streets, Harrisburg. District Nurse Association, 228 Adams Avenue, Scranton. Division of Child Health, State Department of Health, The Capitol, Harrisburg. Family Welfare Bureau. 424 North Washington Avenue, Scranton. Irene Kaufmann Settlement, Health Activities, 1835 Center Avenue, Pittsburgh. Public Health Nursing Association, 905 Jones Law Building, Pittsburgh. State Clinic Department of Health, 26 North Fourth Street, Sunbury. Steelton Welfare Association, 49 North Front Street, .Steelton. Visiting Nurse Association, Trust Company Building, Easton. Yisiting Nurse Association, 319 West Eighth Street, Erie. Visiting Nurse Association, City Hall, Ninth and Scull Streets, Lebanon. Visiting Nurse Association, 429 Walnut Street, Reading. Visiting Nurse Association, 616 Coal Exchange Building, Wilkes-Barre. Yisiting Nurse Assciation, 42 Security Building, York. Warren Visiting Nurse Association, City Building, Warren. Weston Field Child Welfare and Hygiene Station, Providence Road, Scranton. RH O D E ISLAND. H ed Cross Health Center, 26 High Street, Pawtucket. East Providence District Nursing Association, 55 Potter Street, East Providence. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 330 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL C H IL D -H E A L T H AGENCIES. SOUTH CAROLINA. American Red Cross, Aiken County, Aiken. American Red Cross, Clarendon County Chapter, Manning. American Red Cross, Kershaw Public Health Nursing Association, Camden. American Red Cross Public Health Nursing Service, 103 Meeting Street, Charleston American Red Cross, Timmonsville Chapter, Timmonsville. Beaufort County Public Health Nursing Association, Beaufort. Bureau of Child Hygiene & Public Health Nursing, State Board of Health, 405 Pal metto Building, Columbia. Charleston County Health Unit, Meeting and Chalmers Streets, Charleston. Chester Public Health Nursing Unit, County Rest Room, Chester. Columbia Children’s Clinic, 401 Gervais Street, Columbia. Columbia Public Health Nurses Association, City Health Department, Gervais: Street, Columbia. Darlington County Health Unit, Courthouse,. Darlington. Dillon County Nursing Service, Dillon. Equinox Mill (Public Health Nurse), Equinox Mill, Anderson. Fairfield County Department of Health, P. 0 . Box 285, Winnsboro. Greenville County Health Department, County Courthouse, Greenville. Newberry County Health Department, 504 Exchange Building, Newberry. Orr Cotton Mill (Visiting Nurse), Orr Cotton Mill, Anderson. TENNESSEE. American Red Cross, Department of Health, 517 Comer Clinch and Locust Streets. Knoxville. The Associated Charities, City Hall, Chattanooga. Bureau of Child Welfare and Maternity, State Board of Health, Nashville. Dyer County Public Health Association, Courthouse, Dyersburg. Episcopal Clinic and Settlement, Fifty-fifth Street and New York Avenue, West ■ Nashville. Field Unit of Bureau of Rural Sanitation, State Board of Health, Kingston. Kingsport Health Department, Main Street, Kingsport. Montgomery County Health Unit, Chamber of Commerce, Clarksville. TEXAS. American Red Cross Child Health Center, Courthouse, Sherman. American Red Cross, Harrison Gounty Chapter, City Hall, Marshall. American Red Cross Health Center of Lamar County, City National Bank, Paris. American Red Cross, North Grayson County Chapter, Chamber of Commerce Build ing, Denison. American Red Cross Public Health Nursing Service, 815 Twenty-fifth Street, Gal veston. Bureau of-Child Hygiene, State Board of Health, Austin. Child Welfare Federation Mission, 1801 Morrow Avenue, Waco. Dallas Council of Mothers, 3227 Elihu Avenue, Dallas. Fort Worth Welfare Association, 832 Monroe Street, Fort Worth. Infant Welfare and Milk Association, Trinity Play Park, Dallas. National Catholic Community House, 520 Matamoras Street, San Antonio. Presbyterian Clinic for Infants and Children. Comer Wood and Harwood Streets, Dallas. Public Health Nursing Department of Social Service Bureau and City Health De partment, 212 City Hall, Houston. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CLASSIFICATIO N ACCORDING TO TYPES OF ACTIVITIES. 331 UTAH. Children’s Aid Society, 403 Twenty-fifth Street, Ogden. VERM ONT. American Red Cross, Rutland Branch, City Hall, Rutland. VIRGINIA. Albemarle County Health Department, Rooms 405-6 National Bank Building, Char lottesville. Board of Health (Child Welfare Work), Municipal Building, Roanoke. Bureau of Health, Room 409, City Hall, Richmond. Child’s Welfare Organisation, 21 North Union Street, Petersburg. City Mission Board Clinic, 409 Dinwiddie Street, Portsmouth. Community Welfare League, Room 26, Witz Building, Staunton. Department of Health, Norfolk. The Norfolk City Union of The King’s Daughters, 300 West York Street, Norfolk. W ASHINGTON. Child Welfare Division City Health Department, Fifth and Yesler Way, Seattle. Deaconess Settlement, 1510 Rainier Avenue,'Seattle. Social Service Bureau of Spokane, 505 City Hall, Spokane. W EST VIRGINIA. Division of Child Hygiene and Public Health Nursing, State Department of Health, Masonic Temple, Charleston. Kanawha Public Health Nursing Association, Kanawha Street, Red Cross Building, Charleston. • W ISCONSIN. Attic Angel Visiting Nurse Association, 322 South Hamilton Street, Madison. Bureau of Child Hygiene, Milwaukee Health Department, City Hall, Milwaukee. Bureau of Child Welfare, State Board of Health, Madison. Health Department, City Hall, La Crosse. Jewish Social Service Association & Medical Clinic, 1002 North Avenue, Milwaukee. Kenosha Service League, Kenosha. Marquette Dispensary Clinic, Fourth and Reservoir Avenue, Milwaukee. Milwaukee County Dispensary, 160 Fifth Street, Milwaukee. Outagaïnie County Agency, Appleton. Visiting Nurse Association, 422 Public Avenue, Beloit. Visiting Nurse Association, Old City Building, Eau Claire. Visiting Nurse Association, 721 Ontario Avenue, Sheboygan. Visiting Nurse Committee, 83 Monument Square, Oshkosh. G R O U P I I .— M A T E R N IT Y A N D IN F A N T C A R E . ALABAMA. Dallas County Health Unit, Water Street, Selma. ARKANSAS. American Red Cross, Community Nursing Service, Stuttgart. Bradley County Public Health Association, Warren. United Charities Association, City Hall, Little Rock. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 332 d ir e c t o r y of local c h il d -h e a l t h AGENCIES. CALIFORNIA. Health Department, 72 North Fair Oaks Avenue, Pasadena. Stanford Medical School, Well Baby Clinic, Clay and Webster Streets, San Francisco. COLORADO, Child Welfare Bureau, Courthouse, Colorado Springs. CONNECTICUT. Department of Public Health, 235 Grand Street, Waterbury. Public Health Nursing Department of United Workers, 9 Washington Street, Norwich. Waterbury Visiting Nurse Association, 35 Field Street, Waterbury. FLORIDA. American Red Cross, Dade County Chapter, 32 North East Fourth Street, Miami. County Social Service, Box 968, Orlando. GEORGIA. Atlanta Chapter Red Cross Nursing Service, Atlanta. ILLINOIS. Aurora Public Health Association, 309-311 Lincoln Building, Aurora. Hygienic Institute of La Salle, Peru, Oglesby (Emma Matthiessen Chancellor Memorial Welfare Station), 151 Fifth-Street, La Salle. Macon County Tuberculosis and Visiting Nurse Association, 217 Citizens Building, Decatur. INDIANA. American Red Cross, Newton County Chapter, Brook. Huntington Local Council, City Hall, Cherry Street, Huntington. Public Health Nursing Association, 710 Chestnut Street, Terre Haute. Visiting Nurse League, West Berry Street, Fort Wayne. IOW A. Social Welfare League, Courthouse, Waterloo. KANSAS. American Red Cross, Douglas County Chapter, 1411 Massachusetts Street, Lawrence. City Health Department (4 baby welfare clinics), Topeka. Pittsburg Public Health Nursing Assciation, 210 West Fifth Street, Pittsburg. MAINE. American R ed Cross, Lewiston & Auburn Chapter, 164 Lisbon Street, Lewiston. Portland District Nursing Association, 12 Arsenal Street, Portland. MASSACHUSETTS. Baby Welfare Clinic, 14 Patten Street, Watertown. Belmont Community Nursing Association, Town Hall, Belmont. Beverly Hospital Corporation, Herrick Street, Beverly. Board of Health, Municipal Building, New Bedford. Board of Health Division of Infant Welfare, City Hall, Cambridge. District Nursing Association, Pearl Street, Gardner. Health Department, Room 12, City Hall, Salem. Holyoke District Nurse Association, 338 Race Street, Holyoke. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CLASSIFICATION ACCORDING TO TYPES OF ACTIVITIES. 333 Infant Welfare Committee of the Visiting Nurse Association, 88 Washington Street, Taunton. Instructive District Nursing Association, 9 Dean Street, Everett. Lincoln House Association, 80 Emerald Street, Boston. Lowell Guild, 17 Dutton Street, Lowell. Newton District Nursing Association, Newton Hospital, Washington Street, Newton, Stoughton Visiting Nurse Association, 20 Park Street, Stoughton. Watertown District Nursing Association, 12 Phillips Street, Watertown. Woman’s Friend Society, 12 Hawthorne Boulevard, Salem. Women’s Municipal League of Boston, The, 25 Huntington Avenue, Boston. M ICHIGAN. American Red Cross, Allegan. Kent County Public Health Department, County Court Building, Grand Rapids. Sanilac County Red Cross Public Health Nursing Service, Courthouse, Sandusky. Woman’s Hospital and Infants’ Home, 443 Forest Avenue East, Detroit. M INNESOTA. Visiting Nurse Association, 940 Nicollet, 314 Meyers Arcade, Minneapolis. M ISSOURI. Institutional Church, Admiral Boulevard and Holmes Street, Kansas City. St. Louis Association for Social Work, 507 South Euclid Avenue, St. Louis. St. Louis Maternity Hospital, Prenatal Clinic, 4518 Washington Avenue, St. Louis. Visiting Nurse Association of St. Louis, Vandeventer and Olive Streets, St. Louis. NEW HAM PSHIRE. Good Cheer Society, 3 Chestnut, Nashua. NEW JERSEY. Atlantic City Welfare Bureau, 223 Guarantee Trust Building, Atlantic City. Baby Welfare Station, Municipal Building, West New York. Board of Health, Town Hall, Kearny. Camden Board of Health, Haddon Avenue, Camden. Child Federation, 2014 Arctic Avenue, Atlantic City. Church Mission of Help, 407 Wilkinson Building, East State Street, Trenton. Florence Crittenton Christian Refuge Association, corner Egewood and East Field Avenues, Trenton. Health Department, 441 Main Street; East Orange. Health Department, City Hall, Day Street, Orange. Visiting Nurse Society, 533 Federal Street, Camden. NEW YORK. Community House (Inc.), 423-429 Wilkesbarre Avenue, Lackawanna. Division of Child Hygiene, Department of Public Health, City Hall, Yonkers. Federation of Women’s Clubs, 316 East Division Street, Syracuse. Visiting Nurse Association, 4 Forest Avenue, Jamestown. Visiting Nurses Department of Elmira Federation for Social Service, East Church and State Streets, Elmira. N O R TH CAROLINA. Rowan County Health Department, Courthouse, Salisbury. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 334 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL C H IL D -H E A L T H AGENCIES. omo. Federation of Fremont Women, Arch Street, Fremont. Mansfield Public Health Nurse Association, City Building, Mansfield. Maternity Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church, General Hospital, Cincinnati. Youngstown Hospital Dispensary, Francis Street, Youngstown. OKLAHOM A. American Red Cross Community House, comer Maple and South Walker, Oklahoma City. Oklahoma City Public Health Association, City Hall, Oklahoma City. Washington County Public Health Association, County Courthouse, Bartlesville. OREGON. Coos County Public Health Association, Box 278, Marshfield. PENNSYLVANIA. American Red Cross, Frances Cameron School Building, Connellsville. American Red Cross, Fayette County Chapter, 416 Fayette Title and Trust Building, Uniontown. Associated Charities, 499 Cherry Street, Norristown. Bethlehem Baby Health Station, Second and Polk Streets, Bethlehem. Calvary Protestant Episcopal Church, Shady and Walnut Streets, Pittsburgh. Lawrence County Tuberculosis Society, 302\ East Washington Street, New Castle. Meadville Visiting Nursing Association, 691 Highland Avenue, Meadville. St. John’s Church, 330 Ferry Street, Easton. South Side Hospital Dispensary, Twentieth and Mary Streets, Pittsburgh. Visiting Nurse Association, 116 Locus Street, Harrisburg. Welfare Department, Carnegie Steel Co., Duquesne. RH ODE ISLAND. Civic League, 1 Colonial Street, Newport. SOUTH CAROLINA. City Board of Health, City Hall Building, Greenville. TENNESSEE. American Red Cross, Bradley County Chapter, Cleveland Women’s Federation of Clubs, 500 West Seventh Street, Columbia. VIRGINIA. Bureau of Health, 205 Tenth Street, Lynchburg. The Nurses Settlement (Instructive Visiting Nurse Association and Social Workers, 223 South Cherry Street, Richmond). W EST VIRGINIA. Community Nursing Service, 113 South Second Street, Clarksburg. WISCONSIN. Milwaukee Maternity Hospital and Free Dispensary Association, 830 Sycamore Street, Milwaukee. Visiting Nurse Association, 85 Oneida Street, Milwaukee. Wausau Mother’s Conference (Children’s Infirmary), 902 Second Street, Wausau. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CLASSIFICATIO N ACCORDING TO TYPES OF ACTIVITIES, 335 GROUP I I I — MATERNITY AND PRESCHOOL AGE CARE. : CALIFORNIA. - -■ San Diego Federated Parent-Teacher Association, 4214 Arden Way, San Diego. DELAWARE. Colored Babies’ Hospital and Day Nursery, 709 French Street, Wilmington. ILLINOIS. United Charities Association of Champaign and Urbana, Nursing Department 404 First National Bank Building, Champaign. INDIANA. East Chicago Welfare Association, 4730 Forsythe Avenue, East Chicago. Public Health and Welfare Association of Cass County, Masonic Temple, Logansport. IOW A. Iowa Tuberculosis Association, 514 South Century Building, Des Moines. KANSAS. American Red Cross, Parsons. LOUISIANA. Bureau of Child Hygiene, State Board of Health, New Orleans. MASSACHUSETTS. Winchendon Women’s Club, District Nurse Committee, Winchendon. MICHIGAN. Visiting Nurse Association, Traction Block, Benton Harbor. OHIO. Catholic Community League, 417 M cKinley Avenue, NW., Canton. OREGON. Deschutes County Public Health Association, 222'Miner Building, Bend. RH O D E ISLAND. Woonsocket Day Nursery and Children’s Home Association, Depot Square, Woon. socket. SOU TH CAROLINA. South Carolina Tuberculosis Association, 209-210 Liberty Bank Building, Columbia. UTAH. Utah County Free Clinic, 50 South Third West, Provo. GROUP IV.— INFANT AND PRESCHOOL AGE CARE. ALABAMA. Alabama Children’s Aid Society, First Avenue and Twenty-first Street, 14 Steiner Biulding, Birmingham. American Red Cross, Pickens County Chapter, Carrollton. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 336 d ir e c t o r y of local c h il d -h ealth a g e n c ie s . COLORADO. American Red Cross, Weld County Chapter, Courthouse, Greeley. CONNECTICUT. Children’s Home Commission, City Hall, Waterbury. Waterbury Day Nursery and Children’s Home, 46 Kingsbury Street, Waterbury. Yale University Psycho-Clinic, comer Congress Avenue and Cedar Street, New Haven.PLORIDA. Duval County Tuberculosis Association, Infant Welfare Division, 507 Dyal-Upchurch Building, Jacksonville. IDAHO. Bureau of Child Hygiene, Department of Public Welfare, Capitol Building, Boise. ILLINOIS. American Red Cross, Knox County Chapter, care of Armory, Galesburg. Child Welfare Association, 1802 Maple Avenue, Evanston. Division of Child Hygiene and Public Health Nursing, State Department of Public Health, Springfield. West End Settlement, 429 Seventh Avenue, Rock Island. INDIANA. Bartholomew County Tuberculosis Association, Public Library, Columbus. Children’s Aid Association, comer Market and Delaware Streets, Indianapolis. Flanner House, 802 North West Street, Indianapolis. MASSACHUSETTS. Baby Hygiene Association, 376 Boylston Street, Boston. Cambridge Health Committee, 79 Moore Street, Cambridge. Child Welfare, Board of Health, 14 Summer Street, North Adams. Forsyth Dental Infirmary for Children, 140 The Fenway, Boston. Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 43 Mount Vernon Street, Boston. Neighborhood Kitchen, 46 Lovering Street, Boston. Newburyport Health Center, 3 State Street, Newburyport. Roxbury Neighborhood House (Baby Hygiene Station), 858 Albany Street, Boston 19South End House, 40 West Newton Street, Boston. MICHIGAN. Babies’ Milk Fund Auxiliary of Visiting Nurse Association, 4708 Brush Street,. Detroit. Child Welfare Association, West Main Street, Benton Harbor. Health Department, City Hall, Battle Creek. M INNESOTA. Children’s Protective Society of Hennepin County, 315 Temple Court, Minneapolis.Hennepin County Tuberculosis Association, 89 South Tenth Street, Minneapolis. Infant Welfare Society, 303 Meyers Arcade, Minneapolis. Unity Settlement House, 250 Seventeenth Avenue north, Minneapolis. M ISSOURI. St. Louis Children’s Aid Society, Vanol Building, Vandeventer and Olive Street»,St. Louis. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CLASSIFICATION ACCORDING TO TYPES OF ACTIVITIES. 337 NEBRASKA. Agricultural Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Nebraska,, Lincoln. N EW JERSEY. Babies’ Hospital, 437 High Street, Newark. Charity Organization Society, Municipal Building, Plainfield. Children’s Orthopaedic Station and Dispensary, 165 East Front Street, Trenton. Children’s Relief and General Welfare Association, 50 Hudson Street, Hackensack.. King’s Daughters Day Nursery and Infirmary, 502 West Front Street, P lain field/ St. Michael’s Aid Society, 112 Jackson Street, Trenton. Trenton Day Nursery, 1224 Chestnut Avenue, Trenton. O H IO . Children’s Hospital, corner Miller and Fair Avenues, Columbus. Cincinnati Free Day Nursery, 222 West Liberty Street, Cincinnati. East Cleveland Welfare Association, 14149 Euclid Avenue, East Cleveland. Fraternal Order of Eagles Baby Dispensary, City Building, Springfield. Lucas County Board of Health, County Courthouse, Toledo. North Side Day Nursery, 146 West Spruce Street, Columbus. Oak Street Day Nursery, 266 Oak Street, Columbus. Ohio Avenue Day Nursery, 162 North Ohio Avenue, Columbus. Parkway Day Nursery, 1823 Logan Street, Cincinnati. St. Paul’s Community House, 971 Leonard Street, Columbus. . PENNSYLVANIA. Chester Day Nursery and Boarding Home, 315 East Fifth Street, Chester. Dunmore Child Welfare, 136 Chestnut Street, Dunmore. Woman’s Club, Child Welfare Department, Trust Company Building, Easton. SOUTH CAROLINA. Cherokee County Health Unit, Gaffney. SOUTH DAKOTA. Infant and Child Welfare Station, Municipal Building, Aberdeen. TENNESSEE. Robertson County Nursing Service, Springfield. UTAH. Neighborhood House, 753 West First South Street, Salt Lake City. VIRGINIA. Bureau of Child Welfare, State Board of- Health, 1110 Capitol Street, Richmond. Danville Health Department, Danville. Well Child Clinic, University of Virginia Out-Patient Department, Charlottesville.. W ISCONSIN. Douglas County Woman’s Council, Clinic at City Hall, Superior. GROUP V.— MATERNITY CARE. CONNECTICUT. American Red Cross, Waterbury Chapter, 35 Field Street, Waterbury. District Nurse Association, 51 Broad Street, Middletown. Hartford Dispensary, 56 Winthrop Street, Hartford. 8748°— 2 2 -— 22 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 338 d ir e c t o r y of local c h il d -h ealth a g e n c ie s . DELAWARE. Visiting Nurse Association, 602 West Street, Wilmington. FLORIDA. Tampa District Nursing Association, City Hall Annex, Tampa. INDIANA. Fort Wayne Antituberculosis League, 309 Noll Building, Fort Wayne. IOW A. American Red Cross, Burlington Chapter, 618 Elm Street, Burlington. KANSAS. League for Social Work, 223 West Third Street, Wichita. M ASSACHUSETTS. Boston Lying-in Hospital, 24 McLean Street, Boston. Instructive Nursing Association, 202 Coffin Building, New Bedford. Malden Industrial Aid Society, 15 Ferry Street, Malden. Massachusetts Homoeopathic Hospital, 750 Harrison Avenue, Boston. North Attleboro District Nursing Association, R iley Building, North Attleboro. Norwood Hospital, 792 Washington Street, Norwood. Wakefield Visiting Nurse Association, 23 Avon Street, Wakefield. M ICHIGAN. .• • Visiting Nurse Association, 4708 Brush Street, Detroit. Wyandotte Welfare Society, 114 First Street, Wyandotte. NEW HAM PSHIRE. New Hampshire Children’s Aid and Protective Society, 913 Elm Street, Manchester, NEW JERSEY. D epartm ent of Health, Municipal Building, Plainfield., N EW M EXICO. Bureau of Child Welfare, Department of Public Welfare, Santa Fe. N O R TH CAROLINA. ’ Welfare Department Proxim ity Manufacturing Co., Greensboro. OHIO. Cuyahoga Falls Nursing Association, 60 West Portage Street, Cuyahoga Falls. Mercy Pospital, Social Service Department, 116 Dayton Street, Hamilton. Ohio Humane Society, 23 East Ninth Street, Cincinnati. Ross County Welfare Association, 121 West Main Street, Chillicothe. ’ PENNSYLVANIA. Sacred Heart Hospital, Fourth and Chew Streets, Allentown. * TENNESSEE. American Red Cross, Gibson County Chapter, Trenton. Public Health Service, Morristown. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CLASSIFICATION ACCORDING TO TYPES OF ACTIVITIES. 339 VERMONT. Visiting Nurses Association, 174 Pearl Street, Burlington. WEST VIRGINIA. Child Welfare, Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, Charleston. GROUP VI.— INFANT CARE. ALABAMA. American Red Cross, Houston County Chapter, P. O. Box 63, North St. Andrews Street, Dothan. CALIFORNIA. Child Welfare of Santa Monica'Bay Woman’s Club, 1219 Fourth Street, Santa Monica. ILLINOIS. Cicero Welfare Center, 2215 South Fifty-second Avenue, Cicero. INDIANA. American Red Cross, Courthouse, South Bend. American Red Cross of Dekalb County, Auburn. IOWA. Social Service League, Tama Building, Burlington. MASSACHUSETTS. Board of Health, 14 Pauline Street, Winthrop. Boston Floating Hospital, 244 Washington Street, Boston. Malden Baby Welfare Department, Main Street, Malden. Massachusetts General Hospital, Social Service Department, Fruit Street, Boston. Worcester Board of Health, Room 6, City Hall, Worcester. MINNESOTA. Breast Feeding Investigation Bureau, Department of Pediatrics, University of Minne sota, 121 Millard Street, Minneapolis. Rochester Child Health Association, Broadway and Second Street, Rochester. Scottish Rite Infant Welfare Clinics, Masonic Temple, Lake Avenue and Second Street, Duluth. MISSISSIPPI. American Red Cross, Adams County Chapter, R ed Cross Office, Natchez. NEW JERSEY. Board of Health, 327 Valley Road, West Orange. NEW YORK. James C. Farrell (Memorial) Infant Welfare Station, 79 Ten Broeck Street, Albany. PENNSYLVANIA. Children’s Aid Society of Fayette County, Auxiliary to- Children’s Aid Society of Western Pennsylvania, 26 South Mount Vernon Avenue, Uniontown. Child Welfare, 118 Academ y Street, Plymouth. Civic League, East Main Street, Plymouth. Lancaster Community Service Association, 144 South Queen Street, Lancaster. Pittsburgh and Allegheny Milk and Ice Association, 706 Lyceum Building, Pitts burgh. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 340 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHILD-HEALTH AGENCIES. TENNESSEE. American Red Cross, Child Welfare Department, Gallatin Chapter, Gallatin. TEXAS. Dallas County Humane Society, Hope Cottage, City Hall, Main and Haywood Streets, Dallas. UTAH. Infant Welfare Clinic, Salt Lake City. GROUP VII.— PRESCHOOL AGE CARE. CALIFORNIA. Los Angeles Evening Express Better Baby Club, 236 South Hill Street, Los Angeles^ COLORADO. Boulder County Child Welfare Association, Boulder. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Christ Child Society, 324 Indiana Avenue, Washington. INDIANA. Vanderburg Antituberculosis Society, 216 Mercantile Bank Building, Evansville. IOWA. The Iowa Child Welfare Research Station, University of Iowa, Iowa City. KANSAS. Woman’s City Club Committee on Child Welfare, 425 Congress Street, Emporia. MARYLAND. Maryland Tuberculosis Association (Inc.), 704 North Howard Street, Baltimore; Pre ventorium for Children, The Claiborne Cottages, Claiborne. MASSACHUSETTS. Dietetic Bureau, 376 Boyleston Street, Boston. Elizabeth Peabody Home, 357 Charles Street, Boston. Westfield Board of Health Dispensary, Elm Street, Westfield. MISSOURI. American Red Cross, St. Joseph Chapter, Community Hall, St. Joseph. Children’s Bureau, 408 East Eleventh Street, Kansas City. OHIO. Christ Child Day Nursery, 112 Findlay Street* Cincinnati. Columbus Children’s Dental Clinic, Godman Guild House, West Side Settlement ‘ House, South Side Settlement Biouse, Schonthal Community House, Children’s Hospital, Columbus. Good Will Day Nursery (affiliated with Cincinnati General Hospital), 958 West Eighth Street, Cincinnati. Public Health Federation, Child Hygiene Council, 25 East Ninth Street, Cincinnati. UTAH. City Board of Education, 149$ Regent Street, Salt Lake City. Division of Health Education, State Department of Education, Capitol Building. Salt Lake City. , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis